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Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

You say all of that to elegant Mareinette, who is currently lounging next to you, and who had been patiently listening to your plight this whole time.

Mareinette, who is also being attended by your servants, is currently lying on the best sofa you have at your disposal. The one you had brought to this balcony at her own request, so she could generously grace you with her presence. Furthermore, at the mare's request, you have also provided her with a pair of opera glasses, an expensive set of hoof-held binoculars that are meant to be used by nobles from the box-seat of a theater.

She had been using them to look rather intently at the foals as they play in the party down below. But of course, nopony found anything strange in that because Mareinette can do no wrong.

And much, much more importantly, the mare turns her bony visage towards you as you beg for her favor. And after what seems to be like an eternity…

...well I'm sure that this is going to end well :V
Forget that, all of them could become worse and that is not something we want so the Stains need to come off, can we invest in that already? Either by befriending more Elements or developing a ritual, after A Memory of Light Jade could work on it for us.
Can't do that, Bird has said we need another RA before we can start figuring out how they work and if they can even be removed.
In CS canon Secret Histories deal entirely with discovering locations and do not subvert any other Lore, in fact the only ritual you can do with it is summoning Teresa and that's stated to be a matter of attracting her scholastic interest.

In BoH the Librarian is casually familiar with events that occur in multiple Histories and their archives deal very bluntly with the topic once you get into higher-level books. Rose does seem to deal with the concepts one might attribute Secret Histories to though.
You can also see hints of the SH's color on the Tree of Wisdoms behind the Bureau's redacted stamp.
The two prevalent theories about Secret Histories and Rose is that either the Librarian's Knowledge has let them break down Secret Histories into it's components, that being Rose and the other newly introduced Principles, or that the new Principles are remnants from the Proto-Principles that the dead Hours held and Rose is what Secret Histories actually would be without whatever the Bureau managed to do to it.

I personally believe in the latter theory, it has a larger amount of supporting evidence.
Ah fuck Marinette.
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Can't do that, Bird has said we need another RA before we can start figuring out how they work and if they can even be removed.
Tbf, that's if we're not doing anything else. Bird never exactly said there weren't other ways to look into the Stains or how to remove them besides waiting for Velvet to passively gain that knowledge through Wolf-osmosis.

Also, just cause this is a horror quest, I'd kind of expect the revelation from gaining more Stains to come in the form of "well they were removable but now you've past the halfway point/point of no return since your soul is now more Wolf than untainted".

The two prevalent theories about Secret Histories and Rose is that either the Librarian's Knowledge has let them break down Secret Histories into it's components, that being Rose and the other newly introduced Principles, or that the new Principles are remnants from the Proto-Principles that the dead Hours held and Rose is what Secret Histories actually would be without whatever the Bureau managed to do to it.
Nectar at the very least is confirmed as an old Principle, as Marakat (Nectar-colored Great Ink) is referred to as being the same color of Heart's predecessor Principle. Which does make it more likely imo that the others are also some form of proto-Principles.
Nectar at the very least is confirmed as an old Principle, as Marakat (Nectar-colored Great Ink) is referred to as being the same color of Heart's predecessor Principle. Which does make it more likely imo that the others are also some form of proto-Principles.
There's also another passage that mentions what Nectar was called (Blood) and what it stood for.
Are we going to ignore what Mareinette's end goal might be? Because if she wanted Velvet to eat Silky it is easy to think that corrupting the DoA is the reason she is helping Pride.

She has no sisters anymore(as far as we know), so the Club could need new members.
When Mareinette was using the Opera glasses I had the funny image in my head that due to her being like twice the size of a regular pony that she needed to duct tape several glasses together but she was still holding that mess as elegantly as normal opera glasses as she is a refined lady.

Also what are the odds that Pride asked Velvet to straight up nail him and due to slang being wildly different and also Axe being rather dumb with language (as seen with the no swearing fiasco) that instead of nailing him to the wall in anger that she just went ''Ye want me to wot? Okay then, bloody wierd mortals these are.''
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Yeah the best case is she's doing this for the story and the drama.

The worst is that she is doing it for the drama and the chance at a new Liegan.

So knowing Marinette it's the latter.

Well the Names and spirits of the Grail were noted to love gossip, sensations and desires don't have to be physical things after all, a good scandal or a gripping romance can be just as much of an indulgent experience.

