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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

That would actually be an incredibly amusing thing. I wonder how that would turn out.
Its not even totally impossible. That cruise they're on could end up being so riddled with noodle incidents that Campbell's will be trying to sue them for trademark infringement.
Mizuki_Stone Omake
Omake: Boil Boil Turn and Trouble

Asia hummed to herself as she carefully stirred the cauldron before her.

Alchemy. Well thaumaturgy. Some of the first 'simple' processes Ise had helped teach her.

It was... it was!

Honestly she wasn't really sure what it was. The feeling was really familiar. It reminded her mostly of her time at the church, when she was making holy water.

Only with more ingredients. Which made it almost like cooking! Except with a cauldron.

Did people cook with cauldrons? She thought she might have heard something like that, but really the were much more associated with witches in her mind. That's what they were referred to at the church anyway.

She couldn't help but giggle at the thought that she, the 'devil healing witch', who had been banned from the church was now literally mixing a potion in a bubbling cauldron.

Maybe she could get a pointed hat? But where could she go? She didn't want to bother Ise... maybe Mittelt? Or Kiryuu-chan! She had a lot of costumes like that!

The svelte blonde blushed immediately as other uses for the costume came to mind. That wasn't what she'd planned! Though maybe...

A sudden sting of heat on her hand warned her that the potion was boiling out of control.

"Eep!" she quickly started stirring again, leveling out the heat through the mix.

Still she knew it was almost time!

"Heroes Recovery," she muttered to herself, as she carefully dipped in the ladle to start taking the surface layer of the brew and put it into clear glass vials.

The potion should, if she did it right, greatly speed up and improve a person's ability to heal. Making scars fade, wounds close, and bruises fade much faster then normal. Nothing Twilight Healing itself couldn't do even faster, but anyone could use this, at any time.

She knew she wasn't as strong as the others. Not in the ways they were. She wasn't useless. She knew better then that, but still... She remembered how everyone had laughed, and talked about their sparing match with the Phoenix peerage, while all she had been able to do was watch from the sidelines.

But she was strong in her own ways. Both from the gifts gods had given her, and the skills she had earned of her own hard effort!

Asia knew how useful the amulets Tomofuri-dono could make had brought a lot of value to Ise from his dealings with the Underworld, if this could do even part of that!

"With this! I'll do my part too!" she declared.
Sol Mark-1 Omake 2
For adoption.

-Bright Shattered Ice Non-official. Information, and thoughts of the Alternate Creation for Beginners.

These notes were written by an assistant of Bright, so some information maybe wrong, and omitted

_"Human" world Earth (there are many names for the planet).
-The world that The Solar Exaltation first appeared, it is mostly governed by humans, though a lot of supernatural control some financial empires, the Essence in this universe acts different compared with Creation like divided.
-The world is sphere like, it is the third planet that orbit Sol, and it has one moon (Luna probably like Earth may have alternate worlds.)
-It has an Underworld, but with some differences compared.
-The other planets don't have life.
-It doesn't have any form to do Aggravated Damage.

-A parallel universe where a lot of the humans souls go after they die.
-Before the Devils, and Fallen Angels arrived there lived Gods, and Goddess already living there so when they
-Some are acceptable, though a lot are considered horrible fates by mortals.
-There are Death Gods, and Goddess who treat mortals souls fairly, but there are some who treat souls like shit, and there are the ones that are completely insane.
* Yomi these days has became even worse.
* The Underworld of my Creation was completely dead, I doubt anything could survive there, I hope nobody was stupid enough to wake up the Neverborn.

_Afterlives-Heavens; Gods.
-A group of Divinity domains where the Pantheons live, and rule.
-The chosen ones live there when they die to serve their chosen Pantheon, and live idyllic existences.
-There rivalries between Heavens.
-Caution must be had when dealing with Gods since a lot of them have different values from you, they are extremely prideful
* Just like in Creation.

-It's interesting how very similar mortals are in this world, they are weak, sometimes superstitious, used in some way by the supernatural like breeding stock, or food, but a big difference is that they can be transformed into a different type of beings (Ex. Evil pieces that transform into a devil, Human, or animal transformation into a Yokai.)
-Some reincarnate when they die, others go to the Underworld, other fortunate ones go toward the Paradise of the gods(ess) they followed, and keep producing praying, interesting.
-Most humans are weak, but they can became strong if they train supernatural martial arts training (Senjutsu, Touki, Ninjutsu, Ki), Magic, blessing from a god, or learn to use advanced technologies.
* Some people compare humans with the Axolotl.
-They can also interbreed with a lot of other beings.
* Dragons still wins them in that department.

