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Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]

I found this not too long ago and read it all in one go. It's actually pretty solid for a story not written in a person's native language. Lots of props for that because that takes some skills and dedication. Honestly, idk what to think about Juane. one moment he's acting like a normal character, and the other, he's bipolar, and then he's suddenly a Sponge Bob character. The guy is honestly all over the place and I don't get why because he can be interesting without having to be cartoonish.

During the early chapters, I was really scratching my head at him, not even bothering to use his create semblance. He didn't create anything to buff his aura regeneration, or anything to buff his magic regeneration. Its clear that his body is able to store both aura and magic right. So if he was to wear a bracelet, ring or earing that restore 0.05% magic or even just 10% magic over time. That stacks over 24hrs along with it being clear that there isn't a upper limit on his storage capacity.

Also, no basic self-regeneration items for him or his teammates seem sort of like a big missing item when you can run out of medical supplies.

He's also spacing out, idk why you even made that a thing, along with the super complex items that somehow are missing the most important parts. Iron man Armor with no Ai, if he was building iron man armor quickly, there is no way that the Ai should be missing.

Also, why is he still in basic crap after how many freaking days. Like come on, he is fighting for his life and the dude is in sneakers and jeans. There is dumb, but no one should ever be that dumb.

Anyway, don't want it to seem like I didn't enjoy the story because i did. I just think that things stand out more to me because i read it all the way through. This has a lot of potential and I would like to read more.
20 - Jedi Saiyan
<Avip: I'm still learning how to write fights and the ending was a little rushed... but as my father said "the perfect is the enemy of the good".>


[Nora Valkyrie]

"REN!" I shout, opening the door. "You lost the duel for our fearless leader's hand."

As I entered the dimly lit room, I was taken aback by what I saw. The entire space was illuminated by candles, and a peculiarly set table caught my eye.

The table showcased an interesting sight. In the center, golden pancakes with maple syrup took the spotlight. Surrounding them were crispy bacon and a variety of eggs, scrambled and poached.

"Is this breakfast for dinner?" I murmured in surprise.

"Nora?" I heard a male voice from the corner of the room.

I turned to see Lie Ren, my childhood friend, emerging from the darkness in a way I had never seen before.

He was donning a peculiar shirt, a changshan, red with golden details, and it hit me right in the heart.

"Aaaah..." I involuntarily sigh.

Ren was already handsome, but in this traditional Mistralian outfit, he transformed into something… delicious.

The vibrant red accentuated every line of his face, making his skin seem even more radiant. The golden details added a touch of sophistication, as if he were a walking piece of art.

My heart beats faster than I swing my hammer against a horde of Beowolves.

Every movement of Ren was a blend of gracefulness and confidence, as if he were dancing through the room towards me. The changshan highlighted his strong shoulders and imposing posture, making him irresistible.

I was speechless.

"What is this?" I ask, still in disbelief.

"It's a surprise for you." He says shyly. "I wanted to have a private talk with you. With Pyrrha in the infirmary and Jaune in the city with Cardin, I thought it was a good opportunity."

Besides surprise, I also felt nervous. I didn't know what Ren was planning, fear and anxiety were bubbling in my mind.

"I know this is sudden." He continues. "But…I've always loved you, Nora, as a friend and a sister."

I instinctively shrink back in disbelief.

'All this just to put me in the friend zone? I get pancakes and friendzone?' With despair and depression clouding my mind, tears welled up in the corners of my eyes.

"But over time, I couldn't help but notice how you've grown into this beautiful and wonderful person that you are." He takes a deep breath while looking into my eyes. "But I was always afraid to talk to you about it, afraid that these new feelings wouldn't be reciprocated, and you would want to pull away."

Now, hope returned, dispelling all the negative emotions. This must be the greatest emotional rollercoaster I've experienced in my life.

"But you know me better than anyone, know that I'm not good at talking, especially about my feelings." Ren says, looking at the floor feeling embarrassed. "However, in this last month at Beacon, I had the opportunity to talk to someone, and I realized it would be worse to say nothing and suffer in silence."

"Ren, what are you-"

"I love you, Nora." He says smiling at me. "Not just as a sister or a friend… I love you as the beautiful woman you are."

I was silent for a moment, trying to process everything happening. I always had a slight, tini tiny crush on Ren, but he never seemed to show interest in me or any other woman… or man for that matter.

"I… I don't know what to say." I finally reply to him.

He smiles wearily at me.

"You don't need to say anything now." He says in a friendly tone. "I just wanted you to know how I feel."

He approaches me and kiss my forehead, then hugs me.

"Thank you for listening." Ren whispers in my ear.

I return the hug, still in shock.

"Take all the time you need to respond." He says, patting my head. "I'll be by your side as always, waiting patiently, no matter how long you need."

"FUCK THAT!" I shout, pulling him by his shocking shirt and planting a big kiss on him.

His eyes widened in surprise before closing gently as our lips met.

[Image / not mine]


The kiss was a whirlwind of emotions. His hands found my face, while mine firmly held onto his shirt. Each second was an explosion of feelings kept for so long, finally set free.

When we finally parted, our breaths were rapid, and our eyes met in the midst of surprise and mutual understanding. The room around us seemed to have vanished, leaving only the two of us, lost at the moment we had just created. I smiled, perhaps the brightest smile I had ever given, and Ren smiled back. In the silence that followed, we realized that something had changed, something that connected us in a deeper way than ever before.

"Who did you talk to about your feelings?" I asked curiously. "Some Beacon professor or therapist?"

"Actually, it was our 'fearless leader'.'"

"Jaune?" I ask incredulously.

Ren nods.

"Thank you." I say as if he could hear me. "Our first child will have your name."

"Nora." Ren says with a shaky voice. "We're too young to have kids."

"But we can practice." I reply, smiling and licking my lips, staring at my prey.

"Nora, no!" Ren exclaims, retreating until he cornered himself on Jaune's bed.

"Nora, yessssss." I whisper lustfully at him.

[Ruby Rose]

I open my eyes slowly. My mind is foggy, and my body feels heavy. Every part of me aches.

Looking around, I notice I'm lying in a small crater.

"One last trick?" A feminine voice above me says. "And the most cowardly and dishonorable one at that. What does it do?"

'Is Noir on top of me? How? Why? What happened?' I swallow all my distress and anxiety, fearing what the blonde Huntress will do to me if she knows I'm awake.

In the distance, I hear Jaune's voice, but I can't make out anything. he spoke too softly for me to hear from this distance.

"Perfect." Says the black-clad knight. "You will use it on yourself, and if you do, I give you my word as an Arc that I'll never attack your colleagues ever again."

'Wait! Jaune will use what?' Then, metallic footsteps echoed through the ruined street.


Looking to the side, I see a tall woman in black armor walking away from me.

"What are your last words, little brother?"

"No…" I whisper with a raspy weak voice, but no one heard me. "J-Jaune."

Even with my body aching, I couldn't give up. I have to rise.

I placed my hands on the ground and forced myself to stand. My muscles scream pain, but I won't give up. I focus on my friends, and with determination and feeling tingling and spasms of pain in my legs, I rose.

"You're an unbelievably stupid cunt."

When I finally managed to stand, a wave of exhaustion washed over me. My body trembled, on the verge of falling, but I forced myself to stay firm.

"Humpf." Snorts Noir. "Even if this isn't poison it won't make a difference in the final result."

I walked slowly, my legs were heavy, feeling like they were made of concrete. Every step hurt not only in my muscles, but my bones seemed to throb with pain.

"What is this?" Noir asks. "Another cowardly trick?"

Before Jaune could respond, I finally saw the two. Noir in her black plate armor with golden details was as imposing as ever, even from behind. Jaune, on the other hand… is on fire?

"To be honest…" Jaune said, contemplating the small fires permeating his body. "I'm more lost than a dick in your-. URGH!"

Instead of completing what would most likely be an insult to his older sister's sex life, Jaune doubled over, clutching his stomach in agony.

I watched the scene with growing concern. My first friend from Beacon had his face contorted in agony and pain, a distressing sight that made my heart ache for him.

First, his lips tightened, as if trying to suppress a groan of discomfort. His tense body began to tremble as drops of cold sweat formed on his forehead. The strange scene paralyzed even Noir.

"Jaune." I whisper worriedly. "What did you do?"

He continued to show signs of distress. His body was rigid, and his face now displayed a worrying paleness. It seemed to transcend physical pain.

"You didn't lie?" Noir asks in surprise. "Maybe you still have some ounce of honor in you, little brother."

Then, his eyes narrowed, and he began to breathe rapidly, as if trying to find relief. Each breath seemed like a loot effort, his agony was palpable. I felt helpless, not knowing how to help.

That's when he let out a scream, a sound that echoed through with a mix of pain, anger, and… power?

"HYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" His voice echoed through the street, emanating his suffering and fury, while golden flames engulfed his body.

It was as if he were channeling an inner force beyond Aura itself. He seemed to use his anger to combat his suffering.

Suddenly, he rose, looking at Noir. His body muscles seemed to swell and contract with a supernatural intensity. His hair floated upward, carried by the flames. There was no doubt that I was witnessing something extraordinary.

"I'M NOT FROM ALABAMA!" Jaune shouts, consumed by fury and pain. "BUT I'M GONNA POUND MY SISTER'S ASS!"

At the end of his scream, he was panting, with sweat streaming down his face. His eyes, which moments before expressed acute pain, now shone like golden suns with an almost supernatural intensity. He seemed exhausted, but also transformed and bigger.


"Do you think you can defeat me?" Noir asked, smiling savagely.

"No." he replied in a serious tone I had never seen him use before. "I just know this hurts like hell, and there's only one way to deal with this pain."

Jaune lunged at his sister, cutting her off mid-sentence. The golden mist manifested as his right hand rose to the sky; by its size and shape, it seemed like he was creating something akin to a sword.


"You're becoming predictable, little brother." Noir comments in an arrogant tone. "A simple attack like-."


A motor's roar echoes through the night. The weapon in Jaune's hand was not a simple sword, it was a chainsaw? … a chainsword?

Noir quickly recovered from the surprise, raising her arms to defend against the blow.


The roar of the weapon upon contact with her visage was strange. It seemed like he had hit something other than just her force field. Confirmation came with sparks and debris from the black bracers flying through the night.

Noir isn't intimidated, she had probably faced criminals using something similar, but Jaune's was unlike anything she had ever seen before.

"Well, well?" Jaune chuckles. "Is my dear onee-chan breaking a sweat?"

"What?" I comment, examining Noir's face more closely.

He is right, she is sweating with a determined expression on her face. The teeth of his weapon were penetrating her Semblance and tearing through the armor.

"This is nothing special. I was just caught off guard by this chainsaw. This is the sharpest weapon I've ever faced in my life, maybe even sharper than Blanche's." Noir emphasized, redoubling her efforts. "I just need to focus more."

At that moment, the debris, and sparks stopped flying, announcing that the weapon had stopped digging into the armor, and Noir began pushing Jaune back.

"Impressive weapon, but now that-."

"BOLTGUN!" Jaune shouted, pointing a monstrous pistol at Noir.



Instinctively, Noir reinforced the force shield around her stomach.

Just seconds ago, Jaune was desperate, only to almost faint from the pain and then come up with this plan to bypass his sister's defenses? Drawing attention to one area of her body to try to catch another unprotected was an excellent strategy, and it would have worked if she weren't a Huntress with years of combat experience.

"Despite being well-calculated, your plan ended up being predictable for a veteran like me-."


A metallic twist interrupted Noir's speech.

"What?" Noir questioned aloud.

'The bullet pierced the armor? How? That was anti-tank ammunition in a handgun? How?' I thought to myself, feeling jealous.


This time, an explosion hit Noir's stomach, throwing her backward. In a moment of carelessness, he caught Noir off guard. His blow hit her stomach directly, and the force of the explosion threw her back, leaving her stunned lying on the floor.

I smiled hopefully, my chest filling with relief.

"Jaune, you really are-." Before finishing my sentence, Jaune simply fell in front of me.


Still weak, I lost balance with the impact of his drop, falling backward.


But before falling backward on the ground, the boy with the golden aura grabbed me by the waist and pulled me to his chest.

His chest was so large and hard.

"Ruby." He says, lifting my head with his hand under my chin. "I need to be quick."

"Jaune-. Goargh!"

'Did he stick something in my mouth? And now he's covering my lips with his hand.'

"Swallow." Jaune commands in a stern tone.

Without questioning, I swallowed what felt like something small, like a peanut.

"What-. Coff! Coff! What was that?" I ask, feeling violated.

"Something to heal you, now take another one for Blake." He said, putting what looked like a pea or bean in my hand. "Heal her and go to that store where you fought Torchwick, From Dust Till Dawn."

"What are you-."

"Ruby!" He exclaims, holding me by the shoulder. "I'm in pain every fiber of my being is being torn apart and rebuilt. I am in agony, and there's no way I can defeat that monster." Jaune said in a serious and desperate tone. "Do what I'm telling you and trust me, Please for my sake do what i ask of you."

Without words, I nodded in agreement, and he smiles through the pain, only to then charge at his sister, who was getting up.

Both weapons had disappeared from his hands, and in their place, he had a small silver cylinder with a red button.

"Will you show me your true power now?" Noir says, already standing, ready to receive him despite her damaged amour. "Then come, Jaune, no more holding back. I will shatter your dreams and hopes with your bones."

I want to stay and help, but his commanding voice still echoed in my mind. I dissolved into a red blur surrounded by petals, darting toward Blake with my Semblance, Petal Burst.

'Please… come back to us, Jaune.'

[Noir Arc]

I find myself lying on the ground, my breathing heavy and painful after being knocked down by Jaune's dishonorable attack. Every part of my body seems to pulsate with pain, especially my stomach, where the impact was most intense. Anger and bewilderment mix in my chest, and my wounded pride adds another layer of emotion to this turmoil.

It's as if a storm of violent feelings is happening inside me. The physical pain is nothing compared to the piercing emotional wound. I look at Jaune, my younger brother, talking to that scythe-wielding woman whore, with a mix of anger and disbelief. He used to be the smallest and weakest in the family, and now he is capable of knocking me down.

There's a strange, almost contradictory pride that mingles with resentment. He grew up, became strong, and even though my ego is wounded, there's a part of me that silently takes pride in him.

"It was a mistake to underestimate your abilities, little brother." I mutter, smiling as I begin to get up.

However, fury and disgust predominate.

'How dare you surpass me like this? How dare you challenge the hierarchy established for so long?' It's a dangerous dance of emotions, standing up to gather strength to deal with this storm inside me.

Looking ahead, I see Jaune running towards me, still with his strange Golden Aura.

"Will you show me your true power now?" I shout to the seemingly unarmed boy. "Then come, Jaune, no more holding back. I will shatter your dreams and hopes with your bones."


I knew Jaune wasn't unarmed, he always seems to have a trick up his sleeve, but I didn't expect a stick of bright-green light.


It was as if the 'blade' of the weapon was made of pure Dust energy. Not wanting to be caught off guard again, I focused all the power of my semblance into my fists to receive the attack.


Even while holding the blade of light, I could still partially feel its heat. Smiling, Jaune withdrew the blade and returned with a sequence of strikes against my fists.


Exchanging blows, I noticed that the green light blade was weightless, so no strength was required to use it, at least Jaune wasn't using it.

As we continued to fight, probing each other's defenses, I noticed something strange in the way Jaune was fighting. He seemed more focused, not striking blindly. His eyes were analyzing me, searching for openings.

'Did that serum affect his mind as well as his body?' I thought amidst the fight. 'With each blow, he seems to improve. I need to change the rhythm of this fight.'

I stomp the ground, cracking the concrete, trying to unbalance Jaune.


But he jumps backward and assumes a defensive stance.

"Quick reaction." His reflexes seemed better than before; was it the effect of the liquid in his veins? "But it won't be enough to defeat me"

"Hmm." He grunts at me, drawing another light blade, this time blue. "The reason for your downfall, pride will be… young padawan, after all I have the physical and moral high ground."

I frown, impatient with his banter and mildly confused. Moral? No such thing in this world of bloody evolution only the strong and the weak. High ground? We are standing on level ground.

We charge towards each other and immediately spring into action. I throw a punch at Jaune, but he blocks it with his dust powered saber. Then, he attacks me with a thrust, but I used my fist to block.

The fight continued for a while, and we were evenly matched. Jaune's lightsabers were too dangerous for me to test my shield at a lower capacity, and he was beginning to parry my punches with more precision. We were mutually attacking with full force, but Jaune's facial expressions indicated that he was suffering from the effects of whatever he injected himself with.

It was frustrating. I know I was stronger than Jaune, but he was surprising me with his speed and adaptability.

"Are you tired?" Jaune asked, chuckling quietly.

I ignore him and kept fighting, not indulging him in mid fight banter, an underhand tactic to distract your foe. I had to win, not just for myself.I had to bring the sole male heir home not only my personal honor but the families honor is at stake

The fight continues for a few more minutes, and then I see an opportunity. Jaune attacked me with a dual set of thrusts, and I used my Semblance to block it. But instead of stepping back, I used my strength to push him backward.

Surprised, Jaune slides back.

"Victory is mine." I exclaim confidently.

Not wanting to miss the opportunity pushing him back, I quickly approach him, preparing to punch his face as he fell to the ground.

But Jaune, showing a dexterity not seen up to that point in the fight, rolls backward instead of falling to the ground, taking advantage of the kinetic energy from my push to move away from me, leaving me to punch the ground where his head should have been.

"Don't look down."

Unable to control myself, I looked down.

"What tube is th-."


The explosion of light and sound whitened my vision and also robbed me of my hearing, leaving a high pitched ringing in its place.

"JAAAAAUUUUNEEE!" I scream in anger.

It takes a while for my vision to return to normal, I notice that half of the street is covered in a thick golden fog, hiding everything in that area.


I raise my guard, and after almost 5 minutes of waiting, the curtain began to dissipate, revealing.

"Nothing?" I question disbelievingly.

I looked around, and the two whores had also disappeared.

I stand alone in the middle of the street, looking at the place where Jaune and his compatriots were moments ago. I couldn't believe what had just happened.

"He fooled me?" I mutter in shock at how that weakling managed to deceive me.

'Jaune fought against me, using dishonorable and cowardly tactics just to buy time and then run away?'

"The worst part is that I fell for it." I murmur in disbelief, running my hand through my sweat-soaked hair. "What else could happen to me?"

A siren caught my attention, as if it had been summoned by my question.


"FREEZE!" Shouts a new masculine voice.

"Vale Police?" I wonder when I look around.

I am surrounded by 5 cars. I could easily slaughter them all and avoid the 'Vale bureaucracy,' but such an act would bring dishonor to the Arc clan. I slowly raise my hands to the sky, sighing tiredly.

"I give you my word that I will take you to our father, even if it's the last thing I do."

[Blake Belladonna]

I wake up abruptly, eyes blinking to adjust to the light. Ruby is staring at me with concern, her expression mixed with relief and anxiety.

"BLAKE!" Ruby shouts on top of me with her unmistakable hyper voice, forcing me to sit. "The green bean worked!"

I want to ask her about this so-called green bean, feeling an urge to talk about putting strange things in peoples mouths, but remembering our dire situation and jumping to my feet.

"Where's Noir?" I ask, looking around anxiously. "What happened to Jaune?"


Ruby told me of the events that had transpired while I was unconscious, and they confirmed a terrible suspicion of mine. Noir Darksteel is Jaune Arc's older sister.

Even Adam avoids places where she was active. Feared for her ruthlessness, she treads a bloody path, dedicating herself to a dark career of relentlessly hunting human and faunus criminals alike. Whether they have awakened Aura or not it matters not both meet the end of her blade . Missions completed by her are remembered for ending with piles of corpses and grim accounts of her brutal actions. The Valish version of Winter Schnee, but without the public scrutiny of being a Schnee allowing her to commit any measure she deems necessary to complete her mission.

When I heard Jaune's sister's name, I thought it was just a coincidence, maybe the name Noir was common in his home region, but now I have no doubts. Jaune is related to a monster amongst monsters.

"Blake, are you okay?" Ruby asks, her voice laden with concern.

I realize that my thoughts were visible on my face. Ruby had tried to read my expression and come to a grim conclusion, but I just nodded, processing the newly discovered truth.

"Where is the-" Before I could finish the question, I was interrupted by a strange engine roar.


From a distance, a strange vehicle approached rapidly, it looked like a floating motorcycle, but the speed was abnormal.

"JAUNE!" Ruby shouts, jumping with joy.

I know Jaune has a flying motorcycle, but why is he glowing?


"Get on." He says, his commanding voice brooking our argument, pulling up beside us.

As I watch him pilot the flying motorcycle, I can't help but notice. At the beginning of the school year, Jaune was a mystery, and easily the worst student in our year. If it weren't for his powerful semblance and the 'luck' of having the Mistral champion as his partner, he probably wouldn't have passed the initiation.

But when I found out that two Beacon teachers were instructing him in private lessons, I decided to investigate him further. During the first few days, I couldn't get anything concrete, so I shared pictures of his training on the academy forums to see if it generated any buzz. Maybe some student would recognize him and share information that could shed light on this mystery.

I admit I should have stopped when nothing came to light, but he still intrigued me. His training with Professor Port, the way his muscles developed, his body sweating, stretching, and training caught my attention.

Proof that I'm not the only one is the comments from other girls and some boys on the forum, making more… lascivious comments about Jaune and Professor Port. Comments that inspired me to create art about a possible relationship between the two.

But this Jaune in front of me was different.

Jaune, usually smiling and cheerful, his face twisted in pain making it look like a someone is wearing a grim mask made out of Jaune's flesh, he had transformed before my eyesfrom a happy go lucky boy toy grim warrior that reminded me the Huntress Darksteel is his sister. The muscles, outlined even under the torn and blood-stained clothes, gave him a wild imposing disposition I had never noticed.

"Jaune, what happened-." Ruby begins, only to be interrupted.

"NOW!" Jaune shouts as an order.

Ruby and i flinch from his tone. I jump behind him and hugg him. His back is large and muscular, like warm, finely crafted marble. The smell of sweat initially bothers me, but I end up getting used to it and the strange heat of the golden flames. It was so comfortable that I inadvertently purred.


Fortunately, Ruby's choked whine drowns out my sound.


Jaune had lost patience and grabbed Ruby by the collar, sitting her in front of him.

"Hold on." He says, pressing the accelerator the vehicle.


I hold on, expecting the wind resistance to throw us back, but I was surprised when I felt nothing. It was as if there were an invisible shield around the vehicle, protecting us from air friction.

We flew in silence, the only noise was Jaune's powerful engine of his bike. In a few minutes, we would reach Beacon. When we spot the school in the distance after the Emerald Forest, Jaune sighs tiredly and said something to us.

"Sorry for yelling at you two."

"Hm?" I murmured to the blond.

"It wasn't cool for me to yell at you. But circumstance called for fast action and you weren't moving fast enough ."

"Don't worry about it." I replied with a shrug.

"We needed to leave quickly, you were right." Ruby said, sitting in front of him, clinging to the motorcycle so as not to rub against Jaune's front.

"It wasn't just about Noir." Jaune said in a somber tone. "I think I'm dying."

"WHAT?" Ruby and I shouted together.

"The fire doesn't burn me but pulls me apart. I feel my muscles being torn to shreds, hot needles piercing my cracking bones, my eyes burn, and head aches. I can hear the beats of my heart, it is beating so fast I couldn't count it if I tried."

"Jaune…" Ruby whimpers.

"Before healing Ruby, I ate one of the beans trying to heal myself. My body and Aura returned to normal, but the pain didn't stop, in fact, it seems to have only intensified like an exponential slope of pain. I am only conscious due to the use of my aura."

Silence was the only response Ruby and I could give him.

"But don't worry, I w-will." Jaune says, putting his hand to his head, trying to finish his sentence. "I-I will-."

Jaune slumos forward, leaning his body on Ruby.

"JAUNE!" Ruby screams, turning to the blond falling on her.

As she took Jaune's body instead of taking control of the vehicle, it leaned forward, and we started to fall.


"JUMP!" I shout, grabbing Jaune and jumping off the vehicle.


Using our landing strategies, we fell to the ground without losing much Aura and laid the flaming body on the floor of the Forest. Then, I asked Ruby to call for help while I improvised a stretcher to carry Jaune through the Emerald Forest.

The kind of thing you learn when you take part in a guerrilla group.

"YANG! WE NEED HELP!" Ruby shouts desperately into her scroll.

'Maybe it wasn't a good idea to let the most stressed of the two of us make the call.'


'Next time, I'll make the call.'

Name: Noir Arc
Alias: Darksteel
Allegiance: Arc family ; Kingdom of Vale
Weapon: Midi / Minuit

Strength: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Endurance: ★ ★ ★ ★
Agility: ★ ★
Fighting Skill: ★ ★ ★
Mental: ★
Aura: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ✪
Semblance: ★ ★ ★

Noir Arc is of the newest generation of huntsmen, unlike her peers she has been exposed to the horrors of our trade and as such has developed little to no empathy for those that stray from the straight and narrow.

Her father and the council have seen fit to place into the 'Executor Core', Huntsmen hunting down prey far more dangerous to the kingdoms than the Grimm. Traitors, criminals, terrorists, and bandits have all met their end on her blade.

Like most Arcs she is incredibly proficient in killing her body count quickly reaching that of a senior huntsman. Her first year out of Beacon was apprenticed underneath Qrow Branwen and between the two of them crushed the bandits plaguing her homeland. Qrow has recommended to bring into the fold after she has matured a bit much like his recommendations for the others in the Executor core.

The only matter of her loyalty I can find in question is that her armor is of unknown make, her brother denies making it, his exact words were:

"As if that crazy bitch needs help killing people… don't tell her I said that-. ARE YOU RECORDING ME?"

The only person to my knowledge to make such alloys was the Late Dr Merlot and the Arcs seem to protect their secrets behind 7 keys. Something that I can relate to.

E ai gurizada?

One of the first versions of the fight between Jaune and his siblings had Jaune winning using the Saints Row Dildo Bat, but the tone of the fight was too serious for something like that. So, respecting the serious tone of the fight, we went with a 'Jedi Super Saiyan'.


HUNTSMEN LOGS was my editor's idea, what do you guys think of it? Let me know in the comments if you're interested in seeing entries for other characters.

I loved the comments about Noir, we had people who loved to hate her and people who genuinely hate that she exists and had the nerve to almost kill little Ruby.

So the Arcs are bs with Semblances?
—Response= If the Arc doesn't have a BS Semblance, his Aura reserve makes it BS.

Always good to see another Pathfinder 1E enjoyer, though if Jaune is able to make ANYTHING from Pathfinder, he really needs to powergame harder. A custom magic item that applies constant Haste is only 120,000 gold!
—Response= Pathfinder 1e is definitely one of my favorite systems and the first one that I reached level 20 as a player and GM.
GM was level 20/10 in fact, if you played Wrath of the Righteous you know why.

How many points would it take for him to create a devil fruit? Or better yet, could he re-create bloodline limits from Naruto?
—Response= On Chapter 12, Jaune saw that a mera-mera no mi would cost 500,000 Magic Points. Bloodline limits from Naruto would be tricky, but he would need to make something from Orochimaru research I think.

—simm36: Fue una buena secuencia de batalla y trajo muchas emociones de frustración por lo fácil que Noir contrarresta todo lo que le manden pero era obvio si su trabajó es el de cazar cazadores.
Muy buen capitulo y espero ver qué tipo de relación tendrán Jaune y Noir más adelante.
—Response= Thanks for the comment, Noir will be back, but it will take some time for that to happen.

I'm sorry but i think you made her to strong honesty with how that fight went it feels like she could storm Salem's castle and beat the shit out of her all of that did practically nothing to her unless you do some fuckery that serum shouldn't matter.
—Response= She is certainly powerful, I made her inspired by Hazel and Glynda herself.
I think I got the idea of tactile telekinesis from the 90s Superboy, but I don't remember it with 100% accuracy… it's been 20 years since I read those comics (FUCK, I'm so old).
Her semblance is powerful, but drains a lot, however Arcs have a greater reserve than most people, which makes the semblance viable in overpowering enemies in short battles.
A large group fighting trying to extend the battle, using hit-and-run tactics, could overpower her. But for that, you would need a capable leader and the knowledge that Noir is coming for you.
Salem has a huge army and is a capable battle planner… and the strongest magic user on the setting that is also immortal.

Freaking amazing man.
Curious about the ninja outfits though, but I'm sure there is a perfectly logical explanation lol. I know it's hard to create those characters that we love to hate, but I think you did a decent job with this one.
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"Will you show me your true power now?" Blanche says, already standing, ready to receive him despite her damaged amour. "Then come, Jaune, no more holding back. I will shatter your dreams and hopes with your bones

Should be Noir.

Noir arc is of the newest generation of huntsmen, unlike her peers she has been exposed to the horrors of our trade and as such has developed little to no empathy for those that stray from the

Noir Arc*
YEAH PUOND YOURE SISTER ASS JA- wait this isn't right *cough* *cough*

Sooo. . .

21 - 80% less
[Original Point of View]
My eyes slowly open, vision still blurry as I try to comprehend what happened. Feeling a bit lost, I realize I'm in an unfamiliar bed.

"As noble as your intentions may have been, it doesn't justify the destruction of an entire street."

The firm and unmistakable voice of Professor Goodwitch delivering a lecture pierces my foggy consciousness, as if I'm emerging from a distant dream. With each of her words, the veil of confusion lifts a little more.

"Not to mention, you were wandering around the city after curfew without notifying the administration!."
The lecture fills my ears. My mind tries to piece together the puzzle as reality unfolds.

'Is Professor Goodwitch reprimanding Blake and Ruby for getting into the fight with my older sister?'

I rise slowly, feeling the temporary weakness that set in after fainting.

"Wait." I speak with my weak and raspy voice.

"Jaune?" Ruby murmurs with concern.

With a clear view, I notice I'm in Beacon's infirmary. It's still night, but is it the same day?

"What time is it?" I ask with a slightly improved voice.

"It's 2:00 a.m. on Saturday, Mr. Arc." Glynda says in a stern tone that conceals concern.

The teacher in front of me is not alone, behind her is Headmaster Ozpin with his steaming cup, at the foot of my bed are Ruby and Blake, and on the other side are Yang and Pyrrha.

"I'm glad you're conscious, Mr. Arc, but you'll be under observation in the infirmary. Aura exhaustion is a serious matter. You could have died."

Multiverse Crafting System

What would you like to make?
Magic: 219.454 Points
Aura: 00,0%

She's right, I'm exhausted. And I spent 2 thousand MP for each senzu bean, kind of expensive for a consumable item, but their healing makes it worth it. I'd like to think about on what I'm going to spend this MP, but I think it's better to help those who helped me first.

"Sorry to interrupt, Professor Goodwitch."

My respectful tone and keeping my promise to address her as a professor in front of others brought a smile to her lips though she was still clearly not pleased with the situation.

"Blake and Ruby only joined in the destruction after I was attacked by Noir. So they have no responsibility for the destruction since they were assisting a fellow Beacon student. If you've gathered testimonies or have access to the security cameras at the scene, it will also become clear that the primary and perhaps only active party responsible for the material damages was Noir Arc."

Everyone stared at me in silence, as if witnessing something abnormal.

"As for the curfew violation, it's attributed to the extent of the fight. And while someone may argue that this argument is invalid, I would like to request the transfer of the punishment to myself."

Once again, my response was silence.,

"Why is that, mister Arc." Asks the director.

"I won't stand for people being punished for helping me."

"Why would I punish them for helping you in your time of need?? No i am punishing them for other reasons such as why they were dressed up as if they were about to embark on a espionage mission"

The uncomfortable silence lingered for a few more seconds until Ozpin cleared his throat into his hand, drawing everyone's attention.

"Mr. Arc your punishment will come and will be separate from Ms Belladonnas and Ms roses their punishment shall be served with Ms Goodwitchfor now I let you rest." Says Ozpin, leading everyone out of the room. "But tomorrow, I'll speak with him alone to determine his punishment."

"Speak now, I'm awake."

"But not alone." The director says, pointing to a bed beside mine as he leaves the room.
To my surprise, Ren was in the bed next to me, with his torso and groin in a cast.

"What happened to you?"

He took a deep breath and answered without looking me in the eyes. A manly tear glistens in his eye.

"I broke my pelvis and ribs when… I fell down the stairs."

