Storm - 3
Not too sore, are you?
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Olivia grunted as she struggled against the chains wrapped all over her body. She understood that this was all in her head, but she had so far been unable to make her restraints disappear. She didn't know how long she had been trapped in her own mind, Mary made sure that she remained unaware of what was going on beyond her chains. She still had a trump card that she could use, but she needed to be careful with how she deployed it. Thankfully, the one she was preparing for decided to just walk right up to her.
Mary strutted up to her with a satisfied smile. Before she could say anything, Olivia made her move. Black Getter F quickly manifested before the two of them and reached out to Mary. Instead of being caught by surprise like the fragment of her in the bracelet, she simply raised an eyebrow and snapped her fingers. Olivia looked at her in shock as the mental manifestation of her precious Black Bunny was reduced to dispersing motes of white light.
"Sorry, child." Mary says with satisfaction. "This mind doesn't belong to you anymore."
Olivia scowled at her, but Mary simply manifested a chair and sat in front of her. She silently wondered if Mary and Anne were twins, since she was still using Olivia's face even in her mind.
"You look almost exactly like Anne, aside from a different shade of color in your eyes. A shame that you share her poor taste in lovers." Mary started, completely unprompted. "Still, you are much more gullible than she was."
"I mean, truly? You trust the story of some strange ghost in an ancient relic without verifying their story? Helped her gather everything she needed to become even more powerful than she already was? It certainly made my first steps to revenge much easier."
Wow, Mary really enjoyed listening to herself talk.
"Your precious Leon even put himself on a silver platter for me." Mary smiled sweetly at Olivia. "I hated his conviction so I gave him a command to doubt everything. It should be fun to see him after a while when his mind fully unravels from the strain."
"But you must be wondering where this is all going, yes? Well, we are currently headed to the Principality of Fanoss." Olivia furrowed her brows, wondering why Mary was bothering to tell her all this. "Once I gain control of their armies, monsters, and Dragon God, I will bring it all to bear upon Holfort. Everything will burn until there is nothing left but ash and blood."
Mary then leaned forward and patted Olivia on the head. "And it will all be your fault, little Olivia."
Olivia's gut clenched with how Mary said her name.
"It can't all have been lies, Mary." Olivia stated, surprising Mary. The other woman recovered quickly and slapped Olivia for talking back to her. Instead of looking hurt, she just smiled at Mary. "I heard every word you said whenever Leon held you in his arms, every time you made love to him, every time you just wanted him to spoil you, every single time you told him that you love him. All of that was real."
Mary's earlier confidence went up in a flame of sheer anger with Olivia's words. She yelped as the furious woman reached out and roughly pulled her closer by the hair. "That was just my defective, incomplete self that did that! You should try to have your soul be forcefully ripped apart and see if you retain your true self without all the parts!"
"It disgusts me even now that I would have ever wanted to be with Lea's descendant! All of it was just because I confused myself for my sister! That was all it was!" Mary screamed, but Olivia was unfazed at her rant.
Olivia looked at her tormentor dead in the eye "So even an incomplete, half-remembering version of you still acknowledges that Anne loved Lea with all her heart. No one forced anyone to do anything against their will, Mary. No one betrayed anyone. All of it has just been in your own head."
Mary let go of her hair and sneered.
"I will enjoy showing you Leon's dying body." She said, barely keeping her temper in check. "He no longer has his edge and he will falter at the most important moment."
"Leon is already above things as silly as doubt and indecisiveness." Olivia confidently declared, making Mary snarl. "Even if he somehow isn't able to handle it by himself, he's not like you. He isn't alone."
Mary suddenly stood up and looked like she wanted to kill Olivia. Instead, she spat on Olivia's face. "I guess we'll see, won't we?"
"You will." Olivia said with a threatening smile, making Mary furiously stomp away from her.
Olivia was starting to understand why Marie always riled up people she didn't like.
