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Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Temporary Threadmark New
We could always use Fluttershy for our personal grail sacrament. Then he'll never be able to bring himself to leave our service and we will not release him.
Grail Sacrament destroys the prisoner/minion who is being used. So I don't think your idea quite makes sense.

However, reading you say "Fluttershy" and "Grail" under the option of "Conscription" made me realize something I completely overlooked.

EDIT: You were right, and I was wrong. Personal Grail Sacrament needs Minions, and that's why it clicked. But for some reason, beautiful Mareinette and her Sacrament came to mind right after.

So, thank you for bringing this idea to the table! It absolutely clicks!

This is a "Voters beware" temporary threadmark.

The choice of "Conscription" is now operating under different rules.

Before now, Conscription entailed that:
[] Conscription.
-Velvet Covers will bring Comet Feet into her service.
-Comet Feet will become a separate Confidante from Fluttershy, and he will be forced to accept any orders that he is given. As long as they do not harm Fluttershy, and as long as they are not clearly suicidal.
-This arrangement will continue as long as ONE of the following is in effect:
--(1) as long as Biedde remains summoned; or
--(2) as long as Velvet Covers is under the effect of "A Resolution" Edge Influence.
-Comet Feet will do his best to hide this arrangement from Fluttershy.
-Should Comet Feet "break free" by any means, he will immediately become an enemy. If that ever happens, it is impossible to know if he would attack you immediately, or if he would disappear to plan a more careful revenge. You also cannot predict what Fluttershy would do.

Now, Conscription is:
[] Conscription.
-Velvet Covers will bring Comet Feet into her service.
-Comet Feet will become a separate Confidante from Fluttershy, and he will be forced to accept any orders that he is given. As long as they do not harm Fluttershy, and as long as they are not clearly suicidal.
-This arrangement will continue as long as ONE of the following is in effect:
--(1) as long as Biedde remains summoned;
--(2) as long as Velvet Covers is under the effect of "A Resolution" Edge Influence; or
--(3) as long as Fluttershy is a "Minion" follower.
-Comet Feet will do his best to hide this arrangement from Fluttershy.
-Should Comet Feet "break free" by any means, he will immediately become an enemy. If that ever happens, it is impossible to know if he would attack you immediately, or if he would disappear to plan a more careful revenge. You also cannot predict what Fluttershy would do.
(Changes highlighted for emphasis)
(The story post has also been updated to reflect this)

As always, this is not an attempt to sway votes (and thankfully, voting hasn't even properly begun for people to yell that.)

But frankly, this is an option that makes sense narratively, mechanically, and that I overlooked because Velvet has been a very wholesome person pony as of late. However, since this is not an action Velvet herself would refuse to perform (read: since it does not harm her family), then it is allowable.

For clarification, picking "Conscription" would not automatically Leash Fluttershy. You would have to manually do that at the beginning of the next turn. Or whenever else you wanted to do it (including never).

That is all. Voting remains open. Votes cast before this threadmark will still be counted.
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It makes conscription much more useful and manageable. Unfortunately I like the narrative implications even less than I did before. Comet already would have been one slip from being an enemy, but now there would be no coming back. It's doubtful we could have before, but no chance if we made Fluttershy a minion. It's a logical change, but definitely sticking with compromise.
[X] Compromise

The biggest issue I see with the "make Fluttershy a permanent minion via sacrament" plan is that it needs three minions. We have one now in Rarity, we'd use the Leash on Fluttershy for a second, and then we just don't have a third available.

Leashing Fluttershy would keep Comet under our hoof, but it would also inspire him to black murder if he ever got loose. We would also have to keep it on her full-time lest she notice the difference and drop well below confidant with the realization that we've been sorcerously influencing her.

It's playing hot potato with a bomb, I'm simply not in favor of doing things that unambiguously will explode if something goes wrong.
plan is that it needs three minions. We have one now in Rarity, we'd use the Leash on Fluttershy for a second, and then we just don't have a third available.

I'm pretty sure Jade actually counts as a minion. Velvet just has her a confident due to her idiosyncrasies.
I'm pretty sure Jade actually counts as a minion. Velvet just has her a confident due to her idiosyncrasies.

Yeah, no, I'm... Really not okay with that line of thought, especially after all the care we've invested in helping her achieve a better outlook on life.

Honestly that Grail sacrament is skeevy as all hell no matter how it's justified, the unhealthy manifestation of Velvet's neuroses incarnate. I'm definitely with @Pittauro in hoping that dealing with the wound leads Velvet to a healthier perspective on Grail.
We would also have to keep it on her full-time lest she notice the difference and drop well below confidant with the realization that we've been sorcerously influencing her.

Isn't that only if we have her do something she normally wouldn't do?

So like we can Leash ponies and unless we have them do out of character stuff like kill ponies for us they'll never know once their released.
Isn't that only if we have her do something she normally wouldn't do?

So like we can Leash ponies and unless we have them do out of character stuff like kill ponies for us they'll never know once their released.

The Leash works by using a focused application of Grail to instill something similar to infatuation in the victim, such that the caster (Velvet) and their opinions/suggestions seem more important than other concerns. As a one-time thing Velvet would probably just seem unusually persuasive, but long-term a behavior pattern of always favoring her might stand out once the victim was released.

I do note that Shining cannot be considered a reliable data point because he had The Master in his head the whole time we were "leashing" him.

