Interlude 12A – Hematology
Flinger of Spaghetti, Recorder of Results.
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***POV Angel***
---Summers residence - Backyard---
My right arm is definitely broken.
You have to help them. Get up off the ground.
Dru's newest childe continues yelling. "Was it all just some kind of joke to you?" His voice is followed by a loud cracking sound.
I try to roll to my feet.
A... door? fills my vision just before slamming into my head.
---Crawford Street Mansion---
I taste blood and plastic in my mouth.
"You're awake!" Buffy's voice. She sounds worried, but alive.
I open my eyes.
Blonde hair and smiling face fill my vision.
"Yes. I'm-"
"Buffy, I can't feel my... anything. What happened?"
"You... met Jack." Buffy smiles awkwardly. "...Yesterday."
---Crawford Street Mansion : Later---
I look up at Buffy from where I'm lying on the bed. "He's not an alien." I don't think he is anyway.
Buffy looks down and rolls her eyes at me as she opens the bag of pigs' blood and puts a straw in. "I'm not saying- That was Drusilla, she's the one that called him an alien." Yes. Exactly.
"Which is why I say he can't be one."
"What and then the huh?" Buffy pauses and stares at me.
"Dru... doesn't do direct statements like that. She- This one time she told us that the sky was blue. Spike eventually figured out she meant it was going to rain, because the sky was sad. When she called him an alien, I doubt she meant it literally."
"... Well if he's not from space and he doesn't look Mexican-"
I stop drinking from the straw. "...What?"
"Aliens. They come from outer space and, like, Mexico."
"Yeah... Dru being from London, I don't see her concerning herself with the Colonials' border disputes either."
Buffy rolls her eyes at me again, but she smiles briefly. "Ok then, how did a fledgling vampire take you down?"
"... He caught me off guard with that strength amplification spell. I didn't expect it to be so powerful."
"He was a warlock before running into Dru."
"Jack? A warlock? Are you sure?" Buffy giggles. "I've seen him try to levitate a pencil to himself. He's horrible at magic."
I wince, or try to at least. "I meant the human Jack used to be. And yes, I'm sure, You can tell by the way their blood tastes-" I cut off at Buffy's expression.
"When you said you helped Dru turn him..." Buffy groans even before I start to nod. "No wonder he went berserk when he saw you."
Though... I don't recall him tasting like someone who would have enough magic to hit that hard even if it was the only spell he practiced. Seems I'll at least have something to think about during recovery.
---Crawford Mansion : Late Sunday Night---
"I'll be back in the morning."
I hear the door swing shut and lock.
I lay in the bed, unable to move much more than tilting my head slightly, and begin to contemplate Jack's oddities.
I hear a key in the door. I don't think it's been all that long. I start to ask Buffy what she forgot as the door opens.
Jack's voice answers me. "Seriously? Do I look short, blonde, or well... Okay, I could probably manage psychotic."
Just like yesterday, I can sense that there's a member of my lineage nearby, but can't find a location. I try to move to see him, but my arms and legs still don't respond.
The softer bang of a tranq gun, and my world starts to go dim. I finally make it back to Buffy and it all ends like this?
I taste blood in my mouth.
I wake up strapped to what feels like a metal table. Directly over me is a bright white light. Everything hurts.
The smells of blood, fear, and death are suffocating. With the added scent of vampire ash and some sort of chemical lye, it smells like a vamp nest just after a big purge. The only thing missing is the burnt smell of soot from a large fire.
There's a short series of beeps. A mechanical whirring noise, and a pressure on my arm. I can't move my head to see what's going on.
"You're awake. Good." Jack's face comes into focus beside me. "How do you feel?"
I can feel things below my neck. Even the pain is a welcome change after days without sensation. "What did you do to me?"
My question comes out slurred, but he either understands or answers it anyway. "I un-broke your neck... I think. Can you feel this?" He frowns at me for a moment. "How about this?" More frowning. "Hmmm... Must be something wrong with the spinal cord?"
