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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Yandere!Asia made by Puratinamu in New Life is better, basically she became a psycho after Freed glued the gore job to her.
Thanks for the warning!

Anyway, I now have an idea for the next post. In short, be prepared to be the Kamine of Kiba. Or something like that.

Also, showed me this [URL='https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/high-school-dxd-fanfic-discussion-ideas-recommendations-part-3.310056/page-267#post-16454768']delightful little gem[/URL]. I smiled so much I don't think it's healthly.
Though note that the Wayback Archive has, like, 95% of what get's taken down off BT in general.
Oy, can I at least get some credit for finding that? Going through 850 pages of discussion ain't easy.
What?! Ooops :oops: sorry, there was a severe typo. The correct post is:

Thanks for the warning!

Anyway, I now have an idea for the next post. In short, be prepared to be the Kamina of Kiba. Or something like that.

Also, Biofan09 showed me this delightful little gem. I smiled so much I don't think it's healthly.
Uh so I decided to look at the thing... It got Mod Hammered. Peon is ban too.
Uh so I decided to look at the thing... It got Mod Hammered. Peon is ban too.

... And now I feel guilty.

Gonna PM him to apologize.
I don't see why: it wasn't that gorish.

On another note, I saved HSDXD Vol 3 and I have most of the next post ready. The only uncertain part is this:

As some have guessed in the past, Irina and Xenovia have received the additional mission...of recruiting Issei for the Church. Though, I am stumped on the details, and how they would do it.

If you can stroke my imagination with hypothesis and suggestions, I will be eternally grateful and finish the post tomorrow as a Christmas' gift.
As some have guessed in the past, Irina and Xenovia have received the additional mission...of recruiting Issei for the Church. Though, I am stumped on the details, and how they would do it.
...does the church know that Issei is already closely-involved with several other factions?
They likely are. And are probably desperate to have him on their side as a result. Gaining that much power and renown in such a short time?
I don't see why: it wasn't that gorish.

On another note, I saved HSDXD Vol 3 and I have most of the next post ready. The only uncertain part is this:

As some have guessed in the past, Irina and Xenovia have received the additional mission...of recruiting Issei for the Church. Though, I am stumped on the details, and how they would do it.

If you can stroke my imagination with hypothesis and suggestions, I will be eternally grateful and finish the post tomorrow as a Christmas' gift.
Does the Church have any supernatural resources/information the Angels don't? If so, the offer of resources could help. Also the chance to research any Saintly Artifacts, if they're actually potent in this setting.

Besides that, they could offer him an official or unofficial position and secure residence in the Vatican, which nicely doubles as political asylum from mundane governments. Also, access to their information network (there's a lot of Priests out there), assistance on demand from Church officials (not insignificant, considering how wide spread the Church's influence is), and potentially the opportunity to train Church members for the good of humanity as a whole. Medicine and Martial Arts training alone (especially if we can get them to near-superhuman levels or outright supernatural ones), especially if they can raise their Essence to 2 or 3 by some non-Solar means, could massively increase their ability to deal with the criminal element and protect their flocks. As someone with a major interest in the welfare of mankind as a whole, such would be a desireable outcome for both Issei AND the Church.

Of course, we'd have to take steps to identify potential corruption before agreeing to anything...thankfully, there are excellent Charms for that kind of thing.

In Exalted Terms: Backing 4-5.

Also, they have the income to pop us up to Resources 3 or 4, if we want to push for that, but I'm not big on taking large sums of money from the Church coffers due to the fact that it's mostly from donations and tithing (admittedly, that's a personal moral issue, some may disagree).
As some have guessed in the past, Irina and Xenovia have received the additional mission...of recruiting Issei for the Church. Though, I am stumped on the details, and how they would do it.

If you can stroke my imagination with hypothesis and suggestions, I will be eternally grateful and finish the post tomorrow as a Christmas' gift.

