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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Excalibur Arc - Part 1
Issei fell on the ground, skidding on his back until he stopped by simple friction.

[Partner! Move!]

{Get up worm!}

"I know!" He hissed, trying to heal the wound on his arm. But no matter how much Dragon Energy he used, the black Essence coating the injury didn't allow it to close.

"Is this all? I expected more." Issei's opponent mocked him in a deep, smooth voice.

Issei looked up, his eyes contracting when he saw his opponent. "Dragon Shot!" Without wasting time he took aim with his good hand and fired a blast of Holy energy.

The blast hit Issei's enemy dead-on. It also, instead of exploding, scattered into a rain of confetti.

"What's this? A greeting party? A little late for that." The enemy laughed at Issei's shocked face. "Still, who would have thought the Exaltation of Bright Shattered Ice would have gone so far away? I am sure Cecelyne will reward me greatly for finding the one who managed to summon an Unquestionable outside of Calibration."

"You..." Issei gaped, unable to believe what he was hearing. "You're a Solar like me!"

Indeed, the strength of his opponent's Essence was overbearing, burning with an intensity like the sun. Issei's own Exaltation was reacting in recognition.

And yet.

And yet, instead of the glorious gold of Ignis Divine his opponent's Anima was a sickly green casting long, horrid shadows on its surrounding. The tall figure before Issei was garbed in the deepest black interrupted only by lines of brass. And on his forehead, even through the featureless mask, shined not the sun but a hollow disk of bottomless shadows.

Issei's opponent was a mockery of everything he was taught a Solar stand for.

And he was winning.

The black-garbed figure laughed. "Don't be stupid. Why would I want to be part of your worthless ilk?" He pointed at Issei in an accusatory manner. "To have my soul tainted by the essence of the traitorous Sol?"

"Traitorous? I am not the one who decided to side with the Yozi!" Issei protested. "They're deceiving you! No matter what they promised, if free they will destroy the world."

The mask tilted to the side. "Destroy, you say?"

"Yes!" Issei nodded. "Come with me: I'm sure there is a method to cleanse yo-"

"Like the Solars almost, and eventually destroyed almost all of Creation?"

Issei's words died in his throat, stunned by the sheer venom in his opponent's words. Before he could make a retort the masked figure continued. "I'm sure Bright told you a lot of what happened during the Golden Age. Of how the Solars made everything better."

His laugh was bitter and mirthless. "Did she also tell you how she governed Tzatli with an iron fist, inflicting horrifying punishments for even the slightest transgression? How many artificial races the Solars created, to be used as slaves or as experiments that would be eventually abandoned? Or maybe she told you of Operation Wyldhand, when the whole Deliberative had an entire region of Creation fall into the Wyld, along with the millions of citizens living there, just as practice for their armies?"

"I-I..." Issei stuttered. "Bright-sensei? He's lying, right Sensei?"


[Ohi, did you really...]

"And when that happened, where was Sol? When the Great Contagion killed billions, and the Balorian Crusade unmade almost everything, where was the great, invincible Unconquered Sun?"


"HE WAS PLAYING THE GAME OF DIVINITY!" The black-garbed figure yelled. "FOR MORE THAN TEN THOUSAND YEARS HE DID NOTHING ELSE LIKE A DISGUSTING JUNKIE!" He continued in a more sedated tone. "You say the Yozi want to destroy Creation? Creations is theirs. For billions of years in the Time of Glory did Creation stood firm against the waves of chaos, made secure by the system put on by the Primordials. It took the gods and Exalts a little less than three thousand years to lose everything."

The masked man paused, looking to the side as if in remembrance of something. "Do you know why? Because power corrupts. Because if you give a human so much power and no way for him to held responsibility for his actions, then no matter how righteous he is the end result will be a mad tyrant, convinced only his opinion matter."

Even with the mask covering his face, Issei could hear the sneer in the man's voice. "And that's why someone like you, who never saw what has become of Creation. Who never saw how deep in depravity the gods have fallen, how the other Exalts just spread more war instead of stopping it-" He pointed at Issei. "Is nothing but an idealistic fool! And I. Hate. Idealistic fools!"

Issei had enough. He stood up and burned his Essence to the max. "Lies! Those are all lies! Maybe not all Exalts are good, and there is corruption in Heaven, but that is why we must hold on Justice! Not abandon it like you did!"

