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General chat thread

You aren't going to be avoiding all of these.

Not only am I avoiding all of them, I'm doing so entirely by accident. Not a single one of those is a brand I partake in. With possible exception to kit kats. Apparently Nestle owns that, but only when not in the USA?

Oh well, been years since I last had a kit kat anyway. I don't know if they changed the recipe, or my tastes have changed with age, but they just don't taste as good as my childhood seems to think they did.

Same with hostess.

You aren't going to be avoiding all of these.
This is funny, I started 100% agreeing with you and went through the list(including checking elsewhere since different language here) just to prove how many things would have to be avoided thus how few people would even bother to try. Then realized within the past years I bought all of two products from the list both because they were on sale and only one of those for me.

This is why it is important to check assumptions, turns out it is really easy to avoid Nestle's products huh.
Oh well, been years since I last had a kit kat anyway. I don't know if they changed the recipe, or my tastes have changed with age, but they just don't taste as good as my childhood seems to think they did.

Same with hostess.

You've probably tasted a lot of better-quality chocolate after childhood.

But also, they might be using lower-quality ingredients now.

Not only am I avoiding all of them, I'm doing so entirely by accident. Not a single one of those is a brand I partake in. With possible exception to kit kats. Apparently Nestle owns that, but only when not in the USA?

Oh well, been years since I last had a kit kat anyway. I don't know if they changed the recipe, or my tastes have changed with age, but they just don't taste as good as my childhood seems to think they did.

Same with hostess.

This is funny, I started 100% agreeing with you and went through the list(including checking elsewhere since different language here) just to prove how many things would have to be avoided thus how few people would even bother to try. Then realized within the past years I bought all of two products from the list both because they were on sale and only one of those for me.

This is why it is important to check assumptions, turns out it is really easy to avoid Nestle's products huh.

Fair enough. I remember making use of a good chunk of those... while I was in italy and germany.
By finding books that keep it short, to the point, and entertaining. So basically the opposite of how most history books are written.

I suggest you watch this instead.
If you like biographies and such and want to have a lot of fun, A cool thing can be to grab one of the more boring history books, or maybe wikepedia or something and start looking for primary and secondary sources that actually describe what happened. In terms of secondary stuff. Analysis on a particular micro-area tend to be more fun. And you can learn cool stuff, and there are often more of a story element. Either when it comes to particular people.
Or like looking for videos of books on typical food and daily life of the era. Wikipedia isn't the best source, But it can be good for helping build up an idea of the context of other events that happen before and after the period you are focusing on. I usually don't try to memorize exact dates but rather focus on orders. And then use major ones as benchmarks to try to compare things one a generation-like time scale. (So like 40-50 years or so.)

Another thing that can be cool is to look into the history of particular major cities, it can give a really interesting, and more local and personal perspective on a period in history. People often learn about boston, or plymouth or whatever a little, but usually such things only cover a very short period of it.
Looking at maps of how such cities grown, major citizens even after they got founded. and other major events that happened there.

The history of a lot of the cities around the great lakes area, as well as Lousianna are particularly interesting ones I have looked into. Since they correspond to a period of significant growth and are intertwined with the conflicts with the natives, french, etc. And kind of directly connect up to what happened in the revolutionary war later. Those are more American history stuff. There is also a ton of cool stuff in Asian and South American history.

But more generally picking a couple really micro things over a longer period of time(City, or perhaps biographical history), Some big picture reading(Video, or typical textbook stuff.), and then maybe diving deep into a couple really interesting events can be a good three part process to understanding a part of history
1. and 3. tend to be the most fun. Trying to get a rough timeline and history of important technologies is also an area of the big picture that can be pretty useful particularly if you have any interest in military history, it can also make it a little bi easier to lump areas together in a more gradual way than like "modern", "Colonial", "Medieval", and "ancient" or something similar. (Or maybe even a little bit zoomed in.)
I personally find the transition periods of change in technology and social structure to be some of the most interesting Some changes happened faster than others.

Also just picking up biographies can help you learn a lot about history more generally. Although, having a little bit of context can help too.

Videos are great, particularly "overview" type stuff. Since those tend to get you more mileage. Video essay types can be fun too, but you have to be careful there since they can sometimes give you a really biased perspective on stuff in history if you don't have context. Video essays are more likely to be biased or inaccurate about really old stuff we don't know much about or about things that are really recent because they are more politically charged in most cases. (like anything during the cold war or newer at least. Or on the other end, stuff that is before the Romans.)
Oh well, been years since I last had a kit kat anyway. I don't know if they changed the recipe, or my tastes have changed with age, but they just don't taste as good as my childhood seems to think they did.
It's strange but true. I used to greatly dislike spicy stuff, but around the time I turned 40 I really started enjoying it.

Around the same time lemonade of any sort started tasting incredibly foul to me.
It's strange but true. I used to greatly dislike spicy stuff, but around the time I turned 40 I really started enjoying it.

Around the same time lemonade of any sort started tasting incredibly foul to me.