In other words, I wouldn't put it past Mareinette to turn our household into a Latin telenovela just so she can enjoy a never-ending cycle of passionate romance, tragic betrayals, and everything in between.
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Are we going to ignore what Mareinette's end goal might be? Because if she wanted Velvet to eat Silky it is easy to think that corrupting the DoA is the reason she is helping Pride.

She has no sisters anymore(as far as we know), so the Club could need new members.
I mean yeah, that's why I said (jokingly) that it was going to end well.

Best case scenario would be that this is just Mareinette fucking around with DoA for the laughs knowing that she would take any Mareinette-assisted romantic pursuits as an attempt to turn her into an alukite.
While we're on the subject of Mareinette, I'm honestly very curious to find out what her Heart sacrament will be like. We see so much of the Grail side of her that it's hard to remember that she's just as full up of the irrepressible Lore. The easy assumption is, of course, that she wants to do something "Grailey" but Heart-themed, but it'd be neat to see her cast back to her roots for an unexpected lesson.

Mareinette is old after all, she remembers rites and customs, festivals, that have long since passed out of all memory but hers. Drums, bonfires, circle-dances in clearings beneath bright stars. A moment of nostalgia perhaps, a wistful desire to dance the old dances to the thunder of the drums from sunset to sunrise just one more time.

View: https://youtu.be/g7hCljm68ws

Of course, a Dance needs a partner.

"[HEART!]" (The deepest mysteries of Heart are not spoken but rather felt, the endless rhythms of the world were once orchestrated by that vanished hour called The Thunderskin. He is gone but Mareinette still remembers the steps of that primordial Dance.)
-Mareinette will require a certain amount of funds to arrange a suitable venue.
-When you are ready Mareinette will preside over a festival in the Thunderskin's honor. You have her assurances that this celebration will somehow arouse no suspicions whatsoever, though you cannot know for certain what such an intensity of Heart will do to the casual attendee.
-Mareinette wishes to Dance!
She loves the sistrum's shiver, She loves the thrum of the tympanos, She recalls with fondness the flaying of Marsya, and so She will not
will not
will not stop dancing.

-As co-host Velvet Covers will have to Dance with Mareinette for as long as the Irrepressible Name wishes, which will of course be as long as possible.
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Ah yes, her!

I hope you all manage to meet her.

And this is great! Thank you for writing it!

Do you have a better title in mind?

I have no idea what we'd want to do about her.

She's definitely talented, and COULD make for a good confidant... but the way she begins, I doubt she'd be trustworthy.

HEr whole thing was that she wanted to become a princess and was not willing to wait and follow Celestia's "instructions".

On the one hand, we CAN offer her power through our lessons.

On the other, she's very much the kind of pony that WOULD try to get to Glory first once she found out about it. And one of the few who MIGHT actually manage to find and kill an outsider if we taught her enough...

Of course for all we know she already learned the Lores in the Mirror World...

Because what else could it be? How could anypony look at your situation and not feel sorry for you? How could anypony with a sliver of empathy possibly not be commiserating with your anguish?

Never mind you just heard her stifle a laugh just now. She was probably coughing or something.
...yeah, I'm sure she was just coughing :sneaky:

Instead, the reason why you are in so much pain… the true meaning behind the words you exchanged with Cantrip, just now… the very reason why you are wasting away at your balcony, as you look at the quaint party down below, is none other than…

"Look at her… just look at her…"

You say that, as you look at the rare and radiant mare, who is currently idling at one of the corners of the garden.

Because even though she is almost out of view, she still manages to be at the center of your attention. And even though you are so far away, you can still see every last detail of her braided mane, as it flows around her neck. You can still see the mysterious hints of her coat, as the wind blows against her cloak every now and then, revealing the side of a foreleg here, or a glance of her tail there.

You can't help but stare at her fierce, captivating beauty, as she stands apart from everypony else. But still, for some reason, remains at that gathering.
I seriously can't tell if he has the worst taste possible, or the best taste one can possibly have.

On the one hand, he like AXE. On the other, Axe is one of the most powerful and dangerous beings in existence, someone TRULY unique...