Noelle Zel Lespinasse cried out in pain as Loic Leta Barielle pulled her along the hallways of his family estate. The magic collar around her neck formed a chain of energy that led to that bastard's hand. Try as she might, she didn't have a choice but to obey him.
Despite all that, it was Lelia's betrayal that hurt her the most.
"Here we are." Loic declared as he pulled her into a lavishly decorated bedroom. Noelle's mind immediately went to countless horrible things that could happen to her there. Her tormentor noticed her face and snorted. "As much as I want to start your training as my pet, father insisted that you remain pure for our wedding and the subsequent ceremony for you to officially become the Sacred Tree Priestess."
"You're not the Guardian." Noelle's back talk earned her a slap on the face that left her sprawled on the floor.
"Father told me to keep your chastity intact, but he never said anything about the rest of you." Loic coldly stated, making Noelle shiver in fear. "Don't test me, Noelle. I might just decide to break you anyway."
Noelle grit her teeth and glared at Loic as tears welled up in her eyes.
"That's a good look for you." Loic happily stated as the chain that connected her collar to him disappeared. "Better get used to looking up at me, Noelle."
She made sure not to give him the satisfaction of watching her cry. After Loic left the room and locked the door, Noelle crawled her way to the bed and curled up in a fetal position and started sobbing.
Miss Noelle.
"Aaaaahhhh!" Despair gave way to shock and fear as Control's drone suddenly became visible in front of her. She blinked a few times and calmed down, reaching out to check if what she was seeing was actually real. "Control?"
Yes. I apologize for not making my presence known until now. Secrecy is paramount for me to be able to monitor your condition.
"How long have you been around me?" She asked, pulling the drone into her arms.
Since you disembarked the Nagare.
Noelle very nearly threw Control at the wall. "Then why didn't you do anything when Loic collared me?!"
Because this drone does not have any meaningful offensive or defensive capabilities. It is primarily for surveillance. The risk of failure in a rescue attempt was unacceptable.
Noelle grumbled, but did not refute Control. She did release the drone from her grasp in case she suddenly felt like throwing it.
If your sister and Loic would have been able to disable this platform, then I would not be speaking to you right now.
"Then you're here to make sure I'm okay?" Control bobbed up and down in the air. Noelle assumed that control was nodding at her.
As well as keeping everyone informed as to where you presently are.
That made Noelle blink. "Everyone?"
I have already informed Marie and Leon of what happened to you. Unfortunately, a separate crisis is currently developing in Holfort, we cannot rely on Leon or the others there for immediate assistance.
"But Marie knows?" Control bobbed up and down in another nod. "What about Serge?"
Prince Julius and the others are presently making sure that he does not, to quote Marie, go on a warpath after he found out about your predicament.
Somehow, that warmed Noelle's heart despite everything. After a moment, she reached up to touch the accursed thing around her neck. "Can you do anything about this collar?"
I can.
Noelle's face suddenly lit up in a smile.
However, we presently have no means to rescue you safely. Breaking the collar would only alert your captors that there is foul play.
She slumped at the rest of Control's words. "So I have to keep this on me?"
Sadly, we must maintain the illusion that they are in control of the situation and that nothing is being done to undermine their efforts. Rest assured that this is not actually the case.
"Dammit." Noelle sulked until she realized something. She looked at Control. "Can I talk to Marie?"
That service, I can indeed provide.
Noelle sighed in relief at that.
Julius Rapha Holfort idly wondered if Leon ever had to do something like he currently was at the moment. The crown prince of Holfort certainly never expected to be body blocking one of his friends to keep him from charging at his own father. Thankfully, his other trusted friends were also there to help him.
"I don't give a shit that you can't do anything!" Julius smiled at Serge's words. He almost wished that he had the courage to speak that way to his own father. "Just lend me an Armor so I can go to the Barielle estate myself! I just want to talk to Loic for a bit!"
"If you appear in front of the home of one of the Great Houses, then you risk making the situation even worse!" Albergue yelled back in clear exasperation.
