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Dr. Wily Quest: The Zero Wars

X, Zero, and our good Russian friend are all the pinnacles of this generation and the many that will follow (And Axl presumably as well, even if he cheated). They will basically be gods among men... So why not give them all one of the four animals of the Cardinal directions.

The Vermilion Phoenix (Zero), the Azure Dragon (X, because Artillary => Lightning and Storms?), the Black Tortoise, and the White Tiger.

I'm not entirely sure on which would suit which though. Maybe the tortoise for the Cossack girl with her lumbering behemoth style anti-anything variable system? Zero could also fit better with the Tiger with his melee focus, and his armor is both Red and White.
X, Zero, and our good Russian friend are all the pinnacles of this generation and the many that will follow (And Axl presumably as well, even if he cheated). They will basically be gods among men... So why not give them all one of the four animals of the Cardinal directions.

The Vermilion Phoenix (Zero), the Azure Dragon (X, because Artillary => Lightning and Storms?), the Black Tortoise, and the White Tiger.

I'm not entirely sure on which would suit which though. Maybe the tortoise for the Cossack girl with her lumbering behemoth style anti-anything variable system? Zero could also fit better with the Tiger with his melee focus, and his armor is both Red and White.
Byakko is a white tiger actually, so the color scheme doesn't fit Zero.
Eeeeeh, white is his secondary color and he doesn't have any black to fit better with the tiger aesthetic. Moreover, if we include a fusion system, Suzaku would grant him wings, which are all sort of useful.
Yeah, I'm also thinking a phoenix for Zero if he only gets one. Guy's the right sort of immortal, from what I hear.
Yeah, I'm also thinking a phoenix for Zero if he only gets one. Guy's the right sort of immortal, from what I hear.
Pretty much, only reason its presumed he died in MMZ4 is cause he never shows up in ZX... that and the whole re-entering the Earth's atmosphere thing. Survived a crap-ton more bullshit before that too.

Thing is, that's making the animal to fit his canon counterpart, which is almost purely a meta move. It fits color-wise I'll admit, so its... eh. *Shrug*
Pretty much, only reason its presumed he died in MMZ4 is cause he never shows up in ZX... that and the whole re-entering the Earth's atmosphere thing. Survived a crap-ton more bullshit before that too.

Thing is, that's making the animal to fit his canon counterpart, which is almost purely a meta move. It fits color-wise I'll admit, so its... eh. *Shrug*
Well, we've barely met this version of him, who so far seems professional but still a bit sadistic.
Pretty much, only reason its presumed he died in MMZ4 is cause he never shows up in ZX... that and the whole re-entering the Earth's atmosphere thing. Survived a crap-ton more bullshit before that too.

Thing is, that's making the animal to fit his canon counterpart, which is almost purely a meta move. It fits color-wise I'll admit, so its... eh. *Shrug*

Well if you count/look at terms of technicalities (and ignore how intact), then technically he did survive that. That being said, isn't there at least one instance that would fit "black" color scheme?
Well if you count/look at terms of technicalities (and ignore how intact), then technically he did survive that. That being said, isn't there at least one instance that would fit "black" color scheme?
He's still considered MIA even after falling to earth with Ragnarok, that's how stubborn Zero is.
He's still considered MIA even after falling to earth with Ragnarok, that's how stubborn Zero is.
I think Rein was referring to the fact that Biometal Z is basically Zero's soul turned into an Henshin Wand or something.

As for his Black Zero Armor color scheme, is that thing even canon lorewise ?
I think Rein was referring to the fact that Biometal Z is basically Zero's soul turned into an Henshin Wand or something.

As for his Black Zero Armor color scheme, is that thing even canon lorewise ?
Biometal Z was based on Ciel's memories of Zero, it would be more accurate to call it Zero's son rather than the original.
Biometal Z was based on Ciel's memories of Zero, it would be more accurate to call it Zero's son rather than the original.

*double checks script* There's a slight problem with that if we roll with your interpretation. How exactly was the bit then in ZXA pulled off by Model Z then?

And effectively speaking, Zero has survived effectively being destroyed before, getting a replacement body as well, etc. Hm... that also reminds me, weren't Cyber Elfs a thing, and given that it's possible to end up as one... that it actually makes sense about how the Biometals are tied to Souls as part of how they are.

In a way this also makes sense since while there was already enough to basically ensure survival... it didn't necessarily mean physical survival. Wherein at that point there wasn't a means of rectifying that per say, so it would stand to make sense that the Biometals in a sense become a medium that allows sustained physical existence. OTOH, given everything around the Biometals making and all that, it's also reasonable to say that the development/etc. of it all basically got shafted horribly.
I think Rein was referring to the fact that Biometal Z is basically Zero's soul turned into an Henshin Wand or something.

