Thread Necromancer
Creator of "mean" and/or "excessive" things
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Boom Occult Taylor coming at ya!
There was just something about this book that drew me in. When I had found it, it had seemed that it was a miracle that is wasn't even vandalized. Pretty much every book in the pitiful library that Winslow had was vandalized in one way or another ranging from floppy eared books from students back when Winslow was an actual school to ruined pages from hooligans that populated Winslow now a days. The book itself when on the shelf was inconspicuous just a thick nameless black book. Course if one were to pick it up and see the cover the facade of being an innocent book was shattered as it presented a proud pentagram almost like a warning.
Why it seemed to enticing to take was beyond me. It seemed to have an almost supernatural hold onto me, beckoning me to take it. To take it from it's miserable spot on the shelves of a forgotten library. It would be so easy to take it. There wasn't even a librarian to watch over the books and hadn't been for some time. Not even the janitors came in here to clean up the place as evidenced by the thick layers of dust on most of the surfaces. Yet I restrained myself from the book. There is always something sinister about a book when it has a pentagram on it. Even if magic doesn't exist it just seems like a bad idea to take it.
I'm just being paranoid. What could be so bad about a book? Unless it is some sort of weird tinker tech book that shoots fire upon opening but then why would it be here in the Winslow school library and not with its creator. Besides, its in pristine condition. To leave it here would be a sin against literature waiting to be destroyed by a more brutish student. Yes I am just rescuing a book from destruction by the gangers in the school who won't even make it through their second year.
Picking up the book it is surprisingly heavy. Now upon closer inspection it seems more akin to some sort of black tome or some sort of similar magical book. I open the book and try to see what the title is.
What the heck?
I don't understand what any of this means or even is. It looks like it is written in some other language. It doesn't look like any Asian language I have seen in Brockton Bay though maybe the ABB doesn't have every Asian culture in it like they claim to have. Seems like I will have to do some digging if I want to know what this book is all about. I start to flip through the pages trying to see if there is anything that I might understand but the only thing that comes close to being understandable are the pictures of different pentagrams ranging from simple circle and a star with some symbols to whole arrays of complex and intersecting lines that make little sense and do not seem to have a start or end.
I decide to leave this to puzzle through later as I hear the bell go signalling the end of lunch. Huh I didn't think that I had spent so much time in here. Well it seems to be a good thing that I had finished eating my lunch before searching the shelves. I should defiantly make a note of this place. It seems like a much better place to eat lunch than the bathrooms or the roof despite all the dust around here. I slide the book into my back pack before leaving for my next class. As I left my new found haven that was within my own personal hell I sighed.
Back into the thick of it.
When I got home I pulled out my new treasure. Sure I couldn't read it but some of the pentagrams were surprisingly interesting. I didn't know why but for some reason I wanted to be able to draw them in all their complexity. They were like a beautiful master piece coming together as the pentagrams became more complex as the book got closer to the end.
Well if I want to draw these I might as well start with the simplest one.
The first drawing in the book isn't even a pentagram. It is more two boxes that created a eight pointed star with some glyphs at the corner points and a upside down star contained within the intersecting boxes. Creating the boxes was easy. All I had to do to create them was grab a box and trace the box on the piece of paper I was using to practice drawing the picture within the book. Now the symbols within the overlapping tips were a bit harder and it took a few tries to fix them to how the picture in the book showed it.
Yet something seemed missing from my picture. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was but mine just looked incomplete. Though try as I might to attempt to find the discrepancy between my drawing and the one in the book there wasn't one. I shrug and put it into one of the drawers of my desk. There was nothing else I could do about it except keep it for later just in case I think of something that could make the feeling of it being incomplete go away.
I waved goodbye as Emma got into her parents car and they drove away. I had wanted Emma to have a sleep over but Mom wouldn't let me. I had begged her and made excuses such as it was my birthday but then Mom said that she couldn't give me my surprise then. I quieted down at that, I wanted my surprise! Besides Mom said that I could have her sleep over tomorrow since this weekend was a long weekend.
Once Emma and her family were out of sight I rushed back in. I want to have my surprise that Mom promised me. I bet it will be something cool like a !@#$%^ or a !@#$%^&*( !@#$%...
What was that!?
