9 Lamashan 4713
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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9 Lamashan 4713
Eire's opinion of the Embeth Travellers and their presumptiveness was not altered regardless of how gregarious the grand ranger was. He was not happy with the situation.
This was not acceptable behavior... and it was not made any better by the invitation of foreign nationals into his realm for this gathering. The Brevic nobles, and the pitaxian bard, and the mivoni aldori were were not threats per se, but it galled him all the same. It gaulled him a great deal that this sort of behavior was something that river folk presumed they could do... but then it wasn't just river folk since Jamandis' letters had always come off amazingly high handed to his own sensibilities.
The difference was Jamandi had actually done something to warrant some modicum of that behavior since she had sponsored the expeditions into the stolen lands, and helped supply the starting capital to support the fledling baronies that had sprung up. Eire had yet to hear a good reason why he should tolerate anything like that sort of behavior from the Embeth Tavelers.
That wasn't why he was here. He was here because Jamel had suggested that there was a monster infested portion of the gudrin between two of the key areas of development within his realm, which should have been impossible, but he'd had to pivot to first contend with the Irrisen incursion and then had to travel to Mendev and then been delayed in returning so it was entirely possible there had been a development.
Dinner proved to be a noisy affair since in addition to neighbors from Mivon Pitax, and Brevoy, there were hunters from various passing kellid bands, in addition to the aldori siblings of Varnhold. Whether intentionally or not, and Eire assumed it was probably not specifically aimed at the Kellid presence, the fare was simple... most likely Erastilian in motivation. It was nothing fancy, and resembled the general rostlandic fare of wild pigs, and hare typical of southern brevoy's hunting in late summer.
More surprising to Eire was Jamel's ability to supply tea and coffee as refreshements for after dinner. If the meal had not been fancy this was the exact opposite. Tea, and Coffee required specialist cultivation for their respective plants, and being able to provide it at a feast was a particular tell of connections.
It was also one that seemed to completely escape the kellid guests who were too busy trying mugs of cider, and largely ignoring the plates of fruit, in favor of the cheese. Linzi tugged at his pants leg, gesticulating towards the Pitaxian party, and the center piece of the group. "That's Annamede Belavarah." She half whispered clearly impressed.
Annemede was a beautiful woman of one of the Tian ethnicities, Eire wasn't going to speculate as to which because he didn't know enough about them, but somewhat strikingly she had a prominent blonde streak that ran through one side of the bard's hair. It was quite flattering he would admit that.
He didn't immediately comment as Maegar's retainers were presently disagreeing on suggestions for the name of the lodge. Neither was particularly imaginative, though accurate in description, Edina preferred Kamelands lodge, while her sister Jolia thought Gudrin was better.
If Eire were to wade in he would have agreed with Jolia's suggestion given the river's proximity, and that it was the less broad geographic feature. He had no intention of doing that though. Jamel Visser had finally decided to fill them in on this. Apparently a local, a riverlander, Vath Locher had washed up on the shore of the gudrin river having been savaged by a wyvern. Vath perished of his wounds before a cleric of Erastil had been able to reach the scene, and the Travlers had proceeded to investigate upriver discovering a hydra as well as a krooth
Wyverns would have been one thing. One or more, certainly could have been present. A krooth's presence wasn't that odd either he supposed though given the long tails and thick skins frequent warring he'd be surprised that the roving parties of lizard folks wouldn't have hunted the crocodile eaters to extinction decades ago.
A hydra though?
That was quite odd.
Jaethal certainly agreed.
Wild wyverns, or even singular could not be allowed to just roam the river that was going to need to be taken care of. "We will allow them a chance," He replied to the elf, "if this does not work I think we will need to invest some time during the winter months here."
Jaethal nodded, "I'm actually shocked you didn't invite the Irrisen along."
"I may resort to that if we require the manpower, but if there are wild wyverns I think I'll bring Hargulka, wyvern hide could prove useful to his trolls. It makes decent enough armor" Jaethal rolled her eyes, at the consideration, but he still thought it important, "... though if we could tame them that would be useful for the realm." He glanced to Amvarean, for the silver dragon's input but the conversation froze as Shaoyu and the others approached. "I trust you will enjoy yourselves, and be careful in the same measure."
Shaoyu diligently held up the signaling whistle.
