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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 18)
"You have questions." The Phenex patriarch asks, no states. You didn't have to wait much in the room at the end of the secret passage (one you are almost sure is used to carry black-ops operations), but when Raiser's father joins you all joviality is gone, leaving behind an hardened, if a bit weary, businessman. "Ask away."

Oh, you have questions. That woman you caught a peek of is hot but gave you a bad feeling. Similar to Raynare in her true colors before she lost her memories, only ten times stronger. But... "If it's not my business, I have no rights to ask."

"That's okay." He waves you off. "I want to answer."

"Alright then. Who was that person? And why it was imperative there were no traces of my presence here?"

Revache sighs, folding his fingers together and leaning back on the chair. "A bit of history then. Do you know what happened in the Underworld after the end of the last Great War?"

You recall Akeno's lessons. "A civil war between those who wanted to continue the War despite the ceasefire and those who were against it because of the heavy losses in Devil population. Eventually the latter won and formed the government of today."

"Correct." He snaps his fingers. "But how were they defeated? Do you know? Of course not, because it isn't explained in any of the textbooks used published today. Useless propaganda, but whatever. Those who fought it, like myself, knows better."

He makes a small pause, to be sure you're listening, and then continues. "There was an armistice. At a certain point both factions realized than an extensive war would reduce the already dwindling Devil population into total extinction, no matter which side eventually won. This was further reinforced by news about both the Angels and Fallen Angels starting heavy programs to recover the lost fighting force. Both sides understood that further infight would make the Devils the weakest of the Three Factions, so for the sake of survival they swallowed their pride and joined forces."

You use the new data to make a few deductions. "The truce continues till today, but the animosity between factions didn't subsided?"

"No, it didn't." He confirms. "Those who were pro-war, that follows the old ways, were called the Old Satan Faction. Those who were against war, and desire change, were called the New Satan Faction. They form the political body of today society. The current Four Mao are the leaders of the New Satan Faction, and thanks to their efforts things were more or less kept equilibrated. But things in this world have the tendency to change, to evolve. And with evolution come new opportunities but also new problems.

Today no one talks about war anymore, but the Old Satan Faction still yearn for a return to the old ways. They believe that the reincarnation of other races into Devils, once necessary, now does nothing but pollute Devil society, sweeping away its culture in favor of those from where reincarnated devils came from. They fear that their identity as Devils will eventually be lost, that the Underworld would become a copy of the modern human world."

"And you...belong to the Old Satan Faction." A nods. "Do you share those views?"

"Mostly. I am a member of the most moderate party after all, unlike the most fringe members who occasionally scream about 'purging' all the 'reincarnated mutts'." He chuckles bitterly, without humor. "Me and my associates do believe the Devil culture is at a risk, but we also believe in peaceful and reasonable methods. But to tell you the truth." He sighs. "It wasn't why I originally joined the Old Satan Faction."

"What was the original reason then?"

"The changes undergone by the New Satan Faction. Once it was composed only by those against the war, but over the years many new reincarnated Devil joined its ranks and now their are the majority. Like us there are moderate and radical parties, but what they predicate as a whole is that Devil society must evolve to meet the standards that most of the modern human world held, even if it means forsaking the old traditions. There are even some that call for a complete metamorphosis of our government, from the feudalism of today to a full democracy. They want to abolish noble titles and the caste system to make all Devils equal, all citizens."

[I fear I know where this is going on.] Belzard tells you.

'Me too.' "And let me guess, the reform would come with a redistribution of the noble's properties."

"You're a clever boy. Good, good." Revache praises you. "Now you see my dilemma. I may disapprove of some members of my faction, but at least it helps protecting myself and my family from those damn brats don't know a damn thing about what it means to be a Devil and yet believe to understand everything!" He slams his fist on the armchair.

[They are split between Conservatives and Progressive. This make them a lot similar to many human governments, but I suppose he knows it already.]

