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Theo Anders and the Black Exaltation[Worm/Exalted][Hiatus]

[X] Empty your pockets onto your desk, making sure she can see all the panties you scored. Maybe she'll get a bit jealous that you were surrounded by other women all night, not just Sabah.
-[X] Plan Butcher.

Plan Butcher:
Here she is, thinking she is making our night, thinking we will come running and jump into her arms like a starved dog. Thinking she will take little whittle Theo for a spin he will never forget...


You are The Dark Prince, you are the pinnacle of human attractiveness. Women would fight to the death for a night with you. Lesbians make out with you and give you blowjobs before spending the whole night masturbating to the thought of your taste. She is the one who will come begging to you. And you have the perfect tool to make that absolutely clear. You start emptying your pockets, loosely sorting the panties in two piles. "Eh, I'll do this in the morning." You heap the rest all in a third pile and walk to your bed, pulling off your clothes one by one(starting with your socks) and tossing them onto your desk chair. Only wearing your boxers you flump into bed next to Jessica and give her a one armed hug, softly massaging her arm: "I dunno... today was a pretty long day... then again, I am a teenager with newfound superhuman stamina." You meet her eyes while letting your hotblooded power flow into your gaze. "And now that we're out of the public eye fatigue doesn't need to mean anything to me. I'll find it in my heart to grant your wish... If you ask nicely."
[X] These rules make sense, for now, at least.
- [X] Acceptable targets exist. With luck, they will suffice.
-- [X] If they don't suffice, then: fuck the rules, you have Charms.
[X] Empty your pockets onto your desk, making sure she can see all the panties you scored. Maybe she'll get a bit jealous that you were surrounded by other women all night, not just Sabah.
- [X] Rumors of your manly prowess shall be gleefully exaggerated, and then you're going to exceed the exaggeration anyway.
Insert keanu reeves meme. What if Jessica really was cold and just wanted to snuggle?
Then that's Okay too. We got ridden by an orgasming girl and got a BJ. Rome wasn't build in a day. Heck, if we manage to delay cashing in the bet, maybe we can get a performance excellency and hook her on us like we're heroin.
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Then that's Okay too. We got ridden by an orgasming girl and got a BJ. Rome wasn't build in a day. Heck, if we manage to delay cashing in the bet, maybe we can get a performance excellency and hook her on us like we're heroin.
We can cash in our two social training days for a Performance excellency right now, actually. It's not really worthwhile when we have so much to get from Presence/Linguistics/Socialize first, but we could do it.

Also, watch the homophones. Amy is a heroine (for now). Skidmark sells heroin. The two are completely different.
Current Tally! There are a lot of ideas this time round! :D

Vote Tally : Theo Anders and the Black Exaltation[Worm/Exalted] | Page 72 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.1.9
[X] These rules make sense, for now, at least.
- [X] Acceptable targets exist. With luck, they will suffice.
-- [X] If they don't suffice, then: fuck the rules, you have Charms.
No. of Votes: 7

[X] Empty your pockets onto your desk, making sure she can see all the panties you scored. Maybe she'll get a bit jealous that you were surrounded by other women all night, not just Sabah.
- [X] Rumors of your manly prowess shall be gleefully exaggerated, and then you're going to exceed the exaggeration anyway.
No. of Votes: 7

[X] Plan Bii
No. of Votes: 5

[X] These rules make sense, for now, at least.
-[X] Acceptable targets exist. With luck, they will suffice.
--[X] If they don't suffice, then: fuck the rules, you have Charms.
---[X] Besides, the key rule about breaking rules was... don't get caught. This was a truism that held true for everyone.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] See below for the claim a giantess! Stunt.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Bank
No. of Votes: 1

[X] To claim a giantess! Stunt.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Honestly, you'll kill whoever you want to kill, spare who you wish to spare.
-[X] There are only two True Rules. The first is simple: do not run afoul of those with more power than yourself. In even simpler terms: don't get caught. Brad has broken this rule at least twice that you know of. Perhaps that is why he is uncharacteristically cautious in this respect.
--[X] The second True Rule is thus: rules have power only when those with power enforce them. You have power, of which knowledge is but one component, and will only accumulate more as you grow. If your parahuman lessers wish to continue to hamstring themselves by obeying and trusting in these unwritten... guidelines... to protect them from their selective ignorance, you see no reason not to take full advantage of their error.
-[X] The way you define 'those you wish to kill' and 'those you wish to spare' is of course very different than that of the typical skinheads that fill the Empire's middle and lower ranks, but they don't need to know that until it's too late.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Take your time and undress, she can wait, and you can prepare.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Empty your pockets onto your desk, making sure she can see all the panties you scored. Maybe she'll get a bit jealous that you were surrounded by other women all night, not just Sabah.
-[X] Plan Butcher.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 14

[!] Only those that obstruct you shall die.
-[!] Those who dare to my harm family, my friends and my Empire will be destroyed.
--[!] Those who refused to accept my decisions, authority and my deals, will face the end.
---[!] Well, Shit..... I'm stuck having to kill a lot of people.

[!] Take your time and undress, she can wait, and you can prepare.
-[!] Causally ask Jessica how the party went after you left, as you tease her with your body.

XP Purchase:
[!] Purchase

What do i Purchase to turn Theo in to a sex god of unparalleled equal?
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You could purchase a Performance Excellency. 1st would get extra dice at 1 die per mote. 2nd is 1 success per 2m. 3rd involves re-rolling for 4m and choosing which roll you like better.
[X] Plan "Snake"

[X] Only those that obstruct you shall die.
-[X] Those who dare to my harm family, my friends and my Empire will be destroyed.
--[X] Those who refused to accept my decisions, authority and my deals, will face the end.
---[X] Well, Shit..... I'm stuck having to kill a lot of people.

[X] Take your time and undress, she can wait, and you can prepare.
-[X] Causally ask Jessica how the party went after you left, as you tease her with your body.

XP Purchase:
[X] Performance Excellency 3rd Excellency
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[X] Only those that obstruct you shall die.

[X] Take your time and undress, she can wait, and you can prepare.

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