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Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

Should I post 2.9 a week early or keep to the normal schedule? 2.10 will be on 11/13 regardless.

  • Yes, post 2.9 on 10/23

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • No, wait until 10/30

    Votes: 14 51.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
That's bait for those with the disorder... you know that, right? ;)

So, combined with the blatant lack of knocking on wood, and other forms of Murphy appeasement, it's going to happen in the middle of Taylor's empowerment ritual, isn't it? Which will cause Taylor to panic and consume 11 energy fields large than her head?
This deserves an insightful like... you know, if I could do that here.:D
Definitely better than Sophia, though I don't recognize Destroyer Cupcake, so I can't judge that.
Protagonist of a Magical Girl Quest, she stole a Magical Girl's Transformation stuff (which turned out to be Cursed). It started by her accidentally running into the Antagonist and acting like an idiot till she accidentally blew up his apartment building, apologized, and tried to leave. The Antagonist then knocked her out with magic, modified her body to only birth monsters and made her a Futa, and raped her for almost a decade till some dumbass accidentally woke her up after the Evil Overlord won. She is now a ten year old in the body of an eighteen years old stumbling around with one of her children because that child is just as much an idiot as her except she's slightly more clever.

It's here if you want to Read it:

This actually doesn't matter as much as you'd think with the magical system she's on... up until she's going past where her limits should be, at least.
I mean, I was referring mostly to willpower being her battery, and she has a LOT of that.
ah point of clarification the whole plot of Starship troopers (the movie at least) is humans being in a war of genocide against a race of super insects so Taylor would be using the bugs to murder bugs..... dunno about the book but the movie is somewhere between a crack fic and a b-movie which is the only reason I find the concept amusing. Everyone would just be in awe of her ability to kill bugs.
Also could be said of the Zerg to be fair... though they ARE a hair more reptilian... Still very vulnerable to psionic control.
... I'm not sure if it works like renaming a pet you've just received from someone.
I don't think you can find Succubi even in exotic petshops, though I might be wrong about that.
Do they want renaming?
It's just if you acornymise her name turns into a 'Normal' name.

Also I'll bet I could find a pet succubus in a world they exist in.
Also I'll bet I could find a pet succubus in a world they exist in.
Heh maybe not even that much, how about; a succubus turns up at an intersection with a cardboard box with a sign saying 'Free to a good home' on the side then climbs inside.
She then gets arrested for not having a licence/whatever.
I can only hope that there are some further references to other articles somewhere in that chapter to those who are interested in the history of Willpower-based Omnicontrollium substances, specifically "G-Stones or how to shout a Sun to death" and "Getter Rays: Preventing your giant robot from eating Jupiter"
"Chapter 10: Planetary Annihilation, knowing when you should and should not deploy a Delta Commander"

Pretty sure that one would be "when a Solar System is considered Collateral Damage and you have no plan on inhabiting the surrounding universe at any time".

"Chapter 9: DNA, Zerg and Tyranids"
"Chapter 4: Life Fibers; the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Truth"
"Chapter 7: Subsumation, Tiberium and Creeper"
It's here if you want to Read it:

My morbid curiosity says yes while the rest of me says "Fuck no." We'll see which one wins out in the end.

I mean, I was referring mostly to willpower being her battery, and she has a LOT of that.

Taylor's magical girl abilities are based off of the "A New Magical Girl CYOA"... which I stopped being able to find a link to... so her mana pool is not directly related to the emotion she draws on, at least in terms of size. What it does do is allow her to refill her reserves faster and push beyond her limits.

This is, of course, assuming something doesn't go weird and she ends up with a different emotional power source during the ritual.

Please tell me tge Succubus will be named Swan Hilde by Taylor.

She probably won't be. And it'd be Swanhilde, not Swan Hilde, if the name is acronymized.

... I'm not sure if it works like renaming a pet you've just received from someone.
I don't think you can find Succubi even in exotic petshops, though I might be wrong about that.
Do they want renaming?

Isn't this exactly how nicknames work?

It's just if you acornymise her name turns into a 'Normal' name.

That is in no way intentional, I'm sure.... Do you know how hard it is to make backronyms for names?

On a different note, the only reason the succubus needs hugs everyday is because I kept adding the 'e'.

Heh maybe not even that much, how about; a succubus turns up at an intersection with a cardboard box with a sign saying 'Free to a good home' on the side then climbs inside.

