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Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

Should I post 2.9 a week early or keep to the normal schedule? 2.10 will be on 11/13 regardless.

  • Yes, post 2.9 on 10/23

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • No, wait until 10/30

    Votes: 14 51.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I apparently can't read the phrase "rifleman's creed" without thinking of this. Thanks, google! @yall, you're welcome I'm not sorry at all.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry after reading that.

Well done.
I do believe he meant "Which Earth". There are so very many it could be, after all.
Given the multidimensional nature of Taylor's empowerment, at the very least SL verses and whatever universe QA was in (a parallel version of Babnockorty, IIRC). Although I'm tempted to say "all of them."
It is also why throwing a mouse off the Empire State Building won't hurt it

Not only is the terminal velocity of a mouse (and definitely of the rats they got growing in those subway tunnels) is a good chunk too fast for a mouse to survive a fall off the empire state building. An ant, spider, or other small insect would survive, but not a mouse.

Now, granted there's some miracle that causes the mouse to land on a soft enough patch of earth to absorb enough of the force for it to walk away, it's still dead within a day or two from bruising, since mice have no way to clot their blood.
Alternatively Unlimited Gun Works could have been used:


I am the Soul of my Gun
Plastic is my body
Slag is my blood
I have created over a thousand Firearms
Unknown to Death
Nor known to Life
Have withstood Suffering to acquire many weapons yet, those hands will never hold anything.
And so I pray...
Unlimited Gun Works!
No need to break so far away from the original chant.

I am the bone of my gun
Iron is my blood
And glass is my heart
I have created over a thousand guns
Unknown to death
Nor known to life
Have withstood pain to create many guns
Yet those hands will never hold anything
So, as I pray
Unlimited Gun Works!

Anyone else find it odd that Shiro, the incarnation of Sword, has a gun for his mental trigger for his magecraft?


What anime is that from? It reminds me a lot of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, but I don't remember that from the anime... Was there a second season I didn't hear about?
Ironically I used the Full Metal Jacket version.
So did I.
Y'know, something just occurred to me - with such an expansive, multi-dimensional community available, The Incubator wouldn't be forced to rely on their magical girl -> witches cycle for escaping universal heat death, and therefore might be far more open and co-operative. After all, they certainly know that happy magical girls give the best results, so if subterfuge and resource limits no longer apply, why would they even bother? A contract with Slut Life!Kyubey would probably be way better than what Mami, Homura and the rest endured, and that's not even considering the possibility of the Law of Cycles, aka Madoka, giving you a second life after death with additional witch powers.
One of the Magical Girl options discussed with Taylor (very briefly, and quickly dismissed) was a basically contract with Kyubey (or other Incubator).
Given the multidimensional nature of Taylor's empowerment, at the very least SL verses and whatever universe QA was in (a parallel version of Babnockorty, IIRC). Although I'm tempted to say "all of them."
Already answered by the Author.

Anyone else find it odd that Shiro, the incarnation of Sword, has a gun for his mental trigger for his magecraft?
One of the versions of him has Guns that look like Swords and the original EMIYA was an Archer that used Swords in place of Arrows.

Also Gratuitous Abridged Version!:

What anime is that from? It reminds me a lot of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, but I don't remember that from the anime... Was there a second season I didn't hear about?
It is from the Rebellion Movie. Homura finally notices she is in a Witch Barrier and thinks its Bebe's fault. Turns out that the Witch Barrier belongs to Homulilly and isn't even a Barrier but rather the Soul Gem of the Puella Magi that would become Homulilly and it is all Mephistoinkyubator's fault because that polydimensional asshole wanted to control Madokami and by extension the Law of Cycles. This is also how Homura became Homurakuma/Homucifer.
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It is from the Rebellion Movie. Homura finally notices she is in a Witch Barrier and thinks its Bebe's fault. Turns out that the Witch Barrier belongs to Homulilly and isn't even a Barrier but rather the Soul Gem of the Puella Magi that would become Homulilly and it is all Mephistoinkyubator's fault because that polydimensional asshole wanted to control Madokami and by extension the Law of Cycles. This is also how Homura became Homurakuma/Homucifer.

