Chapter 6: On The Rooftop
Versed in the lewd.
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"I-I-I'm not sure about this, Dante," Tsukune said, his arms feeling weak and heavy. His body shook in the surprisingly warm light of the sun. He looked around the roof of Yokai Academy, sweat falling from his head like rain as his blank eyes turned back to Dante, "I-I-I-I don't think I can do this."
Dante, standing off to one side of Tsukune, shook his head, "Look, Lover Boy. If you're planning to stay at this school, you're gonna have to learn to defend yourself. The first thing we gotta try is the easiest way for a human like yourself to stand up to monsters."
"With a gun!?" Tsukune said, having difficulty holding Ivory in both hands. Partially because of how heavy the gun felt, and partially because he was scared out of his mind. When the high schooler had first learned that Dante wanted to help him, he was completely ecstatic. The fact that there was someone in this school he could turn to for help comforted him greatly. Especially when he learned that Dante was human like him. It meant he wasn't completely alone in this school for monsters.
That changed when Dante handed him a gun, led him up to the school roof, told Moka-chan to stay in the school, then told him to shoot his gun at Dante's brother Vergil the Patron Librarian!
Now, Tsukune thought Dante was insane.
And, judging by how Vergil didn't seem bothered at all by the fact that Dante, his own brother, told Tsukune to shoot a gun at him, he was certain that Vergil was just as insane.
As the high schooler stood on the roof, knees knocking together as he held Ivory in both hands, Vergil shook his head in frustration. He turned to his brother, "This isn't going to work, Dante. The child clearly doesn't have the stomach for this."
Dante dismissed his brother's concerns with a wave of his hand, "Don't count him out yet, Vergil. He hasn't even started aiming yet. Here, let me help ya out there."
Dante got to his feet and walked over to the trembling high school student. Tsukune didn't dare flinch lest the gun go off in his hand. Dante took up position next to Tsukune, gently grabbed his right arm, then helped him move it up. The entire time he was instructing the kid on how to properly hold a firearm.
"See, holding a gun like this one handed? That's not gonna work for you. What ya gotta do, is hold it in both hands. Have them covering the grip on both sides, while your finger's on the trigger. Stay away from the slides, and watch out for this here ejector. If your fingers or thumbs are anywhere near that, you'll lose 'em," Dante kept slightly adjusting Tsukune's stance. Only when the boy's shaking had calmed somewhat and he was properly gripping the weapon did Dante let go.
Dante made a rectangle with his fingers and thumbs, centering Tsukune in his vision. He nodded as he did so, "Alright, you're good kid. Now pull the trigger."
"What?! No!" Tsukune shook his head, his shaking coming back.
Dante rolled his eyes, "Lover Boy, listen. You want to stick around here, right?"
"Then you're alright with leaving Fangs alone without any friends?" Dante jerked a thumb towards the entrance to the roof.
Tsukune understood that he was talking about Moka. He audibly gulped as he answered, "M-M-Moka-chan is a-a-a vampire. I'm sure she'll make more friends here. In a school of monsters."
"Maybe, but she wants to be friends with you," Dante pointed at Tsukune. The boy's expression turned into one of confusion. Dante clicked his tongue, "Don't tell me you didn't notice it, Lover Boy? Even after I tossed ya one of the ladies, she didn't leave your side for a second. She likes you. And if you leave, she'll be pretty dang sad."
"And it is obvious you carry similar feelings, boy," Vergil said in support of Dante. It caught Tsukune off guard, to the point where the boy flinched at the sound of Vergil's voice. Vergil rolled his eyes, "If you wish to ensure your connection doesn't come to abrupt end, then you must gain enough power to defend yourself. Without it, you will die here."
Those words made Tsukune's face go pale.
Dante groaned, "Damn it, Vergil. You were supposed to be encouraging him, not scaring him even more."
"If the truth scares him, then he will not be able to continue at this school," was Vergil's harsh reply.
"Don't worry about my brother, Lover Boy. Just point at him and pull the trigger," Dante pointed a finger at Vergil then made a "bang" noise with his mouth.
Tsukune looked between the two brothers. Then his eyes centered onto Vergil. His breathing became rapid, he could feel sweat dripping down his palms, and his legs wouldn't stop shaking. He could hear his heart beating in his chest as time seemed to slow down. His shaking finger kept tapping on Ivory's trigger...
With a gasp he fell to the floor, dropping Ivory while both hands went to grasp his chest. The gun slid across the ground until it stopped in front of Dante. Tsukune kept shaking his head while mumbling, "I...I can't. I can't. I can't...I can't."
