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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Depends really. Element Resisting Prana easily lol-nopes radiation unless its a lazer of Rads. But then we do have a Lol-Block so yea.
Unless we get hit with enough to cause immediate damage it won't do much anyway. It takes an immense amount of magic to cause any kind of long term health issues to an Exalt. Cancer just isn't a thing for them.

And even if it was he's perfectly capable of learning to cure it. Medicine is a Caste skill after all.
Unless we get hit with enough to cause immediate damage it won't do much anyway. It takes an immense amount of magic to cause any kind of long term health issues to an Exalt. Cancer just isn't a thing for them.

And even if it was he's perfectly capable of learning to cure it. Medicine is a Caste skill after all.
Or he can laugh it off at Survival 3? Likely 4 if it is Magic.
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.
-[X] "We can hunt down Gojira later Ddraig."
[x] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[x] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.

Bit late to the party, I know. Recently stumbled over this quest again and spent a few days (re-)reading the various updates, and I absolutely love it! There should be more quests around that are as funny, upbeat and light-hearted as Alexander's! :)
Way too many nowadays that seem focused more on the grim and dark stuff... :(
Excalibur Arc - Part 6
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.

'We can hunt down Gojira later Ddraig.' You reply to the dragon in a very dry tone.

"Did you say Azazel? Just now you called Azazel's cellphone number?" Irina whispers, staring strangely. "Issei-kun, how do you know the Governor General of the Grigori? Why do you have his number?"

You shrug your shoulders. "We have an accord: I do tests for him, and he pays me."

"What kind of tests?" Xenovia asks.

"Motherfucking tigers."

She blinks a few times in rapid succession. "Tigers?"

"Motherfucking tigers." You stress the word.

"What's the difference?"

"Black Ops training, power armors and nanomachines."

"One moment." Xenovia takes out again her notebook and begins to write. "Update: by reliable sources we learned of a new heresy engineered by the Grigori. It involves tigers, incest and modern terms with obscure but ominous names."

"Is this my Martyrdom, oh Lord?" With hands folded under her chin Irina looks up at the sky, eyes watering and lips quivering. "If it is you will be done. But if it isn't, please stop me before I do something unsavory!"

In the background Ddraig and many of your sempai laugh loudly.

If destiny exists, yours was surely written by a sadist.


A vigorous distressing later (which involved Irina hitting Xenovia numerous times with a paper fan) and a more detailed explanation of your relationship with Azazel, the two exorcists agreed to help you finding the fallen angel. Not out of trust, of course, but they acknowledged that as Kokabiel's old boss Azazel would surely possess some insight into the rebellious angel's motives.

"Uh, yes. I know this guy: he went inside two hours ago and has yet to come out."

Which brings you to your current situation: after downloading a list of the city's most famous night clubs (again, Internet is awesome) you went to each one and described Azazel to the bouncers.

It was only a matter of time before you find your target.

"Finally." You sigh in relief. "Can I go inside?"

"Are you twenty years old?" The bouncer asks back with a raised eyebrow. "Because the ladies behind you, cosplay or not, surely don't."

"Oh no no no. They'll wait for me outside." You smile. "And of course I am twenty years old. Do I look like someone who's lying?"

"Admittedly, you don't. Alright: you can pass."

Leaving behind a gaping Irina and Xenovia you walk through the door courteously kept open by the bouncer and step inside the local.


That's surprising. You expected scantly clad girls performing provocative dances near phallic symbols; instead there is the kind of atmosphere that university students would frequent in their free days. Still, if Azazel is here the scantly clad girls must be there somewhere.

You find them after a few minutes spent navigating through the sea of excited people. They're, no surprise there, sitting around a certain black and blonde haired fallen angel in disguise and swooning like he's a god.

"Issei! Good to see you here!" Azazel greets you with a jovial tone, a busty girl in each arm.

"Hello old man." You reply with a half smirk. "We need to talk."

"Sure! Take a seat and let me do the presentations! Girls, this is Issei my ap-"

"About your comrade of the stars."

"....Boooh." He pouts. "You're not fun." Yet despite the light-hearted tone he quickly and skillfully dismisses the girls before leading you to another part of the local. Walking behind a large column he casts a Silence Field before leaning against the wall, hands in his pockets and posture slacked. "So, I suppose Kokabiel finally made his move?"

"Don't pretend you didn't know about it." You tell him sternly. "When we first met you told me there was a traitor in your ranks. Now I learn that a leader of the Grigori stole four Excaliburs from the Church while his own organization denounced him as a rogue. You expected this."