They offer to make him a representative of the Mormon Church not under their umbrella of course BUT, with all the perks associated with the religion. Extending the offer to his Girlfriend(s) and re stating Asia as a Nun forgoing the Chaste vow and willing to overlook Mittelt indefinitely.
Resources is one option, but part of me wants just for crack purposes for them to include Irina in the bargain somehow.
...I'd honestly feel rather horrible pressing them to do that, and I don't think they'd do it by default. That said, we might be able to get her as an Advisor or Ambassador in the long term, and see where things go from there.
Actually, rather than having Irina and Xenovia do the negotiating, why not have their secondary objective be feeling out Issei and figuring out what he's like and what his objectives and relationships and such are? Negotiating is all well and good, but first they need to open a dialogue with him, maybe with a side character who accompanied them and is in the city somewhere now. Irina and Issei may have a history but she and Xenovia are both exorcists. Wise leaders don't send soldiers to do a diplomat's job.
That actually makes a lot of sense. Especially since Irina having a history with Issei might make it less likely for him to suspect anything.
I don't see why: it wasn't that gorish.

On another note, I saved HSDXD Vol 3 and I have most of the next post ready. The only uncertain part is this:

As some have guessed in the past, Irina and Xenovia have received the additional mission...of recruiting Issei for the Church. Though, I am stumped on the details, and how they would do it.

If you can stroke my imagination with hypothesis and suggestions, I will be eternally grateful and finish the post tomorrow as a Christmas' gift.
Have the church play the longer game with it. Irina and Xenovia aren't the actual recruitment team but their role in recruitment is twofold: First to learn about Issei's nature, his desires and his ambitions, second is that their Church sent these two specifcily in hopes Irina's feelings towards issei will blossom into romance while Xenovia is there as moral support for Irina and as a means of sweetening the pot do to Issei's lustful nature.

In the longer them I suspect that Irina and Xenovia along with a third person who does have knowledge of diplomacy will get stationed in the city as a friendly point of contact between Issei and the Church.
Are we forgetting that these are the same guys that'll try to purify our friends in a heartbeat? And who threw Asia out because they thought she was a witch?

Though that being said...

I have ideas for if we do decide to join them.

Have the church play the longer game with it. Irina and Xenovia aren't the actual recruitment team but their role in recruitment is twofold: First to learn about Issei's nature, his desires and his ambitions, second is that their Church hopes to use Irina's feelings towards issei in hopes that romance will develop while Xenovia is there as moral support for Irina and as a means of sweetening the pot do to Issei's lustful nature.

In the longer them I suspect that Irina and Xenovia along with a third person who does have knowledge of diplomacy will get stationed in the city as a friendly point of contact between Issei and the Church.

I agree with this. Clearly the church was trying to bank on Irina's past relationship with Issei to help smooth things over. An offer of resources and official backing is most probable. They might also stipulate that if he agrees they'll leave Irina and Xenovia with him as help and to act as go betweens. Additionally they might offer to undue Asia's excommunication with special dispensation (albeit on condition that she'd have to be a lay person what with the whole broken vow of chastity thing which might be brought up for embarrassment and lulz factor :p).

I say, convince them to come back in a few days/ arrange for a sit-down meeting with their superior. Talk it over with Rias then use Exalted Solar Bullshit on said superior to make him agree so they'll stay away from Rias and her crew. Use it to spin some crap about how God was all powerful and all good so the fact that he allowed Devil's to exist and didn't immediately wipe them out means that he clearly had some intended purpose for them and therefore they cannot all be wiped out as without testing how can the believers faith be truly determined...while conveniently sidestepping the whole God being dead in highschool DxD issue.

If we work this right I can almost imagine us as a semi-autonomous Church backed Stray/Evil Devil/Youkai exterminators.

If we do this REALLY WELL...Can anybody else see Issei as the head of an Iscariot organization equivalent! Shougo already kinda looks like a roided up Father Anderson...albiet personality wise he's probably closer to the TFS Abridged version. Lol

Though then again maybe Issei as a Church backed Hellsing Organization equivalent would be better.

