Versed in the lewd.
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perks of lantern touch, I imagine.Because how is it possible for a pony to be hugging you tightly, and at the same time be far enough to look at your entire body?
Is… is something going on? You swear to the stars there is only one of your mom here with you. But how is she even doing this?!
don't ask such silly questions, our little moonbeam!When did she get under your wings? And how are her forelegs still around your neck as she does that?!
Call down Silky and Soft and help her explain this?"Thank you," you say with a smile. "So, the thing I need you two to do is…"
...ok, I did NOT expect that, but it makes a lot of senseAnd you light up your horn as you do that, the soft purple glow barely illuminating anything around you. Your magic flowing through you like a familiar gust of wind.
"… I need you two to rest for a while. You two look like you haven't slept at all tonight."
You say that, and you watch as their eyes slowly begin to close. Their bodies growing heavier as they begin to slump against each other.
...will she go meet Celestia BEFORE we get to talk?Your first stop is… your sister's room.
Your younger sister, mind you.
Hopefully not.
let's start with Silky, then.
uh... right, she can do that.Well, this isn't really her room. This is a dream. Her dream.
Because she is still sleeping, and you weren't sure if you wanted to wake her up.
...she can go talk to Celestia IN HER DREAMS.
If that doesn't prove she's the real Luna, nothing will.
Also she can basically calm her and... well, establish a time to meet.
ouch.But for every step you take, Silky pushes herself away from you. Pressing her back against the wall, and keeping her blankets between the two of you like a barrier.
"No you're not!" she yells, her voice scared. "You're not Selene. You're not my sister! What did you do to her?!"
...I still expect this to end mostly well, but still, ouch.
I imagine Silky will start to hesitate, and then Luna will show her true self.
that's...And before you realize it, her blankets have completely fallen off. And you are looking at a Silky Stream who is… alone, hugging herself, pressing her back against the wall of her room as she just…
As she just begins to cry.
"… you grew up… without me? B-but what about… weren't we meant t-to… to grow up together?"
...well, she's got a point. Imagine if you had a sibling, and then suddenly they became something closer to a parent.
That said, things changed. nothing to do about that, except trying to change and adapt in kind.
"… okay…" is all she says.
But the way she says it, as if she had just accepted she had lost something… it doesn't just break something inside of you.
It shatters your heart.
Because from that word alone, she already told you everything you need to know.
From that word alone, you can already tell that… that she understands it. That she accepts it, even.
She understands that her sister is gone now.
...Silky is very mature... but she's also just a child still.
And yeah, Luna will be around, but it will not be the same.
You could say she lost a little sister, and gained an older sister instead.
"Can you… Mrs. Princess Luna, I-I'm sorry for asking this but… could you at least let me dream about Selene, every now and then? I… I just don't want to forget her and stuff…" she says, in a tone so low it's barely a whisper.
...that's seriously sad.
...It's Luna about to sort of MAKE a Selene to live in Silky's (and maybe Soft's) Dreams?
She made the Tantabus once. and Selene is part of her. It should be doable.
...You have no idea how you are going to make this work.
You don't even know if it will be practical. And you… you definitely will need to bring in your parents as well.
But you will all figure it out. Together.
And most importantly, you are not leaving your sister.
Is luna going to stay and live with us?
Because DAMN, that WILL be difficult to explain

Next we get Celestia moving in as well. We already have 2 Names, soon to be 3 or even 4, AND one Alicorn. What's another Alicorn too!
...What, Soft Sweeps doesn't count?!
She gives you an honest, proud smile as she looks at you. Her eyes telling you more than her words ever could.
You are finally back.
And she has been waiting for you all this time.
"Luna, my dearest sister. I am so glad you have finally returned."
...this is good, right?
It kinda feels a bit weird.
...this sounds bad."Yes. Now that you are back, now that we are together, we can finally fulfill our purpose."
...Please don't let her go Daybreaker NOW!Celestia's expression is… she is smiling yes, but you were so happy to see her that you thought it was a smile of joy. You thought it was a smile full of love and happiness.
But now that you think about it, she almost seems… eager?
That is a positive emotion, of course, but still…
She notices your pause, of course, and you watch as she slowly leans on her throne, merely arching her head towards you-
-and the whole castle, no the whole world trembles as she does that. As if everything around you was straining from just that small movement of hers.
...I feel like we're meeting Daybreaker, not Celestia.
