Part 10 Elidere IV
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Part 10 Elidere IV
Brown eyes narrowed as the reticle lined, and a three round burst of 120mm slug ripped apart the Jenner's face. Gene stepped the Marauder over the Charger's remains that had been his previous victim. "Grid coordinates," He ordered into his throat mike, and instantly was rewarded by the illuminated map indicator.
The Kuritan BattleMaster attempted to return fire but he was at long range and they were shooting up a hill at him. Rather than charge his open line into Kuritan Regimental Comms were opened with the snarling angry voice of a thirty or maybe forty something man berating them that it was just one mech, and to 'Get him'.
Which was enough for the hornets to come out from under the porch... so to speak notably the BattleMaster didn't throw itself forward.
He tossed the mech back in reverse while looking at the ammo indicator. He lobbed a couple of more shots in ballistic flight from the half click out just before he dropped beyond the hillside. A couple of hits but nothing died.
He had their attention, which was the whole damned point of this. "You have their attention commander. One moment," Tristan gave the AI equivalent to a vocal frown, "Battlemaster and Atlas MechWarriors seem to be arguing." Good, let the enemy officers fight among themselves. "Commander might I recommend you withdraw to the access point, and clear weapons hot." As if to hope to sway him changing the plan the command mech's hud illuminated a map of Time on Target artillery strikes aimed at the enemies and their current positions.
But realistically the accuracy wasn't good enough.
Half a dozen or better combine heavy mechs inbound were faster than his Marauder. Even if he could get to a subterranean access point and lose them dropping artillery forward of the original target had a much higher chance of civilian casualties. Civilians by the Combine for whatever reason who had decided to start shooting up the town.
They chased, and he ran. He didn't have the ammo for a sustained fire fight. Even discounting the possibility that the prototype LBX might decide to jam on him, a probably he might potentially have with the regular Whirlwind found on a 2R, he didn't have the ammo. A single ton was sixty rounds, or twenty three round bursts from the autocannon.
The problem the combine had was that they were chasing him with the old mark one eye ball... and that wasn't working so well. "They arguing still?"
"Affirmative commander."
He swung around a copse of mature trees and imagined the noise the mechs chasing him must have been making as they ran through the valleys. He hadn't been looking for confirmation. There weren't a whole lot of people who'd have been arguing with a Combine Regimental CO, never mind a brigadier general not a full bird. That short list, "The ISF liaison is demanding that Sho-Sho Samsonov join the pursuit."
In a fucking Atlas?
The asshole in the BattleMaster had a better chance of catching even without being closer, and it didn't even look like he had moved yet. There could be excuses for that. The BattleMaster had attempted to shoot at him... maybe the ISF couldn't walk and hold an argument, which seemed unlikely given the Atlas was trundling through the woods. At thirty kilometers though the Atlas wouldn't beat him to the river bank. He'd be on the other side before the hundred tonner made it... but there was a good chance given its position it would get there sooner than most, and they'd have company soon.
He pushed on. Get over the river and then let the steel rain fall. Spring the trap, turn and engage force the combine down into the engagement with their main force... and deal with the DropShips as they made their final descent. They had hours... and given the ISF man's barking he wasn't sure which of them or if both were responsible for this overcommitance to this shit show.
This waste of life.
He wondered if these officers were just here chasing medals?
Tristan asked whether or not he wanted to begin to move the drones into their step off positions, but it was too early. He didn't want the fusion signatures to tip off the Combine until it was too late to realize they were already dead. "There is a significant probability that Atlas will be inside the arc of fire."
"Then I'll deal with it." Preferably from half a klick out with the river between them, but Gene resolved to do what he needed to.
"The boss said that." Not that Septim doubted the machine spirit, but... "He's going to take that Atlas?" He ran a hand through his hair, he ordinarily would have needed a shave and a hair cut... he still needed a shave from two weeks in the field, but the SLDF issue neurohelmet was great.
"I know you guys are confident in your artillery but," Andre trailed off from within his Dervish. "Are we-"
"Not to worry dear boy, I've seen this a time or two," Abner declared stopping his trawling questioning of their situation. "Nothing to worry about, the Major will be fine, and he has more than artillery supporting him... and remember that our bit is coming up."
They couldn't really explain Tristan ... Septim had to wonder how would they even start that discussion. The boss had been frozen in a stasis tube for two centuries. They had found stasis tubes inside the Castle... and Tristan had lamented that none of his Terran officers had survived to use them before the traitors had killed or mortally injured them. The final ranking hegemony officer had ordered the AI to pump the whole base full of nerve gas to prevent the rebels from seizing control of the facility. In the close quarters with scarcely anywhere to move and take cover automated defenses and drones had scoured the base of the invaders... leaving the machine to weep over his dead, and then wait.