"That fucker Loic kidnapped Noelle!" Serge shot back in fury. Julius looked around and noticed that Louise was near the doorway pinching the bridge of her nose.
"We have no proof!" Albergue's words made Serge pause and grit his teeth. At least he wasn't trying to physically charge at his father. Julius and his friends looked at each other and slowly let Serge go. Thankfully, their friend seemed to have calmed down somewhat.
"Actually, we kinda do?" Brad suddenly said, making everyone pause and look at him.
"We do?" Julius asked in wonder.
"We do?!" Serge echoed as he grabbed Brad by the collar.
"Well, I mean Control was there when it happened, right?" Brad quickly stated. "Doesn't that mean that they saw everything?"
That made everyone look at each other. Serge let Brad go and patted down his shirt.
"Sorry man." He apologized and got a smile in return.
"I get it, Serge." Serge nodded at Brad's response and took a deep breath.
The moment was interrupted when Albergue spoke up. "You want the Lost Item to testify?"
"He means that Control may have recorded the whole kidnapping." Louise smoothly inserted herself into the conversation and walked up to Serge's side. "Something as advanced as Control should have been able to capture everything on video in perfect clarity and even with audio."
"Would we be able to use that as proof?" Jilk asked as everyone turned back to Albergue for confirmation. His grimace did not inspire their confidence.
"We could, but that would cause another set of problems." Albergue said, clearly thinking the whole scenario through.
"What problems?! We probably have Loic red handed!" Julius and the others nodded at Greg's exclamation. If they could show everyone what happened, it would clearly display hostile intent towards the Priestess of the Sacred Tree. Their Great Houses surely would have been forced to act.
"The ceremony." Louise suddenly picked up the conversation while rubbing her temple.
"What about it?" Serge's sister and father looked at each other before turning back to him.
"Think, child." Albergue stated, irritating Serge with how he spoke. "The ceremony concludes with the Guardian and Priestess demonstrating their control over the Sacred Tree."
"Oh no." Ever quick on the uptake, Chris seemed to have figured something out.
"What is it?" Julius asked his friend. Chris sighed and shook his head.
"Not only are the Guardians of the Sacred Tree from a foreign country," Chris gestured to himself, Julius, Brad, Greg, and Jilk in turn. "But Noelle is not the Priestess of the Alzer Sacred Tree, and neither are we its Guardians."
Of course! They were all bonded to the sapling and not the fully grown tree!
"Exactly," Albergue picked up the conversation. "In addition, carelessly revealing this without ascertaining which houses are aligned with the Barielle House could end poorly."
Julius couldn't help but click his tongue. Even here, under dire circumstances, factions and self interests of the nobility got in the way.
"Thanks for reminding me how much I hate politics, dad." Serge flatly stated, earning a raised brow from his father.
"So what are our options, Chairman?" Julius asked on behalf of everyone.
"We already have irrefutable proof, if the Lost Item truly has a recording of Loic kidnapping the priestess." Albergue quickly stated, seemingly already considering the possibilities. "The issue will be using it in a way that wouldn't result in a civil war."
"I do not comprehend why you hold such affection to Noelle," Albergue suddenly said to Serge, making their friend blush and look away. "But I will not allow your passions for her to cost the lives of innocent people."
"Fuck." Serge muttered, his embarrassment forgotten. Julius smiled when he saw Louise reach out to hold Serge's hand, surprising both him and their father.
"We will find a way." Louise softly stated to everyone's surprise. "We have most of the needed pieces, we just need to find the perfect way to use them."
That was quite the surprise. It was not a secret that Louise disliked Noelle, even before both of them became romantically interested in Serge. For her to be so supportive in rescuing Noelle spoke volumes. From the way Serge was looking at his sister, he knew this as well.
"Whatever you need me to do, I'm in." Serge firmly stated to his father, his hand still holding on to Louise's.
"Then I will require both you and Louise." Albergue stated before turning to Julius and the others. "Thank you for your constant support, Prince Julius. And to you others as well."
