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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Probably. Chance that we might be rolling to see if the condom breaks, and some of the girls might jump us without bothering with one...but pregnancies would still be quite rare.
Especially since non-humans tend to have pretty bad fertility. So, only Asia and Yang would be at a real danger.
I think when Bright heard that news with the Artifact, and the mountain she facepalmed.

Now that I have seen the resume of Slash Dog remake, the Himejima family, and the other four families hate the Devils, Fallen Angels, Dislike/hate magicians, and don't like Angels.

Reminds me how Xenophobic old Japan was.

These were mentioned.
  • The Fallen Angel Executive Satanael, a traitor. (he seems to have died before the present time.)
  • The Wizards of Oz, magicians that broke off and are currently living in the Dimensional Gap using unique barrier techniques.
I think when Bright heard that news with the Artifact, and the mountain she facepalmed.
More likely she said something sarcastic about the Eclipse caste in general and then acquired one for herself.

Not to use, she was only interested in one person and he was human, but the sheer automated adaptability packed into a device small enough to carry one handed is actually pretty impressive.
More likely she said something sarcastic about the Eclipse caste in general and then acquired one for herself.

Not to use, she was only interested in one person and he was human, but the sheer automated adaptability packed into a device small enough to carry one handed is actually pretty impressive.

and i can imagine ddraig literally rolling on the ground after hearing this and trading tales of what dragons have tried to mate with in the past

because honestly they are just as bad as humans on the whole mate with everything
and i can imagine ddraig literally rolling on the ground after hearing this and trading tales of what dragons have tried to mate with in the past

because honestly they are just as bad as humans on the whole mate with everything
Ddraig: "Hahahahahahahaha! You really had a lot of free time, in your hands, also a lot of other things on them."
Bright: *Anger*
Ddraig: "That reminds me of one story, of one dragon, and a mouse, it was..... messy."
Random past possessor: o_O

I found this in the net.


If Cinder where to exist in this universe what do you think she would do? I doubt she would join the Hero Faction I don't think Cao Cao would trust her.
I think she'd be her own faction, with ties to the Khaos Brigade and the various other conflict seeking and anarchist groups.
The Khaos Brigade would help her in her goals, they have a lot in common.
The damage she could do with a lot of the dirty secrets, that is hidden would be bad.

That's already been posted a while back. Then again, it's been so long that cycling the pics again is not that obvious.
Oh, should I remove it? Though the Kimono really fits her, Thank you.
I found this on the net, now that I think that if people wants an Exalted/WoD crossover they need a lot of homebrew.

Breed: Homid
Tribe: Skin Dancer
Auspice: Theurge
Physical: Strength 5 (7/9/8/6), Dexterity 4 (4/5/6/6), Stamina 5 (7/8/8/7)
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4 (3/1/1/1), Appearance 2 (1/0/2/2)
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 4, Brawl 3, Expression 2, Intimidation 5, Leadership 5, Primal-Urge 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 4
Skills: Animal Ken 3, Drive 2, Etiquette 2, Firearms 5, Melee 4, Stealth 4, Survival 5
Knowledges: Academics 2, Computer 2, Enigmas 4, Investigation 4, Occult 5, Rituals 5, Science 1, Technology 3
Backgrounds: Allies 5, Ancestors 5 Fetish 5, Resources 5
Gifts: (1) Aura of Confidence, Bane Protector, Heightened Senses, Inspiration, Razor Claws, Scent of Running Water, Spirit Speech, Umbral Tether; (2) Command Spirit, Curse of Aeolus, Name the Spirit, Sense the Unnatural, Wyrm Hide; (3) Faerie Kin (Unseelie), Pulse of the Invisible, Rending the Craft, Umbral Camouflage, Visceral Agony; (4) Open Wounds, Spirit Ward; (5)Thieving Talons of the Magpie
Rage: 10
Gnosis: 8
Willpower: 9
Excalibur Arc - Part 4
Rolling on Rolz.com
8 successes. Plus ISS = 16 successes

This is so stupid.

