Turn 19 - Results, part 4
Uh-oh, better hide those FOALS!
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[X] Plan Pittauro, With Changeling Detectives
-[X] Axe, yes! (Costs one VELVET action)
-[X][DETECTIVES] (FOLLOW UP) There are still changelings out there. Hunt them. Look for them, and for the ponies who colluded with them. (One of the chief expectations of the Bureau. Avert a future Catastrophe)
-[X][CONSTABLES] It is less paperwork for you if they just help with the investigations. (NO ACTION from the Constables. GAIN one VELVET action for the next phase)
-[X][COMMISSIONER] The Bureau is more than an institution, it is a gathering of dedicated ponies working towards a unified goal. Ingrain yourself with them. (Establish, increase, or salvage the loyalty of the Bureau towards you personally.)
-[X][RARITY] Take a commission. (Gain at least 100 bits immediately, will "fail" her career roll)
-[X][SELENE] Realize something about Edge. (Unlock her Edge skill) (TRAINING ACTION)
-[X][SELENE] Realize something about Knock. (Unlock her Knock skill) (TRAINING ACTION)
-[X] One extra Velvet action! (Costs 2 follower actions)
-[X] You need somepony to perform this ritual… (Reflection of the Tapestry, search for "The Key that Only Opens" the Daughter of Axe wants)
--[X] To be performed on the safe place Baldomare directed you to. (Will expire at the end of turn 20)
-[X] You need somepony to perform this ritual… (Reflection of the Tapestry, search for "the easiest lvl 6 book we can get for Baldomare")
--[X] To be performed on the safe place Baldomare directed you to. (Will expire at the end of turn 20)
-[X] WRITE IN: Canterlot part 2 expedition
-[X] Attack your foe, or defend yourself. In war, there is no other option.
--[X][GUARD] You would very much like to keep this safe. (Your home)
[X] Plan Betterer Biedde
-[X] (AotL) Edge
-[X] (Forge) Edge 3, Knock 2 Edge 1, SH 1
—[X] Gift used on Knock 2 Edge 1 retroactively
-[X] (Steppes) Ask about any rumors and general perceptions of us, Fair Trial, and our respective institutions, among both nobles and the commonfolk.
-[X] (Social) Level up Jade
-[X] Summon Biedde
--[X] Sacrifice Edge 3 and Knock 2 Edge 1 reagents
--[X] To be performed on an inconspicuous place, located by Baldomare
-[X] Fleeting Opportunity: Comet Feet
-[X] Study: Forge 3, Forge 3, Mystery Book
-[X] Explore the Mansus
--[X] Find a new location in the Ashen Wastes
--[X] Explore the depths of the Ruined Church
-[X][DETECTIVES] (FOLLOW UP) There are still changelings out there. Hunt them. Look for them, and for the ponies who colluded with them. (One of the chief expectations of the Bureau. Avert a future Catastrophe)
-[X][CONSTABLES] It is less paperwork for you if they just help with the investigations. (NO ACTION from the Constables. GAIN one VELVET action for the next phase)
-[X][COMMISSIONER] The Bureau is more than an institution, it is a gathering of dedicated ponies working towards a unified goal. Ingrain yourself with them. (Establish, increase, or salvage the loyalty of the Bureau towards you personally.)
-[X][SELENE] Realize something about Edge. (Unlock her Edge skill) (TRAINING ACTION)
-[X][SELENE] Realize something about Knock. (Unlock her Knock skill) (TRAINING ACTION)
-[X] One extra Velvet action! (Costs 2 follower actions)
-[X] You need somepony to perform this ritual… (Reflection of the Tapestry, search for "The Key that Only Opens" the Daughter of Axe wants)
--[X] To be performed on the safe place Baldomare directed you to. (Will expire at the end of turn 20)
-[X] You need somepony to perform this ritual… (Reflection of the Tapestry, search for "the easiest lvl 6 book we can get for Baldomare")
--[X] To be performed on the safe place Baldomare directed you to. (Will expire at the end of turn 20)
-[X] WRITE IN: Canterlot part 2 expedition
-[X] Attack your foe, or defend yourself. In war, there is no other option.