Can you imagine the reaction of Issei's inner otaku/gamer at the possibility of fighting Nazi vampires and zombies comes up?

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There's an active peacetreaty going on between the three factions so Irina and Xenovia going after Rias is going go draw Heaven's Ire on those who ordered it. we can play on that along with the reaffermation of peace that will follow Kokabel's stunt to forge a Hellsing inspired group supported jointly by the three factions to oppose threats to the peace.
There's an active peacetreaty going on between the three factions so Irina and Xenovia going after Rias is going go draw Heaven's Ire on those who ordered it. we can play on that along with the reaffermation of peace that will follow Kokabel's stunt to forge a Hellsing inspired group supported jointly by the three factions to oppose threats to the peace.

This definitely fits what I was going for. I second the notion!
have to agree with whats been said here Xenovia and Irna might be the ones to feel him out and maybe even approach him with the initial offer but I doubt they would be the ones to negotiate the deal. if the Church has been paying any attention at all they have to know that Issei is in contact with two of the leaders of the Factions either directly or indirectly. Issei has also been doing some ambassadorial work and problem solving. I honestly see the Church saying they will back Issei as an official neutral ambassador and problem solver he has enough personal power that he can enforce decisions made if necessary and he is not heavily or continually obliged to any one faction.

He also makes a good place to funnel people who are "dangerous to the church" but not inherently "heretical" giving the church a place to send people like Asia who has a power destabilizing to the Heaven system but are still faithful. this would let them keep the services of powerful abilities like Asia's without abandoning them completely. they would very likely be willing to part with resources for this more so if the Devils and Fallen also apply their backing to it. Basically Issei's group would become what Tiamat is to the Rating games a neutral judge and enforcer.
have to agree with whats been said here Xenovia and Irna might be the ones to feel him out and maybe even approach him with the initial offer but I doubt they would be the ones to negotiate the deal. if the Church has been paying any attention at all they have to know that Issei is in contact with two of the leaders of the Factions either directly or indirectly. Issei has also been doing some ambassadorial work and problem solving. I honestly see the Church saying they will back Issei as an official neutral ambassador and problem solver he has enough personal power that he can enforce decisions made if necessary and he is not heavily or continually obliged to any one faction.

He also makes a good place to funnel people who are "dangerous to the church" but not inherently "heretical" giving the church a place to send people like Asia who has a power destabilizing to the Heaven system but are still faithful. this would let them keep the services of powerful abilities like Asia's without abandoning them completely. they would very likely be willing to part with resources for this more so if the Devils and Fallen also apply their backing to it. Basically Issei's group would become what Tiamat is to the Rating games a neutral judge and enforcer.
We might also get some of those that are too heretical to be officially part of the Church, but too dangerous and/or useful to let go of.
I can't imagine that the Church would send two junior Exorcists (both of whom have Excaliburs) to try to do any actual diplomacy with somebody like Issei, especially when we're not too subtle about how much we have aligned ourselves with the Devils. That being said, I do second the idea that they're sending Irina to try to feel out what Issei is up to. Basically, I see their role as being the people who see if we're likely to eviscerate the bigwig that they're sending to actually negotiate with us.

The main problem with Issei being unaligned at this point is that he's the Red Dragon Emperor. None of his predecessors were really the type of people you'd want to trust with much power, as they were mostly concerned with doing whatever they wanted and fighting Albion. Remember that the Dragons are Destructive (yes, the capitalization is justified), they're probably here in general to try to figure out if we're building up a support structure for our inevitable rampage.
especially when we're not too subtle about how much we have aligned ourselves with the Devils
Which really isn't very much at all. We've got a business relationship with house Gremory and are social with their heir, but we spend more of our time working with the the Shinto and Yokai factions. One of which we're a high ranking member of.

Issei probably doesn't see it that way, sure. But from an outside perspective he really looks more like the Shinto/Yokai faction's liaison to the Devils than a member of the Devil faction.

Hence why Lord Gremory is implementing a cunning plan with regards to Issei.

