Her First Challenge
Uh-oh, better hide those FOALS!
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You are Selene, and you have a problem.
"Silky Stream, would you please see me after class?"
You have a very big problem.
The bell rings, slightly startling you and indicating that another day of school has finally ended. All around you the other kids start packing up their things and joining together in groups as they make their way out of the classroom. You curl up slightly behind your desk, out of habit, trying to look as uninteresting as possible while the small crowd of children distances itself from you.
Nopony that you don't know has tried talking to you today, thankfully.
However, you can't help but notice that the one pony you do know is also not…
You feel yet another wave of worry wash over you as you look towards Silky Stream.
On any other day, on any other normal day that is, this would be the moment when Silky Stream would land on your desk.
Normally that would mark the beginning of a very excited (and one-sided) conversation of what the two of you ought to do with your free time after school. She would usually suggest all sorts of terrifying activities, things like introducing you to her friends or outright exploring the town, all while excitedly hopping up and down on your desk. Said "conversation" would only end when you managed to salvage all your notebooks and other school materials from underneath her hoofs, having to time your attempts at grabbing them every time she jumped.
Yes, that is how things were supposed to go.
But these last few days have not been exactly… normal.
You look towards Silky, feeling your lips purse with concern and trepidation as you watch her dejectedly get up from her chair and walk towards Ms. Cheerilee. This is the second time this week that she is called by your teacher after classes. And that… is the problem you are currently facing.
Well, Silky being called by your teacher is not exactly the problem, of course. Your problem is what is causing that.
Namely, the fact that you have not seen her smile at all these last few days.
She has been acting a lot less… like herself, ever since Mrs. Velvet had her accident.
You shudder slightly as you remember it, trying to do your best not to recall Mrs. Velvet's expression when you and Silky found her on the corridor.
You try not to remember how… accusing her gaze felt, wide-eyed and almost feral as it was, when she looked at you while Mr. Stormchaser tried to hold her back. It is something you won't tell anypony, not even Silky, but you are convinced that you somehow caused whatever ill happened to Mrs. Velvet.
You shake your head, pushing those thoughts aside. What happened that day doesn't matter. Not right now.
What matters right now is that you are watching you best frie-… is that you are watching your sister silently march towards Ms. Cheerilee, her eyes cast downwards to the point where she isn't even looking at where she is going.
And you know deep down that you have to do… you have to do something about that!
But that's the thing. That's the worst part about this whole situation. You don't know what you can do to make Silky feel better.
And not knowing what to do makes you feel all sorts of bad.
You feel bad because you know you know your sister is hurting. You feel bad because you know that, if the tables were turned, Silky would know what to do in order to help you. You feel bad because… because up until now your sister has always been there for you.
But now that she needs you help you are not there for her.
Another wave of… something, that feels a little bit like cold and a little bit like loneliness, washes over you as you see Ms. Cheerilee trying to talk to Silky.
The cold inside your chest grows into something almost painful. Watching your sister be that unresponsive doesn't just feel strange.
It feels wrong.
You have to do something about this.
- - -
"Great", you nervously mumble to yourself as you spy your surroundings from your hiding place behind a few bushes, "you got this far… Now what?"
You can't really say you have a plan. A plan usually implies the existence of steps and whatnots, or at least of an idea of how to get things done.
So no, you don't have a plan. You have a vague idea of what you want to do, but you really don't have the slightest clue of how you are supposed to do it.
But well, at least you got this far.
You are currently in a… in a very large garden? You are definitely inside a garden of sorts, like the one you have on your house but much, much bigger. All the trees look the same, or at least they look to be of the same species, but none of them have any fruits on them, so you are not sure what this place is supposed to be.
Getting here involved a lot of things. It involved leaving the schoolhouse without Silky, which made you feel a bit bad. Then it involved telling a lie to Soft Sweeps, saying that you would be heading home ahead of them while she waited for Silky, which also made you feel bad.
And then it involved you running away and hiding from Soft Sweeps once she insisted that the two of you should wait for Silky together, and that she couldn't let you go home alone.
Doing that last part made you feel extremely bad.
But once you managed to evade the flying mare, although you are still not exactly sure of how you managed it, you were then able to focus on your real objective.