"That person who came to see me, her name is Katarea Leviathan. A direct descendant of the original Leviathan, the only one allowed to use the Maoh's title as surname. Her and two other direct descendants of the original Four Maoh are the leaders of the Old Satan Faction, with many Pillar Heads supporting them."

"Wait, don't tell me." You snap your fingers. "They are those Devils who aren't my admirers? The friends who want to feed me my own intestines?"

"Not quite so crude, but they are indeed not happy with you. Bad publicity they say. What they really think...well, as good leaders they know to mind their words. But, were they to learn I not only contacted you, but also asked for your help..."

"You would lose support." You state with neutrality. You are indeed a bit mad, but because you understand his motives you know he doesn't have much choice.

"I would." He shrugs. "Disappointed?"

"A little." You joke. "But I understand your reasons. Plus, I honestly don't care. Like I said I am not a Devil: what rights I have to interfere in your society? Beside being an ally of the Gremory Clan, I don't have any type of political weight."

"Not for long if what Eadwig mentioned works. Boys, will they be pissed."


"Nothing!" He claps.

That's when Raiser walks into the room ('Isn't this supposed to be a secret room?!') carrying Eiko by the scruff of her kimono. "Is this yours?"

You put a hand over your eyes and groan. "What did she do this time?"

"Apart from clearing the mansion's servants of most of their money? Well..."
Increased reputation with the Phenex Family!

Decreased reputation with the servants of the Phenex Family!

"Tell me again why you thought that was a good idea?"

"We were bored!"

"That made it a bad idea Mittelt!" You tell the lolita, who just smiles cutely. Ugh, how come she knows exactly what buttons to push?

[Because she's the girl that popped your cherry and since then has you wrapped around her pinkie.]

'Shut up Ddraig.' "I just hope you're satisfied." By the large grin on Shougo's face he was at least.

"I don't!" Yang, who is carrying a sleeping Ruby princess-style, whines. "My opponent just ran away all the time! That was frustrating! Why I am the only one who hadn't a decent fight?"

'Because you're honestly scaring. You're the female version of The Torch!' "Just misfortune I guess." You instead say as you open your house's door. "You know what, if you promise to ask me first before doing something like that again I promise to make it up for you anyway I can."

There is an odd pause. "Anyway you say?"

"Sure." You reply, too tired to care. That's why you miss Yang and Mittelt exchanging a meaningful stare before exchanging a high five. "You and Ruby-chan can also stay here the night since it's so late."

"Great!" She hands Ruby over to Mittelt, who carries her without problems. "Take care of her, please?"

"No problem. Come Asia: time to teach you about 'sleepovers'."

"Ooh! Are they fun?"

"A lot." And with that they walk towards their rooms.

"Well Yang, I suppose you can use my pare-Guh!" That's as far as you can say before the blonde wraps an arm around your neck and drags you inside your room. "What the-?!"

"You said anyway, I take anyway." Yang shows a lecherous smile, and you just know you're not going to rest even a little today.

The road to Harem King is hard.


Night ends, and the rise of the Glorious Sun heralds a new day. Finally, after so many adventures, you can look forward to future times full of freedom, to dedicate to yourself and your girls. And your friends, let's not forget about them.

The only question is...

What do you do?

[] Plan for: 2 weeks time.


Aaaand, this is finally done. Next...to fix sheet and index.
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Wait, so that's why I've seen pictures of Azazel missing an arm? And she got away with it?
Wait, so that's why I've seen pictures of Azazel missing an arm? And she got away with it?
she died to be able to do that much damage. he outclassed her and so she went sucide bomber in order to kill him so he cut off his own arm which she had latched onto like a limpit.
Wait, so that's why I've seen pictures of Azazel missing an arm? And she got away with it?
Didn't get away with it exactly, that was a suicide attack. But the only reason it didn't kill him was that he reacted fast enough to cut his own arm off before it could affect the rest of his body. He had to pull out his Balance Breaker to take her down.
Didn't get away with it exactly, that was a suicide attack. But the only reason it didn't kill him was that he reacted fast enough to cut his own arm off before it could affect the rest of his body. He had to pull out his Balance Breaker to take her down.

