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Theo Anders and the Black Exaltation[Worm/Exalted][Hiatus]

I think the reson there isn't a charm that can seduce people any people even if they were homo/heterosexual was because White Wolf did not wanted to had unfortunate implications (again).

I think Sabah relationship with Theo is between that, and If it's you it's ok.
Why would an exalt do that often enough to need a special charm for it. A mortal's MDV can be beaten easily enough with excellencies especially since going against their orientation certainly can't be harder than convincing them to kill their family so it is at most +3 to their MDV if an orientation is as strong as a motivation and far more likely +2 as if going against an intimacy.
Why would an exalt do that often enough to need a special charm for it. A mortal's MDV can be beaten easily enough with excellencies especially since going against their orientation certainly can't be harder than convincing them to kill their family so it is at most +3 to their MDV if an orientation is as strong as a motivation and far more likely +2 as if going against an intimacy.
The charm is a hold over from 1st edition where there was no MDV... at best, you had to roll against willpower.
Vote is closed, expect a snip sometime this afternoon barring any rl issues or major distractions. We will be hanging around and seeing what political knowledge and the situation in the city (and in the socio-political sphere of the city) is like. And maybe talk a bit to Rory and Sam.

Vote Tally : Theo Anders and the Black Exaltation[Worm/Exalted] | Page 60 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.1.9
[X] Plan Bii
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Deputy Director Renick, Dauntless (THE Hometown Hero) and Mr. Calvert have converged together.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Minor
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Stay and soak up some political knowledge.
-[X] See stunt
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Bank
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Stunt - Social Network Tiem!
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Armsmaster is still in the area(signing autographs strangely enough), but he is due to head out if no one interacts with him meaningfully
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Stay and soak up some political knowledge.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Stay and soak up some political knowledge.
-[X] Leave if the old people start talking about medicine or back pain.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 10
20- Politicking
It is by law and by society that civilization is upheld. A single man is but a naked ape, many who are without laws are no more than a band of naked apes. Society is the framework, but law is the glue that holds it all together.

A single man is only capable of so much, a society of men can create wonders that humble the very Earth. But in any gathering of people, there are those that serve and those who are served. A requirement in order to make things happen.

The connections are metaphorically visible to you; your family, the Anders, a noble family whose bright star is only met by the rising star of its main rival, the Stansfields. In the days of old, the battlefield would have been populated by soldiers and assassins.

In these enlightened modern times, the battlefield was measured in money and in votes. This was how one's victory was discerned. And the Mayor stood above that, even as an King despite being elected. The wealth that pours into his war coffers, the votes that secure his rulership, he could claim more from the Anders or the Stansfields, if he chose one to support over the other. Still, that served poorly. By playing the two against each other, he would get more votes and donations than one alone.

A dangerous game. Truly dangerous. But Mayor Christner held court here, proving that he was skilled enough to play such a delicate balancing game.

And so you watched, you saw the weapons of this battlefield come to bear in the form of words and political positions, being wielded by your father and Mr. Stansfield, and saw more than you ever had before.

The laughter and smiles concealed the war being waged.

You had struck and delivered a blow to the Stansfields by destroying Dean, but he was an easy target who had no chance against the web you had been weaving all night and the subtle shiv wielded by your courtier.

Truly Sabah was worth several times her weight in precious metals.

But you watched and learned as a prince would, with a polite smile and a kind word.

"Theo, Sabah," Rory greets you as he detaches himself and Sam from his father.

"Rory, Sam," you return the greeting, your smile widening a hair, "What have the old men been getting up to?"

Almost immediately the 'old men' good naturedly call for their youth, a minor 'hiccup,' before going right back to their discussion.

"Ah, well, you know. The usual things they talk about at these things. Rising crime rates, possible revenue increases, et cetera."

Sabah and Sam pull away from yourself and Rory to talk fashion again.

"History has shown that a poor class that works is less likely to be filled with criminals," you offer Rory what insight you have.