That could be a hilarious story prompt. I may need to use that later, once Earth Bet is open for casual contact.
In the dark gloom of the Malevolent Empire, Emperor Malik sat on his obsidian throne as he looked out over his assembled generals. "How go the preparations?" he demanded, his deeply resonate voice palpable across his outer sanctum.
Oh god not more conspiracy nerds.

ah point of clarification the whole plot of Starship troopers (the movie at least) is humans being in a war of genocide against a race of super insects so Taylor would be using the bugs to murder bugs..... dunno about the book but the movie is somewhere between a crack fic and a b-movie which is the only reason I find the concept amusing. Everyone would just be in awe of her ability to kill bugs.
I've read the book but not seen the movie. The book is pretty much 50-50 between:

- Humanity is in a war of genocide with a bug-typed space empire
-- it's a space war, so it's entirely possible for your objective to be an individual planet
-- the entire infantry is Iron Man: Hulkbuster War Machine edition


- Hard Military Men deserve to Make Hard Decisions
-- "while hard" not discussed
-- literally, you have to be ex-military to be allowed to vote, which, well
--- (like I might be able to design less-unreasonable systems that included that constraint, but it would be 1. one of the constraints and 2. an incomplete version of one of the constraints)
The movie dropped the iconic powered armor and all the aliens except the bugs, a lot of the characterization that happened during the non-bug war material, the actual resolution of the war with the bugs after the "they feel fear" thing, and was apparently made by someone with a huge axe to grind against the politics of humanity's government as well. Basically, it's big blockbuster trash with no value beyond pretty explosions to entertain and a bog standard "war is bad, mmmkay?" 'moral.'
Oh god not more conspiracy nerds.

They aren't nerds, no...

The movie dropped the iconic powered armor and all the aliens except the bugs, a lot of the characterization that happened during the non-bug war material, the actual resolution of the war with the bugs after the "they feel fear" thing, and was apparently made by someone with a huge axe to grind against the politics of humanity's government as well. Basically, it's big blockbuster trash with no value beyond pretty explosions to entertain and a bog standard "war is bad, mmmkay?" 'moral.'

I watched the Nostalgia Critic review of it last night. I'm not sure I would want to watch the actual movie. There's apparently debate that it intentionally has multiple messages, though.

I've been told it also subverted the actual message in the book. Not sure if that's accurate or not, though.
I watched the Nostalgia Critic review of it last night. I'm not sure I would want to watch the actual movie. There's apparently debate that it intentionally has multiple messages, though.

I've been told it also subverted the actual message in the book. Not sure if that's accurate or not, though.
Basically Paul Verhoeven didn't like Heinlein's "fascist" themes in the book, and so decided to take a giant Hollywood shit on it.
Funniest/best part? In trying so damn hard to parody/mock the fascism it actually makes it look good.
- Humanity is in a war of genocide with a bug-typed space empire
I don't recall any genocide. It's been a while since I read it so I might have forgotten something, but the book makes it very clear it was a war for resources, no more genocidal than WWI.

the entire infantry is Iron Man: Hulkbuster War Machine edition
No, just the Mobile Infantry the hero is in.
- Hard Military Men deserve to Make Hard Decisions
Okay, now I'm doubting your claim of having read the book. That is basically the exact opposite of the point of the book.
One of the first scenes in the book establishes that the whole "only former military can vote" came about as a reaction to the "hard man making hard decisions" leaving POW to rot for the sake of the peace treaty, and the soldiers not wanting anyone like that ever again in charge of anything. I don't recall anything in the book that could be twisted into "hard decisions", unless you are using that in a very different form than what I know of.

I've been told it also subverted the actual message in the book. Not sure if that's accurate or not, though.
They had the script and I believe had actually started filming before they came up with the idea of getting the rights for Starship Troopers.
Although I'm sure having a director who honestly believes that "soldier" and "fascist baby killer murderer" are synonyms didn't help.
...Isn't there a rule against political discussion on this board?

Unless I'm mistaken, there's a rule against discussing current politics. Talking about the political messages in a movie that's well over a decade old should be fine.

That said, a discussion of Starship Troopers doesn't really have anything to do with the story. At least not until a giant war against insects happens... which I don't particularly think is likely.

We should probably move on from the derail and consider the implication of other things, such as what effect Velma having those nanites will have on Taylor's perception of her.
We should probably move on from the derail and consider the implication of other things, such as what effect Velma having those nanites will have on Taylor's perception of her.

Assuming it affects the instincts of the bugs, Taylor will notice her bugs acting weird, but will be able to override it without difficulty. If it affects the perceptions of the bugs, she'll notice a jarring disconnect between what her swarm is perceiving and what she's personally noticing. Either way, she'll be confused and wary until she gets an explanation. After all, she isn't a bug (unless something weird has happened), and mental effects that hit her bugs don't transfer over to her.