"Justice is a lie!" The green Anima swelled and pushed back Issei's. "You can't save the world without dirtying your hands!"

"I'll protect everyone! I was given strength for that purpose!"

"You were pitied. Only because you're lucky doesn't mean you're right!"

"Someone like you, who care only about his ambitions-" Issei gritted his teeth.

"Someone like you, who blindly believe in his own righteousness-" The masked figure snarled.

""I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!!"" They screamed at the same time.



That day, a golden sun and a green sun faced against each other.

But who won?


[X] Ask Renka what she is doing here and why she is maiming non-martial artists/civilians

"I know her." You tell Hikage. "Just let me talk alone with her, alright?"

The green-haired girl just shrugs. With that done you jump down on the ground from behind the building, where no-one can see you, and calmly walk to the bar. When you are a few meters behind Renka she stops eating and, without turning, says in an irritated tone "I already said I am not interested."

"What the hell Renka? Why do you find trouble every time you come into town?"

She abruptly turns around, looking at you with wide eyes. "You!"

"Yeah, me." You sit down in front of her and cross your arms over your chest. "So? Is a normal occurrence for you to start a fight everywhere you go?"

"Of course not." The surprise gone she goes back to eating her parfait, lips set in a disapproving frown. "It was all those oafs' fault." She points with her thumb to the two downed guys. "They can't take a 'no'."

"Right." You concede. "But was it necessary to frighten the other customers?"

"Was it wrong to defend myself?" She opens one eye, as if daring you to reply negatively.

"...Point taken." You concede. "Still, is too much to ask you-wait a moment." You close your eyes and massage your nose's bridge. "This is no why I am here." You mumble before crossing your arms again and looking at Renka. "I'm here because, apparently, fights like those happened enough times to cause a ruckus. Since for me it means avoiding my school-life becoming hell, can I ask you to stop starting fights? Also, why are you here in the first place?"

"Oh, that's easy." Finishing the last spoon of parfait she points a slender finger at you. "I came to find you!"

"..." You let the silence stretch for several seconds. Just when Renka shows the first trace of discomfort you speak again. "Why?"

"W-What do you mean why?" She protests before calming down. "You and my father are acquaintances, right?"


Her gaze hardens. "So you also know where he is hiding?"

You blink. "What do you mean hiding? He teaches in a dojo and also runs a clinic of Chinese acupuncture? That's anything but hiding."

Renka takes out a notebook and writes down something. "Interesting? Where is this dojo? And this clinic?"

You are about to answer before remembering something. "Sorry, I can't tell you."

"Not you too!" She closes the book with rage. "Is he paying you or something?"

"Nothing like that." You look around before leaning close and whisper. "I shouldn't say this, but the truth is that Ma-sensei is protecting you and the rest of his family."


"It's the truth. Do you think he doesn't suffer as being separated from his own family? But the truth is that there are certain people after his life, and he doesn't want to put you all in danger." You cross your arms and nod. "Such an amazing, generous and strong-willed man."

Renka stares at you with half-lidded eyes. If you don't know any better, you would say she is looking at something completely moronic. "He said this?"

"Implied actually. But we communicated with our hearts!" You bump a fist on your chest.

[I can't decide if that line is more cheesy or just more gay...] Ddraig mutters.

"You're an idiot." Renka's blunt remark pierces through your heart. She shakes her head in disappointment before standing up. Halfway though she seems to reconsider and sits back. "Can I...ask you a question? That metallic monster you defeated..."


"Is your own style that let you do it? Or there is some special training that let even what should be a novice like you fight against a monster like that?"

You quirk an eyebrow. "First, I like to think I am more than a mere novice after all the hellish training I went through. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to make up for entire lost years?" You pause, one hand stroking your chin. "In regard to your question...the answer is both. Solar Hero Style is a Martial Art created to fight monsters, not men. However it is not the only one of its kind. But since those arts are so strong, normal people cannot learn them."


"Because they explode, that's why. And if you want to know, I saw it happen." You tell her coldly. Actually it was from a memory shown to you by Bright, but close enough.

She gulps loudly.

