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"You liar," Asuna said then, pointing at Evangeline's face.
Evangeline blinked.
"You aren't Eva, what the hell? You're Shiori, aren't you?!" Asuna said, bopping a pointer finger on the blonde's nose.
"I, I have no idea what you are talking about, Kagurazaka Asuna!" Evangeline blabbered. "Obviously, your ordeal has unbalanced you! Let's take you back to the past quickly so you recover!"
"Asuna," Chao said. "Think of what you're saying. To copy someone's form, Shiori needed to kiss them, do you really think Eva would ever let Shiori kiss her?"
"What's so bad about someone kissing Shiori?" Eva said, sounding strangely offended. "Is she disgusting or something?"
"You... You actually got a point there, Chao..." Asuna said, taken aback.
"Do you actually agree about Shiori being repulsive?!" Evangeline cried.
"Let's see, then you are... Clayface! Oh my God, Chao, how could you ally yourself with Clayface....!"
"Clayface has been dead for forty five years," Chao deadpanned.
"Mystique, then!" Asuna said.
"Fifty years," Chao snorted.
"The Chameleon...!" Asuna said.
"Seventy two years!" Chao shouted.
Asuna thought about this, frowned, and then karate chopped Eva on the head.
"Owie!" Evangeline said, turning back into Shiori. "Asuna-san! That was mean...!"
"Hah! I knew it!" Asuna crowed. "Wait, how did you ever get Eva to kiss you...?"
"I'm not disgust--"
"I'm not saying you are, but Eva's got very specific tastes! If it's not a Springfield, she won't give you the time of the day!" the redhead argued.
Chao sighed. "She and Eva-chan were together inside of Ialda Baoth for almost half a century, that counts as enough of a close contact for her to have assimilated all of Eva's traits..."
"Oh, that explains it... No, it doesn't explain anything!" Asuna said. "Why were you inside of the Mage of the Beginning?!"
"Well, without you, Ala Alba lost every battle against Ialda very badly, see?" Chao explained. "She killed pretty much everyone and absorbed them into her. That's why we want to send you back to the past."
"But... But we feared that you'd get too sad if we told you the truth, so..." Shiori said, fidgeting in nervousness.
Asuna blinked. "Oh... So... Everyone is dead after all? Even Eva-chan? Who, who ever stopped Ialda then?"
"Look, you don't need to worry about that!" Chao snapped. "Just be a good girl and let us send you back..."
"But you said it after Mahorafest, and Doctor Akagi confirmed it, when you change the past you only create a parallel timeline!" Asuna argued. "This world will continue existing as it is! If I'm not around, who will help you two beat Ialda?!"
Chao facepalmed. "Oh, NOW you have a good memory for these things! Listen, we'll be fine! Ialda was defeated..."
"How?! Everyone's dead!" Asuna cried.
"Not everyone..." Chao groaned, running the hand down her face.
Asuna squinted.
Chao did not flinch.
Asuna stared at Shiori. Hard.
Shiori began sweating bullets.
"Say," Asuna said. "If YOU were swallowed by Ialda, how are YOU even here now, Shiori...?"
"I got better!" Shiori eeped.
Asuna sighed. "I'm such a Baka. I should have thought of this from the start."
"Yes. Yes, you are and you should have," Chao droned.
Asuna summoned her sword to her hand and stomped a foot down, sending large amounts of dirt exploding into every direction. "OKAY, YOU CREEPS, COME OUT RIGHT NOW! WHAT THE HELL, WHAT KINDA SICK JOKE IS THIS?! ARE YOU INTO THIS, MISORA?! I SWEAR, IF YOU DON'T SHOW YOUR UGLY MUGS IN THIS VERY MOMENT, I'M GONNA--!"
Hastily, Negi, Setsuna, Karin, Chisame, Ayaka, some black haired boy, Sextum, Konoka, Nodoka, Yue, Haruna, Ku Fei, Mana, Zazie, Louise, Sora, Skuld, Makie, Misora, Cocone, Chachamaru, Satomi, Misa, Madoka and Sakurako all stepped out from behind the World Tree. It was a huge tree after all. They stood rigidly, almost tumbling onto each other, until finally reaching a functional arrangement of sorts.