"Because that's how nervous systems work." He shrugs. "Goodnight for now, Warden."
There's a tugging at my elbow and my vision starts to dim. "Waiiiit... no..."
My vision fades and darkness claims me once more.
I wake up on the table again.
I feel a sharp piercing pain in my gut.
"Did you know that people on drugs sometimes talk in their sleep?"
"I don't talk in my sleep."
"Okay, Liam, if you say so. Can you feel this?" A finger taps my right foot.
"Good! How about this?" Nothing. Jack frowns. "Damn. That nasty looking business near your left femur must still need sorting out. Not to worry, I'll have you walking again yet."
"...why... are you doing this?" I don't deserve to be fixed.
"Mother would be sad if her daddy died." Jack shrugs, but he sounds angry when he says it... There's that tugging at my elbow again.
My vision fades and darkness claims me. Again.
Still strapped to a table.
There's that short series of beeps and a mechanical whirring noise again. The pressure on my arm again. I can move my head enough to see some sort of band inflating on my arm and a red tube stuck into my gut. The straps holding my head in place don't allow for anything further.
"Huh... you're awake early." Struggling, I turn my head to face Jack's voice. He's standing there with a needle drawing blood from his arm. "I guess I can hold off on your next dose. How-"
"Do I feel? I feel... a tapping on my left foot. But also..." The pain is much less. My muscles all feel lethargic, but no longer pained. Even that little twinge in my shoulder I've had since the rubble landed on me in Budapest over a century ago is, "...better?"
"That's great, Liam." He tilts his head and gives me an odd look. "Who's Whistler?"
"I told you. People on drugs talk in their sleep." Jack shrugs. "So... Who's Whistler? Or if you prefer; Why did you listen to him he when pointed you at Buffy?"
Jack pulls the needle out of his arm and hooks it up to the red tube... no!
"What're you doing!?"
Jack pauses, giving me a confused look. "...fixing you up so you can go back to saving puppies and otherwise annoying the ever loving fuck out of your prisoner."
"Vampires can't- ...prisoner?"
"Yup." Jack nods happily. "That fuckface of a Grandsire that tried to abort me, and so shall no longer be named in my presence." Jack presses the plunger on the needle.
"Stop! Vampire blood-"
"Is toxic. Blah, blah, blah, William said the same thing. I'll admit, the LD50 on the stuff is fucking obnoxious. But don't worry," Jack leans in over me, grinning like a lunatic. "I know exactly what I'm doing... After all, I'm not dust yet am I?"
Oh Shi-
I wake up on... a softer table?
Still strapped down. Still can't move much, muscles still all feel tired.
Jack takes a girly looking watch out of his pocket and checks the time. "Sad times, Warden Liam. I've got some bad news. Took so long to fix you the Sun's out. Looks like you're going to have to make the trip home under a black out curtain."
"Angel. I'm not Liam. Not anymore."
Jack snorts. "It doesn't work that way you know."
"What's that?"
"You. You aren't your body, your memories, or your fucking khakis." What..? "You are a soul Liam. That vampire body you're riding around in is no different than a car. Or do you still call them horseless buggies?"
"I'm old not-"
"Fantastic! Then you know what a police squad car is? Good. You see Warden, everyone... human or vampire alike, is just a soul driving around in a single occupancy car body. But you? You're in a police cruiser with The Prisoner locked up in the back seat."
Once again my world reduces to darkness. This time from the thick curtain Jack drapes over me.
"Faaaiiith!" Despite the curtain muffling everything. I hear a series of loud thumping noises.
"Yeah, J?" Faith's voice. Spike must have turned her.
"Ready to help me load him back into the truck?"
"Sure thing."
"Great grab that end- err... hold on. I forgot something." The darkness rips away and Jack and Faith are looking down at me.
"Hey Liam! Ready for the ride home?" Faith asks me cheerfully... I can hear Faith's heartbeat!