He slowly looked up, expecting to see Dante and Vergil looking at him with disappointment. His expectations were only half-right. Vergil was looking at him with disappointment, but Dante had a grin on his face.
He picked up Ivory and turned it over in his right hand. Then he pointed it at Vergil and pulled the trigger...only for the click of an empty magazine to sound across the roof.
Tsukune looked at Dante with shock on his face, " was empty?"
"Yep. You didn't seriously think I was gonna give a high school kid a loaded gun, did you?" Dante said while twirling his gun in his hand. He settled it into the usual grip style he used, nonchalantly looking the object over, "Though, that's only partially true. The other part? Hey, Vergil. Think fast!"
In the blink of an eye Dante pointed his gun at Vergil and pulled the trigger. This time a bullet flew from the barrel along side a spent casing hitting the tiles below.
Just as quickly, Vergil knocked the bullet away with a swipe of the Yamato.
Tsukune couldn't even keep up with what happened. All he knew was that he saw Dante pull the trigger, then Vergil moved and the sound of metal bouncing off something echoed through the air. He scrambled onto his backside, head whipping around as he tried to figure out exactly what happened. Dante's gun hadn't been empty? But...he didn't see him put anything in it. And it had clicked empty when he pulled the trigger before. And what did Vergil do? Did he...did he block the bullet?
Dante's shadow fell over Tsukune. He offered the boy his hand. Not knowing what else to do, Tsukune took it. Dante pulled him to his feet as Vergil walked over to join the two of them. Then Dante began to speak, "Alright, Lover Boy. The second part was a test. Trying to see if you had the stomach to actually shoot somebody. Truth be told, I'm kind of relieved you didn't do it. Any normal human who can just pull a trigger on some random guy cause someone else told them to ain't right in the head."
He tapped his temple for emphasis. Tsukune looked at Dante in confusion, "'re not mad?"
"Not at all."
"So, I didn't do anything wrong?"
"Nope. In fact, you did everything right."
"Then...why did you give me your gun? In fact, where is your gun?" Tsukune's eyes went wide as he started looking Dante up and down, searching for Ivory. Which was nowhere to be seen on Dante's person.
Dante patted Tsukune's shoulder, "Don't worry about it, kid. I'm sure she'll show up again at some point. As for why I did that? It's cause I'm trying to figure out what to do with you."
"What to do with me? Aren't you going to protect me?"
"Foolish child," Vergil responded with an unamused tone, "We are not your bodyguards nor your parents. As I stated before, the only one who can be responsible for your own safety is you. If you wish to live in this school, then you need to get enough power to do so."
Tsukune flinched away from Vergil, "What? Me!? But I can't...I...I'm just-"
"A normal human. Yeah, we know," Dante said with a shrug, "But there's plenty of ways that normal people can stand up to monsters. This place wouldn't exist if there weren't. The first, and easiest, is the tried and true method; A fuckton of firepower. There's a certain human woman I know who manages to be a damn good monster hunter. Possibly as good as me. All just by having a crap ton of weaponry and ammunition. So, that's what I was gonna do with you."
"Something that I already knew was doomed to fail. We are in Japan, Dante. This nation has stricter gun laws than the western nations. Even if this child had the will to pull the trigger, you would have no way to help him get the weapons he requires," Vergil explained with a shake of his head.
"Couldn't have told me that earlier, Vergil?"
"I had expected you to know it. But I suppose the hope that you would actually research the laws of the land we are in was in vain."
Tsukune was speechless. He kept looking between Dante and Vergil with both shock and fear in his eyes. These two were talking about guns and killing monsters like it was an average everyday occurrence for them. Who the heck were they? Were...were they really human?
Dante waved off Vergil's concerns. He turned back to Tsukune and raised up two fingers, "Well, with the 'give you a bunch of guns' plan shot down, that leaves me with two more ideas for how to keep you safe. The first is to teach you martial arts. And none of that fake 'self-defense' stuff. I mean the kind of stuff that lets you run up walls and punch people through them."
"Wait...that stuff's real?!" Tsukune was honestly surprised.
"Yes, though likely can't be done by humans of this world. Not naturally anyway," Vergil explained, "Based on my research, supernatural techniques are limited to those who can utilize Yokai Energy. Which are primarily monsters."
"Thankfully for you, Lover Boy, me and my brother here are experts at breaking the rules," Dante explains while placing his hands behind his head, "Course, the training is gonna be harsh and take a long ass time. We'll probably need to spend days and nights figuring out how to open you up to the real stuff."
