Late Gozran 4714
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Late Gozran 4714
Eire had not had time to tour, in any comprehensive measure, the portion of his realm added by the absorption of Maegar's Varnhold... and he hadn't considered it a major priority. The mandate recognized for the Dunsward encompassed a truly massive expanse of 'unclaimed' 'unsettled' land to his east, and to Brevoy's south east.
Maegar's official northern border was the northern bank of the Shrike, where began the Rostlandic plain as dictated by ancient tradition... and if not for the series of water falls that marked the shrike's course as it tumbled south west the river would have been an ideal trade route for the Narlmarches to reach Restov.
Maegar did not have the resources to reach his recognized legal frontier in the mountains of the northwest, and certainly not to the truly absurd southern boundary of his charter of the waters of the Castrovin sea... but of course there were no civilized states closer and thus it fell to nature to set boundaries rather than the political zones of control established by men.
Galt's legal western border stopped at the Tor of Levenies ... far to the south of Vordakai's tom... indeed Eire could scarcely peg why Galt's northern frontier was as far north as it was. It failed to include the Creeper wood, or the territory of the lost city state of Nystara. It buttressed itself against Liberthane to the Northeast... but the north proper was open grasslands that didn't even connect Galt's northern frontier to the southern most boundaries of Mivon... a boundary for the Mivonese was anchored by their control of the great shrine to Cayden Cailean... which Eire presumed brought Mivon no shortage of pilgrims, and thus money into their coffers.
All the same his borders with Mivon were largely a matter of the southernmost tip of the narlmarches , and the Mivon Sellen River. He wanted to send Maegar orders to find the source waters of the Mivon Sellen in Iobaria and that he should establish a small settlement there... but that would have to wait. Now was not the time for that... even if it would have potentially secured them a clear marker of their southern frontier, and used the river as a natural boundary to protect the settlement while it grew.
He had asked Maegar to come and in part his expertise on holding Fort Drelev at bay, but that mostly about expertise on how Brevoy and its mercenaries and nobles waged war. He wanted to be able to put the town under a blockade if not necessarily a close order siege.
There was a knock on his door, and Brother Vaclav bowed, "Your Majesty, Lady Amvarean." The priest excused himself allowing them the war room.
"My sister and I have come to suspect that Ilthuliak likely has made arrangements with some power in the feywild," The first world, "Very likely that the Slough holds portals to their, though not it seems to any one of the Eldest's personal domains." That was a small comfort if at all.
The truth was that it made sense that there was a connection to the first world. "Jaethal believes there are undead as well, and Mbottu has spoken of the boggards and other races within the swamp," not all of whom were evil, but that there were certainly trolls, and marsh giants there... which of course brought with it other concerns.
In Eire's approximation, the armies which fought across Golarion were generally small. That was itself a reminder that for the political reforms which had allowed the developments of such as the levee en masse or the subsequent peace time conscription acts of Europe, of the drafts of the American civil war had not occurred in Golarion. It didn't matter that Earth had finished, he assumed, the first world war ... never mind the headache of that. The armies were reflective of this.... a gathering of two thousand fighting men was a colossal investment of manpower for all but the greatest nations of the Inner Sea... because of course keeping such a body of men fed and in discipline and generally fit to fight required more so than just that number. Aemon Trask's combined host of trolls, tiger lords, mercenaries and the rest was a good sized force by the standards that defined such things.
... and he supposed he would have to answer that in kind. Kisandra Numesti had stated with some confidence that Fort Drelev was a majority human settlement... no surprise there. That it was perhaps under three thousand in total population, did make it a sizable town, but Drelev had no complex bureaucracy to administer it. Drelev ruled through a small household staff... or had prior to bending the knee to Pitax, but that made sense he supposed.
It was a study in contrasts, Maegar had divided the Dunsward into plots of land around the Varnhold for his sergeants and lieutenants to establish brevic style crofts and homesteads. In a sense the settled mercenaries were more egalitarian in that dispersal as Drelev had granted outlying districts to his limitted number of feudal bannermen.
Bannermen who had been absent from the attack on Tatzlford.