"I said I suspected he was going to do something big, but not what it would be." He passes his fingers through his hair. "I sense two Holy Swords outside the club. I suppose the Church sent their Exorcists?"

"Yes. They said that Kokabiel moved through Japan leaving a massive trail of bodies behind before reaching this city, but since then it's like he disappeared. Do you know why?"

"It's because I am here. Kokabiel is a proud individual, but he is anything but arrogant or impulsive." He smiles fondly. "I am stronger than him and he knows this. If we haven't hear from him somewhere else yet, it's clear his goal is here in this city. I can even imagine what it is."


"He probably wants to kill the Gremori and Sitri Heiresses with the Excaliburs, so that Sirzechs and Serafall will flip out and declare war."

He says those words with such ease it takes you a few seconds to register their meaning. "Why?"

"I told you: Kokabiel is proud. Proud of himself, and of the fallen angels. He always believed we are the superior race: in a way, you can consider him our greatest patriot. That's why the current peace doesn't sit well with him: the fallen angels aren't the ones holding the reins of everything, and that's reason enough for him."

He cups his chin, his gaze turning calculating. "There is only one detail that doesn't fit with the scenario: even if the Great War starts again, there aren't very solid chances for the fallen angels to win. Kokabiel is aware of this even if he doesn't like it. He would never take a course of action that doesn't include the greater reward with the least causalities for his own side. That's why, while the plan fits, the moment is totally wrong."

"Maybe he has an ace in the hole?"

"He doesn't." Azazel replies with complete assurance. "You can trust me on this. If you want my advice, focus on recovering the Excaliburs. Whatever Kokabiel is thinking it will not work without those swords. I have people looking for him, and if he comes out I'll confront him myself."

He shrugs his shoulders.

"That's all the help I can offer."


"I-I see." Irina gulps after you finish explaining. "Indeed, it makes perfect sense. Truth be told, I also want to avoid an all-out war."

"Indeed." Xenovia adds. "To be forced into action by the machinations of a fallen angel is an unacceptable mockery!"

"Not quite how I would have put it, but the important thing is that we agree on the same goal." You replies. "We find the Excaliburs and make sure Kokabiel cannot use them. After that...well, we will see."

"Yes, I believe that's the best course of action. So Issei-kun, how do you propose we find the lair of Kokabiel? I still think walking around proudly displaying the symbols of our faith will work."

[] Now that you think about it, you don't have a better alternative...
[] Now that you think about it, you DO have a better alternative!
-[] Which is... (write-in)

"I think this is the best we can do for now." You agree. "Let's meet tomorrow to begin. Do you have a place to stay?"

"Don't worry Issei-kun." Irina smiles. "We were given a large budget."


"We lost the wallet with all our budget inside." Xenovia somberly tells you after they knocked at your door in the middle of the night, Irina crying on her shoulders. "Can you please grant asylum to two penniless pilgrims?"

[This is the best the Church has to offer?] You hear the sound of Ddraig facepalming. [How the mighty has fallen.]

'Pot calling the kettle back.' "Sure, come inside."


There will be a timeskip of four days, straight to the day Issei goes back to school. Select actions you want Issei to perform, allocating them in order of importance. Be aware that the available time may end before all actions are performed.

[] Use the plan you, Irina and Xenovia agreed on to find the Excaliburs.
[] Complete training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End.
[] Spend Xp (specify how).
[] Resume magic lessons with Akeno.
[] Check Manse construction.
[] Spend time with one of your friends/acquaintances (specify the individual. Each different person counts as a separate action).
[] Continue working on your own version of the Evil Pieces.

I don't know how, but when I gave you the chance to finally decide nobody voted :confused: . Let me say it again:

With 75% done Issei has understood enough of how the Evil Pieces work that, together with Bright's help, he can start working in his own version. As of now the final product will have the following effects:

-Make possible to reach Essence 5 for those who normally shouldn't be able to, like humans
-Make possible to learn Celestial Martial Arts.

The rest, and how the final product will look like...well, I think you discussed the subject at great length, yes ;) ?

Since Issei is supposed to have worked on it in the past six days, the effective amount of time for this choice is 10 days.
[] Write-in.

