Erastus 4713
Imperator Pax
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Erastus 4713
Jaethal dismissed her retainers. It was no surprise of course that the crown had once against missed archerfeast, at the beginning of the month. There was simply too much to do. It wasn't intentional but it, the feast, came at such an utterly inconsiderate time in their calendar, by being held so early in the seventh month of the year.
... admittedly the Inheritor's ascendance was a feast day Eire made a point of making time for, but the human clerics and clergy of the temple of the Elk didn't take that personally. The temples had been raised by the Taldane empire of yore, and it had been rebuilt by the barony before the transition there was little they could say.
Eire could speak of stone age humanity and the development of tools, of pottery, and agricultures emergence, but he was quick to focus on metallurgy and engineering... and even now Vordakai looked to restore the ruins of ancient cyclopean empires; that included astronomical observatories.
That wasn't itself a problem but where Erastil's church did not seriously present an issue to royal authority even if there were some grumbling the Church of Pharasma and in her particular case that of the Kyonin branch of the faith more so than the Brevic one had surely taken note of the decrepit Lich's presence. The church had officially disclaimed the half elf Enneo... but frankly she was skeptical of their response. It was all to easy for Kyonin to pass off a half breed's actions as not sanctioned. Whatever the truth, it fell to here to weigh whether or not Kyonin might associate or possess any information about Vordakai and the empire of old, and whether they might act on it in any reasonable timeframe.
... but the elven court would most likely be patient, and likely waited to see if the kingdom would survive on its own before moving one way or another. Though unlikely to ever be voiced in public, in a century she suspected her former homeland might come to regret such a policy.
The lich gave a huff intentionally exhaling air from his atrophied lungs. He spread his skeletal hands and manipulated the magical map of the kingdom, and it was what the map highlighted which was why. "Your forebearers were quite busy." An image of another 'elf gate'...
Because of course they had, the connection Narland had to the first world was prevalent across the realm, and of course there was the nagging suspicion that the aiudara's origins weren't quite what Kyonin liked to claim. Some were very, very old, and attuned to the first world... and of course that seven arches continued to defy kyonin was a point of contention within elven politics.
She focused far to the east, and the grasslands where the gate sat on the map "There is one out in the wastes?" She didn't bother asking if the cyclops was sure.
"I have confirmed it, but it existed in the time before the cataclysm and there are at least two or three in the west near the branfeld mountains, where there is a powerful connection to the first world." He replied.
Of course that well beyond their legal border. It was beyond even that annoying piece of worm food that claimed to be their neighbor... in fact it was part of the area allocated to the group of mercenaries who had disappeared without succeeding. The Iron Wraiths, and the Issian expedition before them, had vanished... "We may have mistakenly ascribed the disappearance of the expedition to the Tiger Lords."
"I view that as plausible, though the human barbarians might still have been responsible. We simply lack the evidence to definitively say." The ancient wizard remarked.
Jaethal looked the map of the realm as the sandy floor shifted beneath them. The river was the lifeblood of the country. There was a fledgling road network but the small towns and settlements all connected to a next level up of planned fortified regional administration. For the west that wasn't an issue, the Narlmarch was seemingly easy to plan around, for the east though to the windswept wastes of the southeast that reached all the way to the padishah empire's borders and to the far west to the shores of the Castrovin sea.
"As one can see," The cyclops continued, "The boundaries of the first world are thin, more it is very difficult in some places to be sure one has not accidentally crossed over." Vordakai stated, "And this continues I believe from my scrying all the way to the sea itself."
"Does this relate to Irrisen's attack?"
"Irrisen is not the cause of it, but I believe the actions they take against us stirs the boundary between this world and the other. I would need to do more research to examine if it is deleterious to the realm, but it does not appear to be." The cyclops responded, "Admittedly though not intended for such, the creation of these towers," And the churches to which each was to be attached, "will allow us to better view the magic of the realm."
Jaethal nodded and rested her chin on a gloved hand. The idea was on its face simple enough. It built off of an existing system of governance. Eire wanted a what he called a 'town'/municipal, county, province system to organize the villages and population into the tower and church arrangement was an expansion of a fortified 'burgh' principle. It was complicated by the goal of integrating advanced magic into it.