--[X][GUARD] You would very much like to keep this safe. (Your home)
[X] Plan Betterer Biedde
-[X] (AotL) Edge
—[X] Gift used on Knock 2 Edge 1 retroactively
-[X] (Steppes) Ask about any rumors and general perceptions of us, Fair Trial, and our respective institutions, among both nobles and the commonfolk.
-[X] Summon Biedde
--[X] Sacrifice Edge 3 and Knock 2 Edge 1 reagents
--[X] To be performed on an inconspicuous place, located by Baldomare
-[X] Fleeting Opportunity: Comet Feet
-[X] Explore the Mansus
--[X] Find a new location in the Ashen Wastes
--[X] Explore the depths of the Ruined Church
Author's Note: Apparently, some people were not entirely sure that the two "teenagers" yelling at each other at the end of the last update were, in fact, Soft and Axe. The wording has been changed to rectify that.
And yes, that is definitely something important enough to warrant its own note, at the very top of the following update
- - -
You are Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. But you are called "Princess Cadance" by most ponies, and just "Cadance" by the ones that really matter.
And right now, you are…
"Cadance… Cadance, please…"
"Shush, Shining. I'm almost done here!"
… right now, you are writing. You are writing something very important.
"Cadance, you really don't have to…"
"That's where you are wrong, Shining. I must!"
You say that as you put the finishing touches on your hoofwork.
And voila! It is finished! You let out a small puff of pride as you take one final look at your work.
Hello! My name is CADANCE.
And my HUBBY works here.
Hello! My name is CADANCE.
And my HUBBY works here.
Nodding to yourself one last time, you proudly pass the chord of your identification badge around your neck. And you stifle a laugh as you watch Shining cover his face with his hoofs, on the corner of your vision.
He looks so cute when he is embarrassed.
But more importantly, you shouldn't keep the line stalled any longer!
"Here you go, thank you for your patience," you say, giving the writing pen back to the mare standing in front of you.
"Oh, no problem at all my Princess. And have a wonderful day!" the mare answers, also covering her mouth with a hoof as she looks at you and Shining.
Right now, it is morning. It is morning, and you are currently in your husband's workplace.
But you are not here as a Princess. Oh no. You are not here in any official capacity, or anything boring like that.
You are here because today is a "Bring your family to work today".
And you are here because you are Shining Armor's family.
You are his wife.
Because the two of you are married now!
As always, a smile appears on your face as you think about that. But still, you mustn't get too lost in your thoughts. Not right now, at least. So, you give the mare behind the reception desk one last nod as you get out of the line, so the next group of ponies can get their own badges.
"Well then, lead the way dear," you say.
To which Shining answers with a small sigh, as he looks at your identification badge one last time. But still, less than a moment later he gives you a smile, clearly showing he can't keep the façade of being upset anymore. And then he waves for you to follow him.
The two of you are currently in the floor level of the Lunar Bureau. More specifically, you are in the reception hall. A large and circle-shaped hall that serves as the "official" main entrance of the Lunar Bureau.
Behind you is a great set of double doors that lead to the Royal District. And all around you are several doors that lead to different parts of the Bureau.
But, as Shining told you earlier, that is where the similarities with his routine end. Because unlike most days, all the doors you can see here are open. And more importantly, the reception hall is actually full for the first time ever. And a large line of ponies, families of varying sizes following after one of his coworkers, is making this place a lot livelier than it must normally be.
On top of that, you can also see this place has been decorated so it looks more welcoming. Which makes sense, you suppose. You can see how this place would be intimidating if somepony didn't go out of their way to make it more pleasant, and you sincerely appreciate the effort.
"Well then. This way, my Princess-"
"Wife," you jokingly interrupt him with a smile.
"Ah, of course. My dear, beautiful, just-married wife. Right this way, please," he says with a charming smile.
"Oh, you. Whatever will I do if you decide to say that just a little louder so everypony can hear it," you say, bringing up another small round of laugher from the two of you.
Ahh… there is absolutely nothing in Equestria that could ruin this day. You can feel it. Knowing that you are going to spend the whole day with ponies you care about, without the constant pressure of your obligations, is like a dream come true.
So, you will make sure to enjoy it as much as you can!
"But as I was saying, we mostly have offices and administration from the ground floor up. For obvious reasons," he says, as he guides you to a specific door on the far end of the reception hall. "However, we organized most of this event to take place downstairs. Both because we have more space there and because, frankly, the cooler stuff is all underground."