But what can you possibly do, other than just gaze at her from a distance? After all, you still remember what your sister told you, just last month. She said it herself, that beautiful Axe is a complicated mare, and that she is more than just a pretty face for you to woo over. But still, what… what should you do, then? What course of action would pose the least amount of risk? And in the other hoof, how could it be that striving for a mare as fair as her would not be risky to begin with?
he has NO IDEA how right he is...

And you can only watch, in growing astonishment, as…

As the little pegasus, your biological niece, just…

Did she just crawl out from under Axe's hood?

You rub your eyes, just to make sure you are not seeing things. But sure enough, for all that fair Axe is still sulking away at the edge of the garden, it seems your niece's head is somehow poking out of her hood as well. As if the little filly is riding on her back, and just poked her head out of Axe's hood to tell her something.

More than just that, you watch in disbelief as the filly produces a pair of cupcakes, that she is holding in her hoof. And then… and then she…!

"She… she is eating out of her hoof… She is literally eating out of my niece's hoof," you say, in utter disbelief.

...that's really cute. And yeah, Silky is kind of the only one that somehow managed to get through Axe's defenses, so to speak.

Should you try to befriend your niece? She is your family, after all. And for all that she is a pegasus, she can still serve a purpose. Maybe you should try to win her over? Have her introduce you to Axe?

Pride, please... don't be like that.

You're better than that! Or at least you could be!

Or maybe this is a sign that you are behind in your own game? Because if Axe had a reputation of intractable just a month ago, maybe the mare is starting to warm up to the residents of the estate? And if that is the case, she will surely start attracting suitors sooner rather than later. So, even though you are the only noble in the region, that doesn't mean you will be completely out of competition.
...Pride, there's so much wrong with that statement that I don't even know where to begin!

You say all of that to elegant Mareinette, who is currently lounging next to you, and who had been patiently listening to your plight this whole time.

She had been using them to look rather intently at the foals as they play in the party down below. But of course, nopony found anything strange in that because Mareinette can do no wrong.




She tells you… she gives you the advice to… nay, she gives you the instruction, the revelation to…!

"Yes… yes, you are right! You are absolutely right," you say, feeling your previous panic fade away as you stand up from your seat with renewed purpose. "Everything you said make sense, and I shall act upon your words immediately!"

You say that, and you immediately make your way downstairs, with Cantrip in tow.

Because how could you have been so foolish? How did you not think about that?!

Yes, you owe your deepest gratitude to Mareinette. Because you definitely must go and…!

...now I'm wondering if this will be good advice or not.

On the one hand, she's Mareinette.

On the other, she's Mareinette.

It could literally go either way.

For all we know she's hoping Pride might lead Axe to commit the Crime of the Sky. Or maybe she's being honest about wanting to enable his pursuit of passion.

Did she really mean that? You don't think she is lying to you. But still, she is one of the few ponies who still has the ability to do that, so you can't really be sure.
...Who are the other ones? It's not easy to lie to a Lantern 4 pony.

There's Selene, Velvet, and of course the Names and I suppose the other princesses?

Because yes, you would like to do that. Or, if nothing else, you would like to pursue the truth of whether Selene really did ask for you to be here. After all, you always thought she felt uncomfortable around you, given how many times you "examined" her while she was still just a filly.
eh, she understands now. Honestly she's probably grateful in some ways.

if Selene forgave Velvet, surely she'd also forgive and understand Jade? She has an even worse backstory than Velvet, AND in the end she decided NOT to reveal either Velvet or Selene to the Master...

This is not a like a storm of moths that is blowing you away. Instead, it is a mask. A mask that your mind understands it is best to leave untouched, given what lies beneath it.

So, the two of you can only watch in silence, as the old stallion makes his way towards you.
the mask of the reliable ally/subordinate.

to Jade, Biedde is supposed to be "the employee of her best friend". So, again, it makes no sense to be afraid of him...

"Excuse me. Employer. Miss Whistle. Pardon my interruption," he says with a polite smile, briefly tipping his cap as he does so. And then, he turns to your friend. "But I would like to report that we have collected the pony you wanted to speak to. He is waiting for you, right now, at the appointed place."
...is it going to be Comet?

She says that as she walks away, and you make sure to wave her a small goodbye.

She probably didn't notice you waving her hoof. Which is fine. You like it when she notices you, but there's a part of your head that still think you don't really deserve it.