Namely, looking for help. A very specific source of help.
Your "plan", if you can even call it a plan, is basically to ask Silky's friends for help.
It makes sense, really. Or at least it made sense when you first thought about it. You haven't lived with Silky for that long, truth be told, so there is a chance that her other friends know her better than you do. And even if they don't, you at least hope that they will be able to help you somehow.
However, doing that is a lot easier said than done!
Finding them was not particularly hard, with all the excited shouting they did every now and then. Following them without being noticed was also not hard either, much to your surprise. You managed to follow them all the way to this large fenced-off garden of sorts, until they entered the wooden house you are currently looking at.
But now you are being faced with a problem that you don't know how to solve.
"The hay am I supposed to do now? Just knock on their door and ask for help?" you say out loud, nervously eyeing the wooden house. "I mean, I don't even know their names, how is that ever going to work?"
You can almost picture it, a scene of yourself knocking on their door and being answered by the orange-ish pegasus girl. That moment is then followed by long stretches of awkward silence, until she slams the door close on your face.
Yeah… knocking on their door definitely won't work.
You don't… talk to other ponies. Now that you think about it you are not sure if you have talked to anypony at school besides Silky and Ms. Cheerilee, the latter out of necessity because she is your teacher.
Other ponies have tried talking to you, you vaguely recall. You think you can remember the first few weeks at school being filled with tense moments as you tried to vanish from the classroom as quickly as possible every time the bell rang. Sometimes you managed to do it, other times you didn't and you would be accosted by several kids you didn't know.
Eventually they gave up, of course, as soon as they realized how utterly boring you were.
The fact remains, however, that you still don't know how to do this whole… introducing yourself thing. You have no idea how Silky manages to do it so naturally, being able to get along with basically everypony, but…
Well, but Silky isn't here right now to help you, is she?
You take a deep breath, steeling yourself with what little courage you have. You can't stay like this anymore. You can't keep hiding behind Silky forever, or else you won't be able to help her when situations like this arise.
Yes, you don't know the first thing about talking to other ponies. Yes, you know that you are quiet, and boring, and that they will probably laugh at you or end up not liking you. With good reason, you are sure.
But they are still Silky's friends, aren't they? Even if they end up not liking you, they are still going to want to help her, right?
You surely hope so. And if helping your sister means that you have to knock on that door and… and talk to them, then that's what you are going to do, no matter how frightening that might sound.
With that, you raise your head and confidently march out of the bushes where you were hiding, making your way towards the wooden house.
You think you hear something as you get closer, the sound of the girls talking. You think you hear the two kids that went with you to that music show on Hearth's Warming Eve.
You can already imagine those same voices laughing at you, as soon as you knock on their door.
But no matter. You have to do this. You have to ask them for help. For Silky!
With that, you finally reach the front door of the wooden house, raising a hoof to knock on it. The voice of the five ponies talking inside of it so loud that you can almost make out their conversation.
And then you…
And then you…!
You can't do it.
- - -
You pace back and forth, your mind working as hard as it can as you try to figure out what you are supposed to do next.
You know that you have to help Silky, and you know that you can't do it on your own. But still, you can't just walk up to their front door and ask them for help.
It just won't work!
Like… it's not just a matter of whether "if" they will like you or not. No, you are sure that it's a matter of "when" they will realize that they don't like you. You have absolutely nothing to offer them! You don't talk much, you don't have any hobbies or abilities, you are not really good at anything.
It really makes you wonder how Silky manages to put up with you, now that you think about it.
Regardless, you are adamant about it. You absolutely will not knock on their wooden house and ask them for help.
That said, you haven't given up on asking for their help. You just gave up on doing it… directly.
"Alright girls, the Cutie Mark Crusaders club meeting is now in session! And today we are going t-"
"*Ahem*. Excuse me? Me and Silver Spoon already have our cutie marks?"
"We've been through this Diamond. Or what, you want her to say 'Cutie Mark Crusaders and annexes'?"
"The hay does annexes means?"
Your ears perk up as you hear the muffled conversation coming from underneath your hoofs, and you gently lower yourself so as to hear it better.