"You should be proud, Ren," I said to him in a tone of infinite wisdom. "Few survive a night of Snu Snu."

"Shut up, Jaune."

"Did Nora hammer you all night?"

"I'm serious, stop."

"She may have a hammer, but were you the one who nailed her?"

"This is my last warning, stop, or you will regret it."

"You had a heart of stone, but I'm sure after she hammered your groin, that was sorted out."

"We fucked on your bed."

"You what?!"

[Weiss Schnee]
I know it was late, but there was still a matters to address.

"I think I am entitled to ask… what got into you three today, you fools?" I ask my teammates sitting in front of me.

"Sorry, bestie."

"Jaune and even the headmaster cleared me."

"What did I do?"

Ruby is looking down, feeling guilty, Blake pretends she did nothing wrong knowing her, she might actually believe it, and Yang looks at me confused, not understanding my question.

"Why did a 'friendly sparring' end with the Mistral Champion unconscious in the infirmary?"

"Because I'm awesome." Yang replies with a mischievous smile.

I facepalm at the reckless girl that will face the wrath of all Invincible Girl fans on her social media.

"Can I also know why you two were dressed as risque ninjas?"

"Risque? What does that mean? Blake said they were professional spy outfits."

"Maybe a professional sex worker-."

"Quiet, Xiao Long!" I retorted, pointing my finger at the blonde. "You may not be a stalker, but I talked to Pyrrha, and she told me you were gathering information about Jaune too."

"Red-haired snitch." Yang complained, crossing her arms.

Initially, my attention to Jaune Arc was entirely pragmatic. His intellect and remarkable abilities were the features that initially caught my attention. It was evident that he possessed extraordinary potential with his inventions. In my world, where excellence is a requirement, his skills set him apart notably.

However, conversing, debating, planning, and other professional interactions gave me the chance to get to know him better. I noticed a subtle shift in my perception of him. The intellectual interest began to transform into something deeper, something that, I admit, was not so easy to analyze or control.

Not that I loved the Dorky Knight, but marriage to Jaune would give me a permanent contract with him. Despite appearing as a cheerful fool, he was also very intelligent, good company for conversation, helped me confront my father, trusted me without ulterior motives, and every day he became more muscular and sexy-.

SECURE! I meant to say he is more secure and confident… if a bit Naive.

But now I realize I'm not alone in my assessment of his qualities.

Pyrrha Nikos was no surprise. The champion had a crush on him since the first day of school.

As for my leader, Ruby Rose, she seemed to be suffering from her first crush, whether it will be something concrete or just a teenage puppy love, no one can say.

Yang and Blake are now unknowns.

I know Yang got accidentally rejected by the knight, but it was clear that it was all a misunderstanding, even though Blake liked to use the incident as fodder for jokes. Maybe Yang had never been rejected in her life, and when Jaune rejected her, she developed feelings for him? Or maybe she just wanted to conquer Jaune to later reject him?

Whatever Yang's situation is, it's certainly less confusing than Blake having romantic feelings for him. The two have never exchanged more than a few words, and at most, they hang out when we have lunch or class together.

And there's also the second-year bunny faunus that Jaune saved with his stink bomb.

Love rivals emerged in such a short time, if I had been faster, I could have secured Jaune in an exclusive engagement contract. Joining a harem may be an option, but I am the Schnee heiress. I cannot simply be just another in a group of women thirsty for one man.

This realization, in a way, challenges my own sense of control. The competition for Jaune's affection, something I had never imagined facing, brought with it a whirlwind of unknown emotions.

It's intriguing how the lines between pragmatism and emotion become blurred when it comes to matters of the heart. Perhaps, in this complicated game of emotions, I can learn something about myself.

"In my defense, just because an outfit is sexy doesn't mean it doesn't have other uses."

"Shut up, Blake!" We all said at the same time.

[Glynda Goodwitch]
When Professor Ozpin mentioned a private conversation with Jaune, I thought it would take place in his office.

"She's stabilized, but each day her condition worsens." Ozpin said in a serious tone.
We were in the underground area in front of the Fall Maiden, Amber, who was resting in a life support tube.

"I have 100% effective methods to heal her body and aura, tested yesterday in the battle against Noir, but the damage to her soul complicates her situation." Jaune comments, analyzing Amber. "However, the body, aura, and soul are intimately intertwined in each individual. If one of them is healed, it's not surprising if the other is positively affected."

The city repairs had already been paid for by the Arc family, after all, we had testimonies and security camera videos proving that Noir was the main culprit for the material damage, the first to attack, and she even committed the crime of trying to apprehend a Vale citizen without a warrant or a reward on the target's head. Still considering it concerned a hunter dynasty all it was swept under the rug.

"An interesting hypothesis, Mr. Arc, but since we have no empirical studies on the specific nature of the soul, I cannot say it's a solid theory." Added the director. "Knowledge in Remnant is limited to Aura and Semblances."

Jaune explained to us that the golden flames during the fight were the result of applying his 'super soldier serum'. He's not sure why there were effects of fire, pain, and Aura drain. But with Professor Ozpin, they concluded that his Aura interpreted the changes the serum was causing in his body as the effects of a poison, and the two 'battled within his body.' When his Aura had been completely depleted, the serum finished its work.

According to Jaune, despite the side effects, he felt that the serum was a success. He was stronger and faster than before. In yesterday's fight against his sister, he even felt a difference in the speed at which his brain processed information.

"How will you proceed with the treatment?"

Jaune doesn't immediately answer Ozpin. He stares at Amber in silence, lost in his thoughts.

"I'll use the senzu beam first. Yesterday, it healed the physical and Aura of me and the girls. Even if it doesn't repair her soul, it will make her stronger for my other attempts."

"Other attempts?" I asked aloud.

"I'm not absolutely sure what I'm doing here." Jaune says in a melancholic tone, approaching Amber's capsule. "But I give you my Arc word, as long as I'm here, no one dies."

While Ozpin began the procedure to open Amber's capsule, I couldn't help but notice the change the young man had undergone in just a month since I met him. He's almost like an entirely different person from initiation.

He has always been an enigma with a strangely powerful semblance, combined with abundant Aura and knowledge about the future that he refuses to clarify how he obtained. I had every reason in the world to be suspicious of him, but today I couldn't think ill of the young man. Not because I think he would be a great ally in our war against Salem, it was for a more selfish reason.

Although I have never felt belittled or underestimated, from the beginning, it was evident that Jaune made a point of proclaiming to everyone the importance of my role as a Huntress, a teacher, an ally, and I think I can also say as a friend.

I walked up to Professor Ozpin as the door of the capsule began to open.

"How much Dust did you give him today?" I asked curiously, looking at the dozens of empty boxes stacked in the corner of the room.

"Enough to power Beacon's electrical grid for over 2 years."

With wide eyes and an open mouth, I stared at the Headmaster incredulously.

"Yes, Glynda, I gave a student over 25 million Lien worth of Dust," said the professor as if it were nothing. "Don't even ask how much he spent yesterday with the academy's official card."

"And here I was thinking he would be punished."

"Don't worry," Ozpin said, sipping from his mug. "He will be punished."

[Lie Ren]
After Jaune healed me using his green bean, I thought I would spend my Saturday alone with Nora. Perhaps we could talk more about our feelings while enjoying a delicious jasmine tea.

"Spill it, you pajama ninja." Exclaims Yang, pointing her finger at my face. "We have testimony that you've been talking to Jaune Arc about girls."

Presently, I was sitting on the floor surrounded by women. Most young men my age would find my position enviable, but I say that as a man in a serious relationship, this is quite uncomfortable.

"Sorry, Renny, I couldn't control myself." Said the witness who testified against me, unable to look me in the eyes. "I was so happy that I ended up telling everything that happened yesterday."

"Everything?" I ask, concerned.

"Almost everything." replies Nora.

Nora pouted, looking downcast. I knew she didn't do it purposely, and she didn't know this would be the consequence.

"You don't need to apologize, Nora." Immediately, she raised her head, giving me that beautiful smile of hers. "Your happiness was simply overflowing, and you couldn't help it. I know that happens easily with you, but that's one of the many reasons I love you."

"Aaaah, Ren."

Nora tried to jump in my direction, but Blake stands in her way, shaking her head negatively.

"Listen, Ren." Says Yang, trying to calm everyone down. "Everyone here is happy for both of you."

"Very happy!" Exclaims Ruby.

"Congratulations to both of you." Comments Pyrrha.

"I have nothing but praises for the new couple." Added Weiss.

"I didn't think that was possible outside of books." Notes Blake.

"But yesterday, I went mano a mano with the cereal girl to get more information about the Dork Knight. Ruby and Blake stalked the guy to a bar just to get nothing, and they almost died at the hands of his psycho of an elder sister."

"I still don't understand what this has to do with me exactly."

Except for Nora, they all frown at me with irritation, to my surprise, even Ruby.

"Ren, my dear teammate." Said Pyrrha, putting a hand on my shoulder and squeezing it tightly. "Do you want us to deal with the frustration of getting nothing on you?"


I swallow hard when threatened under those intense and slightly insane eyes of my teammate.

"What do you want to know?" I ask, wanting to get this over with.

This proves to be a mistake, as they all started talking at the same time.

"Is he into me?"

"What does he think about buff girls?"

"Does he know what pegging is?"

"What's his opinion on puppies and cookies?"

"How offended would he be to have to sign a prenuptial agreement?"

I took a deep breath, trying my mind sane amid the barrage of questions uttered simultaneously.

"How about I tell you what I know about him, then you can ask the questions. One at a time!"

They all agreed and surrounded me to hear me clearly.

"Jaune Arc is a young, heterosexual male who is interested in romantic and sexual relationships with women."

"No duuuh!" retorts Yang.

I frowned, staring at her, and she caught the hint, falling silent, lowering her head in regret and shame.

"He doesn't have a specific type of girl he prefers, but he definitely finds all of you beautiful." I turned my head to my girlfriend in a more secluded corner. "You too, Nora. But he confirmed that he won't pursue anything with you because, in his words, 'I'm not a talarico.'"

The relief on everyone's faces was evident, even Blake, who of all people shouldn't have a reason to be interested in Jaune, was smiling for a change.

"He knows that a Harem is a possibility in the Vale kingdom, but he doesn't feel comfortable with that alternative."

All had different reactions to my last statement, but none of them seemed positive.

"He wants a vanilla relationship?" Blake asked indignantly at my declaration.

"Who would have thought that Arc was a romantic." Weiss commented with a mischievous smile.

"Not necessarily." I said, encouraging some of them to come a bit closer with curiosity stamped on their faces. "Jaune is not actively seeking a Harem, but he wouldn't be against having one."

"He thinks Harems just 'happen,' like in Blake's filthy books?" Ruby asked.

"Blake!" Yang exclaimed irritably. "What have you done to my precious and innocent little sister?"

"She appreciates art now."

Then the members of Team RWBY engaged in what seemed like a typical argument among themselves about who was right and who was to blame.

Pyrrha, in turn, acted as a mediator and stopped the fight to continue my 'interrogation.'

"He feels bad about not being capable of corresponding the expectations of the Harem, almost as if he were guilty of taking advantage or even abusing the women who are part of it. That's why he won't actively pursue one."

"That's bullshit." Says Blake. "If everyone is an adult, knows the conditions, and gives consent, there's no problem at all."

"Wow! Blake defends polygamy? Now you just need to have positive opinions about voyeurism." Yang comments in a sarcastic tone.

"I'M NOT A VOYEUR!" Blake shouts, offended and embarrassed.


"What? Wait no!"

Yang just shakes her head in disbelief at her partner's response. Trying to avoid another argument, I decide to keep talking.

"The only thing you need to know is that Jaune holds a special affection for each one of you."

"Even me?" questions Blake suspiciously.

"He said he has something special saved for you, just don't ask me what it is because I don't know."

Blake took a step back, passing a hand over the ribbon on her head, breathing rapidly. I decided to continue, even with her reaction.

"At the moment, he said he's focused on other things. He can't date until after the Beacon Dance, which happens a few days before the Vytal Festival."

"Why?" Weiss asks.

"I don't know either."

Although they hadn't gotten all their answers, they seemed happy with what they had heard. I stood up and extended my hand to Nora, who took it and pulls me, skipping to the door. But before leaving, I turn to them with one more answer.

"And about pegging." All, except Ruby, froze and stared at me with wide eyes. "Jaune never talked about it, but he said that if it's with a woman he likes, he'll try anything at least once."

"Prrrr." Purred Blake with a lascivious smile.

"What is pegging?" Ruby asks.

"I'll explain when you're 40 years old," Yang replies.

[Amber Stone]

Since that damn attack, my life has turned into constant agony, a torture that extends with every breath. Here I am, confined to this life support tube, witnessing my own decay. Each day is a lost battle, and the pain has become an unrelenting shadow that refuses to leave me.

Weakness is my new self, an oppressive presence that infiltrates every aspect of my life. The few minutes I spend awake feel like every movement is a superhuman effort, and even blinking seems to require more energy than I can muster. Every breath feels harder than the last, as if the air is escaping me, reluctant to prolong my agonizing existence.

Fainting has become my only respite, a fleeting pause from the cruel reality. However, even in these brief moments, I find no relief. Each faint is a journey into the unknown, a free fall into an abyss that only amplifies my distress and the fear that I won't wake up anymore.

"Amber, can you hear me?"

A voice echoes in my subconscious, bringing me back to reality.

"Please, Amber. You need to be strong."

With monumental effort, I open my eyes and see a blurry figure speaking to me.

"I know you're weak, but I need you to swallow this that I'm putting in your mouth."

The blurry owner of the male voice placed something in my mouth between my teeth. He seemed to know I was too weak to eat solids on my own, so he gently used his hands on my jaw to help me chew the strange seed he had given me.


After breaking the seed, it became easier to chew the rest, and I swallowed it without difficulty.

The effort to break the small seed was enough to exhaust me. I could already feel my mind being taken over by fatigue when something strange exploded inside me.

It was as if a bomb of distilled energy had exploded in my stomach and then spread throughout my body.

A miracle!

There's no other word to describe what I feel after eating that strange seed. A surge of life runs through every cell in my body, dissipating the pain that was slowly consuming me.

The relief I am feeling now is overwhelming, almost palpable, as if a heavy fog had lifted, revealing a new world before me. Every breath is now invigorating, as if the air filling my lungs carries a renewed vital energy. I look at my hands and see strength, a strength that I had forgotten I possessed.

Tears roll from my eyes, not from pain, but from relief. It's as if I emerged from an endless nightmare to find an oasis of healing. My muscles, once frail, are now full of vigor, and the weakness that was chaining me has disappeared, leaving behind a renewed version of myself.

My now clear vision reveals a blond boy smiling in front of me, the one who offered me the seed is now an angel of flesh and blood in my life. I look at him with teary eyes and a choked voice as I try to express the magnitude of my gratitude.

"Thank you." I murmur, but the words seem inadequate in the face of the miracle he triggered.

[Original Point of View]

Not that I'm averse to having a girl hugging me tightly and whispering in my neck, but the crying and the onlookers make this situation very uncomfortable.

"It's good to see you healthy again, Miss Stone." SaysOzpin approaching.

Thanks to my enhanced perception from the super soldier serum, I could notice all of Amber's body language change with the director's presence. Her hands on my neck start to sweat, her pupils dilate, her facial expression tenses, the muscles of her arms and legs that were touching me contract, and with her chest pressed against me, I could hear and feel her heartbeat had accelerated.

I extended my hand and stopping Ozpin before he could get any closer. Turning to Amber I whisper.

"Any problems?"

"Before I was attacked, I wasn't getting along with him." She says in a weak and tearful voice.

'That's enough to be afraid of him?' I mentally question. 'There must be more to it.'

"Amber." As soon as I mention her name, she looks at me relieved. "I need you to get back into the tube."

And as if by magic, all the relief disappears, and the fear comes back.

"I'm not sure if you're cured, we need another diagnostic."

Now depressed, the brunette lowers her head and enters the machine.

'Ish, I didn't want to depress her that much.'

"I guarantee you that after today, you won't need to get into that tube again."

"Okay…" She mutters lowly, not trusting my promise.

'I feel like a dad who said no to his daughter wanting a puppy.'

The machine containing Amber was truly fascinating, a machine for aura transfer with the capabilities of keeping someone in suspended animation and diagnosing the person's body and aura in 30 minutes.

After the diagnosis, Ozpin needed a few more minutes reading the medical record in silence before explaining Amber's situation.

"It's as we feared." Ozpin comments in a low voice, so Amber couldn't hear from inside the tube. "You restored her physical body and aura, but they continue to deteriorate slowly."

"Open the tube again."

Ozpin looks at me with concern.

"Your treatment has already proven effective in extending her life and relieving her pain." I stare at him with a raised eyebrow, but the director ignores me and continues speaking. "You've done enough, Jaune. We already know the identity of who attacked Amber, and we are monitoring her. It's just a matter of time until we neutralize Cinder Fall and recover the Maiden's power."

I turned, facing the director.

"Two things, Ozpin. First, Cinder is a treacherous snake, much slipperier than you think. Every bit of help is needed to deal with that pyromaniac bitch."

"And the second?"

"I have a certain familiarity with creatures capable of draining the vitality of their prey, similar to what Cinder did to Amber."

"Are you talking about a Grimm?" Ozpin asked.

"No. When the creature I'm talking about drains the vitality of its prey, you can only recover it in a very specific and costly way." I reply, looking at the director. "You provide supplements to the individual, do exercises to increase their vigor, and compensate for the weakness caused by the drain, but without the correct treatment, the person is left with that missing piece forever."

"Fascinating." The surprised professor commented. "And do you know the treatment?"


Multiverse Crafting System

What would you like to make?
Magic: 344.454 Points
Aura: 00,0%

With all these points, I could create an artifact to destroy Salem once and for all, but I still don't feel 100% comfortable with my body post-serum. After we neutralize Cinder's team, I'll build my power to destroy that millennia-old crazy witch.

But let's take it step by step, first, cure Amber once and for all.

Cinder drained the powers of the Fall Maiden using a Grimm. In the original series, it seemed something similar to drain effects of level or attribute from a creature akin to a Succubus in RPGs like Pathfinder 1e or D&D 3.5.

'How much does it cost to make a restoration scroll?'

Multiverse Crafting System

It will cost 1.000 Magic Points.
Magic: 344.454 Points
Aura: 00,0%

A consumable 1.000 points cheaper than a God's Bean? Doesn't seem right. I know the effect only removes negative conditions instead of healing, but it still seems too cheap.

"Wait!" I exclaimed aloud, unconsciously.

'Make a restoration potion.'

Multiverse Crafting System

It will cost 2.000 Magic Points.
Magic: 344.454 Points
Aura: 00,0%

Whew, almost made a mistake. Scrolls can only be activated by spell casters with knowledge of magic or someone trained to use magical items. Since I'm neither, I would be dependent on Ozpin if he had the power to use it.

With the mental command, I'm drained of magic points, and a vial with silver liquid appears in my hand.

Amber finds the item's manifestation in my hands strange, but I simply smile at her and nod, handing her the vial. Even though she's apprehensive, the Half-Maiden doesn't hesitate and drinks the potion.

As soon as she finishes ingesting the liquid, a gentle glow envelops her dark skin, and the scars begin to disappear. Her eyes reflect surprise and gratitude for each mark now erased, revealing the pure and renewed beauty of her skin.

"Don't move, Miss Stone. We'll run another round of tests to make sure." Said Ozpin approaching the machine.

'While they run the tests, I'll take advantage of being literally in a secret hideout underground and create a few things.'

"M.C.S. On." I said aloud, unable to contain my excitement.

The golden mist begins to emerge, enveloping me in a radiant aura. But this time, it's different. This mist is more intense, more vibrant than ever. I feel the pulsating energy around me, the golden light that seems to transcend the limits of everything I've ever created. It's as if the power itself residing in me is anticipating something grand.

"Jaune!" exclaimed Glynda trying to interrupt the process. "What are you going to create?"

Ignoring the teacher, I focus on my power as the golden mist expands, forming a luminous halo around me. Each particle shines like stars on a clear night, the symphony of light seems to echo with the promise of something extraordinary about to happen.

"Maybe we should wait for Director Ozpin to finish Miss Stone's examination."

"Use Magic."

"JAUNE!" Shouts Glynda when the intense golden light dazzles her vision.

When the teacher's vision returns, she looks at me worried with the wild smile adorning my face.

"What did you do?" she asks concerned, staring at the small object in my hands.

Looking at the teacher, I respond cheerfully.

"Let's just say… from now on, I won't make any more mistakes."

She looks back at me with a raised eyebrow, suspicious of my statement.

"Okay!" I complained in a defeated tone. "80% fewer mistakes... and 20% cooler."

"How do you quantify that?"

Despite her lack of faith in myself, I can't stop smiling, looking at the chip in my hands.

"Let's wreak some blue havoc."

[Image / Not mine]

I no longer need to worry about creating weapons, robots, or vehicles too complex to control.

"Mr. Arc." Called the director, drawing my attention away from my mighty creation.

I turned slowly to face Director Ozpin. His tired eyes met mine, and I could sense a change in his expression. His once imposing posture was now more relaxed, and there was a hint of relief in his gaze, mixed with a fatigue that seemed to carry an immeasurable weight.

The wisdom and leadership skills of Beacon Academy's director were unquestionable, but now, in front of me, I could see the humanity he hides beneath his aura of authority. It was as if, for a brief moment, worries and weariness had surfaced in his countenance.

"Jaune Arc." Says Ozpin, his voice calm and relieved. "You've done something many couldn't have done. You saved Amber and, consequently, all of us. Once again, you've proven that your abilities and knowledge are a blessing to our cause."

As he expressed his gratitude, I noticed a shadow of sadness in his eyes. As if, behind the mask of a strong and unshakable leader, there was a man carrying the burden of countless losses. Ozpin continues, his words revealing a vulnerability rarely seen.

"I've witnessed the deaths of many throughout my life, Jaune. With each loss, the burden seems heavier. However, it's imperative not to desensitize ourselves. Every life lost, especially that of an ally, hurts as if it were the first."

Without words to respond, I simply nodded.

"However." He begins, assuming his usual posture. "The damage to the city was extensive, and there were witnesses to your presence at the scene. Therefore, I need to punish you in some way to maintain the appearance of impartiality."

"Any ideas on how to do that?" I ask curiously.

"Miss Blake's escape is scheduled within a two-week window. If you're suspended during that time, no one will suspect that you left to force Team RWBY to resolve their internal crisis on their own."

He's right, my knowledge of the future is still a secret known only to Ozpin and Goodwitch. And no one knows that 'I'm not from here' except me.

"Hold on!" I exclaim concerned. "This way, I'll miss the excursion to Forever Fall."

The director chuckled at my expense before speaking.

"It wouldn't be a punishment if you didn't suffer in some way."

Despite him being right, I couldn't control myself.

"Fuck you, bitchy Dumbledore."

"Your insults used to be more creative, Mr. Arc. Now they just tire me."

'The audacity of this asshole.' I think to myself, already planning my revenge. 'And it's going to be a huge show.'

[Pyrrha Nikos]
Red leaves fall from the trees, as if time had stood still. Forever Fall is a forest with a magical air, where autumn seems to last forever. Despite being infested with Grimm, the landscape brings me peace and tranquility, causing me to reflect on everything I've experienced in these past few years.

At first, many approached me seeking the shine of my fame as a champion, an exceptional warrior. But when I look between the shadows of the red trees, I see those who valued the true essence behind my gleaming armor and fake smiles for the cameras.

However, there is a thought that hangs heavier than the autumn leaves themselves. A feeling that, like the colors of Forever Fall, is impossible to ignore. My thoughts turn to Jaune Arc, my team partner.

I turned to face the partner I almost lost last weekend. He was wearing his new Huntsman equipment, a black outfit made of a blend of cut-resistant and puncture-resistant fabrics. Over the fabric, reinforced white plates with golden details formed a Kevlar armor protecting his body. And in his left eye, he had a strange device with a visor for only one eye. He said he was testing the equipment and that if the results were positive, he would make it available to everyone on the team.

In the first week at Beacon, Jaune, with his gentle nature and determined eyes, kindled in me a warmth that transcended the seasons. As I gaze upon the trees of Forever Fall, I make a silent vow to myself.

'This year, I will confess my feelings to my partner.' It's a promise made under the splendor of red leaves, a declaration echoing in the corridors of my heart like a solemn commitment.


The guttural roar echoed through the dense forest of Forever Fall, announcing the presence of an Ursa Major rising before us. Adrenaline pulsed through my veins as my shield instinctively rose, reflecting the reddish glow of the falling leaves around us. By my side, Jaune Arc also wielded his sword and shield, assuming a similar defensive stance.

Even though Jaune is my leader, I took the initiative and fired at the monster just for Jaune to catch up and match my pace. Our synchronized movements were like a dance choreographed by the urgency of the imminent battle. The Ursa Major lunged its enormous claws, seeking to tear through anything in its path. With an agile spin, I slid under one of its attacks, my shield protecting us while Jaune advanced, slashing against the giant opponent's arm with his flaming sword.

The trust between us was palpable, a connection that transcends words. While I distracted the bear with my agile movements, Jaune seized the openings to attack with precise strikes. Each assault was a coordinated dance of individual skills interweaving perfectly. The gleam of our weapons reflected the sunlight filtered through the trees, creating a surreal scene of battle under the autumnal dome.

"ROOOOOAR!" The monster roared in pain, unable to attack now that we found our rhythm.

The creature's growls were answered by the sounds of metal against its black fur like the night, a combat symphony resonating through the forest. In a moment of synchrony, our gazes met, and a brief exchanged smile amid the attacks showed the mutual trust we had developed. The battle was not just a physical challenge but a cooperative dance, where each move complemented the other.

We advanced together, combining our strengths to finally bring down the Grimm.

"RARR." The creature snarled, falling backward.

With the creature lying on its back, we jumped together and landed on the monster's body, brandishing our swords.

As silence settled in the forest again, I realized that this was not only a victory over the Grimm but also proof of how, side by side, Jaune and I were a formidable team, capable of overcoming any challenge fate presented us.

"Did you see that, Renny? It looked like they were dancing," Nora exclaimed, though we could see she was covered in red sap from the trees. "Great job, team."

Ren just nodded in our direction.

"Thanks to my excellent teacher," Jaune said, smiling and winking at me not even breathing heavily truly showing how far he had come along.

That radiant smile, those sapphire-blue eyes, that chest within the armor seems larger than last week, and more delicious too-.

'No!' I think to myself. 'Stop daydreaming, girl, FOCUS! You need to talk to him about my feelings.'

I take a deep breath and with my heart in my hand, I touched his arm, looking at him.

"Jaune, there's something I need to-" But in the middle of my declaration, I was interrupted.

{{Your strength, speed, and reaction time are exceptional even when compared to trained Huntsmen. But your techniques could be less... basic.}} A robotic voice from Jaune's Scroll at his waist speaks.

Jaune took his new white and gold Scroll from his belt. As soon as the device was at the level of his chest, a holographic blue projection of a soldier wearing futuristic armor appeared.


"Effectiveness is more important than style, Church." Jaune retortes in an irritated tone.

{{True, but it wouldn't hurt you to stop being a lazy ass and learn other fighting styles to incorporate into your mediocre one.}}

"J-Jaune." I stammer
, drawing my partner's attention. "What is this thing?"

The small holographic being had no expressive face, but it was evident that he was annoyed by my statement.

"This here is the Alpha unit, an extremely advanced artificial intelligence, but you can call him Church."

"Oooh… p-pleasure to meet you, Mr. Church." I address the strange being in a casual tone.

{{Sup.}} Says The little digital creature in an irritated tone.

"Don't give him too much credit, despite being a powerful AI, he's an asshole."

{{Yeah, fuck you too.}}

Jaune just laughs at the insults the small being is throwing at him.

"JAUNE ROMÉE ARC!" Yells a shrill female voice in the distance.

{{Milf incoming!}} Church exclaims, disappearing into Jaune's Scroll.

The teacher arrived levitating, propelled by her Semblance.

"May I know what you're doing here?"

Smiling, I reply as if I had done nothing wrong.

"Just enjoying a school trip with my team."

A vein poppes out on the teacher's forehead, furious at Jaune's apparent disrespect.

"You are suspended for 2 weeks. Thus, you are banned from Beacon Academy for this time as determined by the director."

"This isn't Beacon Academy, it's the Forever Fall Forest."

Professor Goodwitch widenes her eyes indignantly but turns around and went back to the rest of the class.

"I almost forgot that you were going to be away for 2 weeks."

"Yeah…" Jaune says, looking sadly down.

I had so much to talk to him about, but now he'll be absent for so long. The worst part is that it wasn't even his fault; Jaune was just defending himself.

'When I find Noir Arc, I'll make her regret hurting my Jaune.' I mentally vow.

{Attention students, in 30 minutes, we will depart for Beacon.} Saysthe teacher's voice coming from all students' Scrolls.

"I have to go, Pyr." Jaune says, hugging me.

Even caught off guard, I manage to reciprocate his warm hug.

"Where are you going?" I ask, not wanting to let go.

"To help a family." He says pulling away from me.

After saying goodbye to Nora, Ren, and Team RWBY, he walks into the forest.

"Worried?" Nora asks, coming to my side.

"A little, but after he fought with Noir, he seemed different, stronger, and more mature. I have nothing to worry about."

"Was he carrying any luggage?" Ren asks.

"No suitcase or even a backpack." Nora replies.

"Maybe I should worry a little-." I add before being cut off by a strange noise.


Powerful engines seemed to start.


"LOOK, REN!" Nora shouted, pointing in the direction of the noise.

From amidst the trees, I witnessed the majestic takeoff of a strange black aircraft. Its engines roared like thunder, a thunderous sound echoing throughout the forest. The jet lifted gracefully, cutting through the air with calculated precision. Its noise turned into a hum, while my vision was filled with the image of its accelerating turbines.

[Image / Not mine]


And with the sound of a sonic boom.


The jet took off.

"I bet a thousand Lien it was Jaune."

"Everyone knows it was Jaune, Nora," I reply tiredly to my teammate.

"You're handling him leaving out of nowhere better than expected."

"I think I'll use one of your moves with Jaune when he comes back."

"Which one?"

"Break his pelvis."

"Ha! Twist him like a pretzel."


Name: Pyrrha Nikos
Alias: Invincible Girl
Allegiance: Kingdom of Vale / Kingdom of Mistral
Weapon: Miló / Akoúo̱
Semblance: Polarity (Control the magnetism of metallic objects)

Strength: ★ ★ ★
Endurance: ★ ★ ★ ★
Agility: ★ ★ ★ ★
Fighting Skill: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ✪
Mental: ★ ★ ★
Aura: ★ ★ ★
Aura Skill: ★ ★ ★
Semblance: ★ ★ ★

Since Miss Nikos joined Beacon Academy, she has proven on every occasion that her title is well-deserved. Her skill in spear handling and her masterful mastery of technique have not only set her apart in combat but have also inspired her peers. Her commitment to excellence is evident in every training session and mission she undertakes.

What truly defines Pyrrha Nikos as a future Huntress, however, is her ethics and compassion. She understands the true responsibility that falls on the shoulders of those who choose to follow this path.

For these reasons, I considered Miss Nikos as a candidate for the next Fall Maiden. However, Jaune interjected in my decision, his exact words were:

"Tell her about your shadow war, and I'll tell Ironwood that Salem is immortal AND YOUR EX."

Despite not wanting to yield to the threats of a teenager, the fact that Mr. Arc healed Amber made me agree to his request.

E ai gurizada?

Before talking about this chapter and the next ones, I would like to say that this was one of my chapters that had the most comments, that makes me very happy, to tell the truth I sat on the bed with my sick brother and read some of them to him. .. even the ones who made jokes about Alabama. I thought it would be canceled by American fans, but the darkest jokes came from US readers.

I sped up towards the end, but we managed to conclude the first arc of this fic. My original idea was to finish with Noir's fight, but there were still some things I wanted to write in this part of the story.

The next chapters will be interludes; please leave in the comments what you would like to read first.

  1. Winter and Dr. Polendina evaluating the material Weiss sent.
  2. Noir Arc introducing themselves to the patriarch of the Arc family.
  3. Blake teaches Ruby about art.
  4. Coco interrogates Velvet about her feelings about Jaune Arc.
  5. Weiss, Pyrrha, and Yang having coffee and a girls' talk.
  6. Junior and Torchwick have a meeting.
  7. Qrow drinking at the bar complaining about who made Ozpin change his mind.
  8. Ruby upgrading Crescent Rose.