Edit: Actually, now that I think about it, Issei is more closely allied to the Fallen Angels than the Devils. Azazel is kind of a friend of his and his live in lovers are both technically members of Grigori. Since I rather doubt Azazel bothered to process Mittelt and Asia's resignations.
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Issei is getting more social and more charismatic. He should be able to start pick up social cues, like: Irina's feelings were hurt.

If he's got the confidence to sleep with half a dozen girls, then he shouldn't be scared of Irina, but he should be want information. The person who has the most immediate personal information about Irina is Xenovia.

[X] Apologize
[X] Ask the bluenette for help

Longer term, let's get on good terms with these people if it doesn't interfere with anything. At the best we can act as a "neutral" intermediary between factions, and even if things go slightly wrong we can duck and let them fight around us.
Excalibur Arc - Part 2
[X] Apologize

[Just apologize to her partner.] Ddraig gives you advise. [Just don't try to make some excuse about your stupidity.]

'Right, because it would be insulting.'

[No, because you ARE stupid.]

This shitty dragon!

"Irina, I'm sorry I was such an idiot when we were children and even more of one just now. I don't have any real excuse for my stupidity and even if I did I won't insult you by making it. But I will say this; It's wonderful to see you again Irina-chan." You walk to where she is seated and hug her. "How can I make it up to you?"

"Eeee-!" She jumps in your arms before her mouth clamps shut. "I-Issei-kun! This is inappropriate!"

"Can't I hug an old friend?"

With your chin resting on her shoulder you can't see her reaction, but she slowly puts her arms around you, returning the hug. "I will forgive you...as long as you're truly sorry."

"I am." You tighten the hug before walking back to your seat, idly noting Irina's cheeks are scarlet. Then a thought hits you. "I wonder why your parents never corrected me. I always did use male pronouns while talking about something you did around them."

She waves you off. "It can't be helped since I was a troublemaker just like the boys."

"But Irina, didn't you say it was because your parents wanted a boy and never told you about different genders until-" Whatever the bluenette was about to say is cut short by Irina's slamming a hand over her mouth. Digging her fingers into her partner's cheeks Irina smile turns dangerous. "Xenovia. What did I say about tact?"


"I said it includes keeping to yourself what people said to you in private." The smile widens. "Understood?"

The now named Xenovia frantically nods.

"Great!" Irina smiles cheerfully before releasing Xenovia and patting her on the cheek.

What kind of name is Xenovia anyway?

[It's from the Greek Zenobia, who was a warrior-queen from Syria] One of your sempai explains. [But her accent is Italian. Still, what kind of anachronistic names people give to their children those days? It's like asking for them to be teased.]

[Speaking from experience, Nicodemo?]

[Shut up.]

"Here: kiwi, strawberries and pineapple. All fresh." At that moment Mittelt comes out of the kitchen and puts the tray on the table. She notices the two girls' presence immediately after. "Why, hello there exorcist-chan. What can we do for you? Want a drink?"

"Uh, no thanks." Irina replies a little uneasily. "But whom you might be?"

"I'm Mittelt." The twin-tailed blonde replies cheerfully. "I'm Issei's wife, alpha queen and fucktoy! All in one nice package."

Your hand snatches on, grabs her by the collar and tosses her back into the kitchen. Then you turn back to the two stunned exorcists like nothing happened. "So Irina, what bring you-"

"Yo-Hic! Did my ears catch the word 'drink'? Hic!" Suika comes down the stairs, completely drunken.

Instantly you are standing next to the door, keeping it open. "Nope. Not all. But we were just discussing how a bar somewhere down the road is supposed to be offering alcoholics gratis, but only for today. And high quality stuff too!"

"Said what?! Can't miss it-Hic!" The little Oni proceeds to ignore the door and pass right through the wall.

"...I tried. Sol knows I tried." You shake your head in resignation while walking back to the couch and sit down. "We were saying?"

"..." Irina and Xenovia stares at you with mouths hanging open.

"I swear she's older than she looks. The one with horns I mean."

