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General chat thread

So. As those who have discussed various "paranormal" subjects with me might know, I've never really encountered too much in the way of evidence of magic and whatnot. Certainly not enough weird shit for me to say that magic is real or something.

However, I do leave a little room for the possibility that magic and/or other paranormal stuff could be real.

First, because why not? It costs me nothing.

Second, the pants thing. I've never discussed the pants thing before.

Like today. I got dressed in my normal business casual, drove to work, did my work, went to meetings, talked to members, yadda yadda, credit union shit. Then I walked out into the parking garage, got in my car, and drove home.

The minute the door to my apartment was closed, my pants fell off. This always happens.

Is it magic? No, probably not. But it sure fucking baffles me.
So. As those who have discussed various "paranormal" subjects with me might know, I've never really encountered too much in the way of evidence of magic and whatnot. Certainly not enough weird shit for me to say that magic is real or something.

However, I do leave a little room for the possibility that magic and/or other paranormal stuff could be real.

First, because why not? It costs me nothing.

Second, the pants thing. I've never discussed the pants thing before.

Like today. I got dressed in my normal business casual, drove to work, did my work, went to meetings, talked to members, yadda yadda, credit union shit. Then I walked out into the parking garage, got in my car, and drove home.

The minute the door to my apartment was closed, my pants fell off. This always happens.

Is it magic? No, probably not. But it sure fucking baffles me.
It sounds like your waistline muscles fit very specifically in one or more pairs of your pants, and mostly hold that shape over a work day. When the door to your house shuts behind you, you involuntarily relax your muscles.

Then pants hit the floor.
It sounds like your waistline muscles fit very specifically in one or more pairs of your pants, and mostly hold that shape over a work day. When the door to your house shuts behind you, you involuntarily relax your muscles.

Then pants hit the floor.
Yeah. It's either that or magic.

I may never know for sure.

Have you tried wearing a belt? I would suggest suspenders, but they are stupid most of the time, and not worth it.
I do wear a belt. I used to have suspenders, but they broke and I honestly dislike the look
Then the only real guess I have is the one I already posted. The main refutation I can think of is, if you have a big butt, my guess is likely wrong, but if you have a flat butt, then I might be on to something.

Or it's the ghost thing.
Then the only real guess I have is the one I already posted. The main refutation I can think of is, if you have a big butt, my guess is likely wrong, but if you have a flat butt, then I might be on to something.
Hmmm... I do have a pretty flat ass...
Or it's the ghost thing.
True, but if so that ghost needs to get it's shit together.
Do you have a raging erection all day, which only subsides the exact moment you walk into your own home?
I don't enjoy my job nearly that much. :p
You mean like mine? It's how a subscriber is marked out. I throw QQ some money on the regular, because I want to, and they made my username change color.
Really? They all look orange to me.

Except Hatless Nuance up there has green.

But yours, mine, almost everyone else on this site? Orange.
Really? They all look orange to me.

Except Hatless Nuance up there has green.

But yours, mine, almost everyone else on this site? Orange.
Huh. That's odd. What UI design are you using?

To me Hatless Nuance is also green, which marks them as a donator, someone who has at least donated to QQ on one occasion recently.
On QQ's default white background, regular users are blue, subscribers are orange, mods are greenish, and admins are a darker red. Kinda maroonish.
Really? They all look orange to me.

I'm guessing you use the basic "Blackened" style (I do too), which makes all links orange, including usernames and such. If you used "Blackened-Green" they'd all be purple, and so on.

People who donate money get a green username for period of time based on how much they donate, subscribtions get an orange username, and the fact that those colours overlap with some of the style choices is presumably a design oversight.
Okay, so we've all learned a lesson: if someone asks what the colored user names mean, we must first ask them what background they've got set.
Y'all are not using the default style of QQ? Light Responsive?
Y'all are not using the default style of QQ? Light Responsive?
I did for a long, long time, then I switched just to see what the other modes were like.

Never using default again.
I tried all the other options after going through this conversation block on this thread. I am simply too used to the Light Responsive/Default to change.
Huh. That's odd. What UI design are you using?

To me Hatless Nuance is also green, which marks them as a donator, someone who has at least donated to QQ on one occasion recently.
On QQ's default white background, regular users are blue, subscribers are orange, mods are greenish, and admins are a darker red. Kinda maroonish.
People who donate money get a green username for period of time based on how much they donate, subscribtions get an orange username, and the fact that those colours overlap with some of the style choices is presumably a design oversight.
If someone was a donor, then became a subscriber while still in their "donor period", which color would take precedence for their name? Or if a subscriber made a donation (odd as that would be to do) for that matter?
You know that famous Onion headline about the worst person you know making a really great point?
Watching a thing about CTE and thinking back on my teens and early twenties and how often I used to get into fights leaves me wondering; how many concussions have I had? Certainly not as many as a pro fighter or football player or whatnot, but bare knuckle fighting between stupid kids involves lots of punches and kicks to the head, headbutts, etc.

Did my head ring after? Often, but it tended to blend with the full body aches because fighting takes a goddamn toll on people in prime shape, much less my far less athletic ass.
Please, O' Lord sat on high, tell me that nobody genuinely uses the flash-bang light theme.

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