The two of you keep walking as he speaks, and not long after you arrive at what seems to be the top of a very long set of stairs. Which, you guess, lead to this underground area he is speaking of.
However, more importantly, waiting for the two of you by the stairs is…
The unicorn mare, wearing a casual long dress and with a smile on her face, reaches out to hug you as soon as she sees you.
"I'm so glad you could make it! I was worried you would get swamped by your throne affairs and whatnot," she says, lightly squeezing you with her forelegs as she does.
"As if. How could I ever not come?" you say, hugging her back just as tightly. "I mean, what if one of those secretaries starts eyeing my Shining Armor?"
You say that, and you can feel her chest shaking as she laughs against your ear, until you two finally let go of each other.
"Right, right, as if anypony didn't get the memo after the greatest wedding in history."
Shining Armor, also, is shaking his head next to you. But all three of you know this is just good fun.
"Anyways, let's go downstairs!" Velvet says, nodding for you to follow her and walking by your side as the three of you make your way down. "The other times you came here, you only ever went upstairs to our offices, right? Well, in that case, today is the day we can give you a grand tour!"
"That would be lovely. I also never came in through the main entrance, I only ever used the underground passage from the Castle. So yes, definitely! I want to know everything about this place."
You don't even try to hide the earnestness from your voice, giving Velvet and Shining a vigorous nod as you speak. Smiling all the while as you do.
And with that, the three of you make your way to the underground. Shining Armor to your right, Velvet Covers to your left, and all three of you chatting merrily as they lead you somewhere.
There really isn't anywhere else in the whole world you would rather be.
You really can't think of any other word for this feeling. Right now, you are happy!
And you somehow know that this day will only get better.
- - -
"Look at them… they are so cute…" you say.
And your voice is happy. You definitely mean it when you say this.
However, you can't really hide the small sigh you let out, as you said those words.
"I know, I know… They are adorable. But Cadance, well…" Velvet Covers says, but her words trail off soon after.
However, you know what unspoken question she just asked you. It is obvious, even.
The two of you are currently in the underground of the Lunar Bureau. Of course, several areas of the underground are currently off-limits thanks to the visitors. Some of them simply locked, while others are more cleverly hidden, so ponies don't accidentally stumble upon them.
But still, several other places, like this one, are open for the families to look around. And this place, that Shining told you is their "Hangar", is where most of the activities are taking place.
And you can see why they decided to focus their activities here. This place is huge, even though it is carved from under the mountain itself. Still, it is wide, tall, spacious, and has more than enough size for several displays to be in place. With several flying chariots being placed in plain sight, next to several sets of equipment that the Bureau use, for the visitors to look at. There's all of that, and extra space to spare for the tables where everypony had lunch, and other things besides.
And then, of course, there is the view.
You had never visited this part of the Bureau before. But even you were delighted by the "exit" of the Hangar, the great opening (which, you were told, is usually covered by an illusion magic) that gives you a grand view of what is around Mount Canterlot.
However, back to the matter at hoof, the unspoken question Velvet is asking you is…
"Well, me and Shining decided that we should wait… until things calm down a little, you know. Everything has been so hectic that we both agreed that, well, it just isn't a good time right now."
You say that, and Velvet gives you an understanding nod, as the two of you look at a group of foals that is currently gathered around one of the flying chariots.
They have been there for a while, and for obvious reasons. Flying chariots are more than just rare, they are almost exclusively used by the Crown. And knowing that, Velvet arranged for a flying chariot to be available for families to ride in, for today. One of the chariots that doesn't have any covers on it, where the passengers can really see the sights and feel the wind on their faces. And of course, there are more than enough Bureau pegasi who volunteered to fly it around.
So, it is no surprise that a small crowd of fillies and colts is currently waiting for their turn. Especially the non-pegasus ones.
And watching them jump and chat and play with each other as they wait makes you feel so…
"There, there, I'm sure it will happen sooner than we think," she says, patting your shoulder as she does. "And Silky will have a little cousin to fawn over in no time."
You answer her with a smile. Because sure, you don't really feel sad. It's not like this subject makes you gloomy or anything. But still, this is one of the dreams you still have, just like you always dreamed of marrying Shining. So, knowing that you can but shouldn't do it grates at you every now and then.
