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"My Aura and Semblance are both suppressed! I'm... I'm so weak! Utterly helpless!"

She shifted to another pose, on her stomach, looking up at him with red cheeks and eager eyes.

"Why... Anyone could do anything they'd like to me! No matter how depraved or humiliating, I-I'd have to go along with it! They could break me into their good little breeding sow! My mind would be gone, filled with nothing but love and lust for the man who broke me! My Master~!"

Pyrrha channeling that Darkness energy there.....
This part written by UnknownAnon

- - - - -

"Seriously, Vel?"

The rabbit faunus frowned up at her teammate as she finished the last of her preparations for her picnic date with Cardin.

"Seriously what?"

"You didn't honestly buy that story Arc sold to you about Winchester liking you, right?"

Velvet huffed. "Not this again, Coco. You're just being overprotective."

"I'm really not. That guy came up to you the other day in the middle of the cafeteria and tugged on your ears. Why would he do that?" Coco asked, giving the other girl a stern look.

"Because he wanted me to notice him!"

"And you don't think it's weird that he chose THAT method? Acting like a racist prick?"

"Hey, let he or she who has not acted weird or rude to hide their feelings from a crush cast the first stone." Velvet replied with a smile as she stretched her legs on the blanket she'd set down. "I actually once threw rocks at a boy I liked in elementary school because it was the only way I could think of to get his attention. It was dumb too. That thing with Cardin was just the same! It was like pulling pigtails, like Jaune said!"

"That's… you know how ridiculous that sounds, right?" Coco gave an exasperated sigh at her best friend's logic. "We're not kindergarteners at a playground. We're practically adults here. There were SO many other better ways he could've gotten your attention. I'm telling you, that guy is-"

"Dammit Coco, let me have this!" Velvet snapped, making the fashionable girl blink at how waspish the faunus had gotten all of a sudden. "You attended the same huntsman prep school as me, so you know what I was like before!"

Coco tilted her head in confusion. "What does that have to do with-"

"I was a total nerd! A dork! I still am, and I only stopped looking the part after I finally caved and gave you control of my hair and wardrobe last year!" Velvet pouted before an excited smile made its way to her face. "I-I've never had a boy notice me before! Not only that, but he's tall, and muscular, and, and looks like all those jocks that used to ignore me all the time-"

That just confused Coco more. "But you always talked about how lame those jocks were and I-"

"I just said all that stuff because I wanted to feel better! OBVIOUSLY I want to have handsome boys notice me!"

Coco just gaped at that confession. She'd befriended Velvet during the tail end of their prep school years and looking at the rabbit faunus's slender build, tight covered legs, and long chocolate colored hair, a stranger would have never guessed the girl had once been a frumpy looking girl with messy hair who didn't believe in wearing makeup and had almost always worn a heavy jacket and baggy jeans everywhere she went because she preferred being comfortable over being fashionable.

It was a mindset that was a cardinal sin in Coco's eyes, and finally taking Velvet to a salon and customizing her wardrobe had been one of the greatest days of Coco's life. But Coco had NEVER known that Velvet had ever felt like this, not when she had initially been completely unwilling to put effort into her looks because she preferred to use that time reading books, taking pictures, or working on her weapon.

To think that she'd been this hungry for attention from the opposite sex this whole time was something of a shock.

"So now that it's finally happening, don't mess it up for me!" Velvet pleaded, eyes widening when she spotted Cardin approaching from over Coco's shoulder. "H-Here he comes! Go back to Fox and Yatsu! Shoo, shoo!"

Coco nodded numbly and meandered back over to where Fox and Yatsuhashi were sitting a few meters away. The two other members of Team CFVY noticed their leader's nonplussed expression as she sat down between them.

"...I take it your discussion with Velvet about her possible paramour didn't go the way you thought it would?" Yatsuhashi ventured after a moment.

"...She's convinced herself that the guy's being genuine." Coco muttered, watching with hawk eyes as Cardin sat down on the blanket Velvet had spread out for them. "Tch, guy could look a little more enthusiastic…"

Velvet was all smiles, chattering excitedly while the young man in armor sat across from her with his arms crossed over his chest. While normally Coco would be both proud of Velvet for coming out of her shell and snaring a man, it wasn't a spectacle she could enjoy since the picture of Cardin roughly tugging on her friend's ears the other day was still fresh in her mind.

"That jerk tries anything funny or gets rough with her, he's gonna get it." Coco growled under her breath, one of her hands drifting toward her handbag.

She couldn't wait for Winchester to give her an excuse. There were few things in life more entertaining than bringing a handbag along to a fight, then looking at the expression on her victim's face when her best accessory transformed into a giant turret gun.

She was more than prepared to turn Winchester into a fine paste if he hurt her best friend.

- - -

"Beacon is making me insane." Cardin thought to himself as he sat down onto the picnic blanket.

It was the only explanation for why he suddenly found himself sitting down in front of a filthy faunus as she handed him a can of soda and a sandwich wrapped up in some foil. The girl was beaming at him as she got herself settled, taking out her own drink and sandwich from the basket at her side.

This was all Arc's fault! His teammates had all gotten the wrong idea, and now he was suddenly sitting down for a picnic with some cute faunus girl.

"Not cute!" Cardin reminded himself in his head, quashing the previous thought that had suddenly popped up. "Remember, she's a faunus! She's probably a White Fang sympathizer or something! Her pretty face and long legs are just there to trick you! Don't let her fool you!"

He just had to set the record straight. Given the way she was smiling, this Velvet girl had gotten the wrong idea about him just the same as everyone else. She'd somehow actually bought into Arc's idea that he had a crush on her. Well, he had no problems shooting her down! He'd tell her to her face how little he was actually into her and show this faunus her place!

A loud groaning noise came from Cardin's stomach.

"Just as soon as I finish eating." Cardin promised himself, flushing a little at the knowing smile the rabbit girl shot him after his stomach spoke up before he could. Walking around the forest in heavy armor took its toll, and it wasn't like he or any of his teammates had brought anything to eat themselves. Not one of them knew how to cook, and while they could've packed some snacks, they'd all woken up a bit late and didn't have time to grab anything before they rushed out of their dorm room.

Being a little hungry was better than incurring Goodwitch's wrath for being late to this field trip.

"Go ahead and eat up!" Velvet smiled, gesturing to the wrapped sandwich Cardin was holding. "Er, you're not allergic to cheese or anything, are you? Or any dairy?"

"I don't have any food allergies." Cardin replied gruffly.

"That's good then. My uncle is allergic to some dairy products. It was really scary when he tried out one of my dishes when I first started cooking and his face got all swollen." Velvet said with a laugh. "I'm glad I don't have to worry about that with you. Take a bite and tell me what you think!"

Cardin scoffed and unwrapped his sandwich, eyeing the ham and cheese he could see between the bread. Looked edible enough.

"No carrots?" Cardin smirked, patting himself on the back for the dig at her animal parts.

"Nope! Just some ham, bacon, cheese, a little honey, and some greens!" Velvet smiled, his insult going completely over her head.

Cardin growled under his breath. That was a missed opportunity, but he had another chance. Once he'd taken a bite out of her sandwich, he'd throw it to the ground and show her just what he thought about her and her cooking.

Smirking at the thought, Cardin took a large bite out of the sandwich and chewed.

"Holy shit."

Cardin's eyes fluttered and he let out an involuntary groan as his tastebuds sang in chorus. The huntsman-in-training's fingers curled slightly harder into the foil wrapping, as he was suddenly struck with an intense fear of accidentally dropping it. Forget his mom's homemade tuna melts or that hole-in-the-wall sandwich shop that he and Russel had found last week. The combination of bread, meat and veggies that was in his hands right now put them all to shame. Cardin wished that he had a semblance that allowed him to reverse time so that he could experience and savor that first bite again.

"This doesn't make any sense. A sandwich shouldn't taste this good!" Cardin thought as he wrestled back his senses, noticing that Velvet was fidgeting nervously in front of him.

"I-I hope it came out okay. To be honest, I slept in a bit this morning and was kinda in a rush when I made it." Velvet confessed sheepishly. "I might have overdone it with the cheese."

She made this in haste and it still came out as a piece of perfection? Cardin would have demanded what kind of witchcraft Velvet had performed to make it taste so good but he was too busy chewing.

"It's really good." Cardin said around his mouthful, too swept up in flavor paradise to even think to lie about the taste.

Cardin felt his heart beat a little faster in his chest as the smile his comment elicited from the girl.

"That's a relief to hear! I'm pretty proud of my sandwich-fu." Velvet joked as she shuffled closer to him and gave a little wink. "The secret ingredient is spicy pepper jam. Don't tell anyone, okay?"

"...Shit, that's cute."

Cardin turned his head away from the girl and wished that it wasn't so hot outside. His face was feeling pretty hot.

"So while I admit the sandwiches were a rush job, these weren't!" Velvet said proudly as she reached into her bag and pulled out a bag of cookies. "These are what'll really knock your socks off! Um, if you'd like to try them, anyway."

Cardin knew the correct move was to slap the offered cookie bag away. But after tasting the sandwich, he REALLY didn't want to. Especially when those cookies looked like…

"Those oatmeal cookies?"


Dammit, those were his favorite kind.

"Well… I guess I wouldn't mind a couple." Cardin allowed, taking the bag out of her hands and pulling

Seeing Velvet's smile, Cardin tried to convince himself that the squishy feeling in his stomach was just from the good eats, and absolutely WASN'T because seeing the rabbit girl happy made him feel good or anything.

"Ah, dammit, it's hot out here today!" Cardin complained loudly to distract himself.

"Well, you are walking around in all that armor." Velvet commented as she peered up at him. "I mean, I understand why when there are Grimm out and about, but we're just eating right now so… m-maybe you could take the chest piece off? To cool down?"

"...Yeah, that might be good." Cardin nodded, reluctant to admit that the faunus's idea was sound. Reaching up, he unclasped the straps on his shoulders before unbuckling the straps around his chest, giving a sigh of relief as he set the armored chestplate down at his side.

The sound of a shutter going off made Cardin blink.

Turning, he saw Velvet pointing a fancy looking camera in his direction. Lowering it down from her face, Velvet gave a sheepish smile as her ears drooped. "Ahaha… sorry, I guess I should've asked for permission before I snapped a pic?"

"...What were you taking a picture of just now?" Cardin asked suspiciously. Was this it? Was she showing him her true colors? Was this an attempt at blackmail?

Cardin felt his anger surge, and insults were ready at the tip of his tongue, but Velvet ducked her shoulders and answered before he could start shouting.

"Y-You just looked really cool just now. Regal. I had to get a picture."

The insults he'd been about to fling at her died on his tongue and Cardin felt his face heat up even more at the girl's words.

"Cool? R-Regal…?"

"Y-Yeah. Just y'know, with you taking off your armor, and the angle… sitting against a tree, looking off to the side while you place your equipment down… it's kinda like a hardworking knight taking a minute to appreciate the beauty of nature." Velvet explained with red cheeks, shuffling closer to him as she took out the picture her camera had spat out. "Take a look. I think it came out really well!"

Looking at the image, Cardin's mouth fell open at how… picturesque he appeared in the photo. At the moment of the shot his arms were off to the side and his head was turned at a forty-five degree angle, giving the impression that he was observing the area around him. The relieved smile he had after removing his armor looked soft and melancholy, and with the forest as a backdrop and leaves fluttering around him, it really did look like a picture out of those old knight stories his dad used to read to him as a kid.