"And for why I can...that is from a set of circumstances that cannot be replied." You absentmindedly begin to scratch your head. "But, well, me and my Master are looking for a way to resolve that problem. She says the whole global martial arts' development would make massive steps ahead if anyone can muster the necessary energies to use and develop superhuman martial arts."

{Human are regrettably inferiors to Dragonblooded, but can be controlled better. It is only natural, then, to uplift them so that they may better serve the true rulers of the world. But more improvement is needed. Yes, much more...}

[Do you know, that just sound like the type of monologue a megalomaniac villain from a James Bond film would s-Gukh!]

[Rest in peace Ddraig.]

[He isn't dead, you know? Even if I admit the sword through the head may make people think otherwise.]

"She said this?" Renka is suddenly in front of your face, staring straight into your eyes with an inquisitive glare. "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely." You reply. "I mean, losing your humanity, magic and magical weapons shouldn't be the only ways for humans to defend themselves. We created civilization with our intellect, we can overcome this too. And believe me, my Master will find a way: she's the best scientist in the world-"

{The Universe.}

"-And her enthusiasm is contagious." You finish.

"Is that so..." For some reason you think something changed in Renka's eyes. But what, you cannot say. "This discussion has been...enlightening." She turns around and waves. "Goodbye, Hyodo-kun."

"See you again, Renka-san." You smile before remembering why you are here. "Wait, are you still going to cause troubles? Because my school life depends on that."

"Unlikely. I'm done with this place...for now." And with that she walks away, head high and mighty like the scion of nobility.

You can't help but suspect you missed something important.

"Uugh...I-Is the demoness gone?"

Oh well, you will think about it later. There are people to help now: even if they don't exactly deserve it, but you're a good guy like that.


"So it is resolved?" Sona's voice through the phone is cold, but somewhat relieved.

"Yes." You scratch your head and laugh. "Turn out the girl was looking for me. So, you can say it was kind of my fault."

"It was TOTALLY your fault." You wince as Sona's tone turns frosty. "But since you did as requested I will do my part. The Kiyojūji Paranormal Club will be welcome on Kuoh's club...but any explicit contact with anything supernatural is forbidden. You will guide and watch over them."

"Yes Kaicho." You promptly reply, not wanting to upset her more.

"In ten days your punishment will also end and you will return to school. See that it doesn't happen again. Goodbye Hyodo."

"Goodbye Kaicho." You just have time to say that before she hangs down.

"Ouch." You wince. "She really doesn't like me, does she?"

"So disrespectful." Eiko chirps, through her grin is a bit malevolent. "Should Eiko curse the little bat as punishment?"

"...You can do that?"

"This is but common knowledge for an Yatagarasu. Just say the word Master, and the disrespectful little bat will lose all her hair!"

"Please don't. She would probably blame me even without proofs." You curtly reply, silently pleading she will listen. Your expression soften. "That aside...Eiko, I must confess that despite the occasional headaches, you have done remarkably well. You deserve a reward."

"Master is too kind." Eiko bows. "All that Eiko needs is Master's approval."

"Nonetheless, my decision is set. Is there anything you would like?"

"Something Eiko would like..." Her eyes seems to go out of focus for a few instants. Just as you think you have seen a new aspect of Eiko her usual grin return. "Master, according to Eiko's sources, this year Master and his class will perform a tour to the Capital, yes?"

"No, it's Kyo-oh, that Capital." You almost forgot that for Youkai and the like Kyoto is still the Capital. "Yes, we will."

"In this case, if Eiko may be so bold, Eiko would like to ask her Master to bring her with him and accompany Eiko to make offerings and perform prayers in the temples of the Amatsukami." She bows even deeper. "It is an important rite of passage for all Yatagarasu."

That's it? But if it makes her happy. "Sure, I'll be happy too. On another matter, is there anything in the local youkai community that requires my attention?"

"No Master. The Youkai have recognized Master's rule and are going on with their daily lives. Everything is fine."

"Good. And any jurisdiction issues regarding the authority of Rias and Sitri-san?"

"No Master. The Devils have contacts with their usual clients, and Youkai are not related to them in any way. The business of both are clearly divided and don't interfere with each other."

"Another good news. It seems that finally I can really enjoy some peace. Really, I had to put aside so much work." You open a drawer and take out a folder, scrolling the pages casually. "Like this: my analysis of the Evil Piece-"

Your hand stop. '....Bright-sensei?'

