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[X] Pop her with a pillow until she stops asking questions.
-[X] Ssh, no uncomfortable truths here, only- *bap*
[X] Pop her with a pillow until she stops asking questions.
-[X] Ssh, no uncomfortable truths here, only- *bap*
[X] Distract her

Yea, Danny can field THIS one.

"No she wouldn't." you say.

"Yes she would." says Emma.

"No she wouldn't." you say.

"Yes she would." says Emma.

"No she wouldn't." you say.

"No she wouldn't." says Emma.

"Yes she would and that's final!" you exclaim. You then blink and stutter "W-wait no I mean-"

"No take backs!" she giggles. Damn out smarted by a six year old at least it wasn't by a one year old like that one time.
Well, nice to know all those mind boosts finally brought Taylor up the level of a 6-year-old.
>Spend a lot of time on a serious vote
>>Get ignored
>Jokingly make a vote about getting in a pillow fight with a six year old
>>Everyone loves it

I don't understand you thread.
[X] Pop her with a pillow until she stops asking questions.
-[X] Ssh, no uncomfortable truths here, only- *bap*

Pillow fights are awesome. That's why. :)
[X] Pop her with a pillow until she stops asking questions.
-[X] Ssh, no uncomfortable truths here, only- *bap*
[X] Pop her with a pillow until she stops asking questions.
-[X] Ssh, no uncomfortable truths here, only- *bap*
[X] Other
Introduce Mt.Flufflekins to his new kid sister
[X] Other
-[X] Introduce Mt.Flufflekins to his new kid sister
--[X] Take Danny aside, while Emma's distracted, and 'Explain all subtle like'.

This really awkward moment when you have to tell a 6-year old that a former her went Nilbog and killed her parents and lots of other people.
And I find it really sad that Taylor is mentally a six-year old. It is kind of cute in a creepy way, but still very sad.
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[X] Quick distract him

Gremthaxel the Betrayer is now officially my favorite character.
[X] Other
-[X] Introduce Mt.Flufflekins to his new kid sister
--[X] Take Danny aside, while Emma's distracted, and 'Explain all subtle like'.

On a side note, my list of people we can use the time reversal ritual on:
Mannequin -> Sphere
Echidna -> Noelle (human, pre-formula)

Sphere would still have to deal with having lost his family, but he will be Simurgh-influence free, so it would turn out much better barring further influence by Jack Slash.

And hell, just time-reverse the entire Travellers, and boot them back to Earth-Aleph.
[X] Other
-[X] Introduce Mt.Flufflekins to his new kid sister
--[X] Take Danny aside, while Emma's distracted, and 'Explain all subtle like'.
[X] Other
-[X] Introduce Mt.Flufflekins to his new kid sister
--[X] Take Danny aside, while Emma's distracted, and 'Explain all subtle like'.
[X] Other
-[X] Introduce Mt.Flufflekins to his new kid sister
--[X] Take Danny aside, while Emma's distracted, and 'Explain all subtle like'.
[X] Other
-[X] Introduce Mt.Flufflekins to his new kid sister
--[X] Take Danny aside, while Emma's distracted, and 'Explain all subtle like'.
So why is everyone ignoring that tiny tot Emma is almost certainly naked? Or did it revert her so completely she got a new(old) set of clothes that tiny Emma happened to be wearing at the time?
[X] Other
-[X] Introduce Mt.Flufflekins to his new kid sister
--[X] Take Danny aside, while Emma's distracted, and 'Explain all subtle like'.
[X] Ghouls
Cause undead are the best!
Also, poor Taylor. She can't trust even voices in her head!
I think that Taylor thinks she is undead. Her 'necromantic' energy still heals the others, didn't it?
[X] Goblins

"Um well he apparently got stung to death by bees." you say not looking her in the eye.

Emma shudders "I don't like bees. Their stings hurt."

"Me either." you say with a nod.

And every other Taylor in the omni-verse shared a sense of confusion, like something that has always been true suddenly was not. They have no idea where the sensation came from and shrug it off before going back to having their bee swarms make various things to amuse themselves.

She made a comment on how you can heal with Necromancy if you know what you're doing. Which makes sense from a certain perspective, since it's the power of death.

In several magic systems ALL healing spells are necromantic. Necromancy tends to involve spells of life and death. After all there is no death without life.
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[X] Goblins

And every other Taylor in the omni-verse shared a sense a confusion, like something that has always been true suddenly was not. They have no idea where the sensation came from and shrug it off before going back to having their bee swarms make various things to amuse themselves.

In several magic systems ALL healing spells are necromantic. Necromancy tends to involve spells of life and death. After all there is no death without life.
Got used to yrsillar's quests. Where Vitamancy is life.

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