The towers were supposed to provide rapid up to date information about events in their region. They were supposed to facilitate words of sending, report any magical activity and to support the church attached to them as a rallying point for rapid movement. More importantly given all the ruins and other potential resources for the kingdom the towers were to be tools of royal authority across the kingdom.
It was however simply a proposed system. The initial tower within Shrikewall had not had its design finalized and it could be years before they committed to that given the need for labor elsewhere. Eire after all needed only to have visited a religious site to teleport to it personally... but the tower & church apparatus were intended to function more like the auidara did being able to transport groups of people who hadn't been somewhere previously.
"The idea is sound." Vordakai remarked
It was of course not how it had been done in the ancient cyclops empire, especially since they didn't have the number of giant wizards for that, and nor was it how the kingdom of Kyonin was organized... though Jaethal appreciated that. The issue of course was the limitation, and what prevented them from implementing it. Eire was himself a wizard, he could cast both, which was all well and good in Jaethal's opinion, except of course even for an undead there were only so many hours in a day. Expecting a reigning monarch to have the time to undertake that was unreasonable... they just didn't have enough wizards.
Wizards took years to train up. That was without even considering newly taken on foreign obligations, which tied the kingdom to the wider world of northern Avistan.
Amiri kicked a rock, and watched it skip into the great lake. Summer was waning but the six bears ... the small group of them still with her childhood friend showed no signs of decamping. Amiri did not like these 'Jadwiga' ... admittedly even in the lands of the mammoth lords it wasn't unheard of for the children of great lineages to have certain presumptions, to use Jubilost's word, but the Jadwiga 'boyars' had been shocked to face real resistance in battle, much less to be defeated in battle.
It was pitiful. Indeed the truth was of the Irissen following it was not the human warriors who were the challenge but their haste to summon reinforcements from their giant members. The frost giants and also the winter fey had come to join battle.
The stone giants had answered the kingdom's call to battle, which Nilak had unnecessarily pointed out that being able to call giants to battle indeed giant families from both sides placed both kingdoms on a footing of status far greater than most great followings.
Normal chieftans did not have the ability to issue calls to war and have it answered by dozens of giant warriors. Then again, normal chieftans often did not have to contend with a rival doing the same thing. It was not completely unheard of in theory a powerful enough, a legendary kellid chieftan or more likely a great elected war leader might be able to muster the treasure to sway a giant tribe to fight but that was not the same thing.
Akiros had, in discussion, agreed that even in the southern lands it was unusual for human kings to have the ability to issue such feudal calls... but it was not unusual for Irrisen Nor was it all that strange to hear from Iobaria, though Vordakai had scoffed at the latter example given the state of the followings in the east... but then the old cyclops was perennially, another Jubilost word, dismissive of the state of the eastern lands he hailed from especially.
Nilak was shaking her head. "We'd just be a handful of faces in all of this. Every day more and more people seem to arrive."
It seemed like it would have been the same if they went and joined the tiger lords, which was the last thing that Amiri wanted, given what they had heard. The Tiger Lords passing back west had bragged about the size of the growing following of Armag Twice born and his power, as well as the tribute that Pitax showered on them as gifts.
With tens of thousands of Kellid warriors the six bear following would just disappear. She might not really understand the number a 'million' a million of anything boggled the mind, but that was how Akiros had described the nation of Andoran a 'million'. It didn't matter that was accurate or not when she had been travelling she had seen how easy it was to get lost in the throngs of people of the cities of the Inner Sea.
It was in this context that Amiri was coming to terms with the end of the six bears following, "That is all you'll be," But... Nilak had to balance what changes she could make with the fact that Armag was a great war leader, with a large host of tribes already flocking to his banner. That Armag and his tiger lords had likely already brought even even if just on the outside other fragments of Six Bears and more than that that as a Kellid leader he would better understand the reciprocity expected of a great chief. She started to bristle, "I don't want us to be enemies Nilak," But she could feel it in her bones Armag would need to fight, the Twice Born had to prove his mettle. It was the way.
