Turn 11 - Results, part 8
Uh-oh, better hide those FOALS!
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[X] Plan Seeking Illumination
-[x] 7+1 actions
-[x] The Lies We Tell
--[x] Stormchaser: Silence
--[x] Rarity: A cautious explanation
-[x] Confidant/Servant Actions
--[x] Rarity: Focus on her work
--[x] Jade: Investigate Selene
--[x] Selene: Moth Lesson
--[x] Servants: Canterlot book search
-[X] Uncle Steppes: We are going to be making the rounds in Canterlot given the occasion. Perhaps he can help out somehow?
-[x] Attention of the Laws: Secret Histories towards book search
-[X] Buy
--[X] FORGE 3
-[x] A fleeting opportunity: Openly go to the Royal Castle
-[x] A fleeting opportunity: Accompany Twilight to Canterlot
-[x] A fleeting opportunity: Gather followers
-[X] Talk to Windy Flakes
--[X] Let him know that you arranged a prank for him; you haven't interacted too tightly so far, but given some of his earlier actions you thought it would amuse him.
--[X] Explain that you weren't originally expecting to be able to aid his... project... at the same time, but you are glad things worked out well. Ask if it is something he is willing to talk about; you aren't really clear on the details yourself, but perhaps you can help?
-[x] Study
--[x] SH 3 Artifact
--[x] Edge 3 Book
-[X] Book Shopping in Canterlot
--[X] Invite Twilight to join you
-[x] Family idle interaction
--[x] With Selene.
-[x] 7+1 actions
--[x] Stormchaser: Silence
--[x] Rarity: A cautious explanation
-[x] Confidant/Servant Actions
--[x] Rarity: Focus on her work
--[x] Jade: Investigate Selene
--[x] Selene: Moth Lesson
--[x] Servants: Canterlot book search
-[X] Uncle Steppes: We are going to be making the rounds in Canterlot given the occasion. Perhaps he can help out somehow?
-[x] Attention of the Laws: Secret Histories towards book search
--[X] FORGE 3
-[x] A fleeting opportunity: Openly go to the Royal Castle
-[x] A fleeting opportunity: Accompany Twilight to Canterlot
-[x] A fleeting opportunity: Gather followers
-[X] Talk to Windy Flakes
--[X] Let him know that you arranged a prank for him; you haven't interacted too tightly so far, but given some of his earlier actions you thought it would amuse him.
--[X] Explain that you weren't originally expecting to be able to aid his... project... at the same time, but you are glad things worked out well. Ask if it is something he is willing to talk about; you aren't really clear on the details yourself, but perhaps you can help?
-[x] Study
--[x] Edge 3 Book
-[X] Book Shopping in Canterlot
--[X] Invite Twilight to join you
-[x] Family idle interaction
--[x] With Selene.
- - -
Twilight, yes!
- - -
You only have a split second to decide.
But it really isn't a decision at all.
Everything clicks inside your head, faster than you would normally be able to think.
You are the only pony who knows it, but the Princess Luna that is within that part of the castle is a fake. That, and the only ponies allowed in there so far have been the guards who returned with her and "earned her trust".
Changelings, all of them. Changelings, or worse. After all, your Master might have said that they were driven away from the Mansus, but you have a dreadful inkling that despite said banishment they are still able to use what they learned there.
So, if not changelings, spirits they might have summoned. And if not spirits, monsters. Who knows, perhaps the one impersonating Princess Luna is an order of magnitude above them. Perhaps it is not even a changeling at all.
Those ideas flash through your mind faster than you can parcel them, as you watch Twilight Sparkle's horn light up before you.
But you still reach the obvious conclusion in the blink of an eye.
You reach the only conclusion that really matters: The moment Twilight sets hoof inside that place, she will be in danger.
And as soon as you reach that certainty, your horn finishes casting the spell. The one you had been unconsciously weaving this whole time.
A bright lightning flashes from your forehead, heading unerringly towards the complex spell that Twilight is placing around herself.
[Link up, cd 40/60/80/100/120]
[Roll: 41 + 13 (Magic) + 5 (Gifted) = 59]
[Minimum required success, -10 passed over to Twilight's roll]
[Twilight's desperate measures, cd ??/???/???]
[Roll: 95 + 16 (Magic) + 10 (Very Gifted) + 10 (The Sun's Pupil) – 10 (Unexpected Passenger) = 121]
For a split second, you feel like a foal. For a split second you feel like a pony who is still learning to write, and who just opened a book of classical literature.
For a fraction of a moment, you catch a glimpse of how deep exactly is the chasm between you and Twilight Sparkle, when it comes both to raw talent and dedication to the arts of magic. You always fancied yourself as competent when it came to spellcasting, even if you didn't make it into the School of Gifted Unicorns when you were younger.
However, as soon as you focus your magic into your horn, and start harmonizing yourself into Twilight's spell in order to link your essence to it, you understand how utterly pedestrian your abilities are when compared to hers.