"Don't worry Master." Eiko puts another tray on the table and begins to serve tea and scones to Irina and Xenovia. "With the foul demon gone it is but a matter of moments to repair the damage done to your abode."

"What's going here?!" Irina snaps. "Wife? Was that an Oni? Master?!?! What's going on here Issei-kun?!"

"Ara, such familiarity." Eiko opens her fan to cover her mouth. "Can I ask who you are to address Hyodo Issei-sama, First Head of the Hyodo Dragon Clan of Youkai Yakuza, in such a manner?"

In the silence that ensues a pin could be heard dropping.

"Uhm..." Xenovia takes out a bible and skims to a signed page before starting to read. "I am not exactly sure if this requires an exorcist, or it's a matter of internal heresy that doesn't concern us. The instructions aren't clear." She looks up at you. "If I spray you with Holy Water, will it hurts?"


"Uhm. Then could you pretend it does?"

Irina's body tilts to the side and falls to the ground.


"Ahahahah!!" Dohna laughs hysterically after you finish relating the meeting. "Well done kid! You're such an eyesore you don't even need to try anymore to give people an aneurism!"

You give him the stinking eye. "Fuck. You."

"Please, stop it. This is serious." Rias reprimands both of you. The older man falls down to a quiet snicker, while you stay in your position leaning against the wall, arms crossed over your chest.

The members of Rias Peerage and you are gathered in the club room, waiting for the two "guests" to arrive.

"What happened then Ise?"

"Nothing much. My childhood friend was out like a light most of the time, but her companion told me they came to negotiate with the devil that has the city as its territory. That is, Rias Gremory. And, since I am affiliated with you but not a devil myself, they thought it prudent to use me as an intermediary."

Rias hums. "This confirm what Sona told me. She met those two today at noon. I was worried when I heard that, since she also said they have a Holy Sword with them."



"They have two Holy Swords." You explain. "The one called Xenovia keeps in on her back, but the one of Irina currently takes the form of the belt she has around her waist. Bright-sensei told me, saying it's the worst concealed weapon she ever saw." You roll your eyes. "But don't worry, they promised on the name of God they are here only to talk."

"Like their words are worth something." Kiba says with a hard, uncharacteristic tone.

'I smell an issue. But...maybe later.' "That's why I am here. As the one who isn't weak to Holy damage. Beside, they have bigger troubles than picking a fight with Devils." Your eyes narrow. "According to them, there is a trail of murdered priests that run all across Japan before stopping here in this city. We are talking about Exorcists, not preachers."

"...I see. This is troubling. If it is something dangerous for them, there is no telling what it means for us. In this case it's best to not give them an excuse to associate them with whatever it is they are hunting."

"Buncho, they're here." Akeno informs Rias.

"Let them come."

Akeno leaves, followed by Koneko. A minute later both Irina and Xenovia are seated on the sofa, Rias and Akeno sitting in front of them. Everyone has a serious face, but Kiba is glaring at them like he is about to attack them any moment.

After making the necessary presentations the first to speak is Irina. "Recently the Holy Swords Excaliburs that were kept by the Catholic Church Headquarter Vatican, Protestant Church, and Eastern Orthodox Church were stolen." She says such shocking news like it's nothing.

Shocking, for anyone beside you. 'Seriously, Excalibur?' You mentally roll your eyes. 'King Arthur was a Celt. Christianity wasn't about to reach the British Isles for centuries. How is it then a Holy Sword?'

[It's not.] Ddraig snickers. [I heard this from a friend of a friend of a friend, but the original Caliburn and Excalibur are still in possession of the Fae. What the Church call Excalibur is a completely different sword made when they adapted the legend of King Arthur with Christian thematics.]

'The biggest fraud I ever heard about.'

[For sure. Also, Excalibur broke into seven different pieces during the Great War and was reforged into seven different swords.]

[I know. I was once the wielder of one of them.] One of your sempai says. [Excalibur Rapidly. It made me fast enough to defeat the then White Dragon Emperor.]

