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  • Chuuni: I have the innate loli dao body!
    Normie: You mean you didn't eat well as a kid and have stunted growth?
    Chuuni: No, that's the acquired loli dao body!
    Normie: Oh, you just lost the genetic lottery, I get it.
    So The Lord of Mysteries has a nickname "the world of besties" over here, like how Naruto has the nickname "the legend of eyes"
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Lol... can't fight that...
    if you really think about it Cirno couldn't really just have nine IQ, I mean to do all the things that she does she needs at least ten
    So I figured, you know, in those villain stories, they say you can't directly kill a protagonist because they're "sons of heaven" or "sons of destiny" or have some kind of divine luck, you know, and you have to siphon or destroy that luck first, but there's "national luck", which is even more real and commonly used phrase, which is a restraining force on protagonists or else your story is banned from the website lmao
    Anyone know why I can't access NSFW forum
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    Black Serpent of Harad
    Nope, I'm a new member and don't know myself how to get access.
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    You have to make an account for access to NSFW forum.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Have you verify your account? You should have gotten a verification email back when you created/registered an account.
    Immortal Cultivators are afraid of thunder tribulations, but Digletts are immune to electric type, so Digletts > Immortal Cultivators.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Ish soh. Cultivators are clearly water types
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    Reactions: d.fish
    There are some versions of the myth where Sun Wukong never made it to the West, and it was the Six-Eared Mahcock that replaced him instead, and there's versions where he was never born but was a creation of Buddhism, and there's another one where his soul died in the West and the Ever Victorious Buddha took his body as a husk to wear
    Dragon Ball? Journey to the West
    Naruto? Half the legendary weapons, tools, myths from Journey to the West
    One Piece? They're sailing west on the Grand Line

    everything is journey to the west
    I'm thinking I should merge the Jujutsu Kaisen setting into the third world, so it's not that it's actually a hentai doujin universe, that's a misunderstanding Chihiko has, since that's just human nature and he's thinking the worst of people, and this is because ghosts and an underworld exists in that world, so all horror settings mixed with slice-of-life animes
    Well, okay, Sarutobi also knows other things; he knows gambling, prostitution, and drugs, after all, that's what his students learned from him, right?
    There's a wonder to adding a line in the first part of the first post of the story like, "[Brain Storage Here] Remember to leave it in here before reading and remember to retrieve it while leave."
    I think chihiko should have a character development arc be like "in order to not get ntrd I have to become the biggest ntrer!"
    back when Naruto was hot, Tencent with its penguin logo was often called Copy Ninja Penguin Kakashi, because, well, you know why
    Master Roshi is a pretty good teacher, if you think about it.

    It's one thing to just make his student repeat the phrase "人外有人,天外有天", it's another to go and fucking whoop Goku's ass to teach him that there's always someone stronger.

    Too bad Saiyan genetics won out. Always holding back and never using his ult, if this was a moba, I'd never want him on my team
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    He's a mentor type... not a fighter type.... he managed to defy fate and lived where other mentors died!
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    Reactions: d.fish
    But today toriyama's gone
    "Although Sarutobi Hiruzen isn't very educated, only knowing The Will of Fire, smoking, and peeping on young girls bathing, he is very politically astute."
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    He knows some of that delicious ninja magic?
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    Reactions: d.fish
    That means he's got a little education, not a lot!
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    Reactions: Biigoh
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    Uchiha Izumi: How old are you, Rin?
    Nohara Rin: If I were still alive, I'd be thirty, but I died when I was thirteen.
    Uchiha Izumi: What a coincidence, I died when I was thirteen too!
    Nohara Rin: Haha, really...
    Those "inu youkai" are tiangou,

    and tiangou eat the moon

    the fucking moon

    supposedly, in most myths here, if there's an eclipse, demons are weakened, sort of like, you know what happened in ATLA, but they aren't firebenders, it's more like something to do with moon = taiyin star, and demons = yin
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    so does she weaken herself when she causes an eclipse? should this be like an "atavistic bloodline ability"?

    if she "returns to origin (blood)", does this make her or other inu youkai less like other youkai?

    ... I should differentiate in the lore, so youkai is just a blanket term
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    If you think about it, the villains systems in urban subgenre asking the villain to make the male protagonist mad or upset, it's basically a form of breaking the spirit, but doing something you naturally do shouldn't reward points, however if you think about it, these male protagonists are "sons of destiny" or "sons of heaven", in addition to good luck, they also need to have a "resolute dao heart"
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    That's because they're villain protags fighting hero antags.
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