Dante shadowboxed at the air for a bit. Tsukune remained silent, completely stunned by what was happening. He turned his attention to Vergil, the older brother looking at him with an neutral expression. Vergil shook his head, "While I usually wouldn't get involved in this, my brother has clearly taken an interest in your safety. For the sake of stopping him from bothering me about this again, I am willing to offer my own ways to help you gain power. But where my brother's training may focus on the physical, my training will be far more difficult."
"H-How?" Tsukune asked, though he dreaded the answer.
"If you wish to train with me, then your training will focus gaining magical might and spiritual fortitude. We shall induct you into the arcane, so that reality itself will bend to your will," Vergil held out a hand before curling it into a closed fist.
Dante rolled his eyes, getting out of his boxing stance, "Really, Vergil? You're just gonna scare the kid again if you talk like that. And, 'inducting you into the arcane'? What are ya? An old dude with a white beard in charge of a magic school?"
"It is more likely to work than your suggestion of martial arts training. And, for your information, the way that author depicts magic in her works is far different to mine. Do not compare what I can do to such writing," Vergil responded with a sense of pride in his voice.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Tsukune put up his hands, making both brother's go silent. He shook his head, expression one of exasperation and fear, "Martial Arts? Magic? Wh-why would I need to do any of that? I'm just a normal high schooler. Why can't I just go home and forget all of this?"
"Oh, you can," Dante said while crossing his arms, "Just say the word and I'll take you right to the exit myself."
"Well then let-"
"But, do you actually want to? And I mean that seriously, kid."
Tsukune went silent. He wanted to say yes. Every fiber of his being was telling him to take Dante up on his offer. To just pack his stuff up and leave the Academy behind. Go to a normal school. With normal kids. Where he doesn't have to worry about being eaten. Or having his blood sucked. Or having to learn martial arts or magic from two crazy people.
"I...I don't know," Tsukune said, turning away from Dante.
"That's the thing, Lover Boy. I would love nothing more than to take you outta here...but that's only if you want to leave," Dante said while stretching his arms into the air, "Wouldn't want to get to the exit, then have you turn around cause you suddenly had a change of heart."
"But...why do I have to make this decision? I'm just a first year high schooler!"
"One who is currently residing in a nest of vipers," Vergil responded while jerking his head towards the entrance to the school, "In such a circumstance, one must grow up quickly. Lest one lose their life."
"Hate to say I agree with my brother there, but he's right," Dante said with a shrug, "The decision is yours, kid. No one else's."
The two men and one high schooler were suddenly interrupted by a girlish scream. All three turned towards the entrance to the roof, seeing Moka pushing the door open. Her eyes were wide as she focused on the human student. Then she rushed over to him.
"Moka-san!" Tsukune exclaimed as the pink haired vampire ran behind him, "What's wrong?"
"Hey, come back! Don't you want to play with me?"
Tsukune felt a chill run down his spine. From the entrance he saw the student that said he wanted to kill humans in Ms. Nekonome's class come through. His dyed blonde hair was slicked back and his uniform's blazer was open to reveal his white undershirt. Tsukune remembered his name as Komiya Saizo and, judging by the glare the taller boy leveled at him, the delinquent remembered him too. Tsukune tried to step back, but felt Moka holding onto the back of his uniform. He was forced to remain in place as the taller student stalked towards him.
An evil smirk came over Saizo's face, "Oh, it's you. That asshole who's hogging Moka-chan to himself. What are you doing up here?"
"We-well-well I, uh, um," Tsukune stammered out as the other student got closer.
Saizo let out a mocking laugh, "What's wrong? Scared of little old me? If that's the case, how about you move aside? I need to talk with Moka-chan. Isn't that right, cutey?"
Moka only pressed herself closer to Tsukune. Seeing this, Saizo grimaced and started reaching out towards the boy. Tsukune felt his heart skip a beat as the student's large hand got closer.
That was when Dante appeared and grabbed Saizo by the wrist. All eyes turned to the Teacher's Assistant, who wagged his finger in Saizo's face, "Now, now, Blondey. You know what they say: Nobody likes a bully. And Fangs here clearly doesn't want to go with you. So, how bout you run on back to class?"
Saizo grunted, not moving his hand back but turning his other into a fist, "Don't try to lecture me, teach. Don't you know that the only rule in this place is might makes right?"
"Hmm, pretty sure Kitty Cat didn't say anything like that," Dante tapped a finger against his chin, "and even if she did, I don't think anyone should necessarily follow that philosophy. I'm more of a free love kind of guy myself."
