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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Binge read over two days across four different threads.

Nice quest.

[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on

I wasn't actually expecting to find this still active when I hit the end honestly- a good way to use my first post, I think.
Binge read over two days across four different threads.

Nice quest.

[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on

I wasn't actually expecting to find this still active when I hit the end honestly- a good way to use my first post, I think.

Welcome new member, I myself only joined what a week ago. I was so happy that this was being continued!
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Alexander... Is that a God there? It's a very subtle shout out (kudos Alexander), but I wouldn't have caught it, if I hadn't seen Kyousogiga.Makes me wonder if this is foreshadowing (I am atm on the ryuzanpakou arc) of sorts.
It's actually a common imaginary used in a variety of anime, including Disciple. I it references a Japanese fairy tale and is the equivalent of tumbleweed. The original fairy tale is lost, but an illustration remains.
Excalibur Arc - Part 8

But In Our Case, It Was Less Death And More A Case Of Deep Hibernation In Order To Recover Strength

After All, Only Wimps Need To Die First To Return

And Now, Let's Start With Appropriate Music:

[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
No. of Votes: 57







Balatro Philologus



Blight Gecko


Bob Saget











Introspective Tinkerer

Jean Danjou

John At Dawn







Least Devotee

Lone Wolf 666









Prince Charon





soul ice




unwashed heathen







[X] Calmly ask what's going on
No. of Votes: 42















Introspective Tinkerer

Jean Danjou

John At Dawn





Least Devotee





Prince Charon





soul ice





unwashed heathen





[X] Relax and enjoy the attentions

No. of Votes: 9










[X] Activate Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Irresistable Salesman Technique.

No. of Votes: 6


Blight Gecko

Bob Saget




-[X] "Enough!" you call out, the authority in your voice halting the onrushing mob of high school girls. "You should all be ashamed of yourselves, not only missing classes and causing a scene in the front of the school but to do so in defiance of the Student Council's explicit instructions! Where are the shining stars of Kuoh Academy, the students that are the envy of every other school!" You shift your gaze over the crowd, your heavy disapproval causing many to flinch away from your sight. "Boys, do you think this display of aggression and naked hatred endears you to the hearts of the girls you seek to win? I too know the pain of being the downtrodden, the outcast, of wanting to punch out the face of the bishonen!" You reflectively clench your fist in solidarity. "But take it as a challenge a reason to better yourselves to become someone worthy of their attention! And if I Issei Hyoudou biggest pervert of Kuoh Academy can get a girlfriend than so can you!" As you raise your fist above your head a chorus of male voices answer, their voices tinged with hatred and malice, but also determination. As you turn back to face the girls, your expression softens as you make a heartfelt plea. "And where are the elegant women of Kuoh Academy I've come to love, whose brilliant smiles and easy kindness were one of the things I most looked forward to upon my return?! All I see are a pack of unruly girls that would push and shove each other just to be the first to paw the man they like! Show more respect to Sona, if not because of your respect she's earned for the hard work she does on our behalf, than the knowledge that patient, demure and scholarly girls are totally my type!" As are every other girl, but you keep that last bit to yourself. "And I've appointed her to judge of which 5 female students are the first to make it back to classes WITHOUT BREAKING ANY RULES, those selected each get to have lunch with me a day this week! So return to your classes and conduct yourselves with the dignity and grace I've come to expect from Kuoh students!"

No. of Votes: 6


Blight Gecko

Bob Saget




[X] Shout out that we love patient, scholarly girls so the first 5 female students that make it to their classes first without breaking any rules get to have lunch with us! Sona's the judge so you have to listen to whatever she says!

No. of Votes: 4


Balatro Philologus

Lone Wolf 666


[X] Practice

No. of Votes: 3




-[X] You sigh calmly, not letting their outburst affect your cool demeanor. "Yeah, yeah, I, Hyoudou-sempai, have noticed you all." Pausing a moment to let the 'squees' and shrieks of delight from your cute underclass(wo)men, you continue, "Now, can someone please explain what's going on here?"

No. of Votes: 2



[X] Write-in.

No. of Votes: 2

Lone Wolf 666


-[X] Barrier - Muffle Sound: set a volume of space within which conversation can be had normally, but sounds outside the barrier coming in are muffled, as are sounds inside the barrier going out.

