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[X] Emma
-[X] Go and check on your new evil body pillow. It could probably use some attention. Food? Water? Maybe a good fluffing?
[X] Emma
-[X] Go and check on your new evil body pillow. It could probably use some attention. Food? Water? Maybe a good fluffing?

we should clean and feed Emma, the last thing we need is a plague.
[X] Try the ritual

Lets get Emma sorted out now, while we have the time.
[X] Ask the Hollow Man about starting shady businesses.

For the booze!
[X] Emma
-[X] Go and check on your new evil body pillow. It could probably use some attention. Food? Water? Maybe a good fluffing?

Don't actually want this one but the ritual vote is too close for comfort.

Have you guys forgotten that we have only had the ritual itself checked out, but not the crystal itself? You know, what it likely the power source since the ambient magic isn't even high enough to support a simple teleport, much less something like outright reversing time.

This isn't even about Emma herself anymore, this is just trying to prevent yet another stupid move done without sufficient thought.
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[X] Emma
-[X] Go and check on your new evil body pillow. It could probably use some attention. Food? Water? Maybe a good fluffing?
Wait, since the fairy is out... Is Taylor still plagued by the teetotaler curse?
[X] Emma
-[X] Go and check on your new evil body pillow. It could probably use some attention. Food? Water? Maybe a good fluffing?

If this was in NSFW section, I would be afraid of this option leading to lewds with a mentally retarded person which is not okay, but it is SFW so it will not. I don't know what I will do exactly, but I predict something coming up since the plot is kind of slowing down. This quest is updated daily, so a slow period is not that bad, but all of the fluff is getting a bit old.

I am voting for this because I do not want to do the ritual. As doomlord points out, it might not work since the ambient mana is lacking. Even if it does work as intended, we might not have control over the time reversed. Emma might become a child who is without her parents, she might become the uber bitch that she was in high school, or she might become a bee sorcerer without the bee patron. Anyway you look at it, this ritual is not helpful. I do not care about Emma, but keeping her as a harmless bee brain is better than an enemy.
Have you guys forgotten that we have only had the ritual itself checked out, but not the crystal itself? You know, what it likely the power source since the ambient magic isn't even high enough to support a simple teleport, much less something like outright reversing time.

This isn't even about Emma herself anymore, this is just trying to prevent yet another stupid move done without sufficient thought.
Have you forgotten that the only link between the crystal and the ritual is that they were both given to us at the same time?

The crystal is NOT a reagent for the ritual, and it's NOT a power source for it.
I am voting for this because I do not want to do the ritual. As doomlord points out, it might not work since the ambient mana is lacking. Even if it does work as intended, we might not have control over the time reversed. Emma might become a child who is without her parents, she might become the uber bitch that she was in high school, or she might become a bee sorcerer without the bee patron. Anyway you look at it, this ritual is not helpful. I do not care about Emma, but keeping her as a harmless bee brain is better than an enemy.
We've had o problems with any of our other workings. I don't think we have to worry about ambient magic levels by this magic system, and even if we do.... have you read the description of out Lodge? Yea, plenty of ambient magic in it.

As for the time reversal itself? The caster of the ritual decides how far back to rewind time for the recipient.

Every time I've tried to get Necros into a discussion about when to rewind Emma to, it hasn't worked out as intended...

Personally, I'd say put her at a bit after she shoved us in the locker (like a day or so, but still before we released the Song of Awakening).
[X] Emma
-[X] Go and check on your new evil body pillow. It could probably use some attention. Food? Water? Maybe a good fluffing?

If we try the ritual then just before WE awakened would be best. "Yeah, you shoved me in that locker, but don't worry about that, I've got superpowers now! Also your family is dead and you've got a kill on sight order on you, you're welcome!"
Have you forgotten that the only link between the crystal and the ritual is that they were both given to us at the same time?

The crystal is NOT a reagent for the ritual, and it's NOT a power source for it.We've had o problems with any of our other workings. I don't think we have to worry about ambient magic levels by this magic system, and even if we do.... have you read the description of out Lodge? Yea, plenty of ambient magic in it.

As for the time reversal itself? The caster of the ritual decides how far back to rewind time for the recipient.

Where are you getting these details? As far as I know, we have no information on the actual mechanics of it.

The lodge is also different, it's powered by the caster directly and is an expression of the casters very being, so ambient magic is not an issue which is good because at the time there was NO ambient magic or even any magic at all. We don't have enough magic to remotely power teleportation, why would we have enough to reverse time, something that is likely horrendously power intensive?