Serge gave all five of his dear friends a hug goodbye before they got a ride back to Marie. He went back inside to his father and sister. Surprisingly, his father was smiling at him.
"Treasure their friendship with you, Serge." He blinked at his father's tone.
"Huh?" Was all he could say, blushing when Louise giggled at him.
"Holfort is under constant monster attacks and is at the verge of war with Fanoss." Albergue pointed out, making Serge's eyes widen. "Despite that, the crown prince and the heirs of their own great houses are here standing at your side."
"Dammit." Serge covered his face with his hand but couldn't quite hide his red face or his smile from his family.
"Should everything workout, I daresay the Kingdom and the Republic will have an unbreakable bond." Albergue stated in full confidence, earning a sigh from Louise.
"Please don't jinx it, father."
"Almost there." Lelia Zel Lespinasse muttered as she navigated the inner workings of the Sacred Tree's dungeon. The soldiers that Loic lent to her have all died by either monster or trap. Honestly, he could have given her some more competent soldiers. She swore to get him back for that.
"This doesn't look right." Lelia muttered as she inspected the pure blue futuristic door in front of her. Her memories from the game told her that this should have been an airlock with a different color. Were her memories from the guide for the endgame already that deteriorated?
To her surprise, the door suddenly slid open with a hiss without any input from her. The hallway within was illuminated by lights from the ceiling. Without much else to go on, Lelia took a breath and entered. It didn't take long for her to realize that she was being led to somewhere. By what or who though?
"This is very different from the event." Lelia noted as she was led through hallway after hallway. She was curious about some of the other inactive sliding doors around her, but erred on the side of caution. Eventually, she ended up in front of a large pair of double doors that had a screen display on it. She flinched when the display suddenly lit up with words.
Words that cycled through different languages. Languages that she recognized. They were languages from Earth!
"Wait! I can understand Japanese!" Lelia exclaimed and the display immediately showed her a sentence in the native language of her old life.
"Sapling?" Lelia muttered, her eyes widening. "What sapling?"
"I don't understand! Explain it better!"
Lelia groaned when the screen didn't answer her question and just said something else. "Worthy of what?!"
"What? Noelle is the priestess!" Lelia yelled out, slamming her hands on the sides of the display.
False? Noelle was not the priestess? But she had the crest! She made sure to double check before Loic took her to his manor! That got Lelia's alarm bells ringing immediately. "Either way, I'm not qualified to be the Sacred Tree Priestess!"
Why was it so certain of that?
"Are you…the Sacred Tree?" Lelia finally asked.
"Bullshit." She challenged while crossing her arms. This whole sequence of events was nothing like the one she went through to get the cheat item for this game. "Is this some sort of trap?"
Lelia hummed. Even through an unfeeling screen, she could feel the desperation. Sacred Tree or otherwise. Then again, she couldn't let herself come away empty handed. Loic was the correct choice to control Noelle, but he was crazy. If he ever tried to threaten her way of life, she needed a way to counter what he could bring to bear.
"Fine, I accept." As soon as she said that, the display went dark and the large doors opened. Lelia cautiously entered into what seemed like a giant warehouse. The lights from the hallway was her only real illumination but she noted the roots and vines of the Sacred Tree were all over the walls and floor. Suddenly, the lights inside came on and she couldn't help but gasp.
There was something in the center of the room.
It was a massive robot, or what looked to be the wreck of one. Lelia could see that there was only the upper half of it left. It was far larger than any Armor she had ever seen. The sheer size reminded her of the robots of Sentai shows from when she was a kid. It was primarily red with bits of white and what looked to be green glass or crystal. The shape of it was what she would describe as bulbous, especially the shoulders. Only the right arm was intact and the massive forearm had scary looking blades connected to it.
The most fearsome part of it was the head. It was mainly colored red with what looked like drills for ears and two straight horns that stuck at diagonally from the sides. Its yellow eyes looked disturbingly empty. Maddeningly, a stray thought made Lelia think that the monstrosity looked kind of like a red rabbit.