"Holy funk, the Lifemaker got all of you guys?!" Asuna gasped in disbelief. "You sure can't get anything right if I'm not there!"
"Um, technically, Sku-chan and I survived those wars, Asuna-chan!" Makie said. She pointed at the little crescent moon shaped pink marks on her cheeks and forehead. "It's just that I'm still alive because I turned into a goddess, see?"
Asuna blinked, and then smiled hugely. "Maki-chan...! You married Skuld-chan...?!"
"AAAIIIIEEEEEE! Yes...!" Makie cooed happily, blushing and taking a hand to her cheek. "I'm Sku-chan's wifey-wifey now...!"
"Why... Why does everyone assume she married me as soon as they learn she's a goddess?" Skuld babbled.
Haruna chuckled. "What a silly thing to ask...!"
"And, what are you the goddess of, Maki-chan?" Asuna asked.
"The Goddess of Idiots!" Makie answered proudly.
Asuna slapped her shoulder. "Nice! You surround yourself with worthy acolytes, too!"
"Do we really need this Asuna-san?" Ayaka asked out of a corner of her mouth. "I'm fine already with the Asuna-san we have!"
"Shhhh," Negi said.
"And what happened to Morisato-senpai?" Asuna asked Makie.
"Um, well, you'll see...." Makie swallowed while a black aura began surrounding Skuld.
"Ah," Asuna said. "He ended up marrying Belldandy-sama after all?"
"Graaaaaaa," Skuld said.
Asuna sighed. "Fine. I think I get what you guys are trying to do here. I'm glad to see you all fine and kicking, but I understand why you'd want to send me back. Even if it won't do anything for you, I guess there's a point in trying to fix the past for another timeline. After all, you must be reeling over the death of Tsunetsuki-senpai, Chisame..."
"I'm not dead," Matoi said, standing behind Asuna.
"Gaaahhhhhhh!" Asuna yelled. "You were here?!"
"Yes, always." Matoi nodded.
Asuna blinked. "Uhhh... Right. Right! But it must be hard, having lost Akira..."
"The Sailor Senshi were taken in the same battle as us," Ayaka said, "but they also were rescued by Negi-sensei and Touta-kun. It's just that we couldn't all fit behind the tree together, so they stayed in the academy..."
"Ah," Asuna said. "But, Natsumi and Chizuru, no doubt you miss them..."
"Actually, the same thing happened with Natsumi-chan," Ayaka said, dragging a foot along. "As for Chizuru, she grew old and infirm, waiting for my return, but upon her natural death, she had her spirit placed by magical contractors of her zaibatsu in a young cloned body, so you could say it worked out as well..."
"..." Asuna said. "Good for her. But, Yuuna..."
"She didn't want to come along," Misa said. "She said she couldn't see you again, only to lose you again. Even though I told her that's dumb since there's still-- Never mind."
Asuna's fearsome squint returned. "What do you mean by that?"
"Nothiiiiiing," Misa said innocently.
"...was Haruka-senpai trapped with you as well?" Asuna asked next.
"No, she escaped that battle alive," Madoka said.
"Ah, so she's dead by now. Or was she cloned too?"
"Uh, actually, she, Tokiha-san, Minagi-san, the Student Council Prez, Rito's cousin, Kikukawa-san, Sugiura-sensei, Satsuki-chan, Kuga-senpai, Akane-san and Sister Yukariko were all Earthborn Valkyries,or HiME, so Yggdrasil hired them to serve in Sis Bryn's squadron..." Skuld explained.
"What in the world?! I don't even know who is that Akane-san you're talking about! Is that Haruna's aunt?! Did anyone actually die and stay dead after all?! Asakura?!"
"Oh, yes, yes!" Negi said. "But don't worry, she's currently an important reporter in Soul Society and is living happily there with Sayo! Although.. 'living' is perhaps not the best choice of words..."
"Kotaro?!" Asuna demanded.
"He and Kaede escaped as well, later married and had several children," Yue said while Nodoka briefly muttered under her breath. "I'd say they had a good enough life."