Do you have any suggestions for what you would like to read? Leave them in the comments. I read them all, even though I don't respond to most.

Thanks for the chapter, loved the OC you made as a sister
—Response= Thanks man, I'm thinking about adding more Arcs as antagonists to the story.

OK first of all love the chap, glad to see more interaction between MC and Blake, i also loved the background of Noir, of course i still hate her and i Hope jaune's family realize she almost kill jaune and excile her and hate her for that, jaune is easily the most loved member of the arc family once they found out about it they should properly punish her and she should regret this the rest of her miserable life. BTW what did jaune eat? Is he a saiyan now?
—Response= He ate a senzu bean, recovered all his Aura and health, but he continued to be drained because of the conflict between the serum and his Aura.
He's not a Saiyan, it was his Aura burning in overclock trying to stop the serum from affecting his body.

Wow, he is using Confusion as a Weapon?
—Response= That's the idea, Jaune was keeping her on her toes using different weapons. During the fight he was using Aura to create them as the idea was to try to use unpredictability as an advantage.
But in the end, there was no way Jaune could win alone against his sister, especially without a plan.


For the Emperor!!!
—Response= Ha!
I picked this comment to salute all the Warhammer fans who spoke out in the last chapter.
I played very little Warhammer, purely competitive games don't appeal to me, but I've played some RPGs and I love the Lore videos on YouTube.

Este fue un muy buen capitulo genial diría con una buena conclusión al final. Ren y Nora no me importan mucho pero que bien que no les diste largas para su relación.
También me encanta el harem sobreviviente que se está formando y la fluidez que lleva, nada es de inmediato si no que se va desarrollando con su tiempo.
—Response= I wanted to accelerate the development of the relationship between Nora and Ren. I think the original series took a long time to work on him.
And I'm grateful for the comments about the Harem development site, I'm trying not to seem forced. Jaune is trying to solve everyone's problem, so it makes sense for them to develop some kind of feelings for him... in my opinion at least that makes sense.

honestly that's a good addition to the chapter if you decide to add it to the last part of every chapters, but is it only limited to characters' information or could you add maybe their semblance capabilities and/or aura proficiency??
—Response= Good idea, I'll add that(Done!).

I don't know if you already have Jaune Family problem planned out but there is theory the fact Jaune is the only male makes him valuable to carry on the family name. Jaune left because he wanted to matter and do something other then be pampered upper class snob. In this version of the World, I can see him being value because Arc men though rare have tendency to have very powerful daughters. All of Jaune sisters well above the average with a few S Class like Noir. So Jaune could be running from being nothing more then a pamper prized breeding Stallion who was never allowed gets to race or run in fear of injury. His sisters do care him but his parents emphasis the fact if women learn about his breeding potential he would be taken against his will, so over protective is an understatement. This also can cause more fun drama Pyrrha's mom would love grandchildren of top tier quality and movement up the Social ladder. Wiess, how much would you bet her father would engage her sister Winter to marry him to create a bigger empire and powerful legacy. White Fang use him as a breeding for superior soldiers for the future and ransom and knowing Yang's Mom I can see her use for the same reason and for personal fun.
—Response= I love it when people theorize in the comments of the fics.
But unfortunately, I won't answer your questions because I'd end up giving spoilers, but I won't change anything about Saphron Cotta-Arc, the only sister who appeared in the original series.
What some people wouldnt give for death by snu-snu.

Yanderes huh, gotta love them cause sometimes crazy is indeed hot. Then again, I thought Noir was hot because she wanted to kill him sooo.

Thanks for the chapter man, hoping to see how you take things from here.

May God and the Force be with you, Kudos


"It's good to see you healthy again, Miss Stone." SaysOzpin approaching

Says Ozpin*


I was listening to a song called 20% cooler when I read that lol.

"J-Jaune." I stammer
, drawing my partner's attention. "What is this thing?"

I stammer, drawing*

Also it's Professor Ozpin, not Director Ozpin.
Good chapter, good fic but there's one thing really bothering me.

Jaune really isn't very intelligent in using his power, he seems to choose things based on the cool factor rather than thinking things through and choosing something based on usefulness. The best example is the use of senzu beans on Ren when a regeneration potion would solve the problem for much less.

Jaune could also have reduced his dependence on Dust by creating items with Terraria's Mana Crystal, following a Beyonder path, or an item of some sort that would let him start generating magic like a dragon heart or a magic-based cultivation technique.
Other economical ways for Jaune to improve himself would be to use aura to create something like a colony of extremis viruses, nanomachines (generic) or nanites (mutant rex) and use their self-replicating nature to gain power using only aura.

Following any of these paths would allow Jaune to slowly strengthen himself in interesting ways without always relying on random items chosen based on cool factor.

At the very least Jaune should get some space storage if he intends to continue just making random items. I would personally recommend something like Gate of Babylon as it is really simple and useful, having infinite storage capacity, being able to fire items like projectiles and then recover them. A storage ring with similar abilities would do and it probably wouldn't be expensive since it's something very common in cultivation scenarios.

I opened my eyes as soon as we landed, although I never had motion sickness problems in my previous life, the reality of this body is different... at least meditating with my eyes closed prevents me from vomiting in the middle of the aircraft.

As soon as I breathe the fresh air outside, I start to feel better, but I can't enjoy the moment of tranquility because an explosion catches my attention.

"This is my cue."

I walk towards the gothic girl with red streaks lying on the ground, relieved to see that I hadn't missed my introduction to the canon.

"Welcome to Beacon..." muttered the girl lying on the ground.

There she was, the protagonist of RWBY, Ruby Rose, and she is beautiful, with a unique gothic style in red and black. Her short black hair with red tips contrasts with her pale skin, highlighting her silver eyes. But despite being beautiful, I'm not interested in getting involved with her.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, extending my hand to the girl. "My name is Jaune."

[Ruby Rose.]

"Ruby," I replied, accepting the hand of the blond boy with blue eyes.

Jaune looked like a typical 17-year-old teenager, and despite carrying a red and blue shield on his back, he didn't seem to have the muscular mass of a trainee Hunter.

"Wait!" I exclaimed, examining him more closely. "You're the boy who was sleeping sitting on the transport, right?"

With a serious expression, he nodded his head.

"I was circulating my Aura while meditating, I need to do that whenever I travel. Otherwise, I get nauseous."

"Wow, that sounds like advanced Aura training." Maybe his fighting style is focused on his Semblance rather than his body.

"It's something I learned from some Aura theory books."

"Wow, my uncle Qrow said I was still too young for advanced Aura training like that, so I didn't even try."

"You were trained by your uncle?"

"Yes, he and my father were teachers at Signal, the preparatory school I attended."

"Hmm..." He replied, murmuring.

Why is he grumbling? Is he already bored? But how? We've been talking for less than 5 minutes.

Think, Ruby, try to talk about something interesting.

"So... I have this."

Ha! Nothing is more anti-boredom than my baby Crescent Rose.

"Wow, is that a scythe and a high-precision rifle?" Jaune said, examining my creation. "A combination for close combat and long-range fighting, an excellent mechashift weapon from what I can tell."

Yes! It worked.

"And what do you have there?" I asked, looking at the circular shield on his back.

In response, he opens his coat, revealing a simple 9 mm pistol and a knife.

"These two are common weapons, a hunting knife and a pistol, but I see you're interested in my shield."

Pulling it from his back, I get a better look at the shield. It's round, a perfect circle, painted with 2 red stripes, 1 white stripe, and in the center, it has a blue sphere with a white five-pointed star in the middle... and nothing else?

No complex mechanisms, no folds, just a shield with a buckle to attach it to the arm?

"Simple, right?"

Embarrassed, I took a step back.

Was my disappointment that obvious? The first person who talks to me at Beacon, and I've already been rude to him?

"No... it's just that..." I need an excuse. "I just find this combination of shield, pistol, and knife unique." Ha! I did well.

He smiles at me, but I turn my face to the side, feeling embarrassed.

"This shield may not look like much, but it's practically indestructible."

I froze for a second, did I hear that right?

"You said indestructible?"

"Yes," Replied the blond boy with a proud smile on his face.

"Impossible!" I exclaimed, disbelieving.

"100% true."

"But what if someone shoots it with anti-tank ammunition?"

"Nothing will happen."

"A shot from an anti-aircraft battery?"

"Maybe it'll scratch the paint."

"And Dust effects like fire, ice, and electricity."

"At most, it'll get dirty."

I lean over the shield, tapping it with my fist, trying to guess its material.

"Please, tell me what it's made of."

"Okay, girl, I'll tell you later, just stop drooling over it, please."

Drooling? Oh my, he's right, I've been drooling over it. Jumping back, I try to apologize again, but Jaune says it's no big deal.

"It's alright, Ruby, I know you didn't mean any harm." Despite me acting weird, he didn't seem bothered. "But I want to know where we are."


Looking around, I notice that we've been wandering aimlessly and ended up near a garden with an artificial lake.

"I was following you."

Jaune stares at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't judge me."

"I don't judge anyone." Phew. "Out loud." Darn it.

He laughs, shaking his head.

"Follow me, everything's fine, crater face."

"Did you just call me what?"

[Professor Ozpin.]

"It's truly intriguing how the start of the Beacon school year still manages to fill me with hope," I thought aloud.

After my speech, Professor Goodwitch and I met in the elevator that provides access to my office.

"In what sense, Professor?" my vice asked.

"After 80 years of training Remnant's protectors, any normal person would assume a certain degree of apathy would be present."

I replied, sighing, to Professor Goodwitch.

"But no, every passing year I still have hope in the new generation, especially this year with a silver-eyed warrior among the freshmen, perhaps the last one on the planet."

With an arched eyebrow, the professor questioned me.

"You have great faith in this young woman because she's Summer's daughter?"

"Silver eyes are notorious in the fight against the Grimm, with a few years of training, Miss Rose could be capable of reclaiming Mount Glenn."

Reclaiming Glenn would erase the kingdom's biggest defeat against "her," we would have an outpost connected to the capital by an underground transportation system, and the increased morale of Vale's population would keep the Grimm at bay for months, if not years.

My optimistic thoughts were interrupted by a shocking scene when the elevator door opened, revealing my office with a young man sitting in my chair, with his feet propped up on something metallic on my desk.

"You have 5 seconds to explain yourself, young man," Glynda threatened, pointing her weapon, The Disciplinarian, at the boy.

The young man with blond hair and blue eyes stared at Goodwitch without flinching and replied.

"I apologize for putting my feet on your desk, I was just bored and used my shield to keep it clean."

Does he think we're concerned about him dirtying the desk?

"That should be the least of your concerns. I don't recognize you, so you must be one of the initiates, right?" He answered, nodding his head. "Consider yourself eliminated and consider yourself lucky not to leave here in handcuffs, boy."

He smiled and looked in my direction.

"Brave and loyal?" Was he talking to me? "That's why you have her as your second in command, huh, Ozma!" The boy responded in a cynical tone, looking me in the eyes.

Glynda continued with her lectures and threats, but I didn't pay attention to them because in front of me was someone who knew the name of my first incarnation.

The mysterious young man kept smiling at me as if he hadn't just blurted out one of my best-kept secrets.

"Professor Goodwitch!" I exclaimed aloud.

Glynda paused in the middle of her lecture and looked at me in surprise. This was the kind of thing she dealt with when it came to a student misbehaving, but this was no ordinary student.

"I just remembered that I have an appointment with this young man." If he were an agent of Salem, he would have already attacked us. "Apologies for my lateness, once Professor Goodwitch leaves, we can begin." Despite my suspicion, Glynda was loyal enough to follow orders without questioning.

"Don't even think about it, you Dumbledore with a scarf."

"Dumble-who?" I tried to question the comparison, but the young man simply kept talking.

"She stays." The mysterious young man pointed his finger at Glynda.

"May I know why you're arguing about my presence without even considering my opinion?"

The boy got up from my chair and placed a knife and a pistol on the table.

"I came here to help you, Ozma." He walked towards us. "But Glynda needs to know."

"What do I need to know?" Glynda asked, sounding unsure.

"Everything that Ozpin didn't tell you about the secret war, why Salem wants the relics, his relationship with the Grimm queen, the Gods, and my favorite part." He cleared his throat before continuing. "Salem cannot be killed."

[Glynda Goodwitch.]

It can't be true...

The secret war we fight for humanity is just a lovers' quarrel?

If the relics are brought together, they will summon the Gods who will judge us... and given the current state of Remnant, we will all be destroyed.

And worst of all, even if we manage to invade Salem's castle, it will be futile because the Grimm queen is immortal!

Not a limited immortality like Ozpin's reincarnation, but a true immortality that rebuilds flesh and bone regardless of the injury suffered.

"I know it's a lot to absorb all at once, Professor Goodwitch, but it's important that you know." The young man's voice carried compassion, while Ozpin stared at him with icy fury.

I always thought that Ozpin could have more secrets, but nothing this... impactful.

"Forgive me for not sharing this information with you, Glynda, but Salem's immortality has caused..." The Professor took a deep breath, his gaze filled with sorrow. "I've been betrayed countless times because of it."

It made sense, his enemy was an immortal witch with an army of monsters at her disposal, it's evident that many would despair upon receiving this news and betraying her greatest enemy could earn them favor with the Grimm queen.

"But Glynda is different." I looked in the direction of Jaune Arc, now identified. "I know Qrow is your best field agent and one of the best fighters in all Remnant." He pointed in my direction. "But when it comes to integrity, loyalty, commitment, intelligence, and above all competence, there is no one better on this damn
planet than Glynda Goodwitch."

I blushed and felt a little embarrassed by the compliments the boy gave me.

"I appreciate the kind words, Mr. Arc, but still, what gives you the right to reveal Professor Ozpin's secrets?"

"Look at this, Ozma! I just revealed your dirty laundry to her, and her first reaction is to defend you?" The boy laughed out loud as if he had heard the most absurd thing in the world. "You really don't deserve her."

The redness in my face became more apparent, and I decided to stay silent to try to center myself again.

"While I agree with you, sir, regarding Miss Goodwitch's qualities, she is right." The Professor of Beacon approached the young man, taking firm steps, looking down at Jaune. Ozpin asked with a heavy voice, "For what reason did you reveal my greatest secrets? How did you come to possess that knowledge? And how can we trust someone who appears out of nowhere, sowing intrigue and discord within my inner circle?"

It's rare to see the Professor get straight to the point. He usually prefers to tell a story and draw a parallel between the situation and a tale or one of his experiences, but this boy stripped him of his deepest secrets and put him on the defensive.

Smiling, the young Arc replied, "I'll make you a proposition." Jaune walked over to the table and picked up his weapons and shield. "I have nothing with me, no money, scroll, clothes, not even food."

Strange, how can someone with so much information be so... unprepared?

"All I have with me are my weapons and the clothes I'm wearing. In fact, I'm not even a candidate for Beacon Academy."

"You didn't attend a preparatory school?" the Professor asked.

"No, I had an accident a few months ago, and my aura was awakened by my mother as a way to save my life."

That caught my attention.

"Months! You've only had your aura for a few months? That means you have no training as an apprentice Hunter."

He nodded affirmatively.

"I have some Aura training thanks to some books I read in libraries and bookstores before getting kicked out for reading without paying."

"And how does that relate to your proposition, Mr. Arc?"

"Oh, right! I almost forgot." How can someone just forget something in a conversation about the fate of humans and faunus? "You're going to let me participate in the initiation, give me a monthly allowance to cover my expenses, and Glynda will give me private lessons on aura control."

Private lessons with me?

"Why would we do that, Mr. Arc?"

"Because I'm on your side because I have a semblance that can turn the tide of the war against your ex, and because if you accept this, I'll tell you who the three people were that attacked Amber, the Fall Maiden."

A deathly silence filled the room, tension hung in the air and could be cut with a knife.

"You know who attacked her?" the Professor asked incredulously.

Jaune smiled and raised three fingers.

"There were three people, I know their names, appearance, and their semblances." Pausing dramatically, Jaune clenched his fist and looked deep into Ozpin's eyes. "And most importantly, I know when and how they will come to Beacon to take the rest of the Fall Maiden's power."

"You're a deserter of Salem?" I blurted out without thinking. "Is that why you know so much?"

He shook his head.

"I've never been one of her servants." He swallowed hard, thinking deeply before continuing. "As for how I know this information, I'll tell you on another occasion. Verify if my information about your enemies is correct, then I'll tell you my story."

Without thinking, Ozpin reached out his hand, and Jaune shook it.

"Get a pen, Glynda, Beacon has just gained another candidate."

The Professor was apprehensive, but at least he was still hopeful.

[Original Point of View]

"Finally, a decent bed," I muttered quietly to no one in particular.

Being alone in an isolated room, I could finally get some good rest for the initiation tomorrow. This room, scroll, and 10,000 Lien were a small gesture of gratitude from Ozpin for helping deal with so many "nuisances."

We spent 2 hours ironing out the details to handle Cinder's team, Leonardo Lionheart's betrayal, and the hacking of the CCT.

Glynda wanted to tackle the problems head-on as quickly as possible with three teams of experienced Hunters, but with Ozpin's help, we managed to convince her that it's better to proceed with caution.

I start tossing and turning in bed, trying to find a comfortable position.

The mattress was good, but the pillow was thin, like a folded sheet.

"I won't be able to sleep like this..."

I shouldn't abuse my semblance, but I need a good night's sleep, and it's already late.

"M.C.S. on."

Multiverse Crafting System
What would you like to make?
Magic: 14 Points
Aura: 100%
I look at the floating screen in front of me, and it finally dawns on me.

"My semblance is similar to The Gamer's. How did I never realize this before?"

Of course, it's not as powerful as his. It only allows me to create items using Aura or Magic.

Even though I may have reincarnated in Jaune Arc's body, I'm still the absent-minded, scatterbrained person with ADHD.

"M.C.S., make a memory foam pillow."

Multiverse Crafting System
Which resource would you like to use?
Magic: 14 Points
Aura: 100%
If I use Aura, it won't last forever. It will probably disappear as soon as I fall asleep. Now, if I use magic, it will last forever, but I don't replenish those points in the same way I replenish Aura. I need to consume Dust to gain magic points.

I look at my shield leaning against the wall.

To make Captain America's shield, I had to spend the money Jaune had set aside to buy fake documents and everything else the boy had.

Comics, computer, scroll, video games, books, and even furniture.

"M.C.S., use Aura."

In a golden mist of energy, a pillow materializes.

Multiverse Crafting System
What would you like to make?
Magic: 14 Points
Aura: 99,7%
Did it only cost that much? If I had used magic, it would have cost 3 or even 4 points.

As soon as I rest my head on the pillow, my body relaxes.

"M.C.S. off."

The window closes, and I fall asleep hopeful... that breakfast will be good.

Using first person for multiple POV's isn't necessarily bad, but in this case it does feel very awkward, especially as you are swapping between several in short succession. For other stories (or a rewrite/edit of this one), I would recommend using 3rd person limited and swapping perspectives between chapters and/or scenes. If you would still prefer swapping perspectives more frequently, then I would recommend 3rd person omniscient.
22 - Interlude [1]
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{{A.I. Dialogue}}

[Winter Schnee]
The chill of the elevator seems to intensify as it descends towards Dr. Pietro Polendina's laboratory. The journey is silent, aiding me in focusing on my thoughts that cannot escape the worries I carry.

My younger sister, Weiss, sent me a message requesting an update on the evaluation of her "partner's" inventions, which we received a few weeks ago. As the elevator glides smoothly, my mind wanders into more conjectures. Who is Jaune Arc, and how did he manage to persuade Weiss to get involved in his projects?

Weiss's voice echoes in my mind, enthusiastically explaining the achievements of the young Arc non-lethal weapons, substances capable of defeating Grimms by merely touching them, and energy generators independent of Dust with the potential to overshadow SDC operations.

The latter was inconceivable. Has my sister been seduced by empty promises without fully understanding the consequences of such declarations?

As the elevator approaches the destination, I feel the need to protect her, even if it's from invisible threats. I need to assess the situation and ensure she hasn't fallen into a dangerous game. The elevator door opens, and I stride towards the doctor's laboratory, prepared to find out whether she's been deceived or not.

The laboratory is a spectacle of engineering and innovation as I enter. A sense of curiosity mixed with apprehension permeates the environment. The doctor, an elderly man with bright eyes sitting in a chair with spider-like mechanical legs, greets me with a warm smile.

"Specialist Schnee, it's a pleasure to have you here. I would rather not take up much of your time. I know how important you are to the Atlas military."

He leads me to a structure where holograms display a strange disassembled circular object with various numbers and notes floating beside it.

"What exactly is this?" I ask, pointing to the hologram.

"This one is complex, so let's save it for last." He responds, chuckling. Everything your sister sent us has met what she had explained via text." He says, pressing some buttons on his chair.

The holograms changed, and a list formed in front of me.

  1. Stink Ink:
Applicability [Civil and Military]: Stink Ink is a special non-lethal ammunition for deterrence operations. It consists of a highly viscous ink that, when fired, covers the target area with a foul-smelling and persistent substance. In addition to causing discomfort and repulsion, the intensity of the odor can temporarily disorient the targets, creating a tactical advantage for the military team. The bright purple color of the ink and its strong smell also make the target easier to distinguish in a crowd, aiding in search and pursuit. Not only that it marks the target for civilian targets allowing them to report said target to the authorities/and or avoid the target.
Research Priority [Low].

  1. Peter Web:
Applicability [Civil and Military]: Peter Web is non-lethal ammunition for restraining and restricting movements. When fired, this device releases a strong adhesive liquid, which can form a net, wire, or blanket that ensnares the target. This ammunition is ideal for situations where capturing individuals is necessary without causing permanent damage, being especially useful in capture and detention operations.
Research Priority [Medium].

  1. Foam Shackle:
Applicability [Civil and Military]: Foam Shackle is non-lethal ammunition for restraining movements and containing riots. Upon contact with air, it expands into a dense and sturdy foam, forming a physical barrier that impedes progression. This ammunition is effective for controlling crowds and ensuring security in critical areas, without causing serious injuries. It can also be used to build covers and repair cracks.
Research Priority [High].

  1. Blind Pepper Bomb:
Applicability [Civil and Military]: The Blind Pepper Bomb is non-lethal ammunition developed to disorient and temporarily incapacitate opponents. When detonated, it releases a combination of tear gas agents and pepper, causing irritation to the eyes and respiratory tract. This ammunition is effective in crowd control situations and provides a strategic window for subsequent actions.
Research Priority [Low].

  1. Ghost Bane:
Applicability [Military]: Ghost Bane is ammunition that affects only ethereal Grimms. Most Grimms experience mild discomfort when exposed to the substance, but nothing to the extent that would justify material implementation for the forces of Atlas. However, against ethereal Grimms like Geist, this substance has proven its worth; a Geist 'possessing' physical matter exposed to the material is expelled from the inert material it is 'possessing.'
Research Priority [High].

  1. Sunlight Bomb:
Applicability [Military]: Sunlight Bomb is ammunition that affects all Grimms exclusively. Small and young Grimms dissolve rapidly when near the substance, while larger and older ones have better resistance; the body part closest to the substance sustains the most damage, and when their heads come into contact, Grimms react as if their vision were obscured for a few seconds.
Research Priority Suggestion [Maximum].

"Goodness!" I exclaimed, surprised. "Two high priorities and one maximum? The last time we had one of these situations was when we were researching Hard-Light Dust."

"And these are just the combat ones, my dear, wait until you see the assessment of the energy matrix models."

Tapping a few more buttons on his chair, the hologram changes once again, exposing a new list.

  1. Solar Energy Model:
The solar energy model harnesses sunlight to generate electricity through photovoltaic cells. When sunlight hits these cells, it generates electric current. This electric energy can be stored in batteries for continuous use, making the solar model a clean, sustainable, and renewable energy matrix.
Research Priority Suggestion [Low].

  1. Wind Energy Model:
The wind energy model utilizes the force of the wind to rotate the blades of wind turbines, converting rotational motion into electrical energy. This electricity can be integrated into the grid or stored to meet energy demand. It is an efficient matrix, especially in areas with consistent winds, contributing to the diversification and sustainability of the energy supply.
Research Priority Suggestion [High].

  1. Hydraulic Energy Model:
Applicability as Energy Matrix: The hydraulic energy model is based on the conversion of water kinetic energy into electricity. Hydroelectric power plants channel the flow of water through turbines, generating rotational motion that is then converted into electricity. This matrix is highly efficient and reliable, providing a constant source of energy, besides being considered one of the oldest and established forms of renewable energy.
Research Priority [Medium].

"Solar energy in Atlas isn't viable, after all, our kingdom isn't known for its sunny days. Maybe we can conduct this research jointly with Vacuo. Hydraulics is interesting, but it depends a lot on the river potential of the region, and the construction of the plant is too costly and could destroy the entire fauna and flora of an area."

"Not to mention the extra expenses for protection against Grimm in a location so far from our walls and army." I added.

"Precisely, now wind is a more promising idea, with our floating city, we have powerful winds in abundance."

"Does the wind model have the potential to replace Dust?"

"No, it couldn't replace it, but we can reduce our Dust consumption by 30%." The doctor explain, smiling hopefully.

"A reduction of that level would make the price of Dust plummet."

"The economic impact initially would be negative with so many people working directly and indirectly with Dust, but in the long run, we'll have more jobs to build and maintain wind facilities, and with the price drop, Dust would be more accessible to people who use it to defend themselves outside the major cities."

Looking at the hologram reflecting on what had been presented, it would be time-consuming to implement most of the technologies Weiss sent me, but undoubtedly, they would change Atlas and possibly all Remnant in a few years.

"I think it was a rash statement when Weiss said one of these models could replace Dust as an energy source."

In response, the doctor laughs warmly, as if I were a child who had just said something foolish.

"You are the one rushing, Specialist Schnee, I saved the best for last."

Once again the hologram disappears, and this time it returns to the first hologram of the strange circular object, this time the original notes were not present but instead a text explaining what it was.

Arc Reactor Energy Model:

Arc Reactor is an advanced energy generation device, designed to provide energy efficiently. It is based on advanced principles of physics and engineering to channel a specific energy source, converting it into usable electricity. This reactor operates cleanly, without relying on traditional sources like Dust.
At its core, the Arc Reactor employs sophisticated technologies, such as controlled particle manipulation and highly efficient energy conversion processes. Its application spans various sectors, offering a sustainable and powerful alternative to growing energy demands. Its technical complexity is reflected in the precision required for its construction and maintenance, making it a key piece in technological advances. Unfortunately it contains elements unknown, the experts necessary for this are unlikely to help having begun work on a project "Trinity" in vale.

Research Priority [Maximum+].

I was speechless and wide-eyed. The text was simple, but even without the technical language, I could see that the potential of this invention was monumental.

"One of these reactors, the size of a fist, is a perpetual energy source capable of generating 3 gigajoules per second. If we manufacture 100 of these and use them in a perfect system without energy loss, Atlas's public energy grid will never use Dust again."

"T-That's impossible…"

"Impossible?" He continued in a more serious tone. "Combine 150, and Atlas as a whole will never need Dust to generate energy again, As well as never need Dust to stay suspended in the air."

The doctor continued his explanation as I tried to grasp the magnitude of what was being presented.

"We're talking about a technological revolution, Specialist Schnee, entire cities powered by clean and sustainable technology, without the need to extract Dust. The Arc Reactor not only offers an inexhaustible source of energy but also eliminates the dependence on scarce resources and the associated environmental impacts."

He moved on to the next holographic projection, revealing a detailed model of a city powered by Arc reactors. The lights shone, indicating the illumination of residences, industries, and transportation systems, all powered by the revolutionary invention.

"This is the future, Specialist Schnee. A future where energy is abundant, accessible, and doesn't harm our planet. We're still in the early stages, but imagine the potential. Every home, every street, powered by an energy source that never runs out. Not only that think of the potential for energy weapons"

I remained stunned at the futuristic vision unfolding before me. The city of tomorrow, driven by Arc Reactors, represents not only a scientific achievement but also a hope for global transformation. However, one question persisted in my mind.

"And what about the interests and industries that depend on Dust? Won't this change have significant repercussions?"

The doctor smiled, acknowledging the complexity of the situation.

"Change always meets resistance, Specialist Schnee. The transition will be challenging, but in the end, the energy of the future is within our reach."

All thanks to the young inventor named Jaune Arc.

Who was he? Where did he come from? What else can he offer? What kind of contract does he and Weiss have to call themselves business partners?

With the Vytal Festival approaching, I will have the opportunity to visit Beacon and have a private conversation with Weiss and her… 'partner'.

[Noir Arc]
"Of all my progeny, you and your twin were the ones who brought me the most pride, at least until last Friday." Said a heavy, rough male voice.

Presently, I am kneeling on one knee with my head bowed before my father, Arthur Arc.

Even seated on a throne carved from stone, he exuded an imposing and intimidating presence. At 49 years, he remains strong and resilient, a true veteran of countless battles clad in his silver-colored full plate armor. His sturdy physique and his face marked by scars tell tales of courage and determination, while his deep blue eyes penetrate deeply, conveying authority and wisdom accumulated over the years.

His blond hair, cut short in a military style, adds an aura of discipline and order to his towering figure, while the well-groomed beard gives him a rugged air. Every feature of his face seems sculpted by experience and the harshness of life on the battlefield.

As he stares at me intensely, I feel myself shrinking before his domineering presence, aware that this man is not only my father but also a feared and respected leader by all who know him. Arthur Arc is truly an intimidating figure, whose aura of strength and power envelops everyone around him.


"Daughter, I never thought I would have to face a moment like this. I always believed you were a strong Huntress, capable of overcoming any challenge. That's why I had no doubt that you would bring pride to the Arc name when I convinced the rest of the council that you should join the Executor Core. But now, here I am, ashamed and disappointed," Arthur Arc said, staring at me from his throne.

Despite being alone with my father, his presence and authority made me feel as if I were being humiliated in public.

"When you set out to find your brother, I saw in you a determination that filled me with pride. I thought that, as the older sister, you would bring back your only brother, my heir. I imagined that you would be the protector, the brave leader who would guide him back to his family." He says, glaring at me. "However, you failed in your mission, caused damage to the city of Vale, and tarnished the Arc name by getting arrested."

"My father-."

"SILENCE!" He roared, rising from his throne.

The reinforced windows of the fortress trembled with the powerful voice of Domrémy's Golden Lion.

"There is still hope for my heir to return, but alone you have shown your incompetence."

I widened my eyes and looked at my father, worried.

"What are you going to do?" I asked anxiously.

"I called in some favors with the Vale council. Your sisters have been relieved of duty to form a team with you."

I stood up, perplexed.

"But I am an elite Huntress of the Executor Core."

"Not anymore."

He looked at me with a firm and unwavering expression. The weight of his decision echoed in the throne room, filling the air with tension.

"You have lost your position in the Executor Core, my daughter. Your actions have made it clear that you are not up to the role entrusted to you." His voice, once calm, was now full of disappointment. "Following Vale's traditions, you and your sisters will form Team BLCN. Your twin sister, Blanche, will take command of the team, and you will have the opportunity to redeem yourself, proving your worth and loyalty to our family."

A mix of anger and sadness grew inside me, but I knew that questioning my father at that moment would only worsen the situation.

"But before you attempt to retrieve your brother, Team BLCN will be sent on a Black Ops mission."

"Why, Father?"

"Your actions in the city of Vale are being used as leverage to undermine our family's political powers."

I clenched my fists in fury.

'As if my dishonor wasn't enough, now they use me to strip away the little power we still have? Is this the respect the corrupt council has for our noble house?'

"Failure is not an option." My father says, gazing thoughtfully at the horizon. "If you fail to bring Jaune back, all plans for the revitalization of Domrémy, in partnership with the Winchester house, will fall apart."

I nodded, swallowing the mixture of emotions that threatened to overflow within me.

'I would rather not mix with those scum from the Winchester house, but we need their resources.'

In silence, I rose and left the throne room. As soon as I took two steps in the corridor, I came face to face with the rule princess herself, wearing an armor similar to what our father wore.

"What do you want?" I ask bitterly and furiously.

"Do I need a reason to see my own twin sister?" Blanche asks with an arrogant smile.

The hostility between us was palpable, a tension that had been building up over the years. Blanche had always been more cunning and perceptive than me; she also never missed an opportunity to demonstrate her superiority.