No. of Votes: 1


-[X] Use the Aura of absolute Authority gifted to us by Ignis Divine to bring ORDER into this Chaos.

No. of Votes: 1


[X] Plan Butcher

No. of Votes: 1


--[X] Time to burn some personal motes. "HALT!" you cry in a voice of thunderous Authority, "All of you should be ashamed of yourself, to not only disturb the peace of the school, but also to brazenly flaunt the authority of the student council. Where are the shining stars of the prestigious Kuoh Academy, all I see is a bunch of rabid savages! We're held to a higher standard, remember your place! Boys! I remember well the need to punch out bishonen. But declaring it in front of their admirers? Jealousy is an ugly thing and will only bring your chances to gain a girlfriend to zero. If you want to beat me up, wait until I am alone like reasonable people, or better yet, challenge me to a duel behind the gym as tradition demands." You turn towards your admirers. "And you..." you say in an icy voice, meant to evoke danger and make shivers run down their backs. Your cold stare challenges them, weighs them. "You seem to have forgotten who I am... have you forgotten how you always called me a dreadful pervert? Well, you're right, if you want to, we can schedule an orgy, IN AN ORDERLY FASHION, but DO NOT obstruct the operation of our wonderful school and much more important, DO NOT PUSH ASIDE MY FRIENDS." You collect those friends among the stunned student body and march inside. "What are you waiting for, classes are starting."

No. of Votes: 1


[X] Run away

No. of Votes: 1


[X] Learn new spell.

No. of Votes: 1


-[X] After evading the mob (is this training for the first dot of Stealth?), circle back around and rendezvous with your previously besieged friends. Apologize profusely to Sona, get her involved in figuring out how to kill this mob-stupidity bullshit, because as much as you adore beautiful women and pretty girls... That mob honestly had you fearing for your life!

No. of Votes: 1



4 successes.

[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on

The conflicting feelings generated by this weird chain of events momentarily reach a balance, leaving you feeling surprisingly....calm. Granted, it's the very fragile calm of a top spinning before the energy dries off and it falls down, but for now it works well, allowing you to raise a hand and calmly ask: "At the cost of appearing obvious, would someone mind telling me what's going on?"

"Oh sempai!" One of the girls turns her head away, eyes closed and hands over reddened cheeks. "We were so happy that you were coming back, we decided to prepare a proper welcome!"


"The members of the Hyodo Issei Fan Club!" A third year raises a fist in the air.

Wait, you have a fan club?

Since when?!

"Fuoh!" Mittelt's head pops out from the sea of human bodies, followed by the rest of her body as she pushes her way forward to stand by your side, followed by Asia and Rias. "Girls, be more careful next time! You almost trampled over us too!"

"SORRY PRESIDENT!" They reply in a chorus.

"Say what?!" Your head spins around to stare at the blonde girl. "You are the president of this fan club I didn't know existed until now?"

"Rias is already the ORC's president, and Asia is too shy." She unabashedly shrugs. "And this was supposed to be a surprise."

"...Now that I think about it." Rias crosses her arms. "Mittelt, you did ask Sona the permission to do it, right?"


"Wha! No wonder she is so on edge! Why didn't you?"

Mittelt pretends to reflect for a few seconds. "...Do you honestly believe she would have said yes?"

"No." She instantly replies, making you wonder why exactly the Sitri heiress holds so much animosity towards you. You honestly cannot think of a reason. "But you cannot blame her for overreacting either."

At that moment of the two banners the one with 'HYODO 4EVER' snaps back into place, while the other one falls down beyond your sight. "Curse! The enemy is too strong!" Someone shouts in a familiar voice before you see both Matsuda and Motohama climbs up on the wall's top, looking as if they went through quite the struggle.

"Oh, hey guys." You greet them. Hopefully they can shed some sanity amidst the recent mayhem. "What's up with those banners? I could not se-"

"Imposter! Be gone!" Matsuda shouts while showing you the middle finger.

"Your vile lies have no sway over us!" Tears are running down Motohama's cheeks.

...Well, that's it. Now you understand even less. You gently push away a hand trying to slide inside your pants before asking with a tired tone: "Why are you calling me imposter all of a sudden? I'm Hyodo Issei, your friend."