Even this much participation from you already feels like meddling. Even while you are simply trying to connect yourself to her spell, you feel like you have damaged something. As if you just entered a house by breaking one of its doors, or you vandalized a brilliant formula that was written in a blackboard.
But still, the house is so well-built, and the formula so genius, that your meddling is not even felt.
Just like the foal you feel like, Twilight's spell picks you up, transforming your body into magical light and carrying you into its core moments before its configuration closes itself into a circular loop.
And the next second, your surroundings turn into something completely different.
- - -
You land on your belly, legs sprawled all around you and wobbling like soft hay.
Although, even if you might not want to admit it, you are acutely aware that this sickness you are feeling is your own fault. You know for a fact that Twilight's spell landed you neatly on your hoofs, less than an inch from the ground and perfectly balanced.
You fell on the floor moments later because your mind was immediately overtaken by vertigo.
Teleportation, you have just learned, feels extremely wrong.
"Oh no… oh no, oh no, oh no, she's not here... She's not here!"
But you have more pressing matters to take care of than your own physical discomfort.
Mercifully, your nausea seeps away from your head as quickly as it appeared, and you manage to get up on your four hoofs moments later.
You find yourself inside a pitch-dark room. You wonder for a few moments if the teleportation spell accidentally shrunk you in size or messed with your body, because everything around you is enormous, the whole room being scaled for a pony at least twice your size, furniture and all.
You can see Twilight nearby, the glow of her horn lighting her surroundings as she searches the place, despite it being clear that the room has not been used in quite a while.
The combination of those two things makes you understand that this must be Princess Celestia's room. And you can tell by Twilight's distraught expression exactly how she feels about this place being empty and dark.
"Princess Celestia, can you hear me?!" she shouts out, breaking the silence of the room, and of probably several other rooms next to this one.
Your heart immediately leaps inside your chest as she does that.
"Twilight!" you say, whispering as loudly as possible as you run towards the young mare, who is still searching the empty room despite there being nopony here.
"Velvet?! What are y-?" she says with a yelp as soon as you put a hoof on her shoulder, her tone still far too loud for comfort, but you interrupt her before she can finish speaking.
"Twilight please, I need you to listen to me very carefully," you say, your tone urgent, trying to be as gentle as possible with the hoof you are keeping over her mouth, despite the obvious contradiction in that.
But still, you need her to listen to you, and you need her to be quite.
Part of you knows that you can't tell her exactly what is going on, your fear for your Master's retribution still starkly clear inside your mind. The idea that you should bring her into the know flaring inside your mind only for a split second, and even then, only for expediency's sake with how much the gears inside your mind are spinning right now.
But you know you can't. You have to take care of Twilight, but not in a way that might endanger your family.
However, you still have to stress to her exactly how delicate the situation in which the two of you are happens to be.
And seeing how wide-eyed and tense she is, this will be a lot harder than you initially thought.
[Deep breaths, Twilight, cd ??/??/???]
[Roll: 28 + 13 (Diplomacy) + 10 (GRAIL bonus) = 51]
"Twilight, listen to me, first of all, I am here to help you" you say, your tone a lot shakier than you would have wanted, but something tells you that you have a lot less time than you wish you would have.
But still, she slowly grows less tense as she looks at you.
And you thank the heavens for that. It makes you glad to know that despite the whole situation, and despite how much pressure she has been putting on herself these last few days, she at least trusts you to be by her side.
"However, you continue, your voice hushed and urgent, "we just broke into a place we aren't supposed to be, and if we are found they will at best kick us out, and at worst actually put us into real trouble."
You let those words sink in, praying to whatever might listen that she actually takes some of that to heart.
And something does seem to get through to her, even if only partially. Or at least you think it did, because as the seconds go by you can see her ears getting slightly lower, and you see her bite her lips at that.
You carefully bring down the hoof you had covering her mouth, and much to your relief she chooses to whisper when she answers you.
"But this situation doesn't make sense, Velvet. Why aren't they letting anypony see Princess Celestia…? Why aren't they letting me see Princess Celestia?" she asks, her words weighted down by something deep inside of her.
You can tell how much grief she must be feeling. You can tell from her pained expression that she is all but panicking right now. Heavens, considering how she just forcibly teleported into here this might actually count as some sort of panicked state. Even if it is a methodical, Twilight-y one.
Still, for all that you wish you could do something to ease her, even if only a little bit, the hammering inside your chest tells you that there simply isn't time for that.
"That's exactly the point. Listen, I promise you I'll help you get to the Princess, but we have to be careful. And we can't get caught," you say, looking into her eyes.
Feeling a slight twist inside your chest as you see the young mare look back into yours, her thoughts racing and all but bursting out of her head.
Until she gives you a nod. A fearful and doubtful nod.
But a nod nonetheless.
[Bare minimum success. Twilight Sparkle will follow, but will do so hesitantly. -10 to rolls that involve subtlety while she is with you.]
You slowly take your other hoof off her shoulders, giving her the best encouraging smile that you can.
You have to calm her down. You have to protect her, even if she doesn't fully understand just how dangerous your situation is.