"She married her gynecologist. Normal enough life, I guess," Misa shrugged.
Asuna ground her teeth and began stamping her foot down. "You want to get rid of me so I can change the past, which can't be changed, even though you already got a collective happy ending?! Why are you like that to me?!"
"You haven't even asked about the Narutaki sisters," Negi said, sounding very disappointed. "That's so callous of you, Asuna..."
Asuna actually began sobbing. "Do you hate me that much?! Why?! Is it because you feel I failed you?! I wouldn't have gone away if I had believed any of this would happen, believe me...!"
"Asuna-chan, no!" Konoka gasped, horrified. "We'd never hate you, much less for something like that! It was our own fault, for parting with you like that!"
Asuna sniffled, while Negi and Setsuna hugged her tightly from the sides. Ayaka had started weeping herself, visibly moved. "Then... why..." She looked at the black haired boy. "And who are you anyway?"
"I'm Touta, Asuna-san! Your grandson!" the boy smiled warmly.
"What the--! I never had any children, what is this guy on?!"
"Actually, he's a clone of sorts made from your genetic material and Negi-kun's to fight the Lifemaker in your absence, Asuna-chan," Konoka explained patiently.
"Then he's not my grandson, he's more like my... son.... Oh God, my son with Negi," Asuna came to an awkward halt, blushing. "But, but that still doesn't explain why you wanted to get rid of me! It's not like you'd see the others again if you did!"
"You are already here, Asuna," a strangely familiar voice said, and Asuna blinked, startled, seeing another Asuna walk towards her, smiling, and wearing the ornate garments of Princess Asuna.
Asuna blinked, looked at Shiori, and then pointed at Asuna. "CLAYFACE!" she accused.
"I told you he's dead...!" Chao said.
"I am the Asuna who was awakened prematurely from your sleep," Asuna told Asuna, "to help Negi and Touta and everyone else. I will stay with them from now on, so you'll be here with them, forever. But you also must be with them back then, Princess--"
"I'm not the Princess!" Asuna interrupted Asuna. "You are the Princess!"
Asuna blinked. "What? No! You didn't answer the call of their hearts, so obviously you are the Princess!"
"I'm a heavy sleeper, that's all!" Asuna told Asuna. "And you gained my feelings during all that time we were one! But you are wearing the robes of the Princess, so you are the Princess, and I'm Asuna!"
"I only wore these because Chao wanted me to, in the event something like this happened!" Asuna protested to Asuna.
"What's that supposed to accomplish, convincing me that you're the Princess and that I'm Asuna (which I am, by the way)?! That's harebrained even for Chao!" Asuna shouted at Asuna.
Chao sighed. "I've been under a lot of pressure lately..."
Makie pointed at Asuna. "I think she's not Asuna, but the Princess. She uses too many big words..."
Both Asunas pointed at each other, copying the Spider-Man meme. "YOU ARE THE PRINCESS! I'M ASUNA!" they said.
Ayaka moaned, clearly torn between having a brain hemorrhage and an orgasm.
Sextum stroked her chin. "Maybe they merged to such a degree that now they are basically the same individual? In that case, the best thing to do might be merging them back into a single being."
"And then I stay, right?!" both Asunas asked in stereo, looking back at them.
"You sure you don't want to go back?" Misora asked. "To simpler times, when the world is less confusing and chaotic, and we are all at the plenty of our youth?"
Asuna shrugged. "I'd rather stay with you guys in the future we've forged together. I won't abandon you after you've worked so hard, and given up on so much, like... uhhh.... the Narutakis, I suppose."
"Asuna-chan...!" Konoka sobbed, throwing herself into her open arms,
Asuna smiled, patted her friend's back a few times, and then stepped back to face Asuna. "Okay. How do we do this?"
"How did they do it in that old fighting anime?" Asuna asked her.
"Are you... Are you seriously going to attempt merging to an atomic level by copying routines from cheap animated entertainment?" Sextum asked faintly.
Both Asunas posed ridiculously and then touched the tips of their fingertips together.
"FUUUUUU-SIOOOOON! HAAAAAAAA!" they shouted as one being. And a large flash of white light enveloped them.