"No you're not!" Matsuda rejects your words instantly. "The real Hyodo Issei is not a damn pretty boy, he is utterly average! Completely insignificant!"

Your lips twitch.

"A loser like us who only think of breasts and talk about perverted things! Despised by girls and treated like a pest for having a man's dream!"

A vein pops out on your forehead.

"The real Issei would spend his time with us, peeping at changing girls and watching eroge, instead of mocking all the real men in the world by hoarding all pretty girls for himself!"

Many of the girls begin to growl.

"You're an alien. Or changeling. Whatever! You kidnapped the real Issei and took his place, and now you're pissing all over his name! But we will show everyone the truth, rescue our friend and things will go back to how they should be!"

"You know..." You begin with a totally fake smile. "I think I remember you two saying, during our first year, that you were ready to pay an arm and a leg to be in pretty much my actual position."

You raise your thumb.

"And now that I did it, in a totally respectable manner if I can say so myself, you...instead of, I don't know, being happy for me, jealous or shit like that you simply believe I am someone else?"

You sneer, rolling your hand to point the thumb down.

"You suck."

""FUCK YO-"" That's as far as they go before they are bombarded by thrown bags from all sides. They fall behind the wall and disappear from sight.

"Your so called 'friends' are jerks." Mittelt comments with a flat tone.

She's right, but even then you cannot help but feeling bad for them already. You three had fun together in the past.

[Losers banding together to share misery.]

'Tact, thy name is not Ddraig.'

[Tact is for snakes.]

'The hell does that mean?'

"Don't worry Hyodo-sempai!" A voice you haven't heard in awhile calls out, followed by the navy haired head of Kurumu Erika and the scarlet haired one of Hanasaki Tsubomi. "If you fight with your friends you can make up with them if you talk and try hard enough!"

"Kurumu-chan? Hanasaki-chan? You're part of this too?"

"Junior members." Erika proudly display a fancy-looking card. "Don't worry sempai: we joined for the benefits, not to jump your bones."

"E-E-Erika-chan!!" Blushing like a tomato Tsubomi hides behind her friends.

"But when I create the Fashion joins it! I can use a male model!"

Sure. Because one of your aspirations is to have a cute girl play dress-up with you.


"Hyodo Issei." During the break you are cornered by a demon. A black-haired, glass-wearing and bandaged demon whose purple eyes burn with an almost physical bloodlust.

"S-Shitori-Kaichou." You try to greet her normally. "I am glad to see you are fine."

"I am not fine Hyodo Issei. I have not been fine for a long, long time." Her hollow laugh sends a shiver down your spine, and even Shinra-san, who is standing behind Sona, takes a step back. "Not since my normal reality was turned upside down by a certain someone."

You open your mouth to make a joke, but then think better of it and remain silent.

"Two weeks from now the Kiyojuji Paranormal Investigation Squad will come here to visit the school." She continues. "You will chaperon them."

"Yes Kaichou."

"You will make sure they find nothing, and I stress the word nothing supernatural. No traces. No rumors. Nothing."

"Yes Kaichou."

"Fail, and I will finally have an excuse to put your severed head on a pike."

"Yes Ka-Wait, what was that last part."

"I said I will be very displeased with you if you fail." She says while adjusting her glasses, the white surface hiding her eyes from sight.

"No no, I'm almost sure you just said something very, very scary..."

"It was your imagination." She insists. "Put it on better use by studying harder."

Then she turns around and leaves, Shinra-san bowing deeply before hurrying after her.

'I think there's something wrong with Sona.'

[Congratulations partner, your observation skill just rose by a full rank.]

This shitty dragon is making fun of you, and what's worse you don't understand how!

(OOC: the following text and sex scene were written by Bloodshifter)

Third person's POV

Feeling famished Issei begins eating the lunch Asia had helped him making. He doesn't regret letting the nun make him food and cherish every bite. Eventually he notes someone, female from the skirt, is standing in front of him. "Issei." The vo- no Aika? begins. He looks up to the girl into her eyes. He finds it hard not to remember her body nude before him. "Like what you see Issei?"