The same vines and roots were also all over the robot, some of them even going into the cracks and open areas of it.
"What the hell is this thing?" Lelia asked and a nearby display lit up, she turned to it and read something that made her giddy.
Lelia started howling in laughter.
Mary strutted up to her with a satisfied smile. Before she could say anything, Olivia made her move. Black Getter F quickly manifested before the two of them and reached out to Mary. Instead of being caught by surprise like the fragment of her in the bracelet, she simply raised an eyebrow and snapped her fingers. Olivia looked at her in shock as the mental manifestation of her precious Black Bunny was reduced to dispersing motes of white light.
"Sorry, child." Mary says with satisfaction. "This mind doesn't belong to you anymore."
Olivia scowled at her, but Mary simply manifested a chair and sat in front of her. She silently wondered if Mary and Anne were twins, since she was still using Olivia's face even in her mind.
"You look almost exactly like Anne, aside from a different shade of color in your eyes. A shame that you share her poor taste in lovers." Mary started, completely unprompted. "Still, you are much more gullible than she was."
"I mean, truly? You trust the story of some strange ghost in an ancient relic without verifying their story? Helped her gather everything she needed to become even more powerful than she already was? It certainly made my first steps to revenge much easier."
Wow, Mary really enjoyed listening to herself talk.
"Your precious Leon even put himself on a silver platter for me." Mary smiled sweetly at Olivia. "I hated his conviction so I gave him a command to doubt everything. It should be fun to see him after a while when his mind fully unravels from the strain."
"But you must be wondering where this is all going, yes? Well, we are currently headed to the Principality of Fanoss." Olivia furrowed her brows, wondering why Mary was bothering to tell her all this. "Once I gain control of their armies, monsters, and Dragon God, I will bring it all to bear upon Holfort. Everything will burn until there is nothing left but ash and blood."
Mary then leaned forward and patted Olivia on the head. "And it will all be your fault, little Olivia."
Olivia's gut clenched with how Mary said her name.
"It can't all have been lies, Mary." Olivia stated, surprising Mary. The other woman recovered quickly and slapped Olivia for talking back to her. Instead of looking hurt, she just smiled at Mary. "I heard every word you said whenever Leon held you in his arms, every time you made love to him, every time you just wanted him to spoil you, every single time you told him that you love him. All of that was real."
Mary's earlier confidence went up in a flame of sheer anger with Olivia's words. She yelped as the furious woman reached out and roughly pulled her closer by the hair. "That was just my defective, incomplete self that did that! You should try to have your soul be forcefully ripped apart and see if you retain your true self without all the parts!"
"It disgusts me even now that I would have ever wanted to be with Lea's descendant! All of it was just because I confused myself for my sister! That was all it was!" Mary screamed, but Olivia was unfazed at her rant.
Olivia looked at her tormentor dead in the eye "So even an incomplete, half-remembering version of you still acknowledges that Anne loved Lea with all her heart. No one forced anyone to do anything against their will, Mary. No one betrayed anyone. All of it has just been in your own head."
Mary let go of her hair and sneered.
"I will enjoy showing you Leon's dying body." She said, barely keeping her temper in check. "He no longer has his edge and he will falter at the most important moment."
"Leon is already above things as silly as doubt and indecisiveness." Olivia confidently declared, making Mary snarl. "Even if he somehow isn't able to handle it by himself, he's not like you. He isn't alone."
Mary suddenly stood up and looked like she wanted to kill Olivia. Instead, she spat on Olivia's face. "I guess we'll see, won't we?"
"You will." Olivia said with a threatening smile, making Mary furiously stomp away from her.
Olivia was starting to understand why Marie always riled up people she didn't like.
Noelle Zel Lespinasse cried out in pain as Loic Leta Barielle pulled her along the hallways of his family estate. The magic collar around her neck formed a chain of energy that led to that bastard's hand. Try as she might, she didn't have a choice but to obey him.
Despite all that, it was Lelia's betrayal that hurt her the most.
