• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
  • Due to issues with external spam filters, QQ is currently unable to send any mail to Microsoft E-mail addresses. This includes any account at live.com, hotmail.com or msn.com. Signing up to the forum with one of these addresses will result in your verification E-mail never arriving. For best results, please use a different E-mail provider for your QQ address.
  • For prospective new members, a word of warning: don't use common names like Dennis, Simon, or Kenny if you decide to create an account. Spammers have used them all before you and gotten those names flagged in the anti-spam databases. Your account registration will be rejected because of it.
  • Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. You do not get to abandon an account and create a new one. You do not get to pass an account to someone else and create a new one. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets.
  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.

XF2 transition feedback

Xenforo Default with Dark Reader extension makes it readable

Which editor is set in your Preferences?
"Rich text disabled" is it's own editor choice. I had not previously noticed that TinyMCE had a BB-code-only option of its own, so I'll test that one now: Post line break.

Edit: Right, it's broken in that mode too. Now doing a further test with rich text on in TinyMCE with this line.
Edit2: Line breaks enter normally with rich text on, so it's not my browser fucking me.

Edit3: Testing with Froala, bb code button on the far right enabled.
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"Rich text disabled" is it's own editor choice. I had not previously noticed that TinyMCE had a BB-code-only option of its own, so I'll test that one now: Post line break.

Edit: Right, it's broken in that mode too. Now doing a further test with rich text on in TinyMCE with this line.

Froala (the XF2 default editor) has a BB Code button which works like plain text when toggled.

Newlines work for me in that mode.

Is it possible to stop URLs from turning, into media?

Like, I post a link to gelbooru, at most I'm fine with it turning into a hyperlink, but not full media in my post.

Same with reddit, imgchest, etc.

I feel like only youtube should be a direct media transformation. If people want to show pictures, they'll post it directly, or link to the gallery.
I've turned off the media auto-embed for the moment. This means the only way to trigger that is to type out the full invocation, e.g. [url unfurl="true" media="youtube:<id>"]<url>[/url], which is a bit of a pain. I'll look into finding a better way to do that later.
I've turned off the media auto-embed for the moment. This means the only way to trigger that is to type out the full invocation, e.g. [url unfurl="true" media="youtube:<id>"]<url>[/url], which is a bit of a pain. I'll look into finding a better way to do that later.
That is much appreciated. Thank you!

This is the style I prefer.

Media activations only when intended.
I've turned off the media auto-embed for the moment. This means the only way to trigger that is to type out the full invocation, e.g. [url unfurl="true" media="youtube:<id>"]<url>[/url], which is a bit of a pain. I'll look into finding a better way to do that later.

It'd be cool if we could just say [media] ... url ... [/media]
Now that I'm actually reading some stories: in Light theme, at least, the dark bars on top of the posts [EDIT: why are they there anyway?] catch so much attention that the light gray bar with the white (?!) text signifying a threadmark is almost unnoticeable in comparison. It used to be very obvious that a particular post is a threadmarked chapter; now I get a few lines in before I realize that what I'm reading is a chapter and not just yet another comment, and that mostly only because it continues the plot.

(I'll do some testing in Lightened theme; maybe I'll be forced to switch to that. Ugh.)

EDIT: yes, more noticeable in Lightened; the tiny white-on-black text still isn't very convenient to read, but at least I'm more likely to notice it exists. Not yet sure if I end up using that theme after all.
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I've done two posts of complaining, but I do have something positive to say: thank you so much for this site having bookmarks now.
As I'm sure you've all noticed, we've upgraded the site to Xenforo 2. There's a new set of styles and new frontend all around.

Development on the XF2 deployment remains ongoing; we'll be tweaking styles and fixing issues. Please post any issues you come across, as well as general feedback on the new site, in this thread.
can we get the like turn into dislike again for easier chapter searching? The new thing messed up all my bookmark so i dont even remember where is anything anymore.
As I'm sure you've all noticed, we've upgraded the site to Xenforo 2. There's a new set of styles and new frontend all around.

