A Thousand Tiny Things
Uh-oh, better hide those FOALS!
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- Jan 7, 2024
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[X] Plan They Have A Winter Name
-[X][BUREAU] You will assault Copper BEFORE the Bureau picks her trail.
-[X] Assault an opponent (Copper Secateur)
--[X] Who is going? (WRITE IN which followers will go)
---[X] Biedde (as planner). Daughter of Axes, Mareinette, Baldomare, Selene
--[X] What are they taking? (WRITE IN what artifacts, if any, to take)
---[X] Edge 3 artifact, SH 3 artifact, Heart 3 artifact, Winter 1 artifact, 1 Wrong Key (due to expire at end of turn)
--[X] What is their objective? (WRITE IN what your followers must do, in order of PRIORITY)
---[X] Neutralize Copper.
---[X] Neutralize Neighnia.
---[X] Remove any evidence tying us to the cult.
---[X] Loot their library, artifacts, bits, and so forth, should time allow.
--[X] Anything else? (WRITE IN any other orders or specifications you have)
---[X] Minimize non-Cult casualties.
---[X] Leave as little trace or tracks as possible.
--[X] Who is going? (WRITE IN which followers will go)
---[X] Rarity (as planner)
---[X] Daughter of Axes
--[X] What are they taking? (WRITE IN what artifacts, if any, to take)
---[X] Heart 3 artifact
---[X] SH 3 artifact
---[X] Winter 1 artifact
-[X] You are wounded! (You currently have 2 wounds. You must pick one of each option.)
--[X] Take a few breaks, every now and then. (Costs 1 action. Rolls TWO dice. 0/-15)
--[X] There is no holy grail for healing magic, no miraculous wound-closing spell. But vigor-enhancing spells, and other small boosts, are a thing. The crystals where they are stored for sale are expensive, though… (Costs 60 bits. Two dice will auto-succeed)
-[X][STEPPES] There is no guarantee he will be able to help you, but you will write him about…
--[X] How Silky has been shaken up by the attempt on your life, and how she might be comforted by her beloved uncle's presence.
-[X][SOCIAL] You don't have it in you to teach anypony of the Lores. But you can make a social call to… (WRITE IN) (IF CHOSEN, will give you a -15 to your healing roll, free action)
--[X] Mayor Mare
--[X] Cheerilee
--[X] Applejack
[X] Plan Time's Up - Rarity Searching
-[X] (Detectives) Investigate the Commissioner's attackers
-[X] (Constables) Guard the Commissioner
-[X] (Selene) Winter Realization
-[X] (Selene) Guard us and our home
-[X] (Mareinette) Honored Guest: Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich
-[X] (DoA) Wrong Keys
-[X] (Fluttershy) Ask Comet to lead an expedition: A Grave on a Hill
-[X] (Baldomare-Free) Give her the Level 6 book if the expedition is successful, otherwise give her the Knock 5 book
-[X] Perform the Reflection of the Tapestry
--[X] Target: Copper and her cult. Their location, their resources, their defenses, anything and everything about them
--[X] To be performed on an inconspicuous place, located by Baldomare
-[X] Assault an opponent (Copper Secateur)
-[X] Search Canterlot for the Outsider (x 3)
[X] A tighter security detail, at all times.
-[X][BUREAU] You will assault Copper BEFORE the Bureau picks her trail.
--[X] Who is going? (WRITE IN which followers will go)
---[X] Biedde (as planner). Daughter of Axes, Mareinette, Baldomare, Selene
--[X] What are they taking? (WRITE IN what artifacts, if any, to take)
---[X] Edge 3 artifact, SH 3 artifact, Heart 3 artifact, Winter 1 artifact, 1 Wrong Key (due to expire at end of turn)
--[X] What is their objective? (WRITE IN what your followers must do, in order of PRIORITY)
---[X] Neutralize Copper.
---[X] Neutralize Neighnia.
---[X] Remove any evidence tying us to the cult.
---[X] Loot their library, artifacts, bits, and so forth, should time allow.
--[X] Anything else? (WRITE IN any other orders or specifications you have)
---[X] Minimize non-Cult casualties.
---[X] Leave as little trace or tracks as possible.
