• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
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  • Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. You do not get to abandon an account and create a new one. You do not get to pass an account to someone else and create a new one. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets.
  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.

XF2 transition feedback

It's way more serious an issue on phone to be frank.

That 'link' popup is cancer and pointless. If I want to link something I'd use the link button. Which ALREADY exists.
I'm speaking mobile.

There's no keyboard shortcuts. And selecting text causes that STUPID link popup on tinymce

I have zero problem with that.

I have zero problem with that.

That second sentence was from me highlighting the text and copying then pasting it using mobile and the options that appeared.
I have literally never needed them, becuase they were only a mouse click away, rather than needing me to contort my hand on the keyboard, especially after getting a new computer with a slightly different spacing so I'm always one key off while typing. *seething hatred*
Man, I don't know what to tell you.

I've never needed to contort my hand to do it, and CTRL+C/X/V is always easy as hell and fast to use, allowing my to left mouse click for speed.

It's like CTRL+SHIFT+T reopening closed tabs; once you get used to the shortcuts it's just muscle memory and fast response.
Can we go back to where clicking rants or X questing on the watched threads page takes us to those sub forums and not this filter shit?
Can authors delete their own polls without having to ask the mods to do it now lol? I remember that not being possible in Xen1.


Ah, and just remembered, will the SFW and NSFW forums be put together now or nah? Of course, NSFW could only be seen by people logged in, but at least there wouldn't be a (mostly) dead board just hanging around, and people could stop complaining about authors placing their fics in NSFW without lewds just because the forum is more active.
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Also, just checked the new styles and uh... could the names not change color please? Like, let the names continue white, don't change them to the color of the blackened version (red, green, blue, etc.). Especially because some colors are similar to mod colors which... eh, just feels kinda wrong tbh.
Is there a reason they couldn't have implemented the changing the way everything looks? The old look was neat and tidy, this just seems like it was made to look this way for the sake of being new.
Alright, another request from me, Move the Jump to New to the outside of Reader Mode, and reader mode below the other options, it's one of the few things I like about SB, and I feel like it used to be here, but I've got bad memory, so don't trust me on that.
Also, the high contrast is alright, but I prefer the orange for site text, as it reduced the eye sear of seeing a mostly white image, or at least helped it, as much as blue is my favorite color, the orange was better for the site.
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Spacebattles recently changed the watch menu, maybe it could also be done here? The ability to not receive notifications for certain categories would be a nice feature.

Would it be possible to have an option where the poster of something is on the top of the post rather to the left?

I get around this by just zooming in the page, but it makes thing weird on mobile devices so would have to zoom back out after reading the chapter.

It's not that important but it's a quality of life kind of thing.
What settings do I need to change for my alerts to go back to how things were before the update?
(won't be responding going to bed.)
Here's my shortlist:
- UI takes up much more vertical space; previously, I could see 11-12 threads at a time on my phone screen, now I can only see about 7. Similarly, much more of thread discussion space is taken up be user headers.

- Previously, ignored threads would leave "blank" spots in a forum's list. This means that if I ignored ~50% of the threads, I could browse an entire page without scrolling. Now, the threads "collapse" and just show the most recent non-ignored threads.

Both of these are definitely user preference, so it would be great if we could get some way to adjust/toggle them.
The 'similar threads' list at the bottom could use some refinement in the AI. Like, maybe, prioritizing active threads over inactive ones? I've seen it suggest stories with 3k words with the last post being in 2023.

The 'tags' part seem to be working okay, however.

EDIT: Okay, so the new 'why is this here' thread is a post with zero replies and 65 views from 2023.
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Current running the Lightened theme, the colors look good. Nice and bright without being eye-searing and the contrast is pretty good on the whole.

NGL, I still kind of want that laughter reaction back, and maybe something to express how sometimes a single like just isn't enough.

Edit: 💯 is a good one for that, imo.
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Im receiving alerts but all of them come matked as read, so i have to continuously keep checking if i've gotten one and mark them as unread until im able or ready to read them.
its pretty annoying :c
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Can we change the color of this site to black all this white grey colors makes my eyes pain.
Reading on mobile is a real downgrade, the top bar takes up 1/6th of my screen and the space for profiles leaves a large portion of the left side of the screen empty. I hated this on Sufficient Velocity and it(along with the ad bar) led to me abandoning that forum for reading. I should probably mention that I read in landscape mode.
Xenforo is definitely an upgrade for the actual forum parts though. A lot of little things are improved.
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Not sure if anyone already asked, but where is the search bar? I'm looking all over the home screen for it to search up a particular poster and can't find it.
Not sure if anyone already asked, but where is the search bar? I'm looking all over the home screen for it to search up a particular poster and can't find it.
Top-right, looks like a magnifying glass. It isn't a bar anymore.

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