Thankfully, the roof of the wooden house, which you now know to be their "clubhouse" is somewhat thin. Thin enough for you to be able to hear them rather clearly.
But well… if only there was something useful for you to listen to. They have basically been arguing for the last few minutes, ever since you silently climbed your way here.
"And who put you in charge?"
"Nopony's in charge. This is a club! We are all friends!"
"Well, if nopony is in charge then I propose we change the club's name. I sure don't need to crusade for my cutie mark anymore."
"What? No way! The name stays the way it is!"
"Yeah, stop pushing for that. Besides, there's five of us here, won't we just out-vote you or something?"
"What? Why? It's the Cutie Mark Crusaders, isn't it? So obviously only ponies with cutie marks can vote. The three of you are more like… Cutie Mark Squires, or something."
You immediately start hearing the noise of ponies fighting.
"I'll show you squire!"
"Ouch! Not th-, not the mane!"
"Will you two please STOP!"
Until you hear a high-pitched shout.
The word "shout" doesn't really do it justice. You are outside of their clubhouse, on top of its roof, and you could feel a slight jab of pain as your ears rang for a few moments. So you have no idea of just how powerful that must have been to whoever was near its source.
The fighting did stop, though.
"It's always like this, every day. You two always end up fighting and we never get anywhere, so for once can we please focus on what really matters?"
You think you hear a mumbled response of sorts… you are not really sure, you ears are still ringing a little bit.
"Great. Now, does anypony have any idea of what the hay is wrong with Silky these last few days?"
Your eyes go slightly wide at that, a small shiver of excitement running through your back as you hear the five girls starting to discuss about that.
Great! Maybe they already plan on helping Silky! If that's the case then perhaps you won't even have to directly recruit their help.
But still… they probably know how to help Silky but have no idea of what her problem is. You, on the other hoof, know what her problem is, but don't know what to do about it. So how…?
How can you let them know what happened back at home… without talking to them?
Their voices are too low now, to the point where you can't hear them no matter how much you strain your ears. You get up on your hoofs and once again begin to silently pace around the roof of the clubhouse.
Maybe you could write a note and throw it into the clubhouse? You have parchment and ink on your saddle bag, although you left it in the bushes where you were previously hiding. But still, how would you deliver them the note? It's not like the wooden clubhouse has any chimneys, for obvious reasons.
Throwing the note through a window, perhaps? The place has a few glass windows, and if none of them are open you can just find a rock an-
Your train of thought is immediately halted as you feel one of your hoofs sink through the wooden roof, realizing too late that the particular plank of wood where you just stepped was perhaps too thin for you.
The world immediately does a somersault around you as the rest of your body follows your forelegs into the impromptu hole.
Everything goes dark for a split second, as you fall on your back and feel the air being pushed out of your body. It takes you a few moments to realize that the sound you are hearing is, in fact, the surprised yelps of the girls whose reunion you have literally just crashed into.
And when your dizziness finally clears, you realize you are lying on the ground and looking up, a circle of five fillies standing around you with varying degrees of shock and surprise written on their faces.
"Is… isn't this Selene…?" the yellow one asks, the pink and white ones slowly nodding in response right after.
And you… you have no idea what to do now.
- - -
It was… far worse than you thought it would be.
You stuttered. A lot.
They laughed at you. A lot.
But you stuttered because you were nervous. However, they did listen you out. They helped you calm down even, and then they listened to everything you had to say.
And they laughed because…
Well, because you embarrassedly described, at length, how you had nervously stalked them all the way to their farm (Apple Bloom, the yellow one, told you it's an orchard, not a garden), proceeded to agonize for almost an hour about whether you should knock on their door or not, and then climbed the roof of their clubhouse.
So yes, you can understand why they laughed at that. Not at you, but at the situation as a whole.
And in the end, they… they did something that you did not, in all honesty, thought they would do.
They offered to help you.
And that is how you ended guiding the five of them all the way back to your house. Because you have no idea of how things might work out, but you dearly hope that this is the sort of problem that you can, quite literally, "throw friends at" until it goes away.
Besides, if the six of you don't manage to cheer Silky up, you honestly don't know what will.
"Wa-… hang on a… you live here?!"