"True," Rory returns, "But it's hard to create jobs in a city in a bad economic downturn."

To say the situation was bad was an understatement. The difference in wealth was visible as one traversed the various sections of the city.

You concede the point, you would have to do some research into how you would revitalize the economy. Instead you turn your ear to your elders.

"- the Graveyard and restart the ferry. It would cut the time to cross the city in half or better. Allowing more people to find work!"

Your father's statement is met with a shaken head.

"I'm sorry, Max, but like I consistently tell Danny Hebert, the returns for the city are over a decade out."

"I didn't make MedHall what it is without taking a few risks with long term investments."

"It would just be a money pit, even after it starts to make money, seven years from now," Mr. Stansfield cut in, "for almost another decade."

"We'd have more workers being taxed, more tourists from Boston and New York," Max counters, "the indirect gains would outweigh the losses."

"And what of the influence of the ABB, and the Empire? You mean to say that their influence wouldn't spread?"

"Many turn to the gangs out of fear and poverty, it's easy to make money in the flesh or drug trade."

"Or off illegal blood sports and gambling," Mr. Stansfield cuts Max off.

"Max, Dan," the Mayor interrupts their argument, "The clearing of the Graveyard isn't fiscally viable, nor is the restarting of the ferry subsequently. Not at this time."

What a crock of shit. You can tell that the Mayor is lying, not why, but he doesn't want the bay to be opened up again. Perhaps he wishes to cultivate more educated workers, continue the trend of IT and medicine.

"The money would be better spent in increasing the number of students we bring to the university and in advertising the fact that we have the largest cape population per capita on the eastern seaboard," Mr. Stansfield tenders his opinion.

"And the likes of Uber and Leet, who beat hookers with baseball bats; or Lung whose gang actively participates in slavery? We want to draw more attention to those capes?" Max points out.

"We do have the most popular Tinker in the country," Christner says, "And the most popular Ward in the form of Vista."

It devolves, back to points and counterpoints, and nothing gets promised, though it seems Christner is more likely to enact a tourism policy than something that would be more likely to help the city long term.

He instead offers your father more bus routes to Anders Memorial.

A paltry offering in comparison to a thriving city.

Brockton Bay was dying. And the King Elector wasn't going to do anything about it.

The Empire would be the one to heal it. Doing what was needed, excising the cancers that plagued it.

You would be at its helm.

What Do?(2 Majors left):
[] Aaron and Ophelia are available They seem to be doing what you and Sabah were previously, though with much less focus on hormones, and more of a focus on gaining political connections.

[] The Wards are likely to leave soon, it is getting late. You could speak with them before they leaved, perhaps someone other than Vista? (Who are you kidding? Vista is the best Ward. Still, though)

[] New Wave in its entirety. The local independent hero group is broken into several predictable smaller sub-groups. The teen girls are talking and laughing amongst themselves. The boys are all speaking with each other. And the women are talking quietly amongst to each other.

[] Deputy Director Renick, Dauntless (THE Hometown Hero) and Mr. Calvert are still speaking to one another. Judging from the laughter, it's probably nothing serious at this point.

[] You are done with the party, you'd like to head home. Aster can be exhausting and you have to watch her all day.

XP Gain: 2 xp

XP Purchase:
[] Purchase
-[] Write in

[] Bank
[X] New Wave in its entirety. The local independent hero group is broken into several predictable smaller sub-groups. The teen girls are talking and laughing amongst themselves. The boys are all speaking with each other. And the women are talking quietly amongst to each other.
[] New Wave in its entirety. The local independent hero group is broken into several predictable smaller sub-groups. The teen girls are talking and laughing amongst themselves. The boys are all speaking with each other. And the women are talking quietly amongst to each other.

Let's get Crystal and complete the set. (I'm waiting for a good stunt though.)
[X] Aaron and Ophelia are available They seem to be doing what you and Sabah were previously, though with much less focus on hormones, and more of a focus on gaining political connections.
-[X] Turn it in to a game on which duo can get the most Social and business connections.
So... we have 10 personal motes, which is a good back up to have.