--[X] Who is going? (WRITE IN which followers will go)
---[X] Rarity (as planner)
---[X] Daughter of Axes
--[X] What are they taking? (WRITE IN what artifacts, if any, to take)
---[X] Heart 3 artifact
---[X] SH 3 artifact
---[X] Winter 1 artifact
-[X] You are wounded! (You currently have 2 wounds. You must pick one of each option.)
--[X] Take a few breaks, every now and then. (Costs 1 action. Rolls TWO dice. 0/-15)
--[X] There is no holy grail for healing magic, no miraculous wound-closing spell. But vigor-enhancing spells, and other small boosts, are a thing. The crystals where they are stored for sale are expensive, though… (Costs 60 bits. Two dice will auto-succeed)
-[X][STEPPES] There is no guarantee he will be able to help you, but you will write him about…
--[X] How Silky has been shaken up by the attempt on your life, and how she might be comforted by her beloved uncle's presence.
-[X][SOCIAL] You don't have it in you to teach anypony of the Lores. But you can make a social call to… (WRITE IN) (IF CHOSEN, will give you a -15 to your healing roll, free action)
--[X] Mayor Mare
--[X] Cheerilee
--[X] Applejack
[X] Plan Time's Up - Rarity Searching
-[X] (Detectives) Investigate the Commissioner's attackers
-[X] (Selene) Winter Realization
-[X] (Mareinette) Honored Guest: Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich
-[X] (Fluttershy) Ask Comet to lead an expedition: A Grave on a Hill
-[X] (Baldomare-Free) Give her the Level 6 book if the expedition is successful, otherwise give her the Knock 5 book
--[X] Target: Copper and her cult. Their location, their resources, their defenses, anything and everything about them
--[X] To be performed on an inconspicuous place, located by Baldomare
-[X] Assault an opponent (Copper Secateur)
-[X] Search Canterlot for the Outsider (x 3)
[X] Plan: Primer and Warning
-[X] You decided to start laundering some Lore-knowledge... (Lores will be picked at Velvet's discretion)
--[X][LORE-ZERO] You only planted some very vague, but educative, information about the Lores. (No specific Lores shared, counts as "one" evidence)
-[X][WINDIGOS] You made it convincing. You made it look secret. You even simulated a burn mark, to pretend they tried to destroy this "document". But in the end, you warned them about the ticking bombs. (Share knowledge about the sealed Windigo's existence. Counts as "one" evidence)
[X] Plan: Primer and Warning
-[X] You decided to start laundering some Lore-knowledge... (Lores will be picked at Velvet's discretion)
--[X][LORE-ZERO] You only planted some very vague, but educative, information about the Lores. (No specific Lores shared, counts as "one" evidence)
-[X][WINDIGOS] You made it convincing. You made it look secret. You even simulated a burn mark, to pretend they tried to destroy this "document". But in the end, you warned them about the ticking bombs. (Share knowledge about the sealed Windigo's existence. Counts as "one" evidence)
Drummer Clap never really like foals.
It certainly didn't help that she had been born in a farming community, at the tail-end of Equestria, where everypony was solely expected to put more food on the table and more foals on the world.
It also did not help that she was the oldest of six siblings, and that her mother didn't just expect her to help raise her five younger siblings, but practically pushed those obligations on to her.
But most of all, it certainly didn't help that her parent's still nagged her about getting married and "giving them grandchildren", even after she moved away. Because sure, the one blessing she had in her life was that she was born with wings. So, she left for Canterlot and joined the Guard as soon as she was old enough to do so. However, she did not cut her family off completely. Which meant that every month, and sometimes every week, she still got letters asking if she had already met a stallion.
She doesn't really hate her family, nor does she resent her upbringing. She still cares about them, and writes them back every now and then. But still, when will it ever get through their thick heads that she just doesn't want that kind of thing in her life?!
Probably never, she thinks.
Still, the fact remains that Drummer Clap is a very focused mare, and that she has dedicated her entire life to her career.
And thankfully, her dedication has been bearing fruit. She might not have any crying foal to speak of, biting at her tail, but she certainly has her fair (and growing) share of achievements.