She's still alive! Spike didn't..? Why would Spike of all people pass on a chance to bag a third slayer? Especially one that smells so deli-
I'm quashing my instinctive hunger when it hits me. What's been wrong this entire time. Jack smells like a vampire, but has a heartbeat.
It's slow, and it holds steady rather than racing when he acts excited or angry, but it's there. It sounds a little strange, mechanical almost... what the-
The tugging at my elbow comes again. I look down in time to see a small tube coming out of my elbow before my vision fades to black.
--- Crawford Mansion : Tuesday Night ---
I stare into the fire.
This makes no sense.
I look down at the papers Buffy brought me again.
Photocopies of the compilation of everything Buffy's friends can remember Jack having ever said or done.
Judging by the handwriting it's predominately Willow and Giles working on the project.
I pencil in that he can survive drinking vampire blood under 'unusual behavior' next to Giles' notation 'walks around in broad daylight.'
I can't quite suppress a shudder at the idea of a cannibalistic vampire, even if I know it would probably help keep the other vampires down.
I also add that he somehow convinced Spike, the self styled Slayer of Slayers, to leave Faith alone.
Family bonds surviving turning like that are rare. Usually goes the way Spike's did, with the young vamp returning home to turn or kill their remaining family. Not... running a halfway house for girls.
Family. I look over the listings again.
'His mother left just after he was born.'
'Everyone says she was crazy.'
'She called him an alien.'
Giles has the whole section circled and an arrow pointing to the question 'Drusilla?' Yes, Giles, I think Jack caught Dru's crazy. Okay, what if I treat this whole puzzle like Dru's babbling..?
That would make Faith- I hear a key in the door. Putting the papers back down on the table, I grab for my axe.
I need to change the locks.
Buffy walks in. She looks... Something's wrong. I drop the axe onto the couch and walk over to her.
She pulls me into a hug immediately. Something is definitely wrong. She's been keeping her distance since- I quash that train of thought and just enjoy the moment.
She smells like sunlight and hope.
"Angel? Can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"Have you ever heard of slayers being shot by their Watchers?"
Giles... what have you done?
---Summers residence - Backyard---
My right arm is definitely broken.
You have to help them. Get up off the ground.
Dru's newest childe continues yelling. "Was it all just some kind of joke to you?" His voice is followed by a loud cracking sound.
I try to roll to my feet.
A... door? fills my vision just before slamming into my head.
---Crawford Street Mansion---
I taste blood and plastic in my mouth.
"You're awake!" Buffy's voice. She sounds worried, but alive.
I open my eyes.
Blonde hair and smiling face fill my vision.
"Yes. I'm-"
"Buffy, I can't feel my... anything. What happened?"
"You... met Jack." Buffy smiles awkwardly. "...Yesterday."
---Crawford Street Mansion : Later---
I look up at Buffy from where I'm lying on the bed. "He's not an alien." I don't think he is anyway.
Buffy looks down and rolls her eyes at me as she opens the bag of pigs' blood and puts a straw in. "I'm not saying- That was Drusilla, she's the one that called him an alien." Yes. Exactly.
"Which is why I say he can't be one."
"What and then the huh?" Buffy pauses and stares at me.
"Dru... doesn't do direct statements like that. She- This one time she told us that the sky was blue. Spike eventually figured out she meant it was going to rain, because the sky was sad. When she called him an alien, I doubt she meant it literally."
"... Well if he's not from space and he doesn't look Mexican-"
I stop drinking from the straw. "...What?"
"Aliens. They come from outer space and, like, Mexico."
"Yeah... Dru being from London, I don't see her concerning herself with the Colonials' border disputes either."
Buffy rolls her eyes at me again, but she smiles briefly. "Ok then, how did a fledgling vampire take you down?"
"... He caught me off guard with that strength amplification spell. I didn't expect it to be so powerful."
"He was a warlock before running into Dru."
"Jack? A warlock? Are you sure?" Buffy giggles. "I've seen him try to levitate a pencil to himself. He's horrible at magic."
