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I wanted to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. There are circumstances where you want to draw out a scene, use it to set a mood or set up for the future. In this case I wanted it to feel like Ozpin has a lot of stuff to cover in a short time, and so tried to capture that while providing useful information to the reader that will matter in the future.

In this case, I set up:

-More field missions for the students, which will play a key role in future chapters.
-Silverhand's relationship to the other PMCs now making up the VDF and where they will be geographically
-The findings on the Grimm/Human Hybrid and where Qrow and Isabel's story will next take them
-Ruby's Silver Eyes
-Isabel being in the know about Salem and formally joining the group
-More on Merlot's background and history and why learning more about this is important
-Some of the politics of Mistral thanks to Lionheart
-Technical aspects of the CCT.

But on the character side I also established:

-Ironwood and Silverhand's animosity, Silverhand's status as a new and unknown element
-Ironwood's paranoia about Isabel despite them being familiar
-Winter's issues with her family, at least as they relate to this situation
-Lionheart's temperament-Is it simply that he's a coward or is he trying to hamper the group under Salem's orders?
-Ozpin's mindset and how he is a manipulator but not a malicious one
-Taiyang finding his spine and standing up to Ozpin for his daughter while still being committed to the cause
-Ozpin's views on Teams RWBY and JNPR insofar as they relate to his plans.

Not much for Glynda in this scene, but it isn't very necessary. All of this is information that the audience either didn't have before or is fleshing out information they received previously while still setting up things for the future.

Not every scene needs to convey a massive amount of information, because it's not necessary to fill every scene with that. But it is best to be as efficient as possible with it and make it tie into character and make it feel natural. In all honesty I could have probably made this more fluid or maybe had Glynda help meditate things. Point is, going into this I had very clear goals about what I wanted to convey to the audience and how to go about it. The execution can always be improved though.
Omake: Hobbies
Isabel is now talking with Winter and Glynda over their Scrolls.

Isabel: "And the newest version of S-Type Healing Dust should be ready for deployment soon."

Winter: "Incredible work, Doctor!"

Isabel: "Oh, at this point I have very little to do with it anymore. The researchers are doing most of it. It was astonishing how much free time I had but never took advantage of!"

Glynda: "Must be nice."

Isabel: "You do have some assistants, if I recall correctly?"

Glynda: "True, but it never seems like enough."

Isabel: "Heh, I suppose not. So, Glynda... How is my son doing?"

Glynda: "He's doing fine. He's very social with the student body. We're keeping him busy, don't worry about that."

Winter: "Your son?"

Isabel: "His name is Jaune."

Winter: "Ah! My sister is familiar with him!"

Isabel: "Really?"

Winter: "She thinks he's an unrefined lout, though she did buy him new clothing."

Isabel: giggles "Oh my. One of those, hm?"

Winter: "I thought so, but she's taken with another boy right now... Seems a pity, given what I've seen of him."

Isabel: "You know, he is an exceptional cook. And very well read. And a decent singer." smirks "Have you considered getting a house husband?"

Winter: blush "Ah?"

Isabel: "Well, if he can't be a Huntsman, I know he'd be wonderful support for a Huntress like you. In all aspects of life."

Winter: "Eh?!"

Isabel: "Well... You don't think I had eight children for no reason, do you?" smirk

Winter: bright red "Ah?!"

Glynda: "Isabel, please. No matchmaking."

Isabel: "What? Everyone needs a hobby."
Cardin and Velvet: After the Break
- - -

The whole damn day had been filled with nothing but crap. Having to wrangle his team to get to the assembly, having to run around and dodge all these new transfer students-It was rough and Cardin had nearly had his fill. Sure, seeing the airships flying overhead was pretty awesome, but they paled in comparison to what he really wanted.

Finally though, lunch time came around. He headed out onto the quad, and scanned around.

He spotted a familiar pair of brown bunny ears, and jogged over towards her. Velvet looked up and beamed from the picnic table she was sitting at.

"Cardin!" She cried. He grinned back confidently as he slowed to right in front of her. She stood up, her cheeks flushed.

"Miss me?" He asked. Velvet hesitated... Then pounced, wrapping her arms around his shoulders to kiss him feverishly. He was momentarily stunned, but returned the kiss eagerly as he held her around her waist.

The kiss was hot, wet, and electrifying. She pulled back only to catch her breath, panting softly as she looked him in the eyes.

He wanted to say something suave and witty, like "I'll take that as a yes."

"... Humwha," he managed.

Velvet flushed again.

"S-Sorry! I just... I really missed you," she said with a wide grin. He kissed her again happily, and she hummed in joy against his lips.

Somewhere in between the hormones and the warmth and wait that's her chest holy shit those are her boo-NO! Cardin managed to get control and pull back.

"I uh... We uh..." He gestured to the food she had at the table. "Lunch?"

"OH! Oh y-yes, yes, sorry!" Velvet stammered. They separated only a little, Cardin keeping an arm around her waist. They sat down and ate the lunch Velvet had prepared. They were really good sandwiches again.

"Mmm... Reubens?" Cardin asked, after swallowing. Velvet nodded.

"Yeah! I wanted to experiment-How are they?"

"Great!" He said cheerfully. "I like the-the sauce. It's really tangy!"

"I'm glad!" Velvet beamed, taking another bite, "Human taste buds are actually stronger than Faunus ones, so-so I sometimes have trouble adjusting the flavors to not be overwhelming. Daichi, uh... Heh. He didn't react well to a spicy meatball sandwich."

"How bad?" He asked. Velvet winced.

"Ummm... He had to down a whole gallon of milk?"

Cardin snickered and shook his head. Velvet pouted.

"It's not funny! He erased the memory... And then the same thing happened a week later!"

Cardin was laughing so hard he had to cover his mouth to avoid spraying her with crumbs. Velvet's lips twitched, and she soon joined in.

"Hahahahaha! Hahahaha!"

They managed to calm down. Cardin beamed at his girlfriend happily.

"So, uh, how was your break? You said you were helping your family out."

"I was! I was!" Velvet nodded. She held up her Scroll. "My mom's almost done with her pregnancy, so we're all kind of on edge. I'm kind of glad she didn't have the baby when I was there. Every time she does, it's such a panic! I-I kind of just want to avoid that mess, and just show up to see the new baby, you know?"

She winced.

"Oh, that sounds terrible..."

"I mean, if it had happened, you'd have gone with her anyway, right?" Cardin asked. Velvet nodded.

"Yeah! I just... You know... It's just exhausting and stressful. My dad's bald from how he stresses over every baby, but he's always so happy..." She chuckled. "I am looking forward to it. Just hope to avoid the hassle this time."

"Mm," Cardin nodded. "I guess you didn't catch the latest Grimminator movie?"

Velvet made a face.

"Ugh, no. It's gone way past the soulless cash cow phase."

Cardin gaped.

"What?! No way! This new director-He-He's like, doing his own cool thing, but he's also kind of paying respect to the old stuff-! It's great! And they use the catchphrases but it makes sense! It's not just key jangling this time!"

"I don't know," Velvet hummed, "I think the original is still the best."

"Well yeah, but that doesn't mean you can't do new things with it," Cardin argued. He shook his head and groaned. "I'm dating a film snob."

"Nuh uh, just dating a girl with taste," Velvet grinned, nuzzling up to him. He sighed.

"Yeah, all right. But we're seeing it, and I'll prove to you it's actually good!"

"All right," Velvet said with a beam. She then hesitated.

"Uh... Oh... Um..."

Cardin frowned.

"What is it?" He asked. Velvet shook her head, as her ears twitched.

"It's... No big deal," she said, "Just... My parents asked about... Me having a boyfriend, and-and all."

Cardin paled a little. He slowly nodded.

"O-Oh... Um... Me too... For a girlfriend, I mean."

Velvet nodded.

"Yeah... Uh... I-I didn't... I didn't tell them you were, you know... Human," she admitted. She winced. "I am so, so sorry Cardin! I-I don't mean-I'm not ashamed of you but-!"

"But it... You're not ready," he said. She nodded. He sighed. "Yeah... Same."

He held Velvet in his arms, silent. She just cuddled against him. They both listened to the sounds of birdsong and the faint roars of airship engines far away.

"... They... They were happy I wasn't dating Hex," she said. Cardin glared.

"Did he try anything-?!"