After all, being admitted into the Royal Guard is no small feat. Even when a pony started off as a part of the regular Guard. But more than just that, her constant efforts finally crystallized into a promotion of sorts, just a few months ago, when she became one of the few hoof-picked ponies who were brought into the Lunar Bureau itself.
So, to put it in very few words, Drummer Clap has been a very busy mare, and she has no time for foals.
"Which makes it ironic…" she whispers to herself, as she tries to fight back her annoyance, "… that I was the one picked to be on foal duty."
Drummer Clap says that to herself, or maybe she grumbles to herself, as she looks down from the cloud she is perched on.
It is still early in the morning, and today is a weekday. All around (and under) her, Ponyville is slowly becoming a small nexus of activity. Which also means, like everypony in the security detail knows, that the Commissioner's daughters are at school.
And since Drummer Clap is on "foal duty", that means she is currently perched on a cloud that is floating over Ponyville's schoolhouse. Despite her… well, despite her opinions about that assignment.
Of course, Drummer is not taking her duties lightly. She remains a soldier and a guard, even if her current title is that of a "constable". And keeping ponies safe is something she takes very seriously. So serious, in fact, that it is the theme of her cutie mark.
Furthermore, being one of the teams that is in charge of the Commissioner's security is a point of pride for her, given the mare's station. She had only been a part of the Royal Castle's garrison, while she was in the Royal Guard, and she never managed to be slotted into any of the Princesses' personal details. So, for all that the Commissioner is not an alicorn, everypony in the Bureau realizes she is one of the central gears of Equestria right now.
But still…
Foal duty?
"Couldn't have been any other pegasus… oh no, of course not," she continues to say to herself, "the other pegasus are all stallions, and Celestia forbids any stallion gets within ten paces of her precious fillies."
Dummer didn't think her abilities were being wasted or anything. And she didn't think her assignment was any less important. After all, the Commissioner's is a VIP, so it is only natural that classification extends to her family as well.
However, she did think having her in particular do this job was a nasty joke of sorts. Although she wasn't sure if this was a joke from her team-leader, or from the world itself.
And as she floats above the skies of Ponyville, keeping guard over the small schoolhouse of the growing town, quite literally being forced to keep an eye on a crowd of fillies and colts while they play during recess… well, she can't help but think her parents are laughing at her, back at home.
"It's all part of the job, Drummer… just go with it," she lets out a sigh, as she extends the telescope she has on her hoofs, "and who knows. Battering said there's talk about the Commissioner having bodyguards, no? Keep doing a good job, and maybe you'll get picked for that…"
She finishes extending her telescope, part of the standard gear for all the flying constables, and she digs herself into the cloud so she can more subtly check on the school. After all, it doesn't matter that she is a mare rather than a stallion, looking at a school with a telescope from a cloud is still a terrible look for anypony.
"But does she even need bodyguards? Sure, she looks so thin and delicate…" she whispers to herself, as she adjusts the telescope with a practiced motion. "But all that talk that's been going around, that there were four attackers… that has to be just a rumor, right?"
The telescope finally comes into focus, and Drummer is greeted by the familiar sight of fillies and colts playing on the school's playground.
Being here five days a week means that, inevitably, she is more than used to the faces and coat colors of the foals playing down on the ground. So, she quickly scans the recess crowd for her charges.
Well, for her charge, singular. Usually, she would be worrying about two fillies. However, the Commissioner's earth pony daughter got sick yesterday, and nopony has seen her out of her room since then.
Nothing to be worried about, from what she was told. But still, that means she only has to worry about little Silky for the next few days.
"There's the assistant teacher… there's the slow one… Oh, nice to see he's finally making some friends… aaaand…"
Drummer's heartbeat quickens slightly, as it the seconds stretch by and she is unable to find her charge.
Because sure, on one hoof nopony looks distressed. She doubted that the assistant teacher would be so calm if something bad had happened. Or that there would even be a regular recess to begin with. Furthermore, she is absolutely sure nopony strange approached the school while she was on duty. But on the other hoof…
"Where are you Silky…? Wait, the shiny tiara is right there… and there's the red bow on the yellow one's mane… But you always hang out with them, so where…?"
One minute passes, then two, and she still sees no sign of the one pony she is supposed to be guarding.