Every time I've tried to get Necros into a discussion about when to rewind Emma to, it hasn't worked out as intended...

Personally, I'd say put her at a bit after she shoved us in the locker (like a day or so, but still before we released the Song of Awakening).

Seriously, I have to ask, do you secretly hate her more than I do? Because that's pretty much a plan to have her kill herself as soon as she is able to. After we shattered her delusions by becoming Necros, without the Song of Awakening it would have only been a few weeks or so before she spiraled far enough into depression to commit suicide.

Which by itself is fine, no more Emma being involved is ok with me. The only issue is we would use what is likely a one-time use and extremely valuable ritual in order to do so, something that is far beyond what I consider worth making Emma go away.

If we try the ritual then just before WE awakened would be best. "Yeah, you shoved me in that locker, but don't worry about that, I've got superpowers now! Also your family is dead and you've got a kill on sight order on you, you're welcome!"

Pretty much this.

I said it before, if we do let's aim for age 3-5, maybe younger. Wipe her memories clean and completely skip anyone being able to recognize her as the one who tried to commit genocide of their city.
She makes a perfectly fine body pillow. I see no need to change this. It was our reward for completing her questline. :p

I said it before, if we do let's aim for age 3-5, maybe younger. Wipe her memories clean and completely skip anyone being able to recognize her as the one who tried to commit genocide of their city.
Raised by a psychotic wizard and her stuffed dragon son.

Perfect childhood.
[X] Use the ritual

Where are you getting these details? As far as I know, we have no information on the actual mechanics of it.
I'm going by what's been said in-story about the ritual.

Flabbyknight, could you please clarify the ritual for those without the best memory for details (and those who get so worked up about what they think about a topic, that they forget the stated facts on it).

-It is NOT a one-shot deal. Once you learn a ritual, you know it and can use it as often as resources allow.
-The caster sets the level of temporal reversion.
-The crystal is not a component of the ritual in any way.
Seriously, I have to ask, do you secretly hate her more than I do? Because that's pretty much a plan to have her kill herself as soon as she is able to. After we shattered her delusions by becoming Necros, without the Song of Awakening it would have only been a few weeks or so before she spiraled far enough into depression to commit suicide.
But she didn't have big-sis Taylor to help her out after that stuff.:p

I said when I did as the most human option. It's only a few days/week since that point, and she'll get to see just what her actions created.
[X] Use the ritual

Mind Healers cost money.
[X] Use the ritual

There's no way it can possibly go wrong, not with our fantastic luck!
[X] Look into finding a mind healer

Was gonna say pawn her off, but really at that point we might as well just be selling her. We're that far gone....at least I don't think so anyway.

Raised by a psychotic wizard and her stuffed dragon son.

Perfect childhood.

We'd still probably do better that what Sophia turned her into, or rather what she turned herself into to gain Sophia's approval.

But she didn't have big-sis Taylor to help her out after that stuff.:p

I said when I did as the most human option. It's only a few days/week since that point, and she'll get to see just what her actions created.

Yay. So she gets to know, and fully understand, that she personally destroyed absolutely everything that may have been good in her life, killed everyone she may have loved save for Sophia, who only escaped that fate simply by not being in BB, and now gets to live with not only that knowledge but also the fact that if she ever shows her face she will likely be killed on sight. The fact that Taylor is strong enough that she accidentally shattered Emma's mind and then fucked with time to restore her will only be icing on the cake for her suffering.

I ask again, do you actually hate her? Because this is badfic/bashing level suffering you're advocating while I would just prefer to just have her die before bothering to give her enough attention to torture her like that.

It not a one shot. For the rest, these are things Necros/Taylor believe to be true.

That and this is enough confirmation for me to say that yes, it's a one-shot. One shot meaning that it uses the, thus far unique, crystal and to use it again we'll need to get another. Likely from Grem and with a high price attached.

Also quite likely that we wouldn't have nearly as much control over it as we think we do.

Also Flabby,from our understanding of the ritual, is the function 'Reverses time for <Target>' or is it 'Reverses time for <Emma Barnes>' in that this ritual will work on Emma and only Emma or can we manage to save it and actually use it on a more worthy target, if everything actually is kosher with using it anyway.

Contrary to what you may think, Grem not actually being a prisoner in the soul that is Necros makes his intentions worse, not better. I actually trust him less now that we know that, although it's possible that the being with masterful skills in masking, disguise, and illusions simply managed to trick Mr. Nibbles, who is really just a cat familiar who got caught up in this, and make him think that he wasn't there or to forget/ignore his presence.
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We have a lot of that.

