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Garou are mone of the most dangerous CQC supernatural combatants you might have misfortune to meet. They are fast strong, heal really fast, have sharp animalistic senses and are impervious to most weapons that aren't silver or magic, just seeing them can cause delirium AND worst of all they like fighting in packs. There's always a good chance that you won't be dealing with only one werewolf at one time.

As Big D said. They are killing machines, supernatural soldiers perfect for direct combat.

Vampires are more about infiltration and ambush.

But Big D did warm Kitten how Magi who can bend reality to their will aren't pushover either. You should not kill them because of Death Hex and best chance to take one of them out is to make sure Mage is completely unaware of attack coming. But that's easier said than done. Mage with 2 or 3 dots in any sphere can use it to set up various measures to detect and prevent incoming ambush.

Indeed. Happy to meet a fellow Mage fan, by the way - It's rare to find those even in this thread, it seems...
Garou are mone of the most dangerous CQC supernatural combatants you might have misfortune to meet. They are fast strong, heal really fast, have sharp animalistic senses and are impervious to most weapons that aren't silver or magic, just seeing them can cause delirium AND worst of all they like fighting in packs. There's always a good chance that you won't be dealing with only one werewolf at one time.

As Big D said. They are killing machines, supernatural soldiers perfect for direct combat.

Ratkin are worse: Their animal form is smaller, allowing easier infiltration and exfiltration (which matters in urban environments with their higher Gauntlet ratings), they carry the Birthing Plague which kills normal mortals and even 90% if their own kinfolk if infected (when they do not stack the deck with a rite) and can even make other shapeshifters seriously ill (Ratkin themselves are immune) and worst of all, they have much higher numbers (because rats breed like rats) than any other shapeshifters on their own and quite a few of them combined.
To all you Chronicles of Darkness fans:

What happens when a member of a family which is mostly made up of Mages becomes a different type of Major Supernatural Template like a Werewolf or Sin-Eater?

Also, what Hunter Compacts/Conspiracies are least hostile to Mages?
To all you Chronicles of Darkness fans:

What happens when a member of a family which is mostly made up of Mages becomes a different type of Major Supernatural Template like a Werewolf or Sin-Eater?

That covers such a wide category of possibilities that asking about it is damn near meaningless.

What kind of people are these Mages? Are they members of the Diamond Orders, the Free Council, Seers, or what? Are they a large family or are they a pair of mages with a single child? Are they part of a Legacy?

What experiences do they have with said Supernatural Template? Has their major only major run in with Uratha been Predator Kings? Are they aware of Sin Eaters as a thing that can happen?

That covers such a wide category of possibilities that asking about it is damn near meaningless.

What kind of people are these Mages? Are they members of the Diamond Orders, the Free Council, Seers, or what? Are they a large family or are they a pair of mages with a single child? Are they part of a Legacy?

What experiences do they have with said Supernatural Template? Has their major only major run in with Uratha been Predator Kings? Are they aware of Sin Eaters as a thing that can happen?


I was thinking a Silver Ladder Family for dramatic conflict or a Free Council Family for a happier story. And a small family that is known for turning out Mages and ingrained in Mage Society. As for Legacy, I was honestly thinking Tamers of the Cave.

They know the Forsaken exist. And generally know about Sin-Eaters.
Which of these ideas should I write?

Mage the Ascension + Fate/Grand Order crossover fanfic where the Nephandi destroyed the Traditions and Technocracy and forced their remnants to combine into one faction, the Chaldea Security Organization to save Humanity from a fate worse than total extinction?

Or a Mage the Awakening + Fate/Grand Order fanfic which is much the same, only with Werewolves and Magical Girls/Boys (From a homebrew, Princess: The Hopeful) added to the mix?
Which of these ideas should I write?

Mage the Ascension + Fate/Grand Order crossover fanfic where the Nephandi destroyed the Traditions and Technocracy and forced their remnants to combine into one faction, the Chaldea Security Organization to save Humanity from a fate worse than total extinction?

Or a Mage the Awakening + Fate/Grand Order fanfic which is much the same, only with Werewolves and Magical Girls/Boys (From a homebrew, Princess: The Hopeful) added to the mix?

How exactly those crossover will affect both settings?

Replace Servants with Mages and/or Nobles?
How exactly those crossover will affect both settings?

Replace Servants with Mages and/or Nobles?

Yes. In the Ascension crossover, Mash will be a Progenitor-made Clone who is also a literal reincarnation of Galahad instead of just implanted with his spirit. Oh, and she will be genderbent into a boy named 'Matt'.

In the Awakening Werewolf + Princess Crossover, Mash will be genderbent into a Prince/Magical Boy named Matt, and he'll also have a normal lifespan from the get-go.