And the entire thing was Homura's fault because she told Kyuubey about the more efficient Witch system they used to have before Godoka got involved.

Anyone else find it odd that Shiro, the incarnation of Sword, has a gun for his mental trigger for his magecraft?

Having not seen any of the Fate series... I thought Shiro was the incarnation of Sheath.
Having not seen any of the Fate series... I thought Shiro was the incarnation of Sheath.

I'm not really an athority on the fate universe... but that sounds paradoxically more acurate than canon while completely disagreeing with everything I know about it.

he's got King Arthurs sheath the one that prevents him from ever bleeding sort of.... not disolved but magically inside of him. And his reality marble is basically a place to store weapons so that also fits.

On the other hand he refers to himself as a sword or relates himself to swords to activate the reality marble.
Having not seen any of the Fate series... I thought Shiro was the incarnation of Sheath.
Shiro had Avalon implanted in him to save his life when he was younger. It may or may not have played a roll in Shiro's status as an Incarnation (it's never said whether Avalon altered Shiro, or if he was born an Incarnation; though the fanbase assumes it altered him). Nasu tries to form a relationship between Arturia and Shiro where both are swords, but at the same time both are the sheaths for the other.

In the Nasuverse, there are 2 things that determine the magical abilities you're suited for, your Origin and your Affinity. In VERY VERY rare cases, you'll have someone born with the same Origin and Affinity, such a person is called an Incarnation. Shiro's Origin and Affinity are both the rather non-standard 'Sword'.

Frankly, the majority of Magus in the Nasuverse would be quite interested in dissecting Shiro alive (seriously, it's not unheard of for a Nasuverse magus to have a brain floating in a jar, where the brain is not only still alive, but still conscious and capable of feeling things such as pain; anything to further their research) purely on the basis on him being an Incarnation.
On the other hand he refers to himself as a sword or relates himself to swords to activate the reality marble.

Well, you pull a sword from a sheath. And I've only seen a few examples where beating people with your sheath was considered a normal part of your fighting style.

Nasu tries to form a relationship between Arturia and Shiro where both are swords, but at the same time both are the sheaths for the other.

Sounds kinky... and like a scene I'm supposed to be writing for PiM.
None unless you have magic or Spacewhales. Insect wings max out at meganeura size.
I'm reminded of a NSFW-ish story (not a Worm fic, for the record) I've read on another forum where one of the protagonists had the power of being really tiny, and also had the power of insect-like wings (with their own special properties, which I wouldn't summarize here - let's just say it was a fetish story - but at the tiny scale the wings also allowed them to fly).

In one scene, they had their "being tiny" power suppressed, so they grew back to normal human size. It was briefly mentioned that at that scale the wings were barely even visible on the shoulder blades of their human body.
There is something called "the Square-Cubed Law"
It's actually the square-cube law. TL/DR, area scales as square of the size, volume and mass scales as cube of the size.
The only actual square-cubed law I know of anywhere in physics is in river flows - the (maximum) mass of objects pulled by a river, assuming the same density, scales as the square cubed (i.e. 6th power) of the river's speed (because the size of said objects scales with the square of the speed).

I personally prefer to think of this particular application as the work required to move proportional distances (e.g. for a step) scaling with the fourth power of the size (mass times length), while the muscles that have to do that work can only be proportional to the volume, i.e. the third power.
(There are other applications, e.g. temperature balance, where the area itself actually matters; this might well include the case of wings. Some people do talk about the muscles in terms of cross-area as well, but IMHO that's a bit less intuitive than my version.)

Fun fact: if you do the math, it turns out that the possible jumping height for an animal doesn't depend on size at all (though it does depend on the animal's aptitude for jumping). Sure enough, grasshoppers and kangaroos jump to roughly the same height (IIRC, approximately 1.5 meters, or 5 feet).
Fleas would've jumped to the same height as well (or maybe even a little higher), but at their scale air resistance gets in the way, so they can only manage a foot or so (which is of course still a lot compared to their size).

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