"This is so stupid." You repeat out loud, talking for the first time since the meeting's start.

All eyes turn to you, some surprised while others showing agreement. Xenovia scowls. "Wh-"

You interrupt her, looking at Rias. "My apologies Buchou, but I simply cannot allow such stupidity on their parts to continue."

She looks at you strangely before shrugging. "Go on."

"Thank you." You tell her before turning to stare at the two exorcists, trying to muster the most disapproving glare you can muster.

Considering you used Bright-sensei as inspiration, you will take their wincing as a compliment.

"'To accomplish that, it's okay for us to die.' These are your orders? This is your duty? And how, pray tell, are you going to keep those swords away from Kokabiel when you are dead? What is going to keep his allies, and he has allies, you have said that so yourself, from simply taking those swords and more from your corpses?"

"T-The Church decided that it would be better to eliminate all of the Excaliburs rather than letting them-" Irina stammers.

"Sure. Because one of the Watchers will let you face the wielders he found for the Excaliburs he stole right from the bat, instead of swarming you with his own Fallen Angel underlings." Dohna snorts in amusement. "This is one of the most basic tactics they teach in the Grigori formatory courses. Why, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Kokabiel himself who wrote that.


"No." You interrupt them again. "You have been betrayed." You frown, realizing the last statement can lead to wrong assumptions. "No, that's too harsh. But this plan was not thought well. At all. Two mortals with nothing but holy blades they have not yet mastered and orders to turn away all help have been sent against Kokabiel? Against one who helped lead the Grigori? Even in death there is no chance of victory. Tell me something Xenovia, Irina." You expression softens. "I understand why Michael cannot descend from his Heaven and deal with this himself, but where is Gabriel? Where is Uriel or Raphael or the rest of the Seraphs? Where is anyone who could do anything but give two more swords to Kokabiel? You have not just been sent to die. You have been sent to deliver more swords into your enemy's hands."

You thrust your hand forward.

"And I Will Not Allow It."

Your declaration is like a physical blow, everyone moving away from you in various degrees as if stuck. Some have even stranger reactions, like Akeno's quickening breathing to Irina's reddening cheeks: this honestly confuse you, but you cannot waste time pondering.

You clap your hands. "So. Why don't we sit down and figure out how to keep these bastards from winning? Because whether you like it or not you have allies in this now and you will have to accept that."

Then you bow to Rias. "Buchou, I'm sorry for that and I won't ask that you stand with your enemies here. I just ask that you not try to stop me from helping them."

"Just keep those two alive and the Excaliburs away from Kokabiel and we will be even." She replies with a dignified smile and tone before winking at you.

You smile, preparing to-

"How useless. Just let them kill each other."

Until the atmosphere in the room is broken by those words, uttered with enough killing intent to make your skin crawl.

{Ah, how nostalgic.} Bright comments. {It truly is like the Deliberative all over again. Though, the newborn has a lot left to learn.}

Said 'newborn' is probably Kiba, who for once isn't smiling.


His lips are in the shape of a smile, but there is no way that can be called a smile.

"Yuuto! What are you saying?" Rias looks aghast.

"The truth." His corpse-like sneer widens before he walks to the door and, without even looking back, leaves the club.

In the silence that follows the first to move is Koneko, who follow after the blonde devil.

"Please wait! I'll get him back and get this sorted on!" You press your palms together and bow in apology to everyone before running after your two friends.

You find them in the clearing just outside the old school building. More precisely, Kiba is trying to crawl on his hands with a stubborn expression while Koneko is keeping a vice-like grip on his legs.

You crouch down in front of him, blocking his path. "Alright, mind telling me what crawled up your butt and died there?"

"None of your business."

"I'm trying to stop this city from turning into a bloodbath. The city where I was born and live, along with my family and friends. I think it's plenty my business."

His expression doesn't change, but he stops moving.

"Please, Yuuto-sempai..." Koneko pleads.

Looking away he begins in a slow tone. "Do you remember when I told you there is something I want to take revenge for?"