"No, no," Velvet said, rubbing his bicep to calm him, "He just gets weird and creepy on DustNet. We all blocked him. But... I-I mean..." She sighed.

"I don't know how... How to break it to them," she explained.

"... Me neither," Cardin admitted.

She was silent as she rested her face against his chest. He reached up and gently stroked her ears. She trembled, and then hummed happily.

"We'll... We'll figure something out," he said.

"Yeah..." Velvet sighed happily, "It's... It's not like we have a hard deadline... Or anything..."

Cardin grimaced. She looked up into his eyes, concerned.


"Um..." Cardin took a deep breath. "My dad and mom attend the... The Beacon Dance, every year. They'll... They'll be here."

Velvet stared in silence. She then blushed.

"Oh... So um..." She bowed her head. "You know... You know, you don't have to... Have to take me."

Cardin blinked.

"Wait what?"

"You... You could just go with someone else," she muttered, "I... If things might get that bad-"

Cardin scowled. He grabbed her chin and tilted her face up, so her eyes met his.

"Do you really think I'm some kind of asshole who would do that?!" He demanded. Velvet flushed.

"I-I just want to-I don't want to make trouble-!"

"Look! If I do take a girl to the dance, it'll be my girlfriend, understand? I'm not some-some coward or jerk!" He growled. He then hesitated and got a handle on his emotions. He thought it through.

She's... She's trying to spare my feelings? Give us more time...? Geez... She's too nice... Damnit... I...

"I mean... Um..."

He tried to articulate that he appreciated her making that sacrifice, but... He wasn't going to do it because he wasn't some coward. He was further going to say this wasn't one way, that he wasn't going to hide her or be ashamed of her. There was time before the dance, maybe they could sort something out.

He was going to say all this... But a shiny eyed Velvet had started kissing him again and his tongue was otherwise engaged.


"Mmm!" Velvet mumbled. She pulled back and beamed at him. "I... I'd love to go with you!"

"... Cool," he managed.

Goddamnit, why can't I think straight when I'm around her?! His brain demanded.

She kissed him again, and... He had his answer.

- - -
"At least a 300% chance on average."
"At least" and "average" don't make sense to me if they are both referring to the same thing. At least refers to the lower end of the range possible. Average is the average of all of the points in the range, which means that it must be higher than the lowest end of the range, unless all of the points in the range are the same. Or am I missing something?
"At least" and "average" don't make sense to me if they are both referring to the same thing. At least refers to the lower end of the range possible. Average is the average of all of the points in the range, which means that it must be higher than the lowest end of the range, unless all of the points in the range are the same. Or am I missing something?

Okay, how should I rewrite it so that it makes sense? He's trying to say that there's a 300% increase in the chances of survival with the use of medical Dust.
- - -

It wasn't like Pyrrha would ever begrudge Jaune positive attention. In her opinion, he deserved it. He should have more people see him for his talents and skills. His goal was to be a great hero, just like his ancestors! Just like his parents!

It was also nice… In principle… That Professor Oobleck had given Jaune a question that let him toot his own horn, so to speak. He'd done the same for many other students, herself included.

Pyrrha was familiar with such tactics in press conferences. Oobleck no doubt was hyping up his students in front of the transfers. He'd even gotten the stoic Ren to talk about his Mistralian background.

However, Professor Oobleck's tactic had gotten Jaune surrounded by transfer students after class: Most of them female, and all blocking his friends from saving-er, walking off with him.

Very pretty females, at that.

"Gotta say, your mom is awesome!" A cat Faunus girl named Neon, from Atlas, gushed as she clung to Jaune's arm. She was part of Team FNKI ("Funky") from Atlas, and seemed completely out of place amidst her far more serious and subdued teammates, what with her multicolored hair and bubbly personality. "I remember when she gave a lecture to our class on how to use Healing Dust! She was so nice!"

"Uh, yeah, that-that's great," Jaune said with a slightly tense smile. A smile that was agitating Pyrrha, Yang, and Ruby.

"Yes!" Penny contributed happily, "Friend Jaune, your mother's techniques helped me a great deal!" She paused. "As I am a normal human girl! With Aura! Like a normal human!"

"Sure thing, Penny," Jaune said with a weary nod. Another attractive girl with purple hair and green eyes also approached him, her smile filled with confidence and sensuality. Pyrrha could hear Yang grinding her teeth nearby.

"Hey! I'm Nebula Violette, with Team NDGO out of Vacuo," she cooed, "Healing Dust is always so hard to use. Would you be willing to help teach us how to properly use it?"

"Uh," Jaune tried, "Maybe? I've got a pretty packed schedule…"

He was already backing away from the far too forward girl, even as Neon held on. He bumped into someone behind him, and spun around. He freed his arm (Much to Pyrrha's joy and Neon's disappointment), but his shocked expression filled Pyrrha with dread.

Because he clearly recognized the blushing, busty dusky skinned redhead girl stuttering before him.

"May?" Jaune asked in amazement.

"I…. Oh… H-Hello, Jaune," she managed with a shy smile. "It-It's been a while."

"Sure has!" He laughed. "It's great to see you again! How's your village?"

"O-Oh, fine," May managed. She looked like she would rather be hiding-The lick of her hair covering one of her eyes and the beanie over her head, plus her retreating body language, all belied the fact that the girl was stacked. Enough to rival Yang and herself!

"Uh oh," Blake murmured, "She's trouble."

"Really?" Ruby whispered back. The secret cat Faunus nodded.

"The shy, big boobed childhood friend? Always trouble in these situations," she said.

"Totally agree," Nora contributed, as Ren stayed far back from the drama, "Her boobs hide deadly secrets!"

Yang growled.

"I'm the big boobed childhood friend!" She declared, low but angry.

"But you're not shy," Blake argued, "That's a trap meant to entice his protective instincts."

Pyrrha narrowed her eyes. Yang grit her teeth. Ruby had murder in her silver irises.

"We'll have to work together on this," Blake murmured.

Weiss, who was hoping to go see Neptune for lunch, sighed.

"All right, anything to end this blockade," she grumbled, "All over Arc, of all people."

Yang boldly charged in, 'accidentally' shoving past several transfer students. Pyrrha secured her right flank, and Ruby her left. Weiss and Blake kept the wedge going, letting Nora and Ren escape to the door.

Yang moved between Jaune and May with a fiery smile.

"Hey, sorry, we gotta get going!" She said cheerfully.

Pyrha then grabbed Jaune's other arm, smiling just as widely.

"I-Indeed," Pyrrha managed, "After all, my boyfriend and I were planning on eating together."

"BOYFRIEND?!" Several girls gasped, Yang, Weiss, Blake, and Ruby included. Yang grabbed onto Jaune's other arm, as Ruby got onto his back.

"We didn't agree to that!" Yang hissed.

"Yeah! That's not fair!" Ruby whispered angrily.

Pyrrha tried to speak, but what she had said, so boldly, had made her face turn bright red and her brain melted. She was giddy with excitement! She'd said it, she'd done it!

Jaune sighed. He gave Pyrrha as gentle a look as he could.

"She's exaggerating. I'm single, it was nice to meet you all, let's go to lunch," he stated. Pyrrha's face fell, and even further when he gave May a friendly smile. "It's nice to see you again, May."

"N-Nice to see you too, Jaune," May managed, looking very intimidated by the three young women.

"Y-Yeah! Let's go to lunch, Team RWBY!" Ruby announced. She beamed at Jaune. "With you, right Jaune?"

"Naturally," Jaune deadpanned, with a small smile. Yang glared hot death at Pyrrha. Jaune sighed.

"I'll see all of you, relax, just give us a minute," he said with a smile. Yang slowly nodded, still shooting hate back at Pyrrha as she wrangled the protesting Ruby out the door.

Jaune followed, Pyrrha letting him pull her along. Her emotions were in such a frenzy right now! But she fell back on her instincts, trying to keep herself controlled.

They had to duck around at least two corners before they lost the other students. Jaune sighed heavily and looked back at Pyrrha. She opened her mouth, but he beat her to the punch.

"Sorry about that," he said, "I mean… My mom was always so busy, but I had no idea she had, you know, fans! I thought you'd be more popular!"

"I… I um…" She shook her head. "I'm sorry about the girlfriend thing. I-I just… It popped out, and I lost control…"

He loved her when she was honest, but she'd gone too far! She thought she was better! She knew she could do better! She didn't want to come off as-as crazy!