I wince, or try to at least. "I meant the human Jack used to be. And yes, I'm sure, You can tell by the way their blood tastes-" I cut off at Buffy's expression.
"When you said you helped Dru turn him..." Buffy groans even before I start to nod. "No wonder he went berserk when he saw you."
Though... I don't recall him tasting like someone who would have enough magic to hit that hard even if it was the only spell he practiced. Seems I'll at least have something to think about during recovery.
---Crawford Mansion : Late Sunday Night---
"I'll be back in the morning."
I hear the door swing shut and lock.
I lay in the bed, unable to move much more than tilting my head slightly, and begin to contemplate Jack's oddities.
I hear a key in the door. I don't think it's been all that long. I start to ask Buffy what she forgot as the door opens.
Jack's voice answers me. "Seriously? Do I look short, blonde, or well... Okay, I could probably manage psychotic."
Just like yesterday, I can sense that there's a member of my lineage nearby, but can't find a location. I try to move to see him, but my arms and legs still don't respond.
The softer bang of a tranq gun, and my world starts to go dim. I finally make it back to Buffy and it all ends like this?
I taste blood in my mouth.
I wake up strapped to what feels like a metal table. Directly over me is a bright white light. Everything hurts.
The smells of blood, fear, and death are suffocating. With the added scent of vampire ash and some sort of chemical lye, it smells like a vamp nest just after a big purge. The only thing missing is the burnt smell of soot from a large fire.
There's a short series of beeps. A mechanical whirring noise, and a pressure on my arm. I can't move my head to see what's going on.
"You're awake. Good." Jack's face comes into focus beside me. "How do you feel?"
I can feel things below my neck. Even the pain is a welcome change after days without sensation. "What did you do to me?"
My question comes out slurred, but he either understands or answers it anyway. "I un-broke your neck... I think. Can you feel this?" He frowns at me for a moment. "How about this?" More frowning. "Hmmm... Must be something wrong with the spinal cord?"
"Because that's how nervous systems work." He shrugs. "Goodnight for now, Warden."
There's a tugging at my elbow and my vision starts to dim. "Waiiiit... no..."
My vision fades and darkness claims me once more.
I wake up on the table again.
I feel a sharp piercing pain in my gut.
"Did you know that people on drugs sometimes talk in their sleep?"
"I don't talk in my sleep."
"Okay, Liam, if you say so. Can you feel this?" A finger taps my right foot.
"Good! How about this?" Nothing. Jack frowns. "Damn. That nasty looking business near your left femur must still need sorting out. Not to worry, I'll have you walking again yet."
"...why... are you doing this?" I don't deserve to be fixed.
"Mother would be sad if her daddy died." Jack shrugs, but he sounds angry when he says it... There's that tugging at my elbow again.
My vision fades and darkness claims me. Again.
Still strapped to a table.
There's that short series of beeps and a mechanical whirring noise again. The pressure on my arm again. I can move my head enough to see some sort of band inflating on my arm and a red tube stuck into my gut. The straps holding my head in place don't allow for anything further.
"Huh... you're awake early." Struggling, I turn my head to face Jack's voice. He's standing there with a needle drawing blood from his arm. "I guess I can hold off on your next dose. How-"
"Do I feel? I feel... a tapping on my left foot. But also..." The pain is much less. My muscles all feel lethargic, but no longer pained. Even that little twinge in my shoulder I've had since the rubble landed on me in Budapest over a century ago is, "...better?"
"That's great, Liam." He tilts his head and gives me an odd look. "Who's Whistler?"
"I told you. People on drugs talk in their sleep." Jack shrugs. "So... Who's Whistler? Or if you prefer; Why did you listen to him he when pointed you at Buffy?"
Jack pulls the needle out of his arm and hooks it up to the red tube... no!
"What're you doing!?"
Jack pauses, giving me a confused look. "...fixing you up so you can go back to saving puppies and otherwise annoying the ever loving fuck out of your prisoner."
"Vampires can't- ...prisoner?"