By the way, nice to see that you're a fan of Princess!
I'ma be real, this sounds more F/GO inspired than a crossover. Can just rip the plot of a time-correction agency and make it a pure MtA fic.
I'ma be real, this sounds more F/GO inspired than a crossover. Can just rip the plot of a time-correction agency and make it a pure MtA fic.
I'm pretty sure there is already an absurdly powerful Spirit that does that in Ascension, powerful enough that the Technocracy doesn't even theorize about changing the past.
I'ma be real, this sounds more F/GO inspired than a crossover. Can just rip the plot of a time-correction agency and make it a pure MtA fic.

To be fair, the Awakening fic idea does not do time travel or 'singularities'; in there, Ritsuka and his group are a Free Council Cabal (with a Non-Mage member, aka Matt/Male Mash) tasked with fighting the Contagion from the Contagion Chronicle Crossover game across present-day Earth (minus some IRL Events which I don't want to include for controversy).

I'm pretty sure there is already an absurdly powerful Spirit that does that in Ascension, powerful enough that the Technocracy doesn't even theorize about changing the past.

Oh, that's a bummer. Well, they can still fight the Nephandi, the Wyrm, and the Earthbound...

Edit: As for why use Ritsuka and the FGO cast? Well, I know this is selfish, but I want readers.
To be fair, the Awakening fic idea does not do time travel or 'singularities'; in there, Ritsuka and his group are a Free Council Cabal (with a Non-Mage member, aka Matt/Male Mash) tasked with fighting the Contagion from the Contagion Chronicle Crossover game across present-day Earth (minus some IRL Events which I don't want to include for controversy).

Oh, that's a bummer. Well, they can still fight the Nephandi, the Wyrm, and the Earthbound...

Edit: As for why use Ritsuka and the FGO cast? Well, I know this is selfish, but I want readers.
Looks like there's nothing FGO there besides some names then, that's... probably not going to bring in much if any readers past the first chapter or two. It mostly seems like it might bring in salt?

If readers are your goal, perhaps a Self Insert or other singular isekai insert (Hachiman, Tanya, Taylor Hebert, Reborn As Bad Ended Villain-type isekai, etc.)? Those tend to bring in readers excited to see the Fish Out of Water explore/adapt to the world without any of the messy expectations you get from importing someone (or a whole cast) from a high-powered world/time-crossing setting.

Could also try taking something WoD that people are already familiar with (like VtM:B or HtP) and try to expand outwards from there into what you want. Bloodlines would require starting with a Vampire focus instead of Mage though. And Hunter the Parenting both has strong personalities and isn't developed far enough yet to give you a lot to work with.

I'd mostly reccomend some kind of isekai/insert into Mage tbh.

Edit: "male mash" already sounds like this, what with being a genderswap with a different background in a different situation that you plan to hook up with a main character. Just go all the way and make it a SI I think.
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Looks like there's nothing FGO there besides some names then, that's... probably not going to bring in much if any readers past the first chapter or two. It mostly seems like it might bring in salt?

If readers are your goal, perhaps a Self Insert or other singular isekai insert (Hachiman, Tanya, Taylor Hebert, Reborn As Bad Ended Villain-type isekai, etc.)? Those tend to bring in readers excited to see the Fish Out of Water explore/adapt to the world without any of the messy expectations you get from importing someone (or a whole cast) from a high-powered world/time-crossing setting.

Could also try taking something WoD that people are already familiar with (like VtM:B or HtP) and try to expand outwards from there into what you want. Bloodlines would require starting with a Vampire focus instead of Mage though. And Hunter the Parenting both has strong personalities and isn't developed far enough yet to give you a lot to work with.

I'd mostly reccomend some kind of isekai/insert into Mage tbh.

Edit: "male mash" already sounds like this, what with being a genderswap with a different background in a different situation that you plan to hook up with a main character. Just go all the way and make it a SI I think.

I honestly don't like Vampire the Masquerade (except for the Salubri and Assamites) and I like Hunters even less.

So I'll try an Isekai or Self-Insert into Mage or just a completely Mage fic, if that is the best solution.
It occurs to me that having a Hank Scorpio Ventrue would be hilarious and fun

Hank Ventrue: So here is the company stock plan. Everyone is set up with an advisor to help maximize long term profits with a diversified portfolio to help when you need to come up with a new identity and move assets
I made a new fanfic - Mixed Family, a Werewolf the Forsaken (Second Edition) + Mage the Awakening (Second Edition) + Princess the Hopeful (Homebrew) Crossover!
so a question which group controls which part of the world the most.

I know the sabbat controls mexico, tzimiche transalvania, giovani italy. But what about the rest.
so a question which group controls which part of the world the most.

I know the sabbat controls mexico, tzimiche transalvania, giovani italy. But what about the rest.

We talking Vampire Lore only? Also at what time, cause e.g. the Ravnos where (mostly) in control over India, before the Events of "the Final Nights" in 1999 wiped most of them out. But in general (atleast for Vampires and before 5E):

Kuen-Jin control China (and most likely India after 1999)
Ashira control the Middle East and most of North Africa (at least before 5E)
Laibon control the rest of Africa

The Assamite control Alamut (and probably the regions around it)

The Sabbat did (mostly) control South America (atleast tht how I remember it, can't find reference. But I'm pretty sure that was in on of the Sabbat Books). They also have high influence in Spain and Italy mostly via Clan Lasombra. Also the one city besides Mexico City that always gets mentioned is "City of Black Miracles" aka Montreal.