Maybe the boss had been hoping that there would be somebody in one of the tubes, but the professor was right. Their part was fast approaching. The enemy reinforcements were coming... and there was a whole battalion on Ander's moon as well... and if his dreams really were more than dreams then Pasha was on the way even now with reinforcements. There had been no word from Robinson in response. The duke had money to burn. Through a hundred thousand C-Bills on a phone call was pocket change for him, and that was probably why they were going to get reinforcements.
"The combine is making good time," Bard Cameron declared, "They're sure to run him a hell of a race."
Inside of his Merlin Septim checked his scopes... or more correctly the feeds that the Star League thinking machine was feeding to them through Abner's Atlas. "Bahar are you seeing this?"
Her dark eyes narrowed, but managed to keep her affirmative professional. Bahar's Mongoose was in a nest of other fusion signatures... a whole company of vehicles for her to point at the snakes.
Not unusual by the company's standards... they had drilled and practiced with Bahar leading a scouting and reconnaissance unit that would also screen for her to direct the Company's armor assets on target. So as along as nobody got to close... well nobody should notice. "We still are going to have to fight our way through the newcomers... and then go to Anders, Castle Brin fell already..." Vandenburg probably wouldn't last much longer either. The duke of Ander's Moon had consolidated his forces but his seat of power was better suited to protecting its defenders than the open fields of farmland.
He hoped that they'd be able to hold out. The Vandenburg dukes were obvious more martial than House Makios... if not nearly as well off financially.
He had consulted the LandNav package on the way in so he knew exactly where to cross..
They had chased him over the valley and as he expected over the farmlands, but he could see the riverbank, and Tristan began to signal he had begun the start up for the machines. The AI flashed a signal to Bahar to stand by even as his mech treaded through the river, and neared the other side.
He still had mechs incoming. The seventy five ton Marauder cleared to the other side and backed up as his command systems started coordinating the finalization of the artillery's orders. His DalBan reading the powering fusion signatures of the ground combat units.
The lasing on his mech's comm area jerked his head up to the Atlas paring with his SLDF Comms system. "I am Sho-Sho Grieg Samsonov, Commander of the 19th Galedon Regulars. Well fought, Mechwarrior, do you care to trade pointers with me?"
Against himself he laughed, Tristan had played the Combine General's message for ... maybe not the whole planet to hear but loud enough, and shook his head, and then accepted the challenge to 'exchange pointers'. He wondered how Bahar's challenge to duel had been made, but he had other concerns as he would have sworn the mech actually bobbed its skull like head when Samsonov's hologram shifted as he grunted. The Mech had PPCs in each arm, clearly combine retrofit Lord's Lights and fired wide.
Gene steadied his Marauder, Samsonov's Atlas was standing still, and the width of the river made it too far a shot for his Medium lasers even if they'd both been right at the edge. If Samsonov had walked up to the river bank he'd have been comfortably within the effective range envelop for a medium engagement with the PPCs. If he had had a standard Atlas he could have thrown LRMs... but then that would have been really the only weapon he could fire. The Combine General had turned the Atlas into a slow long range bruiser.
His own dual lighting bolts answered and scored long angry flashing streaks across the mech's torso as bits of leaves and tree limbs ignited. Samsonov didn't reply to first blood being scored and fired as his targeting sensors failed him again Gene fired adjusting left into the right torso where after his second barrage Samsonov decided to close the distance... and Gene could see why.
There were other mechs approaching, and Samsonov was about to be on the spot for failing to have resolved his duel. "Ride on my gallant huntsman... when must I come again? For you should never want for a fox to chase all over the glen." The indicators for artillery greened as he placed the LBX's reticle onto the skull face. Just over half a ton over armor protected the grinning jack and that vanished under the near alpha strike just as the mech touched the water's edge.
The Combine Mechs paused no doubt as his voice echoed over their speakers... or as their commander's mech slowed, and toppled into the water. He swung his arms as the sky deafened with the roar of artillery coming down like thunder. His seventy five tonner crossed into the water it hissing into steam as they helped his dual heat sinks, and fusion powered hover, and tracked vehicles rolled forward. "Tristan, Pipes and Drums march."
The Combine's communications lines ceased being of any use as all that went over the lines was Farewell to Gibraltar, echoed by it coming over the drones speakers. Over a hundred fusion signatures rang through the hills over the other side of the river. Light Mechs backpedalled in place twisting and turning in place orienting to the new contacts, and likely being deafened by the bagpipes from their own speakers, as well as ringing through the valley.
Commentary: and we have two more Elidere IV pieces before we open I Davion, but yeah in terms of realistic load out the Marauder's 60 rounds of one twenty is actually surprisingly realistic for only a single ton of ammunition.