Sarenith 4714 AR
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Sarenith 4714 AR
They had roughly a week until the end of the month, but with Ilthuliak dead he was now prepared to end this. Kisandra had outlined the layout of Fort Drelev, and that had been largely confirmed for them by others. It was a large town situated along the lake shore and the hill prominence. There had been a lair of Chuul south of where the Sellen flowed out the Lake, that had needed clearing, but the River Giants had seen to that, and were now mustered with their boats at the southern banks of the lake... when the time came would sail north and land on the docks.... but that was only to be part of the matter. Maegar had crossed the Lake and the Siltstrand circling around to pitch camp on the northern banks of the river west of Fort Drelev. He was to largely focus on the west and north roads and prevent any potential escape.
Eire intended to enter the city by stealth, reach the temple of Erastil, and spend the night there, preparing for the actual investment of the town. The next morning he would visit the Velvet Corner, and the local priestess of Calistria. Kisandra's friend, Satinder, would ideally allow him to use here shrine to expand the force arriving in an ironic mirroring of Tazlford's relief.
Regongar and Amiri were too occupied with the great severed head of the dead Black Wyrm to pay mind to the matters of impending low warfare. That was not the reason he was leaving them here. The truth was he intended to invest the town, and preferably to distract whatever defenders by forcing them to move to the gap in the western wall before the columns of sunlight, and the arrival of archons informed the town that they were being 'liberated'.
... he hoped that the denizens of Fort Drelev would obey the celestial messengers to remain calm, and in their homes. He needed the streets of the castle town open and clear. Part of that was not just asserting control, but to ensure that they could deal with the hill giants apparently helping Drelev defend his town.
There were still yet other messages, and ground work that needed to be distributed. In particular the news of Ilthuliak's demise was being sent south to Mivon, with the proclamation that the Kingdom would be annexing Drelev's domain and that the Slough would be reopened to traffic upon the conclusion of hostilities... and also that the Mivonese Aldori would be told he was marching on Drelev soon. The truth was of course by the time Mivon was informed he expected that hte fighting would be done, but Mivon didn't necessarily need to know that.
The truth was he hoped to overawe the denizens of the castle or at least its surrounding town because he didn't want a messy assault... and also he was concerned about some of the other news of events still further west, and now from the north in Brevoy... but that would be something to deal with later, after this had been resolved.
The infiltration itself, the boat ride across the Slough into the delta where the siltstrand met the great lake was uneventful... most likely with Maegar pitched to the north west and limited guards Drelev was either concentrating his troops in his castle proper or at the apparent gap in his incomplete outermost wall... whatever the case it didn't matter. Fort Drelev was still a sizable town, even from reports they had weathered Elvanna's mad scheme worse than others.
Still if not for well built stone fortress on the hill, and indeed a number of other masonry architecture buildings Drelev had erected his seat of power in a largely typical brevic fashion. It was a brevic settlement with rows of sturdy little homes and shops built from wood. Just as the main outer palisade protecting the sprawling town was of wood.
The interior of the town's temple of Erastil, another hallmark of Drelev's rostlandic heritage, was unfinished... and there were no signs of its priests. Indeed the large stone building appeared to have been abandoned for at least weeks if not all winter. Still incomplete as a whole, the ground was consecrated. That would be enough... and silently Eire made a mental note that he would have to speak to his own Erastillian clergy at the Temple of the Elk to see about finishing the furnishings ... but its lack of attention would have to be addressed, or answered for.
He clapped his hands and sparks flew. The warm summer air drifted through the sanctuary. The bell tolled as lantern archons emerged from it to swirl around him in greeting, their lights dancing. He had little time to spend with the archons they were relying on magic to coordinate time, and while he was unsure if the guards actually thought Maegar Varn would mount a night attack, he hoped that the Issian scion had followed through with advertising his presence well.
There were no interruptions as night waned, and gave way to the first rays of dawn, and people began to stir, for another day of drudgery, and yet he was taking a chance of being spotted so early out in the street, but he no longer cared. The preparations in the church were laid, Erastil's temple would serve its purpose and there was still another sanctuary of sorts to visit.
He had actually misjudged the distance from the Temple of Erastil, to the Velvet Corner and his attention caught briefly on a small stone shrine across from it, before he turned into the gambling hall... and brothel. The bawdy house was typical of calistrian establishments pulling double or even triple roles as such, the same was true in Tatzlford after all.