Eobald, Linzi's mentor who had immigrated from Pitax, had remained in contact, and the situation with regards to presumably Irrisen but also just the growing barbarian presence in the vicinity of the city were taking their toll. Enough that a message had been carried out to Mivon that a forlorn group of desperate refugees were hoping to make their way to the east... it would have ben more sensible for them to after successfully departed Pitax to head south to Mivon on then come up the river if they meant to resettle... but he had assured Eobold that he would look for the caravan since they were going into the southern slough.
"You will send Tristian, then?"
"I think so yes." If not for the sudden request he probably would have asked the blonde priest to accompany Amiri, Maegar, and Regongar. So far as errands went it was likely to be much more inline with Tristian's skillset, and most likely if Tristian was able to find them, he could bring them back to the Temple of the Elk or some other religious site where they wouldn't be in the way of military preparations.
Harrim, the twins, and Valerie would all need to remain. There were still more discussions that needed to be had, before they could move forward beyond that basic framework. Drelev had been allocated a mandate, a charter from Brevoy recognize the slough as his... in theory the Iron Wraiths should have formed their barony on his western border... and from what he understood from talking to Kassil Aldori their charter would have extended to the Brantheld mountains, and to the border of Numeria... and very like created an inevitable border conflict with Pitax over that border, and the town of Mormouth, because the Charter as it had been drafted demarcated a western border for the Iron Wraiths barony as would have been the Sellen River.
... but the Iron Wraiths had disappeared into the area. They had never established a viable settlement , just disappeared into the western ranges of the Tiger Lords ancestral lands. To that end it wasn't clear who was responsible for their disappearance... but it didn't matter. Pitax had been responsible for the attack on Jamandi's manor home in Restov. They had sent Tartuccio, and after him, Grigori, and probably still otehrs, and they had mobilized against Fort Drelev sometime last year. "the mad queen of Irrisen," Amvarean remarked, "Her scheme must have caused all of them some trouble,"
"Yes, I imagine so," He agreed, whether or not that was the only reason was doubtful, "But from the sound of it Armag speaks of a conflict with Brevoy, not Numeria, and that will make things very difficult for us." He shook his head, "We will face that after, for now we need to organize to move against Ilthuliak."
There was no need to question Amvarean on that issue.
Eire had not had time to tour, in any comprehensive measure, the portion of his realm added by the absorption of Maegar's Varnhold... and he hadn't considered it a major priority. The mandate recognized for the Dunsward encompassed a truly massive expanse of 'unclaimed' 'unsettled' land to his east, and to Brevoy's south east.
Maegar's official northern border was the northern bank of the Shrike, where began the Rostlandic plain as dictated by ancient tradition... and if not for the series of water falls that marked the shrike's course as it tumbled south west the river would have been an ideal trade route for the Narlmarches to reach Restov.
Maegar did not have the resources to reach his recognized legal frontier in the mountains of the northwest, and certainly not to the truly absurd southern boundary of his charter of the waters of the Castrovin sea... but of course there were no civilized states closer and thus it fell to nature to set boundaries rather than the political zones of control established by men.
Galt's legal western border stopped at the Tor of Levenies ... far to the south of Vordakai's tom... indeed Eire could scarcely peg why Galt's northern frontier was as far north as it was. It failed to include the Creeper wood, or the territory of the lost city state of Nystara. It buttressed itself against Liberthane to the Northeast... but the north proper was open grasslands that didn't even connect Galt's northern frontier to the southern most boundaries of Mivon... a boundary for the Mivonese was anchored by their control of the great shrine to Cayden Cailean... which Eire presumed brought Mivon no shortage of pilgrims, and thus money into their coffers.
All the same his borders with Mivon were largely a matter of the southernmost tip of the narlmarches , and the Mivon Sellen River. He wanted to send Maegar orders to find the source waters of the Mivon Sellen in Iobaria and that he should establish a small settlement there... but that would have to wait. Now was not the time for that... even if it would have potentially secured them a clear marker of their southern frontier, and used the river as a natural boundary to protect the settlement while it grew.
He had asked Maegar to come and in part his expertise on holding Fort Drelev at bay, but that mostly about expertise on how Brevoy and its mercenaries and nobles waged war. He wanted to be able to put the town under a blockade if not necessarily a close order siege.