Even if deep down you are terrified.
You understand what Twilight is thinking. Even if only unconsciously, you know that she thinks that ultimately there will be no great complication in all of this. After all, her brother is a captain of the Royal Guard, and her teacher is the most important pony in all of the kingdom. You know that her stress comes solely because of her worries for Celestia's wellbeing, and maybe an inkling of suspicion that some things don't quite make sense right now.
But deep down, even if she hasn't rationally thought that far ahead, she thinks that the worst that is waiting for her in case this whole thing goes south is a slap to the foreleg. Maybe a severe scolding, or at the very worst some sort of loss of favor in her teacher's eyes.
She doesn't know that there are monstrous, potentially murderous, shapeshifting creatures lurking around the castle, posing as guards and maids and who knows what else.
She doesn't know that the two of you might be captured, or killed, in order to be replaced if things turn out sufficiently bad.
She doesn't know any of that.
But you know.
And that makes a world of difference.
So although you wish you had done better, your smile still comes out far less confident that you would have wanted.
Well, at least you remembered to keep your eyes open during this whole conversation. It would have been disastrously uncanny of you if you had forgotten to do that.
"Okay…" she finally says, and you can tell that she is doing her best not to sag or curl up while she speaks, "what do we do nex-?"
A click comes from the large double-door on the other side of the room, both yours and Twilight's ears immediately perking up at that. The two of you turn towards the sound a moment later, and you almost hurt your neck with how fast your movement was.
"You sure you heard something from here?"
"Just open the damn door. She told us to check what the racket on the entrance was, but we're still on guard duty. A quick check won't hurt."
Two voices, a stallion and a mare, barely audible from behind the thick wooden doors.
Your mind barely has any time to interpret what they just said before you hear the sound of a key being twisted inside a lock. The acute knowledge that the doors are no longer denying you passage hitting you at the same time.
You freeze for a second. Until you realize Twilight also froze on the spot right by your side, and that you have to do something about it for her sake.
[First check, cd ??]
[Roll: 85 + 12 (Intrigue) + 15 (MOTH bonus) – 10 (Hesitant Twilight) = 102]
You have a foreleg around Twilight before the key finishes turning, yanking her from where she is stands and pulling her towards you, as you drag her away from the direction that the door will give sight to once it opens. A soft tap of a hind-hoof, that you make almost without conscious thought, opens the door of the giant-sized wardrobe that is now behind the two of you.
You push yourself and Twilight into the waiting wardrobe just as the large doors to the room open, and you all but hug Twilight to keep her from moving from where you are.
The two of you might be inside a wardrobe, but the place is almost a walk-in room on its own, designed with Princess Celestia's size in mind. You quickly wonder if you should head further into the place, perhaps to hide amidst the large dresses that are hanging next to you, but you decide against it.
It would be too risky, now that you can hear the sound of hoofs walking into the room.
You hold your breath, willing your heart to beat more slowly as you hear the sound of two ponies walking around the room, clearly checking the area in search for something.
A set of hoofsteps starts coming closer to the wardrobe.
The foreleg you have around Twilight begins to shake.
"Hey, check this out," the closest voice says, and you swear that whoever said that is looking in your direction.
You hear them whisper something, and you can't hear their hoofsteps anymore. But you know it's because the two are purposefully being quiet now.
They're closing in on the two of you.
You can almost feel them getting closer and closer, and-
A third voice, shouting from somewhere outside the room, almost makes you and Twilight jump up in surprise.
You can also hear the two voices yell in surprise.
"You two, come quick! Captain Shining's sister has just-"
"What in TARTARUS' PITS are you doing in here?"
"Yeah, what is your problem?! Princess Luna explicitly said who can and can't get inside this wing of the castle!"
"I know, but listen to me! Somepony got past us, and she's clearly trying to get to the Princesses!"
The commotion happens almost too quickly for you to follow.
You recognize the newcomer's voice as being the pony who was, very apologetically, barring Twilight's entrance a few minutes ago.
You can also tell how tense is, how the whole situation seems to have become more heavy, as he hesitantly walks towards the two others who were already inside the room.
"Oh for… You, go tell our captain about this. Go. And YOU, go tell YOUR unit to stay put outside the entrance. Unless our captain says so, WE are going to take care of this. Besides, if you couldn't even keep some pony outside I doubt you'd be of much help to search for her and…"
You hear the trio making its way out of Princess Celestia's room moments later, their voices getting lower and lower as they gain distance from you.
And you risk taking a single peek out of the wardrobe's half-opened door before they completely leave the room.
[The nature of your pursuers]
[Roll: 69 + 12 (Intrigue) + 30 (LANTERN Level 3) = 111]
A shiver runs down your spine as you confirm exactly what you had suspected.
For a split second, you see the back of three ponies as they rush towards the door.
One of them, the one you recognize, is absolutely normal. A royal guard stallion with grey coat that contrasts with the gold of his armor. Her is large, as royal guards normally are, and you can barely discern the colors of his cutie mark as her turns towards the corridor after leaving the room.