"Here we are." Loic declared as he pulled her into a lavishly decorated bedroom. Noelle's mind immediately went to countless horrible things that could happen to her there. Her tormentor noticed her face and snorted. "As much as I want to start your training as my pet, father insisted that you remain pure for our wedding and the subsequent ceremony for you to officially become the Sacred Tree Priestess."
"You're not the Guardian." Noelle's back talk earned her a slap on the face that left her sprawled on the floor.
"Father told me to keep your chastity intact, but he never said anything about the rest of you." Loic coldly stated, making Noelle shiver in fear. "Don't test me, Noelle. I might just decide to break you anyway."
Noelle grit her teeth and glared at Loic as tears welled up in her eyes.
"That's a good look for you." Loic happily stated as the chain that connected her collar to him disappeared. "Better get used to looking up at me, Noelle."
She made sure not to give him the satisfaction of watching her cry. After Loic left the room and locked the door, Noelle crawled her way to the bed and curled up in a fetal position and started sobbing.
Miss Noelle.
"Aaaaahhhh!" Despair gave way to shock and fear as Control's drone suddenly became visible in front of her. She blinked a few times and calmed down, reaching out to check if what she was seeing was actually real. "Control?"
Yes. I apologize for not making my presence known until now. Secrecy is paramount for me to be able to monitor your condition.
"How long have you been around me?" She asked, pulling the drone into her arms.
Since you disembarked the Nagare.
Noelle very nearly threw Control at the wall. "Then why didn't you do anything when Loic collared me?!"
Because this drone does not have any meaningful offensive or defensive capabilities. It is primarily for surveillance. The risk of failure in a rescue attempt was unacceptable.
Noelle grumbled, but did not refute Control. She did release the drone from her grasp in case she suddenly felt like throwing it.
If your sister and Loic would have been able to disable this platform, then I would not be speaking to you right now.
"Then you're here to make sure I'm okay?" Control bobbed up and down in the air. Noelle assumed that control was nodding at her.
As well as keeping everyone informed as to where you presently are.
That made Noelle blink. "Everyone?"
I have already informed Marie and Leon of what happened to you. Unfortunately, a separate crisis is currently developing in Holfort, we cannot rely on Leon or the others there for immediate assistance.
"But Marie knows?" Control bobbed up and down in another nod. "What about Serge?"
Prince Julius and the others are presently making sure that he does not, to quote Marie, go on a warpath after he found out about your predicament.
Somehow, that warmed Noelle's heart despite everything. After a moment, she reached up to touch the accursed thing around her neck. "Can you do anything about this collar?"
I can.
Noelle's face suddenly lit up in a smile.
However, we presently have no means to rescue you safely. Breaking the collar would only alert your captors that there is foul play.
She slumped at the rest of Control's words. "So I have to keep this on me?"
Sadly, we must maintain the illusion that they are in control of the situation and that nothing is being done to undermine their efforts. Rest assured that this is not actually the case.
"Dammit." Noelle sulked until she realized something. She looked at Control. "Can I talk to Marie?"
That service, I can indeed provide.
Noelle sighed in relief at that.
Julius Rapha Holfort idly wondered if Leon ever had to do something like he currently was at the moment. The crown prince of Holfort certainly never expected to be body blocking one of his friends to keep him from charging at his own father. Thankfully, his other trusted friends were also there to help him.
"I don't give a shit that you can't do anything!" Julius smiled at Serge's words. He almost wished that he had the courage to speak that way to his own father. "Just lend me an Armor so I can go to the Barielle estate myself! I just want to talk to Loic for a bit!"
"If you appear in front of the home of one of the Great Houses, then you risk making the situation even worse!" Albergue yelled back in clear exasperation.
"That fucker Loic kidnapped Noelle!" Serge shot back in fury. Julius looked around and noticed that Louise was near the doorway pinching the bridge of her nose.
"We have no proof!" Albergue's words made Serge pause and grit his teeth. At least he wasn't trying to physically charge at his father. Julius and his friends looked at each other and slowly let Serge go. Thankfully, their friend seemed to have calmed down somewhat.