{What do you want worm?}

You look closer. 'I am seeing this right?

{What do you-oh.}

For a while both of you say nothing, both of your wills focused on a certain piece of information...and the possibilities it would offer if only-

{Go confirm it!}

You were already running at 'go'.

"Rias!" You barge into her room. "I will explain later. Now please just let me see your Evil Pieces!"

"..." Having been caught right in the middle of her homework, she just points silently at an ornate box.

"Thank you!" You open the box and, the moment your eyes see the Evil Pieces, activate your Anima power.
Evil Pieces Progress: 75%
For a moment it's like the sky opened, Sol Invictus descending in all his glory, just like the first time you saw.

He offers you a fist bump. You reciprocate.

"That's the way." He says.

And the you're back in Rias' room. Calmly you walk up to her, put a hand over her shoulder and smile. "I found out how to transcend humanity into an higher state of existence."

"That is...great?" She manages to reply, eyes wide.

"So don't wait for me for dinner."

And you're off again.


Later you're sitting inside your almost finished Manse, right where the Workshop will be, taking note. "So what do we want this thing to do?"

{The aim here is not to re-create an Exaltation. That just cannot be done. But we don't need to. We already saw that those you made into Half-Caste can develop their unique powers. What we need is to make our future followers, especially humans, able to increase their Essence without losing their humanity. They must also be able to wield Celestial Martial Arts.}

"So in short, the main function is to make the body able to handle the increased Essence's soul pathways. A control valve." You write down more. "Alright, let's define the details."
Event explanation:

Issei has understood enough of how the Evil Pieces work that, together with Bright's help, he can start working in his own version. As of now the final product will have the following effects:

-Make possible to reach Essence 5 for those who normally shouldn't be able to, like humans
-Make possible to learn Celestial Martial Arts.

The rest, and how the final product will look like...well, I think you discussed the subject at great length, yes ;) ?

6 days later

"Issei!" Mittelt slams open the door with a kick. "You've been cooped up inside for almost a week. Get out!"

"I can't! I am making history here!"

"History will wait!" She then proceeds to bodily drag you outside. You meanwhile can only think that you were so close...and that she is very lucky she cannot hear Bright screaming obscenities in Old Realm.

"There!" She slams you down in the couch. "Now we will have a drink together, and I will see to re-educate you in NORMAL social interactions!" Having said that she stomps off.

[Could she be...sexually frustrated?] One of your sempai asks.

'Is that a real thing that can happen?'


Ouch. If everyone agree, then it must be true.

Your doorbell rings. "There is someone at the door." You shout. "Can I answer or-"

"Yes!" Mittelt shouts back.

With the matter clear you walk up to the door and opens it.

"Good morning! Is this Hyodo resideeeee-" The cute brunette with twin-tails trails off, eyes growing the size of dinner's plate. The blunette with a single green bang is looking at her companion oddly. As you do. Seriously, walking around in white robes? Are those two cosplayers?


[Actually I can smell a faint source of Holy Energy on them.] Ddraig informs you. [They must work for the Church.]

Oh. Well they don't seem to have bad intentions, so you can be polite. "If you mean if this is Hyodo residence, then yes it is. How can I help you?"

"We're searching for the one called Hyodo Issei." The bluenette informs you.

"That would be me."

"EEEEEEHHHH!!" The brunette screams before turning crimson, both hands covering her mouth. "I-I-Issei-kun? Are you-Oh my God, Lord and Saviour it's really you!" She claps her hands together, eyes sparkling. "It's me! Shido Irina! Do you remember?"

Shido? The only Shido you know is- "Say what?!" You slap a hand over your forehead. "That cocky Shido! He never told me he had a twin sister! The nerves!"

"Wha-No!" She shakes her head. "It's me Issei-kun, Shido! I don't have a twin sister!"

What? But-But that means-

Who would have thought?!


"Yes!" She nods vigorously.

"Shido-kun!" You put both hands on her shoulders, eyes wet with tears. "I want you to know something Shido-kun!"

"Yes Issei-kun?" She blushes.

"That even if you decided you were uncomfortable in your old body and did a sex change, you still remain my friend!"

Shido's face loses all colors.

The bluenette snorts before looking away, trembling from barely restrained laughters.