Anyway, what I'm getting at is that Fluttershy is currently quite besotted with Comet Feet, to the point of defying The Colonel's shadow for him and even "gasp!" introducing him to her parents. The Leash would forcefully drag her attention or rather her emotional priorities from Comet to us, and in hindsight I think she would notice that if it were a long-term thing.
I do note that Shining cannot be considered a reliable data point because he had The Master in his head the whole time we were "leashing" him.
The leash worked just fine on Shining the Master did not care about managing every little thing. And just to point out the Leash on Shining auto ended before the Master's death meaning he qualifies as a full minion. We do not currently have an active Leash.
[X] Assassination.

[X] Conscription.

These might be risky, but he'll either be gone or tomorows problem.
I'm just getting the vibe that the other options will not go as well as ya'll seem to think they will.
These might be risky, but he'll either be gone or tomorows problem.
I'm just getting the vibe that the other options will not go as well as ya'll seem to think they will.

On the other hand, making things tomorrow's problem is how we managed some of our biggest past and present problems. The Master, Copper, Starry, ect.

Oh and Twilight, can't forget that one, I definitely won't.

When people die or "disappear" their loved ones don't take it well, as we've seen multiple times over in the course of the Quest. Comet dying will definitely have an ugly effect on Fluttershy, which will directly impact her usefulness to us if you want to take the utilitarian approach.

Bird doesn't lie about the immediate effects of our choices, if he says [Compromise] will resolve Comet's current ire then it will. Yes there could be knock-on effects, such as Fluttershy disapproving of making decisions for her, but that's the kind of thing that can be remedied.

Death or enslavement is the kind of friendship problem that's a lot harder to fix, neh?
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[X] Compromise.

I'm with Velvet here: The goal is to make sure Comet's repositioning on the playing field ends up with him on the right side. Compromise achieves exactly that, with no ongoing risks like Conscription and no immediate risks like Negotiation.

As far as Fluttershy is concerned, let Comet do any teaching if she really wants to learn. Maybe that unknown second affinity will turn out to be Edge?
[X] Compromise

I have the bits and pieces I need to write something about Comet, about this meeting, but that is a later thing. And while I think the lot of this isn't needed... Well. I wrote it anyway.
For now, I simply will say it like this.

Comet is a stallion who is used to being seen as a tool. As a weapon. As a monster and a brute and a beast. We don't know his past, we don't know his history, we don't know who he was, or where he came from, or how he came to be like he is.
But. We can draw parallels. We can say that the present so often reflects the past and the past reflects upon itself. And we can see some of that.

Comet could not find ponies for the Master with tools in Edge. Not enough for his standard, Comet's standard. He already knew what cost violence had. What it would cost. Whether he was sparing others or shouldering the burden himself, I would argue the second.
Comet made himself the tip of the spear for The Master. He trained himself, deprived himself, rebuilt himself to be that weapon. He took that burden. Go read when Velvet asked for a lesson again if you want. It helps.
Comet became the monster of the Wildhoof Club. When Cloud spoke with him, he was... you saw. It was a threat. He was a living monster made flesh, wrapped in the chains of service, self-imposed and required.
Comet slaughtered the Changeling Hive with Wendigos and the Master. He made that trek because that is what was needed.
Comet became the weapon for Copper when they set up for a time in Manehatten. He was called, and he answered.

Comet nearly became a Weapon. Nearly. Were it not for Fluttershy.
That... That's who is on the other end of that bridge. Someone who nearly was gone. Who by minutes was.... preserved, if not saved.

Conscripting him will forever let him know that he will not escape. That, even Velvet, sees him only as what could ever be a weapon. And a guard for something... valuable. Someone valuable.
Fighting him for purpose of Sacrament is letting him know that he will only ever be seen as a tool. Whether for someone else's rise or not, it doesn't matter. It makes his value stark.
Negotiation is the same as Conscription. At least... with how it seems people here seem to follow.
Assassination is...

Look. Not many people are voting for Assassination, and I don't want to give the people that this information will interest more ammo. But I'll say it all the same.
Assassination costs us nothing. But it will wound Fluttershy in a way most terrible. And I don't know if she will break quietly or loudly... but I know neither of that would happen.
Because there are others in the town already on the prowl, hunting for the type of Agony that she would feel. That are far too familiar with that kind of mourning. Because regardless of how the body and the deed would be hidden...
The Wolves would see their Mother offering them someone new. Something fresh to work their teeth into.
Assassination is not an option.

Compromise... is the only path where Comet sees Velvet. Where Velvet, cloaked in A Resolution is seen not to hide within any Moth frame. Where there is no secrets lost, and no lies told.
It is the only path where Comet no more is an enemy, and knows Velvet would see Comet. Not an Edge Adept. Not a weapon. Not an unruly tool that might be stolen away or used against Velvet.

Compromise is the only path that he has never been given before.
Give it.
Not an Edge Adept. Not a weapon. Not an unruly tool that might be stolen away or used against Velvet.

Errr, you do realize that Compromise is directly recruiting him as an edge adept for us you know. A tool, a weapon, a piece on the board that is bound to Velvet's will.

The difference between Compromise and Conscription is that Velvet also gets Fluttershy in Conscription.
Errr, you do realize that Compromise is directly recruiting him as an edge adept for us you know. A tool, a weapon, a piece on the board that is bound to Velvet's will.

The difference between Compromise and Conscription is that Velvet also gets Fluttershy in Conscription.
Yes, and no.
Because You are right, from Velvet's perspective, that is the difference.

I am talking Comet's perspective. How he looks at this.... choice, as it were.
I would really like to see what is happening from Comet's perspective. How he knew this day was inevitable, and when the day arrives with Velvet clad in Edge and how she looks Resolute.

I would also like to see how an Act of Compromise looks like.

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