I don't trust that the Betrayer didn't manage to slip something in, even past gerbil dude, right after teaching us how to magically hide ourselves.

I just think it's a bad idea. Forever.

Just because we have a lot of money doesn't mean it will last when you have to pay for each session. Considering how far gone Emma is right now, it's going to take awhile before we get any good results, probably, and the money would be better served feeding our guild. Best to just use the ritual and regress her to a point where she was sane. If you wanna send her to a mind healer to deal with the trauma of learning what she did to her parents after the ritual then that's fine, as it would probably be easier to deal with than her current condition.

And if you have a problem with the Betrayer slipping something in, then just place a spell on her neck to explode her head on our command as a precaution. If something was slipped in, then blow her head off. If not, then remove it later.
Just because we have a lot of money doesn't mean it will last when you have to pay for each session. Considering how far gone Emma is right now, it's going to take awhile before we get any good results, probably, and the money would be better served feeding our guild. Best to just use the ritual and regress her to a point where she was sane. If you wanna send her to a mind healer to deal with the trauma of learning what she did to her parents after the ritual then that's fine, as it would probably be easier to deal with than her current condition.

And if you have a problem with the Betrayer slipping something in, then just place a spell on her neck to explode her head on our command as a precaution. If something was slipped in, then blow her head off. If not, then remove it later.
Taylor is a millionaire. I think getting a healer for one girl isn't going to bankrupt her. That's a tad silly.

As for your other point, why not just blow her head off now and save us the trouble instead of risking whatever dangers Grem might have slipped in?
If the ritual costs nothing, then why not save the money and spend it on something actually useful?

As for why not kill her now, going by peoples responses so far the general consensus is to save Emma. So why not place an explosive spell on her neck we can trigger and use Emma as a test subject for the ritual? If the ritual works, then good. If the ritual sneaks something in, then we blow up Emma which is good, so you don't need to ask "Why not kill her now."
If the ritual costs nothing, then why not save the money and spend it on something actually useful?

As for why not kill her now, going by peoples responses so far the general consensus is to save Emma. So why not place an explosive spell on her neck we can trigger and use Emma as a test subject for the ritual? If the ritual works, then good. If the ritual sneaks something in, then we blow up Emma which is good, so you don't need to ask "Why not kill her now."
Sure I do, because there's no guarantee that a 'blow up Emma' switch will stop whatever nasty might come out of the ritual. For all we know it'll fuck up space/time for the entire plane after the holes we already put in it. Or it could be a two-part poison that goes hand-in-hand with the spell we grafted to our soul that does something to us when activated.

There's also the concerns that there just isn't enough mana to power it on the plane.
Oh no, NOW we get to argue over what to do with the 6 year-old Emma, lol.

You know, not one person thought to check the boot for traps, lol. And the only thing the crystal did was make a holo-grem to do the betrayal dance, probably triggered by the boot lol.
Well, this was unexpected. And you probably should not worry, as players always are quite strange and prone to unexpected and sometimes stupid actions. Also, Emma is cute.
Oh no, NOW we get to argue over what to do with the 6 year-old Emma, lol.

Not really, I have no problems with this version of Emma. It's gonna be a hilarious cock-up and Danny is probably going to take over for us in the next few minutes, mainly because he's not stupid and letting us raise a child ourselves would be a really dumb thing to do. Plus this is an actual human child that he has at least a vague idea of how to handle, unlike our actual 'son' which is a mountain sized dragon possessing a stuffed dragon body.

You know, not one person thought to check the boot for traps, lol. And the only thing the crystal did was make a holo-grem to do the betrayal dance, probably triggered by the boot lol.

Ugh, yeah I know. Which kinda annoys me, mainly at myself, because that's one more extremely common trick for con-men to use, that being 'Distract the sucker with something shiny'.

My idea of securing the crystal in a sock to keep it safe probably wouldn't helped either, we would have just fallen on it and activated it all the same by crushing it.

I do have one big question though, where did the magic to fuel that ritual come from? That couldn't have been cheap to cast and we already know the levels of magic are still pretty low. Did it drain magic from our wards to power itself, because we should be feeling some heavy exhaustion from personally supplying enough magic to do that. Unless it's somehow a massively fuel efficient ritual which we can use about once a day.

If that's the case then....fucking hell that's OP. As long as the boot isn't a constant thing with using it, injuries and possibly even death are no longer even a concern for pretty much anyone around us.
It is powered by Gremthaxel's own domain. By betraying Taylor, and inserting betrayal seeds into the ritual, he gains power, and using said power, he powers the ritual in the future.

. . .
Deities and domains are odd.

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