"Also, thank you so much for helping me out," Velvet says, helping you push your thoughts in another direction. "I really appreciate you making the rounds with me."
She is talking about the fact that… well, that you are basically here to begin with. When Shining Armor told you about this event, he also confided in you that this is an attempt from Velvet to get to know the ponies of the Bureau better. That this is an attempt to get a little closer to them, or maybe to break certain preconceptions they might have about her.
So, earlier today, Velvet tried to excuse herself so she could go talk to everypony. Have a small chat with everypony she could, learn a little more about their families and lives, and hopefully show everypony the approachable and kind mare you know she is.
But of course, rather than just let her go on her own, you followed her. And you are sure that having everypony see how close the Commissioner is to the Princess of Love was helpful, even if just a little bit.
"No need to mention it, Velvet. That's what friends are for," you say. "In fact, I wish I could do more. But by the life of me, I don't understand why everypony was intimidated by you to begin with. You are such a nice mare!"
"Well, going by Shining's words, I think I… mellow out a little more when my family is around?" she asks, although you can sense the hesitation in her voice.
"Is that right…? Speaking of which, I am sorry they couldn't come."
"So am I, but there wasn't much we could do about it. Fillies had school, and Stormy is still at work. And besides, I wouldn't be able to make the rounds and talk to everypony if they were here," she says, with a light shrug. "And also, I hope to be able to make more events like this in the future."
She says that, and well… you understand. Life just happens, sometimes. And like she said, you too hope there can be more days like this in the future.
"Oh, and speaking of your grand tour," she says, her eyes suddenly lighting up. "We have, uh, most of the underground open to visit. But follow me, there is something I want to show you!"
She says that as she gets up from her seat, motioning for you to follow after her.
You look at Shining Armor one last time before you follow her, taking one last glance at him as he talks to a pair of stallions. And then you look at the crowd of foals who are gathered (safely behind the temporary fence) near the landing zone of the flying chariots.
And then, you go after your friend.
- - -
Now that you think about it, you have never been in this room before.
Of course, you had never visited most of the Bureau before. Today was a grand tour for you in all but name. However, every time you came to see Velvet here in the Bureau, you would always come to this floor. Every time you visited, you always made your way up those last set of stairs, and arrived at the corridor that leads to this very door. And yet, you never came here, and instead always went straight into Velvet's office.
You wonder if it was because it never occurred to you.
You wonder if you never considered coming here because you thought it would be disrespectful.
You wonder if you were scared of coming here, all this time. For reasons you don't really want to think about.
And yet, here you are. Standing right next to Velvet as she shows you…
"And here is the Director's office," she says, with a particular expression you can't quite name.
You think she is going to say something else. You think she is going to tell you some story, or perhaps a tidbit of information that came to her mind about this place. But instead, she just stays silent.
Still, it makes sense, doesn't it? What stories could she possibly tell about this place? What memories does she, or anypony, have within these four walls?
The only things she could possibly tell you, are the things you can already tell at a glance. That this place is kept immaculately clean and ready. That everything here, from the solid cabinets to the bottles of ink, was made by the best craftsponies that ponykind has at its disposal… That this place has been left empty and unused, like the east horizon awaiting for the morning sun…
… or perhaps like a tomb waiting for its occupant.
The room itself is beautiful, of course. From the great map to the wide windows, all the way down to the rich chairs and the embroidered details of the carpet. This place is, without a doubt, something beautiful to see.
But it is not… a pleasant place to be in.
Well, tour is over you suppose. And this situation is gloomy enough that you think you should just say something, and have your conversation carry the two of you out of here.
Yes, that is what you will do. In fact, the two of you should go downstairs and meet Shining! And then you can all go back to that place where they keep all the fliyng carriages. You could do with hearing the thrilled laughter of excited foals right now.
"Velvet, why don't we-"
"Actually, Cadance, I lied."
You start saying something, but Velvet almost immediately interrupts you and…
Wait, what did she just say? She… she lied to you?
Your confusion pushes you into silence for maybe half a second, but that is more than enough for Velvet to continue.
And much to your surprise, she lights up her horn, and you can both hear and sense her telekinesis magic pushing the door behind you close.
Click goes the lock, and for some reason she locks the two of you in this place.