But it only occurs to describe him as "normal" because, in comparison, the two ponies are…
Well, because the two others are not.
They are not even ponies to begin with.
It is a strange sight, one that is even stranger because you know that your understanding of Lantern is much more attuned to your sense of touch than to your sight. It is a view you can somehow only describe as if you were stepping on mud, or as if you were trying to understand what a clay statue's shape is by feeling it with your hoofs while blindfolded.
You can see them, the mare and the stallion royal guards, wearing the golden armor much like the other one. You can see them, but you can also see so much more.
You see the green not-glow coming from their eyes, even though they have their backs turned to you.
You see how they keep their bodies changed. How they do so because they constantly lie to the world around them, until it convinces the very air that their false shape is the truth.
You see many things, as if two transparent images were being juxtaposed one over the other.
But you definitely don't see two simple royal guards.
Mercifully, they close the doors to the room behind themselves, after they leave.
And you hear the clicking sound of a key being turned, the door once again telling you that it is a thing that denies passage.
You sag, your hinds hitting the floor as you let out a long sight.
"Sorry about that," you mumble, finally realizing that you still have a foreleg around Twilight and letting go of her.
She just shakes her head, clearly as tense as you are, relighting her horn moments later. The two of you allowing for a few quiet moments to pass as you take deep breaths.
Twilight's mettle returns to her far more quickly than your own. You can still feel your heart hammering inside your chest, and you consciously push away the allure of using Winter to calm yourself down, not sure if it would make you less alert than you absolutely want to be. But still, you are still trying to regain your wits when the younger mare stands up and walks out of the large wardrobe.
"I… I had no idea there was this much tension going on within the Royal Guard," she says worriedly, her expression still nervous.
You very much agree with her. And even if she does not know the half of it, it's still good that she noticed the tone used by the "guards". If anything, you can tell this encouraged her not to be discovered while you are here.
You try to follow suit, standing up and heading towards her. Although the two of you are still talking in whispers, and you still make sure to keep an eye on the locked door.
"Well, I can tell that you brought us straight into the Princess' room," you say, quickly looking around and soaking in a few more details of the place.
It's clean and well kept, as one would expect, and you can tell that even the bedsheets have been dutifully changed frequently. But you have no doubts that this place has not been used by its intended occupant in quite a long while.
"But there's no sign of her here. Heavens, even the door was locked by the looks of it," you continue. "Any idea of where she might be?"
Twilight thinks for a few moments.
"Well, it would make sense for her to be in her sister's room, then. But…" she trails off before she finishes her thought. And you think you know why.
But, you think, Twilight most likely has no idea where said room is. It could be nearby, the Two Sisters choosing to have their rooms near each other's, but it could also be in some farther part of the castle wing, or even up in a tower for the same argument of the Princesses' preference.
Besides, the two of them are fliers. You hardly think a bit of distance would make that much difference for them. The years you spent with your husband and daughter have taught you that pegasi have a rather twisted sense of distance, with how fast they can cover ground.
And then there is the added problem that this entire part of the Royal Castle was literally blown up a few months back. Now that you think of it, it's a bit of a surprise that Princess Celestia's room was in the same place, for Twilight to know where she should teleport to. That, or she visited the Princess months ago, before she left in her earnest for the searches.
But regardless, the fact remains that you have no idea how much this place has changed during renovations. And that even if Twilight might have been here in the past, the whole place might also be utterly unfamiliar to her now.
To you, it makes no difference of course. This place is completely new to you regardless.
"It makes sense," you say, echoing her thoughts, "but then if we are to find it, we will either have to do it through sheer luck, or... we might be able to gleam something from the guard's behavior, perhaps?" you finish, although you have no idea how to make your 'idea' work, or even if its a good plan to begin with.
But Twilight nods at that, for some reason slightly more confident than she was a few moments ago.
It makes you a bit happy to see that she is feeling somewhat more brave, thanks to you.
Still, if only she knew how you are feeling right now…
- - -
Being inside a locked room, one that the guards probably think had already been searched, gave you a few more moments to talk things through. Although the two of you silently agreed that it would be best if you were done as quickly as possible.
Still, you had something approaching a plan.
Her teleportation spell was too loud to be used stealthily, so the two of you would have to stalk by the corridors on hoof.
Hopefully, the two of you thought, the mysterious tension between the royal guards meant that there would be few ponies searching for you. That is, unless the "captain" they mentioned decided to call for help from guards tat were outside Princess Luna's trust. Of course, even if that was not the case yet it was still something that could happen at any moment. So it would be best if you started to move while your number of pursuers was still small.
But anyways, your plan was crude and simple, mostly because you lacked information to do anything better. The two of you would try to sneak around the corridors searching for a sign of Princess Luna's room, and Twilight would teleport the two of you back to Princess Celestia's locked room if you were spotted.
And you two would pray to the heavens that this place would remain a reliable hiding spot during the execution of said plan.
