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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

But aren't we effectively trying to do that for the magical girl wannabe with our evil piece research?
We're definitely trying to empower Mil-tan. I don't think there's been a decision made regarding any physical changes.
...I think even Issei would prefer to make Mil-tan more feminine. If not an outright sex-change, we can at least make the guy look a bit less terrifying in those outfits.
I think he'd be happy with her just the way she is; she's already perfect to him, dontcha know?
Please don't talk about making dudes into girls and girls into dudes. That is so outside Issei's comfort zone.

Also, the answer is no: R+V and Negima are nor part of the general crossover. If you want to explore them invent a trans-dimensional travel machine.

The update making will start tomorrow, as I am super tired right now.

*Bows* Very well good sir, it's your story so I shall defer to your will on this.
I don't know, I just went to the last page and made a comment trying to be sappy.

Don't judge me!
Ihihi! I understand. Here, Mil-tan:


Get it, now?
Last edited:
[X] - Interfere
-[X] - "Um, guys? Am I the only one thinking that that's exactly what Kokabiel wants? I mean, he came here to what the Bible Factions consider "Devil Territory", leaving a nice big trail of dead bodies to show the way, and then just suddenly stops? It's pretty obvious he's trying to make it seem like he's working with the Gremorys or the Sitris, don't you think? Plus, we already know the guy is a warmonger, so if something happens to you guys and he gets your Excaliburs too, or even worse he manages to kill Rias or Souna frame the Church for it, than he could wind up restarting the Great War. Don't forget he's the guy that basically invented Divination, and Precogs are manipulative by default."
--[X] "Rias, I seriously suggest that we contact your brother and Lady Leviathan, and possibly Azazel-sensei, and inform them of these events, just so that they know what's really happening in case the worst comes to pass.

I'm doing this for the sake of cooperating.
So, I know this is stupid, but I'm gonna make this omake, I don't know if this actually happen, but I'll do it anyway.

How to fool a guards
-By Akuseru Burugosu, Zenka Namikage and Kamina

#1: Fake a illness

"So all that's left is to infiltrate the rogue Fallen Angel's base, get their plans and possibly the fragments of Excalibur, and we'll golden." said the blue spiky hair man, who is wearing a priest robe.

To clarify what's going on, Issei and the other discover the Kobakiel's base(By stalking a stray exorcist)and a weird dude name Kamina though it is a good idea to sneak in.

The group consist of: Issei, Kamina, Mittelt, Xenovia, Irina, Kiba and Koneko, who they all wearing priest robe that Akuseru somehow gotten from some contact.

"Sure that would be great, but there's one problem, there's two guard guarding the only entrance we has to get in." Xenovia point out as she point toward to the two guards who are guarding the only entrance. "True, but I have a idea on how to get in." the young man said as he suddenly walk toward the guard, holding his left wrist and making a grunted noise as he get to him.

One of the guard notice the man, who walk in front of him. "Um... are you okay? What happened to you?" the guard ask him, who suddenly look at him with a panic faces.

And then what Kamina did next, just make everyone look at him oddly.

"You got to help me! I been stung by a tarantula! And it has been swollen ever since!" Kamina yelled as he show his left wrist, which is somehow swollen. The group look at each other in confusion, wondering how is this gonna help them get in. "Oh my god... am I dying?"
Kamina quietly said, slowly falling into despair.

"Um... what should we do?" the other guard ask the first guard, who shrugged. "Maybe we could help him?" the first guard suggested. "If I died... Tell my little brother... That I DIED AT KUOH CHURCHS!!!!!" Kamino said as he fall to his knee and yell at the heaven, making Issei and the other sweatdrop at his overdramatic act.

"Woah, woah, woah! No need to be so dramatic, let take you to the medic." the guards then lift Kamina up and they take him to the medic.

Everyone blinked at the fact that Kamina's plan actually work.

{"For a worm, his acting almost believable."} Bright comment, still amaze at what has transpired. "How the heck did he do that?" Issei ask a question nobody can't find the answer.