Suddenly the world seems less childish, less nostalgic. This wasn't real. This was a dream of one of my birthday parties before Emma betrayed me. I probably wouldn't have even noticed if what ever I had been thinking hadn't suddenly screeched at me for even thinking about… what ever it was. Come to think of it. I don't remember what the surprise was. It was as if it was suddenly blocked from my brain somehow.
Slowly I walk past the small entrance that we had. Everything was defiantly bigger or at least looked that way to my younger self. I enter the kitchen and see my Mom. I have had dreams like this before, though that never stops me when ever I realizes that I am in a dream from hugging her close in some attempt at gaining comfort from my memories. Sometimes when I have these dreams and I wake up the only thing that keeps me going is the idea that if I die then I won't be able to have these memory dreams again.
"Woah munchkin. Looks like your happy to see me again." Mom says as she pats my head affectionately all the while I snuggle my head into her not wanting to separate from her. We stay like this for a while as she pets my head and I nuzzle into her. Eventually she manages to extract herself from my hugging.
"So my little owl, do you want to see my little surprise for you?"
"Yes please!" I exclaim. Mom giggles as she pulls out a key from her pocket. It was an old fashion key that one would expect to be a prop for some medieval movie. Why did she have a key like that? There shouldn't be any doors here at home that could take it. And why it is so… fuzzy. Almost like I can't focus on it. I know what it generally looks like by if I attempt to get any detail of it I just can't. First the screeching and now this. What is going on?
The two of us start to head into the basement. I remember up until this point and then nothing. I don't know what is on the other side of the door. Though judging by the fact that I don't remember it was probably underwhelming. Mom opens the door and we head downstairs to the basement where my surprise waits. When inside the basement Mom starts to move some of the junk out of the way that is downstairs to which a door is revealed.
Since when did we have a door down here?
Mom inserts the key into the lock and turns. The door swings open at the slightest touch and inside all I can see is a staircase that leads into the darkness below. Why is this here and what is going on? What is this secret that Mom has for me that is requires going into some secret underground room? This is getting stranger the longer that it is going on. Defiantly some horror vibes here. Mom starts to head down into the darkness and…
I clamp my hands over my ears as the screech comes back and I fall to my knees. What was that! Why is this happening!? I… I feel liquid on my hands. I pull my hands away from my ears and stare shocked at them. Blood! I'm bleeding! I feel my eyes start to water and I start to wipe away my tears and my hands come back only bloodier. Wha!? What is happening to me!? What is going on!? I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Mom and she has a…
"AHH!" I scream as the screech comes back and wracks my head with pain again.
"Shh shh. It will pass. Just let me help you." I hear mom but it is somewhat muffled.
Mom. Please mom help me. Please Mommy. Help.
Suddenly I start to feel better. My hearing starts to return to normal and I started to stop crying. Opening my eyes again I see my Mom's worried face and that it is casted in a red glow. I'm not sure I want to see the secret anymore. That actually hurt. This is a dream. It isn't supposed to hurt! What is this!? Is this some sort of masters illusion or something?
"Mommy" I cried out as I once again started to hug her close crying into her shirt as the pain finally started to leave me.
"There we go. Shh it's over honey. You won't hurt anymore. Now lets get downstairs to your surprise. Ok?" I sniffle a bit as I slowly nod my head. I let myself be guided down the stairs towards the surprise. I didn't want to have my surprise anymore. Not after this. Not after what was happening to me. Yet I could not say no to Mom. Even if she was just a figment from my memory I could not say no to her. Not since her death. I could never say no to her after she died.
When we reached the bottom what I saw shocked me. The room was lit with torches that hung on the walls. From the center of the room branching outwards were roots from our tree in the backyard heading into pools at the edges of the circular room. Finally in the center was a pentagram. It shone a deep red in the center of the secret room. Mom guided me to the center of the complex pentagram and had me stand there.
"Now let the blood on your hands fall." Bewildered I looked up at her who stood at the edge of the circle marking the boundary of the pentagram. Unable to say no I let the blood drop.
I woke up in a cold sweat. I could feel it dripping from my ears and my eyes. Blood. Getting up from my bed I knew what the sigil I had drawn was missing. Franticly I stumbled out of bed and headed for my desk that I had left my drawing in. I reached for it and placed it onto my desk. I take a shaky breath before I let the blood drop onto it.