"Pyrrha," Jaune said firmly, "It's fine. Okay? May is just a girl I met when my parents took me to Vacuo when I was seven. We met, we had some fun, she still has the same beanie and hair style. She was nice, but that's all it is, okay?"

Pyrrha bowed her head, deeply ashamed.

"I… I'm sorry," she mumbled. Jaune's face softened, and he hugged her.

"Hey, it-it's okay," he said, "We're all working this out together. Hell, I didn't know what to do with all that attention. I was kind of frozen, but… You were there for me." He beamed.

"You're not alone, Pyrrha."

"Thanks to you," Pyrrha insisted quietly. She looked him right in the eyes, even as her heart raced, "I-I think… I think I…"

She closed her eyes.

"I think I might love you. F-For that."

Silence. She slowly opened her eyes, worried about what she might find. Jaune was still there, still holding her… Blushing hard.

She smiled like the sun. Jaune coughed.

"I uh… I-I care about you too, Pyrrha," he said, "A lot. Like I care about Yang, Ruby, Nora, Ren, Blake…" He shrugged. "Even Weiss. Most of the time."

"I… I care about them too," she insisted. Jaune nodded.

"I know," he said softly, "I'm honestly… I was really happy when I saw you hanging out with them. I…" He sighed. "I'm not a psychologist, but when you volunteer at hospitals as much as I have, you pick stuff up."

He paused again, gathering his thoughts.

"Your mom… Your mom seemed like she wanted to be the only thing in your life," he said, "And I don't want to just-just replace her. Exchange one master for another. I just… I just want to be one good friend in your life. Of many good friends."

"I-I…" Pyrrha bit her lower lip, so moved her eyes felt wet. He did understand, he did!

"I'm… I'm not sure I know how to do that. To make those connections… To find people who care for me-"

"You're doing fine," he insisted. "Really, but it'll take time, right? I know you can do it."

He gave her a wry smile.

"Then, well… You'll find a better guy than me, and won't have to settle."

Anger spiked in her chest. She hated when he was so down on himself, hated hearing him joke about it. She mustered her courage and hugged him tightly, resting her chin on his shoulder.

"This isn't settling. You're the kind of guy I always wanted to spend time with, even when everyone told me I wasn't allowed. If I'm allowed to want things for myself, then I can decide who is good enough."

"P-Pyrrha," Jaune whispered. Pyrrha pulled back just enough to look him in the eyes.

"We all care about you, too. And you hurting yourself hurts us, too."

Jaune winced deeply. She kept going.

"So if you want to help me be better? Help us all. Then we get to help you, too," she said firmly.

A dark look passed over Jaune's face. He was no longer the long-suffering team leader. He was an older man, who had seen and suffered much. His eyes were seeing nightmares-Nightmares he had never told her about, but she knew how he suffered.

"Maybe I don't deserve to get better," he murmured. Pyrrha shook her head.

"You do," she said, "I'll make you-We'll make you see it. Promise."

Jaune sighed. He slowly nodded.

"I guess it is that bad, when everyone talks to me about it," he said quietly.

"Don't focus on it," Pyrrha advised quietly. "Focus on the fun we're going to have on our date. And… And the fun you'll have with the others."

"If you'll focus on the fun you'll have with the others, too," Jaune said, "Okay? We're still on for our dates. We'll have fun. I promise. Just... We're not going to get married or anything, okay? Don't stress so much over it. You aren't rivals with Yang or Ruby or-Professor Goodwitch?!"

Pyrrha's jaw dropped in astonishment.

"Her too?!" She cried. "She-She seduced you?"


Of course he had! If Jaune was this wonderful of a man, enough to attract all this female attention, of course older women would also follow him! Pyrrha could see it now! How harsh and unrelenting Professor Goodwitch was to Jaune in class! It was the perfect cover for her amorous intentions!

"The beautiful, mature woman-Of course she would fall for you!" Pyrrha sniffled, "! I-I knew I had competition, but her too?!"

"No Pyrrha, I'm not-!"


Pyrrha slowly looked over her shoulder. Professor Glynda Goodwitch stood there, stern as always, but her lips were twitching ever so slightly.

"Thank you for the compliment, Ms Nikos, however misplaced. Mister Arc? I need a moment of your time, please."

"Ah, sure Professor, thanks," Jaune managed with a nod. He looked Pyrrha in the eyes. "For the record, no, I'm not dating the Professor." He looked back at her. "No offense, Professor. It uh… I mean, you'd never date a student, after all!"

"Certainly not one as much trouble as you, Mister Arc," Goodwitch deadpanned, her lips twitching slightly again.

"It won't take long. You should get to lunch, Miss Nikos."

"Of-Of course, Miss Goodwitch," she said. She paused and kissed Jaune deeply. It was an impulse, based on nothing but petty jealousy… But it felt so good.

She broke the kiss and smiled lovingly at his dazed expression.

"Yang got one today, I should get one too," she whispered with a soft giggle. She turned and headed off. Jaune watched her go, blinking.

- - -

Silence fell for a moment, before Jaune turned to Goodwitch awkwardly.

"I uh…" He coughed. "So... Um... You wanted to speak with me?"

"Yes," Goodwitch stated, "I'll make this brief: Is your team entering the Vytal Tournament?"

Jaune blinked.

"Well... I mean, Pyrrha mentioned it. And I guess it makes sense to compete in the team section, since RWBY is too, but..." He winced. "I'm really not where I think I need to be. I don't want to hold the team back."

"I believe you'll do better than you think, Mister Arc," Goodwitch stated calmly. She shook her head. "I am not ordering you to do so. Just because your teammate is believed to be a shoo-in for the championship is no reason to push her. However, I am fairly confident that after your showing at the docks, you will not be a hindrance to your team at all."

She smirked slightly

"Indeed. I believe you will provide extra motivation for victory."

Jaune nodded slowly.

"I... Yeah, I guess. The problem is, my most powerful skills are..." He trailed off and fidgeted uncomfortably.

"Bent for lethal applications?" Goodwitch prompted. Jaune winced and looked aside. She reached out and rested a hand on his shoulder. He started and looked up at her.

"I understand the burden of learning control," Goodwitch said softly, her face compassionate, "I do. I believe you have the potential to master your abilities. If you need extra help, I will do what I can to provide it."

"Professor," Jaune murmured. She smiled gently.

"Take it from someone who had to work very hard to master her own powers when she was your age," she said with a nod. "Besides, with everything going on, I need as many capable Huntsmen and Huntresses as possible."

Jaune gulped. He wasn't sure about this. He wasn't. But since he was here... Since they were alone...

"About the transfer students," Jaune began, "I uh... I mean..."

Goodwitch stared at him.

"Yes, Mister Arc?" She asked.

Shit, what do I even say? Jaune thought frantically, 'Hey, my arch-criminal buddy warned me that dangerous criminals are infiltrating the school?'

He didn't think Neo would be keen on coming clean. Besides, he had no idea what they were even after. Only that it scared Roman. That didn't give him any clues though, probably because Roman was also mostly in the dark.

But he had to do something.

"I... I mean, I don't have a lot to go on, and I kind of can't reveal the source, but..." He worked his jaw, "Some of them... Aren't what they seem. They might have connections to... To the dock incident."

Her stare was impassive, but not dismissive. She slowly nodded.

"I see," she said quietly, "Which ones?"

"Cinder Fall's team from Haven," Jaune said softly. "Again, I... I don't have anything to go on that I can talk about-Geez, that sounds like crap, doesn't it?" He muttered to himself. Goodwitch shook her head.

"There are many students with... Complicated backgrounds, Mister Arc," Goodwitch said, and Jaune immediately thought of Blake, "You don't have to reveal anything you're not comfortable with. But you're certain they are involved?"

"Positive," Jaune said firmly. "I don't know what they're after. I just know they're connected somehow to the dock incident, and maybe others. Though uh... Mint, the short one? She's trying to get out of it."

Goodwitch raised an eyebrow. Jaune shrugged sheepishly.

"She's... Kind of my cousin? It's... Complicated."

"Indeed," Goodwitch observed. She sighed. "I will take your information to the Headmaster."

Jaune's eyes widened.


Goodwitch nodded.

"Yes, Mister Arc," she said, "And in the meantime? Please keep your eyes open. Let me know if you learn anything else."

Jaune nodded, feeling a weight leave his shoulders.