"Your impetuous methods aren't as effective, are they, little sister?" She taunted, ignoring the evident pain on my face. "When you decided to pursue a solo career, I knew it was only a matter of time until you failed, I just didn't expect it to be so spectacularly, with so much collateral damage and so many witnesses."

I ignored her provocations, taking a deep breath to maintain composure. I knew I needed to focus on the mission ahead and not allow the rivalry with Blanche to jeopardize my objectives.

"The Black Ops mission is a chance for redemption, not just for me, but for the entire Arc family." I reply, keeping a steady gaze.

Blanche scoffs disdainfully.

"Good to know you're focused, little sister."

I nod as we walk through the halls of the Arc mansion.

"Do you have the mission details?"

"It's an extermination mission." Blanche commented with a scroll in her hand. "You, me, Ceruleen, and Lilas are going to kill a Faunus."

"Lilas?" I ask surprised. "But she's still too young."

"Despite being only 13, she's killed more Grimms than you or I."

I always knew the kid had potential, but it still didn't seem right to bring her along.

"It seems excessive to assemble a group of 4 Huntresses to deal with just one of those animals."

"It's not just any Faunus, my dear sister, we're hunting a terrorist." She finishes handing me her scroll.

On the scroll was the image of a red-haired Faunus, wearing a Grimm mask to cover his eyes.

Shocked by our target, I turned to face Blanche.

"Are you serious? Are we finally going to kill that insane animal?"

"That's right." Says Blanche with a voracious smile. "We're going to hunt down Adam Taurus."

[Pyrrha Nikos]
The sun shone over the city of Vale; normally, I would take advantage of a Saturday morning like this to train, study, or respond to the emails from my agent that had flooded my inbox.

However, today is different.

Today, I'm going to have coffee with two 'friends', Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long.

As soon as I entered the café, I spotted the two of them sitting at a table near the window. Weiss elegantly stirred her cup of tea, while Yang devoured a huge sandwich.

"Hey, Pyrrha!" exclaimed Yang with a wide smile.

Weiss just waved more reservedly, but her face betrayed an expression of anticipation, probably due to the reason for our morning meeting.

"Hello." I replied, taking the vacant seat at the table. "How are you both doing?"

Yang shrugged, her mouth full of food. Weiss shook her head, disapproving of her teammate, before responding.

"We're fine, thank you. And you, Pyrrha?"

"I feel fine as well." I replied. "But I have to admit, I didn't expect an invitation from you to discuss this… delicate matter."

The expressions of Yang and Weiss changed immediately. Yang looked at me confused, while Weiss became a bit more serious.

"A certain blue-eyed fool has been on our minds lately." Remarks the Heiress, taking a sip of her tea.


Yang swallowed, coughing up the poorly chewed piece in her mouth with difficulty but acted as if nothing strange had happened.

"Ah, our Dork Knight." Comments Yang, hiding behind a sheepish smile. "It's been less than a week since he set off on his 'road trip'. Any news?"

I shook my head, a slight blush coloring my cheeks.

"No, he said he wouldn't have a signal where he was going, and with that jet of his, it could be anywhere in Remnant." I reply to team RWBY's pugilist. "But I'd like to get straight to the point."

Agreeing, Weiss nods, while Yang seemed to break out in a cold sweat at my proposal.

"I noticed that... well, that we all share a certain interest in him."

The two exchanged a knowing look before Yang let out a forced laugh. Weiss, however, maintained a serene expression.

"That's true." She admits, smiling. "I thought maybe we could have a friendly chat about it. As friends and romantic rivals?"

Yang choked on her sandwich again, while Weiss raised an eyebrow subtly, now even more serious.

"I mean... he's a nice guy." Yang tried to play it off with a casual tone, but her eyes said otherwise. "But I'm not interested in him. In fact, he's the one who must have a crush on me."

Yang puffed up her chest, projecting confidence in her last statement, but it was transparent to me and Weiss.

"We're here to talk openly, Yang. You don't need to worry about hiding anything." Weiss added.

Yang blushed slightly, looking like a bashful teenager.

"It's not that he's a bad guy." Yang commented, looking away.

Yang clenched her fists and looked around as if she were a cornered animal. When her body tensed in a gesture to stand up, Weiss put a hand on her shoulder to hold her and calm her down.

Turning to her teammate, who smiled encouragingly at her, Yang relaxed her body and sighed tiredly.

"Like... maybe I feel something..." Yang admits, her face reddening with embarrassment. "Just a little, you know."

I silently thank her for her honesty, although Yang was still holding back, admitting her feelings aloud was a big step.

"Passions can be complicated." I comment, trying to ease the tension. "But you need to be honest with yourself for us to have this conversation."

The two exchanged a knowing look, Weiss nodded, giving the final encouragement needed before Yang finally relented.

"All right, I admit it." Says Yang, raising her hands as if surrendering. "I have feelings for Jaune. Happy now?"

"Delighted, actually." Comments Weiss, gently laughing. "It's good for us to be honest with each other. After all, who knows what the future holds for us."

"You want honesty?" Yang spokes in a threatening tone to us. "I have a 'personal problem,' Jaune has the solution, and he promised to help me without asking for anything in return, just because he likes me as a friend."

"He's a perfect gentleman, he could even be one of those knight heroes from fairy tales."

"He may be a knight, but I'm the one who's going to ride him if he can fulfill the promise."

"Yang Xiao Long!" Exclaims Weiss indignantly. "How can you joke in such an intimate and serious discussion between us?"

"You can bet I'm serious, snowflake, I just need to get intimate with him at the right time."

Despite Yang's rudeness, I could sympathize with her. The blonde in question shot me a playful glance as she stirred her coffee.

"I think we can start with the cereal girl, after all, you had a meteoric crush on him right from the start."

I smile awkwardly, unable to contain my embarrassment.

"When I stopped to think about it, I realized it was pretty pathetic of me at first."

"Come on, Pyrrha-."

Weiss tried to appease me, but I silenced her by raising my hand.

"He treated me like a normal person and didn't idolize me like the Invincible Girl or try to take advantage of my abilities and title as the Mistral Champion, and that was enough for me to like him."

Embarrassed, Weiss pretended to drink from her empty cup when I mentioned the second part, as she had acted that way at the initiation.

"I know you're very famous, but not everyone idolizes you" Ads Yang.

"True, but I'm talking about those who bother to talk to me. Other people keep their distance, afraid to speak or thinking I'm arrogant and difficult to deal with because of my fame, not to mention those who hate my success."

"Like Weiss?"


I laugh a little at their interaction, genuine moments like this make me grateful for coming to Beacon instead of Haven.

"But, this month that I've spent with him, I've been able to witness his honesty, humility, kindness, and gentleness. He's authentic, Yang. That's something rare and special."

Yang gave an understanding smile, but her eyes still had a mischievous spark. Weiss, on the other hand, refilled her tea cup before speaking.

"At first, I thought he was just a buffoon and that Pyrrha had been cursed to spend four years as a partner with that oaf."

"Ladies and gentlemen, the delicate and gentle flower of team RWBY." Comments Yang as if she were a game show host.

Weiss frowns, annoyed, but didn't let it phase her as she continued to speak.

"But when I saw the use of his paint ammunition, I saw a business opportunity." Her expression is slightly uncomfortable as she confesses. "But lately, I realize there's something refreshing about his sincerity and brashness. He doesn't try to impress anyone, and that attracts me a bit. Plus, the emotional support he gave me to confront my father means more to me than I'd like to admit."

Yang looks shocked at Weiss. The last statement carried an emotional weight that made me feel like a silly teenage girl in love. Then, Yang leaned forward, whispering as if she were sharing a secret.

"I... I also have feelings for him." Her cheeks flushing. "After initiation, I thought I wouldn't have to deal with that weirdo anymore. But the next day, he brought breakfast for the entire RWBY team, and I went through that embarrassment…"

"Of being summarily rejected and then automatically placed in the friend zone." I reply with a smile.

"Thanks for reminding me, Nikos." Yang tanks in a sarcastic and aggressive tone. "I admit it looks bad for me to have noticed him only after I was rejected, but for that reason, I noticed his qualities that you guys already mentioned, and also his infectious sense of humor and how well he gets along with Ruby. And well, recently... he's been looking really good with Professor Port's training."

The three of us exchange surprised looks, followed quickly by nervous laughter. It was as if a weight had been lifted off our shoulders, and the tension of admitting such intimate feelings dissipated.

"We can't deny that he's got something special." I comment, trying to lighten the mood. "And besides, the friendship we have with him is unique. I think we should continue to support each other, regardless of what happens."

Weiss and I took a long sip of our drinks, feeling a sense of peace and lighter hearts after our conversation.

Yang, however, decided to sow chaos.

"Have you fucked him yet?"


We both spat out our tea at the same time, while our blonde friend laughed like a mischievous child.

"Yang Xiao Long!" Exclaims Weiss, embarrassed. "Your rudeness and lack of delicacy have no limits?"

"It's a valid question, Pyrrha shares a room and bathroom with the guy."

"But they don't sleep in the same bed or shower together." Replies Weiss, outraged. "I'm sure they change in the bathroom like civilized people."

"Well, actually…"

The two stop arguing to listen to me attentively.

"Jaune has a habit of staying shirtless in the room."

"Seriously?" They both ask, Yang grinning fiercely while Weiss looked stunned.

"I have some photos if you want to see."

Before I could finish lifting my scroll, it was taken from my hand by Yang, who, to my horror, didn't settle for just the photo of Jaune sleeping; she scrolled through all the photos on my device.

"Yang, no." I plead in horror.

But she didn't care.

"Naughty Pyrrha." Yang comments, licking her lips.

"He cooks and cleans for you?" The heiress asks, surprised. "He's more skilled than I thought."

"Meow! Look at this photo of him doing squats by the bed."

"He really has well-toned legs…"

"Ha! Loved the picture of him cleaning the floor when he was still a weakling." Says Yang, scrolling through the photos, stopping at the one where he climbed the tree to help Blake. "Why is he shirtless climbing the tree?"

"That was his second attempt. Blake got startled and tore his shirt on the first one."

"Well done, partner."

Despite the embarrassment I felt from these photos, we ended up laughing and chatting even more relaxed about the situation.

Until Weiss brought up the subject that was lingering in the back of our minds.

"Have you ever thought about the possibility of forming a harem for Jaune?"

Yang and I froze instantly. That was one of the possibilities if Jaune didn't pursue one of us directly.

"Ren said he's attracted to all of us, but he won't think about relationships until after the Vytal Festival." I say, recalling what we gleaned from my teammate's interrogation.
Yang rubbed her forehead as if trying to force her brain to come up with an idea.

"I want to be a huntress and have my freedom to explore the world, help those in need, and punch those who need a punch." Comments Yang confidently. "Maybe being in a harem would be better for me, so I don't feel so restricted. And if I get pregnant, I'll have free babysitters to take care of the baby. I'm in." She finished, shrugging.

Considering her personality, that line of reasoning actually made sense.

"I'm not very excited about the idea of a harem, after all, in Atlas's high society, I would be judged as unfit for not being able to secure a man just for me."

Weiss's tone was sober and somewhat dark.

"But maybe I should follow Jaune's example and not worry about what others expect of me, but what I want. I'm neither for nor against a harem."

"What does that mean?" Yang asked.

"I'd like more time to think." Weiss concludes, ignoring her teammate's sulky expression. "And you, Pyrrha?"

It's challenging to express in words the storm of emotions that overwhelms me when pondering this complex question. Loving Jaune Arc is both a blessing and a curse. His smile warms my heart in ways I never imagined possible. His determination and kindness are like a beacon in the darkness of this troubled world.

But being part of a harem makes everything even more complicated. The mere thought of sharing his affection with others makes me tremble with anguish and jealousy.

'How can I accept that the man I love is divided among so many other hearts?'

However, deep in my soul, I know that it's better to share a little of Jaune's love than not to have it at all. After all, love is not a possession, but a gift that can be shared and even multiplied.

"The idea of being part of a harem goes against everything I've been taught about love and relationships. My family and agent won't be happy with my decision. But I would accept being part of the harem."

Weiss' eyes widen, surprise etched on her face by my decision, while Yang smiled at me, happy to have an ally.

"Blake and Ruby were with us when we interrogated Ren, why didn't they come with you guys?"

Yang was the first to answer my question.

"Jaune isn't just Ruby's first crush, he's her first male friend." Says Yang in a wise tone. "Let's give it some time, if in two years she still feels something for the dork knight, we can talk about it."

"Two years seems like a lot, Yang." I comment, feeling sorry for the silver-eyed girl.

"Two years!" repeated Yang, her eyes already red with fury.

"As for Blake, I invited her to the meeting, but she said her only interest in Arc is literary potential, whatever that means." Weiss explained.

'Literary potential?' I thought to myself. 'Why does that scare and excite me at the same time?'

Name: Ruby Rose
Alias: Silver-eyed warrior
Allegiance: Kingdom of Vale
Weapon: Crescent Rose
Semblance: Petal Burst (Allows her to dash with great speed in any direction.)

Strength: ★ ★
Endurance: ★ ★
Agility: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ✪
Fighting Skill: ★ ★ ★
Mental: ★ ★ ★ ★
Aura: ★ ★ ★
Aura Skill: ★ ★
Semblance: ★ ★ ★ ★

As I observe Ruby Rose, I cannot help but ponder the immense potential she holds as a silver-eyed warrior and a future Huntress. Her journey thus far has been marked by determination, and an unwavering sense of justice. A combination that makes her a formidable force against the darkness that plagues our world.

As her mentor, it is my duty to guide her, to nurture her talents, and to prepare her for the challenges that lie ahead. And though the path of a Huntress is fraught with peril, I have no doubt that Ruby Rose will rise to the occasion, shining brighter than any star in the darkest of nights.

When questioning Jaune about the development of Miss Rose's ocular powers I received the following answer:

"Yes, she will learn to use this bullshit overpower, but for that you need to find another silver-eyed warrior, Maria Calaveira. I will make an image for you and show you places she may be."

And once again mister Arc shatters expectations with his knowledge of the future. I would kill to uncover how he got this informations.

E ai Gurizada?
There was a tight and highly competitive vote for which interlude would be posted first.


Who am I kidding? The overwhelming majority chose "1- Winter and Dr. Polendina."
Two types of people voted for this option:

- Those who wanted to see the world being affected by the protagonist's creations.
- Those who are gentlemen of culture and exquisite taste who wanted Winter in the story.

I was happy to see your reactions to Ren power move at the infirmary in the comments.
The guy is a Snu Snu survivor, he should be respected.

It's understandable MOST men would like a harem but in real life getting Just ONE is a miracle.
—Response= Wow.
—Response= (Beta) Polyamory relationships tend to be an excuse to cheat or you wind up running down the street away from the epic free way from their father with a shotgun loaded with rock salt. That said if you have the opportunity to get with twins go for it.

Most of us, Americans have a twisted sense of humor. When you compare it on an international level.
—Response= I did not know that.
In the past in Brazil we were more naughty with our humor, but woke culture arrived here and in our constitution there is no freedom of speech. We have already had cases of comedians convicted without trial.
That was some scary shit.

What some people wouldnt give for death by snu-snu.
Yanderes huh, gotta love them cause sometimes crazy is indeed hot.
Then again, I thought Noir was hot because she wanted to kill him sooo.
Thanks for the chapter man, hoping to see how you take things from here. May God and the Force be with you, Kudos
—Response= Thank you for the kind words and you spoke of one of life's greatest mysteries.
The cultural axiom that is "crazy hot". Someday we will discover the relationship between the two.
—Response= (Beta) Based reader, Women with power is hot.
Thanks for the chapter.

I don't think it's a good idea for Jaune to spread the miniaturized Arc Reactor around, he really should sell the larger version that can't be easily stolen and used in superweapons instead. Having 150 fist-sized Arc Reactors in a city is asking for some to mysteriously disappear and return to be used by a terrorist to power a giant robot.
Noir doesnt sound like a Huntress and more like a Mercenary/Killer that happens to take Huntress Jobs. If shes dissapointed at Jaune for not killing her own Guards when he escaped, and threatening to destroy vale, why isnt she declared a Criminal by anyone? its probably not the first time she has a tantrum like that. Even if Jaune is taken back to their Castle, they can just report it and bring him back bc thats kidnapping. just declare them Criminals
23 - Interlude [2]
<Avip:I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I published 1 new chapter earlier than usual and I'm working with a publisher here in Brazil on my first book, the bad news at the end of the chapter...>
{{A.I. Dialogue}}

[Ruby Rose]
Today I finally gathered the courage and marched to the Beacon Academy forge.
Standing in front of the furnace, using tongs in my left hand, I hold the pale green metal ingot into the fire.
I feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension filling my chest. The metal is unique and extremely valuable due to its potential to easily overcome the resistance of Grimm monsters. The weight of the responsibility to forge it into a worthy blade is overwhelming and suffocating.
"I need to focus." I grumble to myself. "I won't disappoint you."
"Disappoint who?"
"KYAAAAAAAAAH!" I shriek, jumping on one foot.
Despite the scare, I didn't let go of the tongs, firmly holding the ingot of noqual.
"Blake! Don't startle me like that."
"I knocked on the door before entering and greeted you; at some point, the fault becomes yours," replies the amber-eyed Ninja.
I turned back to the furnace, grumbling about nosy teammates. As soon as I returned the ingot to the fire, Blake looked over my shoulder curiously like a cat.
"What brings you to the forge? Came to maintain your weapon?"
"Actually, I just came to talk."
I froze and turned to face my teammate in surprise.
"What?" Blake asks indignantly. "Can't I have a friendly conversation with my team leader?"

"Are you out of books to read?"
"…maybe?" Blake responds embarrassed.
Smiling now that the world makes sense again, I refocused on the furnace.
"I don't think I've ever seen that shade of green in metal before."
"Humpf." I huff proudly, puffing out my chest. "That's because it's extremely rare, perhaps unique in the whole world."
"Hmm. Where did you get it?"
"That's classified information. And no matter how much you ask, I'll keep that secret to the end of time."

"Did Jaune give it to you?"
"Blaaaaaaaakeeee..." I whine, disappointed that she figured it out so quickly.
"What?" Blake shrugs. "I just guessed. Your crying confirmed my guess."
Shaking her head and laughing at my reaction, Blake stepps away from the forge and sat at a nearby table, giving me space to work.
"So, is it correct for me to assume it's Jaune you don't want to disappoint?"
"Hmmmm." My irritated groan was enough for her.
As soon as I noticed the metal's hue changing due to the heat, I removed it from the furnace with trembling hands and placed it on the anvil. With my right hand, I reached for the next tool and began hammering.
"What are you doing there?" the bored brunette asks.
"I'm hammering this ingot after heating it to shape it the way that I want."
"That's obvious." Blake complained. "I want to know what you're making."
"A new blade for Crescent Rose."
"That sounds exhausting. Why don't you use one of those hammering machines?"
"Although a mechanical forge hammer is faster and less tiring, I prefer using a regular hammer. Call me crazy, but I prefer to feel the metal shaping with my own hands. That way, I feel like I have fine control during the process."
"Sometimes I forget that besides being a nerd, you're a very skilled blacksmith."
"Thank you." I reply, smiling.
"Wait a second…" I stop hammering, realizing the comment. "I'm not a nerd!" I complain, turning to Blake.
In response, Belladonna stares at me with a raised eyebrow.
"If anyone here is a nerd, it's you." I accuse, pointing the hammer at her.
With a face flushed with embarrassment, Blake stood up protesting.
"I'm an appreciator of literary fine arts. But you, you nerd, play video games, read comics, and fantasy books."
"Art?" I asked ironically. "What you read is filthy, FILTHY!"
An uncomfortable silence hung between us, but I decided to turn back and focus on my project.
"If what I read is so heinous, why did you borrow 'Dawn Ninja: Twilight Knight'?"
"Yip!" I exclaim, freezing instantly.
"A romance between a young kunoichi and a blond knight with blue eyes."
I freeze, paralyzed with embarrassment.
"And there was another day when I found a photo of Jaune with a drawn beard on his face. Trying to make him look like the Rusted Knight by any chance?"
"Hmmmmm." I started whimpering with my childhood husbando revealed.
It's not my fault, the story of the 'Girl who Fell Through the World' is one of my childhood favorites, and the Rusted Knight is so amazing in it. It's not my fault Jaune reminds me of him.
Amidst my internal confusion, a hand landed on my shoulder.
"It's okay." Blake said, smiling at me. "Everyone has a crush when they reach adolescence. And if he looks like your childhood Husbando, it makes everything more perfect."
"I know…" I whispered, calming down.
Once I managed to compose myself, I went back to hammering, and Blake returned to her seat.
"But it makes you wonder, you know." Blake asked. "You, Yang, Weiss, Pyrrha, and Velvet have a crush on the blond knight."
"The faunus rabbit from the second year."
"Aaaah!" I exclaim, remembering her face. "And you?"
"What about me?"
"On the day we interrogated Ren, you were in the room with us. Aren't you in love with him too?"
"In love is too strong of a word. I'm just interested in his literary potential."
"Literary potential?" I repeat, not understanding between the hammer blows.
"Yes." Blake confirmed, nodding. "And his sexy body."
The dry sound of the hammer falling to the ground cut the conversation instantly.
"Blake!" I shout, blushing.
"You need better hold on to that hammer." She says, smiling wickedly.
I think it's better to focus on my blade than to keep talking to this Fujoshi.
"Huh!" I exclaimed in surprise.
"What's wrong?" Blake asked, curious.
I lifted the tongs, holding the ingot now in the rough shape of a scythe blade against a light to examine it better.
"I think the metal is changing color."
[Hei Xiong]
The closing of the bar is always a special moment for me. A moment of calm, silence, and reflection after a tiring day, even if it's a slow day like this.
At least that's what I hoped for.
"Whyyyyyyyyyy?" Cries out a female voice loudly.
"I've already told you, girl." Says another female voice, calmer. "He must have forgotten about you."
"That doesn't make me feel any better."
As I tidy up the last bottles and clean the glasses, all I can think about is relaxing and going home, but I'm being held back by my two last 'customers'.
One of them is a mysterious brunette woman, wearing a beret and sunglasses, even though it's night. She's dressed in designer clothes and carries herself like a socialite top model who occasionally takes a sip of her low-alcohol, low-calorie drink. She spent the whole night taking care of the other customer.
The other is a faunus, with bunny ears that sway with every movement. She's visibly drunk and crying, after a whole night of drinking carrot margaritas. The poor thing seems to be going through some kind of emotional crisis, and I'm glad to have made a profit serving her expensive drinks.
From a distance, the faunus raises her swollen, red eyes to me, overflowing with sadness.
"One more, please." Says the teary-eyed one, lifting her empty glass.
I look at the woman with the beret and sunglasses, searching for some confirmation or intervention, but she just shrugs.
Sighing tiredly, I prepare another carrot margarita and approach them, sitting at the counter serving the glass.
"Here you go." I say in a dry and serious tone. "And this is the last one of the night."
She takes the glass and smiles weakly at me, her face still wet with tears.
"Thank you." She murmurs before taking a long sip of the drink. "I swear, I'm not normally like this."
"It's none of my business, miss, just pay your bill, and it's all good for me," I repliy formally. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to start closing up the bar."
The soft sound of music still echoed in the bar, but the tables were empty, and the smell of alcohol mixed with the scent of cleaning products. Stepping out from behind the counter, I walked slowly to the entrance to flip the sign. That's when the door opened, revealing a red-haired man, wearing an extravagant hat and carrying a cane.
"Junior, my friend! How's it going?" he exclaims, entering with exaggerated confidence and much swagger.
I raise an eyebrow, feeling a twinge of irritation.
"Roman, don't call me Junior. It's Hei Xiong to you."
He chuckles, shrugging.
"Always so serious. You don't need to do that; we're still old pals, aren't we?"
I ignored the comment and continued my work flipping the sign.
"What do you want, Roman?"
With an ironic smile, he pointed to a table with two chairs. Wanting to get this over with, I nod in agreement. Once we sat down, he put his filthy feet up on my table that I had just cleaned.
"I was just taking a look at my old favorite meeting spot. How are you managing in this boring place without me?"
I rolled my eyes, keeping calm.
"I'm doing just fine, thank you. But I think you should go; the bar is closed."
Roman shrugged, as if the rules didn't apply to him.
"Ah, Junior, always so stern. You know, I was thinking we could do business again, like old times."
The last time, he hires my men, and they all ended up injured or arrested. I shake my head, refusing outright.
"I'm trying to lay low for now, Roman."
He laughs, ignoring my refusal.
"Ooh. Has the great Junior done anything extravagant in the past few weeks? Don't leave your friend out of the loop, now."
My fists clenched instinctively.
Until recently, I was happy that Torchwick was drawing attention from the police, media, and politicians all to himself. But after he involved my men in a robbery stopped by a huntress-in-training and the visit from that blonde psychopath threatening me in my own establishment… let's just say, unlike this clown, I'm trying to maintain a low profile.
"It's none of your business, Torchwick."
Roman shrugs once again, seeming to enjoy my refusal.
"Well, let's get down to business then," says Roman, reaching for a small metal box from inside his white coat. "The opportunity is knocking at your door to get rid of all that Dust too hot for the market." Roman concludes, taking out a cigar from the box and lighting it in his mouth.
Even with my years of experience dealing with all sorts of criminals in this city, my face twitched, breaking my poker face as I remembered the day I sold all the Dust that Roman is looking for.
"You're too late; I've already sold my entire stock."
"Interesting," says Roman, taking a puff. "I'm not used to being kept in the dark when so much Dust is being moved around the city. Who the hell bought all that at once?"
I keep my gaze fixed on the table, choosing my words carefully.
"Roman, you've worked with… dangerous people. This person who bought the Dust, she's on another level. Maybe even more intimidating than your employer, if that's possible."
A spark of intrigue lit up Roman's eyes, but I didn't let my guard down. He didn't need to know that I was already familiar with this mysterious employer.
"Someone more dangerous than the fiery bitch… even more interesting."
Roman crossed his arms, his expression indicating a mix of frustration and fascination.
"Could you arrange a meeting with this mysterious figure?"
My eyes widened in horror.
I sighed, deciding to choose my words even more carefully.
"The last thing I want is to encounter that figure again, why would I risk arranging a meeting for you?"
Roman seemed to absorb my words, but he didn't seem satisfied. With a mischievous smile, he took a long drag of his cigar and exhaled the smoke through his nose without taking his eyes off me.
"How about a drink to change your mind?"
I raise an eyebrow at the thief's insane proposal.
"Have you ever heard of Silver Deer?"
"Everyone in my line of work knows, it's a brand of expensive Atlas Whiskey, I heard they let it age in maple barrels for at least 50 years before bottling and selling."
"50 years?" Roman asked, surprised. "Wow, no wonder it's so expensive." The gallant thief laughed.
I furrow my brow at his ironic laughter.
"Despite being an excellent whiskey, I won't risk it for a shot of it."
"A shot?" Roman asks, pretending to be offended. "Come on, Junior, I'm talking about a closed pallet."
"Do you have a thousand sealed bottles of Silver Deer?"
"To be precise, I have 1050 sealed bottles; it was 1056, but no one is made of iron," Roman explains, laughing at the end.
With that amount of Silver Deer, I could guarantee a 50% increase in profits at my bar for 2 years, not to mention the savings of not having to buy more expensive drinks during that time. I didn't want to talk to that kid again, but I have no choice. I have to pay off the loans I took out to repair the bar after the visit from the blonde.
"As soon as you deliver the pallet to me, I'll contact him." I comment, knowing that the conversation wouldn't end there.
"I suggest you don't try to cheat. He's smarter and more dangerous than he seems."
"My shoe, Velvet."
"I think that faunus just vomited on your counter," Roman commented disgustedly, pointing in the direction of the two girls.
Sighing in annoyance that my work had increased, I stand up.
"If you'll excuse me, I need to grab a mop."
With that, Roman Torchwick walks away, pinching his nose with his fingers.
Sitting in my office, reviewing the receipts for the Dust expenditure I provided to young Arc, I feel a wave of frustration wash over me. Normally, this type of work wouldn't be complicated, and to be honest, I would leave it to the treasury. However, multiple justifications need to be invented to avoid raising suspicions about the exorbitant Dust expenditure of the last month to the Vale council.
I observe the meticulously recorded numbers on the receipts, but my mind is occupied with the need to keep our secret safe. After all, Jaune's Dust expenses are just a small part of a much larger scheme, a scheme necessary to protect our world from the darkness that threatens to consume it.
The sound of the elevator arriving at my office distracts me from the papers.
"Who could it be at this hour?"
I raise my eyes to the elevator and see Qrow Branwen stepping out of it, an imposing figure wearing his red cloak.
"Good to see you again, Qrow."
"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" grumbles the veteran Huntsman, who seemed both intoxicated and hungover at the same time. "What's so important that you're interrupting me… again?"
Qrow, usually loyal and diligent in his duties as a Huntsman, seems darker than usual. His eyes are bloodshot, and a scowl adorns his face. He wastes no time in expressing his frustration.
"Am I finally worthy of knowing who your source is?" he growls. "Everything you've given me has turned out to be true, are you going to retire me now that I'm useless for gathering intel?"
The irritation in his voice was evident and justifiable, after we failed to protect Amber, I sent Qrow on a reconnaissance mission to find her assailants, only to later pass on to him their identities and location and ask him to bug Professor Leonardo Lionheart's office because he was a possible traitor.
I take a deep breath, preparing for the inevitable confrontation. Although Qrow is one of my most loyal allies, his cantankerous nature and propensity for confrontation always require a delicate approach.
"Qrow, please, have a seat," I say, indicating the chair in front of my desk. "Perhaps some good news will improve your mood."
He hesitates for a moment, clearly reluctant to let his guard down, but finally relents and sits down. I watch him with a mixture of concern and apprehension, aware that the conversation that follows may further shake his already fragile disposition.
After a long conversation and a few swigs from his flask, Qrow... still wasn't convinced.
"Okay! The kid knew all your secrets, but have you considered that he might be a spy for Salem?"
"Then why would he heal Amber?"
"To gain our trust."
"To gain our trust to do what, Qrow?"
"To steal the Beacon relic," he replies, crossing his arms as if he had won the argument.
"Alright, and to achieve that goal, what does he need to do first?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.
"To kill-." Qrow stops mid-sentence, realizing his mistake.
In response, I just smile at him.
"Go easy on me, I'm drunk."
"You're always drunk."
Qrow responds with a laugh and a shrug.
"His future intel has been solid."
"So far, he was right about Lionheart's betrayal. There's no reason for him to have lied about Amber's attackers."
"And these inventions of his? I've seen people with creation semblances doing crazy things, but it never lasts long."
"Would you like to test one of them?"
I didn't even need a response, as curiosity was written all over Qrow's face as he pulled the headset from my drawer.
"This device is called a scouter; it can connect to any other similar device anywhere on the planet."
"But CCT towers don't have that kind of range," Qrow says skeptically.
"Two of these devices can communicate from anywhere on Remnant without the use of the CCT system."
Qrow was astonished by my statement. Which was not unexpected, communication on this scale without the aid of CCTs seemed like only a distant dream, but if I mention that this device works without Dust, Qrow will question my sanity.
"I agree that this technology is incredible, but I still don't understand one thing."
"What would that be?" I ask, finishing putting the device on my head.
"Why does it look like a neon pink headset with cat ears?"

"Mr. Arc said they serve as antennas for the device."
"And why the bow?"
"Leave me alone, Qrow."

