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One Rabid Fox changes the Succession Wars [A Battletech Isekai]

Right, and in the titular sense its more that Henry is the founder of the Ducal House. Its not so much his age, so much as he's the first to receive it, on the other hand as Ian monologues neo feudal future being what it is killing Yorinaga and the Sword of Light is the sort of thing tha would justify that.
I guess Stephen Davion will get something other than Bristol if and when he gets a title.

Probably a lot of places to give him to be fair
Putting the pre eminent industrialist in the FedSuns that ISN'T already fully tied down to a company, who is also LOYAL personally and professionally to Ian and Hanse in charge of Bristol makes sense. It will fast track any push Henry makes to manufacture the vehicles he's been talking about and gives him a very secure place to build up another orbital yard, this time closer to the Capellan front.
My latest design. In this case the mighty Highlander getting a 80 ton take on it. In particular the 733P variant. Meet the Thunderer.

Thunderer THR-3D
80 tons
Chassis: Star League XT
Power Plant: Pitban 240 Fusion engine
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Jumping Distance: 90 meters from 3 HildCo Model 12 Jumpjets
Armor: Starshield
1 Donal PPC
1 Holly LRM 20
1 Holly SRM 6
4 Photech 806c Medium Lasers
1 Zippo Flamer

Manufacturer: StarCorps Industries
Primary Factory: Crofton
Communication System: O/P 3000 COMSET
Targeting & Tracking System: Octagon Tartrac System C
Introduction Year: 3021
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-E-D-D
Cost: 7,204,140 C-bills

Type: Thunderer
Role: Brawler
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Introductory)
Tonnage: 80
Battle Value: 1,764


Internal Structure


240 Fusion


Walking MP:


Running MP:


Jumping MP:


Heat Sink:





Armor Factor:







Center Torso



Center Torso (rear)

R/L Torso



R/L Torso (rear)

R/L Arm



R/L Leg


Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper, Lower
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper, Lower, Hand

and Ammo




2 Heat Sink




Medium Laser




Jump Jet




2 Medium Laser




Jump Jet








2 Heat Sink




Jump Jet




LRM 20




LRM 20 Ammo (18)




SRM 6 Ammo (15)




2 Heat Sink




Medium Laser




2 Heat Sink











Command Mech
Improved Communications
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New Avalon 3.7
New Avalon 3.7
The pomp and circumstance of the ceremony was a lot shorter than he had been actually dreading. It was the highlight of the awards conveyed by the first prince but no more drawn out than any of the knighthoods, for which he was grateful. Sakkara had entailed Ian a lot more thoroughly standing on about the recent victories against the combine... understandable given he'd nearly died on Mallory's world, and Halstead station had been the opportunity to show up Takashi in person.

... but the award of the duchy cleared the conditions for others, but it was the holidays so Henry recognized he couldn't leave immediately... but he could send people. He'd been planning for that anyway. It was why he had the number of JumpShips in rotation that he had. Even though by this point, he understood that in the 3rd​ Succession War that a massive tie down of logistical carrying capacity.

Those Star Lords could be ordered to Bristol now, and begin the process of setting up Fusion Engine production facilities mirroring those operational on Sakkara. If the cost of all of this was needing to go to Kathil... that was fine. Ian hadn't actually brought it up yet, but it was more likely a matter of timing... Henry had more or less gone along with Yvonne's plan because... he confirmed to himself that yes it did make sense... and also the James McKenna yards weren't likely to directly compete with his Star Lord yards, and they would still add to the Federated Suns' carrying trade. That meant more ships carrying goods, which would be good for revitalizing industry because more people would be able to ship goods across the Suns.

It was economics.

He supposed that was the problem.

Henry blew out a breath at the realization. The Federated Suns were British... were fundamentally Britain in Space and the cultural norms were there, right down to the issue of where the investment capital tended to get spent, and how the aristocracy great and low alike tended to spend their money... that was he supposed the irony.

The Terran Alliance had organized the money flow to provide for the exodus from Earth, and they must have lost or had already lost something along the way. The great diasporas were built chasing some spark that probably hadn't really existed in historical earth terms and built the great human states of the Inner Sphere. It wasn't his problem to fix. Certainly, not the whole damned Inner Sphere.

Henry Clay got up and looked over the silent campus of Albion. Tomorrow things would resume, Alexandria had a bout of her own to look forward to. Her Orion going up against another native of the Crucis March... and he would have liked to have said he was looking forward to watching it... but with Bristol in hand there was so much more he wanted to focus on ... so many greater projects to turn his focus towards.