Diamond Tiara's rather abrupt question snaps you out of your thoughts, just as you were about to cross the gates into the garden. You turn around to look at her, and you realize that she is rather… shocked?
They all are, for some reason. You realize that all five of them have stopped walking a few steps behind you and are currently looking wide-eyed at the house. Diamond and Silver seem particularly surprised for some reason.
"Of course I live here, why would I bring you all the way out of town if I didn't?" you ask, a slight tinge of nervousness coming to your voice.
Did you do something wrong, perhaps? Maybe you live too far from the city and they're thinking of how much they will have to walk back, or…?
You shake your head. It doesn't matter. You brought them this far, so you have to lead them all the way to Silky!
"C'mon you guys, we are here to talk to her, aren't we?" you say, with a lot less confidence than you hoped to.
But that seems to be enough to shake them out of… whatever it was that got to them. Although you did hear a few whispers as you made your way through the garden.
And finally, the six of you arrive at the front door of your house.
"So, uhm… we don't really have a plan?" you hear Scootaloo (that's her name, right…?) asking from behind you, "just go talk to her and hope everything works out?"
"I'm telling you, I still think the puppet show will be a better idea," Apple Bloom adds up to her doubt.
"Again with the puppet show?"
You hear Diamond Tiara starting to bicker with Apple Bloom, but you try your best to ignore them.
Instead, you take a deep breath and open the front door.
"Oh, hi Selene! Welcome back!"
And you see…
"S-Silky…? Mr. Stormchaser?"
You see Silky Stream hanging onto Mr. Stormchaser's back as he flies in place on the middle of the entrance hall.
And she seems… fine? She is definitely smiling, at least.
"Wait, hold on. Silky, is everyt-? ACK!"
You try to ask her if everything is alright, but you are interrupted as you are suddenly levitated by a surge of magic, your whole body glowing as you are pulled away from the ground.
You are then immediately deposited right between Mrs. Velvet's forelegs, being brought into a tight hug shortly after.
"Selene!" she says once again, her voice equally relieved and scolding, "I'm so glad you're back! Is everything alright? Did something happen? Don't you ever do something like that again, but I'm so glad you're fine!"
She says all of that in as much time as it takes for the five other girls to file in through the half-open door.
And you only manage to get your bearings once again after Mrs. Velvet is finished hugging you. She doesn't let you go, of course, but at least you can now breathe once again.
"Oh, hi girls! What are you all doing here?" you hear Silky say, as she flies towards her friends.
"We uh… came to see you?"
"Yeah! You haven't exactly been… uh… these last few days…"
Great, you think as you hear them talk among themselves. Of course you are glad that Silky is fine… she is fine, right? Well, of course you are glad your sister is okay. But now you are stuck in an extremely awkward situation.
Namely, that you brought all her friends here to talk to her and… well, she doesn't need any talking-to anymore.
You look up at Mrs. Velvet, seeing that she is looking towards Silky and her friends, and towards you, with that thoughtful expression she usually has.
And for some reason, you can't help but think that she is wondering about the same thing you are.
"Oh!" Mrs. Velvet finally says out loud, perhaps too loudly, her tone of voice being able to cut through the talking girls, "Selene dear, that's a great idea."
You look up at Mrs. Velvet, not exactly sure of what she is talking about. But before you can ask her, she floats you away from her hug and towards Silky and her friends.
However, she continues to talk as if she was agreeing to something you had just told her.
"Yes, your friends can stay for a sleepover. Just make sure you tell mommy and daddy next time before you bring your friends over, alright?"
You only have a moment to express your doubt, Mrs. Velvet giving you a mischievous wink, before Silky Stream tackles you with an excited scream.
And before you can understand exactly what is going on she is already dragging you away, guiding you and all of her friends towards her room.
Selene has for the very first time faced a challenge by herself! Things might have turned out far, far different from how she hoped they would, but in the end she did make some friends all on her own.
Selene's Edge is now level one!
Silky Stream, following her teacher's advice, had a good, long talk with her parents. She is, or at least you think she is, a lot better now.
Soft Sweeps once again lost track of one of Lady Velvet's daughters! She has been fired!
Soft Sweeps was given a mug of hot chocolate by Lady Velvet Covers, and was told to calm down and take the rest of the day off!