Cardin had never thought much about photography until this moment, seeing it as a lame hobby or a fake profession. Now though…

"I look epic." Cardin heard his own voice say.

"Right? I'm totally gonna put this in my portfolio!" Velvet grinned before she ducked her head. "Er, I mean, if you don't mind. I did take it without your permission so-"

"N-Nah, it's fine. It's a damn cool photo of me." Cardin grinned, actually a little flattered at the thought of her showing off a picture of him. "You're uh… pretty good at this photography thing."

"T-Thanks! A lot of people think it's silly and Coco doesn't really get it, but I love it!" Velvet smiled with a cute blush. "Um, I actually brought a photobook with me. S-So I have a place to store any photos I take out here. It's actually got some old photos I took in it and maybe I could… show you some? If you're interested…?"

"...Bring 'em out." Cardin replied, surprised by his own answer.

He was even more surprised by the pleasant feeling in his stomach when his words earned a big smile from the rabbit-eared girl.

"O-Okay!" Velvet cheered, practically leaping over to her bag and pulling out a book before she returned and plopped back down so she was sitting hip to hip with Cardin. "A month back me and my parents took a trip to Vacuo to celebrate my getting into Beacon. People say its just a city of sand, but there's some really neat places to visit if you look!"

Cardin leaned over and looked at the photo Velvet displayed as she talked about where she'd taken each photo and how she'd taken them, and if there were any famous landmarks she'd share a bit of trivia she'd learned. Cardin hummed and nodded as she flipped through the photos, munching on his delicious sandwich and enjoying cookies as they relaxed.

It was only after ten minutes of listening to her talk that Cardin realized the error he'd made.

"Dammit, why am I getting along with her?!"

Beacon really WAS making him go crazy! This was all Jaune Arc's fault!

Cardin steadfastly ignored the sense of gratitude that had welled up inside him.
Skipped a few chapters :p

Nah, I just combined these smaller chapters into much bigger ones for QQ. Such as this one:

- - -

Ren's call made Jaune's blood go ice cold. He looked to Blake: She was already up and had Gambol Shroud out, having set the sap bottles down on the amber grass.

"Ren, this is Jaune, we're on our way!" He shouted back.

"I've turned on the tracker app on my scroll so you can reinforce us," Ren replied, still as calm as ever despite the loud sounds of gunfire and explosions in the background, "Please hurry."

"On it!"

They ran down the logging path, Jaune pointing his scroll in the direction the tracking app indicated.

"Should I go on ahead to reinforce them?" Blake asked.

Jaune shook his head.

"No, we want to get as many people there at once as possible-You're stealthy, but even you can't outstealth a whole stampede of Grimm. Better for us to arrive in groups to join up."

Blake nodded, showing no visible effort as she sprinted. Jaune gritted his teeth: It wasn't like he was out of shape, but heavy armor and lack of training meant Blake could hold a higher speed than him quite easily. He focused, his Aura flaring, and he sped up. Blake kept pace quite easily, even as Jaune's Aura continued to flare through his muscles.

"What are you doing?" Blake asked.

"Boosting my speed with my Aura," Jaune said, "I know I'm slow, so I'll try to push myself as fast as possible."

"Be careful about that," Blake warned, "You don't want to run out of Aura before we fight."

"I will be, don't worry," Jaune said with a wave. He hit the communications app, and selected Miss Goodwitch.

All the team leaders had gotten her contact info, after all. Nothing weird about that.

"Miss Goodwitch!" He called, "Members of my team are being attacked by a Grimm stampede! We need reinforcements, about…"

He checked the app map.

"Two and a half miles from the landing area, southwest! Around the Lazy River!"

"We're getting some Grimm attacks here as well, Mister Arc," Glynda reported, as calm as she would be doing attendance, "Once we've dealt with them I'll dispatch reinforcements. Hold out as best you can. Run and hide if necessary. Don't be heroes-Your objective is to survive!"

"Understood," Jaune said. He hit Ruby and Yang's numbers next.

"Ruby! Yang! We've got problems!"

- - -

Jaune's call sent a surge of fire through Ruby's veins. She, Weiss, Yang, and Pyrrha were running in the same direction, having heard the shots over the quiet forest.

"Nora and Ren can hold out," Pyrrha said, "Depending on how many Grimm there are. But if we're all being attacked…"

"We'll just rendezvous with them, and then do a fighting retreat!" Ruby said with a grin.

"That's rather sensible," Weiss said with a nod.

"Well yeah! Not like this sap is worth our lives!" Ruby insisted, "No matter how tasty it is!"

"We'd be saps to believe that it was," Yang laughed. Weiss bit back a groan.

"I'll go ahead and reinforce them!" Ruby said, "I'm a lot faster than you all!"

"Just be careful, Little Sis," Yang said, suddenly serious, "We get together, then a fighting retreat, all right?"

"Come on, Yang, it's my plan!" Ruby laughed, throwing her short hair back with a dramatic flourish, "See you guys soon!"

She accelerated in a burst of rose petals, the Forever Fall Forest turning into a blur of red, white, and amber as she shot through gaps between tree branches and around trunks. She passed by Jaune and Blake: Blake was jumping through the trees while Jaune kept pace as best he could on the ground underneath her.

Ruby left them in the dust, and the trees thinned in front of her. She came to a landing in the upper canopy of a very tall tree, and scanned the river plain beneath her.

The entire area was swarming with Grimm, all streaming out of the forest on the other side of the river. Nora and Ren were targeting Grimm as they entered the river, trying to stack them up using the natural obstacle, but many were getting through and trying to surround the pair. They used some of the boulders for cover as they tried to pull back, but more and more Grimm began to circle behind them.

Her silver eyes widened in shock. Ruby's first inclination had been to just dive in and start slashing away… But so many Grimm? She'd cut herself off.

No, better to play sniper here, and support her friends as they pulled back to the trees.

She converted Crescent Rose to gun mode, and peered through the scope. A particularly menacing looking Ursa barrelled through Ren's gunfire to get at him, throwing up cascades of water as it forded the river.

She pulled the trigger, and with a loud boom, the Ursa's head evaporated. She took out another, and another, and another, focusing on those stuck in the river to try and help stack them up even more.

It was starting to work. Nora and Ren were clearing the Grimm trying to cut them off, and moving for cover. That's when she heard gunfire.

Gunfire that was not Nora and Ren's. Something further away.

She saw some Grimm shake and roar near the far side of the river, like they'd been hit by something. Ruby pulled her eye from the scope and swept her gaze over the battlefield.

She caught a glint of sunlight reflecting off glass, and she turned her scope to focus on the source. She zoomed in on a tree across the river. Her eyes widened.

She saw a person, also wielding a sniper rifle. A person in camouflage fatigues and a mask of some kind.

Ruby held up her Scroll to the side of her face, and called everyone without looking away from the opposing shooter. She had arranged her own interface, after all.

"Teams, there's a sniper-I don't recognize them-!"

The unknown sniper shifted their barrel towards her, and Ruby instinctively pulled the trigger… Just as Crescent Rose's scope exploded in her face.

"AUGGH!" She cried, trying to shield her face from the blast. She lost her balance, and tumbled out of the tree. She hit a branch, then another, and another. Her Aura protected her, but the shock and pain of the blast to her face meant she could only hold up her arms as she tumbled down, down to the ground.

She heard familiar voices screaming her name from her Scroll as it tumbled away. She felt branches break under her as she kept falling, and falling…

Ruby hit the grassy ground, hard, and everything went black.

- - -

Ruby awoke with a groan. Pain was coursing through her body like fire, and she felt weird... Things crawling around her...

She opened her eyes. She felt a sense of relief she could see through both of them.

Boy, am I glad I got the extra strong scope for Crescent-


She shrieked as she saw large Grimm rats crawling all over her. In an instant, she activated her Semblance, vanishing in a cloud of flower petals away from them... And coming out of it scant seconds and meters later, slamming against a tree. She shuddered as she looked over her shoulder at the glowing red eyes of those horrible little things.

"Gah...! Horrible... Evil... Gross...!" She muttered, trying to stand upright. Pain shot through her ankle and she felt tired.

Grimm venom... Poison bite... Right, Vermin do that, Ruby thought. And think of the devil, the little monsters were advancing on her. Behind them, illuminated by the sunlight through the trees, came canid-like Beowulves and Reynards slinking through the brush. And behind them were Ursas and Boarbatusks and who knew what else?

All being driven towards them. Towards Ruby.

She could still hear Nora's grenade and Ren's sub-machine gun fire in the distance, so they were still alive... But her?

Gritting her teeth, she spotted her Crescent Rose lying on the ground. She hobbled towards it... Then fell onto her hands and knees.


She was sure Yang and Uncle Qrow would forgive her swearing, given the situation.

Ruby pushed herself, that feeling of weakness getting worse and worse. She heard the Vermin squeaking, and the Reynards and Beowulves snarling. She dragged herself, inch by inch, until her scrabbling hands finally got back around her beloved Crescent Rose.

It took so much effort-She felt like she was lifting a car-But she swung around, and pointed her rifle at the approaching horde. She leaned her back up against a tree, and pulled the trigger.

The shot sounded like a bomb going off, as a Beowulf evaporated from the passage of the round. But the smaller Grimm all evaded. They were scattered, but soon came back into their packs and began to advance once more.


Ruby fired again, and again, and again. Her right wrist was burning in pain, but still she managed to aim. She felt herself drooping. Her Aura was getting weaker, and weaker...!

One of the Reynards jumped just as she pulled the trigger, avoiding getting splattered like two of its packmembers, and landed right next to her. It lashed out, and Ruby held up her arm out of instinct. She screamed as its jaws clamped down on her wrist. She felt her blood pool and ooze through her skin and clothing, saw the Grimm tighten its jaws, saw the others all advancing on her...

She was angry. She was furious. She was in so much pain...! Her eyes were burning...!

"GET AWAY!" She screamed.

She felt something erupt from her eyes, like an invisible wave. It washed over the Reynard, over the Grimm Vermin, over the Beowulves stalking behind and the gang of Ursas following them. In an instant, they all turned to stone... And shattered into dust.

Ruby gaped in disbelief as dozens of Grimm literally fell apart.

Wha... What in the...?

For the second time that day, darkness took Ruby Rose and she passed out.

- - -
Some kind of fox grimm?

I would call the rats either Skaven or Hamelin's.

Yup! Hold on, I put together Info Cards:


The Vermin (Or Ratatosk in older literature) is a species of Grimm that has taken the form of a very large rodent, similar to the Muridae family of mammals. Ranging from 15 to 25 centimeters in height, and up to a meter in length, these Grimm seem to fulfill the role of a scavenger in Grimm ecosystems, consuming smaller scraps and remains left behind by larger predators. Unusual for Grimm, they are omnivorous and can devour virtually anything. While small and weak, easily dispatched even without the use of Dust or Aura, they possess three features that can make them very dangerous.

One, they possess a poison bite. This can hamper Aura regeneration in Hunters and also acts as a damaging venom to the human body as a whole. One or two bites on adult humans will have little effect, but multiple bites will begin to affect the victim's ability to channel Aura and move, making them weaker and weaker until they are overcome.