Suddenly my world shatters.
Witch's Grimoire
There was just something about this book that drew me in. When I had found it, it had seemed that it was a miracle that is wasn't even vandalized. Pretty much every book in the pitiful library that Winslow had was vandalized in one way or another ranging from floppy eared books from students back when Winslow was an actual school to ruined pages from hooligans that populated Winslow now a days. The book itself when on the shelf was inconspicuous just a thick nameless black book. Course if one were to pick it up and see the cover the facade of being an innocent book was shattered as it presented a proud pentagram almost like a warning.
Why it seemed to enticing to take was beyond me. It seemed to have an almost supernatural hold onto me, beckoning me to take it. To take it from it's miserable spot on the shelves of a forgotten library. It would be so easy to take it. There wasn't even a librarian to watch over the books and hadn't been for some time. Not even the janitors came in here to clean up the place as evidenced by the thick layers of dust on most of the surfaces. Yet I restrained myself from the book. There is always something sinister about a book when it has a pentagram on it. Even if magic doesn't exist it just seems like a bad idea to take it.
I'm just being paranoid. What could be so bad about a book? Unless it is some sort of weird tinker tech book that shoots fire upon opening but then why would it be here in the Winslow school library and not with its creator. Besides, its in pristine condition. To leave it here would be a sin against literature waiting to be destroyed by a more brutish student. Yes I am just rescuing a book from destruction by the gangers in the school who won't even make it through their second year.
Picking up the book it is surprisingly heavy. Now upon closer inspection it seems more akin to some sort of black tome or some sort of similar magical book. I open the book and try to see what the title is.
What the heck?
I don't understand what any of this means or even is. It looks like it is written in some other language. It doesn't look like any Asian language I have seen in Brockton Bay though maybe the ABB doesn't have every Asian culture in it like they claim to have. Seems like I will have to do some digging if I want to know what this book is all about. I start to flip through the pages trying to see if there is anything that I might understand but the only thing that comes close to being understandable are the pictures of different pentagrams ranging from simple circle and a star with some symbols to whole arrays of complex and intersecting lines that make little sense and do not seem to have a start or end.
I decide to leave this to puzzle through later as I hear the bell go signalling the end of lunch. Huh I didn't think that I had spent so much time in here. Well it seems to be a good thing that I had finished eating my lunch before searching the shelves. I should defiantly make a note of this place. It seems like a much better place to eat lunch than the bathrooms or the roof despite all the dust around here. I slide the book into my back pack before leaving for my next class. As I left my new found haven that was within my own personal hell I sighed.
Back into the thick of it.
When I got home I pulled out my new treasure. Sure I couldn't read it but some of the pentagrams were surprisingly interesting. I didn't know why but for some reason I wanted to be able to draw them in all their complexity. They were like a beautiful master piece coming together as the pentagrams became more complex as the book got closer to the end.
Well if I want to draw these I might as well start with the simplest one.
The first drawing in the book isn't even a pentagram. It is more two boxes that created a eight pointed star with some glyphs at the corner points and a upside down star contained within the intersecting boxes. Creating the boxes was easy. All I had to do to create them was grab a box and trace the box on the piece of paper I was using to practice drawing the picture within the book. Now the symbols within the overlapping tips were a bit harder and it took a few tries to fix them to how the picture in the book showed it.
Yet something seemed missing from my picture. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was but mine just looked incomplete. Though try as I might to attempt to find the discrepancy between my drawing and the one in the book there wasn't one. I shrug and put it into one of the drawers of my desk. There was nothing else I could do about it except keep it for later just in case I think of something that could make the feeling of it being incomplete go away.
I waved goodbye as Emma got into her parents car and they drove away. I had wanted Emma to have a sleep over but Mom wouldn't let me. I had begged her and made excuses such as it was my birthday but then Mom said that she couldn't give me my surprise then. I quieted down at that, I wanted my surprise! Besides Mom said that I could have her sleep over tomorrow since this weekend was a long weekend.
Once Emma and her family were out of sight I rushed back in. I want to have my surprise that Mom promised me. I bet it will be something cool like a !@#$%^ or a !@#$%^&*( !@#$%...
What was that!?