There was a knock on his door, and Brother Vaclav bowed, "Your Majesty, Lady Amvarean." The priest excused himself allowing them the war room.
"My sister and I have come to suspect that Ilthuliak likely has made arrangements with some power in the feywild," The first world, "Very likely that the Slough holds portals to their, though not it seems to any one of the Eldest's personal domains." That was a small comfort if at all.
The truth was that it made sense that there was a connection to the first world. "Jaethal believes there are undead as well, and Mbottu has spoken of the boggards and other races within the swamp," not all of whom were evil, but that there were certainly trolls, and marsh giants there... which of course brought with it other concerns.
In Eire's approximation, the armies which fought across Golarion were generally small. That was itself a reminder that for the political reforms which had allowed the developments of such as the levee en masse or the subsequent peace time conscription acts of Europe, of the drafts of the American civil war had not occurred in Golarion. It didn't matter that Earth had finished, he assumed, the first world war ... never mind the headache of that. The armies were reflective of this.... a gathering of two thousand fighting men was a colossal investment of manpower for all but the greatest nations of the Inner Sea... because of course keeping such a body of men fed and in discipline and generally fit to fight required more so than just that number. Aemon Trask's combined host of trolls, tiger lords, mercenaries and the rest was a good sized force by the standards that defined such things.
... and he supposed he would have to answer that in kind. Kisandra Numesti had stated with some confidence that Fort Drelev was a majority human settlement... no surprise there. That it was perhaps under three thousand in total population, did make it a sizable town, but Drelev had no complex bureaucracy to administer it. Drelev ruled through a small household staff... or had prior to bending the knee to Pitax, but that made sense he supposed.
It was a study in contrasts, Maegar had divided the Dunsward into plots of land around the Varnhold for his sergeants and lieutenants to establish brevic style crofts and homesteads. In a sense the settled mercenaries were more egalitarian in that dispersal as Drelev had granted outlying districts to his limitted number of feudal bannermen.
Bannermen who had been absent from the attack on Tatzlford.
Eobald, Linzi's mentor who had immigrated from Pitax, had remained in contact, and the situation with regards to presumably Irrisen but also just the growing barbarian presence in the vicinity of the city were taking their toll. Enough that a message had been carried out to Mivon that a forlorn group of desperate refugees were hoping to make their way to the east... it would have ben more sensible for them to after successfully departed Pitax to head south to Mivon on then come up the river if they meant to resettle... but he had assured Eobold that he would look for the caravan since they were going into the southern slough.
"You will send Tristian, then?"
"I think so yes." If not for the sudden request he probably would have asked the blonde priest to accompany Amiri, Maegar, and Regongar. So far as errands went it was likely to be much more inline with Tristian's skillset, and most likely if Tristian was able to find them, he could bring them back to the Temple of the Elk or some other religious site where they wouldn't be in the way of military preparations.
Harrim, the twins, and Valerie would all need to remain. There were still more discussions that needed to be had, before they could move forward beyond that basic framework. Drelev had been allocated a mandate, a charter from Brevoy recognize the slough as his... in theory the Iron Wraiths should have formed their barony on his western border... and from what he understood from talking to Kassil Aldori their charter would have extended to the Brantheld mountains, and to the border of Numeria... and very like created an inevitable border conflict with Pitax over that border, and the town of Mormouth, because the Charter as it had been drafted demarcated a western border for the Iron Wraiths barony as would have been the Sellen River.
... but the Iron Wraiths had disappeared into the area. They had never established a viable settlement , just disappeared into the western ranges of the Tiger Lords ancestral lands. To that end it wasn't clear who was responsible for their disappearance... but it didn't matter. Pitax had been responsible for the attack on Jamandi's manor home in Restov. They had sent Tartuccio, and after him, Grigori, and probably still otehrs, and they had mobilized against Fort Drelev sometime last year. "the mad queen of Irrisen," Amvarean remarked, "Her scheme must have caused all of them some trouble,"
"Yes, I imagine so," He agreed, whether or not that was the only reason was doubtful, "But from the sound of it Armag speaks of a conflict with Brevoy, not Numeria, and that will make things very difficult for us." He shook his head, "We will face that after, for now we need to organize to move against Ilthuliak."
There was no need to question Amvarean on that issue.