Two, the Vermin's nature as a scavenger means they come into contact with numerous pathogens. Through some method of Grimm biology, these pathogens are mutated and become far more virulent. The Fall of Mavro, the great city of the Ancient Vacuoans, to the Grimm was attributed to the various plagues brought about by Vermin infestations that weakened the city's defenses. Their small size means they can get through multiple defenses meant to stop larger Grimm.

Three, they reproduce rapidly and in very large numbers.

Modern hygiene, medicine and pest control efforts have done much to reduce the threat the Vermin Grimm pose to civilization, but the constant evolution of pathogens and the Grimm themselves means that it is foolhardy to underestimate them-Especially if they appear in large numbers.


The Reynard is another canid-like species of Grimm, but this one appears to be modeled on the Vulpini tribe of canids, better known as foxes. Much less robustly built than their Beowulf cousins (at about half the size and weight, on average), the Reynards have traded brute strength for speed and intelligence. Unlike real foxes, the Reynards operate in small packs, though lone individuals and duos have also been observed in the wild.

Their ability to coordinate and communicate is rare among Grimm, and the Reynard vocal abilities are very sophisticated-Researchers have argued that they have a rudimentary language, and they can imitate sounds made by humans. They will ambush prey and strike from multiple angles, using sophisticated tactics to wear down their prey. They will send in lone 'scouts' to attract attention, and lure humans into traps by using a member of the pack as bait or imitating human speech to feign being an ally or someone in trouble. In addition to their strong bites, they have excellent night vision, a fantastic sense of smell, and razor sharp bone spikes they can use to slash their prey.

Tests on captive individuals confirm their surprising intelligence. They can learn to open doors, to solve simple puzzles, and distinguish between different humans based on sound, size, threat poential, and smell. These Grimm can be found all over Remnant, and strangely enough, have an aversion to attacking humans unless directly threatened or are attracted by powerful negative emotions. They plan and coordinate to preserve themselves. As a result, older specimens of Reynards can be especially dangerous to the unwary.

(A/N: Basically, one day in this universe Salem asked, 'What if I made Jurassic Park velociraptors but as kitsune to appeal to the weeaboo furry base?' And this is what she came up with.)
(A/N: Basically, one day in this universe Salem asked, 'What if I made Jurassic Park velociraptors but as kitsune to appeal to the weeaboo furry base?' And this is what she came up with.)

Gonna be honest, as soon as I saw "weeaboo" I immediately thought of a giant Geist made of waifu body pillows...

Thanks for the info dump!
Omake: Jaune the Barbarian 3
- - -

Weiss Schnee held a special animosity towards Jaune Arc-NO! She had no special feelings for him at all!

That's how he would get her! She knew his type! Slovenly and somehow charming, like a working class hero, but after her money and title with no regard for her!

She decided that she simply didn't like him, and that was enough. He seemingly didn't like her either... Which was probably part of his plan!

So, she only singled him out in the RWBY/JNPR common room when she saw him doing something that would get them all in trouble! Otherwise, she was content to let him destroy himself!

"Are you drinking alcohol?!" Weiss demanded, as Jaune swigged from a flask. He looked over at her, still sipping the foul smelling stuff.

"Yes. Yes I am," Jaune said with a nod. "What's it to you?"

"That's against the rules!" Weiss sputtered. "All the regulations of Beacon prohibit alcoholic beverages!"

"Huh? That so?" Jaune asked. He continued to sip. Weiss seethed.

"Get rid of it, NOW!"

"What? I'm the only one drinking," Jaune protested with a pout. Weiss growled.

"It's guilt by association! I'm NOT getting expelled because you were a selfish drunk!"

"I am not a drunk, I can quit any time I want," Jaune said, taking another swig. Weiss, furious, stomped over and tried to slap it out of his hand. He caught her wrist in his grip, and tightened it-Not painfully, but it was definitely uncomfortable.

He shot a baleful look over at her.

"Schnee, sweetheart, princess, I have literally seen men die in front of me. I think I'm entitled to drink some booze every now and again as long as I don't hurt anyone else, okay?"

Weiss gaped. Arc's lies were usually audacious, delivered with a cheesy, almost heroic smile that somehow sold them to the gullible. This though... His eyes looked dead. His face was as stone.

She yanked her hand away, scowling at him, as he continued to drink.

"Fine," she said, sitting on a chair across from him, "But I'm making sure you don't do anything to get us in trouble! Like run around like an idiot or-or try to steal women's undergarments!"

"If I wanted those, I'd just ask Pyrrha," Jaune said.

Weiss sneered.

"Bet you'll be a drunken, lecherous beast any minute now! You have to be a lightweight!"

"Nuh uh," Jaune insisted, "My high Aura capacity means I don't get drunk easily!"

"Oh yeah?" Weiss challenged him.

"Yeah!" Jaune nodded. "I can drink all night!"

Ten minutes later...

Jaune was sobbing. He was sobbing. Weiss, that expert on all things interpersonal, was stuck staring at him.

"Snakes... Can't have hugs, damnit!" Jaune sobbed. "It's-It's NOT FAIR, DAMNIT!"

"I... Yes, it is indeed unfair," Weiss deadpanned, patting him awkwardly on the palm. He sniffled.

"And... My dad... Died... And my mom... Turned into a total bitch... And this great guy I met? This super great guy? He taught me, like, sword stuff... He died too!"

Jaune sniffled.

"How the fuck do you deal with that in a healthy way?!"

"I... I don't know," Weiss admitted. She was tempted to reach out and comfort him... But that warning remained in the back of her mind.

It could all be a trick to get your guard down!

"Like... And then... Like you and me," Jaune mumbled, "I wish we could be friends... Cause like... I kind of get it."

"Get what?" Weiss asked, blinking.

"Like, you can't trust anything cause of how you were raised," Jaune said, "And I got a crash course in how fucking evil some people are. They betray you and use you and... You can't trust 'em! But you can't trust anyone else! It fucking sucks, right?"

"I..." Weiss very slowly nodded. "Yes, Arc, it does indeed 'suck.'"

"You looked like... Suuuper lonely, and junk," Jaune went on, "And I thought, maybe we could be friends! That'd be nice! Cause we'd... Get it! We don't wanna be mean, right?"

"Right, right," Weiss said, feeling a bit dazed.

"We wanna be nice, and play guitar, and go around shirtless!" Jaune insisted. He tried to get another swig of his drink, but Weiss calmly pulled it away.

"Oh no, you've had enough," Weiss said.

"But you're like still... Nice nice... Mean nice. Nice to be mean, and... Stuff," Jaune said with an urgent look in his eyes, "Cause you care about... Bout Ruby, and junk..."

He scowled at her.

"But you're like a total bitch, and I'm a jerk, and so we can't be friends! It fucking sucks!" He glared moodily at the window.

"I... Yes, yes it does," Weiss admitted, her cheeks flushing. "I would... It might be... Nice? To be friends?"

She paused.

"You... You're sure you don't feel anything else about me?"

She couldn't help her curiosity. So far he'd spilled a lot of information but none of it really made sense. Maybe, if he was really drunk, he'd reveal... What? That it was all a ruse? So far, that didn't seem likely.

Maybe she should stop, not press him. She already felt guilty as it was-

"Well I do think you're really hot."

Weiss's entire face went bright red.


"Yeah! SUUUPER hot," Jaune insisted with a happy grin. "You hear that all the time, probably, but you're hot. If I had a thing about getting stepped on? I might have put up with it. Melting the Ice Queen, and-and junk."


"Or maybe you want someone else in charge, that you can trust, and shit," Jaune shrugged, "Dunno! I know Pyrrha wants me to make her into like a pet or something but... She deserves waaayyy better than me. So do you. So does, like... Everyone... I'm just a meat shield and... And heal slut. And a jerk."

He sniffled again.

"That's all I am."

"Jaune," Weiss said, torn between mortification and compassion. He looked so despondent. Trick or not... It moved her.

"You-You can't really think that way! I-I mean... Yes we have our problems, but I do actually... Appreciate you as a person! Really! I... I don't hate you or look down on you! Well... I kind of do but just because you're slovenly, and rude, but... Sometimes, I actually think you're-!"

He bowed his head... And threw up all over her shoes.


- - -

The next morning, the rest of Teams RWBY and JNPR returned. Jaune was making breakfast, covered in bruises that were healing thanks to his Aura. Weiss was sitting on the couch far away from him, shooting him a death glare.

"Hey Jaune!" Nora said cheerfully. "Making pancakes?"

"Among other things, and not so loud," Jaune groaned. Yang looked him in the face, and burst out laughing.

"Oh geez... You must have had a rough night! Too much whiskey?"

"Maybe," Jaune grunted.

"You were drinking?!" Ruby gasped. She shot a glare over at Weiss, one Pyrrha copied. "What did you do while Jaune was drinking?!"

"Nothing!" Weiss insisted. "The idiot threw up on my shoes and I beat him up! Nothing else happened!"

She shot her glare right at the back of Jaune's head.

"You're paying for those!"

"You can pay for those, you're rich."

"You're the one who did it!"

"You're the one who was in the way!"

"Ugh, I hate you, impossible man," Weiss grumbled, holding up a book to hide her suspiciously red face.

"Love you too, Ice Princess," Jaune snorted.

- - -
Flashback to the Underground
- - -

Jaune got thrown roughly into a cage by the two goons. Jaune groaned as he hit the straw covered floor, and slowly pushed himself up. He turned around and glared out into the gloom of the large circus tent.

"Hey... I haven't fully healed yet from that fight," Jaune called back, fiddling with the Aura suppression collar on his neck, "Can't I get a little more time?"

"Yeah right, nice try kid," one of the goons laughed, "You ain't getting out that easy."

"Maybe when you've paid off Iridescent's debt we'll let you go. Shouldn't take more than a few years, a few hundred more fights," taunted the other, "Boy, was she lucky to find such a powerful sucker!"

They laughed, walking away, as Jaune glared hatefully after them. He punched the straw covered cage, hard, and was rewarded with a sharp pain. He hissed, and rubbed his sore knuckles. He fought back tears.

He had been trying to help... And then ended up fighting a pack of Beowulves for a baying crowd's bloodlust. And he was going to have to do it for the rest of his life...

"I was so godsdamned stupid," he whispered angrily, "Stupid!"

"Ah... Lured in by a woman," a smooth, baritone voice spoke behind him, "Yes, that is a tale I am quite familiar with."

Jaune looked back, eyes wide.

"Huh? Who's there?"

Out of the gloom, into the dim torchlight, a man stepped forward. Jaune looked him up and down.

He was a Faunus, a cat he thought-His hair and ears were almost entirely white from age, with only a streak or two of red left. He wore a striking mustache and beard, brushed to perfection that, with his cat-like ears poking out from under his broad feather crested hat, made him look like a musketeer. His clothing was worn, but had once been quite fancy: Leather tunic, breeches, and very tall boots. A tattered cape hung from his shoulders, and he wore bracers upon his wrists inlaid with gold.

His eyes were green, and glowed lightly in the dim light. He smiled, doffed his hat, and bowed dramatically.

"You may call me Ser Gato Zapatos, my young friend," he spoke, "You?"

"Jaune Arc," Jaune admitted, slowly rising and giving an awkward bow back. "What are you in for?"

"Ah, sport," Gato shrugged, "Alas, I was on a trip to see my grandchildren in Vale. My wife had gone to see them, but I wanted to go out on my own."