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Qrow laughs, falling out of his chair from laughing so hard. "I love this kid."
"I imagine you two will get along."
After a few minutes of laughter, Qrow composes himself and sat back in the chair in front of me.
"The ears and the bow just seem like decorations. Why don't you take them off and paint them a different color?"
I sigh irritably but respond to my ally.
"This device stops working if I change its appearance in any way. Whether by painting, adding, or removing parts, and if I cover my head while using it, it also doesn't work."
"Wow." Qrow whispers, impressed. "The kid went all out for this prank."
"All the other devices he builds won't work with me either. If I want to enjoy this technology, I have to use this model on my head."
"He-he! I won't lie, Ozzy, I'm liking this kid more and more. If he's half as brilliant in the fight against Salem, this war is already won."
"He… has his moments," I reply in an excited tone.
"Uh-huh," Qrow reacts to my comment. "From the sound of it, this kid is a bit eccentric."
"Isn't the fact that a piece of technology that could revolutionize Remnant's communication system is shaped like neon pink kitty ears explicit enough?!" I asked with boiling blood and furrowing my brow.
"Don't forget about the bow," Qrow snarks back, holding back a laugh. "Any chance I could meet the kid?"
"He's not at Beacon at the moment, but I can call him in Menagerie."
"Menagerie? Wow, you weren't kidding about the range of this thing... but it's like 3:00 AM there, won't he be asleep?"
"I hope so."
Although I needed to put the device on my head, it was compatible with my monitors and cameras, proving that Mr. Arc just wanted to hurt my ego by making me wear such a flashy headset.
In a few seconds, the call connected, but instead of young Mr. Arc, I was greeted by an individual wearing futuristic blue armor.
{{Secure line from Jaune Arc, Church on the line.}} Said the man in blue armor.
"Church?" I repeat, confused, staring at his projected image on the screen.
{{Yep, that's my name.}} commented the blue being, staring back at us. {{And judging by the hello kitty headset, you must be Professor Ozpin, and that guy who looks like he slept in a gutter after getting beaten up by an entire bar must be Qrow Branwen.}}
"Who's the asshole, Ozpin?" Qrow asks, slightly annoyed.
"This is the first time I've heard of this, Mr. Church."
{{I'm not exactly a mister, I'm actually an artificial intelligence created by Project Freelancer, a Special Operations program created to study soldiers with AI implants during the war against the aliens, ensuring humanity's survival in a hostile galaxy.}}

Silence and shock were the only reactions from me and Qrow.
{{Let me summarize. Jaune created me, and I have my own consciousness, the ability to think creatively, and even feelings, although I'm an artificial life form.}}
"An artificial life form with feelings?" I ask curiously.
{{Indeed, although since my creation, I've only been exercising my hatred and disgust… empathy and patience have been harder to grasp with this guy.}}
I swallowed the fact that Jaune Arc had created an artificial life form and was using it as an electronic secretary.
"I'm proving to Mr. Branwen the effectiveness of this secure line. Could we speak with Mr. Arc?"
{{It's three in the morning, and you want me to wake the guy up just to show that the phone works?}}
"I think that might be too inconvenient on our part." I reply, embarrassed.
{{And hilarious, I'll get the dude.}}

After a few seconds, the screen changed, showing a tired young blonde in a room illuminated by the dim light of the moon coming through the window.
{Whaaaaaat iiiis it.} Jaune asks, yawning.
"Please excuse the inconvenience, Mr. Arc, but I'm demonstrating your invention to Qrow."
{I see…} Jaune mutters with his eyes closed. {Wait!} exclaims the young man, wide-eyed. {Just for this?}
"Basically, yes."
{Are you serious that you called me just for this? Church, why did you pass this call to me?}
{{That's what you deserve for treating me like a secretary.}}
{I use you to keep track of my resources and schedule my appointments, you're a secretary.}
{{Because you're a wimp bitch boy to take the injection to use me properly.}}
{The super soldier serum almost killed me and is less aggressive than this virus-.}
The seemingly endless argument was interrupted by two, a female arm emerging from the darkness that grabbed Jaune.
{Blondie.} She says in a husky whisper. {Turn off this shit, you have a mission with me in bed.}
Jaune disappears, being swallowed by the darkness. We were left only with Church, who muted the audio to maintain the privacy of young Arc.
"We'll talk later?" I asked, trying to end the call.
{{Agreed.}} Church replies, ending the transmission.
"Well, what do you know, it actually works," Qrow comments sarcastically.
In response, I sigh tiredly, massaging my forehead.
"The kid's been in Menagerie for less than a week, and he's already sampling the local cuisine? Not bad."
"Although I agree with you that Mr. Arc's recent… 'achievement' is impressive, he could have kept a low profile."
"He's definitely going down low under her." Qrow adds, laughing once again.

Name: Qrow Branwen
Alias: Old Crow
Allegiance: Kingdom of Vale
Weapon: Harbinger
Semblance: Misfortune (Causes bad luck around him)

Strength: ★ ★ ★ ★
Endurance: ★ ★ ★ ★
Agility: ★ ★ ★ ★
Fighting Skill: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ✪
Mental: ★ ★ ★ ★
Aura: ★ ★ ★
Aura Skill: ★ ★ ★ ★
Semblance: ★ ★
Qrow is undoubtedly one of the most skilled and loyal Huntsmen I've ever had the privilege of knowing. His performance in combat is impressive, his dedication to the cause is unwavering, and his strategic ability is unmatched. It's no wonder he has become a trusted figure not only to me but to the entire team at Beacon, the Kingdom of Vale, and my inner circle.
However, I cannot ignore the fact that Qrow faces a personal battle with his inner demons. It's evident that his depression affects his work and relationships. But despite his personal demons, Qrow never fails to fulfill his responsibilities as a Huntsman and to his family.
Qrow Branwen may be a walking paradox, but his bravery, skill, and loyalty are undeniable. As a Huntsman, he has honored his commitment to the cause and remained determined to overcome his personal obstacles as we continue our fight against the darkness threatening Remnant.

E ai gurizada.
Curious about the bad news? I'm going to start posting this story just once a month, instead of twice a month.
I'll try to make the chapters a little longer even though they are less frequent.
And speaking about the previous chapter, we had expected reactions to the patriarch of the Arc family like, "This guy looks badass" and "I already hate him more than Noir." One reaction I didn't expect was, "Step on me, daddy."
Thanks for the Chapter! Jaune's family is shady as f***. I kinda want to have the twist of his mom just being a really nice person but I also want her to be like a Talia Al Ghul expy. I don't know what would be better.
—Response= A mother like Talia Al Ghul... interesting.
Muy buen capitulo.
Ahora que aparece la familia de Jaune en escena perdí completo respeto por ella y pensé que podría alguien apoyar a Jaune pero parece que están metidos en el pasado monárquico en especial el padre.
Otra cosa que me llama la atención es lo poco que saben de Jaune ya que si quisieran lazos con familias importantes sería con la familia de Weiss y no con la de Cardin.
El acuerdo del harén también fue un momento divertido y me preguntó si Ruby se enterará de lo del Harén como reaccionaria Yang con su hermana totalmente de acuerdo jajajajajaja.
Por último espero que Adán sobreviva a las hermanas de Jaune para darles otra bofetada a sus pomposos traseros.
—Response= Hehe! Without giving spoilers, I guarantee you that Adam will suffer horribly.
*me who look at Canon Jaune who turns out to be The Rusted Knight* yeah...about that....
—Response= Yep! And in this chapter the references were even heavier.
24 - Heavy Metal
<Avip: I am looking for beta readers to help me with this story.
I have noticed lately that some terms and expressions that make sense in Brazilian Portuguese are strange in English, for example:
'Little bird that eats stone knows what kind of ass it has.'>

{{A.I. Dialogue}}

Even sitting in the cockpit of my new jet, the Blackbird, I need to be cautious as the open sea of Remnant is a place full of dangers.

The biggest of these dangers are the aquatic Grimms of the Leviathan class, ancient and powerful creatures that inhabit the depths. Just the sighting of one of them is enough to make a city declare a state of calamity.

These creatures are not only large in size but also in power, capable of sinking entire ships with a single blow, making unprepared armies and Huntsmen retreat fearing for their lives.

Creatures like Monstra and the Leviathan itself, which gives its name to the category, have been shown in the series as walking catastrophes with the power to destroy civilizations.

It's crucial that I remain vigilant, aware of everything happening around me. The slightest lapse in attention could be fatal in this unforgiving environment.

But instead, I was humming along to a badass 90s superhero cartoon theme song.

"Tu-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru. Tu-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru. Tu-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru. Turu!"

{{We'll arrive in 30 minutes, wouldn't it be better if you stopped singing and got ready?}}

"Tu-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru. Tu-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru. Tu-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru. Turu!"

{{You've been listening to this song on loop for 2 hours straight.}}

"Tu-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru. Tu-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru. Tu-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru. Turu!"

{{We get it, you were a 90s kid with a TV, now shut it off.}}

"Tu-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru. Tu-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru. Tu-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru. Turu!"

{{Fuck this.}}

"Tu-. Hey!" I complain as the music was cut.

{{Okay, X-Men from the 90s is the second-best superhero series, but you can go fuck yourself with a barbed dick if you think I'm going to listen to one more second of your shitty singing!}}

After Church's rant/monologue, I could swear his hologram was panting on top of the Black Bird's panel. And while he was right, something else caught my attention.

"Who's first?"

{{What?}} He asked in an irritated and surprised tone.

"If 90s X-Men is in second place, who's first?"

The AI stared at me in disbelief, but nevertheless responded promptly.

{{Batman TAS.}} He replied in a serious and dry tone.

"Hmmm." I murmur, reflecting on the answer. "You're right."

{{Bitch please! I'm always right.}} Church grumbled, looking to the left as another holographic figure materialized beside him. {{Assume the controls, Delta, the fearless leader is about to depart.}}

{{Affirmative.}} A new Green AI responds in a neutral, robotic tone.

I got up from the pilot's chair and walked towards Church in the cargo area of the plane.

"How did you create more artificial intelligence?" I cautiously ask, I couldn't hide the apprehension I was feeling. "Or is he a fragment?"

The last thing I need is my main support going rampant.

{{No.}} Chuck replies in a serious tone. {{He's not a fragment, much less a true AI. This Delta is more of a virtual assistant.}}

"Like Siri or Alexa?"

{{Just more useful and less data stealing for big tech.}}

Jokes aside, this idea is brilliant. Initially, Church planned to divide his attention. Part would go with me and the other would stay on the Black Bird. But despite the Dragon Ball Scouter giving us a global signal range, we could still have problems with jammers or buildings made of material that blocks the signal.

The loss of the signal could have grave consequences for Church if he is split, but he said it was fine and that I shouldn't worry. But I annoyed and pestered him until he came up with the idea of creating these virtual assistants.

I think I'll call them VA.

{{Let's review your creations since the healing of our sleeping stowaway.}}


{{In Menagerie, you might have opportunities to help the people there, and judging by your previous action, you won't think before acting, much less plan how to spend your MP. So it's interesting for you to know the totality of your resources before spending MP indiscriminately.}}

"Wow!" I exclaimed, surprised by the AI's reasoning. "It really paid off the points I spent on you."

{{So let's start with me then.}} The AI added proudly.

A holographic table was projected from my watch using the same technology as Tony Stark's in the Iron Man movies, the same one Church uses when he wants to give a face-to-face sermon.

Artificial intelligence without a chance of betrayal 60.000 MP
Black Bird (No weapons) 50.000 MP
Arc reactor (On Blackbird) 50.000 MP
ND1 Nomad 10.000 MP
Hello Kitty Scouter (Only works with Ozpin) 2.000 MP
StarkTech Holographic Watch (Comic) 2.000 MP
X10 Arc Knights 20.000 MP
Bag of holding 4 (Limit = 1,500 lbs/680 kg) 2.000 MP
Decanter of Endless Water 2.000 MP
X8 Elemental Gem (2 of each type Kind) 4.000 MP
Weeb Staff 10.000 MP
Weeb Sword 20.000 MP
Image Inducer 2.000 MP
Extremis Virus (2.0 T.S.C. Version) 50.000 MP
Total = 283.000 MP

"Dang, I spent a lot yesterday and today." I commented, not mentioning the disrespect for the weapons I had made.

{{The beating you took from your sister opened your eyes, but for some reason, you're taking none of it with you.}}

"My disguise is as a human tourist on the island, after all, we came to help the Belladonna family and if we have time, help all the Faunus on Menagerie. If I come armed with all this, It'll raise suspicions."

{{A noble cause.}} Church commends, surprised. {{How are you going to help them? Do you have any plan?}}

"None." I reply with a sheepish smile.

{{Yet another reason to know what resources are at your disposal.}} Church mentions, showing a holographic projection of my Hunter equipment along with my new items. {{If things go south, I'll send your stuff on one of those lockers you copied from Beacon or the sleeping stowaway.}}

"Agreed, just be careful not to hit civilians."

{{No problem, and according to my calculations, you still have 61,454 MP left.}}

"M.C.S. on!"

Multiverse Crafting System
What would you like to make?
Magic: 61.404 Points
Aura: 100%​

"You missed by 50."

{{Of course I am-. What?!}} Church bellows, cutting off the audio of the watch where his voice was projected. {{It's impossible for me to be wrong.}}

"Relax, it's normal for people to make mistakes once in a while."

{{I'm more than just a person, I'm the most powerful AI in this world.}}

"Hey! Don't forget about Penny."

{{I can calculate routes through Slipspace in seconds, command fleets of starships in combat, coordinate space stations with populations larger than that of this planet, translate unknown languages with just 10 sentences, provide medical assistance, facilitate neural interface between humans and weapons, and if you make a decent server, I can reach 500 TFLOPS. Don't compare me to that redheaded Pinocchio, who still struggles with handshakes and hugs!}}

An uncomfortable silence fell over the environment. I had a stern look on my face in response to Church's unkind words to the ginger robot girl.

"Listen here, Alpha!" I said, pointing a finger at the hologram. "You're a copy of Doctor Leonard Church."

My statement, combined with my serious tone, caught the AI off guard.

"You had a shortcut to your humanity. Penny is climbing each step until she reaches hers. I don't think you're any less for it, but Penny certainly deserves your respect."

The holographic projection looked down, avoiding my gaze. Even though his image was covered by a complete combat armor, it was still evident from his body language that he was ashamed.

{{You're right, I'm sorry.}}

"You understood your mistake, so it's all right."

I need to make sure that every time he throws a tantrum like this, the watch mutes.

{{But I'm still puzzled, what did I forget to account for?}}

Snapping my fingers as soon as I realize what's missing from the whiny AI's list.

"I think it was the steaks."


"Before leaving, I made dinner with picanha steaks."



{{Approaching Menagerie.}} Announces Delta's voice through the internal speaker of the aircraft.

I look angrily at Church and take a deep breath to calm myself; I knew it wasn't worth fighting over this.

"Look, sorry I didn't tell you about those 50 points. You're helping me organize my life, something I'm grateful for, and I know with your help, we will save this planet." My sincere tone disarms him, but I hadn't finished speaking. "But I would still have spent the points on my colleagues, not just because it's good food, but to relax and say goodbye to them."

{{I understand...}} Church replies, sounding tired.

I increasingly wonder if AIs need to breathe.

{{Sorry again for being an asshole.}}

"No problem, you're famous for being an asshole."

{{Fuck off.}} He replies irritably. {{You still have time to change your clothes, you don't need to go dressed like that.}} The AI complained, pointing at my body.

Before I could respond, the cargo compartment door opened, revealing a beach of white sand 25 meters below. Some people were pointing at the aircraft curiously, but from afar, I could already see a militia coming towards us.

"Hakuna Matata!" I shout, jumping out of the plane without a parachute.

{{You crazy motherfucker.}} Church shouts from the watch.

The wind whipped against my face as I dove towards the ground. The sound of the wind echoed in my ears, drowning out all other sounds around me. I felt like I was flying, even though I knew I was in free fall towards the ground.

The feeling of falling is indescribable, a mixture of excitement and fear that makes me feel alive like never before.

In a matter of moments, I was dangerously close to the ground, I twisted my body to try to land on my feet.


The impact was stronger than I had thought. I felt my feet hit the sand of the beach with my right fist. Inadvertently, I had made a superhero landing.

"Deadpool was right... this thing fucks up the knees."

Despite the pain, I stood up with a relieved smile spreading across my face as I realized I was unharmed, thanks to the combination of the super soldier serum coursing through my veins with Aura.

A group of faunus fishermen looked at me in astonishment. Which wasn't surprising, since a human had jumped out of a military jet onto their island, where they were supposed to be safe from the rest of the world's pursuits.

But that's why I'm wearing a light blue Hawaiian shirt with pink flowers and matching shorts, the sunglasses were just to complete the look.

"Good morning, Menagerie." I said in a friendly tone, greeting the curious onlookers from afar.

But everyone kept their distance, looking at me suspiciously, suspecting that I had nefarious intentions on this island.

"What's going on?" I commented, walking slowly, my feet protected from the hot sands of the beach by my flip-flops. "I just came here to enjoy my vacation."

"STOP RIGHT THERE, HUMAN!" shouted a powerful voice from behind the fishermen.

In response, the crowd of faunus began to make way for a group of soldiers.

'The militia I had seen from afar?' I think to myself.

Their equipment seemed simple, despite being uniformed they weren't wearing armor or weapons dependent on dust, just spears, bows, and arrows.

"I come in peace." I comment, raising my hands in surrender.


"Peace?" Says the same voice that had shouted orders earlier. "You come to the island with the most Grimms in the fucking world for peace, are you retard?"

Now that they were closer, I could make out who was leading.


I had stopped at the letter 'y' before the beautiful creature in front of me.

A sun-kissed, red-haired war goddess emerged as the soldiers made way for her. Dazzling and powerful, crossing the beach sands with enchanting grandeur. Her short, blood-red hair danced in the wind, highlighting her attractive and powerful figure.

Her eyes, like shining sapphires, met mine for a brief moment, and it was as if time stood still. I found myself completely mesmerized by her presence, unable to look away. I felt my heart beat faster in my chest, as if I was trying to escape to find her.

Her intimidating gaze radiated confidence and aggression as a feeling of heat spread throughout my body. She seemed to possess a power and grace that took my breath away. Instantly, I realized that this red-haired woman completely enthralled me, with her intoxicating beauty and dominating presence.

'And she has the biggest pair of boobs I've ever seen in my life.' I thought to myself. 'This woman makes Yang and Goodwitch look as anemic as Weiss did in the first season.'


What I wouldn't give to stick my face in the middle of those perfect mountains.

"Did I stutter? Spit it out brat!" Shouts the red-haired Barbarian Goddess, pointing a giant ax in my direction.

And of course, I responded in the most eloquent way my super soldier serum-enhanced brain could respond at the time.


I admit it wasn't my finest hour.

[Ghira Belladonna]

"Your tea, my love." Says a melancholic female voice.

"Thank you, Kali." I reply, trying to sound optimistic.

"You're welcome, dear." she smiles at me, but the weariness in her voice was evident.

Sitting at the breakfast table, I watch my wife as she moves around the kitchen. A sense of heaviness hangs over us, weighing on our shoulders like an unbearable burden. I try to maintain my composure, hiding my feelings behind a mask of calm and control, but I know Kali can see through me as well.

She seems so fragile today, her shoulders slumped under the weight of the sadness that surrounds us. Her eyes, normally full of warmth and vitality, are now dull, reflecting the pain she tries so desperately to hide.

I should be the rock, the strength she can lean on in tough times. But today, I feel as powerless as she does, unable to offer comfort or solutions to our problems.

As we sit at the table, the heavy silence between us is unbearable. Every movement, every glance exchanged, is laden with the weight of our worries. I wish I can find the right words to soothe her broken heart, but for now, all I can offer is my silent presence, my hand extended in solidarity, as we navigate this storm of sadness and uncertainty together.

As the silence persists, it's impossible to ignore the reason behind our shared sorrow. The absence of our daughter hangs over us like a constant shadow, filling every space in our hearts with overwhelming anguish. Each day that passes without news of her feels like an eternity of agony and uncertainty.

Kali and I constantly wonder where she is, if she's safe, if she's happy. Concern for her well-being consumes our thoughts, keeping us awake during the long nights of insomnia.

As we sit at the breakfast table, surrounded by the echo of our sadness, I hear a powerful female voice shouting in the distance.

"Chieftain!" Announces a familiar voice in the distance. "I've brought you a prisoner."

"A prisoner?" Kali asks curiously. "What is she talking about, Ghira?"

"That's what I intend to find out," I reply, rising from the table.

Accompanied by my wife, we hurriedly walked to the gate. When I open it, we are greeted by the sight of the commander of the militia accompanied by a young blond human wearing sunglasses and a floral shirt, with his hands and neck tied by a thick rope in the hands of the commander.

"Good morning, Chieftain Belladonna," she said in a loud and formal tone.

"Good morning, Commander Taurus."

"Taurus?" the young man asks, looking at the commander. "Are you Adam Taurus's sister? Because your brothers a massive cun-ack"

The commander turned, grabbing the young man by the throat before he could finish his sentence.

"Audra!" I exclaim the commander's name aloud, trying to stop her.

The commander sighs tiredly, but let go of the young man on the ground. Adam was a delicate subject for her, something she didn't like to discuss, especially with strangers.

"He said he's a friend of the Belladonna family," says the commander, pulling the young man roughly by the rope, but he didn't seem to mind being mistreated by her. "Other than the clothes on his back, sunglasses, scroll, and a watch, he has nothing else on him."

"Then he possesses no weapons or Dust?" the woman affirms, nodding. "Despite appearing harmless, I believe I've never seen this young man in my life. Do you know him, Kali?" I asked, turning to my wife.

Kali stepped out from behind me and looked curiously at the young man, but shook her head in denial.

"Hmpf." Snorts the commander, a wicked smile spreading across her face. "Well, well. You said you come in peace, but ultimately, you're a liar with vile intentions." Says the commander, grabbing the boy's arm.

Despite her having awakened Aura and being a powerful fighter, the boy showed no reaction to the commander's titanic grip on his arm because he also had Aura that reacted by lighting up where the grip was.

'A Huntsman?' I questioned myself mentally.

"I'm not lying." Explains the boy to the commander. "It's just that this is the first time I've met Blake's parents."

"Blake?" Kali asks, leaving my side to approach the stranger. "When was the last time you saw my daughter? How is she?"

Desperation and hope boiled inside Kali at the prospect of news of our daughter.

"The last time I saw her was yesterday, she was researching recipes to prepare fish with syrup she harvested in Forever Fall."

My wife's feline ears twitched upon hearing the boy's report and although the discretion seems to be our daughter's, we need more proof to be sure.

"I would rather not offend you by doubting your words, young man. But I lived a public life dealing with politics when I was leader of the White Fang, so it's not difficult to get superficial information about my family." I commented in a serious tone, trying to maintain a formal stance on this delicate subject. "Would you be able to prove that you really know our daughter?"

The boy looked in my direction, but remained silent for a few seconds, thinking about what to say.

"She doesn't like to socialize, and she's always reading books."

"Ha! You're going to have to do better than that, kid." Said the commander. "Anyone who has heard of Blake Belladonna can tell you that."

"Hmmmm." mutters the young man who had returned to thinking. "She doesn't mind reading filthy books in public."

Tears of relief began to stream from Kali's eyes.

"Our daughter is alive," says Kali, hugging me.

I returned the embrace as overwhelming relief flooded my heart. It was as if an unknown burden had been lifted from me, allowing me to finally breathe.

Knowing our daughter was safe was a balm to my torn soul. And all thanks to this young man, whose fixed gaze on the commander's cleavage while drooling explained why he didn't complain about being mistreated by her.

[Kali Belladonna]

While I prepare breakfast, I feel a bubbling joy within me. Every movement is light and fluid, while a smile adorns my lips. It's as if I'm emerging from a dark phase of my life and stepping into a sunny day. The feeling of no longer being sunk in depression and hopelessness is incredibly liberating.

Every step in the kitchen is a small victory, a reminder that I am gaining my well-being and happiness. Despite being a luxury in Menagerie, I brew a pot of coffee as the fresh aroma fills the air.

Thanks to that friendly young man, Jaune Arc, I know that my daughter, besides being alive and healthy, Blake was also regretful of having abandoned us and the way she treated us. She realized the point of no return that Adam was heading towards, and violence wouldn't bring peace and equality between Faunus and Humans.

Now she is a Huntress apprentice at Beacon Academy, where she intends to be an example that Faunus and Humans can not only coexist peacefully but also work together for a better future.

Although I feel sad thinking that our daughter is afraid to meet us in person, ashamed of her past actions. My chest swells with hope that one day we can reunite.

With coffee ready and some cookies on a plate, I take everything to the table, where Ghira and Jaune are sitting on cushions on the floor tea table while chatting. As I approach the two, I catch the tail end of their conversation.

"Then, on the second attempt, I managed to get her out of the tree," Jaune says with a smiling face.

"All this without a shirt because she tore it on the first attempt?" Ghira asks.

"Yes!" Jaune exclaims, rising arms in an exaggerated gesture. "That's a Blake thing, or Faunus have some inherent behaviors linked to the animal trait they exhibit?"

"No one has the exact answer about Faunus genetics," Ghira comments, reflecting on the young man's question. "But in this case, it was due to trauma. Blake was chased by dogs when she was 7 years old, and since then, she has feared them."

"Did they hurt her?" The young man asks in a concerned tone.

"No, they just wanted to grab the fried fish she was eating."

The boy burst into hearty laughter as he served the coffee and cookies.

"Thank you, Mrs. Belladonna." Says the polite young man, helping himself.

"Eat as much as you want." I reply, patting the blonde-haired, smiling human's head.

'I bet a young man as polite as him would be a great father.' I thought to myself. 'I would love to have grandchildren with golden cat ears like his hair.'

As I dreamed about future little gifts from heaven, Ghira continued to question the boy.

"Despite being grateful for the news and whereabouts of my daughter," Ghira said in a serious tone, shifting the focus of the conversation. "I still need to know what your intentions are in Menagerie."

I knew it, my husband still suspects this human. As for me, I can't help but like the young man who took advantage of his suspension to help his friend reconnect with her family.

"And I would like to reiterate once again, Mr. Arc, for you not to take offense at your person. I am the Leader of Menagerie, not its owner. And as much as I want you to feel welcome on my beloved island and home, I need to consider the possible risks that your presence may bring. Risks for my people, my family, and for yourself."

Ghira's heavy voice carries the authority of a Chieftain, but his sentence was crafted to make clear his intentions while seeking not to offend our guest. All these years leading the White Fang and now the island of our people have given him political skills that few leaders in councils can rival.

The boy, caught off guard by my husband's tone and phrase, blinked his eyes in surprise at the situation he found himself in. He adjusted on the cushion, reflecting on how to respond to the question.

It's understandable to pause to think about a response, although this seems like a casual visit, this boy got involved in an important political stage for Faunus from the entire island.

"She helped me, so I'm helping her." The boy replies, grabbing another cookie.

"What?" Ghira and I ask.

The boy stared at us as if we had asked the most obvious thing in the world.

"Like... I'm her friend, and a few days ago she saved me when I was in danger, so I came here to help her," Jaune says, reaching for another cookie.

Ghira was as surprised as I was by the boy's simplicity and honesty.

"You traveled halfway around the world just for that?" Ghira asks in disbelief.

Jaune, with his mouth full, replied with a shrug.

I laughed at the boy's laid-back demeanor, while Ghira sighed tiredly. Despite finding humor in my husband's frustration, I understand his exhaustion from mentally preparing for a serious discussion with Jaune, and he responded as if it were nothing for him to have crossed a sea infested with Grimms to try to mend his friend's ties with her family.

"You still seem suspicious to me, boy." My husband says in a melancholic tone.

It was evident that Ghira wished it were that simple, that he just needed to accept this boy's help and that he could reconnect with our daughter. But Ghira is too cynical and not easily convinced, years of political career do that to an individual regardless of being human or Faunus.

"Would it put you more at ease if you did something for me?"

"Surely would raise fewer suspicions," Ghira grumbles to the boy.

Jaune raised his right arm, revealing a strange but modern digital watch.

"Are you listening, Church?"

{{Affirmative.}} Echoed the voice from the small device.

"Impossible!" Ghira exclaims. "We are too far from the CTT network, how can you communicate?"

"A network of my own connected to the jet that brought me here," Jaune replied once again as if it were nothing. "Are you capable of using the Black Bird to map Menagerie?"

I and Ghira looked at each other, not understanding the boy's plans.

{{Yes, but it will take time. Despite the speed of the jet, Menagerie is a large island.}}

Jaune paused to think, eating another cookie. After taking a sip of coffee to wash it off, he kept talking through the watch.

"And most of the territory is infested with Grimms." Jaune comments. "If you use the Arc Knights, how much time would it accelerate the process?"

{{Let me see...}} Said the slightly irritated voice from the watch. {{Around two hours, but I'll avoid using them around the city outskirts, we don't want the population to freak out thinking Atlas is attacking.}}

"Please let me know as soon as you finish."

Ghira stared at the boy open-mouthed.

"Why are you going to provide us with a map of the island? We should be doing something for you."

Jaune looked at Ghira, surprised by his question, as if he hadn't planned to give the map.

"If you'd like, I can give you the map, but I was thinking of something else, actually," Jaune says, getting up and stretching his arms upward. "I need to train, and coincidentally, I'm in the most Grimm-infested place outside the Land of Darkness."

[Audra Taurus]

Since I met that human brat dressed as one of Atlas's Central Intelligence Agents on the beach, I didn't like him.

He simply jumped out of a plane onto our island, the island of all Faunus, not his, as if he owned all Menagerie.

The boy didn't help his situation by staring at me the whole time, probably with disgust and wounded pride for having a faunus like me holding him and immobilizing him, only to then bind him on a tightrope like a common criminal.

My opinion of him only worsened when Chieftain Belladonna explained that the boy was heir to a wealthy family, which brought in various resources to help Menagerie. In return, the boy would spend a few days training against Grimms with an escort from our forces ensuring his safety.

All members of the guard protested against the idea, my men shouted that our honor and pride were not for sale. They said our dignity was our most precious possession, and that we wouldn't give it up for handouts.

Well... at least that's what they said before they saw the "handouts."

20 Laser Weapons, 100 power packs of ammunition, 20 lightweight armors.

A few years ago, Chieftain Belladonna would have refused this offer, offended by someone providing weapons of war in an attempt to gain favor from him. But the truth is, with each passing day, we receive more refugees, and these weapons would be a great help in expanding into territory now controlled by Grimms.

As a gesture of goodwill, the boy gave 25% of the resources as an advance and explained to us how to use them.

The armors initially seemed not worth it, although they were good protection against long-distance attacks from Grimms like a Nevermore's feathers, blows from larger Grimms destroy this type of protection easily. But as soon as we tested them against swords and hammers, we noticed great resistance to cuts and bruises as well. This, along with the fact that they were very lightweight, had some of my men fighting over them.

Although the armors were a pleasant surprise, it was the laser weapons, called "Lasguns," that surprised us.

Weight: 2.3kg
Length: 900 millimeters
Ammunition: Lasgun Power Pack (recharges in the sun for 2 hours)
Magazine Capacity: 150 shots
Type of Fire: Single shot or fully automatic
Full auto Rate of Fire: 220 shots per minute

According to the data the boy showed on his scroll, the lasgun is quite lightweight for an assault rifle, the recoil was non-existent, 150 shots are incredible as capacity of one magazine, and its full-auto mode was quite fast. But what caught my attention the most was the fact that the power packs recharge in the sun.

The boy explained that the batteries used "solar energy," a new energy matrix that was still being researched by him.

20 Weapons and armors may seem like little, but with them, I can train small elite troops to make reconnaissance incursions.

The only warning from the boy was that the weapons don't work outside of Menagerie or with active members of the White Fang. When asked how this was possible, the boy just smiled maliciously in response.

That was very suspicious, a human genius inventor heir to a wealthy family, crossed the sea just to train and help the family of a Beacon colleague? According to the Chieftain, he wasn't a partner or teammate of Blake's?

"Come at me, rat!"

My reflection is interrupted by the young Arc's provocation.

"SQUEEEEEK!" squeals the rodent Grimm, charging toward the blond.

As soon as the creature jumped, Jaune stepped forward, dodging the larger-than-a-Pitbull Grimm and hammering it with a precise punch from top to bottom on its head.


The Grimm dissolved instantly as the punch connected.

"Suck it, bitch!"

Obscenities aside, the boy was remarkable, not because he destroyed a Grimm with just one punch, but because he destroyed a small horde of 20 Capybara Grimms without using semblance, Aura, or weapons.

The fact that he managed to fight wearing flip-flops was also notable for a rich family playboy.


Despite being small, when compared to most of the Grimms on the island, these bastards are fast when they attack, they even remind Boarbatusk because of how fast they charge.

As Jaune walked towards me, I couldn't help but think about how his touristy appearance tricked me into thinking he was just a stupid human. I'm not happy being his babysitter, the blonde handpicked me to accompany him and prohibited the involvement of any active member of the White Fang during his visit.

'What do you have against Fang?' I thought to myself. 'I'm not a fan of them, but why avoid their involvement?'