Holding a planet, being a planetary ruler would provide the possibility of employing a much larger population base. There was so much more that could be done. He needed, he knew, to get inside the Fury Storage space left behind by Jolassa that would facilitate bringing Gauss Rifles back into service, and would mean eventually Alacorn tanks even if he'd have to fudge the details a little bit but no one should have been cued in enough to know that.

... and if the Combine hadn't realized what was going on by this point?

... well that wouldn't have surprised him. Combine Propaganda could seem to decide, from what Yvonne had told him, between pretending he had had some kind of unfair advantage or just treating him as close to their own view of what foreign hostile warriors should be ... Henry wasn't Samurai, but the Combine didn't want to indulge the notion of one of their own being beaten by ... that a good mechwarrior didn't have to be a good samurai it messed with their dogmatic view of the universe... or at least what they told the worlds of the realm.

He wasn't going to fight them head on. That would be stupid. There was a time and a place for leading from the front and there were times where you didn't have any choice, but the notion that Takashi Kurita the head of state and government for an interstellar power was going on raids... and Ian too for that matter... was absurdly risky clear line of succession or not. No, what Henry planned to do what an expansion of what he'd already been doing. It would have to, he recognized as he continued to stare over the grounds and the wind picked up, be after Justin graduated but he'd need to sink C-Bills, and BV into production for the Draconis March Militia. The inexpensive things lighter BattleMechs and Tanks with common parts, church out more refit kits... support vehicles too, mobile field hospitals.

Honor duels? No. That played to the Combine's strengths too often when there were other better options at the strategic and operational level. He was going to talk to Lord Aaron and they were going to make these raids on the border much much more costly for the Combine... he was just going to need to find somewhere to trap the 19th​ Galedon Regulars. Even if he didn't go personally he could lay the noose out to catch them... and maybe even this recently promoted general ... Samsonov might be stupid enough to attack Sakhara.

... but that would be for later.

Aaron Sandoval in his own private apartments down the avenue of the campus was looking forward to the continued festivities but more than anything he had achieved a significant shoring up of the family's political power without actually expending much energy. House Sandoval had a new allied ducal house... well House was stretching it since Clay was one teenager, but it gave Robinson a high placed friend in the Crucis March.

That the First Prince was talking about reviving SLDF lineages was a reminder that ordinarily New Avalon would have been far away. If anything Ian Davion was still thinking in those terms despite Clay being able to deliver a company of new Heavy BattleMechs to this very institution. The Nissan fusion engine production line on Robinson would mean that Robinson's own refit yards wouldn't need to import those from off world.

The fusion power plant was the beating heart of every battlemech. A fusion power plant in a tank allowed it to carry more armor, more weapons. Clay's Devastators were an example of that, maybe the best example of that. Those same machines provided area security and protection to Shreks which with their PPC armament were suited to providing long range fire against approaching enemy units.

Tracked Vehicles could run off the same fusion engines as their same weight 'mech counterparts, and that was why things like Devastators and Schreks were so rare in the modern day... but if fusion engines could be produced there was no reason that they couldn't have both. Of course the original plan had been the Centurion... but no doubt that was because it was already in AFFS service. Ten years earlier the Striker had entered Davion service and as Duke of Robinson he had been mulling the prospect of introducing production of the low cost tank into service, but the industrial complex producing the Nissan 200 Fusion Engine superseded those considerations because the plant produced more engines than the estimates of Robinson's Centurion production.

Enough that he might be able to justify the 'March Defense budget to include production of lines of tanks and also a second 'Mech line, but that would mean borrowing industrial assistance and extending relations with the current partners... and in the mean time Robinson Standard BattleWorks was handling most of the refits of the March Militia's Shadow Hawks as those rotated in to receive their equipment packages and overhauls a program that was projected to run into the following year; 3018 rather since it wasn't quite the new year yet.
Unlikely to have enough competition anytime soon in jumpship producing and maintainance.