Saizo gave a cocky smirk, "Oh yeah? Well then, let me be the first to intro-"
Five seconds.
That how much time passed between Saizo lifting his free arm to swing at Dante, and Dante laying him out on the floor.
First, Dante increased his grip on the student's wrist. That was one second.
Then, he grabbed the crook of Saizo's arm and stomped on the student's right foot. That was two seconds.
Lastly, he turned around and put the student's arm over his shoulder before pulling forward and throwing him to the ground in a practiced Judo Throw. That took the last two seconds.
When it was over, Moka, Tsukune, and Saizo could only stare at Dante in awe.
Dante, hand still on Saizo's wrist, helped the student get to his feet before guiding him towards the door to the roof. He patted the student on the back, cocky grin still on his face, "You should be more careful there, Blondey. They just polished this roof. Real easy to trip and fall if you don't pay attention. Good thing your responsible TA was here to help you out. Now, run along to your next class."
Saizo, pride injured at how easily he had been dispatched, pulled away from Dante with an angry huff. This time Dante let him go. He sent a glare at Dante, before turning it towards Tsukune. He spoke through gritted teeth,"This isn't over."
Then he walked through the door and down the stairs.
"That, right there," Dante said, pointing a thumb in the direction Saizo went, "That's why you need to learn how to defend yourself. But, me and Verg won't force you into it. Partially cause it's gotta be your decision, and partially cause it's almost time for class. We're gonna head off to do our jobs. You spend some time with Fangs and try to figure out what you're gonna do, Lover Boy. Come to one of us when you've finally figured it out. Come on, Vergil. Lets go before anyone starts missing us."
Dante waved for Vergil to follow. Rolling his eyes, Vergil nonetheless followed after Dante. The two brothers soon left the roof. Leaving Tsukune and Moka alone.
Tsukune was, once again, completely speechless.
He didn't know what to think. Everything had happened so fast. He got to this school, found out Yokai exist, ran into two crazy people who were (supposedly) also humans, and now had to choose between getting superpowers or leaving the school? What kind of choice was that? How did he life get so crazy so quickly? He found his mind swirling with so many thoughts that he started feeling dizzy.
That is...until Moka pulled him into a hug and pressed his head into her chest.
All other thoughts left his head.
Mainly because he started thinking about how he couldn't breathe.
"I was so scared!" Moka cried, holding the human tighter against her, "Thank you for protecting me, Tsukune-kun."
Tsukune mumbled something inaudible into Moka's chest. Realizing she couldn't hear him, she released her hold on him somewhat. After getting his breath back, Tsukune spoke with a blush on his cheeks, "What-what are you talking about? Dante was the one who stopped Saizo."
Moke nodded, "Yeah, but you were the one who didn't run away when he started acting scary. protected me just as much as Dante did. And for that....thank you."
Tsukune was about to argue...but Moka's innocent expression and cute smile made the words die in his throat. He could do little save stare at Moka in shock. That shock only grew as she started to draw her face closer to his. Her lips were pursed and her eyes started to close. Tsukune felt his heart beat fast as he thought she was going to kiss him.
...Then her mouth turned towards his neck.
She bared her fangs and bit down on his skin.
He cried out in pain, but no one could hear him.
"Why are you trying to help that boy, Dante?" Vergil asked his brother as the two of them walked through the halls of Yokai Academy, "If he gets himself killed, that is of no concern to you."
"That's where you're wrong, Vergil," Dante said while keeping his hands behind his back, "Lover Boy is in a pretty bad position right now. He's a human in a school full of monsters that will eat him if he gives them half a chance. Not because of anything he did, but because he's being used as a chess piece in someone else game. I couldn't in good conscious let him get himself killed knowing that."
Vergil turned to regard Dante with the slightest amount of surprise, "Then you have also realized that the Headmaster is plotting something?"
"Not hard to figure out, if you take into account everything he told us," Dante admitted with a shrug, "Don't know the details, but I hate it on the principal that an adult shouldn't be involving kids in their long reaching plans."
Vergil nodded, "I admit, I underestimated you, brother."
Dante didn't bother hiding his smug grin, "What? Did you think I wouldn't figure that out? Looks like I managed to get one over on you, dear brother of mine."
Vergil scoffed then adjusted the collar of his cloak, "Either way, I am not very concerned about how that boy connects back to the Headmaster's plans. Rather, I'm certain that the Demon has come to include us in those plan as well. And that is something I cannot abide."
"Then I'm guessing we're both planning to go give Gramps a call when classes let out for the day?" Vergil's silent nod was all the confirmation Dante needed. His smile only grew as he walked side by side with his brother.