"Thank you, Professor," he said gratefully. She again gave him a small smile. He had a feeling she didn't do it often.

"Now, you should run along to lunch."

She arched a sardonic eyebrow.

"Unless there's anyone else you have to kiss goodbye?"

Jaune wisely shook his head.

- - -

Most girls are not here for the Jaune Bowl, just here for gags. So relax, Jaune isn't going to have a hundred girls in his harem.

Doesn't mean I can't have fun with him being terrified of the possibility though, right?

And yeah, Jaune does the sensible thing and squeals on Cinder. Let's see where this goes.
Last edited:
"Gotta say, your mom is awesome!" A cat Faunus girl named Neon, from Atlas, gushed as she clung to Jaune's arm.

Neon is an underrated character, along with Ciel. I'm always happy to see more of her.

"Uh oh," Blake murmured, "She's trouble."

"Really?" Ruby whispered back. The secret cat Faunus nodded.

"The shy, big boobed childhood friend? Always trouble in these situations," she said.

"Totally agree," Nora contributed, as Ren stayed far back from the drama, "Her boobs hide deadly secrets!"

Yang growled.

"I'm the big boobed childhood friend!" She declared, low but angry.

Battle of the Boobs at Beacon, when? :V

Thanks for the update!
Okay, how should I rewrite it so that it makes sense? He's trying to say that there's a 300% increase in the chances of survival with the use of medical Dust.
Use at least or average, not both. They make sense seperately, just not applied to the a same thing at the same time.
"At least a 300% chance."
"A 300% chance on average."
Omake: Undercover White Fang
Venturing out into Vale was a risk, true. Adam was essentially the most wanted Faunus in Remnant. But he still felt the need to go out from time to time, if only to feel the sunshine on his face and the wind in his hair.

He went to a Faunus-run cafe in Old Vale. The owner smelled of dog and bear faunus, yet also of human. Mores the pity. Yet he could restrain himself from killing the race traitor for a few moments...

"Welcome to the Just Right Cafe and Bakey, Nyah~!"

A vision of loveliness greeted him. A short haired blonde cat Faunus, with bright blue eyes and a happy smile. She wore a beautiful maid outfit: Subservient, and yet, unbroken and unbowed. Such tenacity in the face of humanity's hatred!

"How can I help you?" The vision asked. Her tone was... Rougher, but her entire countenance was so charming.

"I would like food, please," Adam said quietly. The catgirl beamed.

"Don't worry, master! I know things seem rough... But a good hot meal can make everything seem better!"

Adam sat down at a booth. The angel in a maid outfit left, and brought him coffee and pastries. He bit into one... And he held a hand up to his eyes. He nearly wept. It tasted... Like home.

"Are you all right, sir?"

"I... Yes... Thanks to you," he said.

She smiled. She even smelled like Blake... Yet the warmth in her smile was so much stronger.

No, Adam thought, I can't pull her into my war. My reward... My reward will be her smile when I rule over humans and make them our slaves!

Until then... I will simply appreciate her warmth.

- - -

Jaune sighed as he walked back into the kitchen. Nora giggled.

"Wow! You really walk well in heels! Like you've done it before!"

"I have," Jaune groaned. He glared at Goldie. "Seriously Miss Goldie?! Why do I have to crossdress?! In Blake's outfit to boot! I'm dying here!"

Goldie laughed.

"Well, Kitty Princess is out, and you're better in heels than Nora! Cuter, too!"

Jaune groaned and rubbed his eyes. He knew he'd have to fix his makeup but he didn't care.

"I'm not doing this again."

"Come on!" Goldie growled. "We're bringing in so many customers with a blond, happy catgirl maid!"

"Yeah, but it also brings in all the creeps," Jaune shuddered. He peeked out at the redhead bull Faunus in sunglasses and a hat, eating the complimentary pastries like they were manna from the gods. "Especially that guy. He's such a weirdo!"

"He's a weirdo who tips well," Goldie stated, "So until he stops tipping well, get out there and serve!"

Jaune sighed.

- - -
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A vision of loveliness greeted him. A short haired blonde cat Faunus, with bright blue eyes and a happy smile. She wore a beautiful maid outfit: Subservient, and yet, unbroken and unbowed. Such tenacity in the face of humanity's hatred!

"How can I help you?" The vision asked.

Adam - Marry Me! *presents ring*

Jaune - Is that ring still attached to a finger?

Adam - I cut it off the hand of a SDC board member's wife just for you, my dear!
- - -

Pyrrha knew that Yang was going to be waiting for her outside the cafeteria hall. Honestly, she preferred it. Ruby's puppy dog eyes would have made her feel even worse. She felt bad enough that the blonde was glaring at her as she approached. The sunlight and bird song helped her to calm herself, as she stopped a few meters away from the blonde brawler. There were other students nearby, but all far enough away to not eavesdrop.

"Sorry," she said quietly, "I... I panicked."

Yang still glared. Pyrrha shook her head.

"I want... I want to do this fairly," she said softly, "I really do. That wasn't fair to you or Ruby."

Yang very slowly nodded, the tension mostly leaving her body.

"I get it," Yang said quietly, "Honestly? You're a lot like her."

"Ruby?" Pyrrha guessed. Yang nodded.

"She's... Not exactly very social herself," she said, "And hell, this is her first crush. I... I know it might end in heartbreak. I just want to make sure she's given as fair a chance as possible. You know?"

Pyrrha slowly nodded.

"Thank you," she said with a small smile. Yang sighed, and then smirked.

"Of course, now Jaune's got a reputation as a lady's man," she said, "If he's got at least three beauties after him. So hey, it's not all bad."

"Oh dear," Pyrrha winced, "I-I don't think he'll like that."

Yang chuckled. She lowered her arms and smiled softly.

"Well, it's not like it's wrong, is it?" She asked with a smirk.

Pyrrha couldn't help a small giggle. She shook her head.

"And... May is apparently just a friend to him," Pyrrha said.

Yang snorted.

"Yeah, because he knows how everyone genuinely feels," she stated. She sighed. "Blake may get most of her relationship knowledge from her smut books. But she's right. So... Let's work some things out with Ruby, huh?"

Pyrrha nodded.

"And... And Jaune is taking you out this week," Pyrrha stated firmly. She flushed. "I-I'll make sure of it."

Yang flushed. She rubbed the back of her head nervously.

"Heh... Well... I'll make sure it goes off with a Yang."

Pyrrha winced. Yang grinned.

"What? It'll be fully Pyr-reviewed!"

Pyrrha winced harder.

"Please stop."

Yang grinned.


- - -

In the cafeteria, Ruby was trying not to sulk but it was honestly really, really hard. Weiss had gone off to eat with Neptune, and how they fawned over eachother was nauseating even at this distance. Blake was sitting with Sun and his team. For some weird reason, she was just reading a book and occasionally nodding to what he said. Sage and Scarlet were talking about something that Ruby really didn't care about.

Nora and Ren were eating with her at their usual table but were deeply involved in a conversation about soufflés that even she couldn't follow. Yang had run off, and Pyrrha and Jaune were gone.

Right after Pyrrha had to make that announcement...

It was so frustrating, and she picked at her mashed potatoes with a deep pout.

"Hello Friend Ruby!"

Ruby looked up and managed a weak smile at the orange haired girl.

"H-Hey Penny."

Penny sat down with her, perfectly folding her hands in her lap. It was so much like Weiss Ruby nearly let out a snort.

"Hey Penny," Ruby said. Penny tilted her head.

"Are you all right? You are showing signs of depression and sorrow."

"I, well..." Ruby sighed. "I'm just unhappy."

"You are having... Difficulties?"

Ruby nodded.

"Um, well... Yeah."

Penny nodded again. She hummed.

"Based on my research, it is likely to do with Friends Jaune, Yang and Pyrrha?"

Ruby flushed.

"I... Yeah, it is," she said.

"Further analysis suggests that you wish to tell them something, correct?" She asked.

Ruby actually beamed, feeling very relieved.

"Yes! That's amazing, Penny!"

The Atlasian girl beamed back, nodding eagerly.

"Of course! I am an effective observer and analyzer of human behavior!" She paused. "Since I am a perfectly ordinary human girl myself!"

"Er, well, sure," Ruby said, blinking curiously. "Why do you keep saying that?"

"Because that is what I am!" Penny said cheerfully.