Or it will use pornverse logic to affect her directly through her bugs, leading to what TheEyes said.
She's going red? I guess that's kind of wicked, but I'd expect her to go rogue instead.

Better rouge than plad. No one wants that.

They stop insects from biting but promote them crawling all over her. I predict a compulsion to cuddle.

If cuddling is in order, mayhap Taylor will have a semipermanent limpet.


Finally a thought. Will Taylor have infinite Will mana from her shard and her insect collection?
*breaks down in hysterical evil giggles* oh please please please! I will laugh myself to death if that's the case!!!

.... also holly shit are there any worm Starship trooper crossovers? It would be pretty short lived but watching Taylor be the most feared cape in hystory as she commits mass genocide sounds amazing.
Only one I know of:
It's... not English, but Chrome's built-in translator actually makes it reasonably readable.

And well... Lets just say it's not what you were picturing, given that Taylor isn't killing the bugs, she IS the bugs.
Eheheheheh. No. Definitely not. And there's absolutely no chance that she'll be grabbing more of that mana than anyone's expected...

You put in exactly the right amount of hilarious foreshadowing here. This is going to be fun.
It's now time to commence the evil cackling.

Well someone sounds like an Edgelord.
The problem with using the term 'Edgelord' in the SL universe, is that their idea of an edgelord... Well, they're very skilled at edging... Leaving you teetering there for hours, and sometimes days, on end, until right before you finally go mad.:oops::p:D
I've never seen Starship Troopers, or read the book, so I can't comment on that.
I never read the book myself, but the movie is DEFINITELY worth a watch... Just... Pretend the sequels don't exist.
Taylor's magical girl abilities are based off of the "A New Magical Girl CYOA"... which I stopped being able to find a link to...
Here it is: https://imgur.com/r/nsfwcyoa/EjTGJ
Last edited:
I'm Worm fan, but have nfi about SL and magic girls.

30min of Google-fu has failed me. Fandom seems ... a bit obsessive. Can anyone supply an link to a decent canon backgrounder or story for the magic girl ritual(?) so I can catch at a small %ge of the references moving forward.

I was sure the succubus name was intended as an Apronym, and Swanhilde was an obscure reference to an anime succubus.
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I'm Worm fan, but have nfi about SL and magic girls.

30min of Google-fu has failed me. Fandom seems ... a bit obsessive. Can anyone supply an link to a decent canon backgrounder or story for the magic girl ritual(?) so I can catch at a small %ge of the references moving forward.

I was sure the succubus name was intended as an Apronym, and Swanhilde was an obscure reference to an anime succubus.

So far as I know, Slut Life originally exists as a CYOA setting and so there is no SL canon. I feel like there should be a link to the CYOA somewhere, but as I have no idea where.... If you checked in the CYOA thread you should find something? Anyways, "no such thing as canon" means each story looks at the known common elements and then makes up at least half of what's going on. At least the two I've read (this being one of them) have gone further to liberally throw out or alter parts of the CYOA if the author figures it will make for a better story.

Apart from SL and Worm, there is no particular major source. The mercenaries, for example? Composed of characters from Shlock Mercenary and Firefly, and those are just characters I happened to recognize.

Magical girls in this fic (which so far, have all been along the lines of the type TVTropes calls "magical girl warriors") have already drawn from at least three different properties as inspiration/source material/how they work, without yet having any direct expies. We've already had Sailor Moon, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, and the kind Taylor is getting. All of which is to say that if the empowerment ritual is based off some magical girl property in particular, I don't recognize it.

Folks, help us out?
They stop insects from biting but promote them crawling all over her. I predict a compulsion to cuddle.

That would be rather amusing, especially if Taylor realized it was rather odd, but still felt the compulsion... provided it didn't trigger M/S fears in the process.

Assuming it affects the instincts of the bugs, Taylor will notice her bugs acting weird, but will be able to override it without difficulty. If it affects the perceptions of the bugs, she'll notice a jarring disconnect between what her swarm is perceiving and what she's personally noticing. Either way, she'll be confused and wary until she gets an explanation. After all, she isn't a bug (unless something weird has happened), and mental effects that hit her bugs don't transfer over to her.

The first option is more likely than the second, though Taylor might notice that her insects sense Velma as being good in some undefinable way. Probably like how a moth is drawn to a light.

Finally a thought. Will Taylor have infinite Will mana from her shard and her insect collection?

No, Taylor's mana reserve won't be affected by her shard or insect collection. That said, she's likely to have a fairly impressive reserve to begin with and can likely recharge it faster than average because she's very determined about most things.