-Similar to Elementals in Creation in that they are masses of power that gained mind of their own.
-With varied level of intelligence depending with the individual.
-Very territorial beings, that love to hoard (Riches, Wisdom, subjects, Artifacts, harems.), Arrogant, Greedy
* A lot of similarity with the Solar Exalted including the level of destruction they can leave.
-They can crossbreed with a lot beings even more than humans, they use shape shifting to help with the... 'mating'
* Like the Lunar Exalt, so cute.

-A servant race created by the God of the Bible.
-It has some errors mostly on how easily can became fallen.
-The number of pairs of wings denote how powerful the Angel, and the rank it is.
-They can form light based weapons which can be fatal to Devils (though some of the powerful one will ignore the effects)
-Angels use magic of the Blessing Paradigm.
-Seeing that Fallen Angels can interbreed with humans, there is a probability that Angels can interbreed with Humans, but that would probably make the Angel, what a hard existence.

_Fallen Angels.
-Almost the same as their non Fallen relatives only with black wing, absurd libidos, and incredible bodies.
-The smallest in number in the Biblical Factions.
-They live in cities in the Underworld.
-They use magic of the Glamour paradigm.
-Their leader is the definition of Genius, Crazy Awesome.
* If wasn't completely human he would have died.
* If he died with such training he would have been the shame of the Solars... Maybe trying to studying these training exercises could be a very minor study.

-The other race of the Biblical Factions who lives in the Underworld.
-They descend from 72 Devil Clans, which some have disappeared thanks to the very strict standards of purity, conflicts, political murders, the Great War.
-They were the race most affected by the Great War, that is why the Evil Pieces where used to boost their numbers, but this provoked a division into the ones who accept, and the ones who rejected it.
-Some clans have a special magic that is locked in the lucky

_Youkai (Monster, Ghost, Strange Apparition)
-One of the most enigmatic type of supernatural, and probably one of the most extended in human world, if you are liberal in the meaning of the world.
-The intelligence of these beings vary from very simple instinctual to genius levels.
-Almost anything can became a Yokai if certain requirements are met.
-Thanks to the unique form of transformation (Genesis) there are different races of a Yokai species (Kitsunes differences in Korea, or China; or the many different types of Onis.)
*I heard there is a rumor of a group of Onis that have abandoned Sake for Beer.
* That would just be a group of them just having different tastes instead of a different race.
-Another rumor is that in certain places becoming a Yokai could end in your execution.
-Their unique powers are Youjutsu (Illusions), and Osore (fear empowering)

_Sacred Gears.
-An interesting type of Artifacts native to this Dimension of varied quality, but extremely useful if the user is smart, and strong.
-Some uses the souls of Mystical beast as a part of it, others still have minds of it's own.
*Using the Soul of something as a computer processor is extremely impressive, better fate than ending as a Soul Steel Ashtray.
-It's connected to the soul of the user, the users have it since their birthday.
-The Sacred Gear can be removed from the user using a Grigory Ritual, with a specific Artifact though that action kills the user thanks to the damage the soul suffer (There are cases were the victim was resurrected if the Sacred Gear is recovered, and an Evil Piece is used on the victim.)
* These Artifacts are interesting, the 13 Longuinus are a work of Art, If I were alive I would have liked to work alongside this God.

Back in Issei soul world.

"Who gave you permission to write this?"
"Bri--ight I'm sorr--.
"You shouldn't have used Bright-sama name in vain.
Are the instances of shaky grammar and sentences that cut off suddenly on purpose or do you need a beta ?
I have wondered if Yokai were to exist outside of Japan in this quest, I wonder if Yokai in Hawaii, Brazil, or USA would be different?

I wonder what is the opinion of Rizevim opinion of Issei right now?
Hmm, lycantropes are a thing here. Lobisomem we call them. There's a legend about Boto and Iara, basically a Merman and a Mermaid, but of the river variety, and that sort of stuff. I believe they're not quite youkai though.
We have quite a few in Brazil, but they're more Spirits rather than Youkai, but as I understand the biggest difference between Spirits and Youkai in Japanese folklore is that spirits tend to be more benevolent, while Youkai are... twisted in some way, though not necessarily impure which is another whole can of worms.

