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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

My god. Bricks would be shit by everyone. If that gets out.

1,000 Glorious Solar bullshit and You!
My god. Bricks would be shit by everyone. If that gets out.

1,000 Glorious Solar bullshit and You!
The more bullshit Martial Arts were created by the Sidereals, who were even worse than the Solars in that regard.

Update is coming up nicely BTW. I just had a quick case of flu so it got delayed. Just saying, in case anyone worried.

...I really need to go back to quick updates. The amount of things I want to use...my head will explode if it build up :confused:
Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 10)
Silence. Following Shougo's outrageous proposal, for a few seconds nobody speak.

Until Isabela's lips turn upward, a fiery glint entering her visible eye. "Why not?"

Yubelluna's eyebrows join her hairline.

The same excitement of the Rook begins to emanate from the rest of Raiser's peerage members. The girl in chinese clothing, noticing it, take many steps backwards before mimicking the same expression.

The Queen grabs Isabela's shoulder and brings their faces a few centimeters from each other. "Have you gone mental?" She hisses, not bothering with politeness. "How have we going to explain it to Lord Phenex and Master Raiser?"

"Simple." The half-masked girl replies, unbothered. "A show to test one's skills, nothing more. In this case...it's simply a collective one."

With a herculean effort the violet haired woman suppresses the urge to have her hand enjoy a fast reunion with her face.

"I don't really mind." Mittelt stalks forward, flanked by Eiko. Despite her short stature and young age everyone, in some measure, is impressed as how striking her presence is.

"Our esteemed hosts, surely being all warriors of great and respectable reputation, have their blood craving for the thrill that come only when measuring one's own skills against equals. After such a never-less-than-perfect accommodation, who are we to refuse?" Eiko continues before looking behind her. "Who also feel the same?"

Yang punches her other palm with a smirk, embers coming out of her mane. Ruby waves her hand like an excited child. Asia shakes her head and hands in denial.

"Do you mind if we join too?" Homura asks, the rest of her team already assembled on her sides. "I really want to see how Devils fight. Plus Hyodo is our Boss now, so this makes it personal."

"Ufufufu!" Akeno's eyes glint with amusement. "I heard my King's name get slandered too. As her Peerage, we can't ignore that." Next to her Raynare nods energetically, more because Akeno said so and less because she agrees. Kiba's smile now doesn't quite reach his eyes, while Koneko flexes her fingers. Kalawarner and Dohnaseek both smirk with smugness.

This time Yubelluna can't stop her hand from covering her eyes. "I can't stop you, can I? Just know I will blame everything on you girls." And even as she says it she wishes Raiser is there, for he would surely stop all of this.

Or not. After all, a Queen knows her King better than anyone else.


"A glamorous welcome to all participants!" Eiko cheers loudly.

She is at the top of a raised platform overlooking a large park situated near the Phenex Castle, one of the many locations used for training. It consisted of a forest, a lake, a barren area and reproduced city ruins. Floating next to her is a magically enchanted glass sphere that lets her voice be heard all over the park.

"Today we are here to assist at one-of-a-kind challenge: Raiser Phenex's Peerage against the combined servants of Issei Hyodo and Rias Gremory! The commentary will be done by the lovely Eiko!" She winks, even though nobody can see her. "The cute Asia and the silent Hikage!"

"Ah, Hello?" Asia awkwardly waves her hand as if greeting someone in front of her.

"...Hi." Hikage lazily replies before drinking from a bottle of milk nobody know where she got from.

"This will be a straightforward battle with an equal number of participants." The Yatagarasu continues. "Fourteen fighters on one side and likewise on the other. There are only three rules: no lethal blows; those who surrender or lose consciousness are out of the fight and cannot interfere anymore; likewise, those still in the game are forbidden to involve those who lost. A team loses once it has no more active members. Time limit: before we are found by our Masters and punished accordingly! Ufufufufufu! Have a good day! Begin!" She claps her hands.

On one side of the park Dohna looks up and sweatdrop. "Is she always like that?"

"A totally shrew, shady person? Yep." Mittelt comments, shrugging. "So-" She looks at the others. "Anyone with experience in those things have a suggestion to how handle this?"