And before the third minute ends, Drummer has finally had enough. She puts away her telescope, digs herself further down the cloud until she punches right through it, and keeps her wings closed as she freefalls towards the ground.
A mere second before she hits the ground, she opens her wings for a smooth landing, right outside the school fence, and she makes her way towards the schoolhouse.
The haggle of foals is on the playground that is behind the school, which is why she chose to enter through the front. And sure enough, a few seconds later she is making her way down the short corridor of the schoolhouse and towards the classroom where her charge has her classes.
However, her heart sinks as she hears what is going on, before she enters the classroom to see it with her own eyes.
"… is alright, Silky. You said it yourself, didn't you? Your mom is getting a bit better every day."
"N-no it's not… mom i-is not alright a-and…"
Because sure enough, Drummer Clap can hear the familiar voice of Silky Stream, and the school's teacher Cheerilee.
But her heart almost immediately sinks because she can hear that the former is crying, and that the latter is currently trying to console her while that happens. Using the usual tone that a teacher, or an older sister, would try to use on a foal that is simply inconsolable.
"Ah, your name was Miss Drummer, wasn't it?" the teacher recognizes her the moment she opens the classroom door. The Commissioner's husband introduced her to the teacher, a few weeks ago, as the filly's bodyguard. "I was hoping somepony could find you, but I'm glad you came here on your own. Silky here is… well, she can be dismissed for the rest of the morning. Could you please take her back home?"
The dark-pink mare says that as the pegasus filly cries between her forelegs.
And, unfortunately, Drummer Clap immediately understands what is going on.
The filly's mother is very sick, her other sister is now also sick, and something probably happened that just tipped her over the edge. This isn't really anything to be worried about, but it's still something that should be handled with care. And ultimately, as she learned by raising her own siblings, there is nothing to do but give the filly some time so she can cry it all out.
Drummer can tell from the teacher's expression that she knows it, and Cheerilee can tell from the pegasus' expression that Drummer understands that as well. And since Drummer is, quite literally, a mare who is allowed to whisk the Commissioner's daughters away at a moment's notice, it is only natural to ask her to take the young filly back home.
But as she awkwardly nods to the teacher that she agrees, she can't help but think that…
… well, that she did not sign up for this, for starters.
And also, that this has to be a cruel joke.
Because she doesn't like foals. She just doesn't! She never did, and no matter how much her parents nag her, she never will.
So why is it that the world keeps putting her in situations like this?!
- - -
- - -
- - -
Velvet Steppes had always considered himself to be a healthy pony.
Sure, he was already reaching the later portion of his life. He wasn't in his galloping years anymore. But he always thought he managed to keep a nice trotting phase, throughout the years, while other stallions his age were already huffing and puffing from the effort.
However, he definitely does not feel like that today.
Today, he definitely feels… tired. Stretched thin. Maybe even old. Today was a day that it didn't feel weird to realize his brother was already a grandfather, and that he could feel the grey hairs of his mane growing.
And that was all because…
"I bring word from your niece, my employer. She invites you to visit her home… And I invite you to leave this city before sunset."
That stallion "visited" him, again. Two days ago, while he was in Manehattan, that old, cold, and ice-hard stallion came to him, to relay that "message".
And for all that he knew the first half of his message was true, that his niece was probably calling him to her quaint home in Ponyville, he also understood the true meaning of the second half of his message.
After all, it was the kind of message he had already given to several other ponies, over the course of his life. It was the warning that he would give to passersby, that they probably should go about their business. It was the suggestion that he would give to onlookers, that they should probably look the other way.
It was the reminder that being ignorant is better than being a witness to something, and that the best way to avoid any "collateral damage" was to leave and don't look back.
That was the warning that old stallion came to give him, just two days ago, and that he heeded immediately. He had hoped he would never see that stallion again, after their first encounter, but he couldn't help but feel hesitantly thankful after his second visit.
After all, on the very night of that same day, after he hurriedly left for Canterlot…
Large explosion rocks the Manehattan skyline. Lunar Bureau agents combing the city for evidence.
He once again reads that headline on the newspaper he has on his hoofs. Looking at the black and white pictures of uniformed ponies cordoning off what looks like a half-destroyed building.