That aside, Other notable creatures from Brazil are...
  • Saci, the One legged trickster who leaves dust devils in his wake. He generally does the whole trickster fairy thing, like spoiling milk and stealing small, precious things.
  • The Headless Mule, cursed lover of a priest who isn't so much "headless" as she has a fire gushing out of her neck. Taing the bridles from her fiery head or drawing blood with virgin wood will turn her back into a woman.
  • Mapinguari, the Hairy Giant whose belly button reeks and is much like the Bigfoot or Sasquatch.
  • Curupira, another trickster, with hair of fire and backward feet he uses to mislead hunters who venture too deep in the woods.
  • The Boitatá, a giant snake made of fire who lives deep within forests and near rivers.
Here in Mexico we have

The Chupacabra (goat sucker), a being that leaves goats without blood, there are many version of the creature, but most version tells that is an animal without fur. (in one Touhou manga it appears)

Nahual, A type of sorcerer that can shapeshift into an animal, with the help of their spirit animal guide.

Chaneques, a type of forest dwelling fairy that protects the forest, and they will attack you if you don't respect the forest.

Teo Mixtli Xicualli, a mermaid worshiped by some indigenous people, and that it blesses them, originally a goddess before the Conquistadores (fuck them) came to ruin everything.

I PM Alexander about how the supernatural situation in America, he told me that when the conquest of America was happening a lot of the local pantheons were decimated, or exterminated, and also a lot of supernatural beings were exterminated, like what happened with the normal world.
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Write-in.
-[X] Shout out that we love patient, scholarly girls so the first 5 female students that make it to their classes first without breaking any rules get to have lunch with us! Sona's the judge so you have to listen to whatever she says!
We have quite a few in Brazil, but they're more Spirits rather than Youkai, but as I understand the biggest difference between Spirits and Youkai in Japanese folklore is that spirits tend to be more benevolent, while Youkai are... twisted in some way, though not necessarily impure which is another whole can of worms.

That aside, Other notable creatures from Brazil are...
  • Saci, the One legged trickster who leaves dust devils in his wake. He generally does the whole trickster fairy thing, like spoiling milk and stealing small, precious things.
  • The Headless Mule, cursed lover of a priest who isn't so much "headless" as she has a fire gushing out of her neck. Taing the bridles from her fiery head or drawing blood with virgin wood will turn her back into a woman.
  • Mapinguari, the Hairy Giant whose belly button reeks and is much like the Bigfoot or Sasquatch.
  • Curupira, another trickster, with hair of fire and backward feet he uses to mislead hunters who venture too deep in the woods.
  • The Boitatá, a giant snake made of fire who lives deep within forests and near rivers.
Not an expert on Japanese folklore, but I believe that's wrong, and Youkai encompasses many various types of spirits, from animal spirits like the kitsune and tankui, to spirits of places, or objects, to general monsters. Basically anything supernatural that isn't presently human or a kami. Nothing about them being twisted or anything else.

Of course, I may be completely wrong.
Not an expert on Japanese folklore, but I believe that's wrong, and Youkai encompasses many various types of spirits, from animal spirits like the kitsune and tankui, to spirits of places, or objects, to general monsters. Basically anything supernatural that isn't presently human or a kami. Nothing about them being twisted or anything else.

Of course, I may be completely wrong.
Upon further research and reading, you are indeed correct. Youkai is most commonly used and accepted as the catch-all term for Monsters, Spirits, Ghosts and, in some older uses, the general mysterious and spooky atmosphere of places like deep forests and abandoned buildings.

Seems I was mixing that up with another explanation on Yurei and Youkai I read some time ago and have since lost track of.
Upon further research and reading, you are indeed correct. Youkai is most commonly used and accepted as the catch-all term for Monsters, Spirits, Ghosts and, in some older uses, the general mysterious and spooky atmosphere of places like deep forests and abandoned buildings.

Seems I was mixing that up with another explanation on Yurei and Youkai I read some time ago and have since lost track of.
Probably something from anime/manga, as that's where most of us get our Japanese mythological background.

I used to have a hobby of reading up on myths and legends, part of the reason I got into fantasy (or maybe I got into it from watching fantasy, and it just reinforced it.) I still do some reading, keeping my foot in, as it were.
Ok if I may be so bold as to ask a possibly stupid question, is there any word about this story getting updated? I only ask cause I really like this story and have been eager to see something but haven't gotten any hints one way or another.
Ok if I may be so bold as to ask a possibly stupid question, is there any word about this story getting updated? I only ask cause I really like this story and have been eager to see something but haven't gotten any hints one way or another.
This thread never quite dies. There's always some new post in it every week or two to keep it on the front page.
Long review/questions from chapter 1 onwards (except sidequests)

not Princes of the Earth like myself and him
Issei is a Prince of the Sun/Heavens not Earth. The Earth Princes are the Dragonblooded.