In Europe you also got:
Tremere are in control of Vienna
Paris has been the main focus of the Torreadaor, as in it's the Trend Setter
London has been in control of the Ventrue, since for ever.
Rome, is strange as there is high concentration of true faith there, it's one of the big cities that isn't really in Vampire control. There are some Nos' around but that just because Nos' are good at hiding it's not like they rule the city really.
I mean world of darkness groups in general.
I redid the first chapter of Mixed Family, my CofD fanfic!

It's a crossover of Werewolf the Forsaken (Second Edition) + Mage the Awakening (Second Edition) + Princess the Hopeful (Homebrew), btw.
I mean world of darkness groups in general.

This gets a lot more complicated if you take things like "the umbra" into account. But I will try (Also if you looking for something specific, it's better to ask directly, cause the whole thing is a bit of a clusterfuck and some information's may contradict each other.)

You ever heard those conspiracy theories about how there is a secret world government, that is made up out of the richest people on earth, who has future tech, secretly controls the media and also is in contact with Aliens? That the "Technocratic Union", so they control the whole world. So why haven't they won? (Also this is version dependent and M20 gives the storyteller the choice about how much control they really have).

Cause a) Mages can just fuck off to other planes and don't care for physical laws, so they can only own one house in a city, but that is on the inside as big as a block. Also space doesn't matter as much when you can teleport. b) Mage isn't about fighting for terrain it's fighting about concepts, ideas and ideals. So as long as there are people who held to superstitions, faith or simply believe urban legends the Technocratic Union hasn't won yet.

Also the Nephandi have most likely (again it's storyteller digression) secretly infiltrated the TU (and the Traditions) and are now secretly in control. In general they are everywhere (at least if we take the more modern approach by "Book of the Fallen", which is a great book)

The Traditions are difficult to place not only because a lot of their more powerful mages fucked off to some Horizon Realm (which may or may not have been destroyed by the Avatar Storm), but also because how powerful and organized they are is depending on the chronicle and the ST. So they difficult to place, but you can expect them to have at least some kind of influence in the bigger cities.

Okay that was Mage so let get to Werewolf, they are technically easier to pin down, just look at there Caerns and you know where they tend to be, but that said I never really got into Werewolf so I can try to get you some information, but someone else is more likely better qualified. In general Werewolves (and other shapeshifter) are in control of more "rural" areas, so don't expect them to rule cities (even if you can find some of them there).

Asia - Is controlled by the Beast Courts, which hold different kinds of shapeshifters
Africa - Is controlled by the Ahadi

The Wendigo Tribe is in control of Canada and Northern part of the USA (or atleast they say, that they are)
The Ukenta Tribe is in control of areas of native american peoples, so reservoirs and stuff.
The Get of Fenris Tribe is in control of Scandinavia
The Fianna Tribe is in control of Ireland and (parts of) Great Britain
The Silver Fang and the Shadow Lord Tribes both believe they are in control of the "Garou Nation" and with that (almost) all Werewolves...

In general if it's rural or untouched nature you can expect it to be under the control of on the Shapeshifting breeds.

Changelings and Wraith control their own reflection of Earth each, called the Dreaming and the Shadowlands respectively, while they still have influences on the "human world" I wouldn't but them on the same level as the factions there.

Demons, I have no clue. Can't remember if there even is explicit stated which house holds influence where.
so more exploration about how being a vampire sucks also how the fuck did big d and his family kill a 4th gen vampire

IIRC, a methuselah is any vampire over a thousand years old.

Typically, that's Fourth or Fifth gens, but it could be higher.

Granted, any vampire over a thousand years old is gonna be a fucking monster in a fight. Even if you somehow magically got a 13th gen to that age, they'd have access to a wide variety of bullshit just from having been able to learn most of the common Disciplines to nothing of any bullshit Combination Disciplines they'd have.

But yeah, definitely not the sort of fight that's easy to get into or walk away from.

In any event, guesses to what Big D is abound. The leading ones, AFAIK, are either Mage or Imbued Veteran Hunter.
I'm surprised by how much I now like Kevin.

Alfabusa and his team continue showing their mastery or writing and showing great characters. Kevin started as a meme, a Evil Vampire Wizard and turned out that he is very sympathetic and decent person under layers of larping that still clings to his Humanity. Complete opossite of Pyotor who is frightening monster.
Alfabusa and his team continue showing their mastery or writing and showing great characters. Kevin started as a meme, a Evil Vampire Wizard and turned out that he is very sympathetic and decent person under layers of larping that still clings to his Humanity. Complete opossite of Pyotor who is frightening monster.
I'm also surprised how much I like Pyotor for the opposite reason he's actually a fucking creepy and a good antagonist.
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