I IE Conclusion
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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I IE Conclusion
He leaned back in the chair and kept reading his noteputer's copy of the Volgadon University general education curriculum. He might have slightly misjudged exactly how valuable Star League memory core copies of anything education related might have been. One of the IE research assistants had described it as 'you could start your own Canopus with blackjack and hookers, err more blackjack and hookers with this'. He played it off as having not been about to leave the core in his loft in Detroit while on contract... and that was true, but he had expected originally to go from Detroit to the Luxen emergency and then come back... he'd kind of jumped on this job to get out of town.... that 'lostech Mongoose' as salvage being part of the reason to book it sooner rather than later.
"They think that Leviathan will actually work." Ford remarked breaking his concentration, "I still think they're taking a big risk but they've offloaded all nonessential personnel." Unlike the smaller Liberty class ships the Leviathans were supposed to be much easier to repair, and service. The ships had been mothballed by trained crews, and given time the Alexandrian JumpShips might all be eventually returned to service, but the Azami should have been focusing on other priorities, and so that might take a decade to finish.
"What happens if they can get it to work?"
"Then we have a little more slack to explore," Ford replied. "That would be good Professor Abner wants to try another of the Star League markers in hopes we can find something."
'Find something?' He dropped the tablet into his chest, "I was under the impression that this had been a successful venture?"
"Oh certainly. Interstellar Expeditions HQ will be quite happy that we found anything at all, thats really the ballpark for success. The neo paleolithic society will make some of the fellows positively delighted. A DOME outpost is another outstanding find, stellar mapping is all the rage." Ford continued, "We've done quite well, and it wouldn't have been possible without the Azami's assistance. We will be able to play that off as our usual contracting with itinerant spacer JumpShip clans, mostly."
The Azami merchants would claim that they had nothing to do with rogues... and since he hoped that all the 'rogue DCMS pilots' were accounted for and would be staying here there would be no further attacks. The Azami raids would hopefully be forgotten about, and that might might be helped by the tide of pirates that had been coming in from spinward anyway. "He's hoping to find the Minnesota tribe at one of the sites we didn't check."
"Its a long shot, but given how much in the way of resources I can understand taking the long shot."
One more world, just lets investigate one more world was an expensive vice to indulge in, especially this far out in the deep periphery. They'd be going back to Skyfog with two, and probably a third, JumpShips. Part of it was the Azami were probably backtracing a route, and since the Leviathan was a clean unmarked, but old JumpShip design if it worked it could go back and forth with cargo... or that was what Gene suspected was the plan.
"The thinking that the southern continent site," Ford was talking about Eros now, "Being the Tikonov Rangers who disappeared in the 24th century will certainly attract attention from the foundation, their disappearance from the records after fleeing Liao's purge of private militaries is precisely the sort of thing to attract funding for future missions to explore the base camp."
"I thought you said that it wouldn't be another few years until another expedition was planned out this way?"
"Oh probably so, but academic ventures like this normally take ten years to get all the details planned away. It will be a few years until we come back, mark my words. Even with Azami cooperation assuming they start a regular run I don't see us coming back before 3020." If that was the case, he hoped that'd be enough time for the Azami to scrub the last of their impromptu insignia's and markings off in favor of... whatever they ended up deciding to use that wasn't that. "IE will have other operations, Skyfog needs security," Ford continued following his gaze out the window to the repainted gray aerodyne dropship. On the side of the modified Drost IIA style hull was a black bird and the name Sam Houston stenciled.
Hassan reappeared from the stairwell lugging a case of his own.
"I thought you were staying here?"
"I am," He replied to Ford's question. "As you might have taken notice during our travels the Azami JumpShips were able to maintain good coordination."
"Yeah I was beginning to wonder if you had a mobile HPG?"
"There is such a thing?" Ford asked.
"They existed for Warships, and diplomatic carriers." Hassan remarked, "The last of them were destroyed in the second succession war to my knowledge. We do not have those." He set the case on the table.
"A fax machine?" Ford asked looking at the interior.
Hassan nodded, "They have limitations, and as a precaution we have always communicated in code using them," he went on to explain the specifics of the Machine designated K-Series Transmitter. There were obvious limitations to the device despite its compact size. It would take ten days for its signal to reach its maximum range. Data limitation was another factor, but if you were communicating between two JumpShips within three jumps of one another while both were charging well it was hard to beat.
Ford summed it up best, "This is extraordinary." He glanced over to Gene, "Well I can understand him getting one, but why not give the other one to Professor Abner."