I came from a world different from Earth, how you can name your land [dirt] is beyond me
Technically speaking, it is the reverse, dirt was named after the world (at least in Western Tradition meaning Greek and Roman)

Does Ise still have the Balance Break and Juggernaut Drive available? I would place Ddraig somewhere between Sol Invictus and Malfeas in terms of power so the JD would be great if it can be run on Essence, which all signs point to it being possible.

"I'm not the only one: I know at least three other persons who have one."
Who besides Kiba has a Sacred Gear in Ise's acquaintances?

I cannot remember when you said he had fought Donaseek or met Ruby.

"A simple comparison: a mundane martial arts master can split a brick and jump over a hedge; a Terrestrial martial arts master can split a boulder and jump over a house; a Celestial martial arts master can split a city wall and jump over a mountain; while a Sidereal martial arts master-" You grin. "can split a soul and jump to the Moon."
Why is the Sidereal Martial Arts superior to the Immortal (World-God) slaying Celestial Martial Arts? The Neverborn are proof that a Master Celestial Martial Artist can split a world.

You really need to highlight the choices decided on last chapter at the beginning of the next.

Why is Mittelt not calling him Issei-sama anymore?

Nice lemon, will you make a GSBS nsfw section here eventually?

Sacred Dragon? The Holy equivalent to Evil Dragons?

Do you want us to give spelling and grammar corrections?

Boosted Gear Prominence
Good name but the second one you changed it to in your second character sheet is better.

You need to add Dragon Wave to your Character Sheet, or is it Dragon Shot?

Please give us a proper link or pic! This one is no good T-T

[B][] Graceful Sun[/B] [B][] Merciless Poison[/B] [B][] Bombastic Thunder[/B] [B][] Wrathful Fire
What shows up for each of them?
Please keep track of the Overdrive Pool!

Are there character sheets for the other important characters? Found it, by luck.

Ise needs to enhance a Sword Birth Sword that can absorb demonic energy and then fire the storeed energy. With the Solar Exaltation, I could see it having a larger capacity and draining speed, plus the blasts being Holy.

"See, see? Those are my handsome husband and beautiful daughter!"
Please fix the links!

How did your Ruby get the name Ruby if she has a JP name already?

I want to see the Three Factions reaction to Mittelt lol

Based on your description Apotheosis does not grant a permanent Half-Caste status so will she regain her Creature of Darkness status?

God Body is not allowed. The rest it is.
Perfect Healing Factor would make him clinically immortal as a side effect though…I thought the Solars were clincically immortal by default though. The Fact Ise also has Ddraig's power and Dragon traits just enhancing it further.

Why is Kaoru not addressing Ise very respectfully? Ise is a recognized Emperor after all.

The Solar lens of Boosted Gear can enhance any Charm that use Holy energy.
Is it limited to Holy? The previous limitations suggested no especially the second which claimed fire element

Ise only made about 500,000 USD (less actually) and he believes he is making as much as an sovereign ruler?!

Is your Kaoru male or is she a crossdresser like in canon?

Except the current nine tailed fox is reincarnating in the Nura storyline and going to give birth to Nue.

When Ise enhanced Nenekirimaru was its special abilities enhanced as well (like when he did it with Flame Delete)?

First post in a new forum: sweet
How is it the first post on the forum when its on page 70 something?

Do the Magnus have a shared balance breaker? Like the "God" form of the Horsement? Or do each magnus have its ow Balance Breaker?

What is the active bonus of Cresent Rose? I am assuming the passive bonus is speed boost.

Were the Magnus automatically holy weapons or did they gain that with the solar half-caste boost?

And if you read entry 36.7 you will find a list of future candidates,
Can you make that list for us?

What happened to Renka? You skipped from Issei seeing her to Exacalibur Part 1…semi explained but is the fight with the Infernal canon? The Infernal didn't speak of why the gods rebelled and why titans betrayed their own kind. The King of the Titans was the Holy TYRANT. His power corrupted him from his birth.

Make possible to reach Essence 5 for those who normally shouldn't be able to, like humans
Will he be able to gift this to Half-Castes as well? They are limited to Essence 3 since they only qualify as godblooded.