Like seriously it's basically a market with unlimited demand
Even during the Star League given what we know of Shipyards I doubt there was enough competition in maintenance and production, I think the artificial bottlenecks were political rather than real capital impediments during that period
Even during the Star League given what we know of Shipyards I doubt there was enough competition in maintenance and production, I think the artificial bottlenecks were political rather than real capital impediments
True but in the modern era with jumpship production literally less than 1% (and presumably its pretty bad if not quite as much for dropships as well) of what it was in 2765....it's a market where anyone making or doing maintenance for jumpships should do just fine all things considered assuming their yards keep working.
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Enough that he might be able to justify the 'March Defense budget to include production of lines of tanks and also a second 'Mech line, but that would mean borrowing industrial assistance and extending relations with the current partners... and in the mean time Robinson Standard BattleWorks was handling most of the refits of the March Militia's Shadow Hawks as those rotated in to receive their equipment packages and overhauls a program that was projected to run into the following year; 3018 rather since it wasn't quite the new year yet.
please tell me he isn't talking about those hawks that strip armor for a bunch of small lasers. whoever designed that was clearly a maskirova agent who wanted to get pilots killed.
please tell me he isn't talking about those hawks that strip armor for a bunch of small lasers. whoever designed that was clearly a maskirova agent who wanted to get pilots killed.
Presumably its a refit of the utterly terrible but strangely common given the suns don't make shadow hawks 2D variant into my 2F variant. Whose details are in the extra's tab.
please tell me he isn't talking about those hawks that strip armor for a bunch of small lasers. whoever designed that was clearly a maskirova agent who wanted to get pilots killed.
Its the Refit to the 2F package which is the good enough option in Henry's opinion until he can start widescale production of MML packages... not that Aaron really knows about the later since the MML publicly has only shown up on a single 'mech thus far. [Which of course for Henry isn't a priority since the refit -F is good enough and the FedSuns somehow don't produce the ShadowHawk which still boggles my mind so MML launchers will wait for down the road]
Honestly for the refit of the 2F with MMLs assuming no other advanced tech. there's 4 options.
Option 1 is 2 MMLs 3s which saves a fair bit of mass which can be put into 2 tons of whatever you want. Option 2 is 1 MML 5 which runs cool and saves the same amount of mass but loses a tube and the better chances to hit that having 2 launchers give. Option 3 is 3 MML 3s which will run really hot and saves just a half ton probably for CASE/more Armor
Option 4 is 1 MML-7 which again saves half a ton but gives you extra throw weight up close and at range and doesn't run any hotter than Option 1.

Honestly for most units MMLs probably aren't going to be a major option for a good long while from a maintenance, training, and available spare parts POV especially in the context of the 3rd SW where shipping something more than a handful of jumps is very costly.
Honestly probably only for elite and maybe veteran units for awhile.
Aka not something to give the March milita for years unless they're right next to a plant making the things

As for the Shadow Hawk not being made by the suns....honestly if you ask me it's weird in general that each great house circa 3025 doesn't make all members of the 55 ton trio with only the FWL doing it. Save maybe the dracs and their dislike weird of calvary mediums but love of calvary heavies.
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New Avalon 4.1
New Avalon 4.1
She had considered her repositioning before making the decision about the gambit. She was sure though, that she would be able to win. Winning here was important.

Her restraints pulled her back against the momentum as she forced the Orion to slow. They had put them on different terrain from Justin's match, different conditions. She didn't hear the splash as her 75 ton Mech's feet hit the bottom of the false lake. It wasn't solid per se but she wasn't in danger of sinking any further, and the 'lake' wasn't even that deep.

It was enough that theoretically it should have helped keep a BattleMech cool... and deep enough that in real combat a risk of drowning if the mech went down in the water and the cockpit breached but the Orion could stand in the water with no problems.

She was taking a chance of course, and if she made a mistake the Albion cadet would almost certainly make her pay for it... but if truth were told she hadn't expected to be put into this position. The expense of rapid transit between the academy and New Avalon would have been absurd to contemplate even if it would have demonstrated the wealth and influence that the establishment was famous for.

... and of course Henry had a reputation as a friend of the Draconis March, an Enemy of the Combine, and other factors that made inclusion of Robinson completely normal. Her Orion's targeting system whirred as the Albion Cadet came into view... and now was the time to see if she'd been right...

Would the cadet being looking towards the top of the dam of hard earth she'd just slid down, or at the water. Her auto cannon tracked across the other heavy battlemech's torso as it moved into sight from the handful of fake plywood and tarp buildings.

Her reticle resolved, the 80mm Luxor spat a burst of paint shells at the Marauder as just to the right of its beak's like forward hull. Too low to hit the cockpit, and blind the other cadet but good enough to feed the targeting data to send her missiles to fly.

Distant, in the viewing booth augmented with screens Justin watched his cousin move to spring her trap. "Did she get her?"

"Its still live," Henry replied. The faire marshals hadn't called it, and both mechs were moving head long towards one another, if admittedly not full out. Unlike a real battle the simulated PPC fire did not have the appearance of man made lightning instead looking rather silly as long strobing flashlight beams much like simulated laser fire. Far far less impressive than the fake missiles and fake ballistic rounds exploding into paint puffs.

Even if they didn't look as impressive as the real thing, the simulated attacks were measured off of the effectiveness of the real thing. In functional terms a PPC and an Autocannon like Lex's 80mm Luxor were combat effective in the same brackets Sure there were performance differences but they did the same damage at mostly the same ranges.