"Then I wish you good hunting." He replied spreading his hands out. "This is unusual," Eire said returning the conversation, but again if this was irrisen related then the location was wrong maybe if they'd been closer to the narlmarch side of the realm... Elvanna's portals all largely opened wood to wood, something probably about ritual significance... and of course being close to the first world the realm had been less effected.... but it was possible at least the change in weather had forced some kind of migration... but the gudrin.
"They would have had to migrate somewhere up river." Down river would have been the tuskwater, the capital, the shores around it. "Which doesn't add up because upriver would Lake Silverstep," With its mass of fae, pseudodragons and the work Amvarean poured into it. "It would help if Eranex was here." Amvarean observed.
Morning came as they moved into the area that the monster infestation seemed strongest, and with it the next observation was the condition of the vegetation. In contrast to being unnaturally stunted from any exposure to Irrisen winter portal effect, far from it. The plant growth was deep and lush despite how late in the year it was. "The first world," Amvarean's comment about how nice it would have been to have her half sister along was even more true.
Eire released the leaf. "This potentially explains a hydra, the krooth too, I suppose." The wyvern could just be a fluke they lived in the mountains one migrating down river was an oddity but it could easily be a case of coincidence... or not he assumed wyverns could be found in the first world... but it certainly made more sense from a hydra to cross over suddenly than well this just happening to have one in the same vicinity all of a sudden.
The whole area was saturated giving the water alone the power to sustain creatures... not unheard of in the realms of the first world... it suggested that there was probably a portal nearby.
"The transmission along the leylines could have triggered a portal, perhaps there is an elven gate nearby." Amvarean suggested.
"Oh yes, how wonderful another one." Jaethal clapped her hands in condescending sarcasm, "The Kyonin envoy isn't already enough of a headache." The inquisitor groused, before adding, "Irrisen's attack caught the kingdom by surprise."
She meant Kyonin, she had used the elven word that referred to 'the kingdom', a proper noun, but that merely underscored the matter. "It caught everyone by surprise Elvanna's attack was nothing short of insane in terms of the scope of her ambition." Few would have predicted it,
"of that we agree." Jaethal replied stamping up out of the water, "I doubt it did all that much damage anyway but it must have been such a shock to the realm's pride to have some collection of," She wrinkled up her nose and let out a string of ... vulgar and slur ridden elven in a slightly higher pitched voice.
"Is that a particular quote from the envoy?"
He wasn't surprised Jaethal's relationship with the various elves of the kingdom were frequently rocky because of course most of them came from her own social class... not that he necessarily assumed they had known each other but things were somewhat tense.
... unfortunately because Jaethal was an elf, and of that social class, and of high rank within the kingdom she was also the member of the realm that elves tended to default to addressing when Eire was unavailable... which was frequent.
"If the creature is from the first world, I wonder how many brought cold iron weapons?"
The kellid warriors might have... given the traditional dangers of Numeria. He would have certainly hoped that Maegar's immediate vassals would have had the good sense to take precautions despite the expense of such weapons. Shaoyu, and Amiri both had cold iron swords.
Regongar did not... though his and Akiros, and Kundal all also had magical weapons. Eire was not sure if Akiros and Kundal had cold iron. The three of them turned due south. Amvarean beat them to the to the bowl shaped hollow dispersing fully mature trees with her wings as she landed and burying her claws into the bright red and green scales of the hydra. The adult silver dragon hurled the hydra away from the two bleeding Aldori half elves.
Jaethal glanced at them, dismissing their injuries with a muttered "they'll live," She spun her scythe as one of the hydra's heads spit and snapped in her direction. Eire raised a hand and removed the offending head down to the stump with a solar bolt leaving an exposed charred black stump of spine. "It doesn't appear to be of the feywild." She observed.
"That is odd." He said, agreeing with conclusion of the beast's nature.
Amvarean had resumed her half elf form dancing away from the riven scarred body and the burning stump.
They perked up at a ranting series of draconic echoed through the tributary flowing into the gudrin... the inflections were right to be a native speaker but... "The wyvern?" He questioned. A blast of lighting sizzled through the sky... probably Regongar, and the faint shout that was probably Amrii's battle cry though it was hard to make out.
The hydra with its remaining heads snapping their jaws attempted to slither forward, Eire swept his hand out in invoking gesture and white flame crackled from his finger tips. The water of the pool started to steam and hiss boiling into a sudden explosive plume of flame burning the hydra's scales away and leaving little but charred bones.
Amvarean said nothing of the spell, but Jaethal looked at the debris and viscera before regarding the two shell shocked Aldori sisters, before admitting that they were probably in a hurry.