He just needed to have a quick conversation with the priestess of Calistria before either the guards on the wall were lead to believe Maegar had begun his attack, or someone accidentally found the archons early. That proved easier said then done, as the Calistrian had little time this early in the morning trying to rouse a handful of unfriendly or downright ornery mercenaries who were sleeping off the previous night's drink... and then it was too late as the warnings went out to the guards, and Eire threw himself physically into one of the pitaxian sellswords.
Quicksilver eyes narrowed as fire boiled from his fingers searing through the man's neck, he left the man to fall on the wooden floor and swung his hands open to release the sun bolts.
The screaming started though.
"I am Eire," It felt, off to use the first person singular, the draconic imperative wasn't truly plural but in the same royal we sense but it was more accurate to translate it as we, and in Taldane the royal vernacular was a much more clear royal we, "Kisandra Numesti sought my aid to," He trailed off... the discussion was almost pointless he could feel on his senses that the archons had begun to emerge to carry out his wishes and to direct the townsfolk to shelter in place... and also that they most likely had started firing upon the giants and guardsmen in Pitax or Drelev's service. "it matters not," He clapped his hands wrapping everyone inside the Velvet Corner in a much expanded word of recall and depositing them in the Temple of the everbloom that was sheltered the youngest Numesti daughter before he returned alone... or rather returned to the velvet corner's empty gambling hall with only the cleric of Calistria as a column of solar flame whisked down on the Temple of Erastil.
Unlike other times when they had done this, this time the column of solar flame came down in all its glory with the roar of heaven. Men emerged from the vertical sheet of holy fire armed and ready for battle, rushing forward to clear the space of holy ground provided by the temple, and rushed hurriedly down the streets invoking their gods as they moved.
"You said Kisandra sent you?"
The blue clad Calistrian had followed him back out into the street to see the forming ranks.
He cleared his throat, "We are Eire of Shrikewall," Eire reiterated for effect, but apparently Satinder Morne didn't speak draconic, "I am King of Narland," He stated in Taldane for the human cleric's benefit, but his attention had turned towards the battle as a flight of archons assaulted a stumbling hill giant.
Notes: Battletech will update in the morning I have a migraine and it needs some revisions before going up.
They had roughly a week until the end of the month, but with Ilthuliak dead he was now prepared to end this. Kisandra had outlined the layout of Fort Drelev, and that had been largely confirmed for them by others. It was a large town situated along the lake shore and the hill prominence. There had been a lair of Chuul south of where the Sellen flowed out the Lake, that had needed clearing, but the River Giants had seen to that, and were now mustered with their boats at the southern banks of the lake... when the time came would sail north and land on the docks.... but that was only to be part of the matter. Maegar had crossed the Lake and the Siltstrand circling around to pitch camp on the northern banks of the river west of Fort Drelev. He was to largely focus on the west and north roads and prevent any potential escape.
Eire intended to enter the city by stealth, reach the temple of Erastil, and spend the night there, preparing for the actual investment of the town. The next morning he would visit the Velvet Corner, and the local priestess of Calistria. Kisandra's friend, Satinder, would ideally allow him to use here shrine to expand the force arriving in an ironic mirroring of Tazlford's relief.
Regongar and Amiri were too occupied with the great severed head of the dead Black Wyrm to pay mind to the matters of impending low warfare. That was not the reason he was leaving them here. The truth was he intended to invest the town, and preferably to distract whatever defenders by forcing them to move to the gap in the western wall before the columns of sunlight, and the arrival of archons informed the town that they were being 'liberated'.
... he hoped that the denizens of Fort Drelev would obey the celestial messengers to remain calm, and in their homes. He needed the streets of the castle town open and clear. Part of that was not just asserting control, but to ensure that they could deal with the hill giants apparently helping Drelev defend his town.
There were still yet other messages, and ground work that needed to be distributed. In particular the news of Ilthuliak's demise was being sent south to Mivon, with the proclamation that the Kingdom would be annexing Drelev's domain and that the Slough would be reopened to traffic upon the conclusion of hostilities... and also that the Mivonese Aldori would be told he was marching on Drelev soon. The truth was of course by the time Mivon was informed he expected that hte fighting would be done, but Mivon didn't necessarily need to know that.
The truth was he hoped to overawe the denizens of the castle or at least its surrounding town because he didn't want a messy assault... and also he was concerned about some of the other news of events still further west, and now from the north in Brevoy... but that would be something to deal with later, after this had been resolved.