[If you had trained more you wouldn't have needed that thing!] Ddraig chastises him.

[Said the dragon who slept most of the time!]

Ugh, so annoying.

"...I see. But what does the stolen Excaliburs have to do with this country so far away from Europe?"

"Of the seven Excaliburs one went missing at the end of the Great War." Xenovia continues. "Since then the remaining six were split evenly among the Christian Churches: two for the Catholic Church, two for the Protestant Church and two for the Eastern Orthodox Church. One Excalibur was stolen from each Church, aside from the Eastern Orthodox Church who lost two. The traces left from the ones that stole them lead to this town."

"But it's strange." Irina makes a troubled face. "The thieves kept killing any priest sent their way, but at one point in the last weeks they stopped and went into hiding. There are no hints they moved, but no priest was attacked. It's like they got afraid."

Rias puts a hand on her forehead and takes a breath. "Looks like my territory is full of incidents. Do you know who are the ones that stole the Excaliburs?"

"The ones that stole them were the Grigori."

Both yours and Rias' eyes widen at the answer.

"To be more precise, we know the main culprit: one of the leaders of Grigori, Kokabiel."

Kokabiel. Like Azazel and Shariel he is one of the Grigori's Leaders: called the [Angel of the Stars], he is said to have taught astrology and divination to humans.

[Don't get fooled by his fame.] Ddraig huffs. [It's true he is one of the biggest experts in those fields...but it's also true he's a Fallen Angel that greatly love fighting. First to engage and last to retreat: this is Kokabiel. He used his knowledge to predict the enemy's decisions and plan accordingly.]

{So this world has techniques resembling those of Sidereals? Interesting. I wonder if there is also a Loom...}

You sure hope not.

"Kokabiel…One of the leaders of the Fallen Angels that survived the previous wars since ancient times." Rias says slowly, as if she has troubles believing it. "I never expected to hear the name of the one that appears in the Bible."

He appears in the Book of Enoch actually.

"The Grigori announced Kokabiel went rogue weeks ago and disappeared from the face of the Earth. It seems they told the truth. He also brought with him some of his personal troops and young recruits of the Grigori. It appears we are dealing with a warmonger of the highest caliber, who freely disregard hierarchy to do what he wants." Irina says.

"Our request…No. Our order is to have no devil intrude in the battle between us and the Fallen Angels for the Excaliburs. In other words, we came here to tell you not to interfere with this incident."

Rias' eyes change after hearing the way Xenovia talk. "What a peculiar wording. Are you, perhaps, thinking that we might collaborate with Kokabiel? Perhaps that we might team up with them to do something with the Excaliburs?"

"The headquarters think that it might not be impossible."

'Wow. What a great show of diplomacy girl. If your goal was to be antagonistic as possible, you were successful.'

Rias' face is quite pissed. From the tension in the air, it wouldn't be unthinkable that something bad might happen.

[] Interfere
[] Stay silent
[] Write-in.


Sorry, I need to go to the dentist and I didn't have time to go all the way to Kiba. But this should be a good point to stop.

Also, Merry Christmas!


Ooops! Wrong pic!

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[X] Stay silent
-[X] Interfere only if things are about to come to blows.

This is a direct challenge to Rias in her role as the governor of this territory. Let's give her a chance to sort this out on her own rather than intrude on her business. No sense in making her look bad.
[X] Stay silent
-[X] Interfere only if things are about to come to blows.
--[x] Though a part of you desires to put a stop to this and protect your friends' honor, another stronger part also recognizes that if Xenovia's words are any indication, as far as the three factions are concerned this is still very much Rias' territory. As such jumping in here may very well serve to only aggravate an already testy situation and undermine her authority, and you care too much about her to intentionally do that. That mess with Riser you could at least justify with him having thrown the first blow. Still justifications for past deeds aside, you keep your senses sharp and prepare yourself to step in should things look like they are about to come to blows.

Edited in sub-subvote from the next page. Good idea!
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