• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
  • Due to issues with external spam filters, QQ is currently unable to send any mail to Microsoft E-mail addresses. This includes any account at live.com, hotmail.com or msn.com. Signing up to the forum with one of these addresses will result in your verification E-mail never arriving. For best results, please use a different E-mail provider for your QQ address.
  • For prospective new members, a word of warning: don't use common names like Dennis, Simon, or Kenny if you decide to create an account. Spammers have used them all before you and gotten those names flagged in the anti-spam databases. Your account registration will be rejected because of it.
  • Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. You do not get to abandon an account and create a new one. You do not get to pass an account to someone else and create a new one. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets.
  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.

XF2 transition feedback

Would it be possible to add a third width to the page width selector, so that it goes wide->med->narrow and have said third width be roughly between the two in size?
So, new bit of feedback: Why am I being told my image posts may be considered spam in the image posting threads?
Posts with only quotes are considered zero-word posts too.

Also, is it possible to raise the timer for editing posts before they say Edited back to 5 minutes? It's at 1 minute now.
See if any of this helps, if not then it's definitely something to be looked into

I'm annoyed by the red number on the alert bell persisting after I refresh the alerts page. I have my preferences set to marked as read and even tried the other options but the only way to get rid of it is to click the mark read button or open the bell drop down menu.
Is it normal that the Alerts box that opens when you click on the bell has two scroll bars?

One that lets you get down on the recently added notifications, and another one that apparently serves no purpose.

Mind, I'm working from a netbook--perhaps it is a deliberate function for smartphone users? I don't know, just wished to let you know in case it is a bug.
That's not normal, no. It's also not something I've seen anyone else complain about in this thread, so...
Check in the Suggestions/Bugs forum for a thread with that specific complaint, and consider making such a thread if you don't find one - this bug might or might not be specific to you, and Administrators will need more details from you to ascertain your issue.
Are signatures being invisible on the mobile version of the page intentional, and is there a way to toggle that outside of switching to the desktop version of the page?
Yeah, that's intentional; it's a space-saving measure. Try turning your phone sideways to switch the view.
I'm annoyed by the red number on the alert bell persisting after I refresh the alerts page. I have my preferences set to marked as read and even tried the other options but the only way to get rid of it is to click the mark read button or open the bell drop down menu.
I'm pretty sure that's how 'always mark as read' has always worked - you 'read' them by opening the drop-down menu.

The same thing not happening on the Show All Alerts page seems a bit weird, true. But not that weird, considering the main way to get to that page is to click the link at the bottom of the bell drop-down menu.
I'm pretty sure that's how 'always mark as read' has always worked - you 'read' them by opening the drop-down menu.

The same thing not happening on the Show All Alerts page seems a bit weird, true. But not that weird, considering the main way to get to that page is to click the link at the bottom of the bell drop-down menu.
Nah, I keep the alerts and news feed pages open all the time and every now and then, or when an alert pops up, I refresh both to see whats new and that also clears the alerts. Or it used too anyway.
Might be an idea, don't know how many still didn't check for that, but tbh I would just put the default settings for anyone who hasn't touched them yet back to the old default ones.
Honestly I'd settle for this hypothetical linked post just to flat out say what you have to change to get the old defaults back.
Two things: first, a more clear divide between the post proper and the poster's signature would be appreciated. The current thin grey line is far too easy to miss.

Second, current watched threads function does not offer an intuitive way to start poking at older, already-once-read content. Coud it be turned into SB/SV style menu where the dropdown makes it right away clear which option is which?
Every day when I go to QQ I get a "Page could not be loaded." Message from QQ.

It goes away when I clear cache (which then also logs me out and resets certain settings).

I do not get the Message when I open QQ in an Incognito Tab (in Chrome).

It only started happening two-ish days after the transition, everything worked fine before that.
Bottom of page cuts off and can't be used including page and next buttons when looking at threads lists on iPad, I also cannot view all account upgrades page on my ipad because of the spot where the screen will no longer scroll. if possible could you add a small border around profile pics like there used to be it looked nicer and helps with eye focus.
Thank for taking feedback and fixing the site.