She's low tier. Besides we have GLORIOUS SOLAR BULLSHIT on our side.
as long as we have motes to spare we are immune to her attacks.

edit: we just use perfect defenses while hitting her with social attacks to get her to surrender and sell out her allies.
Alright someone set up a plan in vote format then we shall debate and maim it till it makes Alexander want to pull his hair out at the amount of writing needed.
first priority the evil pieces research. it's getting close to done so we should finish it off.
Alright someone set up a plan in vote format then we shall debate and maim it till it makes Alexander want to pull his hair out at the amount of writing needed.
Okay. General priorities in no specific order, please let me know if I forgot something.


Spending time with the girls.

Getting some personal time.

Hunting down that chick for Sona.

Finish studying the Evil Pieces.

Search for the Dragon Lands.

Politics. Track down any yokai that may be living in our territory, check in with the historical society, see if there's any news from the martial artists, stuff like that.

Maybe some questing if we have time.

I think that's everything.
Cant really remember but there where some social actions that the girls wanted to do but I cant find in which update it was mentioned.

We should be able to press in two rounds of training with the group and we should give Koneko that spar she wanted, see if she can touch her sempai now. She is very flexible now going by her update....:oops:

Regarding the dragon land option, lets just try to find info of how to get there and save that mini arc for after the Excalibur arc.
I honestly want to raise our Strength and Dexterity. We need to keep up with our main means of attack which is Martial Arts fighting. We should also think of training for a Gauntlet Fighting Martial Arts specialty which if fully leveled up would give us 8 dice using Martial Arts with the Boosted Gear.

Research Evil Pieces.
Train in using Martial Arts while using the Boosted Gear.
Edit: Just looked up training and it has been changed for some reason to increase our strength would cost 12 xp and our dexterity 16XP
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In order of importance:

Things Issei will do
[x] Finish studying the Evil Pieces, Finally work on the transformation for Mil-tan
[x] Investigate the Foreign Girl that has been harassing the shops and cafes
[x] Introduce Homura and her Ninja's to Azazel if he's around.
[x] Spend time on dates with girls

Things Allies will do?
[x] Send Eiko off to start solidifying your control of the youkai faction in your area?
- [x] Send Ruby, Yang, and Shougo to take care of any problematic youkai.

[x] Train
- [x] Hypnotic Tongue Technique
- [x] Hastening Night's End

Totally forgot how we used to plan weekly actions or what we planned on training. So just threw something together.

Also, not sure if we permanently learned Hypnotic tongue technique and Hastening Night's end or not. Or if we still need to train in them before they fade away.
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I honestly want to raise our Strength and Dexterity. We need to keep up with our main means of attack which is Martial Arts fighting. We should also think of training for a Gauntlet Fighting Martial Arts specialty which if fully leveled up would give us 8 dice using Martial Arts with the Boosted Gear.

[X] Spend XP to increase Strength and Dexterity by one Dot.
[X] Research Evil Pieces.
[X] Train in using Martial Arts while using the Boosted Gear.
In order of importance:

[x] Finish studying the Evil Pieces, Finally work on the transformation for Mil-tan
[x] Send Eiko off to start solidifying your control of the youkai faction in your area?
- [x] Send Ruby, Yang, and Shougo to take care of any problematic youkai.
[x] Investigate the Foreign Girl that has been harassing the shops and cafes
[x] Introduce Homura and her Ninja's to Azazel if he's around.
[x] Spend time on dates with girls
[x] Train

Totally forgot how we used to plan weekly actions or what we planned on training. So just threw something together.
Um... guys. Have to be a bit more specific with time frames and stuff. This was the schedule that won last time skip if I remember correctly:

Okay, finalized plan, I added spending some time with the Club so we get to know them better
112.5 hours because it's 17:30
-18 1 dot Linguistics
-9 1 dot Occult
-18 1 dot Martial Arts
-15 Adamant Skin Technique
-12 Irresistible Salesman Spirit
-3 Spend some time with the Occult research Club
37.5 hours for XP grinding
Or in voting format. I tried adding some Character appropriate stunts, not sure how good they are :-\
[X] buy 1 dot in Linguistics in whatever Language group English is
-[X] No harem is complete without some exotic beauties, but you need a way to speak with them. You want to be prepared for the onslaught of girls that will surely follow.
[X] buy 1 dot in Occult
-[X] You will show Buchou and Akeno-san that you are the best Magician they have ever seen. That should impress them into joining your harem, right? Right?
[X] buy 1 dot of Martial Arts
-[X] Beating up delinquents, what better way is there to impress girls?
[X] learn Irresistible Salesman Spirit
-[X] Taking part in collective games on the internet called "Quests" and convincing people of your ideas being beneficial to them probably counts as training for this, right?
[X] learn Adamant Skin Technique
-[X] Dragons are supposed to have hard scales, so surely Ddraig knows something about taking hits?
[X] Spend 3 hours with the Occult Research Club, just to get to know them better. This is definitely not an excuse to be in proximity of so many good looking girls.
[X] Spend the rest of the time going out looking for Adventure
we also want to figure out balance breaker, vali match with azazel, manse check up, sage dragon thing, see what the hell bright has done with boosted gear, investigate solar angel thing, EXCALIBUR stuff, japan god faction discussion with history committee, training with rias and her peerage, still suspended, beast tamer girl, odin gang plus the stuff you guys mentioned

That's when Raiser walks into the room ('Isn't this supposed to be a secret room?!') carrying Eiko by the scruff of her kimono. "Is this yours?"

You put a hand over your eyes and groan. "What did she do this time?"

"Apart from clearing the mansion's servants of most of their money? Well..."

"...The majority of the servants set up a betting pool. The chef already lost everything but the briefs he's wearing."

Something snaps inside Ravel's head.


looks like eiko done it again. god i love that bird! So fun! really should get her something nice.
Um... guys. have to be a bit more specific with time frames and stuff. This was the schedule that won last time skip if I remember correctly:
Depends. Some of our training votes also were formatted like this.
[X] Contact Ruby and Yang (High priority. Time is ticking.)
-[X] Optional: introduce the girls to Asia and Mittelt.
[X] Training
-[X] Investigation
[X] Training from Hell (Special training that grants Xp)
-[X] Melee
[X] Training in First of the Daystar
-[X] First Martial Arts Excellency (Must be chosen first)

So I'm not sure we need to be specific on time and it might be a bit too nitpicky.
Also, now that we've got some downtime, do we want to start converting the ninja into half-castes?
Things Issei will do
[x] Finish studying the Evil Pieces, Finally work on the transformation for Mil-tan
[x] Investigate the Foreign Girl that has been harassing the shops and cafes
[x] Introduce Homura and her Ninja's to Azazel if he's around.
[x] Spend time on dates with girls
Things Allies will do?
[x] Send Eiko off to start solidifying your control of the youkai faction in your area?
- [x] Send Ruby, Yang, and Shougo to take care of any problematic youkai.
[x] Train
- [x] Hypnotic Tongue Technique
- [x] Hastening Night's End
- [x] Train Gauntlet Fighting Martial Arts Specialty
This is my first quest ever! Your story is great, Alex! It even made me try an anime I didn't care about, but yours is better IMO, especially Issei.:)
Welcome to the quest and no, don't place your judgement that fast.
If you're following this series then you go Manga => Light novel (on Baka-Tsuki) => Anime for the visual.
Issei has character development throughout the series, especially vol 10 which made him different from the rest of harem protag.

Also, I have one question about canon DxD: if Boosted Gear boosts every 10 seconds, how can Issei boosts so many times as he did against Diodora?
It's due to his training with Tannin allowed him to stack more [Boost], Sacred Gear too is an artifact that reacts to the owner's desire so if he really wants it he could have it.

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