#2: Trick them with fire
-Akuseru Burugosu

"Well all we has to do now is to find a way to distract the guards." a black short hair boy said as they are near the warehouse.

To clarify what's going on; Issei and the other stalk a stray exorcist into a district, where there's multiple abandoned warehouses around and a seventeen year old mercenary name Akuseru decided that they going to sneak in. The group consist of Issei, Kiba, Koneko, Irina, Xenovia, Akuseru and two strange being name Astraea and Senjin, who they all wore a priest robes.

"And how can we do that?" Koneko ask Akuseru, who is thinking. "Hmm, let's see if I can do this." Akuseru muttered as he suddenly walk toward the guards making them follow him.

One of the guards notice Akuseru, who is walking toward him.

"Is there something I can help?" the guard ask him who strangely look panic. "You got to help! There's was a fire going on in the other warehouse!" Akuseru told them in a panic tone. "Fire? What do mean?" the guard ask him, who look at him weirdly.

"Are you deaf!? There was a fire going there!" he yelled at the guards. "Oh no, and the Excalibur fragments might be in one of those! We has to get there!" One of the guard freak out as they realize.

Akuseru's plan is working...

...Except that he shouldn't brought Astraea with him...

"Fire? I don't see any fire around it." Astraea said in front of the others and the guards, who they all look at her and Akuseru face palm at her stupidity. "Damn it Astraea, it was trick." Akuseru scolded her in front of everyone. "Oh, I didn't know that, thank you Aku-chan!" Astraea said cheerfully, making Akuseru twitch his eye.

"Oh shit! We're under attacked!" one of the guards yelled as they pulled their weapons. "Well, there's goes infiltrating." Issei said as he summon his sword while the other pull out there weapons.

Disguising and imprisonment
-Zenka Namikage

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Issei ask a feminine boy as they all headed straight toward the mansions.

To clarify what's going on; Issei and the other follow a rogue exorcist into a abandoned mansion, guarded by multiple guards. In order to get inside the mansions, a Stray Exorcist name Zenka pretend to be capture and taken with the other acting as the guards.

The group consist of Issei, Xenovia, Irina, Kiba and Zenka, with the four wearing a guards uniform he give them from Azazel, complete with a helmet, while Koneko stay behind to wait.

"Trust me, it will work." Zenka said as they reach toward the entrance. One of the guard notice them coming, and is shocked when he saw Zenka. "Eh!? How did you--!?"

"We like to take him into the dungeon." Xenovia cut him off as the guards recover their postures. "Err right, you're all allow to in." the guard told them as the entrance open, and they all got in.

{"Hmph, those worm would have been suspicious with them."} Bright said as she cross her arm. ["Oh? and why's that?"] Ddraig ask her as she turn his back and leave. {"I do not have time for such insolence."} this make Ddraig shrugged.


There, how do you like it?

Looks at the past discussions of Fem Kiba...

I say no. Kiba is our bro dudes. Seriously, Issei needs more male friends. Shogo feels too much like a subordinate, Azazel is too old to be Issei's peer, and Nura is too far away. He needs to go on a Bro Adventure Arc.
Eh, considering Suika would get involved, it could end up taking an entire arc to sort out. Oni alcoholism and all that, and she'd make everybody match her drink for drink I fear.
We'd wake up a beach in the Caribbean next to a beached cruise ship flying the flag of North Korea and wearing nothing but the Pope's hat.
We'd wake up a beach in the Caribbean next to a beached cruise ship flying the flag of North Korea and wearing nothing but the Pope's hat.
...so, we just assassinated their Leader (while he was on a cruise) with the support of the Vatican?

...are you sure we were drunk? That seems a bit too reasonable for drunken shenanigans.
...so, we just assassinated their Leader (while he was on a cruise) with the support of the Vatican?

...are you sure we were drunk? That seems a bit too reasonable for drunken shenanigans.
Nonsense. Obviously we conquered the people's republic, installed our sword as Satrap and used our new army to lay siege to the Vatican until they reinstated Asia and surrendered their hats. The hat thing would have been Azazel's idea.
Excalibur Arc - Part 3
[X] Stay silent
-[X] Interfere only if things are about to come to blows.