Ruby thought about it, then shrugged. Given how weird she was, it would be pretty unfair of her to call Penny out on it.

"So... What do you think I should do?"

"May I suggest you speak with your friends directly about the matter?" Penny said, tilting her head back the other way, "Would that not be the most efficient way to do it?"

"I-I mean... I wish I could but there's a... A lot of issues involved..." Ruby trailed off into a mumble. Penny hummed.

"Are you not scheduled for a social outing with the possibility of romance, aka, a date, with Friend Jaune? Can you not tell him at least?"

Ruby blushed deeply.

"I-I uh... Um... Y-Yes, but um... I just... I don't know if I should wait, or if I'll even be able to tell him then," she said.

Penny hummed.

"Navigating social situations is very difficult," she observed.

"Totally," Ruby sighed.

"I often have issues with that myself, Friend Ruby," Penny said. She smiled and laid a hand on Ruby's shoulder, "My father tells me to never give up! The more I interact, the more I learn and the better I do! It is the same with you, since we are both ordinary human girls!"

Ruby smiled warmly at Penny.

"Thanks Penny," she said with a nod.

Ruby saw Yang and Pyrrha entering, both looking much happier. She forced her smile back at them as they approached, even with how awkward she felt. Sure, she was jealous of Yang and Pyrrha being... Being so much more brave than her. More socially adept, with better figures and-

"Ugh, that's not helping," Ruby muttered. In comparison, telling someone about the Silver Eyes thing felt easier.

"Hm," Penny hummed, "I believe there is still tension between you and Friends Yang and Pyrrha."

"Yeah," Ruby sighed.

"Then you require an... Icebreaker, yes?" Penny suggested. "Or perhaps a cathartic release of emotions?"

"Errr..." Ruby shrugged. "Sure?"

Penny beamed.

"I believe I have a solution!" She declared as Pyrrha and Yang sat down across from Ruby.

"Hey Rubes," Yang said, "Pyr and I talked and we think that-"

Penny then took hold of Ruby's mashed potatoes and threw it into Yang's face. Ruby and Pyrrha's jaws dropped. Penny still kept smiling, as the bowl of potatoes fell from Yang's face. The blonde blinked... And then her eyes burned red and her hair flared gold.


"I declare a food fight!" Penny cried, "For the purposes of cathartic release! Friend Nora, Friend Ren, aid Friend Ruby against her sister and Friend Pyrrha!"

"WHAT?!" Ruby tried. Nora grinned and picked up a bowl of pea soup.

"CAN DO!" Nora cheered. She threw the bowl right at Pyrrha. The redhead ducked the shot, as did Yang... But Weiss didn't.


"NORA?!" Weiss sputtered, even as her boyfriend, Neptune, tried very hard not to laugh, "WHAT-WHAT IS THIS-?!"

"FOOD FIGHT!" Nora bellowed, along with Penny. Weiss sneered.

"I'm not going to participate in such an immature, petty-!"

Sun grinned and picked up a bunch of bananas.

"Finally! Something fun to do!" Sun grinned. "TEAM SUN! ATTACK!"

Ruby felt numb. Like everything was happening to someone else. Yang grabbed a plate and blocked the volley of peeled bananas Sun threw like a machine gun. Pyrrha formed a shield with forks, knives and spoons. Nora threw bowls of pudding like grenades, as Weiss shrieked and dodged.


Penny grinned.

"Catharsis has commenced! Wonderful! Let us expand the fight to heal more relationships!"

"NO PENNY NO!" Ruby cried. She yanked a bowl of creamed spinach out of Penny's hands. "You can't just-!"

Penny let go and the bowl of spinach went sailing over the table. As if in slow motion, Ruby watched as Pyrrha turned to deal with the approaching projectile... And missed her deflection as it went right into her face.

Ruby couldn't help a snicker.

"RUBY!" Pyrrha cried out in shock.

"Hooray Friend Ruby!" Penny said cheerfully, "You are engaging in catharsis!"

Ruby grinned and picked up a loaf of Valean bread she spun around like Crescent Rose.

"I sure am!"

- - -

Jaune approached the cafeteria, a small smile on his face.

He had managed to do some real good. Next to that, some social embarrassment seemed like nothing.

He would talk with his team, his friends, and sort all of this awkwardness out. Pyrrha was right, they had the dates to look forward to.

After all, this wasn't some Mistralian romcom comic. Everyone was perfectly reasonable.

He opened the doors to the cafeteria, a smile on his face...

And a key lime pie hit him right in his smile.

His arms fell down, as the pie slid off his face and splattered onto the floor. He blinked the cream out of his eyes and gaped at the full food melee now going on.

With RWBY and his team smack bad in the center.

He sighed heavily.

"Yeah, okay... That's on me," he muttered.

- - -

Professor Goodwitch eventually had to come in and break up the food fight. Making all of the desks and benches float with her furious gaze burning with power was more than sufficient to stop the chaos. Damn, was she scary.

Jaune sighed as he sat with his teammates, Sun's team, and Penny Polendina in a mostly empty classroom. They were all separated, and not allowed to sit together. Vella Moisia sat at the teacher's desk, her eyes down on her Scroll. The teacher's assistant was probably a better choice for monitoring them than Professor Goodwitch. The look she gave him...

Right after she shared those kind words with him. Geez...

"You all right?" Whispered his partner.

Pyrrha sat down next to him, silent. He shrugged.

"Just didn't think we'd be in detention right on the first day back," he muttered. He glanced at her. "You all right?"

Pyrrha nodded, blushing a bit.

"Just fine," she said quietly. She looked over at Blake, who nodded. She gave her a small smile, before glancing back to Jaune. "You should ask Yang out this Friday."

Jaune blinked.

"It's our first week back-"

"Perfect time for it," Pyrrha insisted, "Or-Or so I've been told."

"I mean... I'm not rushing things am I-?"

"No," Pyrrha cut him off again, flushing as she did so. "No, you aren't."

"You would say that," he sighed. Pyrrha smiled softly.

"I just... I understand how she feels," she murmured.

"Miss Nikos, back to your seat please," Vella said gently. Pyrrha nodded and rose. She beamed at Jaune, as she walked over to her seat and resumed her studying. Jaune gulped, and looked over at Yang. He sighed, and gave her a smile as her eyes met his.

"This Friday work for you?" He mouthed to her.

Yang beamed and nodded. Jaune beamed back. He did like her smile, really.

He looked over at Ruby, to offer a reassuring look. She smiled back too, albeit a bit more guarded.

That said, he noticed a lot less tension between her, Pyrrha, and Yang. Which he hoped would become the norm.

He was not a damn harem protagonist!


Jaune nearly jumped at the soft tone and looked to his side. Blake had sat down next to him, silent as always.

"Uh, yeah?" He murmured.

She handed over a piece of paper to him.

"Your date is all setup," she said.

Jaune opened the paper and stared in shock. He looked over at her.

"I... Really-?"

"Yes, really," Blake stated firmly. "Your other dates will be set up too. We've taken care of everything."

Jaune glanced over at Sun, who gave Jaune a thumbs up and a grin. He also saw Neptune, who glared hot death at him.

"Just make sure she has fun," Blake murmured, "She is my partner, after all."

"I will," Jaune said with a nod, "Promise."

Blake stared intensely. Jaune stared back.

"You should at least act like you're looking forward to it," Blake murmured. Jaune sighed.

"I am... I just..." He stared over at Yang, then Pyrrha, and finally Ruby. Blake elbowed him lightly.

"We'll get through this together," she murmured. "Don't tell me all your words about hope were for show."

"They aren't," Jaune insisted.

"Good," Blake murmured.

"Miss Belladonna!" Vella called out. Blake smiled, nodded one last time to Jaune, and rose to head back to her seat. He sighed softly, but he wore a small smile.

Maybe he should just try to focus on the good things in his life. It was what he was fighting for, after all.

Even if he didn't deserve it... They did.

- - -

Just a bit of levity. Though we're not going fully into the food fight as in canon, since that was mostly an excuse to show off incredible animation rather than stuff easily conveyed in prose.

Added that bit at the end to finish off the chapter! Date will be next time!
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"Heh... Well... I'll make sure it goes off with a Yang."

Pyrrha winced. Yang grinned.

"What? It'll be fully Pyr-reviewed!"

Pyrrha winced harder.

"Please stop."

Yang grinned.