Finally got it in.
Also, I have now finished the Manga.
So, the spoilers thing has been lifted. As I already have plans on how I'm gonna handle certain things in the future.
Dante, standing off to one side of Tsukune, shook his head, "Look, Lover Boy. If you're planning to stay at this school, you're gonna have to learn to defend yourself. The first thing we gotta try is the easiest way for a human like yourself to stand up to monsters."
"With a gun!?" Tsukune said, having difficulty holding Ivory in both hands. Partially because of how heavy the gun felt, and partially because he was scared out of his mind. When the high schooler had first learned that Dante wanted to help him, he was completely ecstatic. The fact that there was someone in this school he could turn to for help comforted him greatly. Especially when he learned that Dante was human like him. It meant he wasn't completely alone in this school for monsters.
That changed when Dante handed him a gun, led him up to the school roof, told Moka-chan to stay in the school, then told him to shoot his gun at Dante's brother Vergil the Patron Librarian!
Now, Tsukune thought Dante was insane.
And, judging by how Vergil didn't seem bothered at all by the fact that Dante, his own brother, told Tsukune to shoot a gun at him, he was certain that Vergil was just as insane.
As the high schooler stood on the roof, knees knocking together as he held Ivory in both hands, Vergil shook his head in frustration. He turned to his brother, "This isn't going to work, Dante. The child clearly doesn't have the stomach for this."
Dante dismissed his brother's concerns with a wave of his hand, "Don't count him out yet, Vergil. He hasn't even started aiming yet. Here, let me help ya out there."
Dante got to his feet and walked over to the trembling high school student. Tsukune didn't dare flinch lest the gun go off in his hand. Dante took up position next to Tsukune, gently grabbed his right arm, then helped him move it up. The entire time he was instructing the kid on how to properly hold a firearm.
"See, holding a gun like this one handed? That's not gonna work for you. What ya gotta do, is hold it in both hands. Have them covering the grip on both sides, while your finger's on the trigger. Stay away from the slides, and watch out for this here ejector. If your fingers or thumbs are anywhere near that, you'll lose 'em," Dante kept slightly adjusting Tsukune's stance. Only when the boy's shaking had calmed somewhat and he was properly gripping the weapon did Dante let go.
Dante made a rectangle with his fingers and thumbs, centering Tsukune in his vision. He nodded as he did so, "Alright, you're good kid. Now pull the trigger."
"What?! No!" Tsukune shook his head, his shaking coming back.
Dante rolled his eyes, "Lover Boy, listen. You want to stick around here, right?"
"Then you're alright with leaving Fangs alone without any friends?" Dante jerked a thumb towards the entrance to the roof.
Tsukune understood that he was talking about Moka. He audibly gulped as he answered, "M-M-Moka-chan is a-a-a vampire. I'm sure she'll make more friends here. In a school of monsters."
"Maybe, but she wants to be friends with you," Dante pointed at Tsukune. The boy's expression turned into one of confusion. Dante clicked his tongue, "Don't tell me you didn't notice it, Lover Boy? Even after I tossed ya one of the ladies, she didn't leave your side for a second. She likes you. And if you leave, she'll be pretty dang sad."
"And it is obvious you carry similar feelings, boy," Vergil said in support of Dante. It caught Tsukune off guard, to the point where the boy flinched at the sound of Vergil's voice. Vergil rolled his eyes, "If you wish to ensure your connection doesn't come to abrupt end, then you must gain enough power to defend yourself. Without it, you will die here."
Those words made Tsukune's face go pale.
Dante groaned, "Damn it, Vergil. You were supposed to be encouraging him, not scaring him even more."
"If the truth scares him, then he will not be able to continue at this school," was Vergil's harsh reply.
"Don't worry about my brother, Lover Boy. Just point at him and pull the trigger," Dante pointed a finger at Vergil then made a "bang" noise with his mouth.
Tsukune looked between the two brothers. Then his eyes centered onto Vergil. His breathing became rapid, he could feel sweat dripping down his palms, and his legs wouldn't stop shaking. He could hear his heart beating in his chest as time seemed to slow down. His shaking finger kept tapping on Ivory's trigger...
With a gasp he fell to the floor, dropping Ivory while both hands went to grasp his chest. The gun slid across the ground until it stopped in front of Dante. Tsukune kept shaking his head while mumbling, "I...I can't. I can't. I can't...I can't."
He slowly looked up, expecting to see Dante and Vergil looking at him with disappointment. His expectations were only half-right. Vergil was looking at him with disappointment, but Dante had a grin on his face.