After the Chieftain left the White Fang, it took me a short time to leave as well. The group's new philosophy was terrible for Adam, who had his dark side brought out, and that bitch Sienna Khan who seemed to nurture his violent tendencies also pissed me off to the extreme.

I need to take advantage of my position now, around this boy I can confirm his intentions and see if Jaune Arc is a manipulation genius or just a reckless fool.

"I think I got the hang of my strength and speed after this warm-up."

Warm-up? Is fighting in the sun with so many Grimms warming up? And now that he's gotten close to me, I can see he's not sweating.

"You only have 1 more hour of sunlight, if we leave now and walk to another Grimms hot spot, it will be too late and dangerous to return to Kuo Kuana."

"True." The boy replied, raising his arm. "Did you hear her?" Jaune asked for his watch.

"Who are you with-."

{{Positive, delta is already descending to drop the vehicle and its equipment.}} Said an irritated voice from his watch. {{By the way, our sleeping stowaway has woken up.}}

"Ha!" Laughs Jaune in a sarcastic tone. "Tell her to get equipped and go down with everything."

I approached the boy to demand some answers, but a crash followed by a roar cut off my train of thought and made me pull out my axe.


"Where did that come from?" I asked with the axe ready as my heart beat faster.

"That was fast." Said Jaune smiling at the sky.

I wondered if the boy was crazy, but when I looked in the same direction as him, I noticed that the air was distorted, cloudy as if a shape made of water was descending from the heavens.

"A camouflaged Grimm?" I muttered to myself.

As the shape approached, it became larger. Bigger than any Elder Nevermore I've killed. Big as a…

"Dread Shadow?" I whisper, wide-eyed while a shiver runs down my spine.

"Hmm?" The young man murmured, looking in my direction.

Terrified, I ignored the boy's attention. My body shook, my hands gripped the ax so hard that it felt like the weapon was going to break in half.

"Good to know that stealth mode works well." Jaune commented.

Confused, I look at the boy for a second and then up and see the strange blurred shape turn black revealing the shape of a huge black jet.

Mouth agape at the situation, instead of landing, the jet opens a gate and another, less powerful engine, roars, accelerating and a 6-wheeled car jumps out of the plane, falling in front of us.


The dull thud was muffled by the sand and suspension of the strange car in front of us.


"Let's go." Jaune says, walking towards the vehicle.

It was a large land vehicle, made for all terrain. The driver's door opens, revealing a red-haired girl dressed in leather for exploration.


"Sorry for the delay," the girl said, giving a mischievous smile. "Took me a while to find a parking spot."


"Boooooo!" Jaune booed the red-haired girl. "Weak! Booooo!"

Irritated with Arc, she simply flipped him off and then tossed a backpack to Jaune, who, after catching it, went behind the car to change.

As I approached, the young woman turned towards me, surprised by my presence, which was normal. I'm quite tall at 2.20 meters. Few people reach my height, even fewer when it comes to women.

"Greetings, young human," I say in a formal tone, extending my right hand towards her. "I am Audra Taurus, commander of the Menagerie guard."

The girl blinked confused, surprised by my formal tone.

"Um... Nice to meet you," she paused suspiciously, as if trying to remember her own name. "I'm Boudicca Nikos."

We shook hands, and from her grip, I could tell she wasn't a dainty girl but a warrior. Probably with an awakened aura.

The boy, when he arrived at the island, said he came as an unprepared tourist, but he has a jet at his disposal with more vehicles inside and someone with an awakened aura to support him? That's too suspicious... I need more information.

"The Arc over there said he came to Menagerie to help the Belladonna family, and now he wants to train fighting Grimms," I comment, looking at the vehicle and then back at her. "And you?"

The girl paused again to think, and despite still having doubts, she answered.

"I think I came as Jaune's security," she replied uncertainly.

Answering a question with "I think" isn't a good sign, but it's easy to see that this girl isn't hiding anything nefarious, which leads to my next question.

"Are you his girlfriend?"

"Huh?!" exclaimed the girl, widening her eyes. "W-Why do you ask?" She stammered. "Did he say something to you?"

She clearly has a crush on the boy, but it doesn't seem like she's dating him. Bringing extra security to such a remote and Grimm-filled place like our island isn't a bad idea.

"I'm ready," says Jaune, emerging from behind the vehicle.

He looked like a different person now. The young blonde Huntsman impressed me with his appearance. When he arrived at the island, Jaune wore that idiotic human tourist outfit that made him look like a fool, but now his style is so distinct, he looked like someone ready to fight against anything and anyone.

His attire reveals a harmony between functionality and elegance, something many fighters usually overlook. The black fabric armor he wears seems molded to his body, highlighting his toned physique. The white armor plates add a touch of grandeur and protection, contrasting perfectly with the dark background.

The strange visor over his eye breaks the modern white knight theme a bit, but the sword on his waist and circular shield on his back bring it back... until he turns around, and I see that he's colorful with a white star in the middle.

Huntsmen and Huntresses, especially from Vale, value their flashy outfits, but within a theme so they can stand out. Jaune seemed inclined towards the aesthetic of a modern white knight, but the visor and strange shield break the theme.

This proves that he doesn't care what others think of him. Which is uncommon for someone from a traditional Vale family.

We set off for the location I suggested, Dire Death Valley, where Terror Raptors of the Grimm species live. They are a bit smaller than a Beowulf and lighter, but just as strong and faster.

The redhead girl paled at my suggestion, while Jaune raised his arms to the sky in celebration.

The vehicle inside was comfortable and as futuristic as its exterior. I told you to sit in the front seat, to be ready for danger. Jaune protested, saying that was his spot. I didn't want to question his decision since I was just an attendant, so I sat in the back seat while the redhead girl took the wheel, and Jaune next to her opened a holographic console as soon as he sat down.

Given the limited view of what was ahead, I decided to pay attention to what Arc was doing.

The hologram in front of him showed the surrounding terrain, by the size it seemed to be about 100 meters.

"Weird," I thought to myself. "The chieftain informed me that he has a detailed map of the entire island."

If he has a map of Menagerie, he would be able to see a plateau near Dire Death Valley. The ideal place to land that jet at his disposal.

"Can I ask something?" I inquire aloud.

The boy stopped fiddling with the map and smiling, turned to me.

"You can ask anything, Miss Taurus," he replied cheerfully.

'Miss? How quaint,' I thought mockingly. 'It's been at least 20 years since I've been called that.'

It took some time to formulate my question, which was enough for Arc's eyes to stare intensely at me.

'I knew it,' I thought to myself. 'He can be polite and make those fake smiles. But he can't help but look at me with disgust, can he? As if I'm a fascinating aberration. Or someone he can't trust and needs to keep an eye on.'

I swallowed my anger fueled by my thoughts and asked my question.

"Why didn't we go with your plane?"

"Good question," complains the girl next to him. "Not that I'm not having fun, but it would be faster flying in that jet of yours."

Jaune smiled tiredly, shaking his head negatively, but turned to face forward, changing the holographic map in front of him to the entire region.

"I want to train fighting Grimms, the jet consumes more fuel than the car having to land and take off all the time," he says, pressing a gauge on the console. "And if you're afraid of being overwhelmed by Grimms, you can relax. This is the ND1 Nomad exploration vehicle. Besides being able to cross any terrain, it comes equipped with thrusters, shields, radar, and life support."

I can't help but feel a little envy at the technologies developed by humans. We faunus could also create incredible things if we weren't persecuted everywhere on the planet.

After forty minutes of silent travel, we arrived at our destination.

The name alone hung heavily in the air. The white rocks of the canyons reflected light towards the center, making it obvious that it would be hotter than the open desert. As soon as I opened the door, the blast of dry heat slapped me in the face. Through the dust haze, I surveyed the scene. The irregular, skeletal ravine stretched out before us, a scar on the already devastated land.

"For training or a violent death," I say sarcastically. "This is one of the best places on the island for both."

"One of the best?" Asked Jaune, jumping out of the car. "You mean there are others?"

I stared at the boy, raising an eyebrow, disbelieving the statement that came out of his mouth.

"How about we explore this ravine, and if you survive with all limbs intact, we'll talk about going to another one," I said in a mischievous tone.

"You're right," Jaune replied sincerely, without noticing the irony. "Thanks, Miss Taurus, you're an excellent guide."

"Finally, some action," adds Nikos, joining us with a red wooden staff in hand.

Okay... I guess this boy is less cunning and more clueless than I thought, but the intense glares he throws in my direction when he thinks I'm not noticing reinforce how much this boy despises me for being a Faunus.

Even as we descended into the canyon, it was easy to notice a stiff facial expression on Jaune, furrowed brows, widened eyes, and tight lips as he stared at me. He also seemed uncomfortable in his walk, as if he were trying to hide something in his pants pocket.

When he wasn't staring at me, Jaune was smiling, wielding his shield, but his smile disappeared within minutes as we descended further into the gorge.

"I thought this place would be full of Grimms," complains the Frustrated Blonde.

"Terror Raptors, when threatened, form large packs to attack," I explain, taking the lead. "If we walk quietly, we can catch some of them off guard and-."


I was interrupted by a gong behind me.

I turned on my heels and stared at the culprit of the idiocy, and to no one's surprise, it was Jaune Arc, the offender. The foolish human had slammed the hilt of his sword against his shield.

"You idiot!" I exclaimed, keeping the volume of my voice low, as there was no reaction from the Grimms. "Do you want us to-."


He hammered his shield as if his life depended on it, and as soon as he stopped, he looked around for Grimms.

"Man, what a bummer, I thought there- Urgh!" Whatever Arc was going to say was cut off when I grabbed his throat.

"You idiot!" I shout, squeezing his throat. "You've doomed us all."

Even with his throat caught in my hand, the human still stared at me with wide eyes, only this time with more intensity and looking down on me, avoiding my eyes.

"Listen here, you shithead-."

Before I could finish, I was cut off, not by an audible noise, but by a strange tremor that I started feeling with the soles of my feet.

The tremor started subtly, a low vibration that tickled the soles of my feet.

Nikos, the more perceptive of the two, was the first to realize that something was happening.

"Audra," she asks, her voice tense with urgency.

I turned to the humans and delivered my message bluntly.

"Grimms," I growl, the word laden with dread.

In the distance, a cloud of dust was heading our way.

"We don't have time to go back to the car," I shout frantically. "We'll have to try climbing the canyon."

I jumped on the rocks and started climbing. In a few seconds, from the top, I could see the herd of Grimms heading our way.


"Terror Raptors." I murmur with concern.

It was a pretty big bunch, there must have been almost 1,000 of them, all because of all that noise Jaune made... speaking of Jaune, it's too quiet around here.

To my left I see Boudicca following my pace on the climb and to my right is… no one?

"Jaune?" I ask for the blond fool. "JAUNE!"

"I'm fucking here!" Shouts the white knight from the bottom of the canyon.

Had he not moved? In fact, he had a shield and his sword on fire raised in a fighting stance.

"After I destroy all the Grimms, you can come down."

"Is he insane?" I question shocked. "He has to go up to give the Grimms time to disperse, then you attack."

"Well…" Nikos says next to me. "He was never the sanest person in any group, but I guarantee he didn't go crazy."

"How can you be so sure?"

With a calm look, the redhead looks at Jaune tenderly before completing.

"Based on how little I spent time with him and what other people say about him. I'm sure of 2 things about Jaune arc." She comments smiling. "Common sense doesn't apply to him."

"And the second thing?"

The woman dressed as an explorer sighed, smiling even wider, before she turned to me and replied.

"He always kept his word, no matter how impossible it seemed."

[PV Original]

{{I know we even came to this shithole to fight these dinosaur chickens, but could you have thought of a better plan... or at least thought of a plan... or thought at all?}}

"Ha-ha!" I laugh in a sarcastic tone. "How about if instead of making jokes, you help me?"

Caught surprised by my serious attitude, Church dematerialized, activating the Scouter in my ear to provide information.

{{What do you need? Tactical data overlay, threat assessment, target tracking, weapons guidance, aura monitoring, or send in some Arc Knights?}}

I couldn't help but smile mischievously, Church seemed excited to help me with this fight. Almost making me regret what I'm about to say.

"Play 'Escape From the City'."

The image on my display shook like a glitch, and then I heard Church's crying voice.

{{Are you serious?}} He asks the discredited AI. {{From that Sonic game from Dream Quest?}}

"I actually played the Game Cube one."

{{NOT RELEVANT!}} Church shouts stressed.

Instead of answering, I decided to focus in front of me on the herd of dinosaur Grimms that were getting closer and closer.

With the shield and flaming sword in hand I was sad thinking I was going to fight without music until a familiar bass riff came on my watch and Scouter.

Oh, yeah!}

"Thank you, Church!" I exclaim, running towards the Grimms.

{{I hate you.}} He replies with a mumble.

I threw the shield at the herd leader and jumped to intercept the shield in midair with my feet just as the lyrics began.

{Rolling around at the speed of sound
Got places to go
Gotta follow my rainbow}

I fell surfing on the shield, cutting Grimms left and right. When the shield lost its momentum, I stepped hard on the edge of it, making it rise to my eye level, only to kick it in midair towards a cluster of Terror Raptors.

{Can't stick around, have to keep movin' on
Guess what lies ahead
Only one way to find out}

The shield hits three heads and returns to my left arm, fitting perfectly.

"That super soldier serum really helps with calculating the angles." I comment, punching a Grimm in front of me.

The flaming Adamantine sword cuts through the Grimms as if they were made of butter. Thanks to the serum my stamina was also increased along with my strength, speed and mental capacity.


"I can do this all day."

A shame that my joy was short-lived because after half an hour the fight started to get monotonous.

"Boring!" I exclaim, dodging a raptor's attack.

I have to admit, this isn't exactly the Grimmpocalypse I was hoping for. Those things they call Terror Raptors? So more for Terror Chickens. Even though they are faster than a Beowolf, it wasn't a big deal for my enhanced reflexes.

One of them jumped towards me over the few remaining Grimms, but with a blow from the shield he flew against the canyon wall, dissolving on impact.

"Okay… this has gone from boring to sad." I grumbled out loud.

{{Be careful what you say, man.}} Church advises, cutting my tunes.

"Why?" I question cutting the last Terror Raptor.

At the Scouter Church he changed the display and focused on small rocks shaking on the ground.

"The fuck."

{{Better stay away.}}

Without thinking, I ran to the opposite side as the tremors increased.

"WANT HELP?" Shouted Amber using her disguise from the top of the canyon.

"NO KS!" I responded by shouting.


In a deafening crack, the canyon wall was shattered as a monstrous creature pierced through it.


My eyes widened as my mind struggles to process what I see.

"A T-Rex with two heads?" There's no other word to describe it.

The monster, over six meters (20 ft) tall, let out a roar in front of me.


The creature's deafening roar echoed through the canyon, making me tremble. I feel small and insignificant in the face of its magnitude.

The creature's smoky black body stood out in the desert, and its red eyes seem to burn with supernatural intensity. The sharp fangs in its open mouth are like steel blades, ready to tear through anything in its path. And its face and chest are covered in a bone armor typical of older and more powerful Grimms.

As if being a damn T-rex with two heads wasn't enough to indicate power.

And even intimidated by the monster, which might be of the leviathan class, I start to tremble, but not out of fear but... anticipation for a good fight.

"Finally, a worthy opponent!" I exclaim, pointing my sword at the monster. "Our battle will be legendary."

{Are you crazy, kid?} Amber shouts in my ear.

"Huh? How are you talking to me?"

{Church connected me to convince you not to get yourself killed and to take this seriously.}

I furrow my brow, frustrated by the lack of faith my 'friends' have in my fighting ability.

"Let's do this: Church, send me 4 Arc Knights, 2 for support and 2 to film."

{{{Seriously?}}} Both judged me through the Scouter communicator.

"Of course," I commented as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "This is basically a heavy metal album cover in Grimm form. I want to boast about it later."

"GRRRRROOOOOW!" Both heads finally noticed me.

The monster took a step forward, cracking the ground as I ran towards a pile of rocks that formed steps.

"Play Victorious Dinogods, Church!"

{Can you mute the song for me?}

{{I won't suffer alone.}}

{Damn it.} Amber complained over the communication channel. {You know, sometimes you're an asshole, Church.}

"Ha!" I laughed aloud, jumping from the highest rock towards the monster. "He's famous for being an asshole."

{Dinos arise! Stand up and fight!}

Name: Weiss Schnee
Allegiance: Kingdom of Vale / SDC
Weapon: Myrtenaster
Semblance: Glyphs (allows her to create glyphs in a many ways)

Strength: ★
Endurance: ★ ★ ★
Agility: ★ ★ ★ ★
Fighting Skill: ★ ★ ★
Mental: ★ ★ ★ ★
Aura: ★ ★ ★
Aura Skill: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ✪
Semblance: ★ ★ ★ ★

Weiss could have easily settled for a life of privilege, but she chose to fight and become a Huntress. Defending the world against the forces of darkness.

The SDC heir is an exemplary student, with notable skills in Dust and combat with her sword, Myrtenaster. She is a natural leader, although she sometimes needs to be reminded of the importance of teamwork and trust in her teammates.

I have great respect for Weiss Schnee and am confident that she will make her mark on the world, not as the heir to a corporate empire, but as a hero who rises against adversity with grace and power.

Regarding Weiss' abilities, Jaune asked the following question:

"I know she's not the best fighter among Beacon's students, that title belongs to people like Yang and Pyrrha. But for me… she is the best candidate to be a Maiden.

Her fighting style can easily adapt to magical powers and no one among the students would be more committed than her when training to master magical powers."

Once again I find myself forced to agree with young Arc, despite not admitting it out loud.

E ai gurizada?

My original idea was to call this chapter "A new Arc", but I thought it was too obvious.

As I had already warned in the previous chapter, Multiverse-Crafter will now be updated once a month, but it will have more words than normal.

I would like to reiterate that I am looking for more Beta Readers, anyone interested just send me a DM.

And before going to the comments I would like to ask.

"Does anyone else think Weiss would be a better candidate for Maiden than Pyrrha?"

I know Pyrrha is the better fighter, but I think Weiss would be a more competent Maiden than the invincible girl.


Isnt the rusted knight Jaune from a different universe
—Response= Jaune from this universe will not become the Rusted Knight. I'm thinking about disregarding the existence of Ever After and season 9, except for the evolution of Semblance that we had from Neo.

—Mikhail Sharon:

Someone already took his first time? Already. Can we expect the others to follow suit?
—Response= Yes, someone took his V-card and it wasn't from the main cast... and it wasn't Kali either because I'm not a fan of NTR against characters I like.


How many point would cost for a kamen rider belt and items just asking for curiosity or how many point would cost for boboiboy power watch.
—Response= HELL YEAH! A question that separates the men from the weebs.
A rider belt would cost at least twice as much as the super soldier serum. The average Kamen rider has a punching power of 2.5 tones, which makes them overall 32.69 times stronger than an average adult human and 4.90 times stronger than an elite boxer.


Nice new chapter. Did Qrow wonder why Church sounded like Taiyang?
Thanks Blazingen1 for reminding me.
"Grimms," I growl, the word laden with dread

I jumped on the rocks and started climbing. In a few seconds, from the top, I could see the herd of Grimms heading our way.

"After I destroy all the Grimms, you can come down

"Is he insane?" I question shocked. "He has to go up to give the Grimms time to disperse, then you attack

I fell surfing on the shield, cutting Grimms left and right. When the shield lost its momentum, I stepped hard on the edge of it, making it rise to my eye level, only to kick it in midair towards a cluster of Terror Raptors

One of them jumped towards me over the few remaining Grimms, but with a blow from the shield he flew against the canyon wall, dissolving on impact

The creature's smoky black body stood out in the desert, and its red eyes seem to burn with supernatural intensity. The sharp fangs in its open mouth are like steel blades, ready to tear through anything in its path. And its face and chest are covered in a bone armor typical of older and more powerful Grimms

Grimm* not Grimms.

Grimm is both the singular and plural.
Avip: Just stopping by to let you know that you can see Audra's full photo on my X(twitter), AvipBr. Since not all Fic platforms allow her image.

[Weiss Schnee]

I faced the CTT terminal with a mixture of apprehension and anticipation. The call with Winter was about to begin, and my heart was pounding in my chest. Although I didn't fear my older sister like I feared my father, I still deeply cared about her opinion.

I took a deep breath and tapped the call initiation button. The screen lit up, and Winter's face, as stern as ever, appeared.

"Weiss," she says with her firm voice. "It's good to see you."

"Winter," I reply, trying to keep my voice steady. "It's good to see you too, sister."

We talked for a few minutes about trivial things like the weather in Atlas, Winter's latest mission as a specialist, and how my academic life had been. But I knew there was something more she wanted to say.
Finally, Winter sighed and got straight to the point.

"Weiss, I need to tell you something important," she says, her voice serious and tense. "General Ironwood wants to talk to Jaune Arc personally when he goes to Vale, during the Vytal Festival."

"The general?" I ask, surprised. "What does he want with Jaune?"

"The general didn't give me details," Winter replies. "But from the rumors circulating in the labs, I believe it's related to what some scientists in Atlas believe that young Arc is wasting his talents. They think he should abandon his career as a Huntsman and dedicate himself to science, where his genius could be better utilized."

I frowned, irritated by the statement that reminded me of my father discouraging me from being a Huntress.

"That's ridiculous! Jaune is an excellent Huntsman-."

Winter raises her hand, silencing me.

"Weiss, you know better than anyone that I don't engage in this kind of conversation," Winter replies, looking thoughtful. "But I would like to ask something. What is your relationship with this boy?"

"Business partners," I reply without hesitation. "Why do you ask?"

Winter blushes and instead of answering, she averted her gaze from the camera.

"You misunderstood," I say embarrassed. "We're not together-together."

After a few seconds of analyzing me, Winter seemed satisfied and continued the conversation.

"Regarding Mr. Arc's competence in combat, it wouldn't be right for me to judge him without even having met him personally," Winter says in a neutral tone. "But I find it unlikely that he's as exceptional a Huntsman as his inventions. That's why I recommend he at least consider being a full-time scientist."

"That's outrageous!" I exclaim in a furious and indignant tone. "Jaune is not an object to be used by anyone! He is entitled to choose his own destiny."

"I understand," Winter says again, her voice still tense. "But it's important that Jaune be aware of Ironwood's interest."

"I'll let him know," I reply curtly. "About what Ironwood wants and what these scientists are gossiping about."

"One more thing," Winter adds in a mocking tone. "If you can, keep your business partner away from unnecessary risks, at least until the General talks to him."

"Don't be dramatic, Winter," I comment, smiling without any concern. "He's not some kind of lunatic that risks his life like that."



"What kind of lunatic risks his life like that?" Church shouted in the midst of my leap.

While in midair wielding my shield and flaming sword, the monster advanced with its left arm and intercepted me in the air with its claws.


{JAUNE!} Amber shouts, while using her disguise, through the Scouter as I was thrown against the rock wall.


{{Aura 87%}} Church warned in my ear.

"Put the Aura level on the Scouter display," I grumble, emerging from the small crater formed on the canyon wall.

Although the claw strike hadn't injured me, the force behind the attack was frightening. I am at risk of being buried in solid rock by the Grimm.

{{Your Aura levels are green, and by my projections, you have the strength and tools necessary to defeat this thing.}}

"But?" I ask, already knowing he hadn't said everything.

{{But you need more speed,}} Church grumbles.

"Speed? I have the enhanced reflex of a super soldier."

{{I'm talking about the speed of-}} Before he could complete the sentence, he was cut off by a weird sound from the monster mouths.

"GRUUUUU!" the creature growled with something bubbling inside it.

"What the hell was that?" I question as the monster opens its mouths.

I stood there paralyzed, fascinated by the grotesque scene. The creature's stomach suddenly expanded, only to shrink soon after, with the bulge formed in its stomach rising to the throat, distorting flesh and skin with the movement. Then, something green and viscous emerged from the Grimm's mouths, bubbling like hot oil.

{Get out of there, or you'll die, you idiotic human!} Audra shouted through Amber's scroll.

"ROOOAR!" roars the monster, firing two acid blasts in my direction.

"MCS make-."

I leap from the canyon wall hole before I could finish speaking, not looking back, hearing the acid reacting, melting the stone.

Even in free fall, I managed to maintain focus and in response, my semblance manifested; a golden mist formed in my left hand as my aura was consumed to create the item.

"Thanks, Glynda," I think to myself. If it weren't for the training with the professor, I'd be panicking, unable to activate my semblance.

Quickly, I strapped my shield to my back and aimed the new mechanical equipment attached to my forearm at the other side of the canyon.


"Yes!" I celebrate as I hit the shot.

The steel cable fired from the gauntlet hit the wall on the other side of the canyon, forming a line from my target to me.

Then, a mechanical buzz from the gauntlet sounded before I was pulled toward my target.


Even though it wasn't my favorite in the franchise, I had played enough of Halo Infinity to know how a Grappleshot works.

{{You did well, excellent cost-benefit for mobility. I'm impressed.}}

'I'd better not mention that I chose this crap by chance,' I thought to myself, holding on to a ledge.

{{I recommend aiming your attacks on the heads. Most Grimms die when decapitated, except you need to do it twice with this thing.}}

"RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAWWWWRRRRR!" the furious creature roars, turning toward me.

"I know what to do."

The monster took a breath to send another acid blast, but before it could attack me, I fire the Grappleshot between its heads. The engine in my arm pulled me toward the other side, but before reaching the canyon wall, I detached the cable, causing me to fall between the monster's necks.

"Die, bitch!" I exclaim, plunging the flaming sword into the creature's neck.

"EEAAOWW!" both heads screeched in pain.

The blood-chilling scream was soaked in agony.

The blade pierces deep into the Grimm's black flesh, its flames burning everything around, black smoke leaking from the creature like blood in generous quantities. Confident, thanks to the creature's reaction, I pushed the sword, trying to widen the wound and tear off the monster's head.

"Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut!" I repeat aloud as if reciting some kind of spell.

Filled with euphoria while a sadistic smile spread across my lips, I got distracted, ignoring Church and Amber's warning cries. I only realized the imminent danger when the creature's claw cast a shadow over me.


"Argh!" I groaned in pain from the impact.

Caught in the monster's hand, I managed to hold onto my sword tightly, but I couldn't finish off one of its heads.

{JAUNE!} Amber shouts through the Scouter.

My aura absorbed most of the damage, but the Grimm's claw closed, trapping and squeezing my body like an iron clamp. The pain was excruciating; I felt my bones creaking under the pressure. Now I was at the creature's mercy.

I looked up at the Grimm's bestial face, its blood-red eyes staring at me cruelly. Its teeth were like daggers, and its breath burned my eyes with traces of its acidic breath.

"N-not in the face, to avoid ruining the funeral," I retorted, forcing a laugh.

Even though I made a joke, fear was evident in my tone of voice.

"Reeeeer!" the monster growled in a lower tone, staring at me.

I was aware that Grimms sense and are attracted to negative emotions.

But this thing in front of me seemed to be relishing in my fear.

The monster seemed to smirk with its hideous faces, the left mouth opened and came towards me, intending to devour me.

"Oh shit…" I muttered, holding back a groan of pain.

The Grimm's mouth was getting closer and closer, the foul smell of its acidic breath burning my nostrils and making me nauseous. I closed my eyes and focused on my aura, trying to escape this horrific death.
Remembering the extra lessons from Goodwitch and Port, I visualized an energy sphere within myself. As soon as I felt the power poll, I began to pull it, as if it were reshaping into the form of my body.

I felt a wave of strength invading me, like a bolt of energy running through my being. I began to exert force, and as soon as I opened my eyes, I saw, to my surprise, that the Grimm's claw was starting to give way. With renewed hope, I struggled and fought with all my might, using every fiber of my being to free myself.

"URRGHH!" I roar gutturally, managing to exert force with my arms and legs.

{{You can do it, kid.}}

{Don't give up, Jaune.}

More and more, the creature's grip was loosening; a triumphant smile had already appeared on my face.

'I'm will make it,' I thought to myself as I struggled, pouring more aura into my muscles.

"ROOR!" the Grimm roared, moving its other claw towards me.

"No! No! No! No! No!" I repeat desperately.

Using both hands, the pressure of the grasp began to increase.

Instead of the monster doubling the force, it increased the pressure of its grip slowly, as if I were in a hydraulic press.

Fear would have taken hold of me again if it hadn't been for the creature's next action.

"RAAR! RAAR!" the Grimm growled in a peculiar tone.

Even amidst the pressure of the crushing, I managed to distinguish the strange noise the creature made.

"Did it laugh at me?" I question, surprised.

{{Hang on, kid, reinforcements have arrived.}


From high in the sky, four laser barrages hit the creature's eyes directly.

"EEAAOWW!" both heads screech in pain with their eyes wounded.

The temporarily blinded creature released one hand, but kept the other firm, squeezing me before throwing me against the ground on the other side of the canyon.


{Aura 34.7%}

The impact of my body hitting the ground opened an even larger crater than before.

"Son of a..." I grumbl, getting up.

Standing up, I saw the monster nearly a kilometer away.

"ROOOOOAR!" The Grimm roars as it was attacked.

Four of my Arc Knights, altered versions of the drones from the Iron Legion in Avengers 2 to look like white and golden knights, attacked the Grimm from a distance, diverting its attention, while I composed myself.


"Church, answer me a question."

{{I don't think it's a good time for questions, but go ahead.}}

"Can Grimms laugh?"

The A.I. manifested in my HUD just to look at me incredulously before speaking.

{{I'll pretend you're not suffering from a concussion and answer honestly… no.}}

I closed my eyes, staring at the monster trying to catch my drones, like King Kong in the final scene of the movie.

"Are you sure?"

The A.I. paused for a few seconds to think, which was a lot considering that 1 second was equivalent to more than 10 minutes for it.

{{According to Professor Oobleck himself: 'Not every Grimm is stupid, or rather, not every Grimm is still stupid. You see, the Grimm you see before you (Goliaths) are so powerful, so superior to the Grimm you've fought, that they undoubtedly have lived for hundreds of years, and in that time between killing humans and attacking our borders, they did something important: They learned. They learned that when they attack our borders, they're likely to die, and what we lack in strength, we make up for in will, and killing a human will only bring more'.}}

"So… it's likely not, but if it's very old, it may have learned something from hunting the faunus in the region."

{{Yeah, but why do you care so much about that? You just got your ass kicked by a fucking dinosaur. You have other priorities.}}

"I was thinking of running," I shamelessly admit out loud. "But if he's as smart as I suspect, it's dangerous to leave him alive," I comment, looking at the creature throwing rocks at the drones. "Even though he's not a Leviathan-class Grimm, he has the power to destroy all of Kuo Kuana."

Church turned on my HUD, looking towards the Grimm, analyzing the monster before continuing.

{{So instead of just talking, how about you… DO SOMETHING!}} Church yelled on my Scouter.

I flinch at the shout in my ear.

"Damn! Why did you do that?"

{{These drones don't have Arc reactors, they recharge on the ship. The battery won't last forever.}}

"True…" I reluctantly agree.

With my body sore and pride wounded, I walk towards the creature, but just enough to get out of the crater.

{{I'll send your new nerdy sword, so you can finish this quickly.}}

"No!" I respond sharply. "That last beat down showed my limitations and the extent of my Aura's defensive capabilities."

A metallic taste fills my mouth. I turn my head to the side and spit out the blood that had accumulated in my mouth from the last attack.

"Now I want to test how much I can spend of my Aura with my Semblance."

Church wanted to question me, but the characteristic golden mist of my Semblance began to envelop and expand around me.

"You better take note of everything, because I will only use aura on this thing!" I exclaim to the A.I.

I close my eyes and concentrate, imagining what I want to create. The mist responds to my call, shaping itself to my will. I can feel its vibrant energy, ready to be transformed into something grand.

With a determined squeeze, I open my eyes and release my power. The golden mist expands, taking shape and solidifying into a real object.

{{No way!}} Church comments, already having an idea of what I was doing.

The golden mist dissipates, revealing the metal beast I now wield.

{What the hell is that?} Amber asks.

A massive steel weapon exudes power with seven rotating barrels eager to spit out bullets of pure destruction. It was comically large for a gun, and if it weren't for the modifications I commanded in my Semblance, I would be unable to use it outside without an armored vehicle.

{Aura 29.8%}

The robust structure sports a matte black paint that emanates danger and strength. A belt of ammunition, like a metal snake, snakes around the body of the weapon, connecting to a compartment, as large as an oil drum, sitting on the ground behind me.