"Even if this is not a proper Rating Game, it is the first for us." Akeno says, having changed into a shrine maiden outfit. "But I can say this: some of us meet the others only recently, so expecting a full coordination is impossible."

"I agree." Haruka continues. She gestures to the forest in front of them. "Even then, with such a large area to cover the others will likely split into smaller groups. I suggest we do the same, pairing those who have more experience working with each other."

"A good idea." Akeno concedes. "Kiba-kun, Koneko-chan: you're with me, we will scout the city. Ray-chan, Dohna, Kala: you're all good at flying, so I want you to scout the lake."

"""Ha!""" They reply. Except for Raynare, who goes with: "Yes! One-sama!"

"Fighting in narrow places is a Shinobi's speciality." Homura states. "Leave the forest to me, Haruka, Yomi and Mirai."

"That leave the barren area, uh? Good enough I suppose." Mittelt smirks. "Me, Yang, Ruby and Shougo-kun will go there."

"Ah? But if on the way there we meet someone, we can engage them right?" Yang asks while hitting both fists together.

"But of course." Akeno replies with a dark smile. "Please leave nothing but ashes."


Flying on black wings, the trio of ex-Fallen Angels pass over the lake before landing on its shore. While Dohnaseek is still clad in his trademark trenchcoat and fedora, Kalawarner has traded her skirt with a pair of denim jeans and the high-heeled shoes with tennis ones. Raynare wears a white dress, a pair of shorts under it, and the school shoes.

"So! So!" Raynare bounces on her heels. "How do we find the enemies?"

"Mpfh." Dohna scoffs, one hand on his hat. "We either look around-"

"Servants of the Gremory! Prepare yourself!"

"Or they find us first." Kala finishes with a dry smile.



""I'm Ni/Li!"" The twin catgirls say at the same time.

"I'm Mirae." The girl with blue hair twirls her staff.

The three ex-Fallen Angels look at each other.

"YOU'RE FINISHED!" The three enemy girls shout as they rush forwards, each targeting a different enemy and ready to go all-out from the very start.

So it comes as a complete surprise when their attacks are stopped with seemly any effort. Dohna and Kala catch the twin catgirl's fists in their palms, while Raynare grabs the staff before it could hit her head.

And before the Phenex members can react the Gremory members counterattack: Dohna with a uppercut to the chin, Kala with a knee in the stomach and Ray with a kick in the chest.

As Ni staggers backwards, her lower jaw on fire, Dohna tosses away his hat and slowly begins to take out his trenchcoat, revealing a white shirt below. "Do you know where I spent the last two weeks?" He says in a perfectly normal conversational tone. "Norway, in a place in the middle of fucking nowhere with a name made of so much consonants I cannot remember, let alone spell it. All because a madman with a competitive streak wanted to 'have disciples too, and better ones to boot'!"

"What-!" It's all Ni can say before the trenchcoat is in her face, blocking her vision. Dohna tackles her to the ground and pins her arms behind her back in a very painful lock, his knees blocking her legs.

"I had to wrestle Were-bears bare-handed! Were! Bears!" He shouts, eyes bloodshot. "Do you know what is it to trade blows with something the size of a car and the strength to snap bones even with a gazing blow?!"

"Eeek!" Ni cries, now seriously scared.



"Only a sleeping bag! On the naked ground! Ten grades below zero every night! And it rained half of the time!" Kala accentuates each exclamation point with a flex of the two Light Whips in her hands, while Li is desperately dodging the deadly (for a Devil) weapons. "Baths in the rivers! With the water being liquid ice! And no soap!"

"What the hell are you saying?! You're crazy!" The catgirl shouts.

Kala completely ignores her. "And the food! We could eat only what we personally caught! No fruit! Berries were poisonous! Animals constantly escaped us! And the fishes were slippery bastards."

In the middle of another swing the tip of the whip morphs into a grappling hook that catch Li's loose socks. A sharp tug causes her to trip and fall to the ground.

"But as they say: hunger is the mother of all inventions!" Kala finishes with a crazy smile as she begins to pull the frightened catgirl towards her.

"You guys-!"

"-Are insane!" Mirae screams as she dodges another lightning bolt.

"Nooo." Raynare replies with a serene smile, hands crackling with electricity. "We just have a lot of pent up stress! Beowulf-dono told us to take it out on the first person we are justified to beat up!"