Reading your response I am eagerly awaiting Trihexa lol

Thanks for writing so many great quests! I am especially enjoying this and Green Sun Black Shadows
not Princes of the Earth like myself and him
Issei is a Prince of the Sun/Heavens not Earth. The Earth Princes are the Dragonblooded.
not Princes of the Earth like myself and him
Issei is a Prince of the Sun/Heavens not Earth. The Earth Princes are the Dragonblooded.
No, the Dragonbloods stole that title from the Solars and don't technically have the right to use it.
Why is the Sidereal Martial Arts superior to the Immortal (World-God) slaying Celestial Martial Arts?
Because the only charms the Sidereals can create without the permission of all five Maidens (Which is never given. Ever.) are martial arts charms. So they have gotten very good at them.
Why is Mittelt not calling him Issei-sama anymore?
Because she doesn't feel any need to be formal with her husband.
How did your Ruby get the name Ruby if she has a JP name already?
It's her Hero alias.
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No, the Dragonbloods stole that title from the Solars and don't technically have the right to use it.

Because the only charms the Sidereals can create without the permission of all five Maidens (Which is never given. Ever.) are martial arts charms. So they have gotten very good at them.

Because she doesn't feel any need to be formal with her husband.
It's her Hero alias.

Thank you for the explanation!

Couldn't the Sidereal create charms belonging to one Maiden like the Infernals can for the Yozi (except the Heretical Charms which require multiple Yozi)? Also, can the Solars use the Sidereal Martial Arts? They are supposed to be able to accomplish anything and Sol Invictus is greater than the Maidens if memory serves (he was able to create 3x the Exaltation Shards), but the Maidens have a specific power over casualty (which the Solars can discard), so I am unsure how that would turn out.

Read the side stories, so I now know that Ruby is her born name and the other is the Japanese translation.

Mittelt did go back to calling him -sama, so I am now very confused about the time in the middle she called him -san for like 2 or 3 chapters
Couldn't the Sidereal create charms belonging to one Maiden like the Infernals can for the Yozi (
No, that only works for the infernals because their shards are already jailbroken and Solars, no matter what their form, are designed to do things that are impossible. Sidreals aren't so they can't rebel against their own power that way.
Forgot to vote last review so now I am and adding new things from what I reread.

[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
I am assuming this will make learning new spells easier if we are higher ranked
[X] Calmly ask what's going on

but restricted their use to human only because he feared angels with them would grow too powerful to control. Once he died the system began malfunctioning and now, even with Michael keeping it running, there are a lot of errors that result in half-humans obtaining Sacred Gears and other things that happen in canon.
In canon, it is specifically stated he created Sacred Gears to help mankind protect themselves from the supernatural (part of the reason those of non-Biblical families can receive them). Also Michael, the strongest Angel in heaven is nowhere near the Top Ten List and if memory serves while God was alive and at full power he was Number 2, behind Number 1 Ophis, and Number 0 Great Red. Even with the Lance of Longinus Michael would have been unable to beat God, except in his half dead state he was left in after sealing Trihexa.

Just realized how broken your Boosted Gear is. It boosts twice as fast and creates two bonus energy pools with extremely large limits, but each boost can also be converted to a force multiplier on top of that. Is the force multiplier only limited to one attribute or does it enhance them all? Simply put, can he double his STR, DEX, SPD, and STA along with his power or only one stat per group of Explosions?

Would Sage Dragon have higher stats than Dragoon, since it takes the power of Dragoon and compresses it?

Bright will obviously hold Ajuka's island in contempt and have Ise make Tzatli 2 to show Ajuka how it is properly done lol

-In this quest Half-Caste can reach up only to Essence 3. Becoming Gods is the only way to surpass the limit.
What of Buddhas, humans that reached god status (which based on your other comments I assume means Essence 9 or 10)?
Edited*What I mean is if Half-Caste can become Buddhas and if it is easier for them to do so.

Something else I realized is that with Ddraig's ability, Ise can use Juggernaut Drive like Vali does without side-effects.since the curse is broken.
Edited* and he creates Essence in the two Overdrive Pools which could be used for it since JD increases Offence and Defense.

Ah, you wanted alternate ideas for Ise's BB, how about Susanoomon from Digimon Season 4? With some modifications obviously. Make the Greymon attachment Ddraig and the Garuumon his Anima Dragon Head (or the reverse). It uses light as a weapon for its attacks and is primarily Red so it fits. Pretty sure it is on Youtube if you search for his fights.

I think I forgot to mention it, but thanks for these great quests!
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