Lex's autocannon needed ammo, was heavier, but ran cooler than the lightning thrower... but on the other hand the Orion ran warm anyway. The Marauder carried two PPCs. Alexandria was already making the decision to close aiming to get in and try and capitalize on her initial exchange hits and weigh the balance on her Orion's heavier armor.

The Autocannon spat another burst of paint rounds as they dropped within three hundred meters, both machines splattering mud as they stomped forward. The Albion candidate had let armor to trade on maybe sixty forty between the two, but in this situation Henry was confident that Alexandria had this because she had gotten those first round shots on target, even if they hadn't been headshots... still it seemed to take forever, the seconds crawling by before there was enough paint on the Marauder for them to call it... and long enough that the Orion had to have taken a serious pounding of its own.

Justin didn't give a shit, whooping first, "Yes, we're two for two." He muttered fisting the air. "Sorry about that Henry."

Henry rubbed his ear, but waved it off as the screens changed awarding the victory to Sakhara Academy by pushing a large holographic banner of the school's arms for all to see. The same had happened of course when Justin had won against the Warrior's Hall, but that fight had been ... well less drawn out, more abrupt in its conclusion. Alexandria's match had proven more akin to the others... and hopefully no one had really expected the second match of a Sakhara cadet to be a repeat of Justin's.

Justin was right though that it was good that she had won. The fights though were by and large going to be slugging matches, this wasn't going, or wasn't likely to be case where a burst of speed and a burst was enough to get through armor as was the case in skirmishes with Light Mechs. He really doubted that any of these matches were going to end up with someone managing to get behind a rival cadet and back shoot them. There just really wasn't the space, and in a one versus one match he doubted it was feasible for either party to slip around outside of some truly colossal misjudgment... and the schools had picked their brightest candidates for this showing.

... which was what Justin brought, "What is going to happen if we win it all?"

"From an institutional perspective, realistically Sakhara would just have bragging rights," And for the top scoring cadets perhaps a knighthood by Ian... Ian liked that kind of personal recognition, and it didn't create any problems, "I wouldn't be surprised if in a more practical measure that if the First Prince recommends taking cues from the winning school..." Which of course would probably rankle some sensibilities, or at least pride... and the truth was it went back to the question of resources. Robinson, and Northwind were both coreward of Sakhara and in the Draconis March... and Henry had already contemplated pushing production batches of additional metal to both schools for the incoming class ... given the donation of Longswords to Albion.

... and there was the New Avalon Institute of Science as well... he'd been worried about that, about the lack of announcement... but that was something else that Ian was planning to do, he just simply hadn't gotten to it even though construction of the new school was completed. The new college was an expansion of NAMA so theoretically its 1st​ graduating class would be in three years as the bachelors were already working on their core classes but would need two years to specialize in their field.

But NAIS was a step in the right direction.

Here though wasn't the place, and now wasn't the time, for the moment they needed to go congratulate Alexandria on her victory. They wouldn't have a problem, since they weren't trying to leave the arena or go into the common area, and there was another match shortly with Robinson slated to go up against Thanh Thi Ngoc Vu representing NAMA.
New Avalon 4.2
New Avalon 4.2
Alexandria's Orion was already secured by the time they made it down to the bay. The bay personnel were already in the process of hosing mud and dirt off of the Heavy BattleMech as it was, but this had been a simulated fight and the techs were prepared for that, and scrubbing the paint from simunitions offs.

They didn't really need to rush to get the machine ready, Alexandria wouldn't be fighting for a couple more days as the matches began the process of pitting people who had been defeated... and also that they wouldn't be pitting people from the same schools against each other anytime soon.

Henry was hoping that wasn't going to be a problem. No, and most likely it, cadets from the same school, would be a case of if a school's entrants both had lost a number of matches... and they weren't that far along yet. He wanted to get through this whole part of the festivities with as little drama as possible. It didn't help he wasn't actually participating in the tournament so he really didn't feel like he had an involvement in the games themselves... just a spectator and that was boring if he were being honest. Justin liked watching the mechs fight though so he hadn't said that out loud.

Alexandria had done well, unlike Justin she was going to a staff position upon graduation so this was really one of the few chances she'd have to demonstrate her combat prowess as a MechWarrior in the public eye. Henry realized that he wasn't sure how she felt about that other than that Alexandria was the type of person who would look at the bigger picture. Justin was looking forward to, anticipated his first deployment with relish.

That wasn't to say ... that she had to like it though.

Justin was oblivious to these concerns, but he was also all too happy to congratulate his cousin on her win, which was a plus.