His eyes zero in on a purposely exposed strap: not any strap, but one from the school swimsuits. Smiling knowing she has his complete attention she continues covering the strap again. "You dropped this big guy." She places a bag on his desk and walks off.

The collective breath of the female class body is held as he unpack the item. Despite his, "Ascension" as it was called, they feared their Angel Falling. 'If only they knew the truth.' Issei thinks ruefully to himself opening the wrapped item, to reveal -Issei blinks- a copy of Fate/Stay Night, specifically the 2nd disc. Opening the case proves it to be exactly that. He thinks of what's on the disc: nothing too notable really.

Looking around him…

"Thank God!"

"He remains pure!"

"Hyoudou X Yuuto Lives!"


'Oh Luna, those fan girls will kill me before anything else!' He catches his breath and retrieves the paper that was in the DVD case. 'Come over to my place later? Why didn't she...'

"There he is!"


"B-But Boys can't love Boys!"

Issei puts the matter aside for later, deciding to join Kiba in their shared misery like a true friend.

Yeah, some times the Bro code sucks.

NSFW link to sex scene.

Time-skip of one (1) week. Decide what Issei should during this time (school is, of course, obligatory):

[] Write-in.


Yep, I'm back. I wanted to post this earlier, but there was an incident within family (nothing serious) and I had (still have) to take up a lot of domestic duties.

I will reward omakes and reply to questions in a second post.
It liiivess!

Can we start the preliminary search for the humanoid dragon form?

Or should we keep looking for the Excalibits?
[X] Spend time with...
-[X] Akeno

That's all I've got at the moment, we need to get on that (in more ways than one).
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[X] Trainning with ...
-[X] Kiba

Dont we have that big tiger sword
let fight Kiba with it
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Subvotes are be -[X], not [X].

Right now, each of you two votes for two independent things.
We need to seduce the church squad before they have to split after the Excalibur arc.
err, so what you're saying is we need to breath...

seriously Issei managed THAT in baseline, This version of him has pulled the impossible and has the girls of his school treating him like Kiba of all people /laugh
[X] Spend time with...
-[X] Akeno

That's all I've got at the moment, we need to get on that (in more ways than one).
In that case you'll be happy to know that the next post involves our dear dominatrix taking the initiative :p

Hey, Alexander, could you please thread mark your post?

Just realized how broken your Boosted Gear is. It boosts twice as fast and creates two bonus energy pools with extremely large limits, but each boost can also be converted to a force multiplier on top of that. Is the force multiplier only limited to one attribute or does it enhance them all? Simply put, can he double his STR, DEX, SPD, and STA along with his power or only one stat per group of Explosions?
Only STR, DEX and END are doubled, but all three are doubled for Explosion. But compared to Devil Issei, Exalted Issei has lower base stats.

Would Sage Dragon have higher stats than Dragoon, since it takes the power of Dragoon and compresses it?
Yes, but the real advantages of that form are others.

What of Buddhas, humans that reached god status (which based on your other comments I assume means Essence 9 or 10)?
Edited*What I mean is if Half-Caste can become Buddhas and if it is easier for them to do so.
I don't know how Buddhas work in DxD, but I assume it is a status so difficult to achieve it has a very low chance to be relevant in this quest.

Does Ise still have the Balance Break and Juggernaut Drive available?

Who besides Kiba has a Sacred Gear in Ise's acquaintances?
Asia, Ruby and Yang.

I cannot remember when you said he had fought Donaseek or met Ruby.
He fought Donaseek before meeting Asia. Ruby around that time too.

Why is Mittelt not calling him Issei-sama anymore?
She alternates depending on situation. She is not Japanese, so their use isn't ingrained in her speech.

Nice lemon, will you make a GSBS nsfw section here eventually?
Maybe, maybe not. There is a certain appeal in being just a tease, especially if the target is one such as Lelouch.

Sacred Dragon? The Holy equivalent to Evil Dragons?
Yes. I found the original system could use a few more elements.

Do you want us to give spelling and grammar corrections?

[] Graceful Sun [] Merciless Poison [] Bombastic Thunder [] Wrathful Fire
Yatagarasu, Hydra, Raiju and Ifrit.