Same, I used to hate wasabi with anything like sushi/sashimi, over time I actually appreciated the flavor and kept overflowing my soy sauce with wasabi just to try

Then I got into stuff like curry and the spicy sauces that go well with Tacos at LaGrima(a restaurant chain) here in the Philippines
Same, I used to hate wasabi with anything like sushi/sashimi, over time I actually appreciated the flavor and kept overflowing my soy sauce with wasabi just to try

Then I got into stuff like curry and the spicy sauces that go well with Tacos at LaGrima(a restaurant chain) here in the Philippines
Yeah, my main point is that your palate can change drastically over time. Sometimes even really abruptly.
I don't know if this is the right thread for it, but for those of you who had to euthanize a pet, how did you know it was time?
I've never had to euthanize a pet, but I did have to euthanize one of my parent's dogs. He had gone blind, couldn't walk, and was suffering from what turned out to be diabetes. (For the record, I wasn't the one who made the decision to euthanize him, I was just selected to fill the role of the bad guy for my siblings to be mad at afterwards by taking him to the vet to be put down.)
I don't know if this is the right thread for it, but for those of you who had to euthanize a pet, how did you know it was time?
She was spewing fluid from her lungs and couldn't even properly sit up in the throes of acute pneumonia. Of course an hour and a half before that I had to physically drag dad out of the house and to where the dog was lying in suffering to get him to understand that he had to take her to the vet literally weeks beforehand to avoid having her be put down by said vet but somehow he couldn't have gotten fucked to do it and somehow I was worthy of the bale eye all the way back home and the rest of the weekend just because I decided to have a backbone after arriving back home for the weekend.

And then he repeated the same drama with grandma's dog a few years later, except this time I wasn't even able to say goodbye to the dog I helped raise and had imprint on me.
When it seemed like we would just be prolonging suffering rather than actually helping.
Yeah, that's the problem. Unlike @Hyp3rB14d3 and @NuclearBird, he's not showing obvious signs he's done. He's just slowly dying. It looks like it hurts to move, enough that he's not really grooming himself, but not so much that he's given up on the box yet. I don't think I'm prolonging suffering yet, but I don't know if I'm in denial because it's such a massive awful thing to have to decide.
I don't know why, but while I feel better, it hurts so much to let my stomach out now

What do I do?

I was stomach in, even while I was sleeping, whether on my side or on my front
Yeah, that's the problem. Unlike @Hyp3rB14d3 and @NuclearBird, he's not showing obvious signs he's done. He's just slowly dying. It looks like it hurts to move, enough that he's not really grooming himself, but not so much that he's given up on the box yet. I don't think I'm prolonging suffering yet, but I don't know if I'm in denial because it's such a massive awful thing to have to decide.

Do you have a vet who knows your pet?

Is there a capability list you could look at to decide "this is too much pain / too little function to make life worthwhile" objectively before it happens?
Do you have a vet who knows your pet?

Is there a capability list you could look at to decide "this is too much pain / too little function to make life worthwhile" objectively before it happens?
There is, and I looked at a capability list they gave me. That's why I'm having a breakdown: He's meeting a lot of the criteria for time to say goodbye.
There is, and I looked at a capability list they gave me. That's why I'm having a breakdown: He's meeting a lot of the criteria for time to say goodbye.

Sucks, but it happens to everyone eventually.

Nicest thing you could do AFAICT is be there during your pet's final moments instead of leaving it alone with the vet.
Sucks, but it happens to everyone eventually.

Nicest thing you could do AFAICT is be there during your pet's final moments instead of leaving it alone with the vet.

Word of advice, don't buy another one

It's why I dislike my sister who lost one of her cats and then bought another one months later
I don't know if this is the right thread for it, but for those of you who had to euthanize a pet, how did you know it was time?
We knew our dog had cancer, and got him some treatment, but agreed that when he stopped wanting to eat anything it would be time to go. Don't let him starve.
Why the hell do I have this terrible habit of starting another series before I've read/watched the one I'm on?

I literally need to rely on site blockers to finish any story.
*scrolls down*
huh, this is eas-
Note: Starbucks only refers to the stuff sold in stores, the store itself isn't owned by nestle, just the right to sell their products in stores.

The only thing there I eat at all "normally" is digriorno's and even that not as much, since usually the store brand pizzas are just as good and cheaper. So it's been a good 2 months since I got theirs.
It seems the hardest area to avoid them is like candy. Also bottled water. But bottled water is terrible anyways by default.

If you want to buy filtered water that is semi-portable, it's better to buy these 1 and 5 gallon refillable ones. There are these portable water stations you can pretty quickly set up with the 1 gallon ones in particular, way more cost-efficent for job-site like purposes. And the setup cost is still less than buying coolers full of ice and water bottles.
The big issues is you have to have extra cups/bottles to give out so if your workforce is less table they don't work anymore.
Ironically it is useally less clean, and more likely to have tiny plastic bits and other nasty stuff if yo buy standard bottled then if you fill up 1 or 5 gallon ones.
(You can get your own home filter if you want, and you city/country water is bad. At least half the time it's meh. But most of the bottled stuff isn't any better. and if it actually is it is crazy over-priced and terrible for the environment.)
(Although, one thing that can be super convenient is if you freeze a ton of water bottles to act as icepacks, then mix in a minority that isn't frozen, so then you don't have to keep buying ice, and it gives more of a buffer if the liquid stuff runs out.)
I recall a quote where a bad guy calls a good(?) guy "Wasted material!" during a fight (could have been "waste of material"; they sound similar). But I can't place it.

Sure it's not anime or a book because I recall it spoken in English and I haven't watched dubbed anime in like 20 years. Fairly sure it's not Star Trek or Doctor Who since I stuck both into chakoteya.net and got no relevant results, although it's possible there's a typo in the transcripts or it's something that only sounds similar. I thought it was Ra's al-Ghul (the real one) from Batman Begins, but I checked all the fight scenes with him and it didn't show up.
Was Babylon 5 - "Grey 17 is Missing".
The temperature where I live just plummeted to -1 with a -7c windchill.

...I'm not complaining. That 28+ degrees I had earlier this week can go fuck itself.
*scrolls down*
huh, this is eas-

I have heard before that there are some families/companies we barely ever hear of that are way way way richer than guys like Bill Gates or Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos and the like

I question how they stay undercover so much, when they're so rich and influential

Then again, I think guys like Bill Gates and Elon Musk made the mistake of actively making themselves a brand

And now people know whom specifically to blame for their computers leaking their data

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