[My partner is a moron!] Ddraig cries.




"So..." You nurse your bruised cheek. "You have been a girl all along? You voice sure was different back then."

Irina pouts and looks away, refusing to look at you.

Yup, she's totally mad.

Now, what?

[] Apologize
[] Ask the bluenette for help
[] Ask Mittelt for help
[] Ask Asia for help
[] Ask Rias for help
[] Ask your head-voices for help
[] Ask Ei-maybe not
[] Write-in.

Now, I am sure you are all asking yourself: "Where did he go?" I realize it wasn't very correct to disappear like that (in truth it's also a while since I checked QQ), but the problem is:

I lost inspiration.

For "Advent of the God-Harem King". Like, badly. I had a massive block, and didn't know how to proceed without falling into rather trite cliché. I saw Issei doing good with his life, and felt the terrible urge to make something horrible happens to him.

I had became sick with shounen logic.

That's why I started writing something else, this time with Infernals in a crapsack world: I needed to write someone totally different from Issei, someone totally dark to immunize myself to shounen genre, so I could like it again. Then a rather important thing RL started, and…

And you aren't here to hear me ranting. I won't offer worthless excuses, and I will take everything you have to say to me without flinching. I deserve it.



I will keep writing "Advent of the God-Harem King". Because it is something I must do.

So I will.


It's what HE taught me.
[x] Apologize
-[x] Apologize and ask if you can do anything that makes she forgive you.
-[x] Oh! I know! Irina Shidou, do you want to be the first human to transcend into a higher state of existence?!

Its alive!
For a moment it's like the sky opened, Sol Invictus descending in all his glory, just like the first time you saw.
He offers you a fist bump. You reciprocate.
"That's the way." He says.
Epic eureka moment is epic.
[X] Apologize
-[X] "Irina, I'm sorry I was such an idiot when we were children and even more of one just now. I don't have any real excuse for my stupidity and even if I did I won't insult you by making it. But I will say this; It's wonderful to see you again Irina-chan." Hug her.
--[X] "How can I make it up you?"
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Let's examine that for a moment.

Garden-variety Infernal


"Interesting, I will take this shot, legendary dragon!"
Heracles stepped up in front, was he trying to take my attack--
"Don't take it! Evade!"
Cao Cao yelled and used the base of his spear to hit Heracles away from the line of fire! Cao Cao and the other members then swiftly escaped my attack.
Without hitting anyone, the cannon blast continued flying onward far away behind them.
A large explosion shook the entire space while the city in the background was engulfed by the gigantic aura!
...The energy continued to spread, surrounding the entire city with intense light!
As the bright light faded, nothing was left! The cannon blast eliminated the entire scenery, and even the game field was affected and the artificial dimension began to show signs of distortion!
"...Destroyed the whole city! Hey! If he keeps firing, this dimension won't last!"
Heracles finally understood the power of my cannons, and cried out in surprise.
"Distorting the simulated dimension, yet this place was constructed to be sturdy... What kind of firepower was that?"
Plus a Solar Exaltation.

So probably us.

[X] Apologize
-[x] Apologize and ask if you can do anything that makes she forgive you.
--[X] while saying so, grab her hands and Look her in the eye closely to express your seriousness.
[X] Apologize
-[X] Apologize and ask if you can do anything that makes she forgive you.
--[X] while saying so, grab her hands and Look her in the eye closely to express your seriousness.
[X] "Wow, just... Wow. I mean, you were so boyish I honestly believed you were a boy for all there years. And then... I meet you again as a beautiful girl. I... Know I have said it wrong before, but, man that was a shock to the brain, no nevermind... I'm... Irina... -Chan? It's good to see you again." Hug her.
[X] Apologize
-[X] Apologize and ask if you can do anything that makes she forgive you.
--[X] while saying so, grab her hands and Look her in the eye closely to express your seriousness.
[X] Apologize
-[X] Apologize and ask if you can do anything that makes she forgive you.
--[X] while saying so, grab her hands and Look her in the eye closely to express your seriousness.
Don't worry 'bout it too much Alex, you brought us a wonderful Omake about Zero, Chosen of Oramus discussing matters with Issei, Sovereign of the Radiant Scales.