Development on the XF2 deployment remains ongoing; we'll be tweaking styles and fixing issues. Please post any issues you come across, as well as general feedback on the new site, in this thread.
can we get the like turn into dislike again for easier chapter searching? The new thing messed up all my bookmark so i dont even remember where is anything anymore.
So I'm having an issue with alerts. It used to be that I'd get an alert for a new post in a thread where I had read all previous posts. Now I get alerts every time there's a new post in a thread that I've viewed the alert for that thread (rather than reading the thread). It's annoying because there's threads where I read every post, and threads where I only read the updates. For the threads where I read every post I want the alert that there's new posts, but my alerts are now clogged up with new posts in threads that I'm only reading updates for.

Is there any chance we could get the old behavior restored at least as an option?
Ffs, this gets brought up half a dozen times per page.

Looking at previous pages I now see the preference for generating new alerts without reading threads. It wasn't on this page. Why is it even on by default if half a dozen times per page is the average for requests about it?
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Looking at previous pages I now see the preference for generating new alerts without reading threads. It wasn't on this page. Why is it even on by default if half a dozen times per page is the average for requests about it?
The first time... I'm guessing it was meant to be an answer to those occasions where you don't get an Alert because you happen to leave the site just after an Alert would pop up, but don't see it because you didn't Refresh the page before doing so. I know I'd lost track of several threads that way.

The second time, a couple days after the upgrade... was a bug, plain and simple.
I wish i had ever bothered to benchmark the old site in terms of web response. In terms of general feedback, the site seems only a bit slower to load, which given how bloated software is these days, its better than the old vs new reddit switch. Its still easily browsed on an older phone.

In terms of specific feedback, I find the like button on posts to be a downgrade on click status. The old switched to like/unlike, the new site its the same icon same spelling same word just bolded a bit with the blue thing.
I'm not sure if this is the spot but here goes.
I've used the font settings in the toolbar to make the font bigger and I noticed two issues (I think).

The first is that making the font bigger also makes the entire toolbar take up more space.
The second is that while it enlarges the font on normal posts the font on quoted messages remains small.

Other than that just wants to say that I quite like the transition despite being used to a lot of things in the old site. I appreciate all the efforts you guys are putting into it.
I second that. Getting that warning for my snippet thread was a bit annoying.

Edit: If it's a choice between that warning being on or off for everything, I'll vote for it to stay on though. I'd rather the necro-warnings remain in effect.
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I just noticed something a bit ago, apparently the "angry" reaction's demerits are still sticking around. I've just hit 69,069 likes recieved (I'm giggling inside) but the likes recieved/reaction score is showing 69,067 from a couple people testing the angry reaction on one of my posts.
for some reason the site looks zoomed out for some reason like even though I change the font to highest the font that isn't in the thread but on the page is still small
I haven't figured out the bell net to the search yet. I think it's broken for me...

At least I've now figured out that in Forum>New Threadmarks you can filter for "unread threadmarks" and "watched threads" Which is what I assume the alert bell was for, to show/alert me to the threats I am watching. However not all threats I keep track of show up even if the creator threadmarks or replies.
Hey so I've now had two different people I've had long running Conversations/PMs with from the old website contact me on another website to let me know that they can no longer message me on QQ. Apparently the text box in our Conversation/PM is just completely gone for them.

The common denominator between them seems to be that neither of them ever posted a single time anywhere else on the website, only through our shared PMs. Does anyone know anything more about this? Is there a fix, or are they screwed? Do they need to contact an admin and if so how? I guess through Contact Us at the bottom of the site maybe?
The common denominator between them seems to be that neither of them ever posted a single time anywhere else on the website, only through our shared PMs. Does anyone know anything more about this?

So, they have 0 posts at all? Because...

I can't start Private Messages/Conversations!

Due to recent issues with spam, we have limited the permissions of New Users (users without any 'approved' posts, see below). Make a post somewhere, possibly the Introduction Thread. Once the post is approved, the system will change your permissions (it does it every short while, so you might need to wait a little bit).

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