How could I ever stop, and leave my friends... Yanging?

"NO PENNY NO!" Ruby cried. She yanked a bowl of creamed spinach out of Penny's hands. "You can't just-!"

Penny, Yes!

Thanks for the chapter, and hopefully we'll see more May.
I mean I'm keeping the harem properly focused as one aspect of the story, among many. The harem antics are meant to be fun for the most part and allow for some character exploration. And I do have some plans for May, but she's not going to be a serious focus in this story. At least not for the main relationship.
I mean I'm keeping the harem properly focused as one aspect of the story, among many. The harem antics are meant to be fun for the most part and allow for some character exploration. And I do have some plans for May, but she's not going to be a serious focus in this story. At least not for the main relationship.

Understandable, four Huntresses are enough to juggle storywise.
Well it had been a week and so far, Cinder's little infiltration seemed to be going well. At least according to Neo. Their fraudulent papers had held up, which Roman had not been counting on. Sure, he was a pretty damn good forger himself, but getting the headmaster of Haven to really sign off on their papers?

That was impressive. In a terrible sort of way.

Clearly, someone had put some actual thought into this entire scheme. Whatever the hell it was. He somehow doubted it was Cinder herself: Sure, she was brutal and had some cunning (and power to back it up), and she could be reasonable at times, but she was too quick to fry people who disagreed with her to be the real brains of the operation.

The fact she looked like a pornstar in her school uniform may have also been a red flag. But hell, he remembered how things were when he was at Beacon. You couldn't go five steps without running into a supermodel looking woman! Or a pornstar looking woman! Or both!

Ah, those were the days. Well, back to work.

He was secure in one of his favorite safe houses, relaxing in a bathrobe and looking over the reports from his men. Hey, even a criminal empire ran on paperwork. He sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Godsdamnit this woman is gonna ruin me," he muttered, "I'm up to my eyeballs in fucking debt! What the hell am I gonna do…?"

The door alert went off. He checked the video feed from his security cameras, and sighed heavily. He groaned again.

"Really? Fucking again?" Roman hung his head low, holding it between his hands.

"Uggh…" He was expecting these guests, at least, but dammit, he really needed some 'me time'.

Then again, since most of his 'me time' lately involved ruminating over how fucked he was, he supposed he may as well get back to work.

"Should've just stuck to boosting cars," he muttered, getting up and rummaging around in his closet to get dressed, "Should've just stuck to boosting jewels, and romancing lonely trophy wives, but nooooo… Got too damn greedy, didn't you Roman? You just had to think being handsome, badass and clever meant you should go right to the top!"

Properly attired (and with his make up on-He had standards, thank you very much!), he turned to the door where his unwanted guests had been patiently waiting.

He snapped his fingers and the door swung open. He sat back in his chair, looking relaxed as an exceptionally attractive young woman with dark skin, shimmering white hair, and a purple suit strode in with a warm, grateful smile. Behind her, following like a shadow, was a tall, thin man in a dapper blue suit and fedora, his face covered by a gas mask as he walked with a canesword.

"Thank you for having us, Mister Torchwick," the young lady gushed, dimples appearing in her cheeks as she smiled, "I'm a huge fan! That mid-air Queen of Aurora heist was amazing!"

Roman allowed himself a charming smile. Well! At least this associate of Cinder's could do flattery.

"Thanks! Took some doing, but hey: Nobody had robbed a casino airship that was also hauling a billion lien worth of Dust at the same time. Somebody had to put that in the record books," he said, modestly buffing his nails against his chest. "You are?"

"Iridescent," she said cheerfully, "This is my associate, Mister Slick. We recently took control of the Sanusian Deathmatch Fighting League."

"Yes, I've seen your work,' Roman observed. "Never quite my scene."

"Oh?" Iridescent asked, tilting her head almost cutely. Roman nodded, and waved a hand.

"Don't get me wrong, I see the monetary appeal of making schlubs fight in gladiatorial death matches against Grimm and each other, but it's a little too infrastructure heavy for my tastes. Plus, human trafficking was never really my thing. No offense."

"None taken," Iridescent said cheerfully, "I was born to it. My parents were slave fighters."

Roman nodded slowly.

"That right?"

"Yup!" She said, still far too light in tone, "My dad used to be a landed noble, but he lost it all gambling and had to make a living somehow. Met my mom, they got together, and had me! Apparently, they were fighting for my freedom when they died."

"Uh… Yeah," Roman managed, "Sorry about that?"

Iridescent shrugged. Slick remained motionless, and expressionless, as he had from the beginning.

"I was raised to be a lure, a gofur-Anything they wanted me to do, really," she said, "I was plotting to get my revenge, take over. It was a very long, involved plan. Was going to take years."

Her smile changed tone, and became utterly dreamy. She held her fists between her large breasts.

"Then… Then, I met him," she sighed, "And everything changed!"

"Him? Him who?" Roman asked, arching an eyebrow.

"He was just supposed to be another mark," Iridescent explained, "He was wandering just outside of Radian, a young, Hunter-in-Training. A real white knight. I pretended to be attacked by bandits, and he beat them all! I asked him to please free my village from the headman… And he accepted! He wandered right into our clutches, and we put him to work fighting in the pits!"

"Uh huh," Roman said, nodding slowly.

"He fought so heroically!" Iridescent went on, "Never giving up! Oh, it set my heart ablaze to watch him fight! He reminded me of my father, that grim determination, the hatred in his eyes."

"Uh huh," Roman added, again nodding. It was best to just let crazy dames stay lost in their reminiscing. Much safer that way. It was one of many reasons he was grateful Neo was mute.

"Then…" Here Iridescent's grin grew, her teeth shining, "Then, one wonderful night… He used an Aura Blade, and killed the Boss and all of his lieutenants! All in a single blast! In one fell swoop, he had liberated me in the most violent, destructive way possible!" She sighed happily.

"I offered myself to him, but he ran out into the night! I'd thought he'd been lost to me forever… But then… I found him."

Mister Slick held up a Scroll. Some of the media footage of the dock incident played. The vid froze on an image of a familiar blond in armor. Roman's heart sank into the pit of his stomach.

Oh no…

"Yes," Iridescent giggled like a schoolgirl. She tucked her hands behind her back and smiled shyly at him. "I was wondering… Would you help me get his attention, Mister Torchwick? I would be ever so grateful."

"I don't think Cinder would be happy," Roman managed. Yeah he was appealing to their mutual boss, but for good reason.

Iridescent snorted.

"As long as the Deathmatch League is giving her fighters and money, why should she care?" Her eyes blazed.

"Besides," she went on, an unhealthy light in her blue eyes as she grinned hungrily, "I'm not about to let those whores get their hands on my Jaune."

Roman mentally sighed.

Seriously Kid? Another one?

Well… Hopefully the Kid had gotten some rest during the break. He was going to need it.

And maybe Cinder's non-existent standards for hiring would play to his advantage this time.

"What did you have in mind?" Roman asked, bracing himself.

- - -

Yang checked over her makeup in the RWBY dorm mirror. Like she had the last five times. It wasn't likely to have changed much in the last ten minutes, but you never knew.

She looked over her outfit: A black and yellow striped tank top held up with two black strips tied around the back of her neck, with her muscular stomach fully displayed. Over this was a short black jacket. Her wide hips were held in a tight black skirt, with yellow stripes over her thighs. All of this set off with black, calf-length boots. All in all, she thought she looked as hot as she could manage.

It was an outfit she'd put together over the semester, especially for this date. She was very good at that.

"Don't be so nervous," Blake commented from her bunk.

"I'm not nervous!" Yang insisted. She grinned.

"I'm charged up for this! Yeah! Full of anticipation!"

Ruby pouted from a desk, Crescent Rose half-assembled in front of her.

"Yang," she whined, "Don't lie, okay?"

Yang blew out a breath.

"Fine, I'm a little nervous," she said. She walked over to Ruby and smiled. "But I bet I won't be half as nervous as you will be."

"HA!" Ruby cried with a cocky grin, "I-I'll be totally calm for my date! Yeah! No nerves here!"

"Sure, Rubes, sure," Yang chuckled, ruffling her little sister's hair affectionately. Ruby scowled, and brushed her hands away.

"Ugh, stop that! I can't wait until I'm tall enough for people to not do that," Ruby grumbled.