Although you do feel another wave of happiness, as she looks in your direction and waves back with a smile.

oh, Jade... you'll get through this at some point...

"Maybe…" you say to yourself.

Heart did her a lot of good, really.

and of course there was that strange report from Biedde that he "intercepted" some crazy pink pony who was trying to infiltrate the party.
... @OurLadyOfWires you're HORRIBLE!

You just DELIGHT in teasing us with Pinkie!

and why did she need to infiltrate?! I thought we invited half the town anyway, and certainly she could have just asked Rarity!

My, my, my, the start of the show herself
well, I suppose start is appropriate too 😂

The two of you are standing in the garden, just outside the front door of the mansion. There are ponies here and there, doing this and that. Servants cleaning up the after-party detritus on the floor, guests who are still making their way outside. You can even spot Baldomare, far away and by the entrance gate, talking to Jade, the quiet mare holding what looks like donkey's tail from a blindfold game you saw her participating in earlier today.
you go Jade!

I wonder if Baldomare is bringing up the possibility of Sacrament, Jade IS now at lvl 4...

"But… that can't be right… Mom, they… everypony congratulated me because of…" she tries to say with a meek tone, looking at her cutie mark as she does. "I just feel bad about this. I… I don't mind lying to protect somepony, but I feel like… like today was just a big reward for something that I don't deserve. Something that I didn't work for, or that wasn't really mine to begin with."
I doubt ponies would ever be upset about a reason to party, even if they later found out the reason was at least partly fake.

Then again, they'd then have to realize they partied with a Princess. If anything they'd be even HAPPIER if they found out I think.

They all told the tale that Princess Luna, unappreciated by her subject and ignored by her sister, rose in rebellion against the ponies who had shunned her night.

However, once you realized that was the only surviving account, you came to a… rather sadder conclusion.

Because you know that story, that Princess Luna grew to hate her sister and her subjects, is a lie. You know that was not the reason of why she did what she did.

But here is the thing about it… who was the only pony who could have created those accounts? Who could have possibly reached that conclusion, that Luna grew spiteful due to neglect… if not Princess Celestia herself?
yeah, we KNOW that the tale is at least partly false because there's a very big WORM-shaped hole in it

but the fact that's the conclusion Celestia reached... it speaks loudly.

"You deserve this, Selene. I want you to trust me when I tell you this. You deserve everything good that happens to you. And you deserve to be surrounded by ponies who will cheer you on, no matter what you do. Even if all you did was draw a beautiful cutie mark, which for some reason you think is lame."

You say that, and you can tell that… that she doesn't really believe you.

She doesn't believe you, but she is still listening to you.

Which just means you need to keep talking. And you will keep telling her this, all of this, for as long as she keeps listening to you. You will keep telling her about this, until she finally realizes you are speaking the truth.
Luna was affection starved, at least to a point.

It might have been partially Celestia's neglect. Or maybe it was mostly self-inflicted. I think the flashback showed she basically isolated herself in her pursuit of her duties of keeping pony's dreams safe...

"You are a sister who is bending over backwards, and even trying to figure out how to lead a double life, so you can keep living with a filly who loves you. You are a daughter who… who learned about all the horrible things your mother did, and who still forgave her. You forgave me Selene. And I still don't think that I deserve that."

"But… but you do, and…" she says, trailing off again.
it's very reassuring to hear her say that.

from our outsider-point-of-view, I think Velvet deserves forgiveness, but still, anyone who was her victim would usually very much disagree.

and Luna suffered a LOT because of us, even if it was MOSTLY the Master's fault.

"That's exactly my point, dear. That's exactly how me and your father feel, every day," you say affectionately ruffling her mane as you do. "You are the stars in our sky, Selene. And we will always be your biggest fans. And no matter what you do, we will always find a reason to celebrate it."
that's a beautiful phrase... the stars in our sky...

On a different note, AFTER Celestia has been "purified/saved", I can't imagine her acting against Velvet no matter what, simply because of how much that would hurt Luna.

I imagine she'd feel reassured at finding out that Luna's fall was NOT her fault that first time.

Nor the Second.

Jade Whistle has located an Expedition where "the easiest lvl 6 book we can get for Baldomare" may be found. It will be added to your list of Expeditions shortly.

shame that, as she says in the text, "nothing else of value is likely to be there with it", but the lvl 6 book is really all we need from the expedition.

