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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Also, the released energy condensated and gave birth to a dragon. A giant nuclear dragon, who was also massively pissed off. Do you have any idea what's it like to have a giant dragon that spew green nuclear hate-fire coming at you with the mood of a woman who has her period, but worse?"
I see what you did there.

[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.

We do not have our ninjas to spy on stuff for us, and time is of the essence. Azazel is probably our best bet.

However, if we want to storm their compound, we would need our clan. A vengeful Freed might be waiting for us.
If this were Scion instead of Exalted funnily enough, Atlantis would be in the South Pole.

In other news, Atlantis created Godzilla. Atlantis. Created. Godzilla.

[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] Sure, why not? You always wanted to die by super dragonic cancer.

I don't care if I'm going to be inevitably outvoted and that its counter productive to our current goals, my very soul demands that I cast my ballot this way.
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.

revenge by itself is empty, but that emptiness might help Kiba to move on.

Besides, he's Devil. He can't spend the rest of his long life being bitter and stuck about it.
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.
-[X] "We can hunt down Gojira later Ddraig."

Personally, I'd suggest remembering the bit about Godzilla for later. Once we get a few more dots under our belt, we go hunting.
Last edited:
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.
-[X] "We can hunt down Gojira later Ddraig."
[] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.

Personally, I'd suggest remembering the bit about Godzilla for later. Once we get a few more dots under our belt, we go hunting.

Maybe after we learn how to become BoF Ryu?
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.

The idea of the Atlantians creating a Nuclear Dragon was hilarious and terrifying.
If this were Scion instead of Exalted funnily enough, Atlantis would be in the South Pole.

In other news, Atlantis created Godzilla. Atlantis. Created. Godzilla.
That or they summoned a high Essence Slayer who was using GSNF and BRR with a 'lot' of mutation points.

One point against it being Godzilla.
His nuclear hate-fire was generally colored blue IIRC.
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.
If this were Scion instead of Exalted funnily enough, Atlantis would be in the South Pole.

In other news, Atlantis created Godzilla. Atlantis. Created. Godzilla.

Well I'm honestly not that surprised considering they created the giant flying plasma spewing turtle Gamera in the 90s film trilogy.

[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] Sure, why not? You always wanted to die by super dragonic cancer.

Probably not gonna win but fuck it, as a kaiju fan I'm pretty sure there is a stamp on my very soul that says "must always vote for Gojira or other kaiju if option is present".
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.
-[X] "We can hunt down Gojira later Ddraig."

Well... I guess we know what we'll be sealing when we get around to making our own Sacred Gears, now don't we?
The next update will be the last before starting a timeskip. Issei will also resume school, so I advice you to start coming up with a list of things you want Issei to do during the timeskip: training, hanging out with a specific character, things like that.

Why a timeskip? And how long will this timeskip be? Will things in the Kokabiel arc go like canon?
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.
-[X] "We can hunt down Gojira later Ddraig."

You'd thing Bright would have a comment about something throwing around green hate-fire.
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurtanybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.
-[X] "We can hunt down Gojira later Ddraig."
-[X] Also call together your friends to help you with the searching of night clubs.
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] Sure, why not? You always wanted to die by super dragonic cancer.

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