And yes, you did have somepony tell their parents where they would be staying the night. No worries about miscommunication or the likes.
"Silky Stream, would you please see me after class?"
You have a very big problem.
The bell rings, slightly startling you and indicating that another day of school has finally ended. All around you the other kids start packing up their things and joining together in groups as they make their way out of the classroom. You curl up slightly behind your desk, out of habit, trying to look as uninteresting as possible while the small crowd of children distances itself from you.
Nopony that you don't know has tried talking to you today, thankfully.
However, you can't help but notice that the one pony you do know is also not…
You feel yet another wave of worry wash over you as you look towards Silky Stream.
On any other day, on any other normal day that is, this would be the moment when Silky Stream would land on your desk.
Normally that would mark the beginning of a very excited (and one-sided) conversation of what the two of you ought to do with your free time after school. She would usually suggest all sorts of terrifying activities, things like introducing you to her friends or outright exploring the town, all while excitedly hopping up and down on your desk. Said "conversation" would only end when you managed to salvage all your notebooks and other school materials from underneath her hoofs, having to time your attempts at grabbing them every time she jumped.
Yes, that is how things were supposed to go.
But these last few days have not been exactly… normal.
You look towards Silky, feeling your lips purse with concern and trepidation as you watch her dejectedly get up from her chair and walk towards Ms. Cheerilee. This is the second time this week that she is called by your teacher after classes. And that… is the problem you are currently facing.
Well, Silky being called by your teacher is not exactly the problem, of course. Your problem is what is causing that.
Namely, the fact that you have not seen her smile at all these last few days.
She has been acting a lot less… like herself, ever since Mrs. Velvet had her accident.
You shudder slightly as you remember it, trying to do your best not to recall Mrs. Velvet's expression when you and Silky found her on the corridor.
You try not to remember how… accusing her gaze felt, wide-eyed and almost feral as it was, when she looked at you while Mr. Stormchaser tried to hold her back. It is something you won't tell anypony, not even Silky, but you are convinced that you somehow caused whatever ill happened to Mrs. Velvet.
You shake your head, pushing those thoughts aside. What happened that day doesn't matter. Not right now.
What matters right now is that you are watching you best frie-… is that you are watching your sister silently march towards Ms. Cheerilee, her eyes cast downwards to the point where she isn't even looking at where she is going.
And you know deep down that you have to do… you have to do something about that!
But that's the thing. That's the worst part about this whole situation. You don't know what you can do to make Silky feel better.
And not knowing what to do makes you feel all sorts of bad.
You feel bad because you know you know your sister is hurting. You feel bad because you know that, if the tables were turned, Silky would know what to do in order to help you. You feel bad because… because up until now your sister has always been there for you.
But now that she needs you help you are not there for her.
Another wave of… something, that feels a little bit like cold and a little bit like loneliness, washes over you as you see Ms. Cheerilee trying to talk to Silky.
The cold inside your chest grows into something almost painful. Watching your sister be that unresponsive doesn't just feel strange.
It feels wrong.
You have to do something about this.
- - -
"Great", you nervously mumble to yourself as you spy your surroundings from your hiding place behind a few bushes, "you got this far… Now what?"
You can't really say you have a plan. A plan usually implies the existence of steps and whatnots, or at least of an idea of how to get things done.
So no, you don't have a plan. You have a vague idea of what you want to do, but you really don't have the slightest clue of how you are supposed to do it.
But well, at least you got this far.
You are currently in a… in a very large garden? You are definitely inside a garden of sorts, like the one you have on your house but much, much bigger. All the trees look the same, or at least they look to be of the same species, but none of them have any fruits on them, so you are not sure what this place is supposed to be.
Getting here involved a lot of things. It involved leaving the schoolhouse without Silky, which made you feel a bit bad. Then it involved telling a lie to Soft Sweeps, saying that you would be heading home ahead of them while she waited for Silky, which also made you feel bad.
And then it involved you running away and hiding from Soft Sweeps once she insisted that the two of you should wait for Silky together, and that she couldn't let you go home alone.
Doing that last part made you feel extremely bad.
But once you managed to evade the flying mare, although you are still not exactly sure of how you managed it, you were then able to focus on your real objective.