The question is... what do we want to do next?

If we want to hit New Wave... we will need some kind of distraction. I'm thinking Aaron and Ophelia would do well.

So step 1 - Combine forces with Aaron and Ophelia

Next, we would need to go after New Wave via Amy and Vicky introducing us to their extended family ala Crystal and Eric, as well as the adults.

So Step 2 - Introduce Vicky and Amy to Aaron and Ophelia and get introduced to the rest of New Wave.

This would pretty much eat up the 2 Major....
If you want to go with something like the above post, you can sub-vote the next action to lead into the one after that. I'll just ask for specifics.

Like your sub-vote can lay out a plan for the snip following the one where the plan is explained. The vote following I will still endeavor to have multiple options on how to commit to your plan of action.

The reasoning behind that is, uum, two majors would be the limit of my writing, and could lead up to having to go back and heavily edit a post to be in line with itself. I want to avoid that.

So just one major allowed this vote.
[!] Aaron and Ophelia are available They seem to be doing what you and Sabah were previously, though with much less focus on hormones, and more of a focus on gaining political connections.
So step 1 - Combine forces with Aaron and Ophelia

I just realized....

There is one -small- problem with Aaron and Ophelia... they would go after Sabah (and not in the nice way) when they work out she's a lesbian, and they will work it out... given that Aaron is Victor with his steal skills off of people.

I think the ideal way to snag New Wave would be to lay down the foundations of a long game. Because we can't get Crystal with just one thing...

So, we aim for Vicky and Amy... and secure more ground on them...
I just realized....

There is one -small- problem with Aaron and Ophelia... they would go after Sabah (and not in the nice way) when they work out she's a lesbian, and they will work it out... given that Aaron is Victor with his steal skills off of people.
We could just Lie to Victor that Theo is mastering Sabah because .... he's a guy.
We could just Lie to Victor that Theo is mastering Sabah because .... he's a guy.
No... let's not.... >_<
"Tell her that she could keep that quiet within earshot of certain people. Or she should find a 'beard' she is comfortable with being associated with," he indicates you with a small gesture, "if she intends to frequent our circles. Nessa and Jessica are the most likely to be understanding of her tendencies, given their own, but Aaron, Ophelia, several others, and the entry level positions would.. punish her.
If we ever want Sabah to have a decent relationship with them, now isn't a bad time to approach. Rumors are going to be spreading rampantly that Sabah is a lesbian, so they'll end up with a preconceived negative impression of her by the end of the night if they don't have one already. However, Theo is very much a guy- and we know that Sabah now has an intimacy toward him which specifically picks him out as sexy. That is to say, if Victor is indeed incredibly perceptive (not an unreasonable assumption) and immediately picks up on her social cues, he'll pick up on the fact that she is very attracted to Theo- evidence that she's straight, or at least goes both ways. Combined with Theo specifically approaching the initial conversation with the objective of giving them a good impression of her that will stand up against any future rumors of homosexuality, and Sabah herself being warned of the situation and attempting to give a good impression and maybe being persuaded to do some more blatant flirting, I'm pretty sure that we could undermine any significant anti-Sabah sentiment amongst the Empire's higher ranks based upon her sexuality before it gets started and has a chance to become the prevalent opinion.

People will certainly have picked up on the fact that she and Theo were tag-teaming the entire room's young female population, but there are a surprising number of homophobes for whom "girl who will actively help you get other girls into bed with you [and her]" doesn't sound very much like a lesbian at all. It's more than enough to let them get away with things when backed by high social stats, and charms would seal it.

Anyway, that might not be our priority, or we could put it off to be dealt with later, but I don't think it would necessarily be a bad play. It's an issue that we'll almost certainly have to deal with later if it's not dealt with now, assuming that we interact with Sabah with any kind of frequency in the future- and the way things are looking now, we will.