He picked up Ivory and turned it over in his right hand. Then he pointed it at Vergil and pulled the trigger...only for the click of an empty magazine to sound across the roof.
Tsukune looked at Dante with shock on his face, " was empty?"
"Yep. You didn't seriously think I was gonna give a high school kid a loaded gun, did you?" Dante said while twirling his gun in his hand. He settled it into the usual grip style he used, nonchalantly looking the object over, "Though, that's only partially true. The other part? Hey, Vergil. Think fast!"
In the blink of an eye Dante pointed his gun at Vergil and pulled the trigger. This time a bullet flew from the barrel along side a spent casing hitting the tiles below.
Just as quickly, Vergil knocked the bullet away with a swipe of the Yamato.
Tsukune couldn't even keep up with what happened. All he knew was that he saw Dante pull the trigger, then Vergil moved and the sound of metal bouncing off something echoed through the air. He scrambled onto his backside, head whipping around as he tried to figure out exactly what happened. Dante's gun hadn't been empty? But...he didn't see him put anything in it. And it had clicked empty when he pulled the trigger before. And what did Vergil do? Did he...did he block the bullet?
Dante's shadow fell over Tsukune. He offered the boy his hand. Not knowing what else to do, Tsukune took it. Dante pulled him to his feet as Vergil walked over to join the two of them. Then Dante began to speak, "Alright, Lover Boy. The second part was a test. Trying to see if you had the stomach to actually shoot somebody. Truth be told, I'm kind of relieved you didn't do it. Any normal human who can just pull a trigger on some random guy cause someone else told them to ain't right in the head."
He tapped his temple for emphasis. Tsukune looked at Dante in confusion, "'re not mad?"
"Not at all."
"So, I didn't do anything wrong?"
"Nope. In fact, you did everything right."
"Then...why did you give me your gun? In fact, where is your gun?" Tsukune's eyes went wide as he started looking Dante up and down, searching for Ivory. Which was nowhere to be seen on Dante's person.
Dante patted Tsukune's shoulder, "Don't worry about it, kid. I'm sure she'll show up again at some point. As for why I did that? It's cause I'm trying to figure out what to do with you."
"What to do with me? Aren't you going to protect me?"
"Foolish child," Vergil responded with an unamused tone, "We are not your bodyguards nor your parents. As I stated before, the only one who can be responsible for your own safety is you. If you wish to live in this school, then you need to get enough power to do so."
Tsukune flinched away from Vergil, "What? Me!? But I can't...I...I'm just-"
"A normal human. Yeah, we know," Dante said with a shrug, "But there's plenty of ways that normal people can stand up to monsters. This place wouldn't exist if there weren't. The first, and easiest, is the tried and true method; A fuckton of firepower. There's a certain human woman I know who manages to be a damn good monster hunter. Possibly as good as me. All just by having a crap ton of weaponry and ammunition. So, that's what I was gonna do with you."
"Something that I already knew was doomed to fail. We are in Japan, Dante. This nation has stricter gun laws than the western nations. Even if this child had the will to pull the trigger, you would have no way to help him get the weapons he requires," Vergil explained with a shake of his head.
"Couldn't have told me that earlier, Vergil?"
"I had expected you to know it. But I suppose the hope that you would actually research the laws of the land we are in was in vain."
Tsukune was speechless. He kept looking between Dante and Vergil with both shock and fear in his eyes. These two were talking about guns and killing monsters like it was an average everyday occurrence for them. Who the heck were they? Were...were they really human?
Dante waved off Vergil's concerns. He turned back to Tsukune and raised up two fingers, "Well, with the 'give you a bunch of guns' plan shot down, that leaves me with two more ideas for how to keep you safe. The first is to teach you martial arts. And none of that fake 'self-defense' stuff. I mean the kind of stuff that lets you run up walls and punch people through them."
"Wait...that stuff's real?!" Tsukune was honestly surprised.
"Yes, though likely can't be done by humans of this world. Not naturally anyway," Vergil explained, "Based on my research, supernatural techniques are limited to those who can utilize Yokai Energy. Which are primarily monsters."
"Thankfully for you, Lover Boy, me and my brother here are experts at breaking the rules," Dante explains while placing his hands behind his head, "Course, the training is gonna be harsh and take a long ass time. We'll probably need to spend days and nights figuring out how to open you up to the real stuff."