"The higher-ups don't trust devils and falle-"

"Your higher-ups needed to check their eyesight, because they missed a very important detail." Rias interrupts Xenovia. Before the bluenette could continue she continues with a tone that is only barely polite. "That, if I really did make an alliance with Kokabiel, I wouldn't have let him leave a trail of corpses all the way to my territory. That would have painted a giant neon sign on my back saying 'suspicious'. And even if he did asked for an alliance after coming here I would have still refused, because I would be the first to be suspected. Like it happened."

Wow, Rias' eyes are giving the chills.

So damn hot.

"So, unless you are saying I am a warmonger like Kokabiel that is blatantly trying to start another war without even worrying about saving face or an idiot that doesn't realize how weak her lies are..." Her eyes narrow. "If I were you, I would choose my next words very carefully."

"There is no need." Irina raises both hands in a placating gesture. "You are perfectly right. Hearing that is good enough. We had to warn you just in case that Kokabiel is hiding himself in this town along with the four Excaliburs. If something bad were to happen the fault would fall on us. We won't ask for cooperation. If a Noble Devil were to form an alliance with God's side, even temporally, then it would affect the balance of the three factions. Especially if it's the little sister of a Maou."

"....If you know that I am the sister of a Maou, then it means that you have lots of connections with the higher-ups in the Church." Rias curls her left hand around the right fist, resting them on her lap. Her expression softens. "I wanted to ask, but shouldn't your team also include someone from the Orthodox Church?"

"They have that person put on hold for this case." Xenovia replies. "Since the Orthodox Church lost all of their Excaliburs, apparently they are too ashamed to show their faces."

"So it's just the two of you? You are going to retrieve the Excaliburs from a leader of the Fallen Angel and his personal army with just the two of you?" Rias asks with obvious shock. "How reckless. Are you trying to die?"

"Yes." Irina replies with a straight face. Which pisses you the fuck off.

"I have the same view as Irina, but if it's possible I don't want to die." Even Xenovia's greater amount of common sense isn't enough to calm you down.

"...You came here to Japan prepared to die? The belief in your teaching is extreme like always."

"Don't talk ill of our beliefs, Rias Gremory. Right, Xenovia?"

"Right. Also the Church decided that it would be better to eliminate all of the Excaliburs rather than letting them get used by the Fallen Angels. Our minimum objective is to get the Excaliburs away from them. To accomplish that, it's okay for us to die."

That is so stupid.

[] Interfere
-[] Write-in.
[] Stay silent.
[] Write-in.


Again, I was going to write until Kiba but then I realized that there is no way Issei (this one at least) would stay silent after hearing his childhood friend is going to a suicide mission.
[X] "...or you could talk to the powerful non-devil and his team of highly skilled allies about dealing with this without losing any of our own. If you're not actually eager to die, that is."

Mayhaps you can change 'talk' with 'negotiate' ?

it sounds more reasonable.
then I realized that there is no way Issei (this one at least) would stay silent after hearing his childhood friend is going to a suicide mission.

And now we see the Church's (stupid) plan. Send Issei's childhood friend off on a suicide mission and then wave the fact that it's a suicide mission in his face. That way he'll have to help them!

If we die stopping Koko then they'll have eliminated a powerful faction that was semi-aligned with the Devils. If we win then we'll have reforged and strengthened our bond of friendship with Irina, and hopefully created one with Xenovia, through which the Church can manipulate us.