So when will the emails actually contain the text of the posts we see, not just that we got it
Because the email results just tell me that someone posted on the thread I watched, but not what I posted
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It looks like there isn't a way to see the users following you anymore, anywhere on your profile. You can find the users you're following in your account preferences and settings, though it's no longer public like it was in Xf1, but the ones following you? Not just not public, it seems to be gone. Before the move, follower number was also one of the user stats listed next to likes received and messages posted, which no longer seems to be the case. Same for the "most followers" category in the list of prominent members; it gone.

If I were to guess, this is probably something that's just a different default setting in Xf2 versus Xf1. I can see why a forum might want it as a minor privacy thing, but there's also reasons why we might want it to be public. Such as... oh, I don't know, if we happened to be a writing forum where prominent authors tend to accumulate a lot of followers, and that can both provide them with a little boost in motivation and also give people another metric by which they might find an author they might like. You know. As an example.
The width-change setting seems to reset randomly on the blackened styles.
It does it on the Lightened style as well. Speaking of which. *Pokes button. Again.*

Okay. Now I'm getting annoyed. I literally just changed with width, popped over to another tab and found it was back to the way it was before. What the actual hell?

Edit 2:
Is there some way that we can get the look of the Report button changed? I swear it feels liked when I'm not fat-fingering the damn thing, I'm mistaking it for a Spoiler box and hitting it anyway.
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Width changes are not getting saved permanently and will always revert as soon as the page is unloaded (changing what page you're on does not do this, so just going into a thread or similar will keep it, along with opening new pages, but if you close the browser and then open it again it will be reverted).
Width changes are not getting saved permanently and will always revert as soon as the page is unloaded (changing what page you're on does not do this, so just going into a thread or similar will keep it, along with opening new pages, but if you close the browser and then open it again it will be reverted).

Mine gets reset even during a single browser session.
Some of the old smileys are missing, in particular I'm missing a couple of the old confused ones. Like the blue-green one with a squiggly-line mouth, or the yellow o.0 one. Is it possible to restore those please? :)
Do you have "memory saver" enabled? Or anything else that pages things out of ram?

I don't think so. Searching in FireFox didn't find that as a setting, and the UNIX kernel better damn well handle memory paging correctly or everything else would have failed before I got here.
There's a visual bug with Blackened Blue under the who replied functionality. One of the buttons is an awful light grey when you don't have a search term entered.
In the text-editor, we could do with taking Spoiler and Quote options of the 'insert' drop-down list and giving them their own buttons on the toolbar.

Those are commonly used, so they don't need to be hidden away like [Insert Table] or such.
Horizontal Line would probably be good too. I doubt many other people bothered with it much, but I used it quite a lot to break up my rambling.

IIRC, all three of those things were on the basic toolbar in XF1, but in XF2 it takes an extra click to get to them.

Actually, on that topic, adding buttons for Abbreviation and RubyRubytext would be nice too.
Those can go in Insert or Advanced BBcodes dropdown list though, because I don't imagine they'd get common use.

Currently there's no indication that they can be used at all, except for this page here.
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In the text-editor, we could do with taking Spoiler and Quote options of the 'insert' drop-down list and giving them their own buttons on the toolbar.

Honestly, we can do with removing the dropdowns entirely, and just having all options visible, like the old text editor did, imo.

Actually, on that topic, adding buttons for Abbreviation and RubyRubytext would be nice too.
Those can go in Insert or Advanced BBcodes dropdown list though, because I don't imagine they'd get common use.

Seconding that these would be nice buttons to see added, as well.
Hey Mods, would it at all be possible to increase the contrast between the Alerts marked as seen and the Alerts marked as unread? It's kind of difficult for me to tell what I need to look at when I open my alert tab thingy.

In the same vein, would it at all be possible for me to change the alerts so that it doesn't mark any of them auto-seen? It disorients me every time I open the alerts just to see the number spike downward before I get a chance to understand anything.
Actually, on that topic, adding buttons for Abbreviation and Ruby would be nice too.
Those can go in Insert or Advanced BBcodes dropdown list though, because I don't imagine they'd get common use.
Abbreviation is in the 'advanced' dropdown menu. Nothing for Rubytext, though.

Ruby also doesn't get carried over properly in a quote. Both bits of text are included, without the markup to keep them separate. (I had to edit the above quote to get rid of the extra.) Abbreviation also loses its BBCode, but it at least keeps the base text in place without issue.

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