With nothing else to decide on, you and Twilight head to the locked door that will lead you out of Princess Celestia's room.
"One last thing," you say, as you raise your hoof towards the door. "I can unlock this without a problem, but I'll have to lock it back with magic once we're outside. So wait for a few seconds while I'm doing it," you say.
You see the question forming inside her head, about how the hay you can do that thing with your hoof, but she swallows it down a few moments later.
Something you will tell her about another time, you hope.
But for now, you lightly tap the door with your hoof, the lock of its internal mechanism coming open with a soft click.
And the two of you head out into the corridor.
[Skulking through the corridors, cd ??/???]
[Roll: 37 + 12 (Intrigue) + 15 (MOTH bonus) – 10 (Hesitant Twilight) = 54]
You close the door behind you as soon as you leave the Princess' room, lighting up your horn and fiddling with the lock as quickly as you can.
There is no way to "go back" when it comes to applying Knock. This is a principle of opening, and of bridging that which is isolated, so you cannot "go the opposite way" in order to lock a door any more than you can turn a cloud of smoke back into a log of timber after it has been burned.
So what you are doing is, quite frankly, fiddling with the lock through magical means. Your unusually extensive knowledge about locks is being helpful, of course, but there are no mysteries being applied right now.
Still, less than ten seconds after you lit up your horn, the door locks itself with an audible ticking sound.
You turn to Twilight, exchanging a glance as you try to mutually give each other courage. She had mentioned that she knew an invisibility spell, but was fearful that the unicorn guards might notice it. You didn't challenge her fears, but for entirely different reasons.
But this still means, in the end, that you two will be out in the open while you go about the castle wing.
However, the two of you only take five steps away from Princess Celestia's room when two figures turn around a corner and come into your sight.
And of course, you come into their view, much like they came into yours.
You and Twilight Sparkle, and the pair of not-guards, stare at each other dumbfounded for perhaps three full seconds.
This time, it is Twilight that snaps you out of your petrified stance.
"Run!" the young mare says, yanking you by the foreleg. You body follows after her before you can think about anything else.
And the two guards, mud-covered in lies and shadows in a way that your eyes can't comprehend nearly as well as your hoofs, follow right after you.
[Evading pursuit!, cd 75]
[Roll: 50 + 12 (Intrigue) + 15 (MOTH bonus) = 77]
Being spotted immediately after leaving your "hiding place" threw all your plans down the drain.
The two of you ran, because there was nothing else you could do.
And when the two guards following you began shouting for help, you and Twilight immediately and wordlessly agreed that there was no point in being cautious any longer. Not for the time being, at least.
Twilight's horn lit up, her eyes closing in concentration for a few seconds as the two of you galloped down a hallway, and moments later her horn erupted with a wave of magic. It was a simple cantrip, done under pressure and while she was running nonetheless. But for all that it was a cantrip, Twilight still managed to multiply it into a hundred different versions of itself and fire them in every direction at the same time.
What resulted, as she intended, was chaos.
Doors that were flanking you on both sides of the hallways burst open, miniature globes of light appeared all around you, erupting in loud fireworks seconds later. The very carpet underneath your hoofs came to life, turning into a tall wave that went towards the two guards that were closing in on you.
None of those things did more than slow down your pursuers for a few moments, and you were acutely aware that the cacophony around you was attracting all sorts of attention. But still, those precious few moments started piling up, and the two of you soon managed to turn a corner a few seconds ahead of them, breaking from the guard's line of sight for a tiny bit longer than they could afford.
You took it from there.
Your heart was hammering inside your chest, and your leg was calmly telling you that it could start to hurt if you wanted it to. But you ignored all of that, instead pushing yourself and Twilight into one of the nearby rooms.
You had absolutely no idea if it would work, but you could only trust yourself.
The secret, you knew, was to treat it like a dance. Like a chaotic dance that you forgot you performed once, long ago, with nothing but the bark of black trees around you as witness.
You blasted a wave of telekinesis at the door to your left, loudly slamming it shut.
You pushed yourself and Twilight to an open door to your right, making sure to keep it open.
And the two guards appeared before you moments later, having turned around the corner seconds after you and Twilight did. But they immediately lunged at the closed door, crashing into the room that was behind it without a second thought, both of them instinctively sure that you had closed the door behind yourselves in order to create yet another obstacle in their way.
They would have noticed you and Twilight, wide-eyed and nearly panicking, had either of them turned their faces only a little bit in your direction.
But they didn't.
You didn't stop moving either, knowing that the dance was not over until your two pursuers were well and truly lost. With that in mind, you took Twilight's hoof and pulled her after you, the two of you backtracking through the way you came while the cacophony of Twilight's spells masked the sound of your frantic galloping.
It is hard to believe that all of that happened in the span of a few minutes.
Yet here you are now, hidden inside another room. One, of course, that is far away from where your pursuit took place. You and Twilight still heaving from the exertion you have just been through, sitting down on the floor with your backs lying against each other's.