Yang glanced over at Weiss, who was texting furiously on her Scroll. She raised an eyebrow.

"You got anything to say, Weiss-cream?" She asked.

Weiss glanced up, and shrugged.

"No, nothing," she said, "Just hope you're not too disappointed in Arc."

Yang snorted.

"I don't think I will be," she stated. "What's with the cold, anyway? Thought you made up with Jaune?"

"I'm fine with Arc, mostly," Weiss sniffed, "But he's such a shameless playboy! Carrying on with three women!"

"We're each just going on a date with him," Yang pointed out, "We're all aware of it." She squeezed Ruby's shoulder comfortingly. "And you're pretty forgiving of Neptune flirting with anything hot and female."

Weiss flushed.

"I-I'm not! He's just… You know, he appreciates beauty," she muttered, "And his eyes are only for me!" She brushed back her hair with a scowl. "He's only going out with me! He's just talking! And looking! I-I can forgive that! He did protect me in battle!"

"So did Jaune," Blake quipped. Weiss blushed heavily.

"He protected all of us," Weiss growled, "That doesn't mean I'm just going to-to accept being second or third place in his heart!"

"Neither are we," Yang said with a smirk, patting Ruby's shoulder again, "But it's fine to just go out and have some fun."

"Then why are you so nervous?" Weiss shot back. Yang hummed, and shrugged.

"I guess you're right. Thanks Weiss!" Yang said cheerfully. "I'm going to go enjoy my date with Jaune! With or without your approval!"

"You're so motivational, Weiss," Blake observed, turning the page on her book. Ruby snickered, even as Weiss huffed.

"Ugh! Whatever! I'll just be looking forward to a proper date with a proper man, thank you very much!"

There was a knock at the door. Yang walked over to it, and opened it up with a bright smile.

"Hey Jaune~," she said cheerfully. Her smile grew a bit as she looked him over: He had taken the blue slacks from the suit, with a partially buttoned up white button-up undershirt, and combined them with a brown leather jacket. He'd arranged his messy hair into a still messy 'do, but there was a method to the chaos that made it look more tasteful.

He smiled warmly, and presented a single flower to her-A rose.

"Hey Yang," he said. "You look amazing."

"Thanks," Yang said, taking the flower and turning it around in her hands, "Nice jacket. Where'd you get it?"

"I uh, I asked Schwartz if he had anything I could borrow," Jaune said, "He said I looked good in this."

"He was right," Yang replied. She set the rose down in a glass full of water, and took his arm. "Don't wait up, girls~!"

"Hey Jaune have a good time-!" Ruby said quickly, waving, before Yang shut the door. She pouted a bit. Blake then rose from her bed, and pulled on her own jacket. Ruby blinked.

"What are you doing?" Ruby asked.

"Well, we're going to follow them, aren't we?" Blake asked. Ruby blushed.

"I-I mean… Um… Sh-Should we?" She asked.

"You don't want to?" Blake asked, raising an eyebrow. Ruby flushed.

"I-I mean, yeah, I do, but isn't that… Weird? Wouldn't we look crazy?"

"What's this 'we' stuff?" Weiss groused. "Are you kidding? Nobody would go and spy on their date!"

There was another knock at the door. Blake opened it, and Pyrrha stepped in. She was dressed in a hoodie and wearing sunglasses.

"R-Ruby," Pyrrha said, nervously, "Um, I realize it would be a bit unfair if I went spying on Jaune and Yang's date alone, so… Would you like to join me?"

A beat. Nora stuck her head into the room too, wearing a fake mustache and a broad grin.

"Come on! It's not stalking if we're all going!" Nora said cheerfully.

Ruby looked over at Weiss triumphantly. The platinum blonde reached out, grabbed a pillow, pressed it against her face, and screamed into it for a good ten seconds. She then dropped the pillow, sighed, and grabbed her own jacket.

"Fine. If we must," she grumbled.

- - -
Yang's outfit.
"I offered myself to him, but he ran out into the night! I'd thought he'd been lost to me forever… But then… I found him."

"Besides," she went on, an unhealthy light in her blue eyes as she grinned hungrily, "I'm not about to let those whores get their hands on my Jaune."

Oh dear, Jaune's admirer is closing in.....

"Come on! It's not stalking if we're all going!" Nora said cheerfully.

Never change, Nora.

Thanks for the chapter!

Also, Yangs outfit..... damn.
- - -

Outwardly, Jaune was able to keep his reactions fairly calm. In between getting knocked around by him, Gato's training had also included some mental excercises to stay focused. And of course, learning how to channel his Aura for medical purposes and Golden Lion's Roar had required some training in managing your emotions.

So on the outside, he looked composed as he walked with Yang out to the Bullhead docks, her arms around his, the scent of her perfume in his nostrils and her curvy, warm body pressing against his.

On the inside…


They sat down together on a bench as the engines started up. They didn't really talk much during the flight, just general stuff. Jaune double checked his nausea pills, and took five. That kept him focused, mostly. He wasn't puking his guts out, though the entire trip was still pretty miserable.

However, for all of Jaune's calm and preparation, it really was hitting him right now:

This is a date. This is a date. Holy shit this is a date. I'm really doing this.

I know her. I know her. She's not Iridescent. We're friends. I can trust her-

She shifted a little, and her chest pressed against his arm. Even through his nausea, heat blasted through his mind and body.


"We're here!" Yang said brightly, as the Bullhead came to a stop. She helped Jaune up-Even with all the anti-nausea pills, he was still unsteady. "Geez, sure you're all right?"

"Y-Yeah, I took some meds," Jaune managed. He set foot on the ground, and took deep, calming breaths. Yang giggled.

"Sorry, sorry, it's just funny how you still get air sick!"

"Yeah, it's a barrel of laughs," Jaune muttered.

"Or a few buckets and trash cans of laughs," Yang laughed.

"Hmph," Jaune grunted.

She kissed his cheek.

"Don't sulk."

"I-I'm not," he managed, the green in his cheeks being replaced with red. She took the lead, pulling him along to the parking lot outside the airship port. She pulled out a small yellow remote from her purse, and clicked it. Something between two SUVs chirped in response, and she eagerly walked towards it with Jaune in tow.

They came across a heavily customized, bright yellow and black motorcycle. Sleek, powerful, and mean. Jaune sucked in a breath.

"Woah… A Wayland Motors 6113?!"

Yang grinned broadly as Jaune separated from her, looking the bike all over like a kid on his birthday.

"I call her Bumblebee! You're familiar?"

"Are you kidding? These are classics!" Jaune said enthusiastically, "My dad had one! Saphron inherited it when he got a Remus 205!"

Now it was Yang's turn to gasp.

"Your dad had a Remus 205?! Was it full milspec?!"

"It was!" Jaune grinned, "Armor, run flat tires, Dust booster, the works! It was so cool! It uh…" He trailed off, his smile becoming a bit sad, "It vanished when he died. Never found it."

Yang smiled apologetically, but Jaune held up a hand.

"No… It's okay," he said, "We're here to have fun. And we're already off to a great start."

"Perfect!" Yang said cheerfully. She tapped the side of the vehicle, and two helmets slid out of a hidden compartment. One was yellow and black, matching the motorcycle. The other was pink with cookies all over it. Yang smile's remained apologetic, but there was some mischief in her eyes.

"We seriously have to wear these?" Jaune asked, taking the pink helmet. Yang shrugged.

"We did tell Goodwitch we'd obey the law in Vale," she said, "And I didn't think to get you your own helmet. You'll have to use Ruby's."

Jaune sighed, as Yang carefully tucked her hair into a hairnet, and then donned her helmet. She threw her leg over Bumblebee's seat, and sat down. She activated it, the rev reverberating through the air.

"Besides," Yang said with a wink through her visor, "If you suffer through the helmet, you get to ride with me."

Jaune had the girly pink helmet on and was sliding in behind Yang in moments. He coughed, and pulled back a little.

"Ah, er, sorry-"

Yang giggled again.

"You regularly sleep with a girl in your bed, Stud," she pointed out. "Or it is just because it's me you're suddenly shy?"

Jaune took a deep breath.

"I refuse to answer on grounds of self incrimination," he stated. He reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist. She revved up, and slowly backed out. Then, she gunned it, and Bumblebee tore out of the parking lot like Yang had lit a rocket.