Is this a part of Celestia that wants to "reunite" with Luna to form the original Outsider?"Why do you hesitate, dear sister… Why do you PAUSE? Do you not WANT me to be FREE? ARE we not MEANT to be TOGETHER?!"
yep.And the creature itself, now, is far more clear to your eyes. You can now see her in all of her terrible glory. From the yellow of her irises within the black of her eyes, to the fiery feathers on her wings, that are beginning to belch smoke and fire.
this is the "inner" daybreaker, kept imprisoned by the Celestia outside.
I wonder if the ACTUAL Celestia will appear in a bit to "save" Luna from her inner evil self.
this is probably a representation of how close Celestia was and is to going full Daybreaker. And, to be fair, that was the roll right below this one I think.
ok, I did NOT expect this.Yes, this is… this is what you are going to do. You think you are in shock, but… everything will be alright if you just go downstairs and have breakfast.
You are Selene. You are a filly with a blank flank, who just woke up on the last day of a weekend.
ok, so Celestia is barely holding back from going mad tyrant, and Luna fears showing herself right now.Princess Luna has made the decision that, for now, it is best she doesn't reveal herself to her sister. Something happened to her. It did not feel as intrusive and disgusting as it did with herself, but the end result felt just as evil. Celestia is still in there, but she is entirely focused on keeping that evil in check. So it is best if Luna... doesn't upset that balance. She also learned that...
...I'm kinda disappointed. THis implies that, in the short term, not that much will change for us.
Then again, we now have Luna on our side. Presumably she can do rituals and assist us? She'd probably work sort of like a Confidant, and that's pretty useful.
7 or higher: "The Paragon of Harmony walks upon Equestria. None shall find her wanting."
6: ???
5: ???
4: ???
3: ???
2: Daybreaker is born, shackled by her regretful creator. The result of this battle of wills will define the future of Equestria. (???)
1: Daybreaker has come, and Equestria shall slave under the glare of the sun. (Introduce "hyperthermia" mechanic)
0 or lower: "Lady Coelle's actions are not alien to ponykind. But a mirror of their consequences certainly is."
let me find the older version...
7 or higher: "The Paragon of Harmony walks upon Equestria. None shall find her wanting."
6: "The morning sun comes, and the horrors of the night flee from its bright gaze."
5: "Bowed, but unbroken. Shaken, but still determined. The sun's light was warmer, before, but its light is still there."
4: "The clouds are too heavy, too numerous. The sun is still there, but we cannot reach it, and it can no longer reach us."
3: "Will the sun ever rise again? It might have forsaken us. It might just not care anymore."
2: "The sun blazes with wrath. Her will shall no longer be denied."
1: "Dawnbreaker has come. If the Moon will not rise, then the Sun will never set."
0 or lower: "The Sun was divided, and this is its wound."
7 is unchanged, 6-5-4-3 are unknown.
I don't understand the reference in 0, if someone can explain it I'd appreciate it.
1 is pretty clear. Daybreaker, eternal day, and consequences of the eternal day and heat on the country/world.
We're at 2. Which apparently meant that Daybreaker WAS born, BUT Celestia held back just enough to trap her in her own mind.
That explains a lot of what she has done thus far.
She's angry. she has moments when Daybreaker pushes. And yet she held back.
Cadance calmed her a few times. She didn't harm Fair Trial when she heard something she didn't want to hear from her (that there were still good ponies that could be trusted).
Question is... what can Luna do, then? And what can WE do?
...In theory, a "Incision of the Heart" MIGHT be able to help Celestia. Luna has Edge (DC 60), and we can give her the HEARTIFACT (HEART DC 100) for the ritual... but It's fair to say that removing Daybreak wouldn't be as easy as removing a normal wound.
...maybe we could recruit the elements?
Have Luna go, heal Twilight, and tell her how Celestia needs her and the elements to be used on her just like she used them on Nightmare Moon?
Recruit Cadance as well on this?
oh, that's better!And what about her third sister?Later, later, you will have time for her soon.
oh, interesting!Found the reference to Coelle in Cultist Simulator:
So "Lady Coelle's actions" = suicide. The mirror of their consequences... would have been Wolfy, and pretty bad!
my best guess is having Cadance and Luna recruit Twilight, have her recover, and try to bring back the elements of harmony.We will?
Like, really, what does addressing this mess even look like? What on earth can we do?
I don't really like the idea of being one wrong step from hyperthermia, but other than avoiding worsening things by being a good Director and not pissing her off further... I can't think of what a 'positive' action actually looks like?
The only alternative I can think of is to somehow incapacitate Celestia or somehow convince her to undergo an Incision of the Heart ritual held by Luna. Yes, I also think that to be a bad idea.