Eire's opinion of the Embeth Travellers and their presumptiveness was not altered regardless of how gregarious the grand ranger was. He was not happy with the situation.
This was not acceptable behavior... and it was not made any better by the invitation of foreign nationals into his realm for this gathering. The Brevic nobles, and the pitaxian bard, and the mivoni aldori were were not threats per se, but it galled him all the same. It gaulled him a great deal that this sort of behavior was something that river folk presumed they could do... but then it wasn't just river folk since Jamandis' letters had always come off amazingly high handed to his own sensibilities.
The difference was Jamandi had actually done something to warrant some modicum of that behavior since she had sponsored the expeditions into the stolen lands, and helped supply the starting capital to support the fledling baronies that had sprung up. Eire had yet to hear a good reason why he should tolerate anything like that sort of behavior from the Embeth Tavelers.
That wasn't why he was here. He was here because Jamel had suggested that there was a monster infested portion of the gudrin between two of the key areas of development within his realm, which should have been impossible, but he'd had to pivot to first contend with the Irrisen incursion and then had to travel to Mendev and then been delayed in returning so it was entirely possible there had been a development.
Dinner proved to be a noisy affair since in addition to neighbors from Mivon Pitax, and Brevoy, there were hunters from various passing kellid bands, in addition to the aldori siblings of Varnhold. Whether intentionally or not, and Eire assumed it was probably not specifically aimed at the Kellid presence, the fare was simple... most likely Erastilian in motivation. It was nothing fancy, and resembled the general rostlandic fare of wild pigs, and hare typical of southern brevoy's hunting in late summer.
More surprising to Eire was Jamel's ability to supply tea and coffee as refreshements for after dinner. If the meal had not been fancy this was the exact opposite. Tea, and Coffee required specialist cultivation for their respective plants, and being able to provide it at a feast was a particular tell of connections.
It was also one that seemed to completely escape the kellid guests who were too busy trying mugs of cider, and largely ignoring the plates of fruit, in favor of the cheese. Linzi tugged at his pants leg, gesticulating towards the Pitaxian party, and the center piece of the group. "That's Annamede Belavarah." She half whispered clearly impressed.
Annemede was a beautiful woman of one of the Tian ethnicities, Eire wasn't going to speculate as to which because he didn't know enough about them, but somewhat strikingly she had a prominent blonde streak that ran through one side of the bard's hair. It was quite flattering he would admit that.
He didn't immediately comment as Maegar's retainers were presently disagreeing on suggestions for the name of the lodge. Neither was particularly imaginative, though accurate in description, Edina preferred Kamelands lodge, while her sister Jolia thought Gudrin was better.
If Eire were to wade in he would have agreed with Jolia's suggestion given the river's proximity, and that it was the less broad geographic feature. He had no intention of doing that though. Jamel Visser had finally decided to fill them in on this. Apparently a local, a riverlander, Vath Locher had washed up on the shore of the gudrin river having been savaged by a wyvern. Vath perished of his wounds before a cleric of Erastil had been able to reach the scene, and the Travlers had proceeded to investigate upriver discovering a hydra as well as a krooth
Wyverns would have been one thing. One or more, certainly could have been present. A krooth's presence wasn't that odd either he supposed though given the long tails and thick skins frequent warring he'd be surprised that the roving parties of lizard folks wouldn't have hunted the crocodile eaters to extinction decades ago.
A hydra though?
That was quite odd.
Jaethal certainly agreed.
Wild wyverns, or even singular could not be allowed to just roam the river that was going to need to be taken care of. "We will allow them a chance," He replied to the elf, "if this does not work I think we will need to invest some time during the winter months here."
Jaethal nodded, "I'm actually shocked you didn't invite the Irrisen along."
"I may resort to that if we require the manpower, but if there are wild wyverns I think I'll bring Hargulka, wyvern hide could prove useful to his trolls. It makes decent enough armor" Jaethal rolled her eyes, at the consideration, but he still thought it important, "... though if we could tame them that would be useful for the realm." He glanced to Amvarean, for the silver dragon's input but the conversation froze as Shaoyu and the others approached. "I trust you will enjoy yourselves, and be careful in the same measure."
Shaoyu diligently held up the signaling whistle.