And as he reads that short news article again, as he once again thinks about the implications that might carry, he can't help but feel…
… old.
Was this his niece tipping him off that Manehattan was about to get hot? Was this some independent action from that old, terrifying stallion who claims to work for her? Was this some kind of veiled threat from his own niece, given her current job?
He did not know. And that part of his brain that would usually tackle those issues feels too tired to bother, right now. He hoped he would be able to get back to business in a few days. But still, just like in the first time that old stallion visited him, Velvet Steppes just feels so… so mortal right now.
He had nightmares, after the first time that old pony visited him. Nightmares about how he wasted his life, doing what he did, and how close he was to a very forgettable death. And now he…
"The sun is galloping through the skies too quickly," he says to himself, as he flips through the newspaper.
Just last week he read about how the Blueblood trials were finally over, and how the punishment for their crimes was exile for the most important member of the family. Something completely unheard of in recent history. And right after that, there was the shocking news that the Commissioner, his own niece, almost died due to an attempt against her life.
And now this.
Every week seems to bring something new, and entirely unexpected. Every day seems to bring some new concern to the table. And every hour seemed to bring one more gray hair to his mane.
"I can barely recognize Equestria… maybe it's time I retire," he says to himself, "pass the reins on to Vellum, or maybe…"
He trails off, lighting up his horn and floating the newspaper towards the nearby table.
And even that small bit of magic seems to take more energy than he was used to.
"But whatever it is, I definitely can't decide right now," he says, clinging to the tried and true wisdom that one should not make decisions while they are indisposed.
But still, the fact remains that he should take some time out. His brother is certainly being more cautious, and the "business opportunities" that Steppes handled have been slowed down ever since the high and mighty Bluebloods were used as an example of how disappointed the Crown currently is. Which means, in turn, that Steppes hasn't really been that busy as of late.
"And hay, even this place seems a bit overbearing," he says to himself, as he looks around towards the great living room of the Canterlot mansion. "I think… yes, I think I could use some fresh air. Fresh air, greenery, and maybe a few younger ponies to remind me how I should be acting."
Yes, that is what he needs. That is what he should do next.
And besides, he has been worried about his niece ever since he heard the news.
So yes, he should accept her invitation and go to Ponyville.
He just hopes he won't have any more run-ins with that told stallion anymore.
- - -
- - -
- - -
Shining Armor wasn't sure how he felt about these visits.
"Thank you, Shining. And I'm sorry you had to come all the way here for this."
"Not at all, Velvet. And I hope you get well soon."
He did not mind visiting a friend. And he did not mind having to come all the way to Ponyville for something work related.
However, every time he finished speaking to Velvet Covers, he did feel a bit worn out. Not physically, mind you. But he felt emotionally spent, if that makes sense.
He felt like he was leaving a funeral, even though he had just spoken to a living pony. He felt like he would have to lie to Cadance, his wife and best friend, about how their mutual friend was doing, later tonight when he returned home.
Still, the unicorn mare did look a bit better. Not much, and definitely not enough. But she looked better than when he saw her last week.
And if nothing else, he definitely felt that she was a little more alert, as he walked her through his report on the Lunar Bureau's activities.
"Well, she still told me to decide what to do next," he said to himself, in a slightly lamenting tone. Not because he was afraid of taking command, of course. But still, Princess Celestia chose her for the job. Not him. "But hopefully, she will be well enough to point us the way."
Still, now that he was done with his report, there was nothing left to do but head back to Canterlot.
Although, there is something that has been on his mind, as of late. Something that he wasn't able to do, the last time he was here for his report, but that hopefully he might be able to…
"Ah, excuse me. Can I bother you for a moment?" he asks, as he spots a nearby maid. A somewhat familiar earth pony mare who, he believed, was one of Velvet's senior maids.
"Good afternoon, sir. Is there anything you need?" the mare asks, after giving him a small curtsy.
"Yes, please. By any chance, is Velvet's husband home right now?" he asks, trying to hide the hopefulness in his tone.
"Mr. Stormchaser? As a matter of fact, yes. You just finished your visit with the Lady, right? Did she ask you to call for him?" the maid says, her expression growing slightly more attentive at that.