Evangeline blinked.
"You aren't Eva, what the hell? You're Shiori, aren't you?!" Asuna said, bopping a pointer finger on the blonde's nose.
"I, I have no idea what you are talking about, Kagurazaka Asuna!" Evangeline blabbered. "Obviously, your ordeal has unbalanced you! Let's take you back to the past quickly so you recover!"
"Asuna," Chao said. "Think of what you're saying. To copy someone's form, Shiori needed to kiss them, do you really think Eva would ever let Shiori kiss her?"
"What's so bad about someone kissing Shiori?" Eva said, sounding strangely offended. "Is she disgusting or something?"
"You... You actually got a point there, Chao..." Asuna said, taken aback.
"Do you actually agree about Shiori being repulsive?!" Evangeline cried.
"Let's see, then you are... Clayface! Oh my God, Chao, how could you ally yourself with Clayface....!"
"Clayface has been dead for forty five years," Chao deadpanned.
"Mystique, then!" Asuna said.
"Fifty years," Chao snorted.
"The Chameleon...!" Asuna said.
"Seventy two years!" Chao shouted.
Asuna thought about this, frowned, and then karate chopped Eva on the head.
"Owie!" Evangeline said, turning back into Shiori. "Asuna-san! That was mean...!"
"Hah! I knew it!" Asuna crowed. "Wait, how did you ever get Eva to kiss you...?"
"I'm not disgust--"
"I'm not saying you are, but Eva's got very specific tastes! If it's not a Springfield, she won't give you the time of the day!" the redhead argued.
Chao sighed. "She and Eva-chan were together inside of Ialda Baoth for almost half a century, that counts as enough of a close contact for her to have assimilated all of Eva's traits..."
"Oh, that explains it... No, it doesn't explain anything!" Asuna said. "Why were you inside of the Mage of the Beginning?!"
"Well, without you, Ala Alba lost every battle against Ialda very badly, see?" Chao explained. "She killed pretty much everyone and absorbed them into her. That's why we want to send you back to the past."
"But... But we feared that you'd get too sad if we told you the truth, so..." Shiori said, fidgeting in nervousness.
Asuna blinked. "Oh... So... Everyone is dead after all? Even Eva-chan? Who, who ever stopped Ialda then?"
"Look, you don't need to worry about that!" Chao snapped. "Just be a good girl and let us send you back..."
"But you said it after Mahorafest, and Doctor Akagi confirmed it, when you change the past you only create a parallel timeline!" Asuna argued. "This world will continue existing as it is! If I'm not around, who will help you two beat Ialda?!"
Chao facepalmed. "Oh, NOW you have a good memory for these things! Listen, we'll be fine! Ialda was defeated..."
"How?! Everyone's dead!" Asuna cried.
"Not everyone..." Chao groaned, running the hand down her face.
Asuna squinted.
Chao did not flinch.
Asuna stared at Shiori. Hard.
Shiori began sweating bullets.
"Say," Asuna said. "If YOU were swallowed by Ialda, how are YOU even here now, Shiori...?"
"I got better!" Shiori eeped.
Asuna sighed. "I'm such a Baka. I should have thought of this from the start."
"Yes. Yes, you are and you should have," Chao droned.
Asuna summoned her sword to her hand and stomped a foot down, sending large amounts of dirt exploding into every direction. "OKAY, YOU CREEPS, COME OUT RIGHT NOW! WHAT THE HELL, WHAT KINDA SICK JOKE IS THIS?! ARE YOU INTO THIS, MISORA?! I SWEAR, IF YOU DON'T SHOW YOUR UGLY MUGS IN THIS VERY MOMENT, I'M GONNA--!"
Hastily, Negi, Setsuna, Karin, Chisame, Ayaka, some black haired boy, Sextum, Konoka, Nodoka, Yue, Haruna, Ku Fei, Mana, Zazie, Louise, Sora, Skuld, Makie, Misora, Cocone, Chachamaru, Satomi, Misa, Madoka and Sakurako all stepped out from behind the World Tree. It was a huge tree after all. They stood rigidly, almost tumbling onto each other, until finally reaching a functional arrangement of sorts.
"Holy funk, the Lifemaker got all of you guys?!" Asuna gasped in disbelief. "You sure can't get anything right if I'm not there!"
"Um, technically, Sku-chan and I survived those wars, Asuna-chan!" Makie said. She pointed at the little crescent moon shaped pink marks on her cheeks and forehead. "It's just that I'm still alive because I turned into a goddess, see?"
Asuna blinked, and then smiled hugely. "Maki-chan...! You married Skuld-chan...?!"
"AAAIIIIEEEEEE! Yes...!" Makie cooed happily, blushing and taking a hand to her cheek. "I'm Sku-chan's wifey-wifey now...!"
"Why... Why does everyone assume she married me as soon as they learn she's a goddess?" Skuld babbled.
Haruna chuckled. "What a silly thing to ask...!"
"And, what are you the goddess of, Maki-chan?" Asuna asked.
"The Goddess of Idiots!" Makie answered proudly.
Asuna slapped her shoulder. "Nice! You surround yourself with worthy acolytes, too!"
"Do we really need this Asuna-san?" Ayaka asked out of a corner of her mouth. "I'm fine already with the Asuna-san we have!"
"Shhhh," Negi said.
"And what happened to Morisato-senpai?" Asuna asked Makie.
"Um, well, you'll see...." Makie swallowed while a black aura began surrounding Skuld.
"Ah," Asuna said. "He ended up marrying Belldandy-sama after all?"
"Graaaaaaa," Skuld said.
Asuna sighed. "Fine. I think I get what you guys are trying to do here. I'm glad to see you all fine and kicking, but I understand why you'd want to send me back. Even if it won't do anything for you, I guess there's a point in trying to fix the past for another timeline. After all, you must be reeling over the death of Tsunetsuki-senpai, Chisame..."
"I'm not dead," Matoi said, standing behind Asuna.
"Gaaahhhhhhh!" Asuna yelled. "You were here?!"
"Yes, always." Matoi nodded.
Asuna blinked. "Uhhh... Right. Right! But it must be hard, having lost Akira..."
"The Sailor Senshi were taken in the same battle as us," Ayaka said, "but they also were rescued by Negi-sensei and Touta-kun. It's just that we couldn't all fit behind the tree together, so they stayed in the academy..."
"Ah," Asuna said. "But, Natsumi and Chizuru, no doubt you miss them..."
"Actually, the same thing happened with Natsumi-chan," Ayaka said, dragging a foot along. "As for Chizuru, she grew old and infirm, waiting for my return, but upon her natural death, she had her spirit placed by magical contractors of her zaibatsu in a young cloned body, so you could say it worked out as well..."
"..." Asuna said. "Good for her. But, Yuuna..."
"She didn't want to come along," Misa said. "She said she couldn't see you again, only to lose you again. Even though I told her that's dumb since there's still-- Never mind."
Asuna's fearsome squint returned. "What do you mean by that?"
"Nothiiiiiing," Misa said innocently.
"...was Haruka-senpai trapped with you as well?" Asuna asked next.
"No, she escaped that battle alive," Madoka said.
"Ah, so she's dead by now. Or was she cloned too?"
"Uh, actually, she, Tokiha-san, Minagi-san, the Student Council Prez, Rito's cousin, Kikukawa-san, Sugiura-sensei, Satsuki-chan, Kuga-senpai, Akane-san and Sister Yukariko were all Earthborn Valkyries,or HiME, so Yggdrasil hired them to serve in Sis Bryn's squadron..." Skuld explained.
"What in the world?! I don't even know who is that Akane-san you're talking about! Is that Haruna's aunt?! Did anyone actually die and stay dead after all?! Asakura?!"
"Oh, yes, yes!" Negi said. "But don't worry, she's currently an important reporter in Soul Society and is living happily there with Sayo! Although.. 'living' is perhaps not the best choice of words..."
"Kotaro?!" Asuna demanded.
"He and Kaede escaped as well, later married and had several children," Yue said while Nodoka briefly muttered under her breath. "I'd say they had a good enough life."
"She married her gynecologist. Normal enough life, I guess," Misa shrugged.
Asuna ground her teeth and began stamping her foot down. "You want to get rid of me so I can change the past, which can't be changed, even though you already got a collective happy ending?! Why are you like that to me?!"
"You haven't even asked about the Narutaki sisters," Negi said, sounding very disappointed. "That's so callous of you, Asuna..."
Asuna actually began sobbing. "Do you hate me that much?! Why?! Is it because you feel I failed you?! I wouldn't have gone away if I had believed any of this would happen, believe me...!"
"Asuna-chan, no!" Konoka gasped, horrified. "We'd never hate you, much less for something like that! It was our own fault, for parting with you like that!"
Asuna sniffled, while Negi and Setsuna hugged her tightly from the sides. Ayaka had started weeping herself, visibly moved. "Then... why..." She looked at the black haired boy. "And who are you anyway?"
"I'm Touta, Asuna-san! Your grandson!" the boy smiled warmly.
"What the--! I never had any children, what is this guy on?!"
"Actually, he's a clone of sorts made from your genetic material and Negi-kun's to fight the Lifemaker in your absence, Asuna-chan," Konoka explained patiently.
"Then he's not my grandson, he's more like my... son.... Oh God, my son with Negi," Asuna came to an awkward halt, blushing. "But, but that still doesn't explain why you wanted to get rid of me! It's not like you'd see the others again if you did!"
"You are already here, Asuna," a strangely familiar voice said, and Asuna blinked, startled, seeing another Asuna walk towards her, smiling, and wearing the ornate garments of Princess Asuna.
Asuna blinked, looked at Shiori, and then pointed at Asuna. "CLAYFACE!" she accused.
"I told you he's dead...!" Chao said.
"I am the Asuna who was awakened prematurely from your sleep," Asuna told Asuna, "to help Negi and Touta and everyone else. I will stay with them from now on, so you'll be here with them, forever. But you also must be with them back then, Princess--"
"I'm not the Princess!" Asuna interrupted Asuna. "You are the Princess!"
Asuna blinked. "What? No! You didn't answer the call of their hearts, so obviously you are the Princess!"
"I'm a heavy sleeper, that's all!" Asuna told Asuna. "And you gained my feelings during all that time we were one! But you are wearing the robes of the Princess, so you are the Princess, and I'm Asuna!"
"I only wore these because Chao wanted me to, in the event something like this happened!" Asuna protested to Asuna.
"What's that supposed to accomplish, convincing me that you're the Princess and that I'm Asuna (which I am, by the way)?! That's harebrained even for Chao!" Asuna shouted at Asuna.
Chao sighed. "I've been under a lot of pressure lately..."
Makie pointed at Asuna. "I think she's not Asuna, but the Princess. She uses too many big words..."
Both Asunas pointed at each other, copying the Spider-Man meme. "YOU ARE THE PRINCESS! I'M ASUNA!" they said.
Ayaka moaned, clearly torn between having a brain hemorrhage and an orgasm.
Sextum stroked her chin. "Maybe they merged to such a degree that now they are basically the same individual? In that case, the best thing to do might be merging them back into a single being."
"And then I stay, right?!" both Asunas asked in stereo, looking back at them.
"You sure you don't want to go back?" Misora asked. "To simpler times, when the world is less confusing and chaotic, and we are all at the plenty of our youth?"
Asuna shrugged. "I'd rather stay with you guys in the future we've forged together. I won't abandon you after you've worked so hard, and given up on so much, like... uhhh.... the Narutakis, I suppose."
"Asuna-chan...!" Konoka sobbed, throwing herself into her open arms,
Asuna smiled, patted her friend's back a few times, and then stepped back to face Asuna. "Okay. How do we do this?"
"How did they do it in that old fighting anime?" Asuna asked her.
"Are you... Are you seriously going to attempt merging to an atomic level by copying routines from cheap animated entertainment?" Sextum asked faintly.
Both Asunas posed ridiculously and then touched the tips of their fingertips together.
"FUUUUUU-SIOOOOON! HAAAAAAAA!" they shouted as one being. And a large flash of white light enveloped them.