"Come now Mr Ford, I know quite well despite being the Professor's protégé, he is only interested in the academics of his work. You are here as much to keep him from wandering too far into the forest as anything else. That, and we were planning to provide IE with these anyway. You have been of invaluable help to us over the years." There they went, doing the spook behind the scenes shit again. "As well as to our brothers in Rasalhague who should be able to provide you with the instructions as to their manufacture."
It took a little longer for the Azami techs to be sure that the Leviathan was up to safety standards, but they had decided that it met them. The hardware aboard it was pre Star League, there were no back door codes like the Drone had hit the IE JumpShip with to power it down. As somewhat expected that meant that Professor Abner was positively giddy of the concept of being able to take a little time on the side to explore a few other worlds. That mostly included laying out other potential paths that the Minnesota clan could have taken as they had moved rimward of the Taurian concordant.
With additional dropship cargo space available going back to that outpost would have been tempting, but he was getting paid by IE and he doubted they'd just let him yoink all of those. As it was the 'Sam Houston' only had a skeleton crew to begin with, and he'd need to hire people first and then look about loading it to the gills with treasure.
As to the roughly ten jumps it was going to take them to get back to the Magistracy proper? Well Abner wanted to explore some of the other worlds, and was adamant that the Minnesota tribe had swung anti spinward. They couldn't go that far off the path due the way even their expanded maps, which had been something Abner had had to be reminded of in addition to the time table and getting back to 'civilized space' before the year's end.
Still looking at the map of the path... it didn't make sense. Accepting that it had occurred before the second succession war had kicked off, and thus going directly through the inner sphere might not been the best idea... it still struck him as odd for them to get into it with the Combine, then go through well the peripheral fringes of Davion Space, the Taurian hinterlands, and have objects showing up as far .... Gene shook his head and looked at the map. He had a copy of it, and if the chance came to run things down, well that was fine. I.E. Was going to pull the thread, and maybe he'd get an answer to this, but in the mean time he just needed to keep an eye out, and ride out the rest of the contract until they were back. There just wasn't anything else to do until they got back to things like banking, and stores.
So much money though, and the benefits besides. Of course Abner's offer had been first but the money hadn't hurt on top of being able to avoid the Combine throwing their weight around... but there was a good chance that he wasn't going to be able to do that forever.
Commentary: ... and that wraps first Interstellar Expeditions. As I said originally this was going to be coupled together with the previous segment, but they were split up to be a little more manageable for review.
Okay Scheduling for August, this is tentative. The current plan trying to move back to regular updates on things, will be the usual Wednesday, Friday, Saturday rotation of updates. [That is Jumpchain, the SG1 Jumpchain standalone thread, and Saturday AoE update]. Cognizant that Percy Jackson, and MCU jumps are relatively popular I may attempt to go to a regular Sunday Update for one of those, probably MCU as we move into introducing the Netflix tv series arc.
For non fixed updates, the Waifu Catalog stuff will probably all get updated in the coming month, that is the 'IN Another World' Sufficiently Advanced Magic, and DxD as well as the HSoD fic. I am aiming to get an update up in the coming month for the Drow CYOA fic as well. Those will probably all drop on separate weeks, likely early in the weeks probably will be monday updates or Tuesday. I say this because with as much content as I have for this fic in particular I would like to slot this into a regular update schedule like I have for AoE (the other fic I have with comparable content available).
On the BattleTech front I'm considering starting a new campaign in BattleTech the game, which is unlikely to effect this per se, but we will be potentially moving into content related to the video game. I'm not really a big fan of Mechwarrior 5, though IIRC they do name drop Markham's Marauders in its campaign (set in 3015) we're not likely to use much if anything from MW5. However I do have a number of other BattleTech stories (yeah I know catalyst has really dropped the ball with the Kickstarter) which have been in the pipeline for a while, and they may get their own threads, but will not likely get the same volume of updates that this story is prone to.
I'm aiming to get back to some of those in the Misc thread, along with some other updates over there interspaced through August, but we will see. For the rest of the month, I'm actually still behind on a couple of stories. That was computer problems from some time back, and misplacing an sd card that is still missing. (Again, Out of the Dark the Drow CYOA story won't be updating until next month at least.) For HPGENFANFIC, I know its not everyone's cup of tea, and yes its a little slow right now, but probably two updates for that this week to catch up and get through Summer Year 2. I may push the Percy Jackson update I had planned a while ago to August as I've mentioned, but regular standard updates will still be happening. SG1's Curse Arc probably will continue into August, but we will see if I double update that this week or not.