"You… you alright?" you ask between deep breaths, your eyes glued to the closed door next to you and your ears perked up in attention, despite the slight ringing you think you can hear.
"I… I think so," she answers hesitantly, as shaken as you are.
The two of you grow deathly silent as you hear the sound of loud talking in the distance, instructions being shouted and horseshoes galloping in different directions.
But Twilight, and much later yourself, slowly begin to ease back down when you realize none of them are coming your way.
"They caught up to each other," she says, her voice still quivering slightly, "they probably talked. We can't go back to Princess Celestia's room anymore."
"I… it seems so," you agree with her.
As much as you hate to admit it, there is no other way to go now but forwards.
Because despite all of this, you can still see that Twilight is adamant in seeing this through. And by all the heavens you know you won't abandon her here.
- - -
[A second attempt, cd ??/???]
[Roll: 90 + 12 (Intrigue) + 15 (MOTH bonus) – 10 (Hesitant Twilight) – 10 (Guards on high alert) = 97]
You think you did it.
It was nerve wracking, and more than once you came from a hair's breadth of being spotted.
But you think you did it.
You and Twilight hesitantly peek out of the small reading room. The place must have been a small storage of books and scrolls that, for whatever reason, eventually saw enough use to justify having more furniture and even a table moved into it.
But you are not really sure. You can only make educated guesses about what several rooms inside a castle this large are used for, but right now you really don't care.
The two of you look out through the door, looking for any of the guards that are searching for you.
And once both of you are satisfied that the coast is clear, your eyes immediately go towards a particular door at the far end of a corridor.
It is a large double door, made out of rich wood and died in a dark-blue like the midnight sky. A great crescent moon, made out of white jewels and marble, is artfully laid on its surface.
And furthermore, the two of you swear that at least one guard passes around this area every few minutes.
That has to be the door to Princess Luna's room. It simply has to. Which means Princess Celestia is probably behind that door.
Of course, you have a much greater problem which Twilight is unaware of. Specifically, you don't know what comes next. Sure, the two of you can sneak up towards that room and make your way in, but what then? There is a very great chance that the false Luna is in there, and if push comes to shove, well…
"Twilight, can I ask you to promise me something?" you whisper to her.
And the mare immediately turns towards you, sensing how dreadfully serious your tone is.
The two of you are nervous beyond your wits, and you can tell that Twilight is all but holding herself to not run or teleport into that room. But still, she looks at you with as close to an encouraging expression as she can.
"I think so… what is it?"
"If we happen to find Princess Celestia in there, and if things start to get strange… then please, teleport us out of there."
She purses her lips at that, the innate belief that nothing can truly go wrong if you find Princess Celestia clashing with just how serious you sound right now.
"Please," you say, and maybe you strike something inside of her, because a few seconds later…
"Alright, Velvet. I promise."
"Thank you, Twilight."
You know that this is as close to a lifeline as you will be able to get, and at least you have a promise from her that she will get out of here with you if things really turn out wrong.
Still, you realize that... really isn't much.
But with that said, the two of you look out through the door one last time, and as soon as you confirm none of the guards are nearby, you two start going towards Princess Luna's room.
There is nothing else you can do now. There is nothing any guard can do, even if they spot you. Not before you make it to the great moon-engraved door, and right now that is all that matters.
So, the two of you run.
As silently as you can, as quickly as you can. You and Twilight Sparkle gallop down the hallway towards the place where, hopefully, her mentor is. And you can practically see your friend going faster and faster as she gets closer to her dear teacher than she has ever been in a long, long while.
Twenty meters.
Fifteen meters.
Ten meters.
Five meters.
Twilight's horn lights up, the lavish metal doorknob lighting up as well as her magic begins to exert control over it.
And before either of you can even think to react, a brilliantly green magical barrier manifests around the door, coiling around the light of Twilight's magic over the doorknob like a violently territorial snake.
The next moment, the barrier expands. Or rather, it explodes, you and Twilight not being thrown farther away only because you are not that close to the barrier when it erupts.
[The fortress of the body, breakpoints 50/65/80]
[Roll: 47 + 9 (Martial) + 10 (HEART bonus) + 10 (Distance from blast) = 76]
[Second breakpoint passed. You are only disoriented]
[Rolling Twilight's resistance]
You hit the ground hard, even rolling once as the force of the explosion washes over you. It wouldn't have been enough to truly wound you, even if you were right next to it, but it was still the sort of spell that mixes a blasting noise and a brilliant flash in order to knock a pony out of their hoofs.
And in that, it worked very well. You hear an ear-splitting... something, ringing inside your ears for a few seconds, and the thought of getting up on your hoofs doesn't occur to you for quite a while as you lay down on the ground with your eyes closed.
You only remember where you are, and what you are doing, when Twilight Sparkle's voice reaches you, her words hitting you like a bucket of cold water.
That is, when you hear her voice, and a second one answering her.
"Princess Luna? What… why? What is going on?!"
"So you are the little ponies who have been causing all this racket in my castle."
A chill runs down your spine, and you force yourself to get up. Your legs answering to your plight all too ponderously, as if you had too much to drink after a long day.