"New Avalon is next?" She asked.
Yvonne Davion recognized the importance of New Avalon's new college, and it would go hand in hand with the industrial and infrastructure that was expanding. Too the point that if things continued, even without any successful military campaigns any further campaigns she was confident that her nephew's reign would be remembered as one of prosperity and a light that perhaps marked the end of the long downturn that characterized the succession wars.

If nothing went catastrophically wrong... but their eggs weren't quite in one basket. The NAIS would train up new thinkers, technicians, engineers and scientists based off of the books recovered from the Star League University that had been on Halstead Station. They had also denied that resource to House Kurita, while costing the Draconis Combine valuable military assets. While that was the flashiest of victories in the realm of foreign affairs and Ian was looking to cement those with further steps.

The problem there, as the privy council had been briefed was that improving relations with the Lyran Commonwealth was one thing. Those overtures had been going on for years... but the Lyrans had a long standing grudge against the Free Worlds League... and House Marik now had the Wolf Dragoons under contract... which was an improvement in so far as that the Dragoons were no longer in Liao service... in theory the the Capellans no longer had the manpower to cover both sides of the border to facilitate significant actions... but logic and reason was not a requirement on the Capellan front at times.

A deep raid while a chancy gamble was feasible, believable from House Liao. That was why the RCT was being based out of Spica. "Next year is when we will be able to see how things, when we will have a better grasp of our resources to leverage against the problems." Hanse remarked contemplatively stroking his chin still watching his brother.

It could have easily been a comment on the economics, but also it was the matter of dynastic health. House Davion, the nobility in general really, couldn't afford not to know, not to spend as much as feasible to look after the health of the next generation. Mother and child needed to be healthy, and the tests had confirmed months ago the child was a boy. Hanse was already heir apparent, and this would shore up any protests if the unthinkable happened. It was simply the reality of politics.

"Yes, the budget," Ian droned, "as it is I've already started reviewing it," The requests the appropriations.. In international finance the the great corporations had been able to grow massive as a result of the star league, no one wanted to strangle them... most of the time... they were too necessary for international trade. Corean was active in the Free Worlds League of course, Kallon was in the Commonwealth... Star Corp had branches in all the great houses, and so did GM. Really, most companies had at least ephemeral connections to more than one state outside of their home office but there was a difference in degrees. "How likely is an attack on Spica Yvonne?"

"Its an inevitability," She withheld her suspicion that the Capellan March would accidentally miss any forward warning, that they'd look the other way. The RCT was an unpopular Federal deployment... and the truth was she expected that to be magnified by Kathil, "There is the off chance that the capellans will wait long enough to realize we're attempting something at Kathil though and switch targets."

Ian coughed slightly, and reached for his drink, "I accept that. What are our options? Henry will need time on Bristol."

"My understanding," Yvonne replied, "Was that he's already ordered the institution of a circuit to Bristol... I assume with some of his staff to establish a government in his name... or perhaps more likely given Clay's preferences, to announce a new economic program for the planet. I know he expects to produce fusion engines there." The purchases of New Avalon also looked to be aimed at production of tooling but ultimately to produce Fusion Engines, which would then be sold to other manufacturers to finish out air frames like the Stuka and Eagle, as well potentially battlemechs as well. "But also other larger programs. Kathil is also 4 Jumps from Bristol, I would expect given what we've seen, if the Mountain Wolf trade mission goes well that Clay may be able to create a circuit from Bristol to Kathil for the duration that he's present..." That that might expedite the work was of course one reason, but it would also greatly facilitate Clay's ability to direct events on his ducal holding.

"The circuit to Bristol seems to have been already planned," Hanse remarked tilting his head, "it was just a matter of making things official, whether or not he already has all of the machine tooling prepared for whatever building projects he wants to undertake is debatable but we can expect that it will be the subject of the court's discussions when they become public." That in many respects was so obvious that it could have gone without saying, but Hanse obviously was choosing to take a circuitous route in whatever he was getting at.

Ian shook his head, "We've already discussed the Maikos situation, as irritating as I find Marie's needling ... she might have a point, and if it does come to that we can ameliorate it ... and if not a sinecure might be in order... but I need you here as prime minister Hanse. Much, as I would like to name you Minister for Trade it would be a waste... and of course I'm going to need a foreign minister to secure matters."

"Quintus Allard."

"Precisely." Ian replied, then held up a hand, "Oh it will gall Michael sure, but the man is competent and the Commonwealth is our most likely ally. I need someone I can trust to speak to the Archon about everything that our two states can do for one another." He shrugged, "Beyond that his younger son, and the Kell Hounds will be useful for other duties here on New Avalon, I want a unit I can trust evaluating everything new and novel being provided."