Based on your description Apotheosis does not grant a permanent Half-Caste status so will she regain her Creature of Darkness status?
It is permanent.

Perfect Healing Factor would make him clinically immortal as a side effect though…I thought the Solars were clincically immortal by default though. The Fact Ise also has Ddraig's power and Dragon traits just enhancing it further.
No, Solars are not immortal. They live for long, but no Exalted was created able to live forever.

Why is Kaoru not addressing Ise very respectfully? Ise is a recognized Emperor after all.
Dragon Emperor is a title of Ddraig, Kaoru is basing herself on Issei's current worth.

Is your Kaoru male or is she a crossdresser like in canon?
She is a crossdresser.

Except the current nine tailed fox is reincarnating in the Nura storyline and going to give birth to Nue.
There is more than one nine tailed fox around.

When Ise enhanced Nenekirimaru was its special abilities enhanced as well (like when he did it with Flame Delete)?

Do the Magnus have a shared balance breaker? Like the "God" form of the Horsement? Or do each magnus have its ow Balance Breaker?

What is the active bonus of Cresent Rose? I am assuming the passive bonus is speed boost.
An even bigger speed boost.

Were the Magnus automatically holy weapons or did they gain that with the solar half-caste boost?
They were already Holy weapons.

What happened to Renka?
She's working for her Uncle.

Make possible to reach Essence 5 for those who normally shouldn't be able to, like humans
Will he be able to gift this to Half-Castes as well? They are limited to Essence 3 since they only qualify as godblooded.

I wonder what is the opinion of Rizevim opinion of Issei right now?
Rizevim is currently playing games and doesn't care about recent events.

I forgot to add the winning votes of the last post are still valid:
[X] Now that you think about it, you DO have a better alternative!
-[X] Magic Sense (the ability we used to find the magical sword Shigure was looking for when she came to visit us). Try to use it to locate the stolen Excalibur; that way we'll be the ones to dictate the terms of the engagement, or possibly avoid one altogether if we can simply steal them.
--[X] Send out our Ninjas, too, just in case they see or hear something interesting.
[X] Continue working on your own version of the Evil Pieces.
[X] Resume magic lessons with Akeno.
[X] Complete training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End.

I want to know what people want Issei to do so I know what to write until the next big event.
No, Solars are not immortal. They live for long, but no Exalted was created able to live forever.
I forget the max age for Dragonbloods but Solars and Lunars will naturally live anywhere from four to six thousand years depending on how well they take care of themselves. Sidereals live exactly five thousand years due to a decree from the Maidens.

edit: That's Creation years, not Earth years. Creation's years are slightly longer.
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Make possible to reach Essence 5 for those who normally shouldn't be able to, like humans
Will he be able to gift this to Half-Castes as well? They are limited to Essence 3 since they only qualify as godblooded.

I forgot, is hard-cap at E3 for godblooded a thing in this quest? Cause I don't think in Exalted there is such hard limit. They just have to pay more exp to increase it in comparison to exalts. Well, as always, STs can limit it for their own needs, of course.
[X] Talk with...
-[X] Kiba

Cause I want to keep giving the fangirls idea's for the lols.
[X] Spend time with...
-[X] Akeno

glad to see this again it is what got me to start playing quests.
I forgot, is hard-cap at E3 for godblooded a thing in this quest? Cause I don't think in Exalted there is such hard limit. They just have to pay more exp to increase it in comparison to exalts. Well, as always, STs can limit it for their own needs, of course.
It's the cap if they want to remain human, to go beyond that they need to transcend into a proper God.

Glory to Alex, he gives us what we want.
It also means I will have to write said scene, or find someone who can. I don't think I can do a good enough job, especially with Akeno.

This reminds me, does anyone know what happened to Bloodshifter?
It's the cap if they want to remain human, to go beyond that they need to transcend into a proper God.
It's not an exact rule, actually. Citation from Scroll of Heroes (p.115):
In addition to the increased costs, raising Essence beyond 3 often has special complications for God-Blooded. Most simply cannot surpass this level, and those who do often find they must undergo a transformation that makes them something more supernatural than mortal. For example, a Ghost-Blood who raises her Essence to 4 might find the increase in power kills her and turns her into a full ghost. A God-Blood might transcend and become a full god.

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