[X] Interfere
-[X] trigger relevant charms to make this go over as smoothly as possible. "As leader of the Hyodo Dragon clan and as a Solar Exalted of Ignis Divine I'll be intervening personally in this matter. It's blatantly obvious someone within the church is sabotaging your mission to compete some objective of theirs and I am DONE with seeing people cast aside for political gain. Irina I just got to see you again for the first time in years, I can't bear to see you sent to your death so someone else can claim a victory, You and Xenovia are people not weapons."
--[X] "Myself and my forces will begin sweeping the City to determine the movements of Kokabial's forces and his possible hiding places. Once this has been completed we'll begin striking at his allies in order to draw him out. Homura!" In a burst of smoke the Ninja appears in the room in a kneeling position and in full battledress, seeming to understand the formality the situation called for. "Spread word to the local Yokai to keep on the lookout for individuals that might be aligned with the renegade fallen and have your team begin tracking their movements In the meantime. You are not to engage without direct orders to at this time." with a quite yes Homura was enveloped in another burst of smoke and vanished as the smoke was dispelled by wind from the window. "In the Meantime I suggest that Rias contacts her brother about the situation and you two notify the Church that in the interests of preventing war I will be taking the lead. I have my own calls to make."
---[X] after the meeting call Azreal about Kokabial and see what aid the Gregori can offer for this. Of the Three Factions they are the one most endangered by the warmongerer's actions.
And now we see the Church's (stupid) plan. Send Issei's childhood friend off on a suicide mission and then wave the fact that it's a suicide mission in his face. That way he'll have to help them!

If we die stopping Koko then they'll have eliminated a powerful faction that was semi-aligned with the Devils. If we win then we'll have reforged and strengthened our bond of friendship with Irina, and hopefully created one with Xenovia, through which the Church can manipulate us.

Not sure how stupid it is, though. We can coopt Irina and Xenovia's loyalties...but we can't exactly not help them with Koko.
Not sure how stupid it is, though.

Well I suppose it depends upon how much information they have on Issei. But their plan banks pretty heavily on two assumptions:

1) Irina and Xenovia remain loyal to the Church over Issei.

2) That Issei will either accept these manipulations without response.

Given Issei's persuasive abilities, Irina's preexisting crush on Issei, and the whole suicide mission thing the first isn't that likely. If God's death gets revealed here the odds are even lower but that isn't something the Church could predict IC, so they're not stupid for not including it.

The second is even less likely given that Issei is already pissed over the suicide mission. Honestly sending his childhood friend off on a suicide mission is a pretty easy way to sour and future relations with Issei.

[X] Higure

Higure you misspelled "about" in your vote, left the "t" off the end.
Well I suppose it depends upon how much information they have on Issei. But their plan banks pretty heavily on two assumptions:

1) Irina and Xenovia remain loyal to the Church over Issei.

2) That Issei will either accept these manipulations without response.

Given Issei's persuasive abilities, Irina's preexisting crush on Issei, and the whole suicide mission thing the first isn't that likely. If God's death gets revealed here the odds are even lower but that isn't something the Church could predict IC, so they're not stupid for not including it.

The second is even less likely given that Issei is already pissed over the suicide mission. Honestly sending his childhood friend off on a suicide mission is a pretty easy way to sour and future relations with Issei.

[X] Higure

Higure you misspelled "about" in your vote, left the "t" off the end.

True enough. They still get us to help with the Excaliburs, though.
[X] "My apologies Buchou, but I simply cannot allow such stupidity on their parts to continue."
-[X] First Presence Excellency.
--[X] "'To accomplish that, it's okay for us to die.' These are your orders? This is your duty? And how, pray tell, are you going to keep those swords away from them when you are dead? What is going to keep their allies, and they must have allies, you have at least realized that, from simply taking those swords and more from your corpses? No."
---[X] Irresistible Salesman Spirit.
----[X] "You have been betrayed. Two mortals with nothing but holy blades they have not yet mastered and orders to turn away all help have been sent against Kokabiel? Against one who helped lead the Grigori? Even in death there is no chance of victory. Tell me something Xenovia, Irina. I understand why Micheal cannot descend from his throne and deal with this himself, but where is Gabriel? Where is Uriel or Raphael or the rest of the Seraphs? Where is anyone who could do anything but give two more swords to Kokabiel? You have not just been sent to die. You have been sent to deliver more swords into your enemy's hands. And I Will Not Allow It. So. Why don't we sit down and figure out how to keep these bastards from winning? Because whether you like it or not you have allies in this now and you will have to accept that."
-----[X] "Rias, I'm sorry for that and I won't ask that you stand with your enemies here. I just ask that you not try to stop me from helping them."

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