The maid -he thinks her name is Ponpon?- asks that, which only makes sense. But he quickly shakes his head as she completely misunderstands what he is asking her for.
"Oh, no. Lady Velvet didn't ask for anything, so don't worry. Instead, I was hoping I could speak to her husband instead? Is there any chance that you could see if he is available?"
If the maid finds anything strange about his request, then she doesn't show it in her expression. Instead, she just gives him a small nod and excuses herself, asking him to wait for her there.
But he doesn't have to wait for long. And a few minutes later, a familiar voice calls for him from nearby.
"Shining Armor! The handsome groom. How have you been?"
His ears perk up as Stormchaser, the slightly older pegasus stallion, makes his way towards him. The pegasus has an easy smile on his face, and soon enough Shining's own expression is mirroring that. And moments later, at the pegasus' beckoning, the two of them are making their way back up to the second floor where the Velvet family lives.
"It's great to see you. We haven't been able to speak properly ever since your wedding!" The older pegasus says. Of course, both of them know that Shining Armor had been here more recently. But given the circumstances surrounding his "stay", the two stallions truly were not available for a social visit. "So, how's the married life treating you? How's the Princess wife?"
A sudden, familiar wave of nervousness snags at Shining's throat, as Stormchaser so casually talks about that particular subject. But more importantly, he also can't help but feel relieved at the fact that he has somepony to talk about that, right now. So, he lets out a small chuckle as the pegasus leads him to a particular door on the second floor.
"That's exactly what I was hoping to tell you about, sir," he says. "I was hoping we could, well, continue the conversation we had during my wedding?"
"Oh, by Celestia, please don't sir me," Stormchaser says, waving at the unicorn as he does. "It's bad enough when the weather grunts do it, but please don't make me feel older than I am."
The two of them share a short laugh at that. And a few paces later, they are finally reach the place Stormchaser had been guiding him to.
"But still, that would be great. But tell you what, you were here to visit Velvet, right? I want to go check on her, now that your meeting with her is done, so," Stormchaser says that, and then he opens the door, ushering Shining Armor in. "Why don't you wait for me in here? Also, and this is quite lucky for me, I also have a friend over who I hoped I could introduce to you. The two of you have a lot in common, actually. So why don't you get acquainted with him, and I'll come back to join you in a few minutes?"
Stormchaser says that, and he points with his head for Shining Armor to get in.
And sure enough, Shining Armor obliges. In fact, he feels thankful that Stormchaser seems to be so at ease with all of this. These last few weeks have certainly been eventful… if not overwhelming, for him. So, he is only glad to have found somepony who might be able to guide him through all of this.
With that in mind, he goes through the door, which Stormchaser closes behind him, and he looks around at his new surroundings.
The room he is currently in is certainly spacious. Its size and configuration remind him of a small armory, and the plethora of tools and curious mechanisms on display certainly make him think that he is in a workshop of sorts.
Now that he thinks about it, he doesn't really know Stormchaser that well? He has plenty of second-hoof knowledge from what Cadance told him, but he realizes that what he heard is also third-hoof knowledge that Cadance heard from Velvet herself.
Still, this… this knick-knack room is quite an interesting look into the older stallion's mind, he thinks. He seems to have a lot of interest, or perhaps even love, for weather-related instruments. And what is more, unless this place is kept tidy by the maids themselves, it also looks like Stormchaser is a very organized and methodical stallion.
Yes, everything in this room seems to be in a specific place, and for a specific reason.
The hoof-held anemometers are all on display on one side, ordered by size and weight.
A pedestal-held device, with a cloud contained within a sphere of glass, is standing by the open window.
A turbine-like object is partially disassembled on a work bench.
And sitting on the opposite side of the room, with his eyes wide open in surprise, is the edge-sharp pegasus who tried to kill him.
Shining Armor freezes.
No. He did not freeze. It's just that he stopped thinking.
He stopped thinking because there is no need to think. And there is no need to think because, currently, all the blood in his body is being pumped into the muscles of his legs. Together with an unhealthy dose of adrenaline.
He doesn't move. He doesn't even blink. Because his eyes aren't deceiving him.