He chuckled self effacingly.

"I suppose I wanted to prove I was still capable in my dotage. I too was lured in to save the innocent... And was thus imprisoned. And you, young Juan?"

"Jaune," Jaune corrected him, before he winced, "Sorry. Uh... Well, I'm making my way to Beacon. I want to become a Hunter, and well... This girl said she needed help. I fought off some goons, she asked me to help deal with the boss..."

Jaune bowed his head in shame.

"She... She slapped some Aura suppression cuffs on me, knocked me out... And here I am."

"As I said," Gato said with a nod, "A familiar tale. One I fell for again. Even after all this time... I cannot resist the urge to be a hero."

He smiled at Jaune kindly.

"Neither can you."

"I was stupid," Jaune sighed, "What am I even doing? I got into Beacon but... I-I have no training! I don't belong there! Not if I got caught so easily-!"

"Do you regret having your dream?" Gato asked. Jaune looked up in shock.


"Do you regret your dream? Do you forsake it?" Gato asked calmly. Jaune glared.

"I-I don't! I want... I do want to be a hero-!"

"Then accept that you are going to run into obstacles on the path to your dream," Gato said, sitting down with a slight groan. "You knew the path wouldn't be easy, si?"

"No... No, I knew it wouldn't be easy," Jaune admitted, "But... Captured like this?"

"Think of it... As an opportunity," Gato said, his whiskers twitching with his smile. "Me? I have been in worse spots. Far worse. And I have gotten out again."

"Then... Then you know how to get out of here?" Jaune asked quietly, though he was hesitant. What made him think this random old man would be any better than Iridescent?

"I know of a way... But I do require your help," Gato said calmly. "Not to say you will not gain something other than freedom! I saw your performance in the ring."

Jaune leaned forward.


"It was..." The old cat faunus worked his jaw, "Not terrible... Exactly."

Jaune slumped.

"I know. I suck. All I've got going for me is my aura-"

"Ah, but that is a good place to start," Gato said eagerly. "To have the means of going on past the point others quit! Do not underestimate the power of that, my boy. Still... As a swordsman myself, I must say..."


"You handled it like a club," Gato winced, "I had to shut my eyes at many points, seeing how clumsy you are. Your poor weapon, she weeps in her humiliation."

Jaune slumped again. Gato chuckled, and rose. He picked up two wooden sticks from the floor, and tossed one to Jaune.

"But you are in luck! For I know how to handle a blade, and can teach you how not to embarrass yourself and everyone else who wields weapons!"

"Gee, thanks," Jaune said wryly, "But are you sure? I mean..."

The old man looked frail, and he was shorter than Jaune. Gato chuckled.

"Well, I appreciate your concern, my young friend. Why don't we see how well I've held up over the years, mm?"

Jaune had seen plenty of kung fu movies. He knew this had to be a bad idea, but... He still charged and thrust the wooden stick at Gato.


He ended up flipped onto his back, his wooden stick knocked right out of his hands, and a smiling Gato looking down upon him.

"Seems I might know what I'm talking about, hm, young Juan?"

Jaune just groaned.

- - -

Jaune could say with complete honesty that training under Gato and fighting Grimm in death matches? Was the worst experience of his life.

Even worse than cramming for the medical school entrance exams.

They'd been allowed out of their cages to train, but always under heavy armed guard and only with wooden swords and shields.

Gato didn't look like he could hit Jaune that hard, but the spry little Faunus could move like a flash of lightning, and took him down with almost no effort. Underneath the circus-like tent of the arena, Gato trained Jaune harder than Jaune had ever been pushed before.

"Show me your stance," Gato said, on the first day they were out in the sandy pit of center ring, which was lowered like an elevator, and surrounded by automatically erecting electric fences for the fights with the Grimm. All around them were empty bleachers, save for a small observation box perched in front of a lot of recording and power equipment. Oh, and the armed guards, of course.

Jaune took a combat stance. Gato clicked his tongue... And jabbed Jaune in the gut.


"You're standing too stiffly."

He jabbed Jaune in the knees.


"Knees are too far bent, and too close together."

Gato slid around like a dancer, even included a pirouette, before he stabbed Jaune in the neck.


"Lower your chin."

He slapped the wooden sword against Jaune's butt.


"You're too tense! Loosen up a little!"

Gato then slapped and pushed on Jaune's arm joints.


"There, much better," Gato said. "Show me a strike."

Jaune swung his sword. Gato sighed heavily.

"No no no, Juan, no! Here, like this."

He made a thrust, a swing, and a parry, as fluid as water. He nodded to Jaune.

"Now you try!"

Jaune copied. Gato hummed.

"Little better. Again!"

He smacked Jaune's butt again with the flat of the sword.

"OW! What was that for?!"

"The look on your face," Gato snickered as Jaune scowled. "But hey, you'll be thanking me when you're not Grimm chow, si?"

- - -

It continued on. It felt like Jaune had to make his body perform a hundred different things all at once perfectly. He did it over and over, and every time he made a mistake, Gato hit him or put him on his back.


"Urgh... R-Right!"

Two weeks of this and Jaune did feel like he was improving a little. Gato didn't look as disgusted with his movements. And the Grimm we going down more easily. Though those were still a challenge.

Ursas, Creepers, Beowulves, Boarbatucks, Reynards, and dozens of others! He was certainly getting a crash course education in what he would fight as a Huntsman.

"Form 1, again," Gato said, as Jaune struck in the instructed pattern. "Form 2."

Jaune performed it. Gato nodded.

"And Form 3."

Jaune went through it, finishing with a harsh thrust.

"Haa... Haa... Why just these?"

"You're a beginner, and you need to master the basics before anything else," Gato explained. "Now, again, Form 1..."

Jaune performed it... And Gato shook his head with a sigh.

"What? What am I doing wrong?"

"Nothing, you're doing fine," the Cat faunus said, "However... In a fight to the death, you cannot just be a perfectionist. There's so much more to battle than you can learn in so short a time. You can't just be acting like a student in class, Juan. You'll die."

He struck furiously, and Jaune defended. But like a lightning fast serpent, Gato got around Jaune's shield and sword and knocked him flat on his back again.


"I had hoped to teach you to be an artist with the blade, my boy," Gato said, walking around the groaning teenager with his sword resting on his shoulder, "Elegant, swift, precise. But I am beginning to think that is not who you are!"

"It isn't?" Jaune had groaned, face in the sand of the ring. He slowly pushed himself back up to his feet, as Gato hummed thoughtfully.

"No! You do not fight with cold elegance. That is not truly you. You... Are a brawler. A savage. A tank!" He pointed Jaune in the head with his wooden sword, and Jaune scowled up at him. "You ran away from home in defiance of your mother, did you not? That means there is a punk inside of you! You must bring him out! It is not something that gets all ladies' motors running... But those who appreciate it are worth your time!"

"Okay, so how do I do that?" Jaune asked dryly. Gato chuckled, twirling his wooden training sword between his still dexterous fingers.

"Allow me to demonstrate. I will fell you without using the blade of my sword."

"How are you gonna-?"

Gato drove his pommel right between Jaune's eyes, breaking his nose. Jaune reared back with a cry, as Gato knocked Jaune's sword and shield aside with his gauntlet and then kicked him in the balls. Down went Jaune, whimpering, as Gato nodded.

"Do you get it now, Juan? Or must I promise that when I escape, I shall go fuck your mother-?"

Jaune saw red.

He grabbed some sand and threw it into Gato's eyes, just before he rammed his fist into Gato's balls. The cat Faunus coughed, and fell back as Jaune struggled back to his feet.

"How's... That... You mangy... Bastard?" Jaune had managed.

Gato grinned... And again knocked Jaune's weapons out of his hands with barely any effort and kicked him in the face.

"That's more like it, boy!"

This on top of having to fight Grimm in deathmatches virtually every night.

He barely got any sleep or rest. They did get fed well, with rich high protein meals, but that was the only good thing about the experience!

On top of that was the training Gato put him through in the cage, when they were alone. It was all to channel his Aura, as best he could, through a stick and wave it. But every time he did that, he had to do some stupid salute!

With the aura suppression collar on him, it was all he could do to simply make the stupid stick glow a little!

He did it all though. He trained until he couldn't even move. He channeled his Aura even though he could only feel a trickle. He fought until the Grimm were dead.

The roars of the bloodthirsty crowd started to sound like wonderful music to him, because it meant he could rest.

Finally, one night, after Jaune had put down a Geist Armor (and hadn't that fucking sucked?!), and he and Gato had finished their meals, he looked up from his empty bowl with a smile.

"Good news, Juan! We're going to fight together tomorrow night!"

"Uh huh?" Jaune asked, having long since given up correcting Gato on his name, "How is that a good thing?"

"Because that's when we'll escape."

Jaune looked up at Gato in shock. Gato nodded grimly.

"Si. This little circus is going to pack up and leave after our battle. We may not be aware of where we are after that. The time to escape is nigh," he said. He smiled at Jaune. "You are ready for this, Juan."

"I... Are you sure?" Jaune asked. "All I've done is survive, and make that stupid stick glow-"

"You have come a long way in such a short time," Gato said with a smile, "You say you didn't go to Hunter school?"


"Well... Perhaps you were better suited to learning in the real world, as I did," Gato said. "In any event, tomorrow's the night. Once more... Focus...!"

- - -

They'd rested. They'd eaten. They'd trained all day, as usual. And they were brought into the center ring, which, with loud mechanical whines, dropped down into a pit they couldn't climb or jump out of- especially not with the electrified fences that stood up to enclose them. The crowds roared in approval, as the announcer warmed up his mike.

"Ladies and gentlemen! We have quite the treat for you! From parts unknown, a swashbuckler and his knightly apprentice, I give you... SER GATO ZAPATOS, AND THE RAGGEDY KNIGHT!"

The crowd roared loudly, through speakers and through the cages around them. One large reinforced box slowly descended into the pit, creaking ominously. It was the size of a small barn, and something growled from its insides.

"Stand fast, Juan," Gato said softly, as the massive crate settled on the sandy floor, "When I give the signal..."

"Right," Jaune breathed.

"And their opponent for the night! We bring you only the very best! A massive specimen from Wallace Island, we give you... THE KONG BERINGEL!"

The crate opened up... And an ape-like Beringel, the height of a two-storey building, emerged with a roar. It beat its chest and began to advance on Gato and Jaune as the crowd cheered and whistled.

"I will distract it," Gato said, holding up his rapier-like sword, "You get ready! Target exactly where I told you!"

Gato shot off like a streak, immediately leaping into the air and thrusting in a blur. He stuck the Kong in its side, and the monster roared as it swung its huge forearms like battering rams. Gato artfully dodged, flipping and dancing through the blows like a leaf caught in a breeze.

"Okay.... Okay..." Jaune took deep breaths. He held up Crocea Mors in a duelist's salute. He slashed up and down, right and left, and spun the blade in a a dramatic flourish... Only to drop it. "Shit!"

"AGAIN, JUAN!" Gato shouted, climbing up the back of the Kong Beringel and slashing across it's face. The monster howled, and both hands slammed into its jaws as it again missed the quick Gato.


Jaune picked up the sword. He went through the routine. He channeled his Aura, and the blade began to glow white hot. He completed the moves before he pulled back with the blade. It thrummed with energy, and crackled with it like lightning was trapped within the steel.