What have you done, you fool? :confused:

Taunted Murphy? Or provided either foreshadowing or a red herring. One of the three.

The problem with using the term 'Edgelord' in the SL universe, is that their idea of an edgelord... Well, they're very skilled at edging... Leaving you teetering there for hours, and sometimes days, on end, until right before you finally go mad.:oops::p:D

Well... Now I need to add a "Verified Edgelord" tag to my next PHO-style segment. Probably from some ridiculously bubbly person.

Ah, thanks. Amusingly, I'd forgotten I had the link in my Magical Girls document and was working out of the copy I have in my Google Drive instead. This version is much less annoying to work with.

I'm Worm fan, but have nfi about SL and magic girls.

30min of Google-fu has failed me. Fandom seems ... a bit obsessive. Can anyone supply an link to a decent canon backgrounder or story for the magic girl ritual(?) so I can catch at a small %ge of the references moving forward.

I was sure the succubus name was intended as an Apronym, and Swanhilde was an obscure reference to an anime succubus.

Nope, Swanhilde is an OC. Most of your other questions will be addressed below, because MissileTeatime already covered some of it.

So far as I know, Slut Life originally exists as a CYOA setting and so there is no SL canon. I feel like there should be a link to the CYOA somewhere, but as I have no idea where.... If you checked in the CYOA thread you should find something? Anyways, "no such thing as canon" means each story looks at the known common elements and then makes up at least half of what's going on. At least the two I've read (this being one of them) have gone further to liberally throw out or alter parts of the CYOA if the author figures it will make for a better story.

Pretty much this. I got fed up with some of the perceived failings I had with the original source material, and especially the first interactive version I found, and decided to improve it. There's a link in the introductory post. I've also been adding world building notes in there as I go.

Apart from SL and Worm, there is no particular major source. The mercenaries, for example? Composed of characters from Shlock Mercenary and Firefly, and those are just characters I happened to recognize.

I'm using a lot of OCs, but when you're dealing with a massively multiversal conglomerate like the version of Slut Life I'm using, it's fun to have extra crossovers and cameos around occasionally. That said, most of my characters are OCs or only tangentially based on other sources.

Magical girls in this fic (which so far, have all been along the lines of the type TVTropes calls "magical girl warriors") have already drawn from at least three different properties as inspiration/source material/how they work, without yet having any direct expies. We've already had Sailor Moon, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, and the kind Taylor is getting. All of which is to say that if the empowerment ritual is based off some magical girl property in particular, I don't recognize it.

There's actually several different empowerment rituals/methods. You use the one that corresponds to the type of magical girl you want to be. For instance, emotional girls have their ritual, or just lobbing a specially prepared hunk of energy at them. You need to bind planetary girls to their planet's mana cores. Stuff like that.

Basically, all of the magical girl setups work, but they aren't cross-compatable. You can't become a Sailor Senshi by asking one of the Emotional Girls to make you one. Asking Kyubey to do it might work, but is probably a bad idea.

I hope that helps some.
The first option is more likely than the second, though Taylor might notice that her insects sense Velma as being good in some undefinable way. Probably like how a moth is drawn to a light.

Probably still pushes her towards "confused and cautious", I'd say. Not seriously, but some. Depending on how strong it is, it might trigger fears that either Velma is trying to subtly take control of her bugs, or that there's a master effect that's failing to affect her or that she's failing to notice is affecting her.
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The point of the nanomachine thing is that it makes her feel comfy to bugs, so they don't get aggressive or defensive. I therefore predict that Taylor's bug senses will tell her that this is a wonderful worm/soft/safe non-food place, just right for snuggling up to and relax. What Taylor herself thinks of it is a bit more up in the air, but the Cutie role is specifically to be a friend to hang out with and she knows that the person picked for it has been screened with that in mind. She should be mentally prepared for the idea that, just possibly, what her bug senses are reporting is more or less accurate.
Kyubey probably has probably been given a restraining order by the government(s) of the SL-verse.
It's also quite possible the Incubators are much less assholish in the SL universe. After all, with time travel, alternate universe travel, and multiple forms of magic on offer that don't require eternally torturing the souls of teenage girls there's no particular reason for the Incubators to be assholes like they are in the PMMM universe. Keep in mind that the Incubators don't act like manipulative asshats in PMMM because they find it fun or pleasurable; they do it because they need to harness emotional energy, which they do not themselves possess, to alter the physical constants of the universe to make it more stable. In that universe, it's heavily implied that if they don't do what they do then life as we know it cannot exist. It's not really an excuse for how they act, but it's a reason, and it's a reason that is obviated by the nature of the SL multiverse.

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