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"Well... I can't say for hundred percent sure but there seems to be some sort of alien invasion involving some weird sex thing going on right now." you say.

"Wait what? Aliens are invading are planet to like have an orgy or something? What's going to happen when they jizz all over us?" asks Gandalf concerned.

You frown and say "I don't know, but I have a feeling that the jizz will be dire indeed."


I remember that explanation it was the best thing ever.
[X] Inform the Beef Cake that Bee Bitch is taken care of
[X] Inform the Beef Cake that Bee Bitch is taken care of
"Well... I can't say for hundred percent sure but there seems to be some sort of alien invasion involving some weird sex thing going on right now." you say.

"Wait what? Aliens are invading are planet to like have an orgy or something? What's going to happen when they jizz all over us?" asks Gandalf concerned.

You frown and say "I don't know, but I have a feeling that the jizz will be dire indeed."

You sit there and contemplate the inevitable tidal wave that will no doubt burst forth. You should probably look into at some point. Gandalf speaks up "So what exactly are this aliens doing right now anyway?"

"Well, they seem to be making contracts with random people and giving them magical powers for the right to mentally alter them. They then seem to record everything their contractors see and hear leading me to one conclusion.... that they are huge voyeur perverts." you declare.
The more you think about it, the more true it is...that's quite disturbing, lol.
[X] Continue your researches into rifts

Lets get our escape/travel method worked out while we have the time and attention span to do so.
[X] Inform Beefcake that Bee Bitch is taken care of.
[X] Stay out of it.
-[X] Explain to Beef Cake why a new magician is better off with a teacher, so he can make an informed decision, then stay out of it.

It probably won't end well, but it'll be a very funny ride.
[X] Stay out of it.
-[X] Explain to Beef Cake why a new magician is better off with a teacher, so he can make an informed decision, then stay out of it.
[X] Stay out of it.
-[X] Explain to Beef Cake why a new magician is better off with a teacher, so he can make an informed decision, then stay out of it.
[X] Try and convince the Beef Cake to let Gandalf stay.
-[X] Challenge him to a tonguethumb wrestling contest for it. Then CHEAT, CHEAT LIKE THE DICKENS.
[X] Stay out of it.
-[X] Explain to Beef Cake why a new magician is better off with a teacher, so he can make an informed decision, then stay out of it.
[X] Stay out of it.
-[X] Explain to Beef Cake why a new magician is better off with a teacher, so he can make an informed decision, then stay out of it.
[X] Try and convince the Beef Cake to let Gandalf stay.

Magic is pretty dangerous. It's probably safer for her to stay with us, even if we're insane.
[X] Try and convince the Beef Cake to let Gandalf stay.

Will Necros be able to remember Aisha's name? Tune in next week to find out!
[X] Try and convince the Beef Cake to let Gandalf stay.
-[X] Let him observe our collaborative work on creating rifts so he can see just what she could accomplish if she stays.

We have attention span? Since when?

That's kinda my point. This is an extremely useful thing to have and if we don't get it now, who knows when we'll have the time or actually think of it again.
[X] Stay out of it.
-[X] Explain to Beef Cake why a new magician is better off with a teacher, so he can make an informed decision, then stay out of it.
-[X] Use the Bee Shaman as an example.
-[X] Mention that you're teaching her healing spells.
[X] Stay out of it.
-[X] Explain to Beef Cake why a new magician is better off with a teacher, so he can make an informed decision, then stay out of it.
-[X] Use the Bee Shaman as an example.
-[X] Mention that you're teaching her healing spells.
[X] Stay out of it.
-[X] Explain to Beef Cake why a new magician is better off with a teacher, so he can make an informed decision, then stay out of it.
-[X] Use the Bee Shaman as an example.
-[X] Mention that you're teaching her healing spells.
--[X] "Whats the worst that could happen."
It really sounds like you guys are advocating for Aisha to stay and learn under Necros. That doesn't sound like "staying out it," and I wonder why you'd vote to stay out of it in the first place if you have a clear preference.
You'll put aside your apprentices treachery for later, right now you need to decide if you should help the Beef Cake or not. You don't really want to lose your apprentice, but you also really don't want to get involved in a family dispute either. You think you're just not going get involved in any way whatsoever. No siree Bob. "Anyway as you were saying earlier about your sister. I don't think convincing her to leave is best thing for her safety wise."