Right there, sitting on a chair by one of the closed windows, is the stallion who fought him to near-death. More than just that, that's the stallion who defeated him, and who should have been the last pony he ever saw before everything went black forever.
He is looking at the pegasus stallion, and the pegasus is looking right back at him. And the two of them are only vaguely aware that the glass of wine the pegasus had been holding is now shattered on the floor, as he accidentally dropped him due to his own surprise.
Shining Armor does not know what to do next. Because on the one hoof, that stallion is a criminal, and an absurdly dangerous pony on top of that. But on the other hoof… didn't Stormchaser tell him he had a friend in here? One that… one that Shining had a lot in common with?
What… what the hay is going on?
The seconds stretch by, one after the other, as the friction between the two stallions grow. It grows so much that it is almost unbearable. And the two of them watch, with growing tension, as they both get ready for the inevitable. The pegasus' wings begin to reach out, ever so slightly, as they get ready to flap at a moment's notice. The base of the unicorn's horn, useless and broken as it might be, begins to flicker with magical energy.
And just like that, the two stallions are back on the outskirts of Ponyville, where they met for the first time. Just like that, the two of them are mentally preparing themselves to try to kill each other, and close the duel that began all those months ago.
Because who could possibly avert the finality of their battle?
"Have we… met before?" the pegasus asks, his voice half-growling, as he cautiously try to make sure this isn't a misunderstanding.
"Yes… for the longest time, I couldn't remember what happened. But not long ago, something happened," the unicorn answers. Thinking back about that night, right before his wedding, when he just woke up with his mind clear. "Something happened, that made me remember."
The pegasus gives him a slow, cautious nod. Visibly swallowing down something dry, as he very slowly gets up from his chair.
Shining Armor, also, wastes no time as he carefully maneuvers around the room. Making sure there are enough, but not too many, obstacles between him and the pegasus.
This room being a closed environment was to his advantage. But that was probably not enough to make up for his inability to use magic.
Still, both of their hearts are beating so strongly that they could almost hear it.
And the moment the tension reaches its peak, and their hindlegs strain as they prepare to pounce on each other-
"Sorry I kept you two waiting, I… I was just…"
-the door swings open, and Stormchaser walks in.
Although, to the two other stallions' surprise, Stormchaser looks visibly shaken. So shaken, in fact, that he doesn't even notice the lethal atmosphere between the two ponies.
However, to Shining Armor's honest surprise, the gruff pegasus almost immediately turns his attention to Stormchaser.
"Wait, did something happen, Stormchaser?" Comet Feet asks. And for all that he gives a wide berth to Shining Armor, he still tries to make his way to the older pegasus. "You look shook… what's going on?"
"Oh, it's nothing. I was just…" Stormchaser trails off, but a few moments later he lets out a tired sigh. "Actually, no. Something did happen, Comet. It's just that… I just feel like a part of me gets torn out, whenever I see Velvet like that."
"Ah. Yeah… that really sucks. And again, I'm sorry about that. You wanna talk about it?" the gruff pegasus says.
And to be honest, Shining Armor is taken aback by the fac that the pony who tried to kill him is… well, is being quite sympathetic to Stormchaser. For all that he seems to be out of his element, it really looks like he is trying to be helpful.
On top of that, he is surprised by how Stormchaser is treating him back. As if the two of them have already known each other for a while now.
"Nah, I don't want to bother you two about this," Stormchaser says as she shakes his head.
And Shining Armor realizes almost immediately that his would-be killer, this "Comet" stallion, has no idea of what to do next, after being pushed away like that.
"What? No, don't give us that," so, Shining Armor immediately steps in. "You wouldn't be bothering us at all. Besides, remember what you told me at my wedding? Well, that also applies to you here. So come on, give us a shot."
Shining Armor says that, and Comet Feet watches as Stormchaser's initial resistance slowly begins to break.
The two younger stallions share another short, grudging glance with each other. However, during that half-second when their eyes met, they also reached a small understanding of sorts.
And before they realized it, the two of them were banding together for the most unlikely of reasons.
The two stallions who had every reason to hate each other, and who had already tried to kill each other, were joining forces… to help a friend.
And by the end of the day, before they all went their separate ways, there were no longer any enemies in that room.
And the world continues to spin.
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