"Yup." Jack nods happily. "That fuckface of a Grandsire that tried to abort me, and so shall no longer be named in my presence." Jack presses the plunger on the needle.
"Stop! Vampire blood-"
"Is toxic. Blah, blah, blah, William said the same thing. I'll admit, the LD50 on the stuff is fucking obnoxious. But don't worry," Jack leans in over me, grinning like a lunatic. "I know exactly what I'm doing... After all, I'm not dust yet am I?"
Oh Shi-
I wake up on... a softer table?
Still strapped down. Still can't move much, muscles still all feel tired.
Jack takes a girly looking watch out of his pocket and checks the time. "Sad times, Warden Liam. I've got some bad news. Took so long to fix you the Sun's out. Looks like you're going to have to make the trip home under a black out curtain."
"Angel. I'm not Liam. Not anymore."
Jack snorts. "It doesn't work that way you know."
"What's that?"
"You. You aren't your body, your memories, or your fucking khakis." What..? "You are a soul Liam. That vampire body you're riding around in is no different than a car. Or do you still call them horseless buggies?"
"I'm old not-"
"Fantastic! Then you know what a police squad car is? Good. You see Warden, everyone... human or vampire alike, is just a soul driving around in a single occupancy car body. But you? You're in a police cruiser with The Prisoner locked up in the back seat."
Once again my world reduces to darkness. This time from the thick curtain Jack drapes over me.
"Faaaiiith!" Despite the curtain muffling everything. I hear a series of loud thumping noises.
"Yeah, J?" Faith's voice. Spike must have turned her.
"Ready to help me load him back into the truck?"
"Sure thing."
"Great grab that end- err... hold on. I forgot something." The darkness rips away and Jack and Faith are looking down at me.
"Hey Liam! Ready for the ride home?" Faith asks me cheerfully... I can hear Faith's heartbeat!
She's still alive! Spike didn't..? Why would Spike of all people pass on a chance to bag a third slayer? Especially one that smells so deli-
I'm quashing my instinctive hunger when it hits me. What's been wrong this entire time. Jack smells like a vampire, but has a heartbeat.
It's slow, and it holds steady rather than racing when he acts excited or angry, but it's there. It sounds a little strange, mechanical almost... what the-
The tugging at my elbow comes again. I look down in time to see a small tube coming out of my elbow before my vision fades to black.
--- Crawford Mansion : Tuesday Night ---
I stare into the fire.
This makes no sense.
I look down at the papers Buffy brought me again.
Photocopies of the compilation of everything Buffy's friends can remember Jack having ever said or done.
Judging by the handwriting it's predominately Willow and Giles working on the project.
I pencil in that he can survive drinking vampire blood under 'unusual behavior' next to Giles' notation 'walks around in broad daylight.'
I can't quite suppress a shudder at the idea of a cannibalistic vampire, even if I know it would probably help keep the other vampires down.
I also add that he somehow convinced Spike, the self styled Slayer of Slayers, to leave Faith alone.
Family bonds surviving turning like that are rare. Usually goes the way Spike's did, with the young vamp returning home to turn or kill their remaining family. Not... running a halfway house for girls.
Family. I look over the listings again.
'His mother left just after he was born.'
'Everyone says she was crazy.'
'She called him an alien.'
Giles has the whole section circled and an arrow pointing to the question 'Drusilla?' Yes, Giles, I think Jack caught Dru's crazy. Okay, what if I treat this whole puzzle like Dru's babbling..?
That would make Faith- I hear a key in the door. Putting the papers back down on the table, I grab for my axe.
I need to change the locks.
Buffy walks in. She looks... Something's wrong. I drop the axe onto the couch and walk over to her.
She pulls me into a hug immediately. Something is definitely wrong. She's been keeping her distance since- I quash that train of thought and just enjoy the moment.
She smells like sunlight and hope.
"Angel? Can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"Have you ever heard of slayers being shot by their Watchers?"
Giles... what have you done?