The Beef Cake raises his eyebrow at you and says "You think it is safer to hang out her then go back home despite the fact that she will be marked as villain for being part of your gang?"

"Okay two things. One I am not villain, that is just PRT propaganda smearing my good name. Two I don't run a gang, this is a guild. I can only assume that is more PRT propaganda since they are huge lying booze hating heretics." you say, your eyebrow twitching. The PRT is going to pay for all of their many many lies, oh yes they are.

The Beef Cake continues to look unimpressed. "You can't really call it propaganda, the PRT is legally allowed to classify you a villain if you break the law. Also the Merchants are a gang, everybody knows this, you can't just declare yourself not a gang."

You frown and say "Okay I am not going to argue whether I am a bad guy or not, I know I am not one and that would just be silly. Look your sister has awakened and can use magic now. Using magic improperly is extremely dangerous and can end in tragedy. I bet my left ovary that the Bee Shaman, due to being a ignorant hoe bag, didn't realize that she was essentially selling her mind and soul to an evil bee. Now her parents are dead and everybody hates her. You don't want your sister to sell her body to evil bees do you?"

"I can't say that I do." responds the Beef Cake "But how likely is it that is going to happen?"

"Um, not very, but that does not mean there at not other legitimate threats that will be after her." you say. "Since she has awakened she will stand out in astral space and any astral predators will notice her. She didn't know how to set up any defenses until I showed her how and even now they aren't hard to pierce. I just taught her a healing spell and now if she gets hurt she can undo the damage. Doesn't that make her safer then she was?"

He pauses and says "You can/actually (pick one) taught her how to heal?" He sounds confused for some reason. Does he think you're shitty teacher or something?

"Yep. She is real go getter too. So she should have it mastered in the next day or two. I was thinking of showing her the basics of summoning next. Spirits are very useful allies to have and she needs to know how to get rid of hostile spirits as well." you say. "Spirits like the bees."

The Beef Cake looks unsure now, you think you are getting to him a little, you just need to give that final push. "You know how I was saying I could track people down once I saw their aura? Well other spirits and mages can do it as well and your sister has no way of hiding herself if she makes herself their enemy. You know your sister better than I do, do you think she would provoke somebody like that if she thought it was funny?"

Judging from his expression you nailed it. "She would totally do that." he says in a resigned voice.

You push to offensive while you have the advantage "If she stays they can't get to her and since this base is flying and invisible neither can the PRT. I bet the Transporter could whip up a force field as well." Time for the coup de grace "Tell you what I can go over anything I plan on teaching her first with you that way you know that is safe. If you don't like it you can veto it and I can plan to do something else."

He nods and says "I would like that a lot actually."

"Great!" you say cheerfully. Boy are you glad you didn't get involved and try to convince the Beef Cake to let his sister stay.

[] Get back to work on your experiment
[] Visit somebody
-[] Who
[] Try the ritual
[] Other
Lol, this was perfect.

Also, corrections!
[X] Other
-[X] Now that we've had it verified by Mr. Nibbles, perform the ritual on Emma.

We're in a bind in regards to her. Can't kill her without alienating our dad andcan't keep her alive without either expensive medical care or magic. This ritual is basically our best out.
[X] Get back to work on your experiment
-[X] Time to try tearing a hole in reality
[X] Get back to work on your experiment

Lets wrap up learning this skill before we revert Emma to her sane self.

Also... Wow... That was... Well thought out and articulated... From Necros...

Guess all those Charisma bonuses we've racked up actually do something.:p Oh, and the mind/body enhancements probably helped quite a bit as well.

You know... We've taken care of the addictions, sold some music that pretty much turned Worm into Lovecraft (not that it had far to go to get there), but do we have any idea what's actually going on with the Merchants as a whole? We should probably get back to actually organizing them into a respectable Merchant's Guild at some point. Seems like we've just left them to flounder.

With our new found articulation, we might even be able to convince Danny to take the CEO position, since that way he'll be able to ensure everyone gets the proper benefits and such. Once we do that we'll just have to tell him the shape we want the Guild to take, and let him loose.
With our new found articulation, we might even be able to convince Danny to take the CEO position, since that way he'll be able to ensure everyone gets the proper benefits and such. Once we do that we'll just have to tell him the shape we want the Guild to take, and let him loose.
Next on our to do list for sure. It saves a lot of hassle so it even if it takes a little mental manipulation of a few people it would be worth it.

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