"Velvet I… what? What do you mean?" you ask. Although you are not even sure what you are feeling right now.
Should you be confused? Should you be worried? Should you be surprised? You have no idea.
And after stealing a glance in your direction, the mare next to you just nods to herself. As if she had just confirmed something, or as if she was gathering the courage to do something else.
"Cadance, first of all I want you to know that I trust you," she says. "I really mean it, and I am not lying about this. And what I want you to know is that… I trust you even with the things that are most important to me."
She says that, and then she takes in a deep breath.
And you… you can only tilt your head? You can tell from her tone that she is being serious, but you have no idea of where she is going with this.
"So, I need you to know that I lied to you. I did bring my family here today."
She says that, and on the other side of the room, the great executive chair on the far side of the room, behind the large wooden desk, begins to slowly spin. You didn't even notice before that the executive chair had its back turned to you. But now, it is slowly turning towards you, as if somepony is sitting on it.
And once the chair finally turns to face the two of you…
"Selene? Selene! It is so lovely to see you!" A smile appears on your face as you say that. Because sure enough, one of Velvet's daughters, the little earth pony she had adopted and that she loves so dearly, is sitting on the chair.
You say that, and you almost automatically begin making your way towards her. Speaking towards Velvet as you do.
"Velvet, is this a prank? I mean, all this tense talk about lying," you say, laughing a little bit as you do, "was it just for this? Well, you definitely got me. But what happened? Why couldn't your other-"
You are halfway towards the desk, and the filly sitting behind it, when Selene suddenly raises a hoof.
And there is something about her expression that immediately gives you pause.
"What… Velvet, what is going on…?" you say, as the obvious explanation that this is all an elaborate joke from your friend starts to… make a little less sense.
After all, why isn't Velvet laughing?
And why does a filly as young as Selene look so…
"Cadance, I have been meaning to speak with you for a while, but I wasn't sure if I should," Selene says.
And her tone sounds strangely mature. Her voice itself still sounds like that of a filly her age. But the way she is saying that is…
"However, my mother vouched for you. So…"
She says that, and then she reaches with a hoof for the desk.
And then she pushes with her tiny foreleg, gathering just enough strength to make the large executive chair spin once again.
The chair starts spinning in a circle. And one moment, it has its back turned to you again. And in the next, its front is once again facing you.
But when the chair finishes its single rotation, the pony who is sitting on the chair… the pony who should be sitting on the chair…
Selene is gone. The filly is nowhere to be seen.
And an alicorn is sitting in her place. An alicorn, much like yourself, or perhaps slightly larger. An alicorn who was born as such, and not transformed into one like you.
An alicorn who was already old, and who had already passed into history, even before you were born. An alicorn who has been given authority over the very skies, and the stars that shine in the night.
Princess Luna, the other half of the true ruler of Equestria.
"However, I understand the nature of one of our enemies. I understand that one should not trust only their eyes, and that the threat of shapeshifting monsters still haunts Equestria."
Your hindlegs buckle under you, and you sit down flat on the ground. Your eyes wide in surprise as she just speaks to you so casually.
"So, my mother agreed this was the best way for me to begin this conversation. And we can continue it properly once we meet."
She says that, and then she reclines on the chair… on her chair. The tailor-made seating somehow proving to be her perfect size.
"I look forward to properly getting to know you, oh Princess of Love. Better than I did the first time I returned, while I was still so lost and recluse."
Suddenly, her horn begins to light up. A strange sensation taking over your body and the room and the whole world around you.
And then you wake up, with your face buried on your husband's chest, and the certainty that this is the morning of the day where you will visit your husband's workplace for a family event.
- - -
You reach the floor level of the Lunar Bureau, following Shining Armor as the two of you exit the underground passage from the Royal Castle. Soon enough, the two of you arrive at the large reception hall.
True to the name of today's event, the place is decorated to a certain extent. Which only makes sense, you suppose. After all the idea of today is to show everypony's families what they do on a daily basis, so prettying up the place too much would probably frustrate that purpose a little bit.
Still, you can tell that your mind is almost stunned as you look around you. A small part wondering how you could have forgotten this place was supposed to look like this. While another, much greater part of you, is still…
"Are you alright?" Shining's voice reaches you, tugging you of your stupor like a lifeline thrown towards a drowning pony. "You really don't need to be here, if you don't want to. We can go back if you're feeling tired?"