It was more than that, Yvonne knew. The kell hounds had moved to attempt to rescue Ian when Yorinaga had worked behind the lines with an entire battalion Ian had appreciated the effort and Morgan was his friend... more than that though the Kell Hounds could be rightly or wrongly be considered far more the Prince's hatchet men than say the Eridani... even though it was obvious that Ian felt a personal affection for the old SLDF units.
Hmm, things being set up for the next arc(or arc's?). The FedSuns are consolidating and Henry is setting up for the move to Bristol…and I have a feeling he's going to nonchalantly build a full bore Star League automated factory complex underground somewhere. Or use the factory for engines to hide production lines for his own…anything really. That would really help him keep from spending too much from his Essence to continue his build up.

Given Clay is officially in charge of a whole damn planet now and can secure it personally I think he should invest in producing equipment at least as much as new mechs, ASF, and such. Building weapons and armor for refit kits will spread the changes he's making to the entire FedSuns that much faster.
Only drawback of the devastator is that it commits the cardinal sin of me liking any succession war variant. It lowers the armor protection which in a era of resource limitations is a grevious mistake. Especially for a more expensive vehicle mounting a fusion engine is a even worse sin.

Personally I'd like it vastly more if it swapped the SRM-6 for 3 medium lasers, pulled the flammer and small lasers for a 2 or 3 MGs and a half ton of ammo and kept the armor of the stock demolisher if not slightly increase it. Sure it can't crit seek quite as well but it's got more overall damage and damage not dependent on ammo
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Only drawback of the devastator is that it commits the cardinal sin of me liking any succession war variant. It lowers the armor protection which in a era of resource limitations is a grevious mistake. Especially for a more expensive vehicle mounting a fusion engine is a even worse sin.

Personally I'd like it vastly more if it swapped the SRM-6 for 3 medium lasers and kept the armor of the stock demolisher.
but can we keep the emotional support small laser? it always feels good when you can land it even if it does nothing.
Only drawback of the devastator is that it commits the cardinal sin of me liking any succession war variant. It lowers the armor protection which in a era of resource limitations is a grevious mistake. Especially for a more expensive vehicle mounting a fusion engine is a even worse sin.

Personally I'd like it vastly more if it swapped the SRM-6 for 3 medium lasers, pulled the flammer and small lasers for a 2 or 3 MGs and a half ton of ammo and kept the armor of the stock demolisher if not slightly increase it.
Yes, but in this case, my question was is the Mk III really only entering production in 3003 which is the claim made by the MUL?
Yes, but in this case, my question was is the Mk III really only entering production in 3003 which is the claim made by the MUL?
I'm honestly not sure. Alas my laptop is out of action right now so I can't really check.

If it is 3003 that's a bit weird for comstar to allow its export outside of sol given its fusion powered but I suppose they could run with aldis using engines the line(s) that feed Schrek production.
I'm honestly not sure. Alas my laptop is out of action right now so I can't really check.

If it is 3003 that's a bit weird for comstar to allow its export outside of sol given its fusion powered but I suppose they could run with aldis using engines the line(s) that feed Schrek production.
It just seems weird that its so late, like the MK 1 and 2 versions are SLDF tanks so it struck me as odd that the Mk 3 is from the 31st the early at that 31st century
but can we keep the emotional support small laser? it always feels good when you can land it even if it does nothing.
I mean I'd rather spend the mass on a anti infantry MGs or another half ton of armor but well....when I get my laptop running again I'll make both variants. Along with a variant of the fusion powered ontos, puma, and a introtech alacorn variant. Which given a alacorn as name definition is a flying Unicorn probably will be called the Unicorn.
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I'm honestly not sure. Alas my laptop is out of action right now so I can't really check.

If it is 3003 that's a bit weird for comstar to allow its export outside of sol given its fusion powered but I suppose they could run with aldis using engines the line(s) that feed Schrek production.
looking at it from their perspective it is more expensive not that much more dangerous and a short ranged combatant best used on defensive engagements. it also doesn't use any advanced tech so yeah I could see the argument.
looking at it from their perspective it is more expensive not that much more dangerous and a short ranged combatant best used on defensive engagements. it also doesn't use any advanced tech so yeah I could see the argument.
Rethinking about it comstar also let's aldis export avenger and triumph class dropships so yeah I suppose any tank compared to that is small fry
I wasn't really thinking about the ComStar thing so much as that seems really late for the tank