"W-WOAAHHHHH!" Jaune wailed, clutching Yang tightly as she darted into traffic. Numerous angry horns filled the air as she raced around and between the cars. "H-HEY! I WANNA SURVIVE OUR DATE, DAMNIT!"

"JUST ENJOY THE RIDE, HANDSOME~!" Yang shouted back with a laugh, "YOU'VE ALREADY GOT A GRIP, EH?"

Jaune flushed harder, but held onto her curvy, muscular and yet soft form as she tore through the Valean traffic. Her bottom posed the biggest challenge.

Okay… Okay… Focus, Jaune thought, Focus… Remember Gato's teachings…!

His mental Gato nodded, looking mysterious, wise, and composed.

Yes Juan, he spoke, Focus on the flow of your energy. Focus on channeling that energy, like a river.

Right, focus on the river of energy,
Jaune thought.

Focus on channeling that river, Mental Gato went on, Harnessing its explosive power and energy!

Right, harness…

Focus on channeling all of that energy,
Mental Gato continued, Into a long, hard sword, throbbing with energy you struggle to contain-


Mental Gato just laughed, as Jaune sighed and did his best to hold on as Yang shot through a busy intersection. No, it wasn't helping, but damnit… A smile still came to his face.

They made it to a club in Middle Vale, a few blocks away from the Old Vale Walls. Yang grinned as she drove Bumblebee to a parking spot on the street. She pulled off her helmet and hairnet, letting her golden locks fall to her back. She shook it out, her golden mane practically glowing in the neon lights illuminating the street.

"Here we are!" Yang said brightly. Jaune looked up at the club's neon sign, and raised an eyebrow.


"You're familiar?" Yang asked, leaning back quite intentionally. Jaune twitched, but tried as hard as he could to keep his calm.

"I mean, my uncle Alex talked about it from time to time," he said, "Lots of bar fights."

Yang pouted.

"So I'm not the first, huh? Still… Good to know we'll fit right in."

Jaune raised an eyebrow.

She smirked at him.

"Don't tell me you're afraid of a little bar brawl?"

"No, but I am afraid of Professor Goodwitch," he stated. "And so should you."

Yang groaned softly. She slid off the bike, huffing a bit as she crossed her arms under her chest.

"Fine," she grumbled, "I'll behave, Daddy."

"Good," Jaune said, smirking through his blush as he extended his arm for her to take, "Gotta be a good example for Ruby, Mama."

Yang blushed deeply. She smiled, and took his arm in both of hers.

"You know, you just might end up having some fun tonight," she grinned.

"One can always hope," Jaune said, as he led to the club doors.

- - -

The rest of teams RWBY and JNPR had followed at what Ren had assured them was a safe distance. They'd grabbed the Bullhead right after them, and had given chase via the public bus system.

They soon reached Mid-Vale, and a rather loud nightclub in a rougher part of town. Ruby hopped off the bus, nearly vibrating with nervous energy. Pyrrha was right behind her, just as nervous. Nora followed, stroking her fake mustache in a way she thought made her look innocent, while Ren, Blake, and Weiss followed with varying levels of apathy or disbelief.

"How did you track them?" Weiss asked, raising an eyebrow. "You didn't put a tracking device on Arc, did you?"

"What? No, noooo!" Ruby said, laughing nervously. Pyrrha laughed just as nervously, while Nora joined in because laughing was fun.

"Of-of course not!" Pyrrha insisted. "I uh… I can just track him with my Semblance!"

"That's not weird at all!" Ruby insisted.

Weiss sighed, and held a hand to her forehead.

"I can't believe I'm agreeing with Arc, but that is a little weird, Pyrrha," she said gently.

Ruby beamed, holding up her Scroll.

"Then, good news! I just tracked them thanks to the app we all got to track people through their Scrolls! That… That's far less creepy, right?"

"Oh yes, it's absolutely less creepy!" Pyrrha said with an eager nod. Weiss gaped.

"No it isn't!" She protested.

"It isn't?" Pyrrha asked. She gaped. "OH NO!" She held her cheeks. "Oh no, oh no, nonono! I-I promised I wouldn't be crazy!"

"You're not being crazy!" Ruby insisted.

"You're both being crazy!" Weiss groaned.

"It totally isn't crazy! It's all out of love!" Nora said cheerfully.

"YOU'RE NOT HELPING!" Weiss cried in exasperation.

Ren shook his head, as calm as ever.

"Why are we disturbing them at all?" Ren asked. "I'm sure things will go just fine. We don't need to barge in on their private time."

Pyrrha winced.

"I… I mean… I suppose we shouldn't," she murmured, "I just really want to… To see, but…!"

Blake nodded, finally stepping forward despite being silent the whole trip out into Vale.

"Absolutely. This is all just out of love, and to make sure the date goes well," she said. "After all, each of you is getting a fair shot with Jaune. It would be deeply unfair if Yang… Well…"

"Well? Well what?" Ruby asked, eyes widening. Blake raised her eyebrows. The slightest hint of a smirk was on her face.

"If she decided to go all the way."

Ruby and Pyrrha both turned bright red. Weiss gaped, her own pale cheeks darkening. Nora grinned. Ren shook his head.

"I doubt Jaune would let it get that far-"

"NO! Yang would never do that!" Ruby cried. "Sh-She promised it would be fair-! She's my sister-!"

"She wouldn't do that!" Pyrrha insisted. "N-Not with Jaune's trust issues! Sh-She would never do that!"

"Are you so certain?" Blake asked softly. "It might be best to make sure. Discreetly, of course."

"Discreetly? Them?!" Weiss cried.

"But," Nora pointed out, "Jaune-Jaune is really, really hot!" She grinned and patted Ren on the shoulder. "Not that I would ever stray, Renny!"

"I know," Ren deadpanned, "I think you're being paranoid. Jaune and Yang won't do anything like that-"

"BUT WE SHOULD TOTALLY MAKE SURE THEY DON'T!" Ruby shouted, charging in with Pyrrha. They barged in through the front doors, the bouncers taking one look at them and parting. They were clearly familiar with Huntresses and wanted no part of them.

Nora grinned and dragged Ren with her. "COME ON!"

Ren, looking a bit exasperated, followed her along.

Weiss shot a glare at Blake.

"Why do you provoke them like that?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Blake said, almost innocently. "Besides, don't you want to make sure Jaune doesn't take advantage of your teammates?"

"He wouldn't dare…!" Weiss growled, and stormed on in. Blake felt a deep feline sense of satisfaction.

It is nice to have friends. Friends who can be so ridiculous and yet…

Her Scroll vibrated. She checked the caller ID before she unfurled the device and answered the call.

"Hello Perrito? What is it?"

There was silence on the other end for a moment. Then, Perrito spoke. His voice was soft, shaky, and filled with sorrow.

"Hello Blake… I just… I needed to call you about someone… It's Tukson."

He sniffled. Blake's chest tightened in dread, and she heard her heart pound in her ears.

"Perrito? What… What happened?"

Perrito sucked in a deep breath before he answered.

"I'm sorry… He's dead."

Her grip tightened on her Scroll.

"Where are you?" She demanded.

"The Cafe, but-"

Blake immediately took to the rooftops, running towards the Old City. It wasn't too far from here.

"I'll be right there!"

- - -

I managed to write some more for this. But I'm still taking things slow.
"Of-of course not!" Pyrrha insisted. "I uh… I can just track him with my Semblance!"

"That's not weird at all!" Ruby insisted.

Pyrrha - "Right? And, it's totally not weird that I also put pieces of specially magnetized metal into all of his clothes, shoes, and other belongings so that I know where Jaune is at all times!"

Jaune's Mom - "I should have done that years ago! Clearly you're the perfect girl for Jaune!"

Ruby - "I retasked all of Atlas's surveillance drones to follow Jaune anytime he leaves Beacon!"

Thanks for the chapter!
Pyrrha - "Right? And, it's totally not weird that I also put pieces of specially magnetized metal into all of his clothes, shoes, and other belongings so that I know where Jaune is at all times!"

Jaune's Mom - "I should have done that years ago! Clearly you're the perfect girl for Jaune!"

Ruby - "I retasked all of Atlas's surveillance drones to follow Jaune anytime he leaves Beacon!"

Thanks for the chapter!

Yang: "I can keep him in line with just a word! ... And my boobs!"

Isabel: "You're nearly spoiled for choice, Jaune!"

Jaune: groans "That's not a good thing, Mom!"

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