You look at his handsome face as he talks, and you take a deep breath before you answer him.
"Oh, no, it's alright Shining. I'm not tired. I'm just…" you say, but you trail off.
Not because you are keeping a secret from him. You would never do that.
Instead, it's because, ever since you woke up, you still don't know what is going on. You still… you still have to confirm that…
"Princess Cadance! Shining Armor! I am so very glad you are here!"
Suddenly, her voice reaches the two of you, and your face almost snaps in the direction you hear it coming from.
And sure enough, Commissioner Velvet Covers is right there, smartly dressed in her fancy dress-uniform, wearing a particularly lustrous badge on her chest, and making your way towards you two with a smile on her face. Somepony must have warned her of your arrival, you think. That, or she was just waiting nearby for the two of you.
But still, you don't smile. You don't smile, you don't frown, and you don't overreact.
You are not angry. You don't feel betrayed. And to be honest, you don't even have it in your to feel surprised, for some maddening reason.
Instead, you just feel dazed. Ever since you woke up, your mind has been dazed. And the only thing you can think about is that you need to discover if that was just a dream or not.
"Cadance dear, it is so good to see you," she says, giving you a warm hug, as Shining gives her a half-salute on your side. You think you hear him mumble something about she never hugs me, with a joking tone, but you can't really be sure.
Instead, you just return the hug, although more by rote than anything else.
Until she finally looks you in the eye.
"Beautiful as always, Cadance. Being married is really doing wonders to you," she says, and you can't help but feel a chuckle coming from somewhere inside of you. Shining Armor, to your side, can only feel flustered. "But more importantly… you look like you slept well."
She says that, as she look into your eyes with a knowing expression, and your own eyes go wide with surprise.
No, not surprise. Your eyes go wide with understanding.
Because you can immediately tell from her tone of voice… the same part of your mind that learned you can trust her is also whispering to you that…
That she knows. She knows, and she knows that you know.
"Tell me, Cadance, did you have a pleasant dream?" she asks.
And before you realize it, a smile is slowly appearing on your face.
More than just that, a wave of something rushes through you. Coming from inside your chest and flowing through every part of your body.
Like a garden receiving the first rain of spring. Like a home being warmed by the first rays of dawn. Like the single greatest piece of good news you have received in a long, long time, surpassed only by the day Shining Armor proposed to you. You can feel that this thing coursing through you is…
"Y-yes," you say, although your throat is so dry for some reason your voice fails. But the smile on your face is growing so much you don't really have it in you to care.
And much, much more importantly, you have to ask her if…!
"And Velvet, is… is your family coming today? Will I be seeing your daughters?" you ask, and you have to hold yourself to keep your tone of voice level, given how many ponies you know are watching the two of you right now.
To which Velvet Covers answers by giving you a calm smile, as if you had just asked her if the hands of a clock will continue to move.
"Of course, Cadance. How could I ever not bring them here today? This is a family event, after all," she says. "They should arrive around midday, for lunch, given how they have to come from Ponyville by train and all."
She says that, and she finishes by giving you a mischievous wink.
"But Selene in particular has been looking forward to this all week."
Princess Mi Amore Cadenza has joined Velvet Cover's faction. She is not considered a "Confidante" for mechanical effects, and will not immediately translate into actions points/favor requests. But your relationship is just as strong, if not more. And her role to play is much greater.
Issues of Lore revelations, and other things besides, will be tackled at a later stage. For now, you have only revealed to her that Selene was Luna all along. Your bond is strong enough for you to trust her with that, and for her to side with you moving forward.
"Problems" that were attached to Princess Cadance, such as her knowing about your scar, are no longer in effect. And Velvet Covers will safely assume that, if worst comes to pass, Cadance will side with her instead of Princess Celestia.
You have further ingratiated yourself with the Lunar Bureau. And, very technically, you have revealed the existence of Princess Luna to the very highest echelon of the Bureau (your Deputy). But more importantly, you have learned that your Constables to not appreciate being used as a support to your Detectives, and they will feel a lot more useful if they perform dedicated actions that reflect their abilities. However, your efforts to ingratiate yourself with the Bureau are making more progress than your casual use of their skills is mining their trust in you.
More to follow.
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