especially if the Devastator is the actual Mk3 and that the MkI and MkII versions are SLDF tanks.
I wasn't really thinking about the ComStar thing so much as that seems really late for the tank

especially if the Devastator is the actual Mk3 and that the MkI and MkII versions are SLDF tanks.
Given we never see the demolisher as a SLDF design save for the one mention in the very early in the development of the IRL lore GDL trilogy I would doubt it
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Even during the Star League given what we know of Shipyards I doubt there was enough competition in maintenance and production, I think the artificial bottlenecks were political rather than real capital impediments during that period
The bottleneck to construction during the Star League was absolutely politics. Everything about the Star League was an attempt to keep the Terran Hegemony (and Earth particularly) as top dogs. And to protect Earth from the savages in the rest of the Inner Sphere (much less the near neanderthals of the Periphery). Everything else was secondary to that. If there was a famine on some distant world because there wasn't enough Jumpships to get them food? Oh well! To the Camarons, that looked like an infinitely better option than some House Lord being able to ship a regiment Earth's way.

Speaking of vehicle production and light units, is there any chance that he'll introduce the Savanna Master a decade early?
New Avalon 4.3
New Avalon 4.3
Ian Davion enjoyed the matches as they progressed, even more so as the good natured gambling that the nobility of the Federated Suns It wouldn't have been appropriate to wager against any of his own subjects he was the sovereign betting against someone would be poor form. He couldn't be seen to be gambling against a young knight it just wasn't done.

Hanse, not being First Prince, didn't have that problem so they'd split the winnings. Michael wasn't happy, but it wasn't as if the representatives of the Capellan March were doing all that poorly it was just... their losses had the appearance of being worse than they were. That was all... and Michael was a sore loser.

Still they were a nice distraction from his other duties, and the burdens of being first prince. The matches wouldn't last forever though. The young, the cadets would have their fun and then would be apart of the much larger festivities that were really business pretending to be holidays. Speaking of work, "You wanted to say something?"

"Officially Aldis Industries is protesting the production of tanks on Sakhara." Ian wrinkled his nose. His aunt, and his brother were here, the Duke of Robinson was not, the Duke of New Syrtis was also absent... thankfully. "They might actually have some ground for the Schrek but ... If I were to speculate given how many of the tanks are being produced-"

"LosTech, the factory is like the one here that manufactures our Valkyrie." He interjected.

Yvonne nodded, "I have to assume that Clay's factory complex is from the Star League designed to, or originally was designed to produce the SLDF Mark II of the Demolisher, if Aldis is telling the truth and the Mk III was only completed-," at the turn of the century, "When they say it was. All of Clay's tanks rely on a different model 240 engine than Aldis's productions versions though the weapons load out remain the same."

Ian had of course not missed that. Henry had a preference for the ChemJet 185mm Assault Auto-cannon within his own ranks, but provided designs using other models when he had to, and was less finicky about using other versions of the particle projector cannon.... which of course was just a demonstration of his techno-wizards and their ability to insure the PPCs worked correctly with the computers, and machines they were fitted in. "And?" He asked with a suffering sigh.

"I don't know who is behind it, Aldis is a large independent weapons supplier but they provide weapons to the Capellans," She paused, "and of course this could be a fact finding mission, the lawsuit itself could be spurious with the intent of trying to require a disclosure of actual production volume. Clay's assets are all within the Federated Suns, he's largely earmarked sales to the Draconis March Militia and inside the Draconis March..." She trailed off, "I do not suspect this is the Combine,"

"Should I apprise the Foreign Service do they need to be consulted that this is part of some sort of foreign subversion or attack upon our industries?"

"It wouldn't hurt to take precautions." Hanse remarked to him, "Should I inform Quintus?"

"Yes... lets do that," Ian replied quickly, after all Quintus had been his choice for the posting, even if he hadn't had much time to discuss things with the man, "What else is going on?" The question of tanks made sense, given the production of the various battlemechs were largely in house programs. Ian had actually expected there to be something regarding that when he'd been told about this meeting... not tanks. Why not tanks? That bothered Ian, but he supposed it was equally possible that this really was some petty company, especially a foreign firm protesting.

"Sakhara's Shipyards will be a matter..." There was no way they couldn't become a topic of discussion, "I'm not quite certain what Clay's ASF plans are like," His younger brother glanced to their aunt. She was after all the one who'd been the point of contact, it somewhat galled Ian that he hadn't been free to tour the realm he ruled, but he was needed here despite how convenient the circuits that were in place... "How do we deal with this?"

"If we don't know who is behind, I'm not sure there is a good way to deal with it." It was the truth... of course, but it wasn't the answer Ian wanted to hear. This was an attack, someone with more money than sense was attacking him, was attacking the Federated Suns... it didn't matter if it was tanks Ian felt offended on behalf of the kingdom.