Those were only a few examples. You can decide on anything, really.
Last edited:
Well, we already have a tried and true method for tracking magical swords. We should probably use it.
Update, yay! I'm so happy! :):D

Refresh my memory, what method is that?
The one we used to find the sword Shigure was looking for. IIRC it was a sort of magical triangulation; looking for a sort of magical "scent", then slowly working one's way closer to the source.

As for what to do during those four days... I'd say finding the Excaliburs should be the main priority. If we're the ones to find them, rather than Kokabiel and his minions finding us, we'll be the ones to have the initiative and can decide when and where a fight will take place, assuming it does at all.

After that... I'd say briefly check on the Manse, so we get an idea for how it's proceeding and when it'll be complete. Get started on developing our own "Evil Pieces". For the rest of the time, training Charms, and studying Magic with Akane sounds good to me.
As for what to do during those four days... I'd say finding the Excaliburs should be the main priority. If we're the ones to find them, rather than Kokabiel and his minions finding us, we'll be the ones to have the initiative and can decide when and where a fight will take place, assuming it does at all.
Agreed. I'd be much more comfortable with us being the one to choose the battlefield and drawing our enemies into a trap rather then the opposite.
Well, I'll give writing a plan for this quest a try.

[x] Now that you think about it, you DO have a better alternative!
-[x] Magic Sense (the ability we used to find the magical sword Shigure was looking for when she came to visit us). Try to use it to locate the stolen Excalibur; that way we'll be the ones to dictate the terms of the engagement, or possibly avoid one altogether if we can simply steal them.

[x] Use the plan you, Irina and Xenovia agreed on to find the Excaliburs.
[x] Check Manse construction.
[x] Continue working on your own version of the Evil Pieces.
[x] Resume magic lessons with Akeno.
[x] Complete training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End.

Pretty much what I outlined above. Find the Excaliburs ASAP so we have the initiative, and spend some time in-between to check up on the Manse or continue our work and training.
Ranked the Charms lower than Magic since Magic seems more versatile while being less costly in terms of XP.

What do you guys think?
Are there any charms that help in finding mystical artifacts?
There's one that lets us see Essence and its flows, but it's limited to visual range, so I'm not sure how helpful it'd actually be for searching stuff across an entire city.
Aren't the 'Excalibur's' supposed to be ridiculously powerful swords? So wouldn't it be possible to see their essence from a high point, aka from the sky?
Any chance they could be hidden in ways our Sense can't bypass?

First of all, how would they block our Sense? Second of all, do we have a Plan B in case the Sense fails.

I don't know how, but when I gave you the chance to finally decide nobody voted :confused: . Let me say it again:

With 75% done Issei has understood enough of how the Evil Pieces work that, together with Bright's help, he can start working in his own version. As of now the final product will have the following effects:

-Make possible to reach Essence 5 for those who normally shouldn't be able to, like humans
-Make possible to learn Celestial Martial Arts.

The rest, and how the final product will look like...well, I think you discussed the subject at great length, yes ;) ?

Since Issei is supposed to have worked on it in the past six days, the effective amount of time for this choice is 10 days.

Alex, you never told us how long the timeskip was, so there was no way I could plan at all!
Well, we don't really have the Charm I was thinking about (Essence-Dissecting Sorceror's Sight, or something). At best we could use our Anima power to try and help our search efforts, but that's... kinda conspicuous, to say the least. Not really sure that's a wise idea.
There are sorceries for finding things...maybe we could make one for this? Oh, wait...haven't earned Sorcery yet.
Can we give azazel gold wings? By forcing him to do something really embarrassing and filming it?
"Sure! Take a seat and let me do the presentations! Girls, this is Issei my ap-"

wow azazel was serious about making us his apprentice. I approve!

[x] Now that you think about it, you DO have a better alternative!
-[x] Magic Sense (the ability we used to find the magical sword Shigure was looking for when she came to visit us). Try to use it to locate the stolen Excalibur; that way we'll be the ones to dictate the terms of the engagement, or possibly avoid one altogether if we can simply steal them.

[x] Use the plan you, Irina and Xenovia agreed on to find the Excaliburs.
[x] Check Manse construction.
[x] Continue working on your own version of the Evil Pieces.
[x] Resume magic lessons with Akeno.
[x] Complete training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End.

the only thing i have to add is to spend some exp on a charm or stat boost.
Not sure about Sorcery, but Thaumaturgy might have some rituals that could be used for finding stuff. Probably under Divination.
However, the only Thaumaturge we have is Asia, and she's currently focused on Alchemy (and not particularly advanced there, yet).

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