But still, you know you have to.
After all, Twilight has no idea of who, or rather what, she is talking to.
You even try to say something, but your tongue is being as helpful as the rest of your body is.
"I… we… please, Princess. I came here because I need to speak to Princess Cel-!"
You finally get three of your four hoofs under you, and you manage to raise your head high enough to see what is going on.
Twilight Sparkle is standing a few steps from you. She seems to be completely fine, and maybe the blast didn't hit her quite as strongly as it did to you.
But standing right in front of her is…
[The Enemy, cd ?????]
[Roll: ??? + 12 (Intrigue) + 30 (LANTERN Level 3) – 15 (Disoriented) – 30 (???????) – 20 (??????) = ???]
[Lantern insufficient to know result]
Standing right in front of her, the moon-marked door firmly closed behind her, is Princess Luna.
The realization hits you like a train.
That pony right there is Princess Luna. You have never been so certain of anything in your life.
And it is not just because of her appearance, or her presence, or the tone of her voice, or her bearing, or the way everypony is relieved she has finally been found. No. It is something much deeper than that.
She is Princess Luna because that is how things are meant to be.
That is the great secret, the big lie. The only truth that exists is that she is Princess Luna, which means that everything that goes against that statement is immediately false.
Except that…
Except that...
"You, the TWO of you, have very much overstepped your boundaries," Princess Luna, and nopony else, speaks. "GUARDS! Come here at ONCE!"
"No, wait! Please, Princess, I can explain!"
Except that you know your Selene is waiting for you back at home. And you know that she has a great and heavy destiny waiting ahead of her, one that you will try your utmost best to help her face.
And you know, for all that you still have no idea how, that you promised her parents you would do what is best for her.
That certainty, the certainty that you have met and that you care for the true Princess Luna, is the only thing that is stopping you from thinking that you have somehow gone insane at some point.
Because every other sense in your body, every other voice in your head, is utterly and completely certain that the alicorn standing before you is Princess Luna.
And with that, you finally get enough of your bearings to be able to get a better grasp of the situation.
"I ordered you to be QUIET."
Which makes you realize just how bad things look.
Twilight Sparkle is all but shaking where she stands, as Princess Luna towers before her with. The alicorn's pose is the very definition of regal, for all that her expression is irate, with her wings outstretched and her horn held high.
You also turn around just in time to see four guards galloping towards you, having heard the Princess' call.
All of them have that clay-like feeling to them. All of them have that not-light of green coming from their eyes, the one only you can see.
But their shapeshifting presence serves you as another reminder of what exactly is lording over you and Twilight Sparkle, reminding you that you have not gone crazy when it comes to what you know about Selene. But it also makes you realize just how utterly outclassed you must be, if you can see so easily through her guards but can't help but doubt yourself when you look at the Princess herself.
It also bears mentioning that even if their shapeshifting might be "inferior" to whatever Princess Luna is doing, they are still four very large creatures.
And as soon as they reach the two of you, they block off any chance you have of escape. Their postures shifting as they clearly prepare to pounce at the two of you on a moment's notice.
"Please, Princess Luna," she tries pleading again, "we just came here to-"
"You came here for nothing! And I already have in mind exactly what shall become of the two of you," the alicorn answers, a chill running through your spine as you realize exactly what she means by that, the four guards preparing to jump almost automatically.
"Twilight," you say under your breath, your head still spinning slightly from the blast as you summon the effort to talk. Or heavens, as you try to even take a few steps closer to your friend, dizzy as you feel. "I think now would be a very good time to-"
But another voice interrupts the three of you. And all of you, including the guards that are blocking your path, turn around as another group of ponies approach you.
"Twili, I… I couldn't believe it when they said it. What in Equestria are you doing here?!"
A wave of relief washes over your spinning mind as you see captain Shining Armor, and a group of royal guards, quickly making their way towards you.
And the mood shift around you, on everypony but Twilight, is also almost instantaneous. You very nearly collapse on your hinds from relief, as you realize that at least the appearance of more ponies means that you are no longer alone with Twilight, surrounded by five murderous creatures and no witnesses to speak of.
The changeling guards, as well, also relax their pose. Although you can tell that they are all annoyed, or outright aggressive, towards the newcomer guards. And it stands to reason, seeing how you can tell all the newcomers are actual ponies.
However, what worries you the most is the shift in expression on Princess Luna's face.
Because you can very clearly tell that the gears inside her head are shifting, with new thoughts of how to deal with you two coming to the fore.
"Princess Luna, I…" Twilight continues, almost oblivious to her approaching brother. Almost totally oblivious to the situation as a whole, in fact.
The young mare is still single-mindedly focused on getting past the door that is so close to her, in order to see her dear mentor.
"Please, Princess. Don't you remember me?" she continues. "I… I helped save you. And Princess Celestia… I am her pupil! I just came here to see her, Princess. Please!"
And the transition in Princess Luna's tone is so seamless that you wouldn't have believed she was shouting at you moments ago, if you hadn't been the one she was shouting at.