Uhm...Oh yes. "Yes, I do."

"My vengeance is with Excalibur. I want nothing more than to erase that accursed thing from existence."

"...Oookay, I get the feeling this is not a simple matter of 'it is a holy item, I am a Devil' thing. Why don't we talk this over?"

A minute later, with all three of you sitting under a single tree, Kiba begins his tale. "A Holy-Sword chooses its wielder. Not anyone can wield one efficiently, and the stronger the sword is the less possible candidates exist. Excalibur is the most glaring example of this deficiency: there are seven of them, and never enough wielders. So in the past they tried to make people more able to wield Excalibur, by giving them artificial treatment.

They called that monstrosity the [Holy-Sword Project]."

Kiba sneers.

"They mostly used children, believing them to be more malleable. I was one of those children, one of the many orphans entrusted to the Church's care. But I was a failure: I couldn't adapt to use a Holy Sword. Nobody who received the same treatment couldn't either. The whole project was a failure. So the people from the Church decided to view the ones who couldn't adapt as 'defective products' and disposed of them."

"...There is no way that wasn't illegal."

"Of course. I am not so blinded by hate to fail to realize it was probably the work of a fanatical faction within the Church. But does it matter? All of my friends still died, all for the sake of Excalibur. I too was going to die, until Buncho found and reincarnated me. I know she wants me to keep walking forward and enjoy this way that was saved. I understand. I am grateful. But I just can't forget." Kiba rests his head against the tree and closes his eyes. "This regret. This hate. They will never disappear until I destroy that which caused them: Excalibur."

[] Write-in.

Sorry for the wait. But there is something important coming up the eighth of February, and I must dedicate myself to it.
Me making fun of the fact that Trihexa is probably a chick and will be chasing Issei's tail soon enough or something we can punch friendship into and turn into our pet puppy.
Oh, I have plans for that part of the story.

I wonder if aliens exist in the DxD verse?
Define 'aliens'.

Not in canon so far as we know but given Alexander's track record for crossover material I wouldn't be surprised if the Sekirei were lurking around somewhere in a future arc.
Nope, they don't. You may meet people that bore a resemblance, but aren't in any way/shape aliens.


I won't be surprise if Simon the Digger, Kamina and Yoko would appeared, with each of them having a Sacred Gears.

Ooooh, I got a good idea for the Sacred Gear they'll have.*Smirk Evilly* Issei will be fucked.
Alexander I also love your other quest.

Now ideas for omakes.... Christmas has passed, I'm still writting those Omake snips but I ended in a writter block.

Guys any omake ideas?
The perils of being an Youkai Yakuza Boss?
I wonder how different the quest would be if Issei didn't had the Selective Conception merit?
He would spend a lot of money on condoms.

Ddraig: "Hahahahahahahaha! You really had a lot of free time, in your hands, also a lot of other things on them."
Bright: *Anger*
Ddraig: "That reminds me of one story, of one dragon, and a mouse, it was..... messy."
Random past possessor: o_O
Okay, what.

I found this in the net.

Oh yes, Yang is very lovely :)

If Cinder where to exist in this universe what do you think she would do? I doubt she would join the Hero Faction I don't think Cao Cao would trust her.
If, and I stress if, she where to exist she would settle for nothing less than the absolute top.
"This regret. This hate. They will never disappear until I destroy that which caused them: Excalibur."

See this is something I never really understood. Why does Kiba hate the swords? They are inanimate objects. Why on earth would he fixate on them rather then; oh say the man responsible for the whole monstrosity?
See this is something I never really understood. Why does Kiba hate the swords? They are inanimate objects. Why on earth would he fixate on them rather then; oh say the man responsible for the whole monstrosity?
Symbols of what happened, why they happened and bad experiences with them.