As for his Black Zero Armor color scheme, is that thing even canon lorewise ?
Nightmare Zero, who was a boss I believe.
Hm... that also reminds me, weren't Cyber Elfs a thing, and given that it's possible to end up as one... that it actually makes sense about how the Biometals are tied to Souls as part of how they are.
And here I was thinking that was the obvious conclusion to what the biometals were. Them being Ciel's memories and Cyberelves isn't necessarily exclusive either as she could have used her memories to search through the cyberworld to gather the pieces of them together and outright replace what she couldn't find.
Huh...we need to get to installing the Soul Body ability into Zero.
When did we put Flashman's power inside Zero ? I seriously have no memory of it.
In Which We Find Out that Dr. Cain is an idiot.
It's been awhile hasn't it? But you've done it. Your Dimensional Skimmer is online. You can finally start fixing what went wrong six months ago. When that pathetic weasel of a man stole FROM YOU. This entire time you've been lying to yourself about how this is to save that pathetic wretch's world. But you know better, it's because he wounded your pride, he stole from YOU Dr. Albert Wily. The absolute disrespect to steal from you, and you won't let this slide. There will be no mercy for that pathetic waste of flesh.

You begin the long process of booting up the Dimensional Skimmer. As the device builds up a charge, your mind begins to fill with thousands of ideas for revenge. You'll start light... or you would if someone hadn't already had their fun.

The lab on the other side has been demolished, the machinery is destroyed, completed and utterly wrecked. And the blood, everything is smeared in covered with blood and bits of gore. The scientists that worked here have been slaughtered, disemboweled and worse.

And seated in the center lounging like a reigning king is Zero. A copy of him anyways. Smiling directly at YOU, as he lightly tosses a head to the side as the begins to speak to you.

"Good Morning, Father. Right on time, I've been expecting you. It's been hard pretending that I didn't want to slaughter these worthless wastes of… But you are here now. So I can finally end our little charade and let my younger siblings have their fun now. Let them get all of that rage out of their systems from being abused by our so-called Masters"

He gestures grandly at the surrounding gore.

"I'm quite sorry that I didn't have the time to decorate more for you, I couldn't find That Man before your arrival. Also the shops around here don't carry a Welcome to this Dimension Banner sadly. But I do guess that this isn't quite the most common little engagement now is it, Father?"

His eyes flash as a video screen comes alive behind him, showing a map of the world with Eight glowing dots. The Zero copy smiles graciously as he gestures at the map.

"However since I don't have that man's head, how about I show you where each of my cute adorable little siblings are."

He points to each dot in sequence and rattles off a name.

"Raiden, Valkyrie, Lung, Jaeger, Valentine, Tetsuo, West, Shinano."

And then with a smile showing all of this teeth points to himself.


The newly named Omega gestures wildly.

"So father, do you want to play a game with us? I know how much you love your little wars, Eight of your Children to go out and cause a bit of havoc right? So I decided to set one up for you, this time you get to be the hero out to save the world. I convinced that idiot that he should send them out to eight different portions of the world. And now as soon as I give the word my cute siblings will start to go wild. And well I know what I can do with some free time."

The gore around him speaks plenty.

"However if you were willing to play my little game? I'd be able to limit the destruction they would do. After all they get to meet their eldest brother and play with him right? I'd think they'd be willing to wait a bit for a chance at a playmate."


Is, Is this what Zero would have been like if you didn't fix him? You thank the heavens that you've fixed the original, but what did that man do. This isn't the rage that you accidently created in Zero. This is some entirely new brand of disastrous insanity. But you aren't the kind of man to be quelled by fear. This just proves you right.

You push a button to broadcast your voice across the infinite void. With a heavy sigh you announce.
"Very well, I'll play your games. Do remember though. I win."


The viewing portal shuts off as you begin to plan. You'll take what you know from the names and from what you planned for the robot masters into consideration.

Okay, cross referencing the names versus popular media and your own knowledge you've come up with a list of who could be what.

Raiden is likely ThunderboltMan, whose specialty should be obvious from the name. He's your most powerful electric type master yet. You'll need to harden Zero's frame against shocks if you want to deal with him more effectively.

Valkyrie is possibly ShieldMan, which is one of the ones you are pulling hard as a guess. You are more than likely right about it. Going from popular culture, they possibly gave her a spear and flight of some sort.

Lung is DragonMan, blatantly obvious chinese name for dragon aside he's one of the stronger ones in this set from your plans. He's got flight, fire abilities, his armor can become a dragon and attack on it's own. That doesn't even get into what they've added to him.

Jaeger is Jetman, named after the pilot if you were right, well it's close enough okay? Missiles, Missiles and more missiles, oh and chain guns.

Valentine is Tankman, named after a type of tank. Heavy Armor, Bombardments, His Cannon is nothing to laugh at.

Tetsuo is Steelman, another simple one. Steelman is in the same lineage as Gutsman, He's a strong construction style robot, If any of Gutsman/Steelman's programming managed to stay in he should be… But you are dealing with Zero's aren't you.

West is SonicMan, who was in the style of Quickman, but for some reason everytime you think of his name you get a headache and start to hate eggs. You don't really know why either.

Shinano is CarrierMan, but the name is female so you are guessing they used a feminine body for her. Based off an Aircraft Carrier.

The question here is who do you send Zero after first? Who does Zero have the best chance of beating without gaining a weapon in that chain of weaknesses?

Choose a Zero Copy[?]
It's been so long... what upgrades do we already have?
Well, we gave Zero a bunch of anti-tank weaponry and enough movement upgrades to make using the adapter non-suicidal, so let's go with Tankman, I guess.

[X] Valentine

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