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General chat thread

Hey folks I am kind of at the end of me rope. I just cannot find a new beta reader. Anyone have any ideas on where I could look?
Teufel. I can't even form coherent sentences anymore. I hate Thursdays.
I think I may donate some money to wikipedia this year.

They are pushing asking for donations, and I have some money to spare. I use it on a regular basis, so I would be putting my money into something useful to me.
I think I may donate some money to wikipedia this year.

They are pushing asking for donations, and I have some money to spare. I use it on a regular basis, so I would be putting my money into something useful to me.

My advice? Don't.

Wikipedia doesn't need your money. It's revenues are consistently more than 10 mil it's expenses, and it gets an 100 million endowment on top of that and none of that counts the donations from big groups.

It makes a big deal about needing money, but if literally every individual didn't donate they'd still make enough money from the endowment and organisation donations to meet their expenses.

It's one of the really "odd" parts of Wikipedia, really. For a non-profit organisation, they make a yearly profit and have extremely high revenues. And since donations don't count on financials as revenues... well, there's questions there.
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I found out what happens if I spend too much time in the sun with my new medicine!

The skin on my arms and face/head is dry, inflamed, and peeling. I once more have been made to look vaguely like a ghoul by drug side effects.
I think I may donate some money to wikipedia this year.

They are pushing asking for donations, and I have some money to spare. I use it on a regular basis, so I would be putting my money into something useful to me.
I would say, if you genuinely appreciate their service, donate maybe a couple bucks, but for the reasons Darrenb209 mentioned, it's really not worth it to give more. Also, they will thank you, but then they will specifically email you asking for more money on an annual basis, which can be annoying.

So it's nice to do, but not really that needed.
You should invest in smaller sites, like Funnyjunk or QQ, if you are that determined to blow money on digital things.
So is QQ running really slowly for anyone else?

It's taking me like 7~10 seconds every time I want to load a new page.

It's also only this site that's being slow for me.
So is QQ running really slowly for anyone else?

It's taking me like 7~10 seconds every time I want to load a new page.

It's also only this site that's being slow for me.
It's sporadic. Sometimes working normal, sometimes taking several seconds. Even got a couple timeouts.
I think I may donate some money to wikipedia this year.

They are pushing asking for donations, and I have some money to spare. I use it on a regular basis, so I would be putting my money into something useful to me.
They don't need the money. They have loads - so much that they wind up re-donating much of it (to, in many cases, substantially-more-controversial organisations). You can probably generate a donation list that you like better than theirs (the list of things Wikipedia donates to is, after all, not optimised for causes you like), so donating to Wikipedia is a dominated choice.
Downside of having all the skin on your hands peel? It's all new, newly sensitive, skin on your hands.

Now, I live alone, so I don't dirty many dishes. This means I don't use the dishwasher. I wash my few dishes every day or two in the sink, manually. Which means my newly baby soft and vulnerable hands are having a great time washing dishes now.

Still, glad this didn't happen 25ish years ago, when I was pulling pizzas out of the oven at Hungry Howies, that would have turbo-sucked.
I apparently need to make a comment or just interact to be verified in a way? (To view one of the worm fics) idk if true or not but pardon my intrusion on this thread lol.

Not a great demonstration, all things considered. The chips are the only ones that look freaky, and you've got to remember that if you put a Christmas ham in one of those jars, you could take it out at the end, trim a few millimetres off all over, and eat it.

Salt, in particular, makes things much less edible for microbes but not significantly less edible for humans; we can drink water along with eating salty food, while they can't.
finally halloween event on STO done, bleh, ground queue too much stuff going on probably not even going to bother doing the extra dil runs and just leave it
I've been working since I was sixteen years old barring a few unemployed patches and now, for the very first time in my life, I get to have an experience I've heard of and never gotten to try; paid vacation.

Until next Thursday, I'm not working. Which is great. What's greater is I'm still getting paid.

I mean, I've had paid sick time before, but this is the first time I'm getting to be out of work for a week, get paid for it, and not spend that time in the hospital.
I've been working since I was sixteen years old barring a few unemployed patches and now, for the very first time in my life, I get to have an experience I've heard of and never gotten to try; paid vacation.

Until next Thursday, I'm not working. Which is great. What's greater is I'm still getting paid.

I mean, I've had paid sick time before, but this is the first time I'm getting to be out of work for a week, get paid for it, and not spend that time in the hospital.

Dude every shit for the next week is on company time. You're living the life.
Was watching streamers play Trivia Murder Party while eating dinner. Final round, one of the categories was 'brass instruments' and one of the options was 'harmonica.' It's not a brass instrument.

But I wasn't sure myself, and I feel like it's not common knowledge- and a harmonica does share some traits with brass instruments.

So I told my nephew (who's in band playing a... a trumpet, I think) to ask his teachers if a harmonica counts as a brass instrument, and watch them to see if they have to think about it.

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