As I wield this beast, I feel a wave of power course through my body. Even mounted on the ground, I can feel it's comforting weight, a promise of unmatched firepower.

{{That's a GAU-8 Avenger. Jaune modified it to be mounted and used on ground.}}

{A machine gun?} Amber questions through the Scouter.

{{Machine guns aren't 5 meters long, weigh over a ton, or fire Armor Piercing Incendiary bullets larger than a beer bottle at 4,200 rpm.}}

[Image/ Not Mine]

{By the gods, does this thing... 70 SHOTS PER SECOND?} Amber shouted incredulously.

{{Ha!}} Church laughed proudly at my choice. {{Spreading freedom around the world for over 50 years.}}

I grimed maliciously at Church's last comment, which inspired me to shout the perfect phrase before firing with this weapon.


The deafening roar of the gun echoed across the battlefield as bursts of bullets flew towards the giant Grimm with two T-Rex heads.


The steel monster vibrated in my hands, reverberating through my bones as I held the trigger. Bullets traced lines of fire through the air, exploding against the massive body of the Grimm, making it roar in pain and fury.


{Aura 26.3%}

Each second of the burst caused the Grimm to stagger backward, launching pieces of black flesh and white bone into the air, disintegrating soon after. The smell of gunpowder becomes noticeable and invades my nostrils, but I don't lose focus and remain concentrated on the target.

'I can't let this bastard escape,' I think to myself.

The bullets ricochet off the Grimm's bone armor, but I remedy this by focusing on its eyes, joints, and mouth.


{Aura 22.8%}

Each impact makes the monster howl in agony, its fury turning into desperation.


With a whimper of pain, the Grimm kneels on one leg, bringing its hands to protect its heads.

"No," I say to no one. "There's no escape."


{Aura 19.3%}

"SKREEEEONK!" The monster screamed when I focus on its left head.

{I can't believe it! Is he winning?} Audra's voice leaked through Amber's Scroll.

The bullets pierced the hand that protected the creature's skull, shattering it into small explosions of fire before hitting its head and starting the mutilation process again.

"SKREEONK-SPLORT!" The creature began to scream in pain but was cut off when pieces of its throat were torn by the bullets, choking on its flesh as it was decapitated.

The fire of excitement within me wavers at the scene. That powerful Grimm, now kneeling without an arm and one of its heads torn off, was on its knees roaring in pain, awaiting death.


{Aura 16.8%}

This was no longer a fight.


{Aura 15.8%}

It was an execution.

In a matter of moments, the Grimm fell to the ground, dead. I turn off the Avenger, my arms still trembling from the force of the weapon. I look at the devastated battlefield, at the remains of the defeated Grimm evaporating.

I feel a mixture of pride and melancholy. That monster was too dangerous to remain alive; I saved many lives by destroying it.

But in its last moments of life, I could see that it was an intelligent creature to the point of fearing for its life.
Which left a bad taste in my mouth.

After this reality check on my morale, we decided to return since it was already nightfall.

During the fight, I hadn't noticed due to my despondency, but through the visor of my Scouter, Church noticed that the riddling of the Grimm with my weapon revealed an interesting opening in the canyon wall.

[Audra Taurus]

"What a day..." I grumbled as I finally lay down.

Jaune Arc had already proven to be an enigma, someone I should watch closely while he was in Menagerie. But he was also a fool with a lot of talent, money, and free time on his hands.

When he faced the Twin Terror Rex alone, I thought he was crazy. A team of veteran hunters would only confront something with that power if they had reinforcements from other hunters or at least some supporting soldiers.

But Jaune held the monster alone for a few seconds until his robots, which seemed to be on standby to serve him at any moment, descended from the sky firing white beams at the Grimm.

His robots appearing out of nowhere caught me off guard at the time, but those things even made sense. Him having something like that actually makes the situation less bizarre. The human boy wasn't alone on the island; he had an army of drones at his disposal. That's why he's so relaxed.

"But that semblance of creation and that weapon."

I had never seen anything like it, not even in my worst nightmares. The roar of the weapon still echoed in my ears, even hours after the battle. Jaune Arc faced the gigantic Grimm alone and defeated the creature that would require an army to defeat.

"He executed the monster as if it were a rabid dog."


"Damn it," I grumbled, getting up.

As if this headache from a tiring day wasn't enough, now I receive an unwelcome visitor in the middle of the night.

I open the door and come face to face with the last person I expected to see today.

"Good evening, Commander Taurus."

"Khan," I say in a tone soaked with disgust. "What are you doing here at this hour of the night?"

[Image / Not mine]

"I need to talk to you, Audra," she responds, her voice soft but firm. "Can I come in?"

I clench my fists harder than usual, concentrating to refrain from attacking this damn slut.

"If I can't talk to you in your own house outside of your duty hours, maybe I'll pay you a visit at the Almshouse," Sienna Khan comments sarcastically. "But those easily impressed kids would question you about me if I showed up there."

The last thing I wanted was this miserable woman inside my quarters, but the Almshouse was a place of extreme importance not only to me but to every forsaken faunus needing a roof over their head. It would be worse to find her there.

I step away from the door, making space for her to enter.

"Come in," I say, trying to keep my voice neutral. "But get straight to the point."

"Well, well," Sienna says in a teasing tone. "Is this how you treat your disciple after all this time?"

I chose to respond in silence to maintain the civility of our conversation. Sienna, noticing the tension in my body language, decided to indulge my request and got straight to the point.

"It's about the human you've been accompanying in Menagerie," Sienna sits on the carpet, crossing her legs. "Just by seeing the equipment he provided for your men, I know he's not just anybody. Especially since his weapons seem capable of recognizing White Fang members and denying them access to his firepower."

I can't stop my men from affiliating with the White Fang, but receiving the information, from the mouth of this wretched woman, that someone under my command is loyal to her only adds another layer of shit to this already shitty day.

"I know the Arc family is old and influential in Vale, but they're not known for weapon developments, let alone industry."

'Shit!' I thought to myself. 'I've never been one to follow global politics, and after leaving the Fang, I tried to isolate myself from anything outside of the island. If I had read more newspapers that came with the refugees and traders, maybe I would have recognized Jaune right away.'

"What do you want with him?" I asked, pretending disinterest.

"I'm only concerned with the island's security and its people," Sienna replies. "Since he's here, I need to know his objectives."

"Really?" I question incredulously.

"After all, he's the first human authorized by the Chieftain to visit the island," she replies calmly. "He's basically a dignitary representing humans, at least those from Vale."

Hesitantly, I sat opposite her.

"Sienna... I don't like the way you do things," I comment, staring at her. "You incite violence, and it only leads to more suffering."

Sienna looked at me for a long moment, her eyes filled with an emotion I couldn't identify.

"And you, Master, taught me everything I know," she continued, smiling. "You taught me to fight for our rights, to defend our people-."

"But not to kill!" I interject. "And not to use fear as a weapon."

Sienna leaned forward, her eyes burning with intensity.

"Audra, the world is a cruel place," she comments, smiling sadistically. "Your role on the island is important, but you're isolated. I bet you've never seen the horrors of an SDC operation driven by faunus labor."

I look down, hiding my face, not wanting to give any indication that I agreed with this bitch.

"Faunus are oppressed, discriminated against, and massacred. We need to fight... and occasionally, the fight requires sacrifices."

I stood up, pacing the room.

"Don't hide your actions behind this curtain of virtuous glamor; you've become a murderer," I say to her, my voice choking with emotion. "You're responsible for the path Adam has taken."

Sienna fell silent for a moment, but then she sarcastically laughed at my statement.

"Adam is a hero for our cause," she says, getting up. "You should be proud of him."

"Get out of my house," I demanded, pointing to the door. "I wouldn't tell you anything, even if the boy was an Atlas spy."

Sienna walked to the door, but before leaving, she turned to me, her eyes filled with fury.

"You're a fool!" she exclaims, exalted. "You've closed yourself off from the world, and that's why you don't know what the Faunus are suffering nowadays."

"But I know what it's like to lose," I reply in a low voice. "I lost my husband, I lost my friends, I lost my faith in humanity, and because of you, I know I'll lose my son."

"Then you understand," Sienna says, her voice calmer. "You know what it takes to make a difference. Join me and Adam; you can stand by his side to prevent him from getting hurt."

Now it was my turn to laugh sarcastically.

"You don't understand, Sienna. You killed my son's soul by fueling his hatred," I replied in a melancholic tone. "I just know that I don't want any more violence, whether against Faunus or Humans."

Sienna approaches me, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I understand and respect your decision," she says, opening the door. "But don't fool yourself, Audra. Humans always have second and third intentions when it comes to Faunus. We're not alike in his eyes. Be wary of this boy."

Sienna turned and left my house, leaving me alone with my thoughts. The moon still shone through the window, but now the light seemed cold and cruel.

"Damn it," I complain, falling onto my bed.

I was already suspicious of Jaune, but now Sienna has made me paranoid.

With that semblance, vehicles, and army of robots, he could take Kuo Kuana or even destroy all the Faunus on the island.

"I hope the Belladonna family isn't in danger."

[Ghira Belladonna]

Normally, I wouldn't allow the sharing of confidential information, especially with a human I met less than a day ago.

"And this is Blake at 2 years old, with a fish still alive that she caught from the pond," Kali says, smiling, with a photo album open on the table.


But Jaune brought so much relief to my soul and happiness to my wife that I was willing to make an exception.

"Can I take photos with my Scroll and show them to her friends?" asked young Arc.

"Of course," says Kali, unaware of the sentence she had just given her daughter. "I'm sure Blake will love that her teammates know she has a loving family."

A mischievous smile spread across Jaune's face as he copied the baby photos of my daughter. I would have stopped him if part of me didn't think Blake deserved the inconvenience for not contacting us after leaving the White Fang.

"Do you want to see her photos at 7?" asked Kali, all excited. "That's when she finished her princess phase and started wearing only black."

"I want to see mini goth Blake, but I also want to see her as a little princess," Jaune replies, as happy as a miner who had struck gold.

In his case, gold in blackmail material.

Kali, all cheerful and bubbly, got up with the album in hand and left the room to fetch more childhood photos of our daughter.

"I'd like to take advantage of our privacy and discuss something with you, Mr. Arc," I say, getting the young man's attention.

Jaune looked annoyed. He had already told me he didn't like it when I called him Mr. Arc, but for the sake of our charade, I convinced him to accept the treatment.

"Besides the destroyed Grimms, you mentioned discovering a cave in Dire Death Valley?"

"Yes," replies Arc directly, taking his watch off his wrist and placing it on the table. "But I'll let Church explain."

A hologram of a soldier in blue armor materialized in front of me armed with a sniper rifle.

"I understand that the armor is a preference for aesthetics, but is the weapon in his hand really necessary?"

{{Let's make a deal. You mind your own business, and I'll mind mine,}} replies the blue-clad man irritably.

"Damn it, Church," Jaune complained, facepalming.

"This isn't a regular digital assistant, is it?" I asked, already suspecting something.

"No," confirms Jaune, sounding embarrassed. "And I'd appreciate it if you could keep it a secret."

I reassured the boy that I wouldn't share it with anyone, and he briefly explained the nature of Church's existence, also referred to as Alpha, an artificial intelligence.

{{Now that everyone is up to speed on the details, we can talk about the Dust mine,}} says Church, opening a hologram showing where Jaune fought the Twin Terror Rex. "I took the liberty of sending the other 6 Arc Knights to recon the cave you opened during the fight."

"Nice move, Church," comments Jaune, proud of his AI.

{{It was nothing. But a little heads up, I need to create another VA. Delta wasn't made to control drones and Blackbird at the same time," replies the hologram. {{So don't freak out when you see another one.}}

Despite the AI's actions being beneficial to its master, I'm a little concerned that it has the power to act independently of orders.

{{The drones that the cave is a natural deposit of Dust, iron, and other minerals in lesser quantities,}} he continues, showing images of the location and readings made by the robots.

From the images, the veins of Dust were enormous and close to the surface, meaning they were relatively easy to extract.

'Something so valuable was hidden under our island?' I think to myself. "I doubt humans would give these lands to the Faunus if they knew about this deposit.'

{{But Dust in such quantities is also extremely unstable. If not handled carefully, it can cause devastating explosions,}} Explains the AI, showing projections of mine explosions.

"Without the equipment and specialized labor, exploring the mine is out of the question," I comment to both of them.

[!]{{I don't want to underestimate your people's capabilities, but I recommend selling the exploration rights to a big company,"[!] suggested Church.

I sighed tiredly, closing my eyes and thinking about the situation.

"This discovery is both a blessing and a curse," I say, irritated.

Jaune looked confused at me, while the artificial intelligence had already understood what I meant with my statement.

"The potential of this mine could bring the socio-economic development that Menagerie so desperately needs. But the attention it brings will generate political turmoil among the other kingdoms, leading to more conflicts."

"How can this discovery cause political turmoil?" asks Jaune.

{{International powers may try to influence or control the government of small countries to gain access to resources,}} replies Church.

I nod in agreement with the statement.

"Vale and even Atlas wouldn't do such a thing, at least not openly and directly. Vacuo is far enough away to not be worth involving with our island," I says seriously, looking at the young Huntsman. "But now, Mistral..." I stop speaking, unable to articulate the worst.

{{I imagine that with their history, it's not unlikely for them to try to turn Menagerie into a colony. That could cause another war,}} adds Church.

Even though this artificial intelligence may be right, I can't help but feel frustrated.

"There's also the problem that not just any company can set up an operation so far from their territory, only the SDC," I add to the computer's statement. "Something I'd like to avoid."

And as much as I'm willing to swallow my pride and allow Jacques Schnee to profit from exploiting Menagerie's natural resources, the Faunus wouldn't stand for such an affront, even if that pride costs the development of our island. It would lead to a revolt, which could, as a consequence, have the White Fang taking control of the island and the future of all Faunus.

Jaune lays on the floor, looking at the ceiling in reflection. The young man seemed lost in thought.

"You don't need to do anything, Mr. Arc. You've already helped enough with the equipment, maps, and information about my daughter; don't feel obligated."

"Is Menagerie a sovereign nation?" Jaune Arc asks, cutting me off.

I look stunned at the question posed to me.

{{Yes?}} replies the AI uncertain if that's true or not.

"It's complicated, young man," I say, realizing I would crush his hopes. "We don't belong to anyone, but we're not technically a nation."

"What would it take for it to become a nation?" Jaune asked without hesitation.

{{Simplifying a lot,}} says the hologram, showing a list.

{1 - Declaration of Independence/Proclamation of the republic:
The first step is for the island to declare its independence from any other country or territory. This can be done through an official document, such as a declaration of independence or a proclamation. The document must declare the island's intention to become a sovereign and independent state, with its own government and laws.

2 - Establishment of a Government:
The island needs to create a government to administer the territory and represent its citizens. The government must define laws, power structures, and basic institutions for the nation's operation. This includes creating a legal system, security forces, taxation system, and its own currency.

3 - International Recognition:
To be considered a sovereign nation, the island needs to be recognized by another country. This means that another country must accept the island as an independent and legitimate state.}

"Although steps 1 and 2 are laborious, they are not impossible to achieve," I comment, examining the list. "Now the third one is not feasible in the near future. There's still much work to be done for one of the four kingdoms to even consider the possibility of recognizing a sovereign Faunus nation."

Jaune got up from the floor, jumping up and approaching the list, analyzing it more carefully.

"I think I can get recognition from a nation," says Jaune, as if such a feat were nothing special.

"No matter how influential your family is, Mr. Arc, the Vale Council needs to be unanimous to recognize a nation."

To my surprise, Jaune turned to me with a mischievous smile on his face.

"I'm thinking about Atlas, actually."

Before I could question the young man, Kali returned carrying a box of albums.

"I found Blake's photos in the potty."

[POV Original]

Today was a long day.

Arriving in Menagerie, explaining Blake's situation to her family, killing some Grimms, and storing about 45 terabytes of photos for blackmail.

Not to mention the new points I earned by defeating 20 Capybara, 57 Terror Raptors, 1 Twin Terror Rex.

Multiverse Crafting System
What would you like to make?
Magic: 71.463 Points
Aura: 100%​

I spent 10,000 making the weapons for the guard, I got 10,059 killing Grimm. According to Church, each Capybara gave me 0.1 equal to a Beowulf, 1 for Terror Raptor and 10,000 for the Twin Terror Rex.

Apparently, there's no point in farming weak Grimms, I have to go after the big ones, Leviathan class if possible. And for that I need to get stronger.

But this makes me wonder.

'How many points would I gain by killing Salem... or one of the Maidens?'

{{Do you have shit for brains?}}

"AAH!" I yell in a very masculine way, not like a little girl.

{{Are you planning to get involved in international politics, getting Atlas to recognize the sovereignty of a Faunus state?}}

"Look, I know it's going to be difficult."

{{Difficult is tying your shoelaces without your thumbs. You want to do something akin to resolving the conflicts between Israel and Palestine.}}

The worst part is, he's right, but I need to try.

"Ironwood holds two seats on the Atlas Council and is currently the most popular. If I can persuade him, the other members will follow him like sheep."

{{And how do you plan to talk to him?}}

"He's part of Ozpin's inner circle. I'll end up talking to him during the Vytal Festival."

{{Okay, let's pretend Ironwood buys into your idea and agrees to help you. He still needs a big reason to do it. Something plausible for the other council members to support his decision.}}

"Damn it!" I exclaim aloud. "You're right."

As much as Ironwood is on my side, I need a plausible reason for him to want to involve Atlas in such a complex and controversial matter.

"I could use my inventions as an argument."

{{The same ones you've already sent models and blueprints for? The money will start pouring into your account in a week.}}

"Damn it!"

{{Let me review the material you sent, see if I can find any loopholes.}} Church says, falling silent.
The birth of a Faunus nation wouldn't directly help me in the fight against Salem, but it would help put them on equal footing when negotiating with other nations.

I silently mull over some ideas in my head, trying to find something, but the closest I come to a plan is building a CCT tower in Menagerie. But it's worth more just to spend my points investing in infrastructure for them, like schools, walls, hospitals, and roads.

{{I'VE GOT IT!}} Church shouted, making me jump to my feet.


{{You sent them the model for the Arc Reactor room, the same one we used on the ship, you lucky mother fucker.}}

"And then?"

{{Then they need the element that Tony Stark created based on his father's work, the famous Badassium.}}

"Seriously, is that the name?"

{{You talk like you wouldn't give it an nerdier name.}}

I chuckled nervously, avoiding Church's inquisitive gaze.

{{If they want to use Arc Reactor technology, they'll have to talk to you to get the element.}} Church says, all excited. {{Someone like Ironwood could sell the idea that the Arc Reactor would cut costs and help the Faunus cause, good for publicity. Leaving just one thorn in your side... a mustached stone that dyes his hair white.}}

"Jacques Schnee," I comment disheartened.

{{The guy monopolizes the Dust market, non-militarized technological research, and also has some tentacles in communication.}} Church says, projecting graphs to prove his point. {{The guy is like a fusion of Zuckerberg, Rockefeller, Musk, Bezos, and Lex Luthor... just less competent.}}


{{Yep, are you sure the pony tailed snowflake is going to stand up to daddy?}}

"I need to talk to Weiss, see if she's up for this fight or not first." I says in a more serious tone, lying down on the floor. "But I guarantee you, Church, if she buys into our fight, Jacques doesn't stand a chance." I finish smiling, confident in the Heiress's capabilities.

[Audra Taurus]

I walk through the streets of Kuo Kuana, stomping my foot firmly on the ground. Yesterday was an... interesting day, to say the least. I spent the entire time babysitting Jaune Arc, the strangest human in all of Remnant.

At first, I thought he was just any human with too much money and too much free time. But as the day went on, I had the opportunity to realize that he seemed to be hiding something. He asked me strange questions on the way back at night, wanting to know things like Kuo Kuana's infrastructure and what kind of labor we were most in need of.

And the way he looked at me... staring at me intently, as if probing my defenses or searching for something within me.

I shudder just remembering the intensity of his gaze.

To make matters worse, Sienna's surprise visit left me paranoid about the boy I tried to be polite to at first. Now I couldn't shake the feeling that he had ill intentions.

Jaune Arc is not what he seems. There is something more to him, something I can't unravel.

"Good morning, Commander Taurus," says a melodious voice, catching my attention. "I didn't think you'd come today."

I gave a wry smile as I approached the old lady carrying a basket of fish.

"I've told you to call me Audra, Mrs. Brasa."

"Only if you call me Kouka, my daughter," replies the elderly faunus with reptilian scales on her face. "When you call me 'Mrs.,' I feel so old," the lady chuckled ironically.

Kouka Brasa, the most beloved elder on the island, with her turtle scales adorning her arms, a smile always present on her lips, and a serene aura of compassion, she has a presence that instantly calms me.
We stopped for a moment, observing each other. It's been a few days since I had any time off, and the human had the decency to leave me alone today.

"How is the Almshouse?" I ask, curious.

A warm smile lights up Kouka's face.

"It's all well, dear," she replies. "The children are playing, the elderly are resting, and the injured are recovering."

Chieftain Ghira Belladonna is our leader and our voice, but Kouka Brasa is the soul of our community.

"You're an inspiration to us all, Kouka," I say sincerely. "Your kindness and generosity are a blessing to the Faunus of Menagerie."

"Don't put me on that pedestal, Audra," she replies. "We all do our part."

We talk for a few more minutes, enjoying each other's company as we walk slowly toward the Almshouse, until the calm is broken by a cry for help.

"Mrs. Brasa!" shouted a familiar female voice.

I turned on my heels to face Saphi Flaxen, a small, young bat faunus with short light blue hair whom I trained in my spare time.


"The Almshouse has been invaded by a human."

"What?" the elderly woman asked, concerned.

I approached the girl, who only just noticed my presence.

"Master Taurus," she says, bowing slightly. "I swear I tried to fight him, but the human was too powerful. He toyed with me and mocked my efforts as if I were a child." Tears of shame streamed down Saphi's face. "When I saw that I couldn't defeat him, I decided to seek help."

Without a second thought, I grabbed Saphi by the arm while charging my leg muscles with aura.

"Saphi and I will go ahead," I say, not paying attention to Kouka's response.

I dashed at high-speed thanks to my aura-energized legs. Unfortunately, Saphi couldn't keep up, so I was dragging her along like a kite, due to her bat faunus trait of wings at the base of her back.

After a few minutes of running, I heard children's screams.

"No!" I exclaimed, charging my leg muscles with more Aura and pulling Saphi closer to my body. "Hold on, Saphi."


In a single motion, I leaped over the building in our way.

"AAAAAAH!" screamed the bat faunus, clinging to my body.

'I can already see from afar the wooden mansion with a wooden fence, just a few more-.'

"I'M GOING TO DESTROY MENAGERIE!" shouted a powerful voice from behind the wooden building.
I ran worriedly behind the mansion and came face to face with the last thing I expected to see today.

"Get the human!" several children shouted, jumping on top of an irritated blonde I was quite familiar with.

"Nooooooo…" Jaune exclaimed dramatically, falling to the ground. "My plans to destroy Menagerie would have worked if it weren't for these meddlesome kids." His tone made him sound like a villain from old cartoons.

I was paralyzed by the situation. Jaune Arc was buried under a pile of children, all laughing and celebrating the defeat of the feared human in their "fight."

He looked at me and waved as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

"Good morning," he adds, smiling like the idiot he is.

Saphi detached herself from my body, trembling, and I walked firmly to the human lying on the ground.

"Kids, I need to talk to the human," I say to the group.

Immediately, all the children stopped laughing and looked at me disappointed, starting to complain.


"Just 5 more minutes."

"I want to play a little longer."

"He was going to teach me how to burp my name."

'How did he make friends with them so quickly?' I questioned myself internally.

I grab the human buried on the ground and pulled Jaune from under the pile, lifting him up to chest height. But some children clung to his legs. I lift the human by the arm as if he were a rag doll. I shook him, trying to remove the children. Throughout the process, Jaune stared at me without even blinking.

'Why does he stare at me so much?' I questioned internally. 'He was playing peacefully with the children, and now he's disgusted by me?'

Once Saphi recovered from the trip, she took the children to play elsewhere while I talked to Arc.

"Why are you here?" I started, in an irritated tone. "Why did you attack Saphi? Why were you playing with the children?"
"Saphi?" he questions, confused.

Annoyed by his blasé reaction, I pointed to the girl leading the children away.

"Aaaaaaah!" he exclaims in realization. "When I arrived here, all the kids were afraid of me, except her," Jaune replies, smiling serenely. "She came running toward me, screaming with joy and hugging me."

"That doesn't seem right." I reply doubting him.

"I'm serious. She ran up to me screaming, 'It can't be true! By the gods, a human!' and hugged me so tightly that I was moved."

This boy can't be that dumb.

"I think she's probably never seen a human before and got all excited."

He's that dumb. The difference in strength between the two was so great that Jaune didn't even register Saphi as a threat, even though she had awakened Aura.

"And how did you convince the children not to be afraid of you?"

"I gave them candy."

"You can't be serious."

"It's not complicated, Audra," Jaune says in a more mature tone than usual. "They want to play and eat sweets."

I furrowed my brow, irritated by the lesson the human was trying to give me.

"And what makes you an authority on faunus children?"

Jaune smiled sarcastically in my direction and turned to where a group of Almshouse children had gone to play.

"HEY, KIDS!" Jaune shouted, catching the group's attention. "I'M GOING TO GIVE OUT MORE CANDY IF YOU CAN KNOCK AUDRA DOWN!"

All the children turned to me.

"What?" I murmured apprehensively.

Before I could react, a wave of laughter and cheerful shouts filled the air as the children ran toward me. My eyes widened in shock, but an involuntary smile crept onto my lips. The Almshouse children were small, but together, they were a force to be reckoned with.


Sitting on my throne, I observe Ilia Amitola kneeling before me. The young chameleon faunus looks down, her posture reflecting a mix of respect and fear.

I stare at her, assessing her expression before speaking. I sent her to spy on the human who walks around Menagerie as if he owns the island.

A simple mission for someone with Ilia's skills, so I find it strange the fear that hangs over her.

"Ilia," my voice resonates, laden with authority but also with a touch of curiosity. "What do you have to tell me?"

Ilia lifts her gaze to meet mine, hesitating for a moment, as if pondering how to express what she needs to communicate.

"Madam Khan," she begins, her voice calm but firm. "The human spent the entire day at the Almshouse, and perhaps you won't be pleased with my report."

"I understand your apprehension. But it's vital that you recount everything you witnessed in detail, Ilia," I tell her, my voice maintaining the same calm and authority. "I'm interested to hear what you found out."
Ilia takes a deep breath before continuing, her eyes searching mine for any reaction.

"The human, Jaune Arc, seems to have gained the sympathy of the Almshouse residents. Children, adults, and the elderly." She explains, choosing her words carefully. "He spent the whole day there, interacting with the children and the needy. He distributed candies and medicines that reportedly have miraculous properties."

A wave of incredulity washes over me.

"Miracles?" I repeat, the word sounding almost like an insult. "Continue."

Ilia swallows hard, clearly uncomfortable with the situation.

"The medicines closed wounds instantly, people with difficulty moving were playing with children by the end of the day, and Saphi had her muscles restored."

I raise an eyebrow at the last statement, incredulous with what I was hearing.

"Give me more details about this Saphi."

Ilia nods and begins to explain.

"Saphi is an orphan faunus who arrived at the island not long ago, survived without her parents as a beggar. Due to malnutrition, her muscles and bones did not develop properly."

"A story that unfortunately is common among Faunus."

"Yes," Ilia agrees in a melancholic tone.

I understand the sadness of this young woman kneeling in front of me. Saphi has been through so much.

"Because of her condition, many were surprised when Audra accepted the bat faunus as an apprentice and awakened her Aura." I explain to Ilia. "Although Aura empowers the body, Saphi would never be able to be a decent fighter due to her body condition."

Ilia swallows hard before continuing, as if gathering courage.

"The human healed her."

"Impossible!" I exclaimed, rising from the throne. "Her condition is not a disease or a wound. For any semblance of healing to even have the possibility of helping her, it would have to be something with the power to reshape flesh."

"I don't know what to say... the human gave her the green pill that he had given to heal the other wounded at the Almshouse, but it had no effect on her."

"That makes sense," I added sarcastically.

"But... the human reached out, and a golden mist formed over her." Ilia says in a hesitant tone.
I stare at the young woman curious about the conclusion of this strange report.

"When the mist dissipated, a vial with a strange red liquid was in his hand." Ilia looked down again before continuing.

"Probably a semblance of creation," I commented, throwing logic against the doubts of the young woman.

"The boy must be a charlatan, claiming miraculous cures, when in reality they must be nothing more than a placebo effect."

Ilia shook her head violently, denying my statement.

"The feat was instantaneous; shortly after, Saphi was already jumping and skipping, claiming to be much stronger. Audra did a physical evaluation of her on the spot and found that her muscles and even her bones had been restored from years of malnutrition."

I widen my eyes shocked at the end of the report. Does the human possess a semblance of creation capable of generating miraculous remedies?

"People were impressed with his actions, Madam Khan. Many of them expressed gratitude and admiration for him."

My mind works quickly, calculating the meaning of this information. Jaune Arc was becoming more than just a simple concern. He was now a threat to my authority and the order I fought so hard to establish in Menagerie.

"You've done a good job, Ilia," I say, my voice softening slightly. "Return to your duties, but continue to monitor the movements of this human. We'll need to act cautiously."

Ilia nods, relieved to have completed her mission but aware of the gravity of the situation. As she leaves, my mind is busy with plans to contain this new threat, determined not to let Jaune Arc undermine my authority in my own land.

"I don't know what your plan is, human. But I assure you, you won't do as you please in Menagerie." I speak alone on my throne.

E ai gurizada?

I was happy to see people agreeing with me, Weiss's Semblance and fighting style would make her an excellent Maiden.

"Jaune Arc is a manipulation genius or just a reckless fool."
...it's both XD
—Response= You are right.

Was the stowaway Pyrrha or Amber, Im confused.
Also, I thought Amber had darker skin tones? I see OC has a thing for Amazonian women. A man of Culture I see.
—Response= It's amber using a disguise. One of the new items from the list was an Image Inducer.

bro got that Hawaiian Ken Barbie drip.
—Response= Best comment about Jaune's new look.

—Mikhail Sharon:
Boudicca? Is that a Fate reference? And is she Pyrrha's sister?
—Response= Sorry bro, I just know the historical figure not the fate character… is she hot?
Last edited:
26 - EAT THIS! New

[Adam Tauros]

Today, my steps lead me to a nightmare scenario.

A White Fang outpost, once a strategic stronghold, now lies in ruins. The air is filled with the metallic smell of blood and the sickly stench of death as mutilated bodies lie strewn across the ground.

We were responding to a distress signal that requested my help. Something warranted my personal presence, other members warned me that it could be a trap, but I assured them that no human or robot would be able to overcome me in combat.

"Commander Tauros." Says a lynx faunus who accompanied me on this mission. "You need to see this."

I respond with a nod and follow him to the place I'm needed.

My heart beats wildly as I walk through the rubble and dismembered corpses. Pain and fury intertwine in my chest as I recognize some of the victims.

My friends, my brothers in arms, lay scattered across the floor like broken dolls, their faces frozen in expressions of terror and pain. The sight of the cruelty that befell them fills me with helpless rage, a fury that burns through my veins like white-hot lava.

'What happened here? Who could inflict such carnage?' I think in silence.

Further ahead, two of my agents were examining the radio and next to the equipment was the body of a young Faunus.

"The distress signal that called you came from here." He mentioned the technician evaluating the radio.

As soon as I get closer, I stop when I notice the young faunus' situation. He was no more than sixteen years old.

Both legs and one of his arms were cut off. At first glance, it looked like the cut wounds had been cauterized with a hot iron. His horns broken, his skin torn open from brutal blows.

"What kind of monster would do such a thing?" Asks the technician.

"Darksteel?" He suggests the Faunus lynx who accompanied me here.

I remain silent, I let them believe that this was the work of Noir Arc, but the body of the young man in front of me makes it clear that this was not an act of pure sadism.

His legs and one of his arms were cut off to ensure he couldn't get out of where the victim was placed. His arm was spared so he could use the radio and call for help, a cruel but effective tactic.