"Then I wish you good hunting." He replied spreading his hands out. "This is unusual," Eire said returning the conversation, but again if this was irrisen related then the location was wrong maybe if they'd been closer to the narlmarch side of the realm... Elvanna's portals all largely opened wood to wood, something probably about ritual significance... and of course being close to the first world the realm had been less effected.... but it was possible at least the change in weather had forced some kind of migration... but the gudrin.
"They would have had to migrate somewhere up river." Down river would have been the tuskwater, the capital, the shores around it. "Which doesn't add up because upriver would Lake Silverstep," With its mass of fae, pseudodragons and the work Amvarean poured into it. "It would help if Eranex was here." Amvarean observed.
Morning came as they moved into the area that the monster infestation seemed strongest, and with it the next observation was the condition of the vegetation. In contrast to being unnaturally stunted from any exposure to Irrisen winter portal effect, far from it. The plant growth was deep and lush despite how late in the year it was. "The first world," Amvarean's comment about how nice it would have been to have her half sister along was even more true.
Eire released the leaf. "This potentially explains a hydra, the krooth too, I suppose." The wyvern could just be a fluke they lived in the mountains one migrating down river was an oddity but it could easily be a case of coincidence... or not he assumed wyverns could be found in the first world... but it certainly made more sense from a hydra to cross over suddenly than well this just happening to have one in the same vicinity all of a sudden.
The whole area was saturated giving the water alone the power to sustain creatures... not unheard of in the realms of the first world... it suggested that there was probably a portal nearby.
"The transmission along the leylines could have triggered a portal, perhaps there is an elven gate nearby." Amvarean suggested.
"Oh yes, how wonderful another one." Jaethal clapped her hands in condescending sarcasm, "The Kyonin envoy isn't already enough of a headache." The inquisitor groused, before adding, "Irrisen's attack caught the kingdom by surprise."
She meant Kyonin, she had used the elven word that referred to 'the kingdom', a proper noun, but that merely underscored the matter. "It caught everyone by surprise Elvanna's attack was nothing short of insane in terms of the scope of her ambition." Few would have predicted it,
"of that we agree." Jaethal replied stamping up out of the water, "I doubt it did all that much damage anyway but it must have been such a shock to the realm's pride to have some collection of," She wrinkled up her nose and let out a string of ... vulgar and slur ridden elven in a slightly higher pitched voice.
"Is that a particular quote from the envoy?"
He wasn't surprised Jaethal's relationship with the various elves of the kingdom were frequently rocky because of course most of them came from her own social class... not that he necessarily assumed they had known each other but things were somewhat tense.
... unfortunately because Jaethal was an elf, and of that social class, and of high rank within the kingdom she was also the member of the realm that elves tended to default to addressing when Eire was unavailable... which was frequent.
"If the creature is from the first world, I wonder how many brought cold iron weapons?"
The kellid warriors might have... given the traditional dangers of Numeria. He would have certainly hoped that Maegar's immediate vassals would have had the good sense to take precautions despite the expense of such weapons. Shaoyu, and Amiri both had cold iron swords.
Regongar did not... though his and Akiros, and Kundal all also had magical weapons. Eire was not sure if Akiros and Kundal had cold iron. The three of them turned due south. Amvarean beat them to the to the bowl shaped hollow dispersing fully mature trees with her wings as she landed and burying her claws into the bright red and green scales of the hydra. The adult silver dragon hurled the hydra away from the two bleeding Aldori half elves.
Jaethal glanced at them, dismissing their injuries with a muttered "they'll live," She spun her scythe as one of the hydra's heads spit and snapped in her direction. Eire raised a hand and removed the offending head down to the stump with a solar bolt leaving an exposed charred black stump of spine. "It doesn't appear to be of the feywild." She observed.
"That is odd." He said, agreeing with conclusion of the beast's nature.
Amvarean had resumed her half elf form dancing away from the riven scarred body and the burning stump.
They perked up at a ranting series of draconic echoed through the tributary flowing into the gudrin... the inflections were right to be a native speaker but... "The wyvern?" He questioned. A blast of lighting sizzled through the sky... probably Regongar, and the faint shout that was probably Amrii's battle cry though it was hard to make out.
The hydra with its remaining heads snapping their jaws attempted to slither forward, Eire swept his hand out in invoking gesture and white flame crackled from his finger tips. The water of the pool started to steam and hiss boiling into a sudden explosive plume of flame burning the hydra's scales away and leaving little but charred bones.
Amvarean said nothing of the spell, but Jaethal looked at the debris and viscera before regarding the two shell shocked Aldori sisters, before admitting that they were probably in a hurry.