(Leaving would also be fine. Literally half the quest has been at this party and it's getting excessive.)
(Leaving would also be fine. Literally half the quest has been at this party and it's getting excessive.)

I'm sorry?

It's the first big event, and it's social so it's drawn out a lot more. Looking back on it, yeah, I probably would have cut down on the number of interactions. But we are where we are at this point. *shrug*
You really don't need to apologize. You're actually writing the quest, which is a staggeringly big win right there, and getting pacing right is something that almost everyone struggles with. And hey, I know there are some people who are perfectly happy with roleplaying endless social maneuvering at parties- I'm just not one of them.
*hugs DarkLight140 *

Just a reminder for planners, the last official minor action is spent already, to say goodbye to Sabah and wrap the night up with her. You can use one of the Majors as a minor and just make it an extended goodbye to other people or something. Or just not use the major at all. Or vote to leave right now and not use either of them.
[X] You are done with the party, you'd like to head home. Aster can be exhausting and you have to watch her all day.
[X] Plan Bii

[X] Major
[X] New Wave in its entirety. The local independent hero group is broken into several predictable smaller sub-groups. The teen girls are talking and laughing amongst themselves. The boys are all speaking with each other. And the women are talking quietly amongst to each other.
-[X] Six Degrees of Theo! See stunt below~
-[X] use personal motes for Exquisite Etiquette Style [1 mote], 2nd Presence Excellency [8 motes for 4 successes]
-[X] spend 1 willpower to channel Conviction to add 3 dice to Charisma + Presence + Princely Specialty

[X] Minor [converted from Major]
-[X] Farewell, so long... See stunt below~

XP Purchase:
[X] Bank

[X] Stunt for Six Degrees of Theo!
Connections is the name of the game. It wasn't what you knew or could do, rather... it was who you knew that matter. This was a simple fact that everyone knew, otherwise... why else would people play the six degrees of Kevin Bacon game?

Thus, you went to speak with Amy and Vicky with your courtier. And from there... introduction to the other second generation of New Wave... and the founders of New Wave. It was true that the movement stalled long ago... and yet... there was something to respect about a clan of Parahumans working together... given enough time, it was possible that New Wave could make a comeback by virtue of simply maintaining themselves as a growing extended family.

Still, it was clear that Carol Dallon, the mother of the harpy Vicki, really didn't like your father and by virtue... you. Thus, you placed your all into making a good impression as a prince would and should when surrounded by hostile enemies. To read and turn her opinion (and that of the other New Wave members) of the Anders and of you around... from grudging dislike to... at least a grudging respect.

After all, the sins of the father shouldn't be laid upon the child, right?

[X] Stunt for Farewell, so long...

When all was said and done, you had accomplished much this night.

The battlefield that was the ball was one that you had made yours. You had claimed the contact information of many a girl, and more... a good number of their underwear. You had bewitched Panacea, a castle that had yielded and would now submit in the future.

Your enemies had been brought low.

You had made advances upon New Wave, and while the Harpy's mother didn't see you as something to be hated like your father, she was still somewhat defensive of her adopted daughter... and yet, you had gotten her to allow possible dates to happen. More than that, you had made a relatively good impression upon New Wave. A miracle, some might say.

But now, it was time for you to depart. It was getting late, and you had promised to look after Aster on the morrow.

Thus, you wave at your peers... Aaron and Ophelia, at Jessica and Nessa. You nod politely at your father and make your way out.

You leave early, with a lovely young lady on your arm. Half the party wants at least one of you. Every eye follows as you exit, and the music plays less vibrantly for your lack.
Last edited:
I say we deal with with Victor now, before we deal with blowback of the rumors.If Victor is really that good with his powers he would have had figured out Jessica and Nessa's hobby and gotten them killed.

We have no choice but to be careful as he and Othella are part of Hookwolf's faction in the Empire, Hookwolf is not known for restraint or subtly.

People lets try to come up with a plan to deal with this, Sabah has not been given the title "friend of the Empire" to protect her from the gang.

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