"But it could be the Capellans?"

"It is certainly possible," Yvonne replied, "I need time to investigate, and the Foreign Service will also need to compile its own report." Ian didn't want to wait, of course, but he knew it was the right move, Quintus was good at finding answers, was good at his job, had experience with Sian and its court... and he wouldn't arrise any suspicion as a career diplomat.

It would take time though. The other nations' capitals were all so far away. Jump travel was so slow, and the HPG network... his eyes narrowed. The hpg network was on Terra, Aldis was on terra, was that a coincidence... there were so many instances where all through the succession wars things had just gotten harder, where talks had broken down, where ComStar had levied interdicts, where there were delays. There were the other rumors from the other states.

Ian had been willing to believe of course that the HPG Network had been damaged by the Amaris Crisis but the recording Clay had clearly established that Jerome Blake and Kerensky had been able to intercept, not interfere with but watch a live conversation between the Coordinator and Amaris one on Terra and the other on the Capital of the Draconis Combine....

They had been able to hold a live conversation and have a third party watch it at the same time. Something that Henry had handed over... because of course he was still a teenager... his youngest duke didn't understand how important that was, how useful that was. Ian sighed, and that was why it had been important to put him with more of his own age group, and away the viper's nest that was the capital. "I want to go public with the recording."

"Your highness?" "Brother."

"We've," It was actually the royal we there, "already informed the Eridani," What General Kerston would do with that, well the General, it seemed he was respecting his wish that they give the young duke time, "they already know Clay has the descendants of the 19th​ we can expect that if they don't seek him out, in the next few days, they'll wait until he returns to Sakhara and from what you've told me he has descendants of men who went with Kerensky..."

"Men who came back because Clay had, has rather a blood vendetta against Amaris," Hanse pointed out raising a long finger from where he'd been tracing the edge of his teacup, "As told auntie he's worried about Amaris coming against him as much as he is Kurita,"

Which, of course he had informed General Kerston, but Hanse hadn't been in the room for that conversation, it had needed to be private, to demonstrate how much he trusted the old mercenary commander. "Yes Kurita," His lips curled in disgust, who knowingly collaborated with Amaris, I want to publish it, the Federated Suns. The office of the First Prince, let them come and fight me." Hanse's expression had turned to a resigned one. The duchess of Victoria nodded after a moment clearly recognizing he had made a decision. No, now was the part where they wouldn't object to releasing the recording, but how they could massage it's release. What statements should go out with it, and that would be a way to delay releasing it just yet. They could leverage how it would go forth. "So how should we do this?"

"Ideally I think we should weigh who we want to tell before hand, within the realm, and outside of it." Hanse replied, "We have to tell the Duke of Robinson, it would reckless not to declare it, and we should inform the Lyrans for that matter... I think we should also inform Sian and Atreus as well. If nothing else before we make the public announcement."

He paused, "I will not wait for October Hanse, it would be too on the nose." Hanse shrugged, but the truth was Valentine's day, or the 11th​ of September would be just as on the nose.

"Could you wait until April, to see if we could attract Jaime Wolf's attention first?" Yvonne suggested speaking up.

He really didn't want to wait that long, but being First Prince entailed doing a lot of things he didn't like doing. Could he wait that long? Yes of course the information had been concealed from the Inner Sphere for centuries, someone had done that, and not just Kurita, and his fellow rulers would likely have suspicions of their own, but he could wait a little longer.

Notes: This is, well I had planned for there to be an interlude in between this and 4.3 but NA4 is going to be on the shorter side as it is itself something of an interlude in between the return to Sakhara while setting up for the DMM receiving a variety of things, and Ian hoping to expand that to the other institutions, and of course the 'mercenaries' perspective, both the Eridani and the Dragoons... because the Dragoons aren't stupid even if they won't show up until probably spring of the following year.
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While I can infer what you meant by the context of the paragraph. You have a lot of incomplete sentences and odd turns of phrase such as the following.

well he was hardly going to, it wouldn't have been appropriate
I'm guessing it's supposed to be, "going to gamble himself, it"
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While I can infer what you meant by the context of the paragraph. You have a lot of incomplete sentences and odd turns of phrase such as the following.

I'm guessing it's supposed to he, "going to gamble himself, it"
Ian here, as Sovreign, and I was making some corrections to that, is basically saying since this game effectively has not just political implications, he can't be seen betting against a cadet. He's first prince, it would be terrible form.

Hanse however can take Ian's money place the bet no harm no foul then they split the winnings afterwards.

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