Suddenly the world seems less childish, less nostalgic. This wasn't real. This was a dream of one of my birthday parties before Emma betrayed me. I probably wouldn't have even noticed if what ever I had been thinking hadn't suddenly screeched at me for even thinking about… what ever it was. Come to think of it. I don't remember what the surprise was. It was as if it was suddenly blocked from my brain somehow.
Slowly I walk past the small entrance that we had. Everything was defiantly bigger or at least looked that way to my younger self. I enter the kitchen and see my Mom. I have had dreams like this before, though that never stops me when ever I realizes that I am in a dream from hugging her close in some attempt at gaining comfort from my memories. Sometimes when I have these dreams and I wake up the only thing that keeps me going is the idea that if I die then I won't be able to have these memory dreams again.
"Woah munchkin. Looks like your happy to see me again." Mom says as she pats my head affectionately all the while I snuggle my head into her not wanting to separate from her. We stay like this for a while as she pets my head and I nuzzle into her. Eventually she manages to extract herself from my hugging.
"So my little owl, do you want to see my little surprise for you?"
"Yes please!" I exclaim. Mom giggles as she pulls out a key from her pocket. It was an old fashion key that one would expect to be a prop for some medieval movie. Why did she have a key like that? There shouldn't be any doors here at home that could take it. And why it is so… fuzzy. Almost like I can't focus on it. I know what it generally looks like by if I attempt to get any detail of it I just can't. First the screeching and now this. What is going on?
The two of us start to head into the basement. I remember up until this point and then nothing. I don't know what is on the other side of the door. Though judging by the fact that I don't remember it was probably underwhelming. Mom opens the door and we head downstairs to the basement where my surprise waits. When inside the basement Mom starts to move some of the junk out of the way that is downstairs to which a door is revealed.
Since when did we have a door down here?
Mom inserts the key into the lock and turns. The door swings open at the slightest touch and inside all I can see is a staircase that leads into the darkness below. Why is this here and what is going on? What is this secret that Mom has for me that is requires going into some secret underground room? This is getting stranger the longer that it is going on. Defiantly some horror vibes here. Mom starts to head down into the darkness and…
I clamp my hands over my ears as the screech comes back and I fall to my knees. What was that! Why is this happening!? I… I feel liquid on my hands. I pull my hands away from my ears and stare shocked at them. Blood! I'm bleeding! I feel my eyes start to water and I start to wipe away my tears and my hands come back only bloodier. Wha!? What is happening to me!? What is going on!? I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Mom and she has a…
"AHH!" I scream as the screech comes back and wracks my head with pain again.
"Shh shh. It will pass. Just let me help you." I hear mom but it is somewhat muffled.
Mom. Please mom help me. Please Mommy. Help.
Suddenly I start to feel better. My hearing starts to return to normal and I started to stop crying. Opening my eyes again I see my Mom's worried face and that it is casted in a red glow. I'm not sure I want to see the secret anymore. That actually hurt. This is a dream. It isn't supposed to hurt! What is this!? Is this some sort of masters illusion or something?
"Mommy" I cried out as I once again started to hug her close crying into her shirt as the pain finally started to leave me.
"There we go. Shh it's over honey. You won't hurt anymore. Now lets get downstairs to your surprise. Ok?" I sniffle a bit as I slowly nod my head. I let myself be guided down the stairs towards the surprise. I didn't want to have my surprise anymore. Not after this. Not after what was happening to me. Yet I could not say no to Mom. Even if she was just a figment from my memory I could not say no to her. Not since her death. I could never say no to her after she died.
When we reached the bottom what I saw shocked me. The room was lit with torches that hung on the walls. From the center of the room branching outwards were roots from our tree in the backyard heading into pools at the edges of the circular room. Finally in the center was a pentagram. It shone a deep red in the center of the secret room. Mom guided me to the center of the complex pentagram and had me stand there.
"Now let the blood on your hands fall." Bewildered I looked up at her who stood at the edge of the circle marking the boundary of the pentagram. Unable to say no I let the blood drop.
I woke up in a cold sweat. I could feel it dripping from my ears and my eyes. Blood. Getting up from my bed I knew what the sigil I had drawn was missing. Franticly I stumbled out of bed and headed for my desk that I had left my drawing in. I reached for it and placed it onto my desk. I take a shaky breath before I let the blood drop onto it.
Suddenly my world shatters.