"I... I just walked into Axe? She was nailing uncle Pride and-"

"She was WHAT?"

[Velvet Covers has learned the-]

I don't think she means nailing in THAT sense, Velvet!

"... Pride... I..."

"She said yes, Lady Velvet. This... is what progress looks like!"

"I think I'll need Baldomare's help to get you down... just... just wait here..."
...yes to WHAT?!

In what universe does THIS look like progress?!

...since we are on QQ I feel comfortable saying this without any euphemism whatsoever.

That man is going to get pegged.
...well, that WOULD get around the Crime of the Sky...
Of course, a Dance needs a partner.

"[HEART!]" (The deepest mysteries of Heart are not spoken but rather felt, the endless rhythms of the world were once orchestrated by that vanished hour called The Thunderskin. He is gone but Mareinette still remembers the steps of that primordial Dance.)
-Mareinette will require a certain amount of funds to arrange a suitable venue.
-When you are ready Mareinette will preside over a festival in the Thunderskin's honor. You have her assurances that this celebration will somehow arouse no suspicions whatsoever, though you cannot know for certain what such an intensity of Heart will do to the casual attendee.
-Mareinette wishes to Dance!
She loves the sistrum's shiver, She loves the thrum of the tympanos, She recalls with fondness the flaying of Marsya, and so She will not
will not
will not stop dancing.

-As co-host Velvet Covers will have to Dance with Mareinette for as long as the Irrepressible Name wishes, which will of course be as long as possible.
This is a very cool and very Heart Sacrament.

Too bad Bird will never let us have such an easy ascent in power.
This is a very cool and very Heart Sacrament.

Too bad Bird will never let us have such an easy ascent in power.

I mean, Baldomare's Secret Histories sacrament is literally "Hey let's go for a hike", so it doesn't seem that unreasonable. Besides, there's nothing easy about dancing all night with a Heart Name, Sacraments being lessons after all there's really only one way to truly understand Heart.
Crime of the sky is immortal-immortal reproduction to my knowledge.

Mortal-immortal stuff is still fair game.
Crime of the sky is immortal-immortal reproduction to my knowledge.

Mortal-immortal stuff is still fair game.
this has come up multiple times in thread, but the QM decided that it was vague enough in CS that it could be either way, and that for the quest it's meant to be both immortal-immortal than mortal-immortal
You just DELIGHT in teasing us with Pinkie!

and why did she need to infiltrate?! I thought we invited half the town anyway, and certainly she could have just asked Rarity!
He can't tease us if we ask Rarity or Fluttershy to introduce us, it is logic.

but the fact that's the conclusion Celestia reached... it speaks loudly.
Celestia has... issues. She isn't exactly the most well adjusted pony, it is implied that after Nightmare Moon she remained rather distant and put on a mask of a benevolent all-knowing ruler to everyone and that becomes clear as every season she becomes more and more open, mostly with Twilight.
That might have been part of the reason Sunset ran away/rebelled.

Luna also has issues, because making a monster that gives you nightmares every time you sleep is definitely a type of self-harming behaviour. With some luck we will avoid it.

shame that, as she says in the text, "nothing else of value is likely to be there with it", but the lvl 6 book is really all we need from the expedition.
Meh, you said it yourself the book is all that matters everything else is just a bonus. Are we going by ourselves? Because sending DoA alone could save some bits if we have no need for her but our last Wrong Key expires at the end of turn 20 so we need to decide if we are risking everything in the Frangiclave expedition or asking for more Keys in case we lose her.
Meh, you said it yourself the book is all that matters everything else is just a bonus. Are we going by ourselves? Because sending DoA alone could save some bits if we have no need for her but our last Wrong Key expires at the end of turn 20 so we need to decide if we are risking everything in the Frangiclave expedition or asking for more Keys in case we lose her.
Could send Mareinette alone. She's not quite the DoA's +50 to everything, but +40 general is still pretty good and she should be fine in combat, considering her likely health pool.
and why did she need to infiltrate?! I thought we invited half the town anyway, and certainly she could have just asked Rarity!
Yes, I wonder why Pinkie would need to infiltrate a party full of Names and occultists? It's not like she has anything to hide from them… :V
I mean, isn't it obvious? "No foal, no entry" :V

And this isn't even a Mareinette pun. The party invited all of Selene's classmates. And whoever was accompanying them/they voched for, by extension.