Dante shadowboxed at the air for a bit. Tsukune remained silent, completely stunned by what was happening. He turned his attention to Vergil, the older brother looking at him with an neutral expression. Vergil shook his head, "While I usually wouldn't get involved in this, my brother has clearly taken an interest in your safety. For the sake of stopping him from bothering me about this again, I am willing to offer my own ways to help you gain power. But where my brother's training may focus on the physical, my training will be far more difficult."
"H-How?" Tsukune asked, though he dreaded the answer.
"If you wish to train with me, then your training will focus gaining magical might and spiritual fortitude. We shall induct you into the arcane, so that reality itself will bend to your will," Vergil held out a hand before curling it into a closed fist.
Dante rolled his eyes, getting out of his boxing stance, "Really, Vergil? You're just gonna scare the kid again if you talk like that. And, 'inducting you into the arcane'? What are ya? An old dude with a white beard in charge of a magic school?"
"It is more likely to work than your suggestion of martial arts training. And, for your information, the way that author depicts magic in her works is far different to mine. Do not compare what I can do to such writing," Vergil responded with a sense of pride in his voice.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Tsukune put up his hands, making both brother's go silent. He shook his head, expression one of exasperation and fear, "Martial Arts? Magic? Wh-why would I need to do any of that? I'm just a normal high schooler. Why can't I just go home and forget all of this?"
"Oh, you can," Dante said while crossing his arms, "Just say the word and I'll take you right to the exit myself."
"Well then let-"
"But, do you actually want to? And I mean that seriously, kid."
Tsukune went silent. He wanted to say yes. Every fiber of his being was telling him to take Dante up on his offer. To just pack his stuff up and leave the Academy behind. Go to a normal school. With normal kids. Where he doesn't have to worry about being eaten. Or having his blood sucked. Or having to learn martial arts or magic from two crazy people.
"I...I don't know," Tsukune said, turning away from Dante.
"That's the thing, Lover Boy. I would love nothing more than to take you outta here...but that's only if you want to leave," Dante said while stretching his arms into the air, "Wouldn't want to get to the exit, then have you turn around cause you suddenly had a change of heart."
"But...why do I have to make this decision? I'm just a first year high schooler!"
"One who is currently residing in a nest of vipers," Vergil responded while jerking his head towards the entrance to the school, "In such a circumstance, one must grow up quickly. Lest one lose their life."
"Hate to say I agree with my brother there, but he's right," Dante said with a shrug, "The decision is yours, kid. No one else's."
The two men and one high schooler were suddenly interrupted by a girlish scream. All three turned towards the entrance to the roof, seeing Moka pushing the door open. Her eyes were wide as she focused on the human student. Then she rushed over to him.
"Moka-san!" Tsukune exclaimed as the pink haired vampire ran behind him, "What's wrong?"
"Hey, come back! Don't you want to play with me?"
Tsukune felt a chill run down his spine. From the entrance he saw the student that said he wanted to kill humans in Ms. Nekonome's class come through. His dyed blonde hair was slicked back and his uniform's blazer was open to reveal his white undershirt. Tsukune remembered his name as Komiya Saizo and, judging by the glare the taller boy leveled at him, the delinquent remembered him too. Tsukune tried to step back, but felt Moka holding onto the back of his uniform. He was forced to remain in place as the taller student stalked towards him.
An evil smirk came over Saizo's face, "Oh, it's you. That asshole who's hogging Moka-chan to himself. What are you doing up here?"
"We-well-well I, uh, um," Tsukune stammered out as the other student got closer.
Saizo let out a mocking laugh, "What's wrong? Scared of little old me? If that's the case, how about you move aside? I need to talk with Moka-chan. Isn't that right, cutey?"
Moka only pressed herself closer to Tsukune. Seeing this, Saizo grimaced and started reaching out towards the boy. Tsukune felt his heart skip a beat as the student's large hand got closer.
That was when Dante appeared and grabbed Saizo by the wrist. All eyes turned to the Teacher's Assistant, who wagged his finger in Saizo's face, "Now, now, Blondey. You know what they say: Nobody likes a bully. And Fangs here clearly doesn't want to go with you. So, how bout you run on back to class?"
Saizo grunted, not moving his hand back but turning his other into a fist, "Don't try to lecture me, teach. Don't you know that the only rule in this place is might makes right?"
"Hmm, pretty sure Kitty Cat didn't say anything like that," Dante tapped a finger against his chin, "and even if she did, I don't think anyone should necessarily follow that philosophy. I'm more of a free love kind of guy myself."
Saizo gave a cocky smirk, "Oh yeah? Well then, let me be the first to intro-"
Five seconds.
That how much time passed between Saizo lifting his free arm to swing at Dante, and Dante laying him out on the floor.