Jaethal dismissed her retainers. It was no surprise of course that the crown had once against missed archerfeast, at the beginning of the month. There was simply too much to do. It wasn't intentional but it, the feast, came at such an utterly inconsiderate time in their calendar, by being held so early in the seventh month of the year.
... admittedly the Inheritor's ascendance was a feast day Eire made a point of making time for, but the human clerics and clergy of the temple of the Elk didn't take that personally. The temples had been raised by the Taldane empire of yore, and it had been rebuilt by the barony before the transition there was little they could say.
Eire could speak of stone age humanity and the development of tools, of pottery, and agricultures emergence, but he was quick to focus on metallurgy and engineering... and even now Vordakai looked to restore the ruins of ancient cyclopean empires; that included astronomical observatories.
That wasn't itself a problem but where Erastil's church did not seriously present an issue to royal authority even if there were some grumbling the Church of Pharasma and in her particular case that of the Kyonin branch of the faith more so than the Brevic one had surely taken note of the decrepit Lich's presence. The church had officially disclaimed the half elf Enneo... but frankly she was skeptical of their response. It was all to easy for Kyonin to pass off a half breed's actions as not sanctioned. Whatever the truth, it fell to here to weigh whether or not Kyonin might associate or possess any information about Vordakai and the empire of old, and whether they might act on it in any reasonable timeframe.
... but the elven court would most likely be patient, and likely waited to see if the kingdom would survive on its own before moving one way or another. Though unlikely to ever be voiced in public, in a century she suspected her former homeland might come to regret such a policy.
The lich gave a huff intentionally exhaling air from his atrophied lungs. He spread his skeletal hands and manipulated the magical map of the kingdom, and it was what the map highlighted which was why. "Your forebearers were quite busy." An image of another 'elf gate'...
Because of course they had, the connection Narland had to the first world was prevalent across the realm, and of course there was the nagging suspicion that the aiudara's origins weren't quite what Kyonin liked to claim. Some were very, very old, and attuned to the first world... and of course that seven arches continued to defy kyonin was a point of contention within elven politics.
She focused far to the east, and the grasslands where the gate sat on the map "There is one out in the wastes?" She didn't bother asking if the cyclops was sure.
"I have confirmed it, but it existed in the time before the cataclysm and there are at least two or three in the west near the branfeld mountains, where there is a powerful connection to the first world." He replied.
Of course that well beyond their legal border. It was beyond even that annoying piece of worm food that claimed to be their neighbor... in fact it was part of the area allocated to the group of mercenaries who had disappeared without succeeding. The Iron Wraiths, and the Issian expedition before them, had vanished... "We may have mistakenly ascribed the disappearance of the expedition to the Tiger Lords."
"I view that as plausible, though the human barbarians might still have been responsible. We simply lack the evidence to definitively say." The ancient wizard remarked.
Jaethal looked the map of the realm as the sandy floor shifted beneath them. The river was the lifeblood of the country. There was a fledgling road network but the small towns and settlements all connected to a next level up of planned fortified regional administration. For the west that wasn't an issue, the Narlmarch was seemingly easy to plan around, for the east though to the windswept wastes of the southeast that reached all the way to the padishah empire's borders and to the far west to the shores of the Castrovin sea.
"As one can see," The cyclops continued, "The boundaries of the first world are thin, more it is very difficult in some places to be sure one has not accidentally crossed over." Vordakai stated, "And this continues I believe from my scrying all the way to the sea itself."
"Does this relate to Irrisen's attack?"
"Irrisen is not the cause of it, but I believe the actions they take against us stirs the boundary between this world and the other. I would need to do more research to examine if it is deleterious to the realm, but it does not appear to be." The cyclops responded, "Admittedly though not intended for such, the creation of these towers," And the churches to which each was to be attached, "will allow us to better view the magic of the realm."
Jaethal nodded and rested her chin on a gloved hand. The idea was on its face simple enough. It built off of an existing system of governance. Eire wanted a what he called a 'town'/municipal, county, province system to organize the villages and population into the tower and church arrangement was an expansion of a fortified 'burgh' principle. It was complicated by the goal of integrating advanced magic into it.