"HOLD IT, HOLD IT...!" Gato shouted. The Kong Beringel grabbed his cape, and yanked him back into its grip. Jaune's eyes widened.


"NOT YET!" Gato shouted. "NOT YET... NOT YET...!"

The Kong brought the Cat faunus right up to its drooling, gaping jaws...

Gato glanced up. He grinned toothily as he saw the Boss of this little affair and most of his cronies were right behind him in an enclosed room with large windows.


Jaune swung... And a wave of yellow white energy radiated outward, the backlash knocking Jaune right off his feet. It shot through the chest of the Kong Berengil, through the electrified cages surrounding the pit, and through the control box and the surprised boss and subordinates.

The electronics went up in a massive explosion, and the tent caught fire.

The lights failed, people screamed... But thanks to the flames, Jaune was able to see the top of the Kong Berengil fall off its bottom half with a tremendous thud. Gato elbowed his way out of the evaporating Grimm's grip, and rushed over to Jaune.

"Wonderful, Juan, wonderful!" He shouted over the screams of panicking people, "Now, let's get going!"

"I..." Jaune sagged, and Gato held him up.

"Ah, yes," Gato nodded, "The little drawback of that move, Golden Lion's Roar? Someone with as terrible aura control as you will drain yourself into the red if you use it."

"You... Couldn't have told me that... Sooner?!" Jaune demanded as they hobbled their way to the side of the pit. One of the fences keeping them and the Grimm inside had fallen, and Gato easily climbed up with Jaune as a burden.

"You should be more grateful!" Gato insisted, "That's one of my signature moves! I no longer have the Aura to do it so powerfully, but you! Ah, such savage power! You're gonna get a lot of senoritas with that one, believe you me!"

They made it up into the darkened, panicked circus tent. They pushed through the confused crowd, out through the exit as the flames spread. The guards shouted, and some began to open fire as the lights came back on. Gato and Jaune ran, even as Grimm broke out of their cages and started to rampage. A fire ignited, spreading all over the tents.

They turned a corner of this bizarre travelling show, and there she was. She was tall, beautiful, with darkly tanned skin and a shimmering color to her hair, like an aurora. She was dressed in a nice dress, with a jacket over it. Her blue eyes widened as she beheld Jaune, who found the strength to hold his blade on her.

"You?!" Iridescent gasped.

"Iridescent," Jaune growled.

"Did... Did you just slice a Kong Berengil... Right in half?" She gasped.

"Yeah," Jaune snarled, "And I'll do worse to you, you-!"

Iridescent squealed, and held her hands together under her chin. She smiled unnervingly, her pale eyes turning red.

"Ohhh... You were magnificent!"

Jaune blinked. She didn't sound angry, or upset, or gloating. She sounded kind of like she was...

"You did... I knew you were strong, oh, how I knew... And the boss! His subordinates! You sliced them all apart, too!"

Jaune coughed. He felt Gato's hand squeeze his shoulder comfortably.

Sure... Those guys had been scumbags, but... Killing people...?

"I-I didn't-!"

"You did... It was wonderful," Iridescent giggled. She held her cheeks, her grin shining like a knife.

"Ohhh... I knew you were strong, but to do all that...? I must have you for myself!"

"What," Jaune managed. Iridescent advanced on him, opening up the buttons on her dress with that same unnerving smile.

"Yes... You're a conquering beast... And I'm your prize! Oh, take me, you magnificent predator, you! I'll be your everything, and you'll be my monster."

"I believe she is the wrong kind of senorita for you, Juan," Gato said, "Shall we escape?"

"YES PLEASE!" Jaune shouted. They turned and ran, even as Iridescent pursued. She shouted after them as they fled into the forest.



Iridescent was cut off when several Grimm barreled out of the circus, roaring monstrously. A pack of Beowulves raced around them.

Jaune and Gato kept running, finally breaking out of the trees into a small clearing. They could hear rushing water, and thanks to the light of the broken moons, saw a raging river ahead.

They skidded to a halt in front of the raging rapids, as more howls filled the night air.

Jaune and Gato turned to see many pairs of glowing red eyes leering at them in the darkness. Gato shook his head, and sighed.

"This? ... This is for me, Juan."


Jaune looked over at him in disbelief.

"We can take them together-!"

"No... No we cannot."

"Your wife-Your grandchildren-!"

"Your aura is in the red... These beasts will tear you apart..." He brandished his sword. "Get out of here, Juan. I will buy you time to escape."

"I won't leave you-!"

Gato chuckled, and shrugged.

"In the end, Juan... No one can run from Death forever. You must fight for life every day. You must not give into despair, or fear. You must keep up the good fight... That is what heroes do. And you? You will be that someday... If you stay true to yourself. Live your life, Juan Arc. Live it well... And when you meet him? Greet Death with a smile. I will put in a good word for you."

He spun around and kicked Jaune... And the young man went tumbling into the water. He swam frantically, struggling for breath. A log ran into his chest, and he grabbed on. He yanked himself up out of the water with a gasp, barely holding on against the weight of his armor and cloak, and looked upstream.

"GATO! GATOOOOO!" He shouted. He saw a gigantic Alpha Beowulf rearing up over the tiny form of Gato. He saw them clash... Just before he lost sight thanks to the riverbend.

Jaune bowed his head, and sobbed.

"Gato... I swear... I-I'll never forget you," he murmured, as the river carried him ever further.

- - -
- - -

Jaune got thrown roughly into a cage by the two goons. Jaune groaned as he hit the straw covered floor, and slowly pushed himself up. He turned around and glared out into the gloom of the large circus tent.

"Hey... I haven't fully healed yet from that fight," Jaune called back, fiddling with the Aura suppression collar on his neck, "Can't I get a little more time?"

"Yeah right, nice try kid," one of the goons laughed, "You ain't getting out that easy."

"Maybe when you've paid off Iridescent's debt we'll let you go. Shouldn't take more than a few years, a few hundred more fights," taunted the other, "Boy, was she lucky to find such a powerful sucker!"

They laughed, walking away, as Jaune glared hatefully after them. He punched the straw covered cage, hard, and was rewarded with a sharp pain. He hissed, and rubbed his sore knuckles. He fought back tears.

He had been trying to help... And then ended up fighting a pack of Beowulves for a baying crowd's bloodlust. And he was going to have to do it for the rest of his life...

"I was so godsdamned stupid," he whispered angrily, "Stupid!"

"Ah... Lured in by a woman," a smooth, baritone voice spoke behind him, "Yes, that is a tale I am quite familiar with."

Jaune looked back, eyes wide.

"Huh? Who's there?"

Out of the gloom, into the dim torchlight, a man stepped forward. Jaune looked him up and down.

He was a Faunus, a cat he thought-His hair and ears were almost entirely white from age, with only a streak or two of red left. He wore a striking mustache and beard, brushed to perfection that, with his cat-like ears poking out from under his broad feather crested hat, made him look like a musketeer. His clothing was worn, but had once been quite fancy: Leather tunic, breeches, and very tall boots. A tattered cape hung from his shoulders, and he wore bracers upon his wrists inlaid with gold.

His eyes were green, and glowed lightly in the dim light. He smiled, doffed his hat, and bowed dramatically.

"You may call me Ser Gato Zapatos, my young friend," he spoke, "You?"

"Jaune Arc," Jaune admitted, slowly rising and giving an awkward bow back. "What are you in for?"

"Ah, sport," Gato shrugged, "Alas, I was on a trip to see my grandchildren in Vale. My wife had gone to see them, but I wanted to go out on my own."

He chuckled self effacingly.

"I suppose I wanted to prove I was still capable in my dotage. I too was lured in to save the innocent... And was thus imprisoned. And you, young Juan?"

"Jaune," Jaune corrected him, before he winced, "Sorry. Uh... Well, I'm making my way to Beacon. I want to become a Hunter, and well... This girl said she needed help. I fought off some goons, she asked me to help deal with the boss..."

Jaune bowed his head in shame.

"She... She slapped some Aura suppression cuffs on me, knocked me out... And here I am."

"As I said," Gato said with a nod, "A familiar tale. One I fell for again. Even after all this time... I cannot resist the urge to be a hero."

He smiled at Jaune kindly.

"Neither can you."

"I was stupid," Jaune sighed, "What am I even doing? I got into Beacon but... I-I have no training! I don't belong there! Not if I got caught so easily-!"

"Do you regret having your dream?" Gato asked. Jaune looked up in shock.


"Do you regret your dream? Do you forsake it?" Gato asked calmly. Jaune glared.

"I-I don't! I want... I do want to be a hero-!"

"Then accept that you are going to run into obstacles on the path to your dream," Gato said, sitting down with a slight groan. "You knew the path wouldn't be easy, si?"

"No... No, I knew it wouldn't be easy," Jaune admitted, "But... Captured like this?"

"Think of it... As an opportunity," Gato said, his whiskers twitching with his smile. "Me? I have been in worse spots. Far worse. And I have gotten out again."

"Then... Then you know how to get out of here?" Jaune asked quietly, though he was hesitant. What made him think this random old man would be any better than Iridescent?

"I know of a way... But I do require your help," Gato said calmly. "Not to say you will not gain something other than freedom! I saw your performance in the ring."

Jaune leaned forward.


"It was..." The old cat faunus worked his jaw, "Not terrible... Exactly."

Jaune slumped.

"I know. I suck. All I've got going for me is my aura-"

"Ah, but that is a good place to start," Gato said eagerly. "To have the means of going on past the point others quit! Do not underestimate the power of that, my boy. Still... As a swordsman myself, I must say..."


"You handled it like a club," Gato winced, "I had to shut my eyes at many points, seeing how clumsy you are. Your poor weapon, she weeps in her humiliation."

Jaune slumped again. Gato chuckled, and rose. He picked up two wooden sticks from the floor, and tossed one to Jaune.

"But you are in luck! For I know how to handle a blade, and can teach you how not to embarrass yourself and everyone else who wields weapons!"

"Gee, thanks," Jaune said wryly, "But are you sure? I mean..."

The old man looked frail, and he was shorter than Jaune. Gato chuckled.

"Well, I appreciate your concern, my young friend. Why don't we see how well I've held up over the years, mm?"

Jaune had seen plenty of kung fu movies. He knew this had to be a bad idea, but... He still charged and thrust the wooden stick at Gato.


He ended up flipped onto his back, his wooden stick knocked right out of his hands, and a smiling Gato looking down upon him.

"Seems I might know what I'm talking about, hm, young Juan?"

Jaune just groaned.

- - -

Jaune could say with complete honesty that training under Gato and fighting Grimm in death matches? Was the worst experience of his life.

Even worse than cramming for the medical school entrance exams.

They'd been allowed out of their cages to train, but always under heavy armed guard and only with wooden swords and shields.

Gato didn't look like he could hit Jaune that hard, but the spry little Faunus could move like a flash of lightning, and took him down with almost no effort. Underneath the circus-like tent of the arena, Gato trained Jaune harder than Jaune had ever been pushed before.

"Show me your stance," Gato said, on the first day they were out in the sandy pit of center ring, which was lowered like an elevator, and surrounded by automatically erecting electric fences for the fights with the Grimm. All around them were empty bleachers, save for a small observation box perched in front of a lot of recording and power equipment. Oh, and the armed guards, of course.