[X] Apologize
-[X] Afterwards ask what brought them here besides Irina wanting to see her childhood friend once more.
"In this case, if Eiko may be so bold, Eiko would like to ask her Master to bring her with him and accompany Eiko to make offerings and perform prayers in the temples of the Amatsukami." She bows even deeper. "It is an important rite of passage for all Yatagarasu."

Now, I wonder what kinds of 'offering' she needs to make. That she needs to bring Issei with.

And rite of passage? Usually rite of passage is something meant to acknowledge ones ascension to maturity........

Trust me, rite of passage can be kinds of fucked up. There are ones in my country for a tribe when an adult male members is, ah, 'pouring' the essence of manliness anally into the juvenile males. In public.
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[X] Apologize
-[X] Afterwards ask what brought them here besides Irina wanting to see her childhood friend once more.

Glorious to have you back for this quest, Alex!
[X] Apologize
-[X] "Irina, I'm sorry I was such an idiot when we were children and even more of one just now. I don't have any real excuse for my stupidity and even if I did I won't insult you by making it. But I will say this; It's wonderful to see you again Irina-chan." Hug her.
--[X] "How can I make it up you?"
:) The Promised Day has finally come! Praise Alexander!
[X] Apologize
-[X] Afterwards ask what brought them here besides Irina wanting to see her childhood friend once more.
Damn it Alex, I'm trying to study for exams here!

I'm so excited I'm gonna vote without waiting for a day or two like I usually do, which means I'll probably change it later.

[] Apologize
-[] Apologize and ask if you can do anything that makes she forgive you.
--[] while saying so, grab her hands and Look her in the eye closely to express your seriousness.

"I found out how to transcend humanity into an higher state of existence."
Oh boy. Here we go again.
*Dives into nearest bunker to avoid the oncoming debate/war*
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[X] Apologize
-[X] Apologize and ask if you can do anything that makes she forgive you.
--[X] while saying so, grab her hands and Look her in the eye closely to express your seriousness.
[X] Apologize
-[X] "Irina, I'm sorry I was such an idiot when we were children and even more of one just now. I don't have any real excuse for my stupidity and even if I did I won't insult you by making it. But I will say this; It's wonderful to see you again Irina-chan." Hug her.
--[X] "I have to wonder why your parents never corrected me. I always did use male pronouns while talking about something you did around them..."

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[X] Apologize
-[X] Apologize and ask if you can do anything that makes she forgive you.
--[X] while saying so, grab her hands and Look her in the eye closely to express your seriousness.

You know, I may not know about Gurren Laggan, but I know that this Kamino person may already transcends into a higher existence, even in death.

If he ever feel like it, he will go and resurrect himself.

If he ever feel like it, he can bullshit your logic.

But remember this: he doesn't give doesn't give a fuck about reality.





*Explosion accord with the ground shake from the explosions*

Sorry, just want to get this off my chest.

So... should we talk about our own version of the Solar Pieces?

Also, PRAISE THE SUN!!! Alex had returned!!!
[X] Apologize
-[X] "Irina, I'm sorry I was such an idiot when we were children and even more of one just now. I don't have any real excuse for my stupidity and even if I did I won't insult you by making it. But I will say this; It's wonderful to see you again Irina-chan." Hug her.
--[X] "How can I make it up you?"
---[X] I wonder why your parents never corrected me. I always did use male pronouns while talking about something you did around them.
[X] Apologize
-[X] But do it like a Boss! "Ah, the Childhood friend who was actually a girl all along is a staple in Anime since Ranma 1/2. Irina... I'm sorry. It's my fault that everyone thought you were a boy. For you see, I'm a Shounen Superhero." With that you burn a few peripheral motes on a presence Excellency.
Really close friends often address each other with just their first names or nicknames. I think it would be more in-character for Issei to call Irinia 'Iri' or something like that. But that's just me quibbling over word choices. I'm just glad the whole Church Trio has finally entered the plot.
[X] Apologize
-[X] But do it like a Boss! "Ah, the Childhood friend who was actually a girl all along is a staple in Anime since Ranma 1/2. Irina... I'm sorry. It's my fault that everyone thought you were a boy. For you see, I'm a Shounen Superhero." With that you burn a few peripheral motes on a presence Excellency.
-[X] Afterwards ask what brought them here besides Irina wanting to see her childhood friend once more.

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