"Actually, we kinda do?" Brad suddenly said, making everyone pause and look at him.
"We do?" Julius asked in wonder.
"We do?!" Serge echoed as he grabbed Brad by the collar.
"Well, I mean Control was there when it happened, right?" Brad quickly stated. "Doesn't that mean that they saw everything?"
That made everyone look at each other. Serge let Brad go and patted down his shirt.
"Sorry man." He apologized and got a smile in return.
"I get it, Serge." Serge nodded at Brad's response and took a deep breath.
The moment was interrupted when Albergue spoke up. "You want the Lost Item to testify?"
"He means that Control may have recorded the whole kidnapping." Louise smoothly inserted herself into the conversation and walked up to Serge's side. "Something as advanced as Control should have been able to capture everything on video in perfect clarity and even with audio."
"Would we be able to use that as proof?" Jilk asked as everyone turned back to Albergue for confirmation. His grimace did not inspire their confidence.
"We could, but that would cause another set of problems." Albergue said, clearly thinking the whole scenario through.
"What problems?! We probably have Loic red handed!" Julius and the others nodded at Greg's exclamation. If they could show everyone what happened, it would clearly display hostile intent towards the Priestess of the Sacred Tree. Their Great Houses surely would have been forced to act.
"The ceremony." Louise suddenly picked up the conversation while rubbing her temple.
"What about it?" Serge's sister and father looked at each other before turning back to him.
"Think, child." Albergue stated, irritating Serge with how he spoke. "The ceremony concludes with the Guardian and Priestess demonstrating their control over the Sacred Tree."
"Oh no." Ever quick on the uptake, Chris seemed to have figured something out.
"What is it?" Julius asked his friend. Chris sighed and shook his head.
"Not only are the Guardians of the Sacred Tree from a foreign country," Chris gestured to himself, Julius, Brad, Greg, and Jilk in turn. "But Noelle is not the Priestess of the Alzer Sacred Tree, and neither are we its Guardians."
Of course! They were all bonded to the sapling and not the fully grown tree!
"Exactly," Albergue picked up the conversation. "In addition, carelessly revealing this without ascertaining which houses are aligned with the Barielle House could end poorly."
Julius couldn't help but click his tongue. Even here, under dire circumstances, factions and self interests of the nobility got in the way.
"Thanks for reminding me how much I hate politics, dad." Serge flatly stated, earning a raised brow from his father.
"So what are our options, Chairman?" Julius asked on behalf of everyone.
"We already have irrefutable proof, if the Lost Item truly has a recording of Loic kidnapping the priestess." Albergue quickly stated, seemingly already considering the possibilities. "The issue will be using it in a way that wouldn't result in a civil war."
"I do not comprehend why you hold such affection to Noelle," Albergue suddenly said to Serge, making their friend blush and look away. "But I will not allow your passions for her to cost the lives of innocent people."
"Fuck." Serge muttered, his embarrassment forgotten. Julius smiled when he saw Louise reach out to hold Serge's hand, surprising both him and their father.
"We will find a way." Louise softly stated to everyone's surprise. "We have most of the needed pieces, we just need to find the perfect way to use them."
That was quite the surprise. It was not a secret that Louise disliked Noelle, even before both of them became romantically interested in Serge. For her to be so supportive in rescuing Noelle spoke volumes. From the way Serge was looking at his sister, he knew this as well.
"Whatever you need me to do, I'm in." Serge firmly stated to his father, his hand still holding on to Louise's.
"Then I will require both you and Louise." Albergue stated before turning to Julius and the others. "Thank you for your constant support, Prince Julius. And to you others as well."
Serge gave all five of his dear friends a hug goodbye before they got a ride back to Marie. He went back inside to his father and sister. Surprisingly, his father was smiling at him.
"Treasure their friendship with you, Serge." He blinked at his father's tone.
"Huh?" Was all he could say, blushing when Louise giggled at him.