However, for all that she does not sound irate anymore, her tone is still severe. But instead of anger, it carries the absolute tone of authority and reason.
"Twilight Sparkle, put yourself in your place!" she snaps back.
And Twilight flinches at that, almost as if she has just been slapped.
But Princess Luna takes that almost in stride. In fact, you almost think that the alicorn relished the young unicorn's reaction, a ghost of a smile appearing on her face for less than a moment.
"Do you truly think you are that relevant? Are you really so arrogant that you think of yourself as being so important?!" she continues, taking a step forward towards Twilight.
The young mare, her expression between shocked and terrified, takes a step back.
"I have been nursing my dear sister personally these last few days, and we have known of your presence ever since you first made that… that racket by the entrance to our domain, when you arrived. Did you truly think we did not know? Stop thinking of yourself so highly, Twilight Sparkle. You haven't been admitted into here because we didn't wish to see you. Because my sister did not wish to see you!"
Princess Luna's words finally cause Twilight to trip backwards, landing on her hinds with a rather painful sound. But she doesn't even seem to notice it.
Her expression, you can tell, it utterly shocked from Princess Luna's words, her face going through several motions in the span of a few seconds. Going from disbelief, to fear, to...
To hurt.
"Wh… what…? No. Princess Luna, there must be a misunderstanding, I…" and her voice… you feel a tinge of pain inside your chest as you hear Twilight's voice. "I a-am her, her p-pupil and-... her f-faithful studen-!"
"You are not her pupil, small one. You are a pupil. A passing interest that she deigned to train, like dozens before you. You are not the first, you will not be the last, and that certainly does not make you special."
Your mind is still spinning as you hear her. You know that you are not yet entirely aware of everything around you.
But you can tell, without the slightest shade of doubt, just how horribly wounded Twilight's expression is right now.
You almost think that the mare might be moments away from crying.
And you are so focused on her that you don't even notice captain Shining Armor walking by you, placing himself between his sister and Princess Luna.
"My Princess," he quickly says with a short bow, "I am so sorry. Please, my sister here has been distraught at your sister's condition. If you would just allow me to-"
"You are more than sorry, captain Shining Armor," she says, interrupting the stallion before he can finish speaking, "you are also incompetent. And the fact that a member of your family is the one who is doing… is the one who is breaking into my domain, then it reflects poorly on you."
"Princess, please. I can guarantee you that my sister jus-"
"You will guarantee me that she will be removed from here. And I will discuss at length with my sister about whether or not you are even worth your rank, when she wakes. In fact, if a pony like yourself has managed to climb this high in the Royal Guard, then it might be time for me to make some more radical changes to how things are done in here."
Shining Armor is speechless at that. You can't see his expression, but you can tell he is more tense than he initially was. And he is either shocked from what he just heard, or he has realized that trying to reasonably talk to the Princess will simply not work.
Princess Luna's face, also, makes it abundantly clear that she is all but daring him, or anypony, to try to say anything else.
"Now away with you. All of you!" she says, stomping a hoof on the ground for emphasis. "And if anypony else even thinks of pulling a little stunt like this, I will have them thrown into the dungeons!"
Shining Armor simply gives her a half-bow at that, and you immediately follow suit. But Princess Luna does not even bother to acknowledge any of that, turning her back to all of you and heading back into the large moon-crested door behind her.
Everypony is speechless at what just happened. Well, at least you and the royal guards are. The four of Princess Luna's own guards have chosen to simply watch all of that, with poorly hidden satisfaction on their faces.
But you don't really care for any of that right now. Not for the speechless guards, not for the smug not-guards, not even for the possibly shocked Shining Armor. The only think you have in your mind right now is to try your best not to trip, your mind still spinning inside your head, as you walk towards Twilight.
And that is because...
Well, because it didn't escape you that the young mare has been utterly still this whole time.
You finally get close enough to Twilight that you can see her face behind her mane, and you don't even think twice before you put your forelegs around her, bringing her into a hug as soon as possible.
And only now, that you have her face this close to yours, do you realize she is actually saying something. That she is saying something under her breath, that perhaps only she can hear.
"Twili, c'mon… we can talk later," Shining Armor catches up to it a moment later, also walking up to his sister and putting a hoof on her shoulder, "let's just get out of here for now."
"Yes, come with us Twilight," you say to her ear, as softly as you can.
But you are not even sure if she is listening.
You are not even sure if she will be able to move, with how rigid her body is.
The only thing she can do, it seems, is whisper something to herself.
"No, you… you are lying, and… I… Princess Celestia, she…" you think you hear her say, her voice a low whimper, her eyes still aimed at the large moon-crested door, so close to her yet firmly locked.
The guards that were accompanying Shining Armor quickly take their cue and leave, and all but one of Princess Luna's guards shadow you until you leave the deeper parts of the Princesses' personal quarters.
But still, it takes you and Shining a lot of time, and quite a bit of effort, to take Twilight all the way back to her room.