The infiltration itself, the boat ride across the Slough into the delta where the siltstrand met the great lake was uneventful... most likely with Maegar pitched to the north west and limited guards Drelev was either concentrating his troops in his castle proper or at the apparent gap in his incomplete outermost wall... whatever the case it didn't matter. Fort Drelev was still a sizable town, even from reports they had weathered Elvanna's mad scheme worse than others.
Still if not for well built stone fortress on the hill, and indeed a number of other masonry architecture buildings Drelev had erected his seat of power in a largely typical brevic fashion. It was a brevic settlement with rows of sturdy little homes and shops built from wood. Just as the main outer palisade protecting the sprawling town was of wood.
The interior of the town's temple of Erastil, another hallmark of Drelev's rostlandic heritage, was unfinished... and there were no signs of its priests. Indeed the large stone building appeared to have been abandoned for at least weeks if not all winter. Still incomplete as a whole, the ground was consecrated. That would be enough... and silently Eire made a mental note that he would have to speak to his own Erastillian clergy at the Temple of the Elk to see about finishing the furnishings ... but its lack of attention would have to be addressed, or answered for.
He clapped his hands and sparks flew. The warm summer air drifted through the sanctuary. The bell tolled as lantern archons emerged from it to swirl around him in greeting, their lights dancing. He had little time to spend with the archons they were relying on magic to coordinate time, and while he was unsure if the guards actually thought Maegar Varn would mount a night attack, he hoped that the Issian scion had followed through with advertising his presence well.
There were no interruptions as night waned, and gave way to the first rays of dawn, and people began to stir, for another day of drudgery, and yet he was taking a chance of being spotted so early out in the street, but he no longer cared. The preparations in the church were laid, Erastil's temple would serve its purpose and there was still another sanctuary of sorts to visit.
He had actually misjudged the distance from the Temple of Erastil, to the Velvet Corner and his attention caught briefly on a small stone shrine across from it, before he turned into the gambling hall... and brothel. The bawdy house was typical of calistrian establishments pulling double or even triple roles as such, the same was true in Tatzlford after all.
He just needed to have a quick conversation with the priestess of Calistria before either the guards on the wall were lead to believe Maegar had begun his attack, or someone accidentally found the archons early. That proved easier said then done, as the Calistrian had little time this early in the morning trying to rouse a handful of unfriendly or downright ornery mercenaries who were sleeping off the previous night's drink... and then it was too late as the warnings went out to the guards, and Eire threw himself physically into one of the pitaxian sellswords.
Quicksilver eyes narrowed as fire boiled from his fingers searing through the man's neck, he left the man to fall on the wooden floor and swung his hands open to release the sun bolts.
The screaming started though.
"I am Eire," It felt, off to use the first person singular, the draconic imperative wasn't truly plural but in the same royal we sense but it was more accurate to translate it as we, and in Taldane the royal vernacular was a much more clear royal we, "Kisandra Numesti sought my aid to," He trailed off... the discussion was almost pointless he could feel on his senses that the archons had begun to emerge to carry out his wishes and to direct the townsfolk to shelter in place... and also that they most likely had started firing upon the giants and guardsmen in Pitax or Drelev's service. "it matters not," He clapped his hands wrapping everyone inside the Velvet Corner in a much expanded word of recall and depositing them in the Temple of the everbloom that was sheltered the youngest Numesti daughter before he returned alone... or rather returned to the velvet corner's empty gambling hall with only the cleric of Calistria as a column of solar flame whisked down on the Temple of Erastil.
Unlike other times when they had done this, this time the column of solar flame came down in all its glory with the roar of heaven. Men emerged from the vertical sheet of holy fire armed and ready for battle, rushing forward to clear the space of holy ground provided by the temple, and rushed hurriedly down the streets invoking their gods as they moved.
"You said Kisandra sent you?"
The blue clad Calistrian had followed him back out into the street to see the forming ranks.
He cleared his throat, "We are Eire of Shrikewall," Eire reiterated for effect, but apparently Satinder Morne didn't speak draconic, "I am King of Narland," He stated in Taldane for the human cleric's benefit, but his attention had turned towards the battle as a flight of archons assaulted a stumbling hill giant.
Notes: Battletech will update in the morning I have a migraine and it needs some revisions before going up.