"Holfort is under constant monster attacks and is at the verge of war with Fanoss." Albergue pointed out, making Serge's eyes widen. "Despite that, the crown prince and the heirs of their own great houses are here standing at your side."
"Dammit." Serge covered his face with his hand but couldn't quite hide his red face or his smile from his family.
"Should everything workout, I daresay the Kingdom and the Republic will have an unbreakable bond." Albergue stated in full confidence, earning a sigh from Louise.
"Please don't jinx it, father."
"Almost there." Lelia Zel Lespinasse muttered as she navigated the inner workings of the Sacred Tree's dungeon. The soldiers that Loic lent to her have all died by either monster or trap. Honestly, he could have given her some more competent soldiers. She swore to get him back for that.
"This doesn't look right." Lelia muttered as she inspected the pure blue futuristic door in front of her. Her memories from the game told her that this should have been an airlock with a different color. Were her memories from the guide for the endgame already that deteriorated?
To her surprise, the door suddenly slid open with a hiss without any input from her. The hallway within was illuminated by lights from the ceiling. Without much else to go on, Lelia took a breath and entered. It didn't take long for her to realize that she was being led to somewhere. By what or who though?
"This is very different from the event." Lelia noted as she was led through hallway after hallway. She was curious about some of the other inactive sliding doors around her, but erred on the side of caution. Eventually, she ended up in front of a large pair of double doors that had a screen display on it. She flinched when the display suddenly lit up with words.
Words that cycled through different languages. Languages that she recognized. They were languages from Earth!
"Wait! I can understand Japanese!" Lelia exclaimed and the display immediately showed her a sentence in the native language of her old life.
"Sapling?" Lelia muttered, her eyes widening. "What sapling?"
"I don't understand! Explain it better!"
Lelia groaned when the screen didn't answer her question and just said something else. "Worthy of what?!"
"What? Noelle is the priestess!" Lelia yelled out, slamming her hands on the sides of the display.
False? Noelle was not the priestess? But she had the crest! She made sure to double check before Loic took her to his manor! That got Lelia's alarm bells ringing immediately. "Either way, I'm not qualified to be the Sacred Tree Priestess!"
Why was it so certain of that?
"Are you…the Sacred Tree?" Lelia finally asked.
"Bullshit." She challenged while crossing her arms. This whole sequence of events was nothing like the one she went through to get the cheat item for this game. "Is this some sort of trap?"
Lelia hummed. Even through an unfeeling screen, she could feel the desperation. Sacred Tree or otherwise. Then again, she couldn't let herself come away empty handed. Loic was the correct choice to control Noelle, but he was crazy. If he ever tried to threaten her way of life, she needed a way to counter what he could bring to bear.
"Fine, I accept." As soon as she said that, the display went dark and the large doors opened. Lelia cautiously entered into what seemed like a giant warehouse. The lights from the hallway was her only real illumination but she noted the roots and vines of the Sacred Tree were all over the walls and floor. Suddenly, the lights inside came on and she couldn't help but gasp.
There was something in the center of the room.
It was a massive robot, or what looked to be the wreck of one. Lelia could see that there was only the upper half of it left. It was far larger than any Armor she had ever seen. The sheer size reminded her of the robots of Sentai shows from when she was a kid. It was primarily red with bits of white and what looked to be green glass or crystal. The shape of it was what she would describe as bulbous, especially the shoulders. Only the right arm was intact and the massive forearm had scary looking blades connected to it.
The most fearsome part of it was the head. It was mainly colored red with what looked like drills for ears and two straight horns that stuck at diagonally from the sides. Its yellow eyes looked disturbingly empty. Maddeningly, a stray thought made Lelia think that the monstrosity looked kind of like a red rabbit.
The same vines and roots were also all over the robot, some of them even going into the cracks and open areas of it.
"What the hell is this thing?" Lelia asked and a nearby display lit up, she turned to it and read something that made her giddy.
Lelia started howling in laughter.