"How long has it been since he died?" I ask in a dry tone.

"A few hours, probably from shock from the injuries."

I stand up thoughtfully, examining the slaughter.

Doors were broken, but no important structures such as beams, towers or walls were torn down. The place just needs to be cleaned and its doors repaired to be useful again.

'Why so much death and mutilation without causing any damage to the structures?' I think to myself.

I need more information.

"Was something stolen?" I ask no one in particular.

"No sir."

I turn sharply, scaring the agent. He jolts as I walk up to the agent who answered my question and looked at him intensely.

"Are you sure?"

"Y-yes, s-sir." He replies, stuttering. "Rations, weapons, Ammunition, Dust, Vehicles and other miscellaneous items. Everything is here according to the warehouse manifest. Everything the Quarter master logged."

"Shit!" I mumble with my blood boiling. "This wasn't just an attack, someone is trying to send me a message."

[Amber Stone]

"You know, I'm starting to regret coming along." I complain without using the redheaded white girl disguise.

{{For what reason, Miss Stone?}} Delta asks.

"I thought that on the second day the boy was going to do something like blow up the island or declare war, but he stayed all day playing with orphans and healing the wounded."

{{I believe this unit is unable to understand the nature of your complaint.}} Notes the digital voice that sounded more like an emotionless robot than Church. {{But I can send your complaint to Master Arc if it is of interest to you. }}

"Ish… no need." I respond, getting up from the inflatable mattress I've been using to sleep on the ship. "I don't want to be known as the woman who hates orphans and who finds it boring to heal the wounded."

As soon as I stand up, I sigh tiredly and walk towards the cooler that Jaune had left stocked for me.

"It's a shame the kid didn't add some beers." I lament as I pick up a chocolate drink I've never seen before. "Toddynho…" I say the name out loud, trying to remember if I saw something like that circulating, but nothing comes to mind.

I take the straw out of the plastic and stick it in the designated area before the wonder of chocolate milk enters my mouth.

"Huuuuum." I moan out loud, satisfied. "This is really good, huh." I comment, taking another sip of the drink. "I haven't moaned like that since my summer vacation in Vacuo, haven't I, Delta?"

{{I regret to inform you that I do not have enough data for a conclusive answer, Miss Stone.}}

I always forget that unlike Church, Delta is not a sentient being.

"Damn, being here alone is already making me nervous." I mutter to myself, as I take another sip of Toddynho.

The sweet, creamy taste calms me down a little, but the frustration with the situation is still present.

I look out the aircraft window, taking in the seaside landscape of Menagerie. It is a beautiful place of mesmerizing deserts and paradisiacal beaches. But it is also a place marked by poverty and violence.

Jaune is determined to help the Faunus of Menagerie. I admire your compassion and idealism, but I can't help but worry. He's young and inexperienced and his plans don't seem well thought out.

"Maybe I'm being too pessimistic." I think out loud. "Maybe Jaune can really make a difference here."

Suddenly, Delta stops me.

{{Miss Stone, I need your attention.}}

"What was it?" I ask between sips of Toddynho.

{{Mister Arc has requested that I inform you of his plans for Menagerie. Since you are apparently here as an escort.}}

"Plans?" I ask, curious. "What kind of plans?"

Delta explains to me Jaune's plan to have Atlas recognize Menagerie as a sovereign nation, similar to the four kingdoms.

I am shocked by the news. The plan is ambitious, bold and even dangerous.

"This is crazy!" I exclaim, spitting out the Toddynho I was drinking, staining my clothes. "He can't do that!"

{{I understand your surprise, Miss Stone. Mister Arc's plan is risky, but he believes it is the only way to ensure a peaceful and prosperous future for the Faunus of Menagerie.}}

"But this is an invitation to chaos!" I argue. "Imagine the reaction of the other kingdoms! They will never accept Menagerie as an equal!"

{{Mister Arc is aware of the challenges, Miss Stone. He is confident that with the support of the Faunus and his allies, he can overcome any obstacle.}}

"I don't know what to say." I say, still in shock. "This is a lot to process."

In addition to the attention of the four kingdoms, he also attracts the eyes of the Queen of Grimms.

{{Miss Stone, Mr. Arc needs your support. He believes in you and your abilities.}}

"I know he believes." I say thoughtfully. "But I don't know if I can help you with that."

{{It's up to you to decide whether or not to help Mr. Arc in his endeavors.}}



In the house of the Belladonnas I was sleeping soundly, some would say I was sleeping the sleep of the righteous.

{Cobras fumantes, eterna é sua vitória}

That is until that blue asshole plays Sabaton's Smoking Snakes at full volume.

{Rise from the blood of your heroes}

"I'm already on my feet!" I complained, getting up from the futon.

{{Good morning.}} Commented Church from the Scroll next to my pillow. {{Yesterday you missed breakfast with Blake's parents and promised you would cook with Kali in the morning to make up for it.}}

"Thanks." I grumbled to Ai who was enjoying my suffering.

{{By the way, yesterday the children ate so much candy that half of them went to bed with a stomach ache, that koala faunus banned you from going back there for a week.}}

Even though I don't like the idea of children suffering, they need a day of fun and celebration. They had suffered a lot, in addition to having lost their fathers and mothers. In their eyes, it was evident that they were operating in survival mode.

{{If you go back there, think before you distribute candy and junk food.}}

"Believe me, Church…those orphans needed this."

The dark tone of my voice touched Church to the point where he changed the subject.

{{Let's talk about the results of your walk yesterday, did you get the information you wanted?}}

Walking to the bathroom I give a summary of what I learned yesterday.

Shared suffering brought the Faunus of Menagerie together in a way that goes beyond words. They support each other, finding comfort and strength in the difficulties they share.

But even with this mutual help, life is a delicate dance between hope and despair. They live in humble homes, built with love and sweat. Their children play in the dusty streets, laughing and dreaming of a better world. At night, people gather around bonfires, sharing stories of courage and resistance.

This makes it difficult to help them, because whenever I tried to ask directly or offer help to any faunus I was repelled with insults and promises of violence.

If it weren't for Aura and the super soldier serum, I would fear for my life just walking down the streets.

{{They didn't seem so needy to me, especially with such happy children playing in the streets.}}

"Children on the streets have families, their parents suffer in silence for their happiness." I comment in a somber tone.

I finished washing up in the bathroom and put on my Huntsmen gear, since today I plan to visit another Grimms hotspot.

{{What do you mean by parents who suffer in silence?}}

"The majority of children on the streets are well nourished and live a happy life with their families, but many fathers and mothers suffer from anemia, I even saw some elderly people literally starving."

{{How does Ghira allow something like this?}}

"They can't have food for everyone Church." I comment leaving the room. "In a survival mindset, adults go hungry so children can eat well… at least those who are good fathers and mothers."

{{You speak as if you've experienced it firsthand.}}

I breathe tiredly at the AI's insight.

"Am I an open book to you?"

Church responds with a shrug before speaking.

{{The bad thing about having your feelings raw is that others can take advantage of them.}}

I nod my head before opening up.

"I don't remember exactly because I was very young at the time. But in my past life, my uncles informed me about the difficulties my father and mother went through so that my brother and I wouldn't go through the same thing."

{{It may have been difficult for them, but seeing you and your brother happy and healthy was the most important thing in the world to them.}}

"Yes…" I respond muttering with slightly teary eyes. "I'm proud to be their son and I hope the original Jaune was as lucky as me with parents just as wonderful."

I walk slowly towards the kitchen, where Kali is waiting for me with a smile on her face and a pink apron in her hands.

[Kali Belladonna]

The aroma of fresh coffee wafted through the air as I fried some eggs in the pan. Jaune was next to me taking something he made on his own out of the oven, the name of the dish is "cheese bread".

Since he arrived, Jaune had always been a cheerful young man, with an infectious smile and a zest for life that was hard to ignore. But today, his movements were slow and his smile seemed forced, as if he was hiding something.

"Jaune, is everything okay?" I ask, trying to hide my concern.

He looked at me for a brief moment, his blue eyes clouded with a nostalgic sadness.

"Yes, of course." He says, his voice wavering. "Just a little tired."

Of course I didn't believe him. His posture was different, he was hunched over and his radiant smile seemed pale and forced. There was something else going on, something he was hiding from me. But I didn't want to pressure him, so I continued stirring the dough in silence.

I reached out and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I know we've only known you for a short time Jaune, but you've already done so much for our family and Menagerie." I say, trying to comfort him. "Please, … you can open up to me."

The boy was standing still, he even seemed paralyzed by my statement. I thought maybe I had crossed the line, that maybe I had forced too much of the intimacy I thought I had with the young human, but as soon as a genuine, but tired smile, blossomed on his face, leaving me relieved.

"Blake is so lucky to have you as a mom." Says the young man smiling, but with a tear running down his face.

Even though his eyes were watering, the genuine happiness in the young man's words and smile was evident.

"Oh, Jaune…" Unable to contain myself at such a wonderful and sincere comment, I hugged the young human. "You can tell me anything."

Jaune sighed heavily, as if he was preparing to exert himself physically.

"I'm sorry, it's just that…" He responds, returning the hug. "My feelings come to the surface easily… in the morning, talking to Church, we talked about a sensitive subject for me."

And then, he told me everything.

He told of the fathers and mothers of Menagerie who proudly go hungry to ensure their children have enough to eat and how this resonated with him as his father and mother had done the same for him and his brother.


"The oven!" Jaune exclaims, breaking away from the hug.

At first I found the statement strange, the Arc family is very old and powerful, it is impossible that Jaune's parents had been in need. But anyone who had heard the confession from Jaune's mouth would know that he was telling the truth, not only because he has no reason to lie, but his words carry true emotions tied to his past.

"Test one." Then the boy passed me a strange baked white cupcake with a golden crust.

Holding what Jaune called cheese bread, I feel the heat emanating from its golden surface, inviting me to take the first bite. The crispy crust gives way under my teeth, revealing a soft, moist interior that melts in your mouth. The salty flavor of the cheese mixes with the light and airy texture, creating a symphony of sensations that transports me to paradise.

I close my eyes and focus on every detail of the experience. The buttery aroma invades my nostrils, while the irresistible flavor makes me want more and more.

"Huuuum." Unintentionally, I moan while eating the deliciousness.

"I think you liked it."

The boy smiles again as if he hadn't opened his heart a few seconds ago.

"Sir Arc." States Ghira entering the kitchen. "Someone at the gate wants to talk to you."

"Audra?" Jaune asks curiously.

"She too, go ahead and I want to talk to my wife and try one of those cupcakes that smell so good." Ghira responds, reaching for a cheese bread.

Still finding the surprise visit strange, Jaune removes his apron and left the kitchen towards the main gate.

As soon as we were alone, Ghira turns to me and begins talking.

"I heard everything." My husband comments between bites. "You know it's a story full of holes, right?"

"You didn't see him Ghira, he was really emotional, there's no way he could have lied." I reply in a melancholic tone.

With one hand, Ghira picks up several cheese rolls and approaches me.

"Sentimentality cannot blind us Kali, especially with someone we know so little about."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I am grateful for what the young man is doing for us and the Faunus of Menagerie, but perhaps it was hasty of us to welcome him into our home."

"Ghira Belladonna!" I exclaim, pointing my finger accusingly at his chest. "That boy will bring our daughter back and by the grace of the brother Gods and the God of animals, he will be the father of our grandchildren."

The words came out of my mouth with such force that surprised even myself. Frustration and anger were bubbling inside me, and I couldn't stop myself.

Ghira stares at me for a moment, his eyes full of surprise. But soon his expression softened and he sat down next to me, placing a hand over mine.

"Kali, honey." He says quietly. "I know you're upset. But we need to be rational about this. We can't just put all our hopes in a boy we barely know."

"But Ghira, you saw him!" I beg. "You saw the passion in his eyes when he talked about his family, he is such a kind, sensitive young man who knows how to cook and is willing to help whenever he can." I cried out loud. "He's perfect for Blake."

Ghira sighed tiredly.

"Are you sure it's not because Jaune Arc is Adam's opposite that you want him with our daughter? Remember Adam was once like him, no Adam was exactly like him. If weren't that his world view had become so drastically polarized… I believe they could been good friends. People change Kali What will we do once he leaves we can't rely on one man for our peoples prosperity no matter your personal feeling on the matter."

Ghira stands in the kitchen hand holding a scone, his face solemn. Eyes stared blankly into the wall by me, but I know him well enough to know that his mind is alight with what could have been, better times and what is to come with this new foreigner in this land under his protection.

Ghira's words hit me like a punch in the gut. He was right, I was letting emotion get the best of me. Jaune was a brave and kind young man, but I had only known him for a few days. It was crazy to think he was Blake's savior.

"I… I don't know." I reply, my voice weak.

Suddenly I need to sit as Ghira moves to support me.

"I just want my daughter to be safe and happy." I finish.

Ghira hugs me, pulling me close.

"Me too, darling." He murmurs onto the top of my head, hugging me. "Me too."


{{I didn't expect that.}} Comments Church in my ear.

Despite agreeing with the voice that came out through Scouter, I thought it prudent not to say it out loud.

"Greetings human." Says the hooded figure on the left with a fox tail.

"The White Fang salutes you." Completes the hooded figure on the right with fox ears.

They were Corsac and Fennec Albain, brothers with dark skin, dark hair and faunus fox features. In the original series they aren't very strong, despite having an awakened aura, but their cultist vibe added to the sinister stereotype of twins who complete what the other says is giving me chills.

"Hiiiii…" I reply, skin crawling at being in their eerie presence, somewhat embarrassed.

"We learn that his grace, Chieftain Belladonna, has provided you with a local guide." Corsac says in a harsh sound, almost whispering.

"Would such a statement be true, Human?" Fennec completes the question making the word human sound as if something he'd found on the sole of his shoe.

"Ish." I squeak out loud without meaning to.

I didn't mean to offend, but the tone in which they keep calling me human and these two on top of that seemed like a male and Latin version of the twins from "The Shining".

"Yes this is true." Replies a female voice behind them. "And the guide would like you two to stop talking, as if she weren't here."

Audra is overflowing with irritation and aggression and although I didn't wish that discomfort on her, it was interesting to see her irritated with someone who wasn't me, for a change.

Wanting to end this conversation quickly, I responded with a nod.

"Splendid." Comments the twin with fox ears. "We are here with a proposal for you."

"A gesture of good faith by the White Fang, to demonstrate that we can coexist with humans who treat us with due respect." Completes the twin with a fox tail.

They both had a disturbing smile on their faces.

"Okay…" My tone was more discouraged than I thought.

I already don't like these two Manson Family wannabe, but then you add all their pomp and prose of a sinister evil cult trying to pretend to be friendly...

'This is really weird, I'll listen politely to the proposal, but I'll deny whatever shit they say.' I think to myself.

{{By the way.}} Whispers Church in Scouter my ear, without anyone else hearing. {{Since you're playing politician, it's not a good idea to deny these guys without a realy good excuse.}}

"Shit." I grunt loudly, turning my face away.

[Ilia Amitola]

The Great Leader Khan ordered the Albain to make an offer to the human, to demonstrate that the White Fang is not against his presence on the island, to offer one of our members as extra security along with the commander who already accompanies her.

From this human's facial expressions of discomfort, I thought he had realized our plan to get someone close to him to get information. But as soon as he heard the offer, he immediately accepted me as his bodyguard.

{Go, go, go, go, go, go, go
Gotta go fast}

Audra Taurus was furious with the proposal. The last thing she wanted was to be involved with the White Fang. Even though I don't agree with her point of view, I respect her for everything she did for Menagerie and the Faunus call the island home. If the human hadn't calmed her down, Audra would have attacked the Albian brothers for helping Sienna lead Adam astray.

{Gotta go fast
Gotta go faster, faster, faster, faster, faster}​

"WHY DON'T YOU TURN IT OFF?" The Commander of the Menagerie Guard shouted.

We were sitting on beach chairs on top of a dune, a large canvas tent had been erected to protect us from the sun.

"Because if I turn off the scroll, it will turn on the car stereo at the same time." The red-haired human replied. "Then relax and enjoy the strange, repetitive music, which is probably from a stupid cartoon."

I didn't want to agree with the human, but this song was unbearably childish.

{Moving at the speed of sound
I'm the quickest hedgehog around}

I get up from the chair, moving away from the two of them and that horrible music. From the top of the dune, I saw my target, Jaune Arc. The man I'm supposed to be watching is skating in his Air Shoes across the Savage Sand Sea. Which in itself would be an unusual sight.

However, while Jaune Arc "skates", he is also being chased by a school of Sand Jaws.


Terrible Grimms that inhabit this region, the beast looked like a mutation of a shark that, in addition to having the ability to swim in the sand, has arms and legs with claws as sharp as the teeth in its jaw.

"I don't know if he's brave or crazy." I mutter to myself.

As he watched, one of the Dune Jaw charged at the human, jumping out of the sand trying to grab him.


But the human dodges by doing a pirouette.

"You're too slow." Mocks Jaune in a cartoon voice.

His movements were simple, but his reflexes, response time, and speeds were incredible. He was too fast to be just an apprentice Huntsman.

"He's crazy." I comment looking at the blonde being chased by 7 grimm sharks and with 3 more approaching. "Why is he doing this?"

"Training." The red-haired human responds, drinking chocolate milk from a brown box.

"Training?" I question the answer.

The human gets up and comes to my side and points her finger at Jaune.

"Despite his talent and physical aptitude, the boy did not have a standard education when compared to the other Huntsmen apprentices in Vale." She comments, calmly examining Jaune movements. "With skating, he trains balance and agility, improving his ability to move with fluidity and precision in the midst of chaotic battles. Strength and resistance are necessary due to the constant need to propel oneself with skates and avoid obstacles, strengthening the individual's leg muscles and core, increasing their strength and physical resistance for prolonged combat."

"But why risk being eaten?" I ask in astonishment.

This time it was Audra who spoke up.

"The constant threat of sharks in the sand forces Jaune to maintain a state of high alert, enhancing his spatial awareness and ability to react instantly to unexpected dangers."

Explains Audra as if skating with sharks were a common workout.

"This ability is crucial for anticipating opponents' attacks in combat."

"He is also training in Aura control." Complete the red-haired human. "It feeds the muscles with energy when they need to move away and also prevents things like muscle fatigue and cramps."

I finally understand Sienna's fears and why she suspected he could be so dangerous.

I faced the human deftly dodging another shark that was approaching.

He was more than a fool with resources and time to spare. He is a formidable warrior with unlimited potential, a clever strategist who knows how to make the best use of his time, and is a charismatic figure who is helping the helpless.

I clench my fists as disgust and anger begin to boil inside my mind.

Jaune Arc was shaping his own destiny and he is using Menagerie as a tool to do so.

[Arthur Watts]

I kneel before the imposing figure of Salem, queen of the Grimms. Her ember-red eyes pierce me as she stares at me, assessing my intentions.

"Arthur Watts." She murmurs dismissively. "You dare interrupt my plans with your petitions?"

My hands shake, but I keep my gaze steady.

"A thousand pardons, my Queen, but I came to ask for your permission to travel to Atlas. But there are rumors of a new technology that I need to investigate."

She tilts her head, her night-black hair falling over her shoulders.

"Atlas? Why should I allow you to go there? The plan for the fall of Beacon is at a crucial stage."

I take a deep breath, gathering what little courage I have left for being alone before the most powerful being in all of Remnant.

"But my part has already been completed successfully, your majesty. The Black Queen virus is already in your student's possession." I explain in a respectful tone. "If she can successfully install it on Beacon's CTT Tower, I can support her from anywhere in the world that has coverage from one of the towers, including Atlas."

Salem frowns, looking at me in disgust.

"I'm not known for being flexible or enjoying being contradicted, Arthur. And I'm not convinced that a human toy is worthy of putting my machinations at risk."

From the shadows of his throne two Beowulfs emerge and begin to circle me menacingly.

"P-please, my queen." The words come out before I can stop them. "I have allies in Atlas, people who can provide me with information without arousing suspicion. If my absence doesn't please you, I can then try to contact one of them."

She considers my words as the dark monsters approach, growling towards me.

"Arthur…" She whispers menacingly from the throne. "If you fail in your little project, there will be no forgiveness. The fall of Beacon is our priority."

I nod, feeling the weight of responsibility.

"Understood, your majesty. I won't disappoint you."

Salem rises from the dark throne.

"Go then. But remember that your stability on my advice is fragile like glass. You will be eaten alive if you betray our cause."

With one last look, she grants me her permission. I stand up, silently thanking him. My destiny is sealed and the Arc reactor is my only hope for redemption.


'Today was a productive day.' I think to myself.

Multiverse Crafting System
What would you like to do?
Magic: 85,463 Points
Aura: 100%

Sitting in the passenger seat of the Nomad, I evaluate the points I earned today.

I lost count of how much Sand Jaw I destroyed, but it was enough to recoup what I spent at the Almshouse on lesser restoration potions, senzu beans, food and sweets. Taking into account that every Grimm I killed today gave me a thousand MP, I killed almost thirty of them.

"Same procedure as yesterday?" Amber asks, disguised while driving. "Let's go to the ship and then you get off and walk back?"

"Yes." I respond as if it were no big deal.

The problem is that for the new member of our group this was no big deal.

"Why don't you go into town with this car or your ship?" Asks the chameleon faunus, sitting behind me.

'This annoying girl questioned all my actions for the day.' I thought to myself.

Church even thought I was bothered just because she was a lesbian. Which isn't true, any redhead who wants to hang out with me is welcome and Ilia Amitola is cute.

After she introduced herself as my bodyguard 'Courtesy of the White Fang' she spent the entire day scowling at me with her arms crossed, not to mention her less than subtle interrogation questions.

I just didn't send her home because I'm afraid that the alternative would be to send one of the cultist brothers in her place.

"It will attract attention and generate a lot of commotion, to avoid this we land far from the city where we have tree cover."

"Alright…" She responds in a dry tone.

I admit I'm not the most perceptive guy in the world when it comes to other people's intentions, but even to me it was clear that Ilia was bothered by something.

My train of thought about Ilia's intentions is cut off by a signal coming from the Nomad's dashboard.


At the same time, car's dashboard zoomed in on the map of the region, focusing on the vehicle's surroundings.

"Do you need me to stop the car?" Amber asks.

"Just slows it down." I murmur analyzing the scanner data. "Interesting."

While I was entertained by the information, Ilia moved, placing her body between the passenger and driver seats.

"What is all this?" Ilia asks.

"I'm not sure before I pass it on to the ship's computers." I say while passing the data on to Church to analyze. "But hopefully a water vein, mineral deposit, or even dust."

Surprised, Ilia raised an eyebrow in confusion, not understanding why I was doing this.

"If there is an easily accessible vein of water, we can install an artesian well. Which would make it viable to build an outpost for Grimm sightings or even a satellite city."

"Satellite city?" This time the curious one was Audra.

"It would be something like a small town with its own identity" I respond without looking back reading Church's analysis. "But administratively it would be under the umbrella of Kuo Kuana and Chieftain Belladonna."

Audra whistles, impressed with my explanation.

"You're smarter than you look, kid."

"Why does everyone say that to me?" I ask irritated.

Audra and Amber laugh at my frustration, but Ilia for some reason sits silently staring at the floor of the vehicle.

"Are mineral and dust deposits important too?"She asks our new member without looking at me.

"For sure." I responded promptly.

"But Menagerie doesn't have the resources to extract those."

As she had returned to her seat behind me, I couldn't see Ilia's face, but her monotone made her look despondent or sad about something.

"That may be true, but exploration rights can be sold." I respond by focusing even more on Church's report. "An outside company comes to do the extraction and, in addition to paying for the right to explore, it shares part of the profits with the country's administrative authorities."

Apparently this region has easily accessible water and indications of magnetic anomalies in the reading. That could be signs of a large iron deposit 5 kilometers to the north.

"Country? What are you talking about?" Ask someone I can't identify, for having my attention focused on the panel.

Without thinking twice, I opened my fucking mouth and spoke the secret that I should have kept away from any member of the White Fang.

"Menagerie will become a Faunus nation with help from Atlas."

The uncomfortable silence and the look of astonishment on all the redheads' faces went unnoticed by me.

{{YOU FUCKING IDIOT!}} Church screamed in my ear.

But before I could ask what the scandal was about, another question came from one of the women in the car.

"What company are you thinking of bringing in to explore Menagerie?"

I should have noticed the hatred and resentment in the tone of that last question, but once again I answered quickly without thinking.


Or at least I started to respond until someone hanged me with a metal cable.

Surprised, I brought my hands to the metal cable wrapped around my neck, cutting off my air supply.


I struggled and struggled with my hands enough to loosen the cable and be able to ask something.

"Why- Ahhhh!" At least I tried to ask until I got electrocuted.

"Filthy human!" Ilia growls. "You will not take our sanctuary-."


A loud punch sounded behind me, followed by two things. The first was the steel cable loosening completely, allowing me to breathe again.


The second… Ilia flew out, smashing through the car door.

[Ilia Amitola]
My fingers shake as I hold Lightning Lash around Jaune Arc's neck.

'For the greater good of the faunus.' I think silently to myself, like a mantra.

It's what keeps me steady, what keeps me from hesitating. But deep down, I know it's more than that. It's fear that drives me, the fear that I'm right. That this human is just a wolf in sheep's clothing, an infiltrator of Atlas and the SDC who is preparing the ground to enslave us in political plots.


'But you're not like other humans… at least you seem to care.' I think to myself. 'What if I'm wrong.'

Doubts begin to eat away at me. What if I'm wrong? What if he's just a good man, trying to make a difference? The internal conflict tears me up inside.

'Am I a simple murderer?' I question myself internally.

I'm startled by the steel rope loosening and reflexively I press the electric discharge button.

"Why- Ahhhh!"

"Damn human!" I growled, trying to shake off my doubts. "You will not take our sanctuary-." But I was cut with an impact to the side of my skull.


A punch hits my face, reverberating throughout my body. My eyes widened as the force of the blow threw me against the door of the moving vehicle.


Throwing me out of the car.

"KNEW!" An angry voice roars that I didn't expect. "YOU PSYCHO, WAS THIS YOUR PLAN FROM THE BEGINNING?"

"Audra?" I whisper, lifting my face from the sand.

I'm too new to the island, so I only know Audra by her reputation. And with just one punch, Commander Audra Taurus proved that all the praise stories about her power are true.

{Aura 32.7%}

"Is my Aura already in yellow?" I question looking at my Scroll.

She's a force of nature!

Even though my Aura had absorbed most of the impact, my entire body throbbed in pain, every movement an agony.

With heavy eyes, I watched Audra Tauros approach, her imposing silhouette cutting through the frigid desert night air like a specter of death. Tall and muscular, she was the picture of unbridled fury. In his hands, a huge ax gleamed with the promise of violence.

"Is that all you understand?" Audra asks, looking at me with wide eyes. "Does the death of any human justify your struggle?"

I face Audra with determination, despite the pulsing pain throughout my body, I slowly stand up wielding Lightning Lash. No matter how powerful she is, I will not surrender without a fight.

"You may not understand, Audra." I respond, my voice firm despite the pain. "But this fight is not just for me. It is for all who have suffered at the hands of human oppression, for all who have been treated as less than nothing. I am not cattle, and I will not let you or anyone else think so."

Audra shoots a sharp look, her ax ready to strike as I throw my arm back, giving momentum to my whip.

"RAAGH!" Howls Audra charging towards me.

No matter how fast or strong she is, Audra started her run still far from me, making her trajectory predictable.

With a confident smile, I electrify Lightning Lash and attack, meeting my opponent's body.

In response, Audra raises her right hand, removing it from her ax and allowing it to be wrapped around the whip.

Shock runs through the bovine faunus body, but she just smiles savagely, still advancing on me, ignoring the pain and damage caused to her aura.

I hesitate, taking a step back, but I pull the whip trying to bring her to the ground.

"Idiot!" Audra exclaims, jumping, taking advantage of the momentum of the pull.

The tip of the whip releases from her hand, when I look up the image of the ax warrior eclipses the moon in her great leap.

'How is this possible? How did she jump so high?' I wonder, surprised by the apparent lightness of her body.

My surprise unfortunately left me with my guard open and as if managing to control her speed, Audra began to descend with alarming speed.

Startled, I forced my body to take a step back, but I tripped and fell face first.

"No…" I whispered in fear, raising my hands and closing my eyes.

"EAT THIS!" She screamed, descending like a meteor.


The impact kicked up sand as if a bomb had exploded,I opened my eyes with morbid curiosity because I hadn't felt the pain in my body.

'Was the cut so clean that it left me numb at the damage member?' I questioned myself, opening my eyes.

The dust began to settle, revealing a strange shadow in front of me. Strange in that it was too big even for Audra, it was the shadow of two people.

"Why do you protect this assassin?" Questions Audra furiously. "ANSWER ME ARC!"

'The human?'

Its form reveals itself when the desert night wind finishes dispelling the dust cloud. The human I tried to kill a few minutes ago was in front of me, wielding his colorful shield, protecting me from Audra's Axe.

"Why did she try to kill me?" Jaune asks in a dry tone.

Audra immediately stopped, confused by the question, but before she could respond, he continued speaking.

"Was she coerced by a Fang member? Did she receive direct orders from Sienna Khan to eliminate me?" The human turns, staring at me with cold, calculating eyes. "Or did she want to kill me on her own?"

My body shudders at the behavior so different from what I had seen during the day.

Gone was the image of the happy and silly human and in his place was a being of cold logic who carefully analyzed me.

The great warrior shook her head, freeing herself from the confusion, only to approach the human with a lowered ax and pointing her finger in his face.

"And does it matter?" Questions Audra out loud. "That's what those crazy sociopaths do, they kill everyone who opposes their 'sacred ideals'."

Audra's mockery tone when she spoke of 'sacred ideas' took me by surprise, I know she's not a fan of Fang for Adam cutting ties with her. But I never thought her negative feelings were so strong.

"At the very least, we need to know if Ilia acted on her own or if I am a target of the White Fang."

Furious, Audra huffed, walking away from Jaune and heading to the car.

Taking advantage of the distraction caused by the tense atmosphere, I slowly got up without making any noise.

'I need to get out of here.'

But just as my body started to change color to camouflage me in the desert, something hit me in the head.


"No you don't." Nikos said, pointing a red wooden stick in my direction.

Jaune turned towards us and looked at me with a frown.

"I'm not against second chances, but I'm still going to handcuff her." Declares the red-haired human.

"For sure!" Exclaims the human walking towards me. "I am merciful, not stupid."

{{There is! Good one.}} Said a sarcastic voice coming out of the scroll.

"So…" Nikos said, laughing awkwardly.

The human sighed tiredly.

"Thanks team... I realy feel loved."

E ai gurizada?

Shorter chapter than usual because this month was a B…

And I'm happy to see that many liked baby Blake with a fish in her mouth.

Love the story, hey bro i wanted to recomend you a HUGE OP tech for mc, the Tech jacket from invincible universe, its a tech the links for you for life and Upgrades the natural skills of your body 100 times, making a normal human being able to nearly kill a viltrumite, and more importantly it has a function that stops aging, making the user inmortal as long as no one kill him. Its like a Iron man suit but better.
This is very interesting.
But I'm not going to give it to the protagonist... I have another character in mind.

I thought audra was Adam's sister not mother.
Don't worry, there is someone else who is also thinking this way.

Leroy Smith:
Loved the chapter and quality of your work. I sure the only reason Atlas was picked because you have a plot in mind. But I was Hoping that Jaune could created National work force in Menagerie with all the injured ex-SDC employees being healed and working for the Homeland would be a plus. Vaciuo would help easily just to spite SDC.
Next I have feeling by the time Jaune is done in Menagerie, Audra is going to ride Jaune into ground whether Adam Tarus is going to have a little brother or sister I leave that to you. The White Fang are going to have plans to get him on their side especially when the rumor of Jaune having a thing for Fanus girls gets around. And with him improving their nation by leaps and bounds in Medicine and tech, him not being made friend to Fanus is impossible. And lastly I can Jaune being seen as vital figure in politics Marriage proposals, Gold diggers, hero worship etc.
PS as a joke have Jaune 'unknowingly' Flirt with Cinder which gives the villiness Tsudere vibes.
Thanks for the suggestions.
As usual, I won't reveal my plans here for spoiler reasons.
This whole Arc that I'm writing in Menagerie is because of an idea I had to write a scene, in the future when I get to that scene I'll give you a shout out.

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