"You told them what?" Enku, one of Sirzechs Lucifer's Pawns, gapes.

Beowulf shrugs. "My dad gave me the same advice. And it worked!"


"That doesn't make any sense!" Mirae cries. Spotting an opening she jumps towards Raynare and thrusts her staff forward.

Lightning disappears from Raynare's right hand and is replaced with a coating of light. She smashes her palm into the oncoming staff, breaking it into splinters. Her other hand grabs the blue haired girl's shoulders, unleashing more electricity into her body.

As Mirae screams in pain Raynare looks troubled. "But truth be told, I am not feeling very stressful." Then she stops the electrical attack and nods. "But now that I have a live subject I can finally practice One-sama's lessons!"

"L-Lessons…?" Mirae croaks out. She tries to use [Promotion]-

"AAAAHH!!!" Before another electrical shock, twice as strong compared to before, turns her thoughts into mush.

"How to keep hitting a person with lighting without them losing consciousness or dying for a long time." Raynare smiles innocently. "Akeno One-sama is always teaching me new things, she's the best One-sama in the world!"




"I feel...so proud."

[] Third Part coming soon…

Something that CrossyCross' quests taught me: to change a chump into a man, pain is necessary. A lot of pain.
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Very Interesting.

Question: When are the index and character sheet and such going to be posted for this thread?


This... this is going to just be a onesided curb stomp the likes of which not seen since that level 5 adventuring group decided to randomly kick a housecat that was actually a great Wyrm isn't it?
Only this one: the remaining groups are going to face stronger opposition. It's just...well, Raynare and her posse were supposed to be mooks. I needed a way to make their stay worthwhile. They're normally not so gung-ho: but it just so happened those Phenex girls get in their way right when they needed to let out a lot of stress.
I'm fully expected Shougo to maim the face off of whoever he fights.
Shougo is the best Rook...now what system will we use for our Exalted Pieces we may eventually make. I was thinking of using Video Game classes.
Shougo is the best Rook...now what system will we use for our Exalted Pieces we may eventually make. I was thinking of using Video Game classes.
shut up and go read the other threads we have talked this to death and we do NOT need to start up this damn argument again
Shougo is the best Rook...now what system will we use for our Exalted Pieces we may eventually make. I was thinking of using Video Game classes.

I think the idea that the most people liked was cards instead of chess pieces, but each card being unique for each person, rather than going off standard tarot motifs.

Not unlike pactio cards.

shut up and go read the other threads we have talked this to death and we do NOT need to start up this damn argument again

Oh shut up. This is a decision we'll have to make at some point. Bouncing ideas around before we get to the day itself isn't a bad thing. It's people like you who get so far into it that they start getting aggressive that were the problem.
I'm not saying we won't have to make it, I'm saying we have had this argument three bloody times or so in the previous threads and bringing it up again BEFORE it actually matters is doing nothing but pissing people off and beating the dead horse, again, let it lie until we can actually do something about it, because right now, we can't
I'm not saying we won't have to make it, I'm saying we have had this argument three bloody times or so in the previous threads and bringing it up again BEFORE it actually matters is doing nothing but pissing people off and beating the dead horse, again, let it lie until we can actually do something about it, because right now, we can't
we're running out of topic so we're kinda necroing old topic that have been beaten to death back to have something to talk about instead of waiting for an update
Shougo is the best Rook...now what system will we use for our Exalted Pieces we may eventually make. I was thinking of using Video Game classes.
shut up and go read the other threads we have talked this to death and we do NOT need to start up this damn argument again
Oh shut up. This is a decision we'll have to make at some point. Bouncing ideas around before we get to the day itself isn't a bad thing. It's people like you who get so far into it that they start getting aggressive that were the problem.
we're running out of topic so we're kinda necroing old topic that have been beaten to death back to have something to talk about instead of waiting for an update
GM thus spoke:

It isn't a problem to bring up an argument, even if in the past said argument gave birth to a heated discussion.
It is a problem when people aren't polite with each other and rudely tell others what to do.
In short: stay polite, and as long as that point is valid you can talk about whatever you want (that is not forbidden by forum rules and/or pertinent with the quest).

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