Jaune took a combat stance. Gato clicked his tongue... And jabbed Jaune in the gut.


"You're standing too stiffly."

He jabbed Jaune in the knees.


"Knees are too far bent, and too close together."

Gato slid around like a dancer, even included a pirouette, before he stabbed Jaune in the neck.


"Lower your chin."

He slapped the wooden sword against Jaune's butt.


"You're too tense! Loosen up a little!"

Gato then slapped and pushed on Jaune's arm joints.


"There, much better," Gato said. "Show me a strike."

Jaune swung his sword. Gato sighed heavily.

"No no no, Juan, no! Here, like this."

He made a thrust, a swing, and a parry, as fluid as water. He nodded to Jaune.

"Now you try!"

Jaune copied. Gato hummed.

"Little better. Again!"

He smacked Jaune's butt again with the flat of the sword.

"OW! What was that for?!"

"The look on your face," Gato snickered as Jaune scowled. "But hey, you'll be thanking me when you're not Grimm chow, si?"

- - -

It continued on. It felt like Jaune had to make his body perform a hundred different things all at once perfectly. He did it over and over, and every time he made a mistake, Gato hit him or put him on his back.


"Urgh... R-Right!"

Two weeks of this and Jaune did feel like he was improving a little. Gato didn't look as disgusted with his movements. And the Grimm we going down more easily. Though those were still a challenge.

Ursas, Creepers, Beowulves, Boarbatucks, Reynards, and dozens of others! He was certainly getting a crash course education in what he would fight as a Huntsman.

"Form 1, again," Gato said, as Jaune struck in the instructed pattern. "Form 2."

Jaune performed it. Gato nodded.

"And Form 3."

Jaune went through it, finishing with a harsh thrust.

"Haa... Haa... Why just these?"

"You're a beginner, and you need to master the basics before anything else," Gato explained. "Now, again, Form 1..."

Jaune performed it... And Gato shook his head with a sigh.

"What? What am I doing wrong?"

"Nothing, you're doing fine," the Cat faunus said, "However... In a fight to the death, you cannot just be a perfectionist. There's so much more to battle than you can learn in so short a time. You can't just be acting like a student in class, Juan. You'll die."

He struck furiously, and Jaune defended. But like a lightning fast serpent, Gato got around Jaune's shield and sword and knocked him flat on his back again.


"I had hoped to teach you to be an artist with the blade, my boy," Gato said, walking around the groaning teenager with his sword resting on his shoulder, "Elegant, swift, precise. But I am beginning to think that is not who you are!"

"It isn't?" Jaune had groaned, face in the sand of the ring. He slowly pushed himself back up to his feet, as Gato hummed thoughtfully.

"No! You do not fight with cold elegance. That is not truly you. You... Are a brawler. A savage. A tank!" He pointed Jaune in the head with his wooden sword, and Jaune scowled up at him. "You ran away from home in defiance of your mother, did you not? That means there is a punk inside of you! You must bring him out! It is not something that gets all ladies' motors running... But those who appreciate it are worth your time!"

"Okay, so how do I do that?" Jaune asked dryly. Gato chuckled, twirling his wooden training sword between his still dexterous fingers.

"Allow me to demonstrate. I will fell you without using the blade of my sword."

"How are you gonna-?"

Gato drove his pommel right between Jaune's eyes, breaking his nose. Jaune reared back with a cry, as Gato knocked Jaune's sword and shield aside with his gauntlet and then kicked him in the balls. Down went Jaune, whimpering, as Gato nodded.

"Do you get it now, Juan? Or must I promise that when I escape, I shall go fuck your mother-?"

Jaune saw red.

He grabbed some sand and threw it into Gato's eyes, just before he rammed his fist into Gato's balls. The cat Faunus coughed, and fell back as Jaune struggled back to his feet.

"How's... That... You mangy... Bastard?" Jaune had managed.

Gato grinned... And again knocked Jaune's weapons out of his hands with barely any effort and kicked him in the face.

"That's more like it, boy!"

This on top of having to fight Grimm in deathmatches virtually every night.

He barely got any sleep or rest. They did get fed well, with rich high protein meals, but that was the only good thing about the experience!

On top of that was the training Gato put him through in the cage, when they were alone. It was all to channel his Aura, as best he could, through a stick and wave it. But every time he did that, he had to do some stupid salute!

With the aura suppression collar on him, it was all he could do to simply make the stupid stick glow a little!

He did it all though. He trained until he couldn't even move. He channeled his Aura even though he could only feel a trickle. He fought until the Grimm were dead.

The roars of the bloodthirsty crowd started to sound like wonderful music to him, because it meant he could rest.

Finally, one night, after Jaune had put down a Geist Armor (and hadn't that fucking sucked?!), and he and Gato had finished their meals, he looked up from his empty bowl with a smile.

"Good news, Juan! We're going to fight together tomorrow night!"

"Uh huh?" Jaune asked, having long since given up correcting Gato on his name, "How is that a good thing?"

"Because that's when we'll escape."

Jaune looked up at Gato in shock. Gato nodded grimly.

"Si. This little circus is going to pack up and leave after our battle. We may not be aware of where we are after that. The time to escape is nigh," he said. He smiled at Jaune. "You are ready for this, Juan."

"I... Are you sure?" Jaune asked. "All I've done is survive, and make that stupid stick glow-"

"You have come a long way in such a short time," Gato said with a smile, "You say you didn't go to Hunter school?"


"Well... Perhaps you were better suited to learning in the real world, as I did," Gato said. "In any event, tomorrow's the night. Once more... Focus...!"

- - -

They'd rested. They'd eaten. They'd trained all day, as usual. And they were brought into the center ring, which, with loud mechanical whines, dropped down into a pit they couldn't climb or jump out of- especially not with the electrified fences that stood up to enclose them. The crowds roared in approval, as the announcer warmed up his mike.

"Ladies and gentlemen! We have quite the treat for you! From parts unknown, a swashbuckler and his knightly apprentice, I give you... SER GATO ZAPATOS, AND THE RAGGEDY KNIGHT!"

The crowd roared loudly, through speakers and through the cages around them. One large reinforced box slowly descended into the pit, creaking ominously. It was the size of a small barn, and something growled from its insides.

"Stand fast, Juan," Gato said softly, as the massive crate settled on the sandy floor, "When I give the signal..."

"Right," Jaune breathed.

"And their opponent for the night! We bring you only the very best! A massive specimen from Wallace Island, we give you... THE KONG BERINGEL!"

The crate opened up... And an ape-like Beringel, the height of a two-storey building, emerged with a roar. It beat its chest and began to advance on Gato and Jaune as the crowd cheered and whistled.

"I will distract it," Gato said, holding up his rapier-like sword, "You get ready! Target exactly where I told you!"

Gato shot off like a streak, immediately leaping into the air and thrusting in a blur. He stuck the Kong in its side, and the monster roared as it swung its huge forearms like battering rams. Gato artfully dodged, flipping and dancing through the blows like a leaf caught in a breeze.

"Okay.... Okay..." Jaune took deep breaths. He held up Crocea Mors in a duelist's salute. He slashed up and down, right and left, and spun the blade in a a dramatic flourish... Only to drop it. "Shit!"

"AGAIN, JUAN!" Gato shouted, climbing up the back of the Kong Beringel and slashing across it's face. The monster howled, and both hands slammed into its jaws as it again missed the quick Gato.


Jaune picked up the sword. He went through the routine. He channeled his Aura, and the blade began to glow white hot. He completed the moves before he pulled back with the blade. It thrummed with energy, and crackled with it like lightning was trapped within the steel.

"HOLD IT, HOLD IT...!" Gato shouted. The Kong Beringel grabbed his cape, and yanked him back into its grip. Jaune's eyes widened.


"NOT YET!" Gato shouted. "NOT YET... NOT YET...!"

The Kong brought the Cat faunus right up to its drooling, gaping jaws...

Gato glanced up. He grinned toothily as he saw the Boss of this little affair and most of his cronies were right behind him in an enclosed room with large windows.


Jaune swung... And a wave of yellow white energy radiated outward, the backlash knocking Jaune right off his feet. It shot through the chest of the Kong Berengil, through the electrified cages surrounding the pit, and through the control box and the surprised boss and subordinates.

The electronics went up in a massive explosion, and the tent caught fire.

The lights failed, people screamed... But thanks to the flames, Jaune was able to see the top of the Kong Berengil fall off its bottom half with a tremendous thud. Gato elbowed his way out of the evaporating Grimm's grip, and rushed over to Jaune.

"Wonderful, Juan, wonderful!" He shouted over the screams of panicking people, "Now, let's get going!"

"I..." Jaune sagged, and Gato held him up.

"Ah, yes," Gato nodded, "The little drawback of that move, Golden Lion's Roar? Someone with as terrible aura control as you will drain yourself into the red if you use it."

"You... Couldn't have told me that... Sooner?!" Jaune demanded as they hobbled their way to the side of the pit. One of the fences keeping them and the Grimm inside had fallen, and Gato easily climbed up with Jaune as a burden.

"You should be more grateful!" Gato insisted, "That's one of my signature moves! I no longer have the Aura to do it so powerfully, but you! Ah, such savage power! You're gonna get a lot of senoritas with that one, believe you me!"

They made it up into the darkened, panicked circus tent. They pushed through the confused crowd, out through the exit as the flames spread. The guards shouted, and some began to open fire as the lights came back on. Gato and Jaune ran, even as Grimm broke out of their cages and started to rampage. A fire ignited, spreading all over the tents.

They turned a corner of this bizarre travelling show, and there she was. She was tall, beautiful, with darkly tanned skin and a shimmering color to her hair, like an aurora. She was dressed in a nice dress, with a jacket over it. Her blue eyes widened as she beheld Jaune, who found the strength to hold his blade on her.

"You?!" Iridescent gasped.

"Iridescent," Jaune growled.

"Did... Did you just slice a Kong Berengil... Right in half?" She gasped.

"Yeah," Jaune snarled, "And I'll do worse to you, you-!"

Iridescent squealed, and held her hands together under her chin. She smiled unnervingly, her pale eyes turning red.

"Ohhh... You were magnificent!"

Jaune blinked. She didn't sound angry, or upset, or gloating. She sounded kind of like she was...

"You did... I knew you were strong, oh, how I knew... And the boss! His subordinates! You sliced them all apart, too!"

Jaune coughed. He felt Gato's hand squeeze his shoulder comfortably.

Sure... Those guys had been scumbags, but... Killing people...?

"I-I didn't-!"

"You did... It was wonderful," Iridescent giggled. She held her cheeks, her grin shining like a knife.

"Ohhh... I knew you were strong, but to do all that...? I must have you for myself!"

"What," Jaune managed. Iridescent advanced on him, opening up the buttons on her dress with that same unnerving smile.

"Yes... You're a conquering beast... And I'm your prize! Oh, take me, you magnificent predator, you! I'll be your everything, and you'll be my monster."

"I believe she is the wrong kind of senorita for you, Juan," Gato said, "Shall we escape?"

"YES PLEASE!" Jaune shouted. They turned and ran, even as Iridescent pursued. She shouted after them as they fled into the forest.



Iridescent was cut off when several Grimm barreled out of the circus, roaring monstrously. A pack of Beowulves raced around them.