Namely, looking for help. A very specific source of help.
Your "plan", if you can even call it a plan, is basically to ask Silky's friends for help.
It makes sense, really. Or at least it made sense when you first thought about it. You haven't lived with Silky for that long, truth be told, so there is a chance that her other friends know her better than you do. And even if they don't, you at least hope that they will be able to help you somehow.
However, doing that is a lot easier said than done!
Finding them was not particularly hard, with all the excited shouting they did every now and then. Following them without being noticed was also not hard either, much to your surprise. You managed to follow them all the way to this large fenced-off garden of sorts, until they entered the wooden house you are currently looking at.
But now you are being faced with a problem that you don't know how to solve.
"The hay am I supposed to do now? Just knock on their door and ask for help?" you say out loud, nervously eyeing the wooden house. "I mean, I don't even know their names, how is that ever going to work?"
You can almost picture it, a scene of yourself knocking on their door and being answered by the orange-ish pegasus girl. That moment is then followed by long stretches of awkward silence, until she slams the door close on your face.
Yeah… knocking on their door definitely won't work.
You don't… talk to other ponies. Now that you think about it you are not sure if you have talked to anypony at school besides Silky and Ms. Cheerilee, the latter out of necessity because she is your teacher.
Other ponies have tried talking to you, you vaguely recall. You think you can remember the first few weeks at school being filled with tense moments as you tried to vanish from the classroom as quickly as possible every time the bell rang. Sometimes you managed to do it, other times you didn't and you would be accosted by several kids you didn't know.
Eventually they gave up, of course, as soon as they realized how utterly boring you were.
The fact remains, however, that you still don't know how to do this whole… introducing yourself thing. You have no idea how Silky manages to do it so naturally, being able to get along with basically everypony, but…
Well, but Silky isn't here right now to help you, is she?
You take a deep breath, steeling yourself with what little courage you have. You can't stay like this anymore. You can't keep hiding behind Silky forever, or else you won't be able to help her when situations like this arise.
Yes, you don't know the first thing about talking to other ponies. Yes, you know that you are quiet, and boring, and that they will probably laugh at you or end up not liking you. With good reason, you are sure.
But they are still Silky's friends, aren't they? Even if they end up not liking you, they are still going to want to help her, right?
You surely hope so. And if helping your sister means that you have to knock on that door and… and talk to them, then that's what you are going to do, no matter how frightening that might sound.
With that, you raise your head and confidently march out of the bushes where you were hiding, making your way towards the wooden house.
You think you hear something as you get closer, the sound of the girls talking. You think you hear the two kids that went with you to that music show on Hearth's Warming Eve.
You can already imagine those same voices laughing at you, as soon as you knock on their door.
But no matter. You have to do this. You have to ask them for help. For Silky!
With that, you finally reach the front door of the wooden house, raising a hoof to knock on it. The voice of the five ponies talking inside of it so loud that you can almost make out their conversation.
And then you…
And then you…!
You can't do it.
- - -
You pace back and forth, your mind working as hard as it can as you try to figure out what you are supposed to do next.
You know that you have to help Silky, and you know that you can't do it on your own. But still, you can't just walk up to their front door and ask them for help.
It just won't work!
Like… it's not just a matter of whether "if" they will like you or not. No, you are sure that it's a matter of "when" they will realize that they don't like you. You have absolutely nothing to offer them! You don't talk much, you don't have any hobbies or abilities, you are not really good at anything.
It really makes you wonder how Silky manages to put up with you, now that you think about it.
Regardless, you are adamant about it. You absolutely will not knock on their wooden house and ask them for help.
That said, you haven't given up on asking for their help. You just gave up on doing it… directly.
"Alright girls, the Cutie Mark Crusaders club meeting is now in session! And today we are going t-"
"*Ahem*. Excuse me? Me and Silver Spoon already have our cutie marks?"
"We've been through this Diamond. Or what, you want her to say 'Cutie Mark Crusaders and annexes'?"
"The hay does annexes means?"
Your ears perk up as you hear the muffled conversation coming from underneath your hoofs, and you gently lower yourself so as to hear it better.
Thankfully, the roof of the wooden house, which you now know to be their "clubhouse" is somewhat thin. Thin enough for you to be able to hear them rather clearly.