Ironically, this would have been the perfect way to meet Rarity or Applejack, if you didnt know them already. But since you already know the only two members of the mane 6 who have younger siblings... :V

(And Dash doesn't apply. Because Scootaloo would, tragically, think it wouldnt be "cool enough" to invite Dash to a foal's party)

Also, i have a bit of a problem. Comet's update is right around the corner, and it has a vote to lead us off to the week. I have OTHER things I could add before that, but this is becoming a matter of available time versus efficiency...
Eh, ill figure out what to write next.
Good day everyone!
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He can't tease us if we ask Rarity or Fluttershy to introduce us, it is logic.
we don't know to ask IC!

Best we could do is ask them to introduce us to the other "element bearers", but we don't have a reason to right now.

Meh, you said it yourself the book is all that matters everything else is just a bonus. Are we going by ourselves? Because sending DoA alone could save some bits if we have no need for her but our last Wrong Key expires at the end of turn 20 so we need to decide if we are risking everything in the Frangiclave expedition or asking for more Keys in case we lose her.
Probably either Axe or Mareinette I imagine. Mareinette if social challenges are involved or we need Axe for something else (Keys, lessons... a single lesson would have us ready for her Knock Sacrament...)

I mean, isn't it obvious? "No foal, no entry" :V
oh, I didn't think of that 😂

Also, i have a bit of a problem. Comet's update is right around the corner, and it has a vote to lead us off to the week. I have OTHER things I could add before that, but this is becoming a matter of available time versus efficiency...
Eh, ill figure out what to write next.
Good day everyone!

I need to see Comet being (even more) terrified of Velvet!
Also, i have a bit of a problem. Comet's update is right around the corner, and it has a vote to lead us off to the week. I have OTHER things I could add before that, but this is becoming a matter of available time versus efficiency...
Eh, ill figure out what to write next.
Good day everyone!
I mean... Is the result of the Comet update relevant to the next one? If not, then it is not like we can't discuss two votes over the week as long as we vote them together.
@OurLadyOfWires copyedits for Your biggest fan:

And for all that you voice sounds perfectly neutral as you say that, you still feel as if the disbelief in your tone is painfully obvious.

You feel as if approaching the leg-high crowd, as they play to cheerfully, would somehow spoil the mood and make everything worse.

"My, my, my, the start of the show herself. Is there anything you want, dear?"

there was that strange report from Biedde that he "intercepted" some crazy pink pony who was trying to infiltrate the party
... @OurLadyOfWires you're HORRIBLE!

You just DELIGHT in teasing us with Pinkie!

and why did she need to infiltrate?! I thought we invited half the town anyway, and certainly she could have just asked Rarity!
GIVE US THE CONTACT ALREADY 😭. Pinkie Pie knows we have the party sauce; she should be begging for an audience with us by now agh!! Why couldn't we have decided to interrogate her or something 😭.
Could send Mareinette alone. She's not quite the DoA's +50 to everything, but +40 general is still pretty good and she should be fine in combat, considering her likely health pool.
Frangiclave's no easy feat or low level quest. Both Mareinette and Ax are needed to insure we get the Frangiclave in one go.
Frangiclave's no easy feat or low level quest. Both Mareinette and Ax are needed to insure we get the Frangiclave in one go.
Not really. DoA's the one pulling most of the weight there, since the general/specialty bonuses don't stack. Mareinette going instead of us would probably be overall worse actually, because then Mareinette can't give an us an Influence and she only has two Lores. Also Frangiclave is unlikely to happen next turn anyway, because a) bits and b) AP.
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Let's see about the Canterlot Caverns rewards before we start planning next turn, eh?

Let's see... We've planned what Rarity will do, what the Constables won't do, Ax likely won't stand for not going on the expedition for the Key, Selene will almost certainly take the remaining training and have a free action, most tend to lean on having Jade look at the light puzzle...

Then you have Baldomare likely looking for the Outsider (Finally) unless she is channeling a Secret History Influence on Velvet. I believe there was talk on Velvet doing the other checks for her Secret History Sacrement...

I won't so much say things are being planned, as there are things that are aimed for, regardless of outcome.

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