Jaune and Gato kept running, finally breaking out of the trees into a small clearing. They could hear rushing water, and thanks to the light of the broken moons, saw a raging river ahead.

They skidded to a halt in front of the raging rapids, as more howls filled the night air.

Jaune and Gato turned to see many pairs of glowing red eyes leering at them in the darkness. Gato shook his head, and sighed.

"This? ... This is for me, Juan."


Jaune looked over at him in disbelief.

"We can take them together-!"

"No... No we cannot."

"Your wife-Your grandchildren-!"

"Your aura is in the red... These beasts will tear you apart..." He brandished his sword. "Get out of here, Juan. I will buy you time to escape."

"I won't leave you-!"

Gato chuckled, and shrugged.

"In the end, Juan... No one can run from Death forever. You must fight for life every day. You must not give into despair, or fear. You must keep up the good fight... That is what heroes do. And you? You will be that someday... If you stay true to yourself. Live your life, Juan Arc. Live it well... And when you meet him? Greet Death with a smile. I will put in a good word for you."

He spun around and kicked Jaune... And the young man went tumbling into the water. He swam frantically, struggling for breath. A log ran into his chest, and he grabbed on. He yanked himself up out of the water with a gasp, barely holding on against the weight of his armor and cloak, and looked upstream.

"GATO! GATOOOOO!" He shouted. He saw a gigantic Alpha Beowulf rearing up over the tiny form of Gato. He saw them clash... Just before he lost sight thanks to the riverbend.

Jaune bowed his head, and sobbed.

"Gato... I swear... I-I'll never forget you," he murmured, as the river carried him ever further.

- - -
Bet you anything that Gato will be back soon.
In this universe, Ser Gato Zapatos was a famous, legendary Faunus mercenary and outlaw across Remnant. He was infamous in Atlas. He was not interested in politics, simply in adventure and glory and women (though he did aid those who needed it). But he did eventually settle down with a beautiful cat faunus (and their adopted dog faunus "little brother") in Vale.

Up to this point, no one would really be able to tell that Jaune had been trained by him. But once he uses Golden Lion's Roar, it'll be extremely obvious to anyone who knows the fighting style that Jaune learned from him.

Blake Belladonna is definitely someone who will know.
In this universe, Ser Gato Zapatos was a famous, legendary Faunus mercenary and outlaw across Remnant. He was infamous in Atlas. He was not interested in politics, simply in adventure and glory and women (though he did aid those who needed it). But he did eventually settle down with a beautiful cat faunus (and their adopted dog faunus "little brother") in Vale.

Up to this point, no one would really be able to tell that Jaune had been trained by him. But once he uses Golden Lion's Roar, it'll be extremely obvious to anyone who knows the fighting style that Jaune learned from him.

Blake Belladonna is definitely someone who will know.

He really reminds of Puss from the Shrek universe, that intentional?

Thanks for the chapter.

Also I bet Jaune's admirer is still kickin....
He really reminds of Puss from the Shrek universe, that intentional?

Thanks for the chapter.

Also I bet Jaune's admirer is still kickin....

Very much so.

You're welcome!

And yeah... She's still kicking. She's worse than the other crazy girl who tried to get Jaune to marry her.
He really reminds of Puss from the Shrek universe, that intentional?

Thanks for the chapter.

Also I bet Jaune's admirer is still kickin....
His name when put into google translate is literally "cat shoes", so yeah, we are dealing with an elderly Puss in Boots.
Since he trained Jaune, I wonder if we are dealing with a Mask of Zorro situation?
- - -

"Ruby?! RUBY! RUBY!"

Jaune grit his teeth as Yang shouted over the Scroll. He checked his tracker app again, as he and Blake dashed through the thick forest.

"Yang! Yang, Blake and I are close to Ruby! You guys go help Nora and Ren!"

"But Ruby-!"

"We'll get Ruby! Don't worry!" Jaune insisted.

"All right... You're right... Just-"

"We'll bring her back. I promise," Jaune insisted.

"I can smell her," Blake announced calmly. Jaune nodded. "Along with a lot of Grimm."

"Shit," Jaune muttered. "Yang, we'll get her. Go save Nora and Ren."

"On it. See you soon, Crybaby!" Yang shouted back, a bit of her typical cockiness coming through.

"Don't you get hurt either, Jaune," Pyrrha insisted.

"We won't," Jaune said. He turned off the scroll as they started seeing daylight ahead.

Blake leaped from tree to tree, twisting and turning through the branches. It was honestly breathtaking to watch, and Jaune would have appreciated it any other time. Like when he couldn't hear the howling of Grimm. Or Ruby wasn't...


Blake raced ahead of him towards a small, red cloaked form lying near some trees. A few Reynards were stalking towards her, cautiously. Blake immediately went to work, letting loose precise pistol rounds into the heads of the Grimm. Two were slain instantly, but the third dodged and leaped back with a snarl.

"Cover us!" Jaune shouted, as he finally got to Ruby and landed on his knees next to her. He immediately checked her pulse, and opened his scroll to synch with her aura. She was so still, so pale... It just didn't seem right for her to be so motionless... She was breathing, faintly, but her pulse...?

Come on, come on...!

Jaune felt her heartbeat. And her aura synched with his scroll-Well into the red, but still there. He let out a soft sigh of relief, as Blake went to work behind them.

"She's alive!" Jaune shouted.

"Good!" Blake shouted back, before firing several rounds from Gambol Shroud. While she was distracted, Jaune continued his check up as quickly as possible. He saw the blood covering her right arm, and tore her sleeve right off. He quickly yanked out antiseptic, bandages and antibiotics from his messenger bag and applied them. He noticed other, smaller bite marks, and tilted Ruby's chin up.

"She got bit by Vermin, gonna give her an antitoxin-!"

"Jaune, hurry!" Blake insisted.

Jaune glanced over his shoulder. More Reynards and Beowulves were closing in on them, along with very large Ursas. Blake was a very competent and skilled fighter, but the Reynards and Beowulves were striking in teams-Two hitting her from one side, two waiting to strike while she was distracted.

They're coordinating between species...?!

"Almost done!" He poured the antitoxin down Ruby's throat, and helped her swallow. He pulled it back, bottled it up, and stuck it into his bag. He yanked Ruby up into his arms and turned around-


Just in time to get his shield up against a Beowulf. It slammed him and Ruby up against the tree, and it snarled viciously as its jaws snapped.

Godsdamnit... No sword... Can't use the shield... So...!

Jaune grit his teeth and slammed his head down against its jaws, his Aura-enhanced skin and strength knocking it back. A pistol round from Blake went right through its head, and the monster fell back, turning into smoke.

Turning from the fallen foe, he nearly tripped over something metallic-Crescent Rose, he spotted. He yanked it up off the ground, only a little shocked when it shrank and compressed into a much smaller form. He stuffed it into his messenger bag.

"Blake, call the others, tell them we got Ruby!" Jaune shouted. He began to run, as Blake easily kept pace with him as the Grimm chased after them all. "LET'S GO!"

- - -

Outnumbered, out of ammo, and surrounded. Not how Lie Ren had hoped he would go out.

Though he knew it was a distinct possibility. He knew what Grimm could do-His and Nora's ruined village was a potent testament to the fearsome power of the Grimm. The many memorials to those taken by them made clear the price you might pay as a defender of humanity.

He had just hoped it wouldn't happen so soon.

He and Nora had done plenty to make the enemy struggle though. They'd slain many of their enemies and those that they couldn't kill had fled around them. Some of the Grimm were acting cautious, afraid.

It was not much of a tribute... But there was a satisfaction to be had in making the enemy pay dearly. In making them fear you.


Nora dashed out from behind their cover again, swinging her hammer and bringing it down on the edge of the river bank. She again sent a pulse of electricity out through the water, outright killing many small Grimm and hurting the larger ones, but the swifter predators struck out at her and she had to retreat. She leaped backwards, landing next to Ren, as they stood back to back. A Reynard lunged for them, but Ren swung Stormflower out again and sliced through the Grimm as it passed. Another Reynard lunged behind, as a third feinted at Nora. Nora grunted as one slashed its bone blades across her forearms, adding to the large collection of cuts and bruises across her body. Ren, despite his skills, was not much better.

Both Grimm were dispatched, falling to the ground to join the bones of their fellows, but like all the other attacks, it had done its job-Worn Ren and Nora down. Both were panting heavily-Even Nora's prodigious stamina was running low.

"Strange, isn't it?" Ren commented, "How they've been... Coordinating like this..."

"Yeah... Like someone's in control of them," Nora murmured back, "How does that work?"

"No idea," Ren observed. "I should have liked to know the answer."

He twitched his hands towards his belt-But of course, there was no ammo left.

"Nora," Ren began softly.

"Yes Renny?"

"If it is to be our end... I would like to say something," he said.

Nora tilted her head, looking expectantly back at her best friend, her partner, her everything. As she was to him.


"... I do not know what a sloth actually sounds like," he admitted.

Nora drooped a little.


Ren sucked in a deep breath and tapped into his Semblance as much as he dared. His Aura was so low, but... He needed its fortitude to speak.

"Also... I... I love-"

An Ursa charged them, as Beowulves attacked from behind. Ren gritted his teeth, his emotional calm deteriorating-

Nora swung Magnhild to uppercut the Ursa, then in the same motion, grabbed it by the neck and judo threw it right over Ren's head to slam it into the Beowulves.

Ren blinked.

"SO RUDE!" Nora growled. She turned to Ren with a bright smile. "You were saying, Renny?"


Rifle fire erupted out of the trees, blowing apart multiple Grimm's heads in an instant. A moment later, shimmering Glyphs appeared, and exploded with ice and fire, driving back any Grimm that wasn't frozen or burned.

From the treeline, Yang waved at them, as Weiss and Pyrrha unleashed their weapons and powers upon the Grimm cutting them off.

"RUN YOU BITCHES!" Yang screamed.

Ren was, quite frankly, exhausted, but he still found it in himself to run as fast as he could for their friends. Nora ran alongside, grinning at him.

"So Renny, what were you gonna say?" She asked, as they ran past Pyrrha, Weiss and Yang. The three other girls joined them, and they all sprinted through the trees.


"What was he saying?" Yang asked.

"Well, it started with 'Also', and included 'I', and then there was another 'I', then he said 'love', and after that-!"

"We can talk about it later," Ren said quickly.

Nora pouted heavily, despite how tired and injured she was.

"But I wanna knooow!"

He felt three sets of inquiring, female eyes on his back. Ren tapped into his Semblance harder.

"Later. When we're not in mortal peril."

"I'll hold you to that, Renny!" Nora giggled.

"Yes, we'll help," Yang grinned with an evil glint in her eyes. Weiss looked... Intrigued. Even Pyrrha was blushing.

Ren scowled.

Damnit... That's what he got for losing hope.

- - -
Last edited:
Omake: Jaune The Barbarian 4
- - -

Yang Xiao-Long scowled as she stomped out of Combat Class, her eyes still burning red and her hair flowing like flames.

"Wow Yang," Ruby said cheerfully as she kept pace with her older sister, "You nearly blasted that guy through the window!"

"It was, I suppose, impressive," Weiss observed, walking on Yang's other side while Blake trailed behind, "But a bit overkill, don't you think? You gave Sky Lark a concussion."

"Doesn't matter, he'll be fine," Yang growled, "And! He deserved it."