It's much the same as why people tend to dislike objects related to some tragedy. Batman doesn't like guns, Taylor and Danny not liking cellphones at first, its just something that happens.
See this is something I never really understood. Why does Kiba hate the swords? They are inanimate objects. Why on earth would he fixate on them rather then; oh say the man responsible for the whole monstrosity?
Because at the time it was the only thing he had a name/'face' for?
See this is something I never really understood. Why does Kiba hate the swords? They are inanimate objects. Why on earth would he fixate on them rather then; oh say the man responsible for the whole monstrosity?
Because it didn't choose him, if Excalibur is such a holy sword then it would have chosen him and his friends so none of them would die, that's what Kiba thought.
He's shifting the anger he's feels towards himself for perceived weakness onto a sword that has no ill-will towards him. It was just as much of a pawn as he was. It's understandable he would have bad feelings towards it. What is unacceptable is his callous disregard for innocent lives in the face of his lust for revenge.

1) I meaned Extreterrestrials from away the Solar system, or UFOs (though they may be Grigory technology.)

2) There are two version of the story.
a) Reality ensues with hot squity on wilord, nightmare fuel story.
b) The other is that the mouse-dragon hybrids may had destroyed an ecosystem.
See this is something I never really understood. Why does Kiba hate the swords? They are inanimate objects. Why on earth would he fixate on them rather then; oh say the man responsible for the whole monstrosity?
He hates them because the fact that they exist is why him and all his friends were killed. The Holy Sword Project would never have happened if the swords didn't exist or weren't so particular about who uses them.
[X] Pat Kiba on the back and say, "I can't really say I understand your feelings so I won't insult you or your friends by saying that I do. Instead I will say this; Your anger towards Excalibur is understandable, it reminds you of the suffering you and your friends were forced to endure. However, you must remember this, Kiba; Your friends, both the past and the present don't want you to be to torture yourself for something you could not control. Buchou, Akeno, Koneko, Me, Asia, and all those who were with you back then. We'd all want you to live, to be happy. If you wish to grow stronger then we'll all help you, and if you still seek revenge, then remember don't let innocents die for the sake of your revenge, else you'll be giving power to the ones who used you and your friends. You are better then them, you are better then that sword. Your friends may no longer be physically with you, but their emotions, their wishes are with you. So live your life to the fullest for them, so that when you are reunited you can help them experience what they missed."

How's this?
[X] Pat Kiba on the back and say, "I can't really say I understand your feelings so I won't insult you or your friends by saying that I do. Instead I will say this; Your anger towards Excalibur is understandable, it reminds you of the suffering you and your friends were forced to endure. However, you must remember this, Kiba; Your friends, both the past and the present don't want you to be to torture yourself for something you could not control. Buchou, Akeno, Koneko, Me, Asia, and all those who were with you back then. We'd all want you to live, to be happy. If you wish to grow stronger then we'll all help you, and if you still seek revenge, then remember don't let innocents die for the sake of your revenge, else you'll be giving power to the ones who used you and your friends. You are better then them, you are better then that sword. Your friends may no longer be physically with you, but their emotions, their wishes are with you. So live your life to the fullest for them, so that when you are reunited you can help them experience what they missed."
[X] Pat Kiba on the back and say, "I can't really say I understand your feelings so I won't insult you or your friends by saying that I do. Instead I will say this; Your anger towards Excalibur is understandable, it reminds you of the suffering you and your friends were forced to endure. However, you must remember this, Kiba; Your friends, both the past and the present don't want you to be to torture yourself for something you could not control. Buchou, Akeno, Koneko, Me, Asia, and all those who were with you back then. We'd all want you to live, to be happy. If you wish to grow stronger then we'll all help you, and if you still seek revenge, then remember don't let innocents die for the sake of your revenge, else you'll be giving power to the ones who used you and your friends. You are better then them, you are better then that sword. Your friends may no longer be physically with you, but their emotions, their wishes are with you. So live your life to the fullest for them, so that when you are reunited you can help them experience what they missed."

Also Holy Crap! we rolled 8 Successes on that turn?! 16 with whatever ISS is (explanation please?)...I didn't even realize that many successes was possible at once! O.O

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