But well… if only there was something useful for you to listen to. They have basically been arguing for the last few minutes, ever since you silently climbed your way here.
"And who put you in charge?"
"Nopony's in charge. This is a club! We are all friends!"
"Well, if nopony is in charge then I propose we change the club's name. I sure don't need to crusade for my cutie mark anymore."
"What? No way! The name stays the way it is!"
"Yeah, stop pushing for that. Besides, there's five of us here, won't we just out-vote you or something?"
"What? Why? It's the Cutie Mark Crusaders, isn't it? So obviously only ponies with cutie marks can vote. The three of you are more like… Cutie Mark Squires, or something."
You immediately start hearing the noise of ponies fighting.
"I'll show you squire!"
"Ouch! Not th-, not the mane!"
"Will you two please STOP!"
Until you hear a high-pitched shout.
The word "shout" doesn't really do it justice. You are outside of their clubhouse, on top of its roof, and you could feel a slight jab of pain as your ears rang for a few moments. So you have no idea of just how powerful that must have been to whoever was near its source.
The fighting did stop, though.
"It's always like this, every day. You two always end up fighting and we never get anywhere, so for once can we please focus on what really matters?"
You think you hear a mumbled response of sorts… you are not really sure, you ears are still ringing a little bit.
"Great. Now, does anypony have any idea of what the hay is wrong with Silky these last few days?"
Your eyes go slightly wide at that, a small shiver of excitement running through your back as you hear the five girls starting to discuss about that.
Great! Maybe they already plan on helping Silky! If that's the case then perhaps you won't even have to directly recruit their help.
But still… they probably know how to help Silky but have no idea of what her problem is. You, on the other hoof, know what her problem is, but don't know what to do about it. So how…?
How can you let them know what happened back at home… without talking to them?
Their voices are too low now, to the point where you can't hear them no matter how much you strain your ears. You get up on your hoofs and once again begin to silently pace around the roof of the clubhouse.
Maybe you could write a note and throw it into the clubhouse? You have parchment and ink on your saddle bag, although you left it in the bushes where you were previously hiding. But still, how would you deliver them the note? It's not like the wooden clubhouse has any chimneys, for obvious reasons.
Throwing the note through a window, perhaps? The place has a few glass windows, and if none of them are open you can just find a rock an-
Your train of thought is immediately halted as you feel one of your hoofs sink through the wooden roof, realizing too late that the particular plank of wood where you just stepped was perhaps too thin for you.
The world immediately does a somersault around you as the rest of your body follows your forelegs into the impromptu hole.
Everything goes dark for a split second, as you fall on your back and feel the air being pushed out of your body. It takes you a few moments to realize that the sound you are hearing is, in fact, the surprised yelps of the girls whose reunion you have literally just crashed into.
And when your dizziness finally clears, you realize you are lying on the ground and looking up, a circle of five fillies standing around you with varying degrees of shock and surprise written on their faces.
"Is… isn't this Selene…?" the yellow one asks, the pink and white ones slowly nodding in response right after.
And you… you have no idea what to do now.
- - -
It was… far worse than you thought it would be.
You stuttered. A lot.
They laughed at you. A lot.
But you stuttered because you were nervous. However, they did listen you out. They helped you calm down even, and then they listened to everything you had to say.
And they laughed because…
Well, because you embarrassedly described, at length, how you had nervously stalked them all the way to their farm (Apple Bloom, the yellow one, told you it's an orchard, not a garden), proceeded to agonize for almost an hour about whether you should knock on their door or not, and then climbed the roof of their clubhouse.
So yes, you can understand why they laughed at that. Not at you, but at the situation as a whole.
And in the end, they… they did something that you did not, in all honesty, thought they would do.
They offered to help you.
And that is how you ended guiding the five of them all the way back to your house. Because you have no idea of how things might work out, but you dearly hope that this is the sort of problem that you can, quite literally, "throw friends at" until it goes away.
Besides, if the six of you don't manage to cheer Silky up, you honestly don't know what will.
"Wa-… hang on a… you live here?!"