She grabbed a bit of her hair as the flames died down, and looked mournfully at the sloppy cut the unfortunate young man had made.

"He cut my hair, Weiss," Yang stated, "If he cut me anywhere else, I would have been able to handle it. But the hair? No."

"And people say I'm prickly," Weiss muttered. Yang sighed in despair.

"It's a whole week to the weekend... I can't go around like this!" She moaned.

Team JNPR walked up to them in the hallway. Jaune was rolling his shoulder.

"Hey Jaune!" Ruby chirped, "Hey Pyrrha, Ren, Nora! Saw your fight, Jaune! You did great!"

"I lucked out that Coco is terrible at close range," Jaune groaned, "But that minigun of hers is no joke."

"You did fine, Jaune," Pyrrha said encouragingly. She smiled in apology over at Weiss. "Sorry for defeating you, Weiss-"

"N-No! No, that's absolutely fine!" Weiss said with a smile, "It was an honor to be defeated by you!"

"Well, um, good! No hard feelings, keep training!" Pyrrha said nervously.

Silence fell for a moment, as Yang glared glumly at her hair. Jaune cleared his throat.

"I could help you with that, Yang."

Yang blinked and looked at Jaune.


"I know how to cut hair," he said.

"How?" Ruby asked. Jaune shrugged and sighed.

"I have seven sisters, and while we're pretty well off, we also live in the middle of nowhere," he explained, "So we had to be fairly self sufficient. I can give you a quick trim, even it out."

"Well... I mean..." Yang tried. It wasn't that she didn't trust Jaune, but... Having anyone touch her hair was a tall order.

Jaune managed a small smile.

"Then on the weekend, you can go to a pro stylist to get it done properly. Sound good?"

Vanity warred with trust in Yang's mind... Then she saw the look Pyrrha was giving her. She even felt the looks Ruby and Weiss were giving her.

Her competitive nature and desire to never back down joined the battle.

"Sure thing, Crybaby. But if you mess this up..." She grinned and slammed her fist into her palm.

"Don't worry. I won't," Jaune said with a confident nod.

Shit. He's cute when he does that, she thought.

- - -

"I don't see why we all have to be involved," Nora whined, pouting in the common room. Jaune set Yang up in a chair, and threw a towel over her clothing. He pulled out some scissors from his messenger bag, and had gathered beauty supplies from all the girls.

"I'm just waiting for Arc to get punched through the wall," Weiss snarked, sitting on a couch. Jaune smirked, and swung the scissors around his fingers far more dexterously than he did his own sword.

"Not to worry, Weiss. This? This is my home turf," he stated. "Just relax, Yang. Pyrrha? Can you hold up the mirror?"

A mirror salvaged from a bathroom floated in front of them.

"Sure Jaune, anything you'd like," Pyrrha said, her smile stiff and unnatural as her eyes blazed with jealousy. As badass as Pyrrha was... Yang did enjoy getting one over on her. At least, until she could get one over on her in the ring.

"All right..."

Jaune began to snip, his fingers running through her hair every so often to position her locks. His touch was gentle, and she could feel the warmth of his Aura through the contact they made with her scalp. She bit her lower lip-It felt... Wonderful...

"Okay, now some moisturizing against frizz..."

"Oh," Yang murmured, her eyes crossing. "Oh... W-Wowwww..."

That same magic touch was all over her scalp... And it went through her entire body~!

"And... Finishing touches... There we go! Pyrrha? Hold up the mirror, please?"

Yang blinked at herself. Her hair was smooth and flowing, like a golden river. It was held in two pigtails on either side of her head. She glanced up at him.

"Pigtails, huh?"

"Keeps it out of your eyes, and harder to hit in a fight," Jaune said with a smile. "So... How do you like it?"

Yang worked her jaw. She saw Ruby's hopeful/jealous expression.

"I love it," she said. "Thank you, Cry-Jauny boy."

"You're welcome," Jaune said with a smile. He sighed. "I'm gonna clean up-"

"I'll help you, Jaune~!" Pyrrha said cheerfully, already up and sweeping Yang's trimmings from the floor, "Wouldn't want anyone to take advantage of you, would we?"

"Pyrrha, seriously, chill," Jaune said, "It's just a haircut."

"Yeah Pyrrha," Yang grinned, wrapping her arms around Jaune's, "You're not afraid of me stealing your partner, are you?"

"N-No!" Pyrrha insisted. "I know his feelings! We're friends! Very good friends!"

Her smile became unnatural as she twitched, glaring death into Yang's challenging eyes.

"The kind of friends who would do anything for eachother-!"

"Okay, knock it off," Jaune sighed, "Yang, we're trying to help Pyrrha. Don't push her crazy, all right? There's nothing worth competing over here."

"If you say so, Jaune," Yang said, smiling warmly, and defiantly, right into Pyrrha's eyes.

She caught Ruby's expression out of the corner of her eyes, and felt a brief stab of guilt.

Doing this for Ruby... Just for Ruby...

She smirked.

Doesn't mean I can't have fun in the meantime, though...

- - -
- - -

"Qrow? Qrow!"

"Ugggh," Qrow mumbled, sitting up from the cot in the back of Isabel's Bullhead. He looked up at Isabel. She held up his scroll, which was ringing loudly.

"Mind answering this?" Isabel asked. Qrow waved his hand as he sat up, and groaned.

"Right, right," he took his scroll and tapped the answer button. "Yeah?"

"Hey Qrow, finally connected with you," Taiyang said, his grinning face appeared on the scroll screen. Qrow sighed.

"Hello Tai. How's it going?"

"Pretty good. The girls are doing great," he said, "How are you?"

"Same old same old," he mumbled.

"Ozpin still riding you hard, huh?"

"Dude, don't say it like that," Qrow groaned.

"Yeah, I suppose that would leave you a little 'hoarse'," Taiyang snickered.

"Ohhh Gods," Isabel groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose, "He's just as bad as I remember..."

"Wait, is that who I think it is?"

Qrow rolled his eyes and turned the scroll around. Taiyang's eyes widened.

"Isabel! You haven't aged a day!"

"Neither have you," Isabel deadpanned, "If you're still cracking jokes like that."

"Hey, I'm a dad, I am legally required to make jokes that bad," Taiyang laughed, "Still! It's great to see you. How's Jaune?"

"He gave us all a scare, but he's in Vale recovering," Isabel said with a smile, "How are Ruby and Yang?"

"At Beacon. Ruby got in two years early, my little prodigy," Taiyang gushed. "Yang's doing great in her combat classes! Also, they met some guy, they can't stop talking or writing about him."

"Oho~?" Isabel asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking a bit, "Did they now?"

"Yeah, you said Jaune was in Vale? I think that's him. I didn't know he was in training at Beacon!"

"He's not," Isabel stated firmly, blue eyes cold as ice, "He just got into some trouble and he's recovering under Ozpin's supervision. But he is not training."

"Are you sure? Because-"

Qrow had gotten behind Isabel and made the old Team STRQ hand signals for 'Do not reveal this or we are so screwed!'

It had come in handy many a time.

"-I thought that was his dream when he was little," Taiyang said, so smoothly it seemed natural.

"His dreams changed," Isabel said firmly, "He got accepted into a medical preparatory school. We're very proud."

"Well now, that is impressive!" Taiyang chuckled, glancing nervously at Qrow, "Heh. Well, every parent does hope their little girl will marry a successful doctor..."

Isabel giggled.

"Taiyang, you surprise me! I thought you'd be getting out the shotgun!"

"I'll save it for when I meet him," Taiyang chuckled, "Besides, given how Yang is, I'm half expecting her to end up a teenage mother. Better it's to Jaune than some bum."

"I hope that's a joke."

"Fifty-fifty," Taiyang said, waving his hand in a 'so-so' manner, "So, you and Qrow huh? Working for Ozpin?"

"He convinced me to help out, and I have time off now that Jaune is safe," Isabel shrugged. "We're using my Bullhead to get around."

"Sure saves on the flight time," Qrow said with a smile. Taiyang raised an eyebrow.

"Good for you. I always thought Qrow spent way too much time alone anyway," he said kindly, though there was a glint in his eyes Qrow didn't appreciate, "Well hopefully with you along, he'll call a little more often. Would be nice to know you're still alive."

"You're so passive-aggressive," Qrow grunted, "You're like this when I crash on the couch, too."

"Would it kill you to do some chores when you visit?"

"I do chores, like 'teach your little girls how to be badass'," Qrow stated firmly.

"I do that while holding down a job and keeping a clean house."

"Yeah yeah, woe is Taiyang," Qrow scoffed playfully.

"Should I leave you two alone?" Isabel asked with a smirk, "I don't get in the middle of lover's spats."

"Never heard that one before," Taiyang laughed, "But yeah, Isabel? I do need some bro time with Qrow?"

"Sure," Isabel said. She beamed. "It is good to talk to you again, Tai. I'd like to do it more often."

"Anything for you, Isabel," Tai chuckled.

Isabel went back into the cockpit and checked on their flight path. She closed the hatch behind her.

"Jaune's training at Beacon and she doesn't know, does she?" Taiyang asked in a deadpan voice. Qrow sighed.

"Ozpin's keeping it secret. The kid ran into some trouble while he was wandering and that's the safest place for him."

"And you're distracting Isabel so that she doesn't demolish the place."

People thought Taiyang was just some himbo, but there was a reason he was Summer's second in command.

"No!" Qrow said defensively. "Well... Sort of... She's been a big help." He shook his head.

"Tai, something big is on the horizon," he murmured, "I can't say a lot on an open frequency but..."

Taiyang slowly shook his head.

"No, no, I get it. I've been keeping up as best I can, too. I'm increasing my training regimen, getting back into shape. Honestly, I'm glad you've got a partner to watch your back."

He smirked.

"And that you're not just doing one-night stands anymore."

"It's not like that," Qrow growled. "All right?! She lost her husband, and thought she lost her son! I can be a bastard, but... Not to her."

Taiyang's smirk grew.

"So it's serious, then?"

"Oh knock it off, you himbo," Qrow groaned, exasperated.

"Still man... I do think you're looking a lot better," Taiyang said, "I'm happy for you."

Qrow glanced at the cabin door, then back to the scroll screen.

"Tai... I... I just want you to know, I do appreciate everything you do," he said. "I mean it. I... Never had a brother before meeting you. And I'm glad to have you as one."

Tai stared back at him. He slowly smiled.

"Same, Qrow."

He grinned.

"Your new girlfriend make you say that?"

Qrow sighed.

"She's using psych shit on me, it's weird," he stated, "But... I dunno, it kind of helps."

"Good to hear, Qrow. I mean that. Take care, huh?"

He winked.

"And don't worry about a thing. As long as Jaune marries Ruby, you can get married to Isabel without it being too incestuous."

"Just for that, I hope he marries both of your daughters," Qrow shot back.

"Oh like hell you do, you'd be right alongside me kicking his ass if he did that!"

"Of course I would be! But I'd give him a headstart just for the look on your face."



"Later, bro."

"Yeah yeah..."

It's kinda weird for people of Qrow and Taiyang's age to be using terms like Himbo, but I guess we technically don't know what slang is used by which generations on Remnant, despite it being very Earth-like. Great chapter, though; but a bit short. As long as it's the length and frequency that you're comfortable with, then that's really all that matters, but personally I prefer chapters that are at least 2.5 - 3K words.

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