First, Dante increased his grip on the student's wrist. That was one second.
Then, he grabbed the crook of Saizo's arm and stomped on the student's right foot. That was two seconds.
Lastly, he turned around and put the student's arm over his shoulder before pulling forward and throwing him to the ground in a practiced Judo Throw. That took the last two seconds.
When it was over, Moka, Tsukune, and Saizo could only stare at Dante in awe.
Dante, hand still on Saizo's wrist, helped the student get to his feet before guiding him towards the door to the roof. He patted the student on the back, cocky grin still on his face, "You should be more careful there, Blondey. They just polished this roof. Real easy to trip and fall if you don't pay attention. Good thing your responsible TA was here to help you out. Now, run along to your next class."
Saizo, pride injured at how easily he had been dispatched, pulled away from Dante with an angry huff. This time Dante let him go. He sent a glare at Dante, before turning it towards Tsukune. He spoke through gritted teeth,"This isn't over."
Then he walked through the door and down the stairs.
"That, right there," Dante said, pointing a thumb in the direction Saizo went, "That's why you need to learn how to defend yourself. But, me and Verg won't force you into it. Partially cause it's gotta be your decision, and partially cause it's almost time for class. We're gonna head off to do our jobs. You spend some time with Fangs and try to figure out what you're gonna do, Lover Boy. Come to one of us when you've finally figured it out. Come on, Vergil. Lets go before anyone starts missing us."
Dante waved for Vergil to follow. Rolling his eyes, Vergil nonetheless followed after Dante. The two brothers soon left the roof. Leaving Tsukune and Moka alone.
Tsukune was, once again, completely speechless.
He didn't know what to think. Everything had happened so fast. He got to this school, found out Yokai exist, ran into two crazy people who were (supposedly) also humans, and now had to choose between getting superpowers or leaving the school? What kind of choice was that? How did he life get so crazy so quickly? He found his mind swirling with so many thoughts that he started feeling dizzy.
That is...until Moka pulled him into a hug and pressed his head into her chest.
All other thoughts left his head.
Mainly because he started thinking about how he couldn't breathe.
"I was so scared!" Moka cried, holding the human tighter against her, "Thank you for protecting me, Tsukune-kun."
Tsukune mumbled something inaudible into Moka's chest. Realizing she couldn't hear him, she released her hold on him somewhat. After getting his breath back, Tsukune spoke with a blush on his cheeks, "What-what are you talking about? Dante was the one who stopped Saizo."
Moke nodded, "Yeah, but you were the one who didn't run away when he started acting scary. protected me just as much as Dante did. And for that....thank you."
Tsukune was about to argue...but Moka's innocent expression and cute smile made the words die in his throat. He could do little save stare at Moka in shock. That shock only grew as she started to draw her face closer to his. Her lips were pursed and her eyes started to close. Tsukune felt his heart beat fast as he thought she was going to kiss him.
...Then her mouth turned towards his neck.
She bared her fangs and bit down on his skin.
He cried out in pain, but no one could hear him.
"Why are you trying to help that boy, Dante?" Vergil asked his brother as the two of them walked through the halls of Yokai Academy, "If he gets himself killed, that is of no concern to you."
"That's where you're wrong, Vergil," Dante said while keeping his hands behind his back, "Lover Boy is in a pretty bad position right now. He's a human in a school full of monsters that will eat him if he gives them half a chance. Not because of anything he did, but because he's being used as a chess piece in someone else game. I couldn't in good conscious let him get himself killed knowing that."
Vergil turned to regard Dante with the slightest amount of surprise, "Then you have also realized that the Headmaster is plotting something?"
"Not hard to figure out, if you take into account everything he told us," Dante admitted with a shrug, "Don't know the details, but I hate it on the principal that an adult shouldn't be involving kids in their long reaching plans."
Vergil nodded, "I admit, I underestimated you, brother."
Dante didn't bother hiding his smug grin, "What? Did you think I wouldn't figure that out? Looks like I managed to get one over on you, dear brother of mine."
Vergil scoffed then adjusted the collar of his cloak, "Either way, I am not very concerned about how that boy connects back to the Headmaster's plans. Rather, I'm certain that the Demon has come to include us in those plan as well. And that is something I cannot abide."
"Then I'm guessing we're both planning to go give Gramps a call when classes let out for the day?" Vergil's silent nod was all the confirmation Dante needed. His smile only grew as he walked side by side with his brother.
Finally got it in.
Also, I have now finished the Manga.
So, the spoilers thing has been lifted. As I already have plans on how I'm gonna handle certain things in the future.