The towers were supposed to provide rapid up to date information about events in their region. They were supposed to facilitate words of sending, report any magical activity and to support the church attached to them as a rallying point for rapid movement. More importantly given all the ruins and other potential resources for the kingdom the towers were to be tools of royal authority across the kingdom.
It was however simply a proposed system. The initial tower within Shrikewall had not had its design finalized and it could be years before they committed to that given the need for labor elsewhere. Eire after all needed only to have visited a religious site to teleport to it personally... but the tower & church apparatus were intended to function more like the auidara did being able to transport groups of people who hadn't been somewhere previously.
"The idea is sound." Vordakai remarked
It was of course not how it had been done in the ancient cyclops empire, especially since they didn't have the number of giant wizards for that, and nor was it how the kingdom of Kyonin was organized... though Jaethal appreciated that. The issue of course was the limitation, and what prevented them from implementing it. Eire was himself a wizard, he could cast both, which was all well and good in Jaethal's opinion, except of course even for an undead there were only so many hours in a day. Expecting a reigning monarch to have the time to undertake that was unreasonable... they just didn't have enough wizards.
Wizards took years to train up. That was without even considering newly taken on foreign obligations, which tied the kingdom to the wider world of northern Avistan.
Amiri kicked a rock, and watched it skip into the great lake. Summer was waning but the six bears ... the small group of them still with her childhood friend showed no signs of decamping. Amiri did not like these 'Jadwiga' ... admittedly even in the lands of the mammoth lords it wasn't unheard of for the children of great lineages to have certain presumptions, to use Jubilost's word, but the Jadwiga 'boyars' had been shocked to face real resistance in battle, much less to be defeated in battle.
It was pitiful. Indeed the truth was of the Irissen following it was not the human warriors who were the challenge but their haste to summon reinforcements from their giant members. The frost giants and also the winter fey had come to join battle.
The stone giants had answered the kingdom's call to battle, which Nilak had unnecessarily pointed out that being able to call giants to battle indeed giant families from both sides placed both kingdoms on a footing of status far greater than most great followings.
Normal chieftans did not have the ability to issue calls to war and have it answered by dozens of giant warriors. Then again, normal chieftans often did not have to contend with a rival doing the same thing. It was not completely unheard of in theory a powerful enough, a legendary kellid chieftan or more likely a great elected war leader might be able to muster the treasure to sway a giant tribe to fight but that was not the same thing.
Akiros had, in discussion, agreed that even in the southern lands it was unusual for human kings to have the ability to issue such feudal calls... but it was not unusual for Irrisen Nor was it all that strange to hear from Iobaria, though Vordakai had scoffed at the latter example given the state of the followings in the east... but then the old cyclops was perennially, another Jubilost word, dismissive of the state of the eastern lands he hailed from especially.
Nilak was shaking her head. "We'd just be a handful of faces in all of this. Every day more and more people seem to arrive."
It seemed like it would have been the same if they went and joined the tiger lords, which was the last thing that Amiri wanted, given what they had heard. The Tiger Lords passing back west had bragged about the size of the growing following of Armag Twice born and his power, as well as the tribute that Pitax showered on them as gifts.
With tens of thousands of Kellid warriors the six bear following would just disappear. She might not really understand the number a 'million' a million of anything boggled the mind, but that was how Akiros had described the nation of Andoran a 'million'. It didn't matter that was accurate or not when she had been travelling she had seen how easy it was to get lost in the throngs of people of the cities of the Inner Sea.
It was in this context that Amiri was coming to terms with the end of the six bears following, "That is all you'll be," But... Nilak had to balance what changes she could make with the fact that Armag was a great war leader, with a large host of tribes already flocking to his banner. That Armag and his tiger lords had likely already brought even even if just on the outside other fragments of Six Bears and more than that that as a Kellid leader he would better understand the reciprocity expected of a great chief. She started to bristle, "I don't want us to be enemies Nilak," But she could feel it in her bones Armag would need to fight, the Twice Born had to prove his mettle. It was the way.