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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Wasn't Freed eliminated? Or captured and handed over to the Fallen Angels for disposal, or something?
Wasn't Freed eliminated? Or captured and handed over to the Fallen Angels for disposal, or something?
I think it was mentioned that he disappeared before he could be captured. Which says impressive things about his ability to deal with pain given that Issei basically gelded him.
This reminds me;
the only thing i have to add is to spend some exp on a charm or stat boost.

Does anyone have ideas/preferences for XP-spending?
I have to admit I didn't read through the debates and discussions in-between updates so I'm not sure what sorts of decisions or plans were made then.

I'd be tempted to buy up Investigation and/or Awareness, both because they help us in the current situation, and because they could/should be pretty handy in general, while also being pretty affordable (2xp per dot), but more input from longer-time players would probably be rather handy, here.
[x] Now that you think about it, you DO have a better alternative!
-[x] Magic Sense (the ability we used to find the magical sword Shigure was looking for when she came to visit us). Try to use it to locate the stolen Excalibur; that way we'll be the ones to dictate the terms of the engagement, or possibly avoid one altogether if we can simply steal them.

[x] Continue working on your own version of the Evil Pieces.
[x] Use the plan you, Irina and Xenovia agreed on to find the Excaliburs.
[x] Resume magic lessons with Akeno.
[x] Complete training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End.
[x] Check Manse construction.

I don't know what to buy but the resurrection power of the evil peace means I want to finish it first.
Well, in regards to XP spending, there's currently desired/considered;
- buy some Investigation (1-2 points for 2-4xp)
- buy some Awareness (1 point for 2xp)
- buy Performance (1 point for 3xp)
Total cost would be 7-9xp.

According to the frontpage we currently have 26xp available, so this would be a fairly big chunk. What do you guys think?
Wait, how will our clan react to the Church girls? How will we deal with Suika?
Wait, how will our clan react to the Church girls? How will we deal with Suika?
Not sure what you mean with the first. IIRC most, if not all, of our allies already know about Irene and her partner (whose name I tend to forget).
As for the second, not sure who that is. Did s/he appear in the quest, yet?
eternity had some good idea's for what to improve with the xp we have gotten I just forgot which page he wrote it out...
Oh; now I remember her! Mittelt's grandmother! (in Alexander's setting, at least).
Sorry; it's a bit late and I'm a tad tired.

Not really sure what we can do to "deal with her" other than what we've already done.

eternity had some good idea's for what to improve with the xp we have gotten I just forgot which page he wrote it out...
Don't suppose you'd be willing to dig it out?
[x] Now that you think about it, you DO have a better alternative!
-[x] Magic Sense (the ability we used to find the magical sword Shigure was looking for when she came to visit us). Try to use it to locate the stolen Excalibur; that way we'll be the ones to dictate the terms of the engagement, or possibly avoid one altogether if we can simply steal them.
--[x] Send out our Ninjas, too, just in case they see or hear something interesting.
---[x] See if Shigure has heard of anything involving magic swords in your area. Warn her off on the dangers involved with them if questioned.

[x] Use the plan you, Irina and Xenovia agreed on to find the Excaliburs.
[x] Check Manse construction.
[x] Continue working on your own version of the Evil Pieces.
[x] Resume magic lessons with Akeno.
[x] Complete training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End.

*Edited to include Mizuki's idea to see if Shigure has any leads
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Oh; now I remember her! Mittelt's grandmother! (in Alexander's setting, at least).
Sorry; it's a bit late and I'm a tad tired.

Not really sure what we can do to "deal with her" other than what we've already done.

Don't suppose you'd be willing to dig it out?

Sorry. It is just that I want to make sure everything is good.
[x] Now that you think about it, you DO have a better alternative!
-[x] Magic Sense (the ability we used to find the magical sword Shigure was looking for when she came to visit us). Try to use it to locate the stolen Excalibur; that way we'll be the ones to dictate the terms of the engagement, or possibly avoid one altogether if we can simply steal them.
--[x] Send out our Ninjas, too, just in case they see or hear something interesting.
---[x] See if Shigure has heard of anything involving magic swords in your area. Warn her off on the dangers involved with them if questioned.

[x] Use the plan you, Irina and Xenovia agreed on to find the Excaliburs.
[x] Check Manse construction.
[x] Continue working on your own version of the Evil Pieces.
[x] Resume magic lessons with Akeno.
[x] Complete training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End.
[x] Now that you think about it, you DO have a better alternative!
-[x] Magic Sense (the ability we used to find the magical sword Shigure was looking for when she came to visit us). Try to use it to locate the stolen Excaliburs; that way we'll be the ones to dictate the terms of the engagement, or possibly avoid one altogether if we can simply steal them.
-[x] There is also that device that Azazel gave you that helps track down foreigners. It is indiscriminate and only narrows things down to a district, but anything will help!
-[x] Send out our Ninjas, too, just in case they see or hear something interesting.

[x] Use the plan you, Irina and Xenovia agreed on to find the Excaliburs.
[x] Check Manse construction.
[x] Continue working on your own version of the Evil Pieces.
[x] Resume magic lessons with Akeno.
[x] Complete training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End.
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