Diamond Tiara's rather abrupt question snaps you out of your thoughts, just as you were about to cross the gates into the garden. You turn around to look at her, and you realize that she is rather… shocked?
They all are, for some reason. You realize that all five of them have stopped walking a few steps behind you and are currently looking wide-eyed at the house. Diamond and Silver seem particularly surprised for some reason.
"Of course I live here, why would I bring you all the way out of town if I didn't?" you ask, a slight tinge of nervousness coming to your voice.
Did you do something wrong, perhaps? Maybe you live too far from the city and they're thinking of how much they will have to walk back, or…?
You shake your head. It doesn't matter. You brought them this far, so you have to lead them all the way to Silky!
"C'mon you guys, we are here to talk to her, aren't we?" you say, with a lot less confidence than you hoped to.
But that seems to be enough to shake them out of… whatever it was that got to them. Although you did hear a few whispers as you made your way through the garden.
And finally, the six of you arrive at the front door of your house.
"So, uhm… we don't really have a plan?" you hear Scootaloo (that's her name, right…?) asking from behind you, "just go talk to her and hope everything works out?"
"I'm telling you, I still think the puppet show will be a better idea," Apple Bloom adds up to her doubt.
"Again with the puppet show?"
You hear Diamond Tiara starting to bicker with Apple Bloom, but you try your best to ignore them.
Instead, you take a deep breath and open the front door.
"Oh, hi Selene! Welcome back!"
And you see…
"S-Silky…? Mr. Stormchaser?"
You see Silky Stream hanging onto Mr. Stormchaser's back as he flies in place on the middle of the entrance hall.
And she seems… fine? She is definitely smiling, at least.
"Wait, hold on. Silky, is everyt-? ACK!"
You try to ask her if everything is alright, but you are interrupted as you are suddenly levitated by a surge of magic, your whole body glowing as you are pulled away from the ground.
You are then immediately deposited right between Mrs. Velvet's forelegs, being brought into a tight hug shortly after.
"Selene!" she says once again, her voice equally relieved and scolding, "I'm so glad you're back! Is everything alright? Did something happen? Don't you ever do something like that again, but I'm so glad you're fine!"
She says all of that in as much time as it takes for the five other girls to file in through the half-open door.
And you only manage to get your bearings once again after Mrs. Velvet is finished hugging you. She doesn't let you go, of course, but at least you can now breathe once again.
"Oh, hi girls! What are you all doing here?" you hear Silky say, as she flies towards her friends.
"We uh… came to see you?"
"Yeah! You haven't exactly been… uh… these last few days…"
Great, you think as you hear them talk among themselves. Of course you are glad that Silky is fine… she is fine, right? Well, of course you are glad your sister is okay. But now you are stuck in an extremely awkward situation.
Namely, that you brought all her friends here to talk to her and… well, she doesn't need any talking-to anymore.
You look up at Mrs. Velvet, seeing that she is looking towards Silky and her friends, and towards you, with that thoughtful expression she usually has.
And for some reason, you can't help but think that she is wondering about the same thing you are.
"Oh!" Mrs. Velvet finally says out loud, perhaps too loudly, her tone of voice being able to cut through the talking girls, "Selene dear, that's a great idea."
You look up at Mrs. Velvet, not exactly sure of what she is talking about. But before you can ask her, she floats you away from her hug and towards Silky and her friends.
However, she continues to talk as if she was agreeing to something you had just told her.
"Yes, your friends can stay for a sleepover. Just make sure you tell mommy and daddy next time before you bring your friends over, alright?"
You only have a moment to express your doubt, Mrs. Velvet giving you a mischievous wink, before Silky Stream tackles you with an excited scream.
And before you can understand exactly what is going on she is already dragging you away, guiding you and all of her friends towards her room.
Selene has for the very first time faced a challenge by herself! Things might have turned out far, far different from how she hoped they would, but in the end she did make some friends all on her own.
Selene's Edge is now level one!
Silky Stream, following her teacher's advice, had a good, long talk with her parents. She is, or at least you think she is, a lot better now.
Soft Sweeps was given a mug of hot chocolate by Lady Velvet Covers, and was told to calm down and take the rest of the day off!
And yes, you did have somepony tell their parents where they would be staying the night. No worries about miscommunication or the likes.