May 1628 Week 2 (post ring of fire)
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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May 1628 Week 2 (post ring of fire)
Dominion of the Baltic Sea series / 17th Century Europe
In the future... years in the future as the decade turned and things sort of reached equilibrium they would look at the other challenges put forward by being in the early modern period. Stewart was currently paging through one of the primers of assigned reading he tormented his freshmen with.Viktor was staring at a digitized list. An HP Envy 4520, a compact printer connected to the house's wireless, was already churning out pages. Communication was one of those things he expected was being over thought... in the short term. His thoughts about radio while probably not as outlandish as some... well he wasn't sure precisely what the priorities would be.
Modern digital radio stations were too dependent on satellites. That was of course also a facet of commercialization, but even besides that problem there were going to be others. Maintenance and power draw would come to mind to anyone who thought about it... but the reality was not just transmission. It was reception.
They were going to have to make a transition back to wired telephones for home and office to at least some extent. Cell phones would work, either by local internet connections talking to one another even accounting for latency and lag would be annoying but at least it was something, but that wasn't an ideal solution outside of fixed points either.
They wouldn't be able to operate aircraft for very much longer just on the sake of fuel, and he was skeptical there were enough remaining anti fire watch towers or that they were correctly positioned to make up for that. That those tree lines were now not just a fire risk but also a security one was another problem entirely beyond the manpower needed to watch for one or both of those.
Oliver picked up the sheets in the tray and thumbed through them. The first page was nothing special... it was just a reiteration that their transition other than directional orientation was roughly in line with the county dimensions. "Still waiting for those water and soil tests?" T he unspoken part of the question was how important they were.
"Its obviously not that pressing, but I do want to know if it was a perfect sphere... and the water tests are going to be important, but we need to fix the dam."
The dam that had been built by the TVA overhauls not withstanding it was what provided their most reliable source of long term electrical generation. Oliver flipped some pages, "Be like one of those 4x city builders we can build the refrigeration right next to it so the power lines don't get smashed." He observed.
Which while not the best analogy wasn't without validity. Defending the dam from a military perspective was relatively easy. It had wide open sight lines the roads were well situated for defense and there were even old public works buildings that frankly might as well have been bunkers from how the TVA had built them. Concrete would be cheap and relatively resistant to fire and cannon of this era... but even that was getting ahead of themselves.
"What the fuck is this?"
Viktor looked at the page, "Its a boiling vessel, its for a steam tractor," or truck frankly the early 20th century had from time to time used them interchangeably, "Coal is going to be mess but in braising terms the vessels shouldn't be hard for us to make," Certainly relative to an internal combustion engine, "They're not your dwarf tanks from Warhammer," they were entirely too fragile for that, given the boiling vessels would have to be hand made, but... "in terms of plowing a field, this is the best old tech I can think of to clear land." It was one of the things he had been asked to find.
The advantage was of course there was there was the train museum and the firms that welded either as their business or as part of the business of fabrication.
"Why would coal be a problem?"
"Transportation mostly, Germany's canal system is at best infantile at this stage," and the small canals that did exist were patchwork little pieces transversing feudal principalities, "There is the stirling engine we could use off of wood fuel but that will quickly deplete any sort of forest reserves we have," And if they had to build something arguably any pine stocks they needed would likely be better used for making plywood... but that wouldn't be his call that would be the county's.
Back in the before, back in the 21st century they had come from... the Germans and the French in the EU had been arguing that reforestation back to previous levels of the 19th century had met with protests because that meant that Germany and France wouldn't have to do much where as countries like Norway would be on the hook as they had industrialized later. Deforestation was another concern already in the 17th century here though, as it had been since Elizabethan times as England had already largely deforested, and the Royal navy was dependent on the export of swedish timber stocks ... but that wasn't relevant yet.
A modern county... well potentially barring maybe a couple of the weird ones out west simply lacked the necessary resources to be self sufficient. It was a reality of modern transportation capacity making it possible to supply food to the significant population densities, while also still providing the space for... well everything else.
They were electrically self sufficient... ish.
That was assuming they could keep the hydro electric system running, but that meant in turn refrigeration which would diminish food spoilage, but that didn't address needing to b e able to feed the population. Even if they had been autarky was a stupid concept on anything other than a continental scale, and even then was overrated.
Viktor was currently on the fence over which would have been better. Being here in admittedly post medieval early modern Europe was far from ideal, "So there are what like three hundred states?"
"German principalities, something like that," The post napoleonic war had consolidated those down to a tenth of that, and the Germanic pan nationalism had amalgamated that down further... but German as it was spoken now was much closer to english of the period, and english of the period was still very close to old norse... and technically gothic was still spoken. The issue was that all of the languages in question lacked the technical vocabulary that defined their modern up time counterparts or certain simplifications that the languages had undergone with the mass proliferation of literacy in the vulgar iteration of day to day vernacular.
The next question was predictable but still, "So what do we do?"
They were going to need trade partners, and the thirty years war presented a problem even beyond the sorry state of the transportation infrastructure. They were going to need to find someway to trade with the locals for grain foodstuffs... and that was going to be hard even without Wallenstein's army in the vicinity due to those logistical issues. "They're," Wallenstein's 'foraging' parties, "getting better organized," and with limitations on gasoline they weren't going to be using cars which meant they were going to need horses which meant they were going to need fodder, and it was also going to use up veterinary supplies that they couldn't readily replace.
It would push them into, retro tech and its vaguely steampunk aesthetics of the post settling in period as they acclimated to what was and wasn't feasible in the 17th century... but at least in being in Europe there was access to the market resources both to buy and sell goods they didn't have to do everything themselves.
Notes: Update for this, though I do want to say one thing that annoys me about this, is that I formatted the original version of this (this is a fairly old project) about ten years ago, so it is spread through a folder and its done in such a way I wonder what the fuck I was thinking in terms of doing it like that.
Also this is going up because I've got DnD tonigh and am still behind from last week. I'm hoping to have rabid fox's update ready by tomorrow but I make no promises.
EDIT: Also if anything stands out in this post feel free to comment this is an older project, so as with the canonical 1632 series there are limits on what tech is available, that is one of the things to which I attempted to hew towards when writing this originally. (In pure nitpicking terms this is why certain gadets and gear don't show up but unlike